HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1982 - 12/16 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
December 16, 1982
Mickey Pierson, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
H. R. Daugherty
Don Rodenbaugh
Ward Paxton
Dennis Offutt
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Pierson at 7:35 p.m. on Thursday, December 16,
1982, at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Daugherty and seconded
by Councilman Offutt, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended
and as follows:
A. Approval of November 29, 1982 Minutes - City Council/
Planning & Zoning Commission Called - Special
Workshop Session
B. Approval of December 2, 1982 Minutes - Executive
Session, Workshop Session, and Regular Session
C. Approval of a Contract between the City of Allen and
Lone Star Gas Company for gas service to the City's
Service Center/City Hall Annex and the Allen Indepen-
dent School District's Warehouse buildings located on
Butler Circle.
D. Authorization to City Staff to pay bills associated
with the 1979 - 1982 Capital Improvements Program
as follows:
1. Ronald E. Fix & Associates:
a. Contract No. 820503A - Con- $ 370.02
struction of 12" Water Line on
Exchange Parkway - Engineering
Fee for September and Field Layout
b. Contract No. 820503C - Con- $ 120.00
struction of Jupiter Road Bridge
Engineering for relocation ease-
ments - revised descriptions of
Jupiter Road Bridge
2. Waller -Spears, Inc. $78,483.60
Contract No. FS 8023 - Con-
struction of Service Center/
City Hall Annex Building
Payment No. 7
December 16, 1982 Page 2
CONSENT AGENDA (continued) (Agenda Item II)
E. Resolution No. 423-12-82(R): A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Allen, Texas, Authorizing
the City Manager to Execute an Agreement Between the
City and the Southern Pacific Transportation Company
Concerning Construction of Signal Devices and the
Grade Crossing at Bethany Drive in the City of Allen,
F. Set Public Hearing Date for January 6, 1982 for con-
sideration of a request for site plan amendment
approval for the First National Bank.
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Oaths -of -Office to Newly Appointed
Members of the Library Board (Agenda Item III)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council that three
of the members of the Library Board could not attend this meeting
to receive their oaths -of -office. Those members were Linda Cravens,
Eileen Tollett, and Nell Box. These oaths -of -office would be
administered at the City Hall at a later date.
City Secretary Marty Hendrix administered the oath -of -office
to other members of the Library Board, being Gayle Boon and
Andy Kelly.
Consideration of the Rate Increase
(40/ Request from Lone Star Gas Company (Agenda Item IV)
This item was tabled at the City Council meeting of
November 4, 1982.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that information
had been furnished by Lone Star Gas Company in response to various
questions posed by the City Council at the public hearing held on
November 4, 1982. Mr. McCarty then provided a brief review to
date of the actions by the City Council on the rate increase request
filed by Lone Star Gas Company on August 6, 1982.
Mike Schweikhard, Manager of Lone Star Gas Company, was present
to answer any questions, along with Nancy Umbach, Director of
Community Services for Lone Star Gas Company.
Mayor Pierson advised that Lone Star Gas Company's rate
increase request had been a 5.738 increase. The Mayor advised
that Mr. Bill McMorries, the city's consultant on this rate case,
had recommended a 1.518 increase, with the exclusion of construction
work in progress, and a 2.338 increase, with the inclusion of con-
struction work in progress.
There was considerable discussion between the City Council
and Mr. Schweikhard and Ms. Umbach on the effect of the increase
in the base rate with the fuel adjustment cost.
Mr. Schweikhard and Ms. Umbach explained the relationship
and the formula for arriving at the rate increase, as well as
explaining that the 5.738 increase represented the rate of return
that Lone Star Gas Company needed.
At the Council's request, City Manager McCarty advised that
the City Staff's recommendation was to accept the consultant's
recommendation of a 1.518 increase in base rates.
December 16, 1982
Page 3
Consideration of the Rate Increase
Request from Lone Star Gas Company (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
The City Staff reviewed with the City Council the process that
results if the rate increase request is denied, and that Lone Star
Gas Company can proceed with this rate increase request to the
Railroad Commission for consideration.
The Council discussed the high rate of return that they felt
Lone Star Gas is requesting and the need in these economic times
to cut back on costs.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded by
Councilman Daugherty, the Council voted 7 - 0 to deny
the Lone Star Gas Company's rate increase request. The
motion carried and the request was denied.
Approval of Preliminary and Final
Plat for Rodenbaugh South Addition (Agenda Item V)
Councilman Rodenbaugh abstained from consideration of this
item and stepped out of the room due to a conflict of interest.
Gary Rodenbaugh presented to and spoke before the Council on
the preliminary and final plat for the Rodenbaugh South Addition,
located at the northwest corner of Butler Drive and Butler Circle.
Mr. Rodenbaugh advised that he owns this tract of land and
wants to sell off the portion that contains the house, thus re-
quiring the subdivision of this tract and the need for the pre-
liminary and final plat showing the division into two lots.
Mr. Rodenbaugh explained that the plat showed the exterior
boundaries of the two lots. Lot 1 contains the one story frame
house, garage building and gravel driveway, and is zoned R-5
residential zoning. This is the lot he plans to sell. Lot 2
is vacant property at this time.
Mayor Pierson advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission
had recommended approval of the preliminary and final plat for
the Rodenbaugh South Addition as submitted.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Offutt and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
approve the preliminary and final plat for the Rodenbaugh
South Addition as submitted, and in accordance with the
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission as
stated. The motion carried.
Councilman Rodenbaugh returned to his place on the Council.
Determination of an Allowable
Use in a Local Retail Zone (Agenda Item VI)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised the
Council that Mr. Mason Farmer, 337 E. Polk in Richardson, had
purchased the property located at 203A E. Main Street in Allen
to open a retail store dealing in special interest items such as
plumbing supplies, heating and air conditioning, and sprinkler
system parts. Mr. Farmer has requested that these uses be included
under the allowable uses in a local retail zoning district of
hardware store. Thus, with this type of request for a new or
unlisted use, Mr. Petty advised that the Planning and Zoning Com-
mission and City Council must review and act upon this request to
make the determination concerning the classification of such use
and if it is appropriate in the zoning district.
December 16, 1982
Page 4
Police Report - November, 1982 (Agenda Item VIII -A)
Police Chief Richard Carroll presented to and spoke before the
Council on the Consolidated Summary of Activities for the Allen
Police Department for the month of November, 1982.
The Council discussed with Chief Carroll the number of
recent burglaries in the city and the solving of the cases.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was
no action taken on this item.
Determination of an Allowable
Use in a Local Retail Zone (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI)
Mr. Petty advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission had
recommended that this use be considered a valid use under the
local retail zoning classification.
Mr. Mason Farmer was present to answer questions regarding
his request.
The Council discussed with Mr. Farmer this type of business
and the fact that there would be no outside storage of items.
The Council discussed the definition of the local retail
zoning classification and the permitted uses under it, and the
areas in the city designated as such.
The Council recommended to the City Staff that research be
done on the local retail zoning classification and the areas in
the city designated as such, with perhaps thoughts for a better
zoning classification or a more distinct zoning district for the
existing central business district.
The Council also discussed the fact that there could not be
any outside storage on the subject property; and a prior concern
for traffic and parking problems for the Main Street businesses
was pointed out and discussed pertaining to this property.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Rodenbaugh and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the request as a valid use in the local retail
zoning classification, and in accordance with the recom-
mendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, as
stated. The motion carried.
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer requested that the record reflect that
he is not related to Mr. Mason Farmer.
Approval of Engineering for
Park Place East (Agenda Item VII)
Jean Blakney, with Ronald E. Fix & Associates which is the
City's Engineer, spoke before the Council on the engineering for
Park Place East.
Ms. Blakney presented a color -coded aerial photo showing
the three portions of Park Place Drive, and indicated the portion
to be engineered. She also handed out to the Council the estimated
cost for a 37 foot wide street and for a 21 foot wide street, with
the estimated project schedule.
The Council briefly discussed with the City Staff the obtaining
of the right-of-way in order to construct the 37 foot wide street
and the status of the construction of the west portion of Park Place.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded by
Councilman Daugherty, the Council voted 7 - 0 to authorize
the City Engineer to proceed with the engineering for
construction of Park Place East. The motion carried.
Police Report - November, 1982 (Agenda Item VIII -A)
Police Chief Richard Carroll presented to and spoke before the
Council on the Consolidated Summary of Activities for the Allen
Police Department for the month of November, 1982.
The Council discussed with Chief Carroll the number of
recent burglaries in the city and the solving of the cases.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was
no action taken on this item.
December 16, 1982
Contribution and Expenditure
Page 5
(Agenda Item VIII -B)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council that per
the requirements of Article 14.07 of the Texas Election Law,
political contributions and expenditures that have not been
previously reported for 1982 need to be reported by office holders
on the contribution and expenditure statements and filed by
January 15, 1983. The forms are available from the City Secretary
upon request.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Youth Center (Agenda Item VIII -C)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of an upcoming
project proposed by the Community Education Advisory Council Task
Force for a Youth Center. They are proposing a facility to be
designated as a Youth Center with various planned activities, and
they are interested in the city's participation in such a facility.
This proposal is in the very early stages of development with the
defined details to be worked out. The Task Force wanted the City
Council to be aware of their work in this area and that they would
be coming before the Council at some future date to ask for the
city's participation in the Youth Center project.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was
no action taken on this item.
Hillside Softball Damage (Agenda Item VIII -D)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that two
residents had filed claims with the city's liability insurance
company in regard to damage to their property resulting from
the softball games held at Hillside Park. At this time, the
insurance company has indicated to the city staff that proof
of negligence on the city's part has not been proven, thus the
claims have not been paid. He further advised that he has
requested that the insurance company reconsider these claims,
and they have responded by indicating that a claims adjustor
would be sent out to further review the two claims.
There was considerable discussion between the City Council
and the city staff on what types of liability insurance the city
has and just what types of claims are covered, the need to see
that these types of damages are covered by the city, a need to
review the liability insurance coverage the city has as compared
to what other municipalities use, if additional liability
coverage might be required to handle claims such as the subject
claims, how the facts justifying the claims were gathered and
verified, how the existing claims can be resolved, the handling
of future claims, and proper payment of the claims.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Rodenbaugh and seconded
by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 7 - 0 to authorize
the city staff to pay the two submitted claims out of the
general fund upon justification of the claims, with pay-
ment to be made payable jointly to the individual filing
the claim and the company doing the repair work; and to
direct the city staff to begin a review of the city's
liability insurance to detail the types of coverage cur-
rently provided. The motion carried.
December 16, 1982
Page 6
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Daugherty and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council
at 9:18 p.m. The motion carried.
1983. These minutes approved on the 6th day of January
M. B. Pierson, MAYOR
rt ityd
Marty Hendrix, ITY SECRETARY