HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-2110-11-02RESOLUTION NO. 2110-11-02(R)
WHERRAS, t;rt or nl ion
(''Participant') is a local government of the State of Texas and is empowered to delegate to a public funds
investment pool the authority to invest foods and to act as costodim of investments purchased with local
investment funds; and
wMEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Participant to invest local funds in investments that
provide for the preservation and safety of principal, liquidity, and yield consistent with the Public Ponds
Investment Act; and
WHEREAS, the Toxas Local Crovernmont Investment Pool (IraPool'), a public frmds investment
pool, was created on behalf of entities whose inwstmem objective in order of priority are presorvation and
safety of principal, liquidity, and yield consistent with the Public Funds Investment Act
NOW TIEIREPORE, be it resolved as follows:
A That the individuals, whose signatures appear in this Resolution, are Authorized Representatives
of the participant and are each hereby authorized to transmit funds for investment in TcxPool and are
each further authorized t withdraw funds from time to time, t issue letters of instmction, and to take
all other actions deemed necessary or appropriate for the investment of local funds.
E That an Authorized Representative of the participant may be deleted by a written instrument
signed by all remaining Authorized Representatives provided that the deleted Authorized
Representative (1) is assigned job duties that no longer require access to the Participant's TexPool
account or (2) is no longer employed by the Pardcipaut; and
C. That the Participant may by Amending Resolution signed by the Participant add an Authorized
Representative provided the additional Authorized Representative is an office, employee, or agent of
the Participant;
WHERRAS, t;rt or nl ion
(''Participant') is a local government of the State of Texas and is empowered to delegate to a public funds
investment pool the authority to invest foods and to act as costodim of investments purchased with local
investment funds; and
wMEREAS, it is in the best interest of the Participant to invest local funds in investments that
provide for the preservation and safety of principal, liquidity, and yield consistent with the Public Ponds
Investment Act; and
WHEREAS, the Toxas Local Crovernmont Investment Pool (IraPool'), a public frmds investment
pool, was created on behalf of entities whose inwstmem objective in order of priority are presorvation and
safety of principal, liquidity, and yield consistent with the Public Funds Investment Act
NOW TIEIREPORE, be it resolved as follows:
A That the individuals, whose signatures appear in this Resolution, are Authorized Representatives
of the participant and are each hereby authorized to transmit funds for investment in TcxPool and are
each further authorized t withdraw funds from time to time, t issue letters of instmction, and to take
all other actions deemed necessary or appropriate for the investment of local funds.
E That an Authorized Representative of the participant may be deleted by a written instrument
signed by all remaining Authorized Representatives provided that the deleted Authorized
Representative (1) is assigned job duties that no longer require access to the Participant's TexPool
account or (2) is no longer employed by the Pardcipaut; and
C. That the Participant may by Amending Resolution signed by the Participant add an Authorized
Representative provided the additional Authorized Representative is an office, employee, or agent of
the Participant;
[.ietthe Awhmmdllepm tadvesofthe Pubmpan These individuals will be issued P.I.N. m®Las,
1. Name
2. Name Joanne Stoe�hgr--�
Sigmepue.—Q �/.LLCr-�-
3.Name Vivian Leverington
Tide Finance Director
DueolphoneNumbs 972-727-7585
Title Assistant Finance Director
Direct Phone Nmnbs 972-727-0188
Tide Senior Accountant
Direct Phone Number 972-727-7586
List the name of the Authorized Representative listed above that will have primary respoosibil W for
p,damoag mmaacdom and receiving confirmations and moodily statements under the Perdolpadod
Nemo Kevin Hammeke
In addition and at the option of the Pardnipaat. one addidonal Authorized Rep wantative an be designated
to perform only inquiry of selected information. Ibis limited repreaeomtive cannot make depaita m
withdrawals. If the Participant desacs to designate a representative with inquiry ri9hta only, cmnpiste die
Kowing intorma iom
4. Name Debbie Sumrow Title Finance Secretary
D. That this Resolution and its satharmada shall antinue in toil fares and effect email amended
or revoked by the Participant sod until TeaPool receives a copy of any each ammdmeor er tevoadon. Ibis
Rrsoluhw is hereby muod¢oed and adopted by the PMioipam at its rtillaWsPwal meeting held an the
12__ dry_ N her ,20 Q2.
Steyben Terrell --
Printed Name
�• "O. p 116- IJr ^ D"l-- _
S Stan
Judy Morrison
Printed Name
City Secrectary
RESOLUTION NO. 2110-11-02(R) Page 2