Min - Planning and Zoning Commission - 1977 - 08/18 - Special Calledaug. 18, 1977 special called meeting minutes read and accepted. motion johnnie enloe; second joe moseley; all in favor I. the commission held a hearing on a special exception request to allow for a sonic drive-in restaurant in gb zoning. property's known as 1.00 acre in the peter wetsel survey abstract #990 and is owned by metrotex properties property owners within 200 feet were notified. jerry carson, representing the allen school board, was present to speak against this request. ray cox of metrotex properties & sue chumbley of chumbley realtors were present to speak in favor of this request ken cummings, prospective owner/operator of proposed sonic drive-in was also present mr cummings stated he has owned & operated sonic drive-ins for 9 years, including a location in commerce. he also stated he would erect a 6 foot solid red wood fence around the proposed allen location & would work closely with the school board shoud problems with students arise motion this request be accepted, johnnie enloe; second jeannie nance; all in favor, with richard chumbley abstaining II. buddy sheperd apeared before the commission to present the preliminary plat for fountain park #3. platt complies with any & all changes in the present zoning ordinance motion platt be accepted, richard chumbley; second, johnnie enloe; all in favor motion meeting be adjourned, johnnie enloe; second, joe moseley; all in favor