HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1982 - 02/04 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
February 4, 1982
Mickey Pierson, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
H. R. Daugherty
Glenn Andrew
Ward Paxton
Rex Womack
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Linda Midtling, Finance
The work shop session on the annual audit was called
to order by Mayor Pierson at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 4,
1982 at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street.
The Council and the City Staff reviewed the annual audit
for the Fiscal Year of October 1, 1980 through September 30,
1981 as prepared by Ross and Kerby, Inc.
The Council discussed with the City Staff various aspects
of the audit.
The work shop session was recessed at 7:25 p.m.
These minutes approved on the 18th day of February
Pierson, MAYOR
Regular Session
February 4, 1982
Mickey Pierson, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
H. R. Daugherty
Glenn Andrew
Ward Paxton
Rex Womack
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called to
order by Mayor Pierson at 7:39 p.m. on Thursday, February 4, 1982
at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street.
(Agenda Item II)
At the request of Councilman Andrew, item "A" was removed
from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
At the request of City Manager McCarty, item "B" was removed
from the Consent Agenda for individual consideration.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by
Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
and adopt all remaining items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
C. Set Public Hearing date for March 4, 1982 on a
request for a zoning change from MF -1 to LR,
located on property at 300 E. Main, proponent -
Richard K. Cavin, Zoning Case No. Z12-16-81-5.
D. Set Public Hearing date for March 4, 1982 on a
request for a zoning change from MF -1 (9 acres)
and TH (2 acres) to MF -2, located at the corner
of Jupiter Road and the future Park Place, proponent -
Robert Burkart, Zoning Case NO.Zll-16-81-2.
End of Consent Agenda
Approval of Minutes - January 21, 1982 (Consent Agenda
Regular Session Item II -A)
Councilman Andrew requested that an addition be made to
Agenda Item III -B, Approval of Plans & Specifications and
Authorization to Receive Bids for Service Center/City Hall
Complex, on page 2, of the January 21, 1982 regular session
minutes. That addition being Mayor Pro Tem Farmer's request
of the architect, Fisher - Spillman, to do a careful cost
analysis, between now and the time the Council will review the
bids, as to what real dollar values the City will be talking
about on construction in this project of a temporary nature.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Andrew and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the January 21, 1982 regular session minutes
as corrected. The motion carried.
February 4, 1982 Page 2
Authorization to City Staff to
Pay Bills Associated with the
1979 - 82 Capital Improvements (Consent Agenda
Program Item II -B)
City Manager McCarty advised the Council that an additional
bill from Texas Contractor in the amount of $253.80 for the
advertising of bids on construction of Reed Park be included
for their consideration of payment.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
authorize the City Staff to pay the following bills
associated with the 1979 - 82 Capital Improvements
1. Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea $ 3,909.90
Repair to Cottonwood Creek Sewer
Line - Engineering Fees
2. H. B. Zachary Company $77,057.83
Repair to Cottonwood Creek Sewer
Line - construction
Estimate No. 1
3. Flygt Corporation $ 408.00
Repair to Cottonwood Creek Sewer
Line - Rental of Equipment
4. Flygt Corporation $ 749.25
Repair to Cottonwood Creek Sewer
Line - Rental of Equipment
5. Ronald E. Fix & Associates $ 4,871.21
Contract No. 800705R
Construction of Bethany Road,
Pebblebrook and Butler Drive
Engineering & Staking Fees
6. Austin Paving Company $56,246.40
Contract No. 800705R
Construction of Bethany Road,
Pebblebrook and Butler Drive
Payment No. 5
7. Texas Contractor $ 253.80
Contract No. 810206R
Construction of Reed Park
Advertising of Bids
The motion carried.
Public Hearing - Annexation of 43.975 acres (Agenda Item III)
Located north of Exchange
Parkway at Intersection of
Allen Heights Drive
Mayor Pierson read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing on annexation of approximately 44 acres of
land, located north of Exchange at the intersection of
Allen Heights Drive."
City Manager McCarty presented minutes to and spoke before the
Council on the on-site public hearing held on the property
at 3:00 p.m. on February 4, 1982. No one appeared to speak either
for or against the annexation of the property.
Mayor Pierson advised that these new procedures were being
done to comply with the new municipal annexation act adopted by
the 67th Session of the State Legislature.
February 4, 1982
Page 3
Public Hearing - Annexation of
(continued) 43.975 acres (Agenda Item III)
Mayor Pierson opened the public hearing. No one appeared
to speak either for or against the annexation of the property.
Mayor Pierson closed the public hearing.
City Manager McCarty advised that the annexation ordinance
would be prepared and would be placed on the City Council Agenda
for the regular session on February 1B, 1982.
There was no action taken on this item.
Appearance by Don Rodenbaugh
Concerning the Collin County
Farmer's Market (Agenda Item IV)
Don Rodenbaugh, member of the Collin County Farmer's Market
Board, appeared before the City Council to provide the Council
with an up-to-date report on the status of the Collin County
Farmer's Market.
Mr. Rodenbaugh referenced a letter from Judge White, with
a copy of the rules of operation for the market attached, which
had been provided each of the Council Members. Mr. Rodenbaugh
reviewed those rules with the Council and providedthem with two
(2) changes which had been made in the rules.
Mr. Rodenbaugh advised the Council of the opening date of
the market, being May 1st; the hiring of a Market Manager;
erection of directional signs on the highway to direct traffic
to the location; the construction of the market stalls; types
of produce to be sold; operating hours, rotation of the stalls
by the farmers; length of time during the year when the market
will be open; and the work done by the Collin County Farmer's
Market Board. Mr. Rodenbaugh presented the City Manager with
an information packet containing copies of the Board's minutes,
as well as correspondence, for the City's files.
The Council discussed with Mr. Rodenbaugh various aspects
of the rules of operation, providing space for the local farmers
on a first served basis, definition of the types of produce
which can be sold, the amount of traffic to and from the market
area, whether large 18 -wheel vehicles would be allowed in the
market area, the definition of "hawking" of goods, and the
responsibilities of the Market Board and which County agency
they report to, that being the Collin County Commissioners.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded
by Councilman Andrew, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
the Collin County Farmer's Market Rules of Operation.
The motion carried.
Ordinance No. 378-2-82: An Ordinance of
the City Council of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Designating a
Polling Place to be Used in Conducting
the 1982 and All Future Municipal Elections,
Ordaining Other Matters Incident and
Related Thereto; and Providing an Effective
Date. (Agenda Item V-A)
Ordinance No. 379-2-82: An Ordinance of
the City Council of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Ordering an Election
to be Held on April 3, 1982, for the Pur-
pose of Electing Three (3) Members of the
Council (Places No. 2, 4, and 6) and the
Mayor's Place to the City Council to Hold
Office for a Period of Two Years; Designating
Locations of Polling Places; Appointing
Officers for Such Election; and Ordering
February 4, 1982
Page 4
Ordinance No. 379-2-82 (continued):
Notices of Election to be Given as
Prescribed By Law in Connection
With Such Election. (Agenda Item V -B)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council of the up-
coming City Council Election to be held on Saturday, April 3,
1982 as well as the change of the City's election polling place
from the City Hall, 302 W. McDermott, to Rountree Elementary
School, 800 E. Main Street. Mrs. Hendrix advised the Council
that permission had been received from the School District to
use the School's facilities. The change was needed in order
to provide more space to conduct the election process as well
as to provide the citizens of Allen with a joint polling place
with the School District.
The City Secretary read the ordinance captions into the
record as shown above.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Andrew and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
adopt Ordinances No. 378-2-82 and 379-2-82 as presented.
The motion carried.
Consideration of a Request from
the City of Lucas to Release the
City of Allen's ETJ on Property
Located West of Rock Ridge Road (Agenda Item VI)
City Manager McCarty advised the City Council of the request
received from the Mayor of the City of Lucas regarding the
waiving of the City of Allen's extraterritorial jurisdiction on
property located west of Rock Ridge Road, owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Allen have requested annexation into
the city limits of Lucas.
Mr. McCarty further advised that he had requested a legal
description of the property as well as a location map from the
City of Lucas and had received copies. The Council was provided
with copies and they reviewed the location with the City Manager.
The City Manager advised the Council of types of actions which
could be taken on this request.
Mr. McCarty advised the Council that City Staff's recom-
mendation was to reject the request due to several factors.
Those factors were waiving of the ETJ and disannexation of the
portion of Rock Ridge Road would cause a gap in the City of Allen's
strip annexation on Rock Ridge Road; from a planning standpoint,
it is best to maintain city limits on major thoroughfares; and
a legal question would be raised as to the effectiveness of the
strip annexation in that area if there was a gap in it.
Mr. McCarty read to the City Council that portion of the
City Charter, Section 1.01B, paragraph (3), pertaining to
disannexation of property by the City.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Daugherty and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
deny the request. The motion carried.
Mayor Pierson recessed the regular session of the Allen City
Council at 8:41 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
February 4, 1982
Page 5
Consideration of Awarding a
Contract for Construction of
Reed Park (Agenda Item VII)
City Engineer, Ron Fix, presented to and spoke before the
Council on the tabulation of the bids received on the construction
of Reed Park. Mr. Fix advised that there were six (6) bidders on
the project, with the low bidder being Transamerican Builders,
Inc., in the amount of $283,999 and the next lowest bidder being
Ed A. Wilson Company in the amount of $285,000.
Mr. Fix reviewed the base bid items as well as the seven (7)
items which were bid as alternates. Since the bids came in over
the original budget figure of $215,290, the City Staff's recom-
mendation was to award the bid to the lowest bidder for the base
bid and five (5) of the alternates, leaving out the sprinkler
system for the park area outside of the two playing areas.
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of the budget
funds available for this project.
The Council discussed with the City Engineer the references
obtained on the two lowest bidders, amount of steel used in the
construction of the tennis courts, the pre-bid conference held
with potential bidders, the large amount of discrepancies in the
bids received for line items in the base bid and the total
calendar days for completion of the project, how the specifications
were prepared and how clear were they to the potential bidders,
the shortage of budget funds for this construction project and
where additional funding will be appropriated, the types of bonds
required on this project, elimination of the landscaping in the
park to reduce the amount of the contract, and the potential use
of St. Mary's Park site.
Mr. Glen Struther, from the Ed A. Wilson Company, spoke
before the Council on park construction projects that his company
has accomplished and some of the reasoning behind why certain
items in the base bid were bid the way they were.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the Council voted six (6) for
and one (1) opposed to award the bid for construction
of Reed Park to the low bidder, being Transamerican
Builders, Inc., in the amount of $321,241.00, per the
City Staff's recommendation. Councilman Daugherty
cast the negative vote. The motion carried.
Ordinance No. 380-2-82: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Providing an Additional Penalty
to Defray Costs of Collection of Certain
Delinquent Property Taxes; Providing for
a Tax Lien to Attach to the Property
on Which the Tax is Imposed; Providing
that Attorney's Fees May Not Be Recovered
in a Suit to Collect Delinquent Taxes
Subject to the Penalty; Providing Notice
of the Delinquency and of the Penalty to
the Property Owner; Providing a Sever -
Ability Clause and an Effective Date. (Agenda Item VIII)
Walter Curtis, Tax Collector -Assessor, advised the City
Council that the proposed ordinance was prepared in accordance
with House Bill 30 passed by the 67th Legislature regarding
attorneys' fees of fifteen (15) percent can be imposed in order
to collect delinquent 1981 property taxes.
The City Secretary read the ordinance caption into the
record as shown above.
February 4, 1982
Page 6
There was a brief dicussion by the Council on the tax
There was no action taken on this item.
Nominations for the 1982
Board of Review (Agenda Item X -B)
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of a letter
received from the Central Appraisal District of Collin County
regarding nominees to serve on the 1982 Board of Review, formerly
known as the Board of Equalization. Nominations are needed by
February 22, 1962.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the City
Staff contact the School District to see what their recommendations
for nominees might be, as well as the City Council to contact
the City Staff if they have any nominees before the next scheduled
City Council meeting.
There was no action taken on this item.
W -M
Ordinance No. 380-2-82 (continued): (Agenda Item VIII)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Andrew and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
adopt Ordinance No. 380-2-82. The motion carried.
Consideration of Proposed
Changes in the Subdivision
Ordinance (Agenda Item IX)
City Manager McCarty advised the Council that the Planning
and Zoning Commission had recommended to the City Council the
following changes be made to amend the City of Allen's Sub-
division Ordinance:
1. Delete Section 2.06, requiring park land
dedication due to the fact the courts had
determined that this requirement by
municipalities is unconstitutional.
2. Amend Section 3.04 - 5A in part by deleting
the words "registered professional engineer"
and replacing them with "registered pro-
fessional land surveyor", in order to comply
with recent changes in State Law.
3. To require sidewalks in all future residential
and industrial developments.
Bill Petty, Building Official, spoke before the Council
on these proposed changes.
The Council discussed the need for sidewalks in all future
residential areas and industrial developments and the cost factors
involved in requiring such. It was also pointed out the need
for sidewalks to protect school children traveling to and from
the community's schools.
It was the consensus of the City Council for City Staff to
proceed with a proposed ordinance making the above referenced
amendments to the Subdivision Ordinance.
Tax Report - January 31, 1962 (Agenda Item X -A)
Walter Curtis, Tax Assessor -Collector, presented to and
spoke before the Council on the Schedule of Taxes Receivable
as of January 31, 1982. Mr. Curtis had shown on the report
the 1981 Tax Levy of $853,161.75 and the collections for
November, December and January in the amount of $579,129.74,
representing 67.888.
There was a brief dicussion by the Council on the tax
There was no action taken on this item.
Nominations for the 1982
Board of Review (Agenda Item X -B)
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of a letter
received from the Central Appraisal District of Collin County
regarding nominees to serve on the 1982 Board of Review, formerly
known as the Board of Equalization. Nominations are needed by
February 22, 1962.
It was the consensus of the City Council that the City
Staff contact the School District to see what their recommendations
for nominees might be, as well as the City Council to contact
the City Staff if they have any nominees before the next scheduled
City Council meeting.
There was no action taken on this item.
W -M
February 4, 1982
Page 7
Acceptance of the Annual Audit (Agenda Item X-C)
Mayor Pierson advised that the City Staff had requested
another work shop session on the annual audit.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Andrew and seconded
by Councilman Daugherty, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
table the acceptance of the annual audit. The motion carrier
General Discussion:
Councilman Womack asked that the City Staff and/or Parks
and Recreation Board undertake a study of St. Mary's Park site
and make recommendations on the potential use as a park site
or what the best use of the property might be.
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of the quarterly
meeting of the Firemen's and Fire Marshalls' Association to be
held on Tuesday, February 9, 1982, at Rountree Elementary
School and that they were all invited to attend.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Andrew, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council
at 10:09 p.m.
These minutes approved on the 18th day of February
M Led
x i, L
M. B. Pierson, MAYOR