HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1983 - 03/17 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION ffmmrf�C1.197 Present: Mickey Pierson, Mayor Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem Jim McClure H. R. Daugherty Don Rodenbaugh Ward Paxton Dennis Offutt City Staff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Marty Hendrix, City Secretary The regular session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Pierson at 7:31 p.m, on Thursday, March 17, 1983, at Rountree Elementary School, 800 E. Main Street. CONSENT AGENDA (Agenda Item II) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Daugherty and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows: A. Approval of March 3, 1983 Minutes - Regular Session B. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the 1979 - 1982 Capital Improvements Program as follows: 1. Waller - Spears, Inc. $ 34,453.95 Contract No. FS 8023 - Con- struction of Service Center/ City Hall Annex - Payment No. 10 2. J. A. Cissel Co., Inc. $ 1,305.02 Hillside Ball Fields Improve- ments - Netting and Installation Equipment 3. Joe Barton King, AIA $ 470.00 Hillside Ball Fields Improve- ments - Preliminary Planning for backstop and netting for period February 1 - 28, 1983 4. Don A. Tipton, Inc. $ 1,079.00 Ford Park Project - Engineering Services for Survey Plat of 3 Tracts and Blueprints C. Set Public Hearing Date for April 7, 1983 on Zoning Change Request from R-2 Residential to Planned Development (to include multi -family, shopping center, and office uses), located east of State Highway 5 and adjacent to and south of First United Methodist Church. The motion carried. End of Consent ALLEN CITY COUNCIL March 17, 1983 Page 2 Public Hearing: Request for Zoning Change Agricultural Open Space to Planned Development for Multi -family Units (Agenda Item III) Mayor Pierson read the request into the record as follows: "Public Hearing on a request for zoning change from Agri- cultural Open Space (AO) to Planned Development (PD) for Multi -family Units." Dr. Joel Goldsteen, with Joel Goldsteen Urban Planners, Inc., appeared before the Council on this request and advised that due to recent developments, he would request that this item be with- drawn from consideration at this time. The City Council briefly discussed with Dr. Goldsteen the reasoning behind the request to withdraw. At the Council's request, Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised that with Dr. Goldsteen's request to with- draw this item would result in nullifying this item and he would have to start his request completely over. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded by Councilman Rodenbaugh, the Council voted 7 - 0 to accept the request for withdrawal of this zoning change request at this time. The motion carried. Mayor Pierson advised that due to the action taken, the need for a public hearing was also nullified. Request to Appear from Representatives of the Collin County Limousine Service to Discuss Operation of that Business in the City of Allen (Agenda Item IV) Mr. Joseph Lanoue, owner of the Collin County Limousine Service, spoke before the City Council on his request to operate his limousine service within the City of Allen. Mr. Lanoue advised the Council that at the present time they would be starting the business with one limousine and utilizing an answering service to schedule requests for their service. They would be looking for a location to place their business which would probably be in an industrial area. Mr. Lanoue advised that he had obtained insurance and presented a copy of a letter advising of that fact for the city's retention. The Council discussed this proposed business with Mr. Lanoue as well as the time frame for implementation of it. City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that the city can by ordinance license and regulate this type of business. In further discussion, it was the consensus of the City Council that the city staff research this type of request and review it with the city attorney and try to provide information back to the City Council at their next regular Council meeting to be held on April 7, 1983. Accept Resignation of an Alternate Member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Consideration of an Appointment of a Replacement (Agenda Item V) Mayor Pierson read the resignation letter submitted by Rex Womack for resignation as Alternate No. 2 on the Zoning Board of Adjustment in order that he can run for City Council. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded by Councilman Offutt, the Council voted 7 - 0 to accept the resignation of Rex Womack from the Zoning Board of Adjustment as Alternate No. 2. The motion carried. , ALLEN CITY COUNCIL March 17, 1983 Page 3 Accept Resignation of an Alternate Member of the Zoning Board of Adjustment and Consideration of an Appointment of a Replacement (cont'd) (Agenda Item V) The City Council briefly discussed consideration of an appointment to fill the vacancy of Alternate No. 2 and the need to implement the appointment procedure. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the City Council voted 7 - 0 to table consideration of an appointment to Alternate No. 2 on the Zoning Board of Adjustment until the next regular meeting of the City Council, being April 7, 1983. The motion carried. Issuance of Ballots for the April 2, 1983 City Council Election (Agenda Item VI) City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council that in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Election Law, Article 6.09(a) and (b), the issuance of the ballots for the April 2, 1983 City Council Election is to be entered of record by the city clerk in the minutes of the City Council. Mrs. Hendrix advised that the ballots were to be issued as follows: Polling Place Serial Numbers Absentee - City Hall 001 - 100 Regular - Rountree 101 - 2000 Elementary School MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Daugherty and seconded by Councilman offutt, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve the issuance of the ballots for the City Council to be held on Saturday, April 2, 1983 as recommended by the City Secretary. The motion carried. Award of Contract for Replacement Vehicle for Water & Sewer Department (Agenda Item VII) Ernie Hoback, Director of Public Works, spoke before the City Council on the receipt of bids for a small pick-up truck for the Water and Sewer Department. Mr. Hoback advised that the city staff's recommendation was to award the bid to Henry Butts Isuzu in the amount of $5,579.00 for an Isuzu G-04 gas pick-up. The Council discussed with Mr. Hoback the bid submitted by Town North Porsche -Mazda and the maintenance of this vehicle and the availability of the service dealer. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Daugherty and seconded by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to award the contract to Henry Butts Isuzu in the amount of $5,579.00 for an Isuzu G-04 gas pick-up, in accordance with the city staff's recommendation. The motion carried. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL March 17, 1983 Page 4 Review of the Findings of the Insurance "Key Rate" Inspection (Agenda Item VIII) Bob Acker, Fire Marshal, spoke before the Council on the recent "key rate" inspection conducted by the State Board of Insurance in the City of Allen on February 8, 1983. Mr. Acker reviewed the findings of the inspection and advised of the areas that still need improvement. Mr. Acker provided the Council with an analysis of the "key rate" and reviewed the percentages for credits and the cents and how the "key rate" is arrived at from those items. The Council discussed with Mr. Acker how the lower "key rate" would effect insurance rates for the homeowner, areas that needed improvement and how those could be accomplished. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Report on Cost of Service for Proposed Outlet Mall Development (Agenda Item IX) City Manager McCarty advised the City Council that with the recent annexation of land and approval of the site plan for the manufacturers' outlet mall development, the city staff had completed a study of the costs of service to this facility by the city. The various department heads would make their presentations. Linda Midtling, Finance Director, presented materials to the Council regarding sales tax information, criteria used in calculating costs pertaining to this mall development by the departments, various departmental expenses for a three year period, mall costs compared to present budget and projections of sales required to cover these costs and a list of new equip- ment and personnel. Ms. Midtling reviewed all of the above factors with the City Council and the Council discussed the costs of development of this retail facility as compared to an industrial facility, time table for construction of the utilities to serve this site, cash flow projections for repayment of utility costs, and turn over in this type of retail facility. Mayor Pierson advised of his visit to a similar mall in Orlando, Florida. Mayor Pierson recessed the regular session of the Allen City Council at 9:09 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:22 p.m. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented his determination of the costs of service to the mall development for his department and the need for additional personnel. Mr. Petty advised of the increase in construction for the city in commercial development as well as residential dwellings. Richard Carroll, Chief of Police, spoke before the Council on the services to be provided by the Police Department to that site and the anticipated costs for such and the need for additional equipment. Bob Acker, Fire Marshal, presented the projected activity increases for the Fire Prevention Department for this mall deve- lopment and handed out a chart showing the needs for inspections, certificates of occupancy inspections, construction inspections, plan reviews and complaint investigations, the personnel impact and the total personnel requirements. The Council discussed how the fire inspections differ from the building code inspections and if they could be combined, �1 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL March 17, 1983 Page 5 Report on Cost of Service for Proposed Outlet Mall Development (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX) the need for additional code enforcement inspector to handle the increase in commercial and residential building in the city, and this type of development costs compared to an industrial development costs. Due to the absence of the Fire Chief, Bob Acker presented the proposed services to be provided by the Fire Department and the additional personnel and equipment to service this development. There was considerable discussion on the request for a 1500 GPM Pumper just to serve this development and what other alternatives could be substituted and what some of the industrial developments in the city have done to provide adequate water and pressure to fight a fire at their facilities. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Police Report (Agenda Item X -A) Police Chief Richard Carroll presented to and spoke before the Council on the Consolidated Summary of Activities of the Allen Police Department for the month ending February 1983. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Update on Merit Evaluations (Agenda Item X -B) City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that the City Staff was currently working on the merit evaluations for city employees and a report would be forthcoming at the next regular City Council meeting. Mr. McCarty also reminded the Council that they would also be conducting the merit evaluations for the Council -appointed employees. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Update on the Main Street Study Committee (Agenda Item X-C) City Manager Jon McCarty advised the City Council that the Main Street Study Committee had held its first meeting and had elected the officers as follows: Mike Williams, Chairman Ed Lynge, Vice Chairman Emerson Porter, Secretary City Manager McCarty advised that they had discussed their purpose and the direction to be taken by the committee, and that the committee was to provide a firm recommendation to the City �/ Council on the routing of Main Street through the City of Allen. Mr. McCarty advised that the time frame for making a recommendation was to be six months. Mr. McCarty also related that the committee recognized the fact that due to some definite technical areas of street con- struction there would perhaps be a need for some assistance from a traffic consultant during their work and the committee may come before the Council with that request. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL March 17, 1983 Traffic Routing to Ford Middle School Page 6 (Agenda Item X -D) City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that Ford Middle School was due to open on April 1st. Since there is a lack of road improvements to the school at this time, the children would be riding to school on school buses until the end of this school year. The city had been working with the school district to establish bus routes to the school. The Council discussed briefly the use of the school for the summer months and theprogress of construction of Park Place Drive. Also, at this time, the Council requested an update on the progress of repairs to Allen Heights Drive and Jupiter Road. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised of the work on Allen Heights and Jupiter Road, the phases of construction and repair and the time frame for the seal coating to be done on these streets. Mayor Pro Tem Farmer brought up the serious situation existing on the road at the creek crossing on Allen Heights Drive, south of the existing city limits. Adjournment: MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, and seconded by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at 10:25 p.m. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 7th day of April 1983. I . B. Pierson, MAYOR Mcg -w- Marty Hendrix, ITY SECRETARY