HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1981 - 08/20 - RegularL
Regular Session
August 20, 1981
Mickey Pierson, Mayor
Council Members•
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
H. R. Daugherty
Ward Paxton (arrived at 7:36 p.m.)
Richard L. Chumbley
Glenn Andrew
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called to
order by Mayor Pierson at 7:30 p.m, on Thursday, August 20, 1981,
at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street.
(Agenda Item II)
Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded by
Councilman Chumbley, the Council voted 5 - 0 to approve and adopt
all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows:
A. Minutes of August 6, 1981 - Regular Session
B. Authorization to City Staff to pay bills associated
with the 1979 - 82 Capital Improvements Program as
Hooper Engineering Labs, Inc. $ 851.20
Job No. 81.1075 - Engineering
Testing for Fire Station No. 2
August 20, 1981
Page 2
Public Hearing: Annexation of 560.757 Acres (Agenda Item III)
G. W. Ford Survey, Abst. 328
R. L. Ingraham Survey, Abst. 462
Wm. Perrin Survey, Abst. 708
R. C. Whisenant Survey, Abst. 1012
City Manager Jon McCarty presented to the Council a survey
map showing the 560.757 acres of land to be annexed, located east
of Jupiter Road, north of Chaparral, west of Allen Heights Drive
and south of Park Place Drive.
Don Tipton, P. E. representing Del Morton, spoke briefly
before the Council on the annexation of the property.
Mayor Pierson reviewed for the Council the annexation process
schedule of dates.
Mayor Pierson opened the Public Hearing. No one appeared to
speak either for or against the request. The Public Hearing was
There was no action taken on this request.
Awarding Bids on Construction/Reconstruction
of Bethany Road, Pebblebrook Drive and Butler Drive (Agenda Item IV)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that negotiated
contracts had been obtained for construction of Bethany Road from
U. S. 75 to State Highway 5 from the adjacent property owners,
being Charles Forbes, Exxon Corporation and DLM. He further stated
that firm contracts with the adjacent property owners along Bethany
Road from State Highway 5 to Jupiter Road had not been negotiated as
of this date.
Ron Fix, City Engineer, reviewed again with the Council the
tabulation of all bids received on the construction/reconstruction
of Bethany Road, Pebblebrook Drive and Butler Drive. Mr. Fix
defined the portions of the streets to be repaired by the following:
Al - Bethany Road from U. S. 75 to Southern Pacific Rail-
road Tracks
A2 - Bethany Road from Southern Pacific Railroad Tracks to
State Highway 5
B - Bethany Road from State Highway 5 to Jupiter Road
C - Pebblebrook Drive
D1 - Butler Drive from Belmont to Service Center/City Hall
D2 - Butler Drive from Main Street to Belmont
D3 - Butler Drive south from City Hall Annex to property line
Mr. Fix advised that he recommended that Al, A2, C, D1 and D2 be
awarded at this time to the low bidder, being Austin Paving Company;
and authorization be given to the City Manager to include B, after
contracts have been negotiated with the adjacent property owners,
and D3, if the plans for the Service Center/City Hall Annex have been
completed within the construction time frame.
August 20, 1981 Page 3
Awarding Bids on Construction/Recon-
struction of Bethany Road, Pebblebrook
Drive & Butler Drive (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
There was considerable discussion with Mr. Fix and the City
Manager on the costs of each street project in the bid; eliminating
the reconstruction of Butler, from Main to Belmont, from the bid
award and using those funds to resurface other streets badly in
need of repair such as Boyd and Anna in front of the Post Office;
doing a reevaluation of the streets needing resurfacing within the
City; and the implementation of a street maintenance program for
all of the streets in Allen requiring such.
The City Council also discussed with the City Manager the status
contracts with the adjacent property owners along Bethany Road,
from State Highway 5 to Jupiter Road, those being Split T Corporation,
Hafez Corporation, Clyde Richards, and the Allen Independent School
District. City Manager McCarty read a letter from Dr. Horn, Super-
intendent of the Allen Independent School District, regarding the
School District's payment of its portion of the street construction
for Bethany Road.
Upon a motion made by Councilman Chumbley and seconded by
Councilman McClure, the Council voted five (5) for and one (1)
opposed, with Councilman Paxton casting the negative vote, to
award the bid to Austin Paving Company in the amount of $1,295,863.50
for Al, A2, C, and D1, being Bethany Road from U. S. 75 to the
Southern Pacific Railroad Tracks and from the railroad tracks to
State Highway 5, Pebblebrook Drive and Butler Drive, from Belmont to
the Service Center/City Hall Annex site.
In further discussion, it was the consensus of the Council that
the City Staff pursue the negotiation of contracts with the property
owners along Bethany Road, from State Highway 5 to Jupiter Road,
to pay for construction of Bethany Road. Based upon those negotiations,
the option of awarding that portion of the road would be considered
at a later date.
Mayor Pierson recessed the regular session of the Allen City
Council at 8:39 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:51 p.m.
Resolution No. 357: Extending the (Agenda Item V-A)
Moratorium on Review of All Zoning
Amendment Requests Received by the
City Council or by the Planning and
Zoning Commission
Mayor Pierson updated the Council on the fact that they had
adopted Resolution No. 344, declaring a zoning moratorium for a
period of 90 days, which expires as of August 20, 1981.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that it was City
Staff's recommendation to extend the zoning moratorium for an
additional 73 days or until October 31, 1981.
August 20, 1981 Page 4
Resolution 357: Zoning Moratorium (cont'd) (Agenda Item V-A)
The Council reviewed with the City Manager the timetable for
the final adoption of the new Zoning Ordinance taking into con-
sideration the review of the zoning map and Sign Ordinance, public
hearings to be held jointly with the Planning and Zoning Commission,
notification to the property owners of the public hearings, etc.
Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded by Council-
man Daugherty, the Council voted five (5) for and one (1) opposed,
with Mayor Pro Tem Farmer casting the negative vote, to adopt
Resolution No. 357, extending the zoning moratorium for an
additional 73 days.
Extending Expiring Terms of Office of
Certain Planning & Zoning Commission Members (Agenda Item V -B)
Mayor Pierson reviewed for the Council the fact that Council
had previously taken action in June, 1981, to extend the expiring
terms of office for Planning & Zoning Commission Members Tom Inkman -
Place 2, Carol Henry - Place 4, and Joe Moseley - Place 6, until
the end of August, 1981, in order to maintain the same Zoning Com-
mission to complete the new Zoning Ordinance adoption process.
After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Councilman
Daugherty and seconded by Councilman Chumbley to extend the expiring
terms of office of the Planning & Zoning Commission Members, as stated
above, until the end of the adoption process for the new Zoning
Ordinance. The Council voted 6 - 0 in favor of the motion.
Resolution No. 358: Authorizing the City of
Allen to Assess and Tax Automobiles for the
Tax Year 1981 (Agenda Item VI)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that there presently
exists approximately $8,000,000 in value of automobiles on the tax
rolls for the City of Allen, which would generate about $35,000 in
Council briefly discussed with the Tax Assessor, Walter Curtis,
the policy of assessing automobiles in the past as well as the oldness
of the automobiles being maintained on the tax rolls. Mr. Curtis
advised that automobiles that are at least seven years old are placed
on the tax rolls.
Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded by
Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to adopt Resolution No. 358,
assessing and taxing automobiles until further notice.
At this time, Mayor Pierson also advised that the Board of
Equalization, as of this date, had not certified the Tax Roll and
is still in the processing of conducting hearings, therefore,a
special meeting will have to be called to set the public hearing
date on the proposed tax rate increase.
August 20, 1981 Page 5
Police Activity Report - July, 1981 (Agenda Item VII -A)
Police Chief Richard Carroll reviewed briefly with the City
Council the Police Activity Report for July, 1981.
There was no action taken on this item.
Texas Municipal League Annual Conference
October 24 - 27, 1981 - San Antonio (Agenda Item VII -B)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix reminded the Council of the
upcoming Texas Municipal League Annual Conference to be held in
San Antonio on October 24 - 27, 1981.
Council Members will receive seminar information as soon as
the information arrives from the Texas Municipal League.
City Maps
(Agenda Item VII -C)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that it was time
again to update and reprint the city maps for the City of Allen,
which in the past has been on a 50/50 basis between the City of
Allen and the Allen Chamber of Commerce. Presently the plans are
to print 10,000 maps at a cost of $3,000.
Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded by
Councilman McClure, the Council voted 6 - 0 to authorize City
Staff to participate with the Allen Chamber of Commerce on a 50/50
basis for the printing of 10,000 maps at a cost of $3,000.
General Discussion
Ron Fix, City Engineer, advised the Council of the recent
bids received on Reed Park and Walden and Rolling Hills Parks.
The low bidders were Forward Corporation for Reed Park and
Bristay's Landscaping for Walden and Rolling Hills Parks. He
further advised that these bids still came in higher than the
proposed budget for these parks and the bid tabulations and recom-
mendations would be forthcoming at the next Council meeting.
At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the City Staff and/or
Park Board should look into a policy whereby children cannot ride
bicycles or other vehicles in between baseball fields in the parks.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised that the bids on the computer
were sent out on August 20, 1981, with receipt of bids to be on
September 22, 1981 and a prebid conference to be held on September 3,
With no further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman
Daugherty and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer to adjourn the
regular meeting of the Allen City Council at 9:20 p.m.
August 20, 1981
Page 6
These minutes approved on the 3rd day of September
Mlckey Pi rson, MAYOR