HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-1837-6-00RESOLUTION NO. l gn—s_oa A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, APPROVING THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD'S STRATEGIC PLAN 2000 FOR IMPLEMENTATION BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Allen desires to develop a comprehensive Parks and Recreation program for the benefit of all citizens of Allen; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Allen desires to afford its citizens the knowledge and information needed to pursue a high quality of life; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Allen desires to work with the Allen Independent School District in the development and use of facilities for leisure opportunities; and, WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Board and City Staff worked jointly to develop and recommend a strategic plan for the development of the parks and recreation department's facilities and programs. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1: The City Council of the City of Allen hereby adopts the Parks and Recreation Board's Strategic Plan as recommended and approved by the Parks and Recreation Board. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ON THE Isr DAY OF JUNE, 2000. k\9,T IdIA ATTEST: JudeMorri , CMC/AAE, CITY SECRETARY 1 Stepl eell, MAYOR E CITY OF ALLEN City of Allen Parks and Recreation Board Three- Year Work Plan • May 2000 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD . CITY OF ALLEN THREE-YEAR WORK PLAN Introduction The City of Allen Parks and Recreation Board was established by ordinance in 1980 as an advisory board to the City Council concerning all matters related to parks and recreation. The Board's primary purpose is to help the Parks and Recreation Department plan adequate park facilities and recreation programs, to accommodate growth, citizen needs and desires. As representatives of the community, the Board brings to the City a broader knowledge when the interest of the community falls. In general, the duties of the Board are "to act principally in an advisory capacity of the city staff and the City Council in all matters pertaining to parks and recreation, shall acquaint itself with and make a continuous study and review of the complete parks and recreation services of the city, and shall advise with the city staff and City Council from time to time as to the present and future maintenance, operation, planning, acquisition, development, enlargement, and use policies of the city park and recreation services". Since the duties of the Board as described above are somewhat general, the Board desired Ah to develop a more focused approach regarding current issues and goals. The role of the Board as well as providing a vision and direction for the Board was of utmost importance. Resolving these issues will allow the Board to become focused and an efficient extension of the citizens of Allen. As a result, the following Three -Year Work Plan was developed. This plan represents the vision and goals that the current Parks and Recreation Board has determined are important for the next three years. This plan should be utilized as a guide and reviewed periodically. The Board should revise or update this work plan every three years, however, this update period could be shortened or extended as it is also dependent upon outside factors such as community growth rate, significant economic impacts or Board member turnover. Mission Statement "We will represent the citizens of Allen in an advisory role to the City Council and City Staff concerning park and recreation issues and be a knowledgeable, active board providing the citizens with high quality, safe, active and leisure recreational programs that enhance the quality of life." PARE Three -Year Work Plan Page 2 of 16 orcvau� Board Goals and Objectives • Goals state in general terms what the Parks and Recreation Board wishes to accomplish in the future. Achieving these goals is the challenge for the next three years. To assist in this task, objectives for each goal are required. Objectives are the incremental steps necessary to allow the Board to monitor their progress toward realizing the goal and ultimately reach its goal. The Parks and Recreation Board established the following goals as issues that require focused effort over the nem three years and the objectives necessary to achieve these goals. GOAL 1 Become a stronger, knowledgeable and more efficient Board by understanding parks and recreation issues and the City's Parks and Recreation Department. 1.A PERFORM AN ANNUAL BOARD ORIENTATION IN OCTOBER AFTER THE APPOINTMENT OF NEW BOARD MEMBERS. REVIEW THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE, STAFFING, BUDGET AND STRATEGIC GOALS. PERIODIC UPDATES FROM STAFF CONCERNING BUDGETING OR STAFFING ISSUES SHOULD ALSO BE REVIEWED. o Description: An orientation of the PARB bylaws and a review of the PARD are necessary to provide a good understanding of the responsibilities of the Board. This is especially helpful for new board members after their appointment in October of each year. • o Schedule: Each October 2000-2002 1.B REVIEW ANO UPDATE THE BOARD'S STRATEGIC GOALS ON AN ANNUAL BASIS AS PART OF BOARD ORIENTATION IN OCTOBER. THESE GOALS SHOULD ALSO BE COORDINATED WITH THE DEPARTMENT GOALS IN ORDER TO ENSURE THATTHEYARE REALISTIC. o Description: Reviewing this Work Plan and related goals annually will allow the PARB to adjust its goals, if necessary, to any changing conditions within the community. o Schedule: Each November 2000-2002 1.0 UPDATE THE PARKS AND RECREATION CODE OF ORDINANCES. o Description: The PARB Code of Ordinances has not been reviewed for several years and should be updated in conjunction with the PARD and the City Attorney. o Schedule: May 2000 1.D BOARD MEMBERS TO ATTEND PERIODIC PARKS AND RECREATION RELATED CONFERENCES OR SEMINARS FOR CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD TRAINING. o Description: The PARB members should attend board member training from outside agencies (such as TRAPS) and use this opportunity to network with other community park board members. o Schedule: Each Board Member to attend one local conference within their two year term 2000-2002 PARE Three -Year Wark Plan Page 3 of 16 • GOAL 2 Gain more exposure in the community as a method of improving its public image and making the citizens more knowledgeable about the Board. 2.A ESTABLISH A BOARD SPEAKERS BUREAU. PROVIDE PARKS -RELATED PROGRAMS AT VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS (SERVICE CLUBS, CHURCH GROUPS, SCHOOLS). MAINTAIN LIST OF SERVICE GROUPS, CONTACTS AND REQUESTED TOPICS. o Description: In the past, the PARB has had limited exposure in the community. Becoming an active speaker at various organizations and providing a program about the parks system will provide a method of educating the community about the PARB and park projects. o Schedule: Designate members to speakers bureau March 2002 Conduct speaking engagements as requested throughout the year, 2000-2002 2.B CONDUCTA SERIES OF NEIGHBORHOOD PARK ACTIVITIES TO STIMULATE AND ENCOURAGE COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS. o Description: Sponsoring a Neighborhood Nite-Out Party or Neighborhood Work Day at the neighborhood parks will provide exposure for the PARB and the PARD and foster enhanced relationships between the community and the City and the neighborhood residents themselves. o Schedule: One event each May and September 2000-2002 • GOAL 3 Be an active volunteer/participant representing the Parks Board at various City functions. • 3.A BE AN ACTIVE PRESENTER FOR THE PARKS DEPARTMENT AT VARIOUS MEETINGS, INCLUDING CITY COUNCIL AND 4B BOARD. o Description: Providing representation at various City meetings including City Council and other City boards will provide the PARB with more exposure and increase City Council confidence in the PARB. o Schedule: As needed 3.B PROVIDE BOARD REPRESENTATION AT ALL PARK DEPARTMENT FUNCTIONS SUCH AS NEIGHBORHOOD MEETINGS, DEDICATIONS, SPECIAL EVENTS, ETC. o Description: Providing representation at various PARD functions will provide the PARB with more exposure and increase community awareness and confidence in the PARB. Such participation also provides a core base of volunteers to help support such programs. o Schedule: As needed PARB T1vee-Year Work Plan Page 4 of16 anawa, • GOAL 4 Establish and coordinate a community -wide volunteer park development project in order to foster good relations between various community entities and give the citizens a sense of pride and accomplishment in their park system. 4.A CONSTRUCTA PLAYGROUND FAciLITY/N ALLEN STATION PARK MTN THE ASSISTANCE OF LOCAL SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS, COMMUNITYAND CORPORATE VOLUNTEERS. Description: In an effort to increase public awareness of the parks in Allen and instill a sense of community pride in the parks, the PARB and the PARD should coordinate a community -wide volunteer park development project. A playground facility in Allen Station Park built by community volunteers can be an ideal opportunity and location to accomplish this goal. This project would also allow various service organizations to work together towards one common goal which benefits the community. Schedule: Planning, 2000 Implement public awareness program, 2001 Construction, 2002 GOAL 5 Continue to seek and enhance the public input process. • 5.A PERIODICALLYPERFORMA COMMUNITY -WIDE SURVEY OF THE CITIZENS REGARDING PARK AND RECREATION ISSUES. o Description: Citizen input regarding park issues is one of the PARB's main priorities. Due to the current rapid growth of the city, a random community -wide survey of the citizens should be performed annually. This information will be used to determine attitudes and trends of park users. o Schedule: Each October 2000-2002 5.B OBTAIN CITIZEN FEEDBACK CONCERNING PROGRAMMING/OPERATIONAL ISSUES. CONDUCT PERIODIC CITIZEN SURVEYS AT SITE SPECIFIC LOCATIONS, I.E., THE REC CENTER. o Description: Surveys should be performed at various site-specific locations in an effort to identify ways in which the PARD can improve services and to identify areas in which we are doing well. This information will be used when evaluating programs and policy issues. o Schedule: Joe Farmer Rec Center, September 2000 Allen Station Ballftelds, April 2001 Rodenbaugh Natatorium, April 2002 5.0 CITIZENS FREQUENTLYASKED QUESTIONS RECEIVED AT VARIOUS PARK FACILITIES (FROM SUGGESTION BOXES) SHOULD BE PROVIDED TO THE BOARD. o Description: A system should be established at various park facilities whereby park users can provide immediate input regarding their concerns (suggestion boxes, etc.). This information should be provided to the PARB and the PARD when available in order to track any potential trends in issues or usage. • o Schedule: Periodically as available PA RB Three -Year Work Plan Page 5 a I6 mraeur GOAL 6 Continue to enhance communications with City Council, City Staff and other City Boards. 6.A DESIGNATE BOARD MEMBERS TO ATTEND CITY COUNCIL, OTHER CITY BOARD MEETINGS AS NEEDED. o Description: PARB members should attend various City Council meetings or other City board meetings when park issues are being considered. This will provide PARB representation at these meetings and increase communications and positive relations between the PARB, City Council and other City boards. o Schedule: Periodically as needed 6.6 PARK BOARD ANNUAL REPORT TO BE PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL. o Description: Current PARB Ordinance requires that an annual report from the PARB be presented to the City Council each year. This presentation will provide needed information regarding the parks system to the City Council from the PARB perspective and will enhance communications and relations between the PARB and the City Council. o Schedule: Each September 2000-2002 6.0 WORK IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER CITY BOARDS (KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL, 4B BOARD, ETC.) TO INITIATE AND DEVELOP ALLEN CITY LIMIT ENTRY MONUMENTS ALONG CENTRAL EXPRESSWAY AND MEDIAN BEAUTIFICATION STANDARDS. • o Description: Communications and positive relations with other City boards are vital to the PARB. As a result of previous meetings with the Keep Allen Beautiful Board, the PARB identified a need in the City that can be addressed while working in conjunction with these other groups. City of Allen identification signage along with standards for median beautification should be developed as a joint project by the PARB and KAB board. o Schedule: Planning, October 2000 Median Beautification construction, November 2000-2002 City Limit Entry Monument construction, November 2002 GOAL 7 Become an active participant in Park projects, including capital development projects and policy issues. 7.A PERIODICALLY REVIEW THE STATUS AND CONTINUE TO ASSIST WITH THE PARKS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (1999-2004 CIP). o Description: The 1999-2004 Capital Improvements Program approved by the citizens is the primary method of funding park projects for the City for the next five years. In addition, the citizens determined priorities and schedules for the projects that were included in this CIP program. It is essential that the PARB monitor the status of the proposed projects and assist with programming and policy issues related to these projects in a timely manner. This review will also keep the PARB knowledgeable and informed about park projects in the City. . o Schedule: Each March and September 2000-2002 PARB Three -Year Work Plan Page 6 of 16 anm,ua� 73 ESTABLISH AN AD-HOC COMMITTEE TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALLEN ATHLETIC COMPLEX/COMMUNITY PARK BY ASSISTING IN THE PLANNING AND DESIGN OF • THE FACILITY. o Description: The Allen Athletic Complex/Community Park is a major project that was approved by the citizens in the 1999-2004 CIP program. The development of this facility with regards to active recreation (soccer, baseball, football) is vital, as evidenced by the increased participation in ASA youth sports. The PARB should continue to serve on the design team in order to provide the necessary input into the design process. o Schedule: Planning complete, May 2000 Design complete, November 2000 7.0 REVIEW THE EXISTING TRAIL SYSTEM IN THE CITY AND MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING THE PORTION TO BE COMPLETED AS PART OF THE 1999-2004 CIP PROJECT. o Description: The citizens identified hike and bike trail systems as a high priority for desired recreational facilities. Funds were included in the 1999-2004 CIP for adding to the existing trail system. Therefore, the entire City's trail system should be reviewed by the PARB in order to make a recommendation as to where these funds should be spent. The existing trails should be extended in a manner that maximizes usage and available funds. o Schedule: November2000 7.D FORMALIZE A PARK NAMING POLICY. o Description: The City's park naming policy was developed several years ago. The PARB should review this policy and make recommendations for revisions to formalin this policy. o Schedule: August 2000 • 7.F ASSIST THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT IN THE DESIGN OF A STANDARD PARK SIGN MONUMENT TO BE U77UZED ATALL PARKS. o Description: The existing parks in Allen currently have various types of signs as park identification signs. It has been identified that a standard park monument sign should be developed for all City parks in order to provide citywide continuity among park facilities. In addition to these signs being for new parks, new signs should be placed at parks that currently do nor have a sign and older signs should be upgraded. o Schedule: June 2000 GOAL 8 Continue to maintain the Board's awareness and knowledge of the City's entire park system. 8.A CONDUCT PERIODIC FIELD TRIPS TO REVIEW THE STATUS OF OLDER, EXISTING PARKS AND PARK FACILITIES IN ALLEN. c Description: The PARE makes recommendations based on its knowledge of the entire City's park system and in consideration of park issues that affect the entire community. It is important for PARB members to be knowledgeable about the City's park system and consider the development of the entire City while making its recommendations. As a result, the PARB should conduct periodic field trips to review various park facilities in the City to remain knowledgeable of the entire park system. • o Schedule: Each April and November 2000-2002 PARB Three -Yew Wwk Plan Page 7 0/16 amvuu� • GOAL 9 Strive to expand the citizens' recreational experience by providing additional opportunities in Allen's parks and recreation system. This will also enhance relationships with other organizations. • 9.A TARGET ALLEN'S HISTORY BY CONTINUING ALLEN'S RAILROAD HISTORIC THEME IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ALLEN STATION PARK. o Description: Allen Station Park was planned as a multi -use active and passive recreation facility where the "theme" of the park is based upon the railroad history of Allen. This theme allows the park to have a unique identity and allows the City to incorporme educational aspects into the park design. Continuing to enhance the railroad history of Allen into the Allen Station Park design will provide the citizens with an educational experience in addition to active recreational experiences. o Schedule: As needed 9.13 WORK IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE HERITAGE GUILD, KEEP ALLEN BEAUTIFUL BOARD, HEARD MUSEUM, THE ALLEN INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND OTHER ORGANIZATIONS TO DEVELOP EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES IN COMMUNITY PARKS. o Description: The community has indicated that it desires high quality recreational amenities in the City. This can be accomplished in several ways including developing a park system that expands the user's experience in the parks. The PARB should strive to include opportunities far outside entities to contribute to the park system with recreational/educational programs and/or other assistance. This may include school educational programs, horticulture programs and historical education programs. o Schedule: As needed GOAL 10 Continue to ensure that recreational programs meet the needs and desires of the citizens. 10.A REVIEW THE RULES OF OPERATION FOR THE JOE FARMER RECREATION CENTER. o Description: The use of the Joe Farmer Recreation Center by the citizens continues to increase. The PARB should periodically review the rules of operation to ensure that the facility is operating in an efficient manner and that the desires of the community are continually being addressed. o Schedule: May 2000 10.B ESTABLISH RULES OF OPERATION FOR THE RODENBAUGH NATATORIUM. o Description: Construction of the natatorium is scheduled for completion in the fall of 2001. Since the natatorium is designed to be ajoint-use facility between the City and the school district, it is vital that adequate rules of operation be established that address both the City's and the school district's concerns. The PARD should provide assistance to the PARD in the development of these rules of operation. o Schedule: March 2001 PARB Three -Year Work Plan Page 8 of J6 arca�ue, • • 10.0 ENHANCE THE BOARDS PARTNERSHIP WITH THE ALLEN SPORTS ASSOCIATION (ASA) BY PROVIDING BOARD REPRESENTATION AT THE ASA COMMISSIONER'S MEETINGS. o Description: The City of Allen and the Allen Sports Association (ASA) play a vital team role in the youth sports programs in Allen. The PARB should provide representation at the ASA City sponsored bi-annual Commissioner's meetings. This will enhance the relationship between the two organizations and provide direct feedback of youth sports concerns to the Board. o Schedule: Each January and August 2000-2002 PARS Three -Year Work Plan 1=00 Page 9 oj16 0 • PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD THREE-YEAR WORK PLAN GOAL / OBJECTIVE CALENDAR YEAR 2000 JANUARY Goal 10.0 Represent the PARB at the ASA Commissioner's meetings. FEBRUARY MARCH Goal 7.A Review status and assist with the Parks Capital Improvement Program (1999-2004 CIP) APRIL Goal 8.A Conduct field trip to review park system. MAY Goal LC Update the PARB Code of Ordinances. Goal 2.B Conduct one Neighborhood Night Out event. Goal 7.B Complete planning for Allen Athletic Complex / Community Park. Goal 10.A Review the Joe Fanner Rec Center rules of operation. JUNE Goal 7.F Assist in the design of a standard park sign monument for all parks. JULY PARB Three -Year Wark Plaa a.o.�uoi Page 10 oj16 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD • THREE-YEAR WORK PLAN GOAL / OBJECTIVE CALENDAR YEAR 2000 • • AUGUST Goal 7.D Formalize a park naming policy. Goal IO.0 Represent the PARB at the ASA Commissioner's meetings. SEPTEMBER Goal 2.11 Conduct one Neighborhood Night Out event. Goal 5.B Perform site specific citizen survey at Joe Farmer Rec Center. Goal 6.B Present PARB Annual Report to City Council. Goal 7.A Review status and assist with the Parks Capital Improvement Program (1999-2004 CIP) OCTOBER Goal LA Perform PARB orientation. Review PARD structure and goals. Goal 5.A Perform citizen survey regarding park issues. Goal 6.0 Coordinate with other boards to develop City limit entry monuments and median beautification standards. NOVEMBER Goal 7.11 Complete design for Allen Athletic Complex / Community Park. Goal 7.0 Review existing trail system and recommend portion for 1999-2004 CIP. Goal 8.A Conduct field trip to review park system. DECEMBER PARE Three -Year Work Plan I MOM Page 11 of16 vrtowr U I • PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD THREE-YEAR WORK PLAN GOAL / OBJECTIVE CALENDAR YEAR 2001 JANUARY Goal I O.0 Represent the PARB at the ASA Commissioner's meetings. FEBRUARY MARCH Goal 7.A Review status and assist with the Parks Capital Improvement Program (1999-2004 CIP) Goal 10.B Establish Rodenbaugh Natatorium rules of operation APRIL Goal 53 Perform site specific citizen survey at Allen Station Ballfields. Goal 8.A Conduct field trip to review park system. MAY Goal 2.B Conduct one Neighborhood Night Out event. JUNE JULY PARB Three -Year Work Plan Page 11 of 16 • 1-1 L PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD THREE-YEAR WORK PLAN GOAL / OBJECTIVE CALENDAR YEAR 2001 AUGUST Goal 10.0 Represent the PARB at the ASA Commissioner's meetings. SEPTEMBER Goal 2.6 Conduct one Neighborhood Night Out event. Goal 6.B Present PARB Annual Report to City Council. Goal 7.A Review status and assist with the Parks Capital Improvement Program (1999-2004 CIP) OCTOBER Goal LA Perform PARB orientation. Review PARD structure and goals. Goal 5.A Perform citizen survey regarding park issues. NOVEMBER Goal LB Review PARB goals/objectives. Coordinate with PARD goals. Goal &A Conduct field trip to review park system. DECEMBER PARB Three -Year Work Plan Page 13 of16 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD THREE-YEAR WORK PLAN GOAL / OBJECTIVE CALENDAR YEAR 2002 JANUARY Goal 10.0 Represent the PARB at the ASA Commissioner's meetings. FEBRUARY MARCH Goal 7.A Review status and assist with the Parks Capital Improvement Program (1999-2004 CIP) APRIL Goal 5.B Perform site specific citizen survey at Rodenbaugh Natatorium. 40 Goal 8.A Conduct field trip to review park system. MAY Goal 2.B Conduct one Neighborhood Night Out event. JUNE JULY AUGUST Goal 10C Represent the PARB at the ASA Commissioner's meetings. PARB Three -Year Work Plan Page 14 of 16 vna.�u� PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD • THREE-YEAR WORK PLAN GOAL / OBJECTIVE CALENDAR YEAR 2002 SEPTEMBER Goal 2.13 Conduct one Neighborhood Night Out event. Goal 6.13 Present PARB Annual Report to City Council. Goal 7.A Review scams and assist with the Parks Capital Improvement Program (1999-2004 CIP) OCTOBER Goal 1.A Perform PARB orientation. Review PARD structure and goals. Goal 5.A Perform citizen survey regarding park issues. • NOVEMBER Goal 8.A Conduct field trip to review park system. • DECEMBER PARE Three -Year Work Plan Page 15 q(16 PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD • THREE-YEAR WORK PLAN GOAL / OBJECTIVE CALENDAR NON -TIME SPECIFIC Goal l.D Board members to attend one conference per term. Goal 2.A Designate members to speakers bureau. Goal 3.A Be an active presenter at City board and council meetings on behalf of PARB. Goal 3.B Provide PARB representation at all PARD functions. Goal 4.A Construct a playground facility at Allen Station Park as a community project (Planning — Year 2000) (Public Awareness — Year 2001) (Construction — Year 2002) Goal 5.0 Provide periodic FAQ's from citizens to PARB. Goal 6.A Designate PARB members to attend City Council, other City board meetings. . Goal 9.A Target Allen's railroad history in the continued development of Allen Station Park. Goal 9.B Work with other city boards and organizations to develop educational opportunities in community parks. • PARE Three -Year Work Plan Page 16 oj16 vrtaeuaw