HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1982 - 01/21 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
Regular Session
January 21, 1982
Mickey Pierson, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
H. R. Daugherty
Glenn Andrew
Ward Paxton
Rex Womack
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Pierson at 7:32 p.m. on Thursday, January 21,
1982 at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street.
(Agenda Item II)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Daugherty, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
A. Minutes of January 7, 1982 - Regular Session
B. Authorization to City Staff to pay bills associated
with the 1979 - 82 Capital Improvements Program
as follows:
Flygt Corporation $544.00
Repair of Cottonwood Creek Sewer
Line - Rental of Equipment
C. Set Public Hearing Dates for February 4, 1982
on request for annexation of 43.975 acres of
land, located north of Exchange Parkway and
at intersection of Allen Heights Drive.
End of Consent Agenda
Approval of Plans and Specifications and
Authorization to Receive Bids for the
Service Center/City Hall Complex_ (Agenda Item III -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of the bond
election appropriating funds for City projects. The approved
funds being $480,000, of which $210,000 was earmarked for the
Service Center facility and $270,000 for the City Hall facility.
Mr. McCarty also reviewed briefly the proposed Butler
Circle and the reasons for making it a dedicated street on the
Mr. Jim Bullock, from Fisher Spillman Architects, spoke
before the Council on the proposed site plan for the Service
Center/City Hall Annex and the floor plans of the facility.
January 21, 1982 Page 2
Approval of Plans & Specifications
and Authorization to Receive Bids
for Service Center/City Hall Complex (cont'd) (Agenda Item III -B)
The site plan showed the City's facilities as well as the
School District's facilities, including the buildings, yard areas,
visitors and employees' parking, and Butler Circle.
Mr. Bullock also presented the floor plans of the City's
facility, showing the proposed 11,200 sq. ft. building to contain
the City Hall offices as well as the Service Center facilities.
The Council discussed with Mr. Bullock the straight -in
visitor parking layout, as well as areas in the building that
will be air conditioned and those non -air conditioned.
Mr. Bullock presented to the Council a statement of probable
construction costs showing a total estimated cost of the facility,
as proposed in the plans and specifications, of $577,800. Other
adjustments that were made by the architects, after another review
of the plans and specifications, provided a $6,100 reduction to
the estimated cost. Also shown on the statement were the following
alternates which could provide additional reductions to the cost
of construction, if they were eliminated from the plans and
Gravel vs. Asphalt
Alternate Exterior Panels
Hydraulic Lift
Air Conditioning Screens
Landscaping & Irrigation
Council Table & Platform
66,700 Total
Mr. Bullock reviewed all of the proposed alternates with the
Council and advised of the proposed date for letting bids and
receiving bid proposals, as well as letting bids for both the
City's facilities and the School's facilities at the same time.
There was considerable discussion on the alternates to
reduce the cost of the facilities; the construction of the
building for a dual purpose and how long the City Hall facilities
will be in this building; the type of gravel proposed in the
alternates; the amount of bond funds available for the project,
including interest earned; having Butler Circle constructed by
Austin Paving Company in a change to their work order; eliminating
some of the alternates at this time or including them all in the
bids; and when the School District will be ready to let the bids
on their facilities.
In further discussion, the Council reviewed the concept of
the central governmental facilities on the 33 acres owned by the
City, the location of the Service Center/City Hall Annex, the
possibility of eliminating the City Hall function from the Service
Center and finding lease space within the City, and the costs of
changing these facilities to a total Service Center function in
the future.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the Council voted five (5) for and
two (2) opposed, with Councilmen Paxton and Daugherty
casting the negative votes, to approve the plans and
specifications and authorize the receipt of bids for the
Service Center/City Hall Annex and including all the
for re t}�e.�\
alternates as presented. The motion carried.
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January 21, 1982
Page 3
Approval of Preliminary and Final
Plat - 33.354 Acres - Allen City
Complex Addition (Agenda Item III -B)
Mayor Pierson advised the Council that the Planning and
Zoning Commission had recommended approval of the Preliminary
and Final Plat for the 33.354 acres of land owned by the City
of Allen, out of the William Perrin Survey, Abstract No. 708,
located east of U. S. Highway 75, south of McDermott Drive and
west of Butler Drive, by a vote of seven (7) for and none (0)
Bill Petty, Building Official, presented to and spoke before
the Council on the Preliminary and Final Plat of the Allen City
Complex Addition.
Mr. Petty advised that the plat showed the street right-of-
way for Butler Drive and Butler Circle, as well as the fire lane
easement and utilities easement, and 24" water line location.
He also advised of the location of the property, and that Lot 1
belonged to the Allen Independent School District for their
Warehouse and Service Center facility, Lot 2 belonged to the
City of Allen for their City Hall/Service Center Annex Site
and Lot 3 was the remaining undeveloped land owned by the City
of Allen for future municipal facilities.
The Council briefly discussed the plat.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Andrew and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted seven (7)
for and none (0) opposed to approve the Preliminary
and Final Plat for the Allen City Complex Addition
as presented, in accordance with the recommendation
of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The motion
Approval of Plaque Dedication
for Fire Station No. 2
(Agenda Item IV)
Fire Chief Ron Gentry read to the City Council a letter
prepared by the Volunteer Fire Department of the City of Allen
regarding their request that the new Fire Station No. 2 be
dedicated in the memory of Mr. Gene Erickson, a Charter Member
of the Allen Volunteer Fire Department.
Chief Gentry advised the Council of Mr. Erickson's out-
standing service on the Allen Fire Department and service to
the community.
The Council discussed with Chief Gentry the recognition of
all of the Charter Members of the Volunteer Fire Department
and all of the firemen who have served to date. It was the
consensus of the Council that a list of all of the men who have
served on the Volunteer Fire Department be compiled and maintained
by the City, as well as consideration of some type of recognition
be given to them.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by
Councilman Daugherty,
and none (0) opposed
Fire Station No. 2 in
The motion carried.
Councilman Paxton and seconded by
the Council voted seven (7) for
to approve a plaque dedicating
the memory of Mr. Gene Erickson.
Mayor Pierson recessed the regular session of the Allen City
Council at 8:45 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:01 p.m.
January 21, 1982
Page 4
Approval of Annexation Procedure and
Standard Service Plan and (Agenda Item V)
Resolution No. 377-1-82(R): Establishing Procedures Related to
Annexations of the City, and to Required Service Plans Setting
Forth a Schedule for Extending Municipal Services to Newly
Annexed Areas; and Providing an Effective Date.
Bill Petty, Building Official, advised the Council that
the Planning and Zoning Commission had recommended approval
of the proposed Service Plan, by a vote of seven (7) for and
none (0) opposed, pending review by the City Attorney.
Mr. Petty advised that the City Attorney had reviewed
the Service Plan and presented copies of his comments to the
Mr. Petty reviewed copies of the proposed resolution and
the Service Plan with the Council.
The Council discussed with Mr. Petty various aspects of
the Service Plan, including the areas of solid waste collection and
streets, and just providing services to properties and not
within properties.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council briefly of
the procedures to be followed by City Staff in handling the
annexation requests.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded
by Councilman Daugherty, the Council voted seven (7)
for and none (0) opposed to adopt Resolution No.
377-1-82(R). The motion carried.
Legislative Update - Tax Assessor/
Collector Walter Curtis (Agenda Item VI)
Walter Curtis, Tax Assessor/Collector, spoke before the
Council on certain changes in Tax Laws brought about by the
67th Legislature in the form of House Bill 30 and revisions
to the Property Tax Code.
The Council briefly discussed with Mr. Curtis various
aspects of the changes during his presentation.
There was no action taken on this item.
Mr. Curtis also advised the Council of the requirement
to pass a resolution for establishing attorney's fees for the
collection of delinquent taxes. It was the consensus of the
Council that Mr. Curtis proceed with the preparing of a
resolution for that purpose.
Lone Star Gas Cancellation of
Request for Rate Increase (Agenda Item VII -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the City Council that on
December 18, 1981 the Manager of Lone Star Gas Company, Mr. Mike
Schweikhard, had filed with the City of Allen a statement of
intent to change the residential and commercial gas rates to
be effective on January 25, 1982.
As of this date, Mr. Schweikhard had submitted another
letter to the City of Allen requesting that the statement of
intent be withdrawn at this time and the intent may be forth-
coming at a later date.
There was no action taken on this item.
January 21, 1982
Page 5
Police Report - Monthly - December 31, 1981
Police Report - Annually - 1981 (Agenda Item VII -B)
Chief of Police Richard Carroll spoke before the Council on
the Consolidated Summary of Police Activities for the month of
December, 1981, as well as the Annual Summary for 1981. Chief
Carroll also presented to the Council charts showing statistics
of total calls, which included the amount of traffic citations,
criminal mischief and traffic accidents by the month for 1981.
Another chart provided the percentages of criminal activities,
showing forgery, motor vehicle theft, assault, burglary, criminal
mischief and theft, and other, for the year 1981.
The Council discussed with Chief Carroll various aspects of
the reports and the charts.
There was no action taken on this item.
Senior Citizens' Facilities (Agenda Item VII -C)
Mayor Pierson reminded the Council of the requests that have
been received from Senior Citizens as well as several other civic
organizations in the City for a meeting place or an adult facility
in the City of Allen since the old community center has been
taken over by the City Staff for office space.
Mayor Pierson advised of the letter from Dr. Horn, Superin-
tendent of the Allen Independent School District, advising that
the School can make available space in the old two-story middle
school, providing that the City can provide the operating costs
and the user guidelines and responsibilities.
City Manager Jon McCarty explained that the School District
can make available two classrooms, with adjoining restroom
facilities, on a temporary basis. The Council should consider
at this time the use of those facilities on a temporary basis,
consideration of using the $3,000 in revenue sharing funds to
renovate and decorate that space, maintaining the space and
perhaps appointing a Senior Citizens Advisory Committee to meet
with the City in working out the needs for their organization.
There was considerable discussion among the Council on the
space requirements needed by the civic organizations, appropriating
one room strictly for the Senior Citizens, making funds available
for the renovation and decoration of the rooms, the availability
of City Staff for scheduling of the rooms for civic organizations,
having funds available for operating costs and janitorial costs,
and the appointment of an advisory committee.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Andrew and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council seven (7) for
and none (0) opposed to expend the $3,000 out of the
Revenue Sharing Fund to redecorate, renovate, etc.,
the facilities being loaned to the City by the School,
with the intent that one (1) of the rooms have priority
usage by the Senior Citizens group. The motion carried.
It was also the consensus of the City Council that the
work of the Community Education Advisory Committee with the
Senior Citizens group be acknowledged and commended.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Andrew and seconded
by Councilman Daugherty, the Council voted seven (7)
for and none (0) opposed to adjourn into Executive
Session at 10:32 p.m.
January 21, 1982
Page 6
In accordance with Article 6252-17 (Open Meeting Law),
V.A.T.C.S., Section 2(f) and 2(g), the Council convened into
Executive Session at 10:35 p.m. to discuss matters pertaining
to real estate and personnel.
The Executive Session adjourned at 11:30 p.m.
These minutes approved on the 4th day of February
M. B. Pierson, MAYOR
Marty Hendrix, CITY SECRETARY -