HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1983 - 04/07 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION April 7, 1983 Present• Mickey Pierson, Mayor Council Members: Newly Elected Council Member: Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem Rex Womack Don Rodenbaugh Ward Paxton Dennis Offutt Absent• Jim McClure H. R. Daugherty City Staff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Marty Hendrix, City Secretary The regular session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Pierson at 7:31 p.m. on Thursday, April 7, 1983, in the Council Chambers of the new Allen Municipal Annex, 1 Butler Circle. Canvass of Election Returns from City Council Election - April 2, 1983 (Agenda Item II -A) City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council they had before them a copy of the Election Returns for the City Council Election held on Saturday, April 2, 1983, showing a total of votes cast for the absentee polling place and the regular polling place, along with Registers of Official Ballots for ballots issued in the election process. There were a total of 484 votes cast in the election, with 39 in the absentee polling place and 445 in the regular polling place. As shown on the Election Returns, the candidates received the following number of votes in a cumulative total: COUNCILMAN - PLACE NO. 1 NAME OF CANDIDATE VOTES RECEIVED Joe Farmer 388 Write-in Candidates: waylon Roberts 1 Mel Williams 1 Roger Chaney 1 Jack Stein 1 Rick Alexander 1 Park Fishel 1 Ronald Gentry 1 Charles Moore 2 Charles M. Jones 2 Rex Womack 1 Kevin Linsley 1 Ward Paxton 1 Joe Fuller 1 Joe Moseley 1 Kevin Tinsley 1 17 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1983 Page 2 Canvass of Election Returns from City Council Election - April 2, 1983 (cont'd) (Agenda Item II -A) COUNCILMAN - PLACE NO. 3 NAME OF CANDIDATE VOTES RECEIVED Rex Womack 290 v H. R. Daugherty 187 Write-in Candidate: Micky Person 1 COUNCILMAN - PLACE NO. 5 Larry N. Reeves 199 G. Ward Paxton 272 Write-in Candidates: A. Boyd I J. T. Uland 4 Roger Chaney 1 W. Rosson 1 7 Resolution No. 434-4-83(R): Order Declaring Result of April 2, 1983 City Council Election for Councilman Place No. 1, 3, and 5 (Agenda Item II -B) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Offutt and seconded by Councilman Rodenbaugh, the Council voted 5 - 0 to adopt Resolution No. 434-4-83(R), declaring the results of the election, being Joe Farmer - Councilman, Place No. 1; Rex Womack - Councilman, Place No. 3; and G. Ward Paxton - Councilman - Place No. 5. The motion carried. Oaths -of -Office to Re-elected and Newly Elected Councilmen (Agenda Item II -C) City Secretary Marty Hendrix administered the oath -of -office to the re-elected Joe Farmer, Councilman - Place No. 1; to the newly elected Rex Womack, Councilman - Place No. 3; and to the re-elected G. Ward Paxton, Councilman - Place No. 5. Mayor Pierson presented to those Council Members their Certificates of Election. Councilman Rex Womack took his place on the City Council. Election of Mayor Pro Tem (Agenda Item II -D) Mayor Pierson opened the floor for nominations to Mayor Pro Tem. Councilman Joe Farmer nominated Councilman Don Rodenbaugh. Councilman Don Rodenbaugh nominated Councilman Joe Farmer. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Offutt and seconded by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 6 - 0 that the nominations cease. The motion carried. In the order of their nominations, Mayor Pierson polled the votes of the City Council members for each nominee, with Councilman Don Rodenbaugh receiving two votes and Councilman Joe Farmer receiving four votes. Mayor Pierson advised that Councilman Joe Farmer was re- elected as Mayor Pro Tem for another term.<; ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1983 Page 3 CONSENT AGENDA (Agenda Item III) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows: A. Approval of March 17, 1983 City Council Minutes - Regular Session B. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the 1979 - 1982 Capital Improvements Program as follows: 1. Silverthorne Corporation: a. Contract No. FS 8023 - $ 2,538.00 Construction of Service Center/ City Hall Annex - Furniture 9 Chairs - Conference Room b. Contract No. FS 8023 - $ 630.00 Construction of Service Center/ City Hall Annex - Design Development/Furniture Selection & Budgeting - Phase I 2. Custom Woodcraft $ 1,382.00 Contract No. FS 8023 - Construction of Service Center/ City Hall Annex - Cabinets & Counter Tops for Mail Room/ Lunch Room 3. Amfac Plumbing Supply Company $ 74.61 Contract No. FS 8023 - Construction of Service Center/ City Hall Annex - Kitchen sink & faucets for Lunch Room 4. Ronald E. Fix & Associates $ 2,290.00 Contract No. 821004 - Con- struction of Park Place Drive - Construction Inspection 5. Hines Sand & Gravel $ 345.00 Jupiter Road Softball Field Improvements - gravel for road 6. Amfac Plumbing Supply Company 268.80 Jupiter Road Softball Field Improvements - tiles for drainage 7. A & T Polygon Construction, Inc. $ 1,755.00 Jupiter Road Softball Field Improvements - 450' of chain link fence and installation 8. Blakemore Wholesale Lumber Company $ 2,310.00 Hillside Park Softball Fields Improvement - 14 each 45' poles C. Review the Minutes of the Sign Control Board - Called - Special Meeting of March 8, 1983. The City Council discussed with Mr. Blair the placement of one of the apartment buildings, the considerations on how the traffic study was determined, why Mr. Blair didn't use land presently zoned for apartments for this development, the rental rates of the apartments, density of the apartments, traffic problems in connection with the commercially -zoned areas, the exterior construction of the buildings, the heights of the buildings, screening of the trash dumpsters, and landscaping on the south boundary line. Mayor Pierson opened the public hearing. Mayor Pierson read a letter into the record from Charles and Evelyn Knight and Robin H. Knight, Route 1, Box 346, Jupiter Road, Allen, Texas 75002, opposing the proposed zoning change (see Attachment No. 1). The following individuals spoke before the Council in opposition to this rezoning request and/or asked questions pertaining to this development: Julie Hill, 537 White Oak, presented petitions to the City Council containing 116 names of residents opposing this rezoning request. Dave Loya, 522 White Oak Katherine Watts, 300 Keith Drive Robert Lowman, 507 S. Greenville Mike Hill, 537 White Oak 7C ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1983 Page 4 CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item III) D. Set Public Hearing Date for May 5, 1983 on consider- ation of Site Plan Approval on Part of Lot 3, Bethany Park Addition, for apartment development. The motion carried. End of Consent Agenda Public Hearing: Zoning Change & Site Plan Approval from R-2 to PD for Multi -family use, Office use and Shopping Center Use - 16 acres (Agenda Item IV) Mayor Pierson read the request into the record as follows: "Public Hearing on a request for a zoning change and site plan approval from R-2 (Residential) to PD (Planned Deve- lopment) to include Multi -family, Shopping Center and Office uses on approximately 16 acres of land located between Greenville Avenue and Jupiter Road, adjacent and south of the First United Methodist Church and Jupiter Road Church of Christ." Weston Blair, developer and contractor, presented to and spoke before the Council on this rezoning request and site plan approval. Mr. Blair presented copies of the site plan for the Council's review and advised of the location of the property, the history behind the proposed zoning change, and reviewed the site plan presented for the multi -family development. Mr. Blair explained that the site plan showed the location of the 196 units of apartments, with parking spaces, swimming pool, tennis courts, jogging path, storage garages, landscaped areas, and two recreation areas; the site for office development and the site for the shopping center development. Mr. Blair advised of the exterior construction of the buildings, the items for interior furnishings, described the amenities, reviewed the ingress/egress to the property from State Highway 5, and advised of the traffic study provided by the North Central Council of Govern- ments. The City Council discussed with Mr. Blair the placement of one of the apartment buildings, the considerations on how the traffic study was determined, why Mr. Blair didn't use land presently zoned for apartments for this development, the rental rates of the apartments, density of the apartments, traffic problems in connection with the commercially -zoned areas, the exterior construction of the buildings, the heights of the buildings, screening of the trash dumpsters, and landscaping on the south boundary line. Mayor Pierson opened the public hearing. Mayor Pierson read a letter into the record from Charles and Evelyn Knight and Robin H. Knight, Route 1, Box 346, Jupiter Road, Allen, Texas 75002, opposing the proposed zoning change (see Attachment No. 1). The following individuals spoke before the Council in opposition to this rezoning request and/or asked questions pertaining to this development: Julie Hill, 537 White Oak, presented petitions to the City Council containing 116 names of residents opposing this rezoning request. Dave Loya, 522 White Oak Katherine Watts, 300 Keith Drive Robert Lowman, 507 S. Greenville Mike Hill, 537 White Oak 7C ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1983 Page 5 Public Hearing: Zoning Change & Site Plan Approval from R-2 to PD for Multi -family use, Office use and Shopping (continued) Center use - 16 acres (Agenda Item IV) Gerald Eberts, 558 Hawthorne Mike McKee, 523 Red Oak E` Doug Quebe, 523 White Oak George Pike, 529 Red Oak Jerry Giles, 541 White Oak Mike Hill, 537 White Oak, appeared before the City Council and advised that according to the City of Allen Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, the requester of a zoning change is required to post a sign on the property in question advising of the request for the zoning change. Mr. Hill stated that Mr. Blair had not complied with that requirement. City staff asked Mr. Blair if he had met the requirement and he advised that he had not and was not aware of the requirement. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised that those requirements are provided in materials handed out to deve- lopers requesting zoning changes and that Mr. Blair had received that information. The City Council discussed with City Staff that requirement and the responsibility of the requirement to be met by the developer. City Manager McCarty read the requirement from the Zoning Ordinance as shown in paragraph 4.03(6). MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 6 - 0 to reset the public hearing on this zoning change and site plan approval for May 5, 1983. The motion carried. Mayor Pierson recessed the regular session of the Allen City Council at 8:54 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:05 P.M. Approval of Preliminary & (Agenda Item V) Final Plat - Texet, Inc. Kim Johnson, with Beltway Construction, presented to and spoke before the Council on the preliminary and final plat for Texet, Inc., Located on 16+ acres of land in the Rufus Sewell Survey, Abstract No. 875 and further described as being west of State Highway 5 and north of Ridgemont Drive and continuing to the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks. Mr. Johnson advised that the plat contained Lots 1, 2, & 3, with Lot 1 being adjacent to State Highway 5 and to be held in reserve, with Lot 2 being scheduled for immediate construction and Lot 3 for construction at a later time. The plat showed the necessary water and sewer utility easements, fire lane easements, street right-of-way for State Highway 5 and for improvements to Ridgemont Drive. Mr. Johnson advised that they would improve Ridgemont from State Highway 5 to the west boundary of Lot 2 with 22' of pavement to accommodate the immediate construction. Ridgemont Drive would be completed in front of Lot No. 3 when it was phased into construction or if Ridgemont was constructed from the service road of U. S. 75 to the railroad, then it would be completed at that time. The Council discussed with the Texet representatives the completion of Ridgemont Drive, the difference between the companies of Texet and Epcor, and the letter from Texet regarding the com- pletion of Ridgemont Drive. 71 L ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1983 Page 6 Approval of Preliminary & Final Plat - Texet, Inc. (cont'd) (Agenda Item V) The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the preliminary and final plat as submitted with the stipulation that a letter of agreement be submitted by Texet concerning future improvements of paving and utilities along Lot 3 when the lot is developed or at such time that Ridgemont is developed from U. S. 75 to the east. Based on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission, a letter stating those facts was submitted to the city by the Texet, Inc. The Council discussed with city staff the use of the letter and if a contract needed to be drawn up to insure that the road is developed. Mayor Pierson advised that he would abstain from consider- ation of this item due to a possible conflict of interest since the Allen National Bank has an option to purchase Lot No. 1. Councilman Offutt brought up for consideration the fact that in the development of this area the need to maintain as many of the natural trees is an important issue and concern of Allen residents since it is a beautiful area with a lot of trees. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 5 - 0, with an abstention from Mayor Pierson, to approve the preliminary and final plat for the Texet, Inc., in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning & Zoning Commission, as stated. The motion carried. Approval of Final Plat - Allen Retail Center (Manufacturers' Outlet Mall Site) (Agenda Item VI) Gene Geer, engineer, presented to and spoke before the Council on the final plat for the Allen Retail Center (Manufacturers' Out- let Mall Site), located approximately 1,600 feet south of the intersection of S.H. 121 and U.S. 75, and being on the west side of U. S. 75. Mr. Geer presented the final plat which showed the location of six parcels, with the mall site being located on Parcel No. 6, containing 43.444 acres of land, and Parcels 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 being located on the exterior of the mall site. The plat also showed the 80' right-of-way for the road to connect the service road of U. S. 75 to S.H. 121, utility easements, fire lane easements, access easements, and the exterior boundaries of the property. Sam Reeves, with Reeves and Sweeney Engineers, spoke before the Council on the work to proceed if the plat is approved, that being the road construction and the water line construction. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised that the Planning and Zoning Commission, at their meeting of March 24, 1983, recommended approval of the final plat contingent upon there being a mutual agreement drawn up between Belz Enterprises and the City of Allen regarding the needed right-of-way of 400' for State Highway 121 and that the city staff approves the engineering on the plat before submission to the City Council. Mr. Petty further stated that city staff has discussed the 400' right-of-way dedication with Belz Enterprises and they are amenable to dedicating that much right-of-way, however, they would like to enter into a contract with the city that if that much right-of-way is not needed the remaining portion would be returned to them; and that the city grant them a temporary easement in order that they can erect a sign in that area. %1� ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April /, 1983 Page 7 Approval of Final Plat - Allen Retail Center (Manufacturers' Outlet Mall Site) (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI) Mr. Petty advised that the city staff's recommendation to the City Council is that the city enter into a contractural agreement with Belz Enterprises regarding those two matters and consider them a separate issue from the approval of the final plat. Mr. Petty then advised of the engineering plans and that they have been received and reviewed by the city staff with just a few minor corrections to be made. There was considerable discussion between the City Council and Mr. Reeves regarding the request that the city enter into a contractural agreement to return the unused land for the street right-of-way designated for improvements to State Highway 121 and the placement of the utilities in that area. It was determined that this matter would be considered separate from the approval of the final plat and would be brought back to the City Council at a later date. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Rodenbaugh and seconded by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to approve the Final Plat for the Allen Retail Center (Manufacturers' Outlet Mall Site) as presented. The motion carried. Approval of Replat of Downtown Lots - Rodenbaugh North Addition (Agenda Item VII) Councilman Rodenbaugh abstained from consideration of this item due to a possible conflict of interest. Gary Rodenbaugh presented to and spoke before the Council on the replat of Lots No. 14 and 16, Block No. 7, of the original town of Allen, Collin County, Texas, located at the southeast corner of Boyd and Butler Streets. Mr. Rodenbaugh advised that there presently exists two lots with a residential dwelling existing across the property line separating the two lots. The replat of this property is just to remove the interior property lines and make this into one lot. The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their meeting of March 24, 1983, recommended approval of the replat of the Rodenbaugh North Addition as presented. The Council briefly discussed the location of the property and the replatting. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 5 - 0, with an abstention from Councilman Rodenbaugh, to approve the replat of the Rodenbaugh North Addition as presented and in accordance with the recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, as stated. The motion carried. Review Draft of the Proposed Taxicab/Limousine Ordinance (Agenda Item VIII) Don Crowder, City Attorney, presented to and spoke before the Council on the propsed draft of an ordinance to regulate taxicab and limousine service within the City of Allen. Mr. Crowder advised the Council that city staff had reviewed the proposed ordinance and there had been some suggested changes. Mr. Crowder reviewed the proposed ordinance with the City Council including the definitions, the form of the application, etc. 7.5 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1983 Page 8 Review Draft of the Proposed Taxicab/Limousine Ordinance (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII) In discussion on the proposed ordinance, the City Council suggested some provisions be included for the revoking of a license if a taxicab/limousine driver is convicted of DWI. In further discussion on the ordinance, it was the consensus of the City Council that the city staff redraft the ordinance to include additional items presented by the city attorney. Mayor Pierson recessed the meeting at 9:55 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 10:09 p.m. Consider a Recommendation by the Planning & Zoning Commission Setting Procedures to Establish the Central Business District Zone (Agenda Item IX) Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented to and spoke before the Council on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the establishing of a Central Business District for the City of Allen, which included a "state- ment of need", the formation and structure of a Central Business District Committee and a work flow of the committee. There was considerable discussion by the City Council with city staff on the establishing of a central business district and the considerable amount of work needed to achieve that goal. Areas of discussion included the need for this work at this time with all of the other developments going on in the city at this time, perhaps the use of shopping center zoning for that area in the interim period of time, what direction the City Council really wants to go in with regard to a central business district, how the Main Street Study Committee relates to this work and the impact of their committee's work in this effort, the size of the committee recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission being too large, perhaps the need for guidelines from businessmen in that area on the needs and wants for a central business district, and the selection of two Council Members to work with the Planning and Zoning Commission on reaching a determination on the direction that this work should take. It was the consensus of the City Council that Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and Councilman Rodenbaugh would be the representatives to meet with the Planning, and Zoning Commission on working out the details and considerations of the central business district. Consider Recommendations of the Sign Control Board to Amend the Sign Regulations Ordinance (Agenda Item X) Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented to and spoke before the Council on the recommendations of the Sign Control Board, at their meeting of March 8, 1983, regarding the regulations for off-site commercial advertising signs on public service structures, signs for service clubs and garage sale signs. Mr. Petty reviewed with the Council the recommended amendment to the Sign Regulations Ordinance for inclusion of garage sale signs under Section 3A(15). The Council discussed with Mr. Petty increasing the garage sales signs to six (6) off-site signs rather than the two (2) signs as proposed by the Sign Control Board. Mr. Petty reviewed with the Council the amendment to the Sign Regulations Ordinance, Section 3D(5), to include the use of temporary promotional signs for off-site commercial advertising signs on public service structures. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1983 Page 9 Consider Recommendations of the Sign Control Board to Amend the Sign Regulations Ordinance (cont'd) (Agenda Item X) There was considerable discussion between the City Council, city staff and representatives of the Sign Control Board, being Rick Alexander and Wayne Armand, on the classification of off- site commercial advertising signs on public service structures as a temporary structure, the time period of six months being too short for the issuance of such a permit, maintenance on these public service structures, the structural requirements on these public service structures and on temporary signs, and extending the time period for issuance of the temporary permit to a one year period. Mr. Petty reviewed with the Council the amendment to the Sign Ordinance, Section 3E(4), regarding the inclusion of the signs for service clubs be permitted signs in the Sign Ordinance. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Rodenbaugh and seconded by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to approve the recommended amendments to the Sign Regulations Ordinance as presented, and in accordance with the recommendations of the Sign Control Board, with the following changes: 1. Section 3A15d to read: "Number of signs restricted to one (1) on-site and six (6) off-site signs." 2. Section 3D5, second paragraph, to read: "The signs must be temporary and must have Sign Control Board approval and a permit will be required. These permits will be granted for a maximum period of one (1) year and may be extended in one (1) year intervals upon the approval by the Sign Control Board." and to direct the city staff to prepare the appro- priate ordinance for such amendments. The motion carried. Authorization to Solicit Bids for Relocation of Jupiter Road Bridge Utilities (Agenda Item XI) Ron Fix, City Engineer, presented to and spoke before the Council on the relocation of water and sewer utilities for construction of the Jupiter Road Bridge. City Manager McCarty advised the Council of the history of this project and the rejection of bids on moving the utilities last year and the acquiring of easements from the adjacent property owners and the problems incurred in those areas. Mr. Fix presented a drawing showing the layout of the utilities to be moved and explained the process and the need to move the utilities, and advised of the construction of the bridge. City Manager McCarty advised the Council that the bid would also include construction of an 8" water line for Ford Middle School and provided the history behind this addition to this project. The water line would run along Park Place Drive. /S ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1963 Page 10 Authorization to Solicit Bids for Relocation of Jupiter Road Bridge Utilities (continued) (Agenda Item XI) The Council briefly discussed the relocation of the utilities and the schedule of completion of this project and the completion of the bridge. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded by Councilman Offutt, the Council voted 6 - 0 to authorize the receipt of bids for the relocation of utilities for the Jupiter Road Bridge and the construction of the 8" water line on Park Place Drive. The motion carried. Consider New Personnel Auth- orization for the Community Development Department (Agenda Item XII) Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented to and spoke before the Council on the new personnel authorizations for the Community Development Department. Mr. Petty reviewed with the Council the history behind the organization of the Community Development Department and provided an organization chart showing the original alignment of the Street Department personnel and the Building and Zoning Department personnel and a new organization chart showing the alignment of the personnel for the Community Development Department, which combines those functions of Street and Building and Zoning. Mr. Petty advised that the personnel to be hired would be a Maintenance Worker, a Planning Coordinator, and an Inspector, however, the budget figure for salaries would not have to be adjusted. The Council discussed with Mr. Petty the need for the planning coordinator at this time and the functions of that person and the hiring of all of those personnel at this time. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 6 - 0 to approve the request for the additional personnel in the Community Development Department as presented. The motion carried. Mayor Pierson recessed the regular session of the Allen City Council at 12:11 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 12:20 a.m. Consideration of Authorization for Submission of a Letter to Withdraw from Social Security (Agenda Item XIII) City Manager Jon McCarty advised the City Council of the request by city staff to consider "opting out" of the Social Security Program by making a submission of a letter which will begin the two-year waiting process for final withdrawal from Social Security. Mr. McCarty also advised of the pending legislation presently in the Congress amending the Social Security Act which could require that local governments who have not opted out of the Social Security System may not in the future be able to do so. The City Council discussed with city staff the withdrawal process and the study by city staff for a replacement benefit program. City Manager McCarty advised the Council that the submission of the letter did not indicate that the city would withdraw from Social Security, but would give notice and enable the city staff to study the replacement benefits and make a com- parison to the Social Security Program and at the end of the two year waiting period a determination could be made. ]it ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1983 Page 11 Consideration of Authorization for Submission of a Letter to Withdraw from Social Security (cont'd) (Agenda Item XIII) There was considerable discussion with city staff on the need to support the social security system and insure that those types of benefits were available to the employees. IL MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded by Councilman Rodenbaugh, the Council voted three (3) in favor of adoption of a resolution authorizing the submission of a letter notifying the Social Security Administration of the City of Allen's intent to with- draw from Social Security and three (3) opposed, with Council Members Paxton, Womack and Offutt casting the negative votes. The motion failed. Summer Recreation Program (Agenda Item XIV -A) Mark Thornton, Director of Parks & Recreation Department, presented to and spoke before the Council on the 1983 Summer Recreation Program. Mr. Thornton advised that the programs included a new day camp program, the open -gym program and a new recreation education program. Mr. Thornton provided all of the activities to be included in the day camp program, the open -gym program and the recreation education seminars, the equipment, the hours of operation, the dates of operation, and the budget for these programs. Mr. Thornton advised that the Parks and Recreation Board, f. at their meeting on March 29, 1983, recommended approval of these [v summer recreation programs and with the Council's review of the budget impact of these programs, the Council should set the fees for the day camp program. The Council discussed with Mr. Thornton the employees to provide supervision for these programs, the fees for the day camp program being based on a break-even basis, and the open - gym program not being a babysitting service for Allen youth. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded by Councilman Offutt, the Council voted 6 - 0 to approve the 1983 Summer Recreation Program, with the fees for the day camp program to be on a break even basis. The motion carried. Hillside/Jupiter Road Softball Fields Status (Agenda Item XIV -B) Mark Thornton, Director of Parks & Recreation Department, presented to and spoke before the Council on the status of improvements to the Hillside and Jupiter Road Softball Fields. Mr. Thornton advised of the background information on the improvements to be made at the softball fields at the direction of the City Council, the breakdown on the work that has been completed and/or almost completed, and provided the budget impact for all of the materials and equipment needed to make the improvements. Mr. Thornton also advised the Council of the help received from various people to achieve these improvements. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. 77 A ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1983 Page 12 Update on Capital Outlay Equipment for the Parks & Recreation Department (Agenda Item XIV -C) Mark Thornton, Director of Parks & Recreation Department, presented to and spoke before the Council on the capital outlay equipment needs for the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr. Thornton advised the Council of the status of the equipment existing now in the department and the need for a large area aerator, a broadcast spreader, a high pressure sprayer and a box scraper. Mr. Thornton provided the budget impact with the proposed purchase of those items and the budget funds allotted for the years 1981 - 82 and 1982 - 83. Mr. Thornton advised that the city staff recommendation was to reapply the funds previously designated for a reel mower for the purchase of needed equipment, with the understanding that in the near future, additional funds may be requested to replace equipment presently in use. The staff also recommends the four items previously mentioned be purchased with the available funds from price quotes from various vendors dealing specifically in turf equipment. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Offutt and seconded by Councilman Rodenbaugh, the Council voted 6 - 0 to approve the recommendations of the city staff as stated. The motion carried. Tax Report - March 31, 1983 (Agenda Item XV -A) Walter Curtis, Tax Collector, presented to and spoke before the Council on the Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of March 31, 1983. The Council briefly reviewed the schedule and discussed the Tax Office facilities in the new Allen Municipal Annex. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Workshop with the North Texas Municipal Water District (Agenda Item XV -B) Mayor Pierson advised the City Council of the upcoming meeting between the City of Allen and the North Texas Municipal Water District scheduled for Thursday, April 28, 1983 at 7:00 p.m. in the Board Room of the North Texas Municipal water District Building in Wylie. Mayor Pierson emphasized the need for attendance by the City Council. The Council briefly discussed the items on the agenda for discussion, that being membership status in the District for the City of Allen and the second water delivery point. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Rowlett Creek Sewer Plant Status Report (Agenda Item XV -C) City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of the recent expansion at the Rowlett Creek Wastewater Treatment Plan located in Plano and how the City of Richardson was not using the antic- ipated capacity they were projected to be using and the costs for the expansion were going to have to be redistributed. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL April 7, 1983 Page 13 Rowlett Creek Sewer Plant Status Report (cont'd) (Agenda Item Xv-C) City Manager McCarty advised the Council that the City of Allen would be paying an additional $19,753 for the 1982 - 83 fiscal year to the North Texas Municipal Water District for the cost of wastewater treatment. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Planning and Management Conference (Agenda Item XV -D) Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised the Council of an upcoming planning and management workshop to be held by the North Central Council of Governments and advised that several members of the Planning and Zoning Commission would be attending. Mr. Petty encouraged the City Council to attend and advise him if they were interested so that reservations can be made. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Jack Decatur Memorial (Agenda Item XV -E) City Manager Jon McCarty presented to the Council a land- scaping plan and the information on a request from the Jack Decatur family for the placement of a memorial at the new Allen Municipal Annex in memory of Jack Decatur, who recently passed away and who was involved in a lot of civic services. IL Mr. McCarty advised that the memorial would be placed at the entrance way and would contain landscaping with trees, ground cover, park bench, and a small plaque. The funds for this memorial had been made by various friends at the request of the Decatur family. Mr. McCarty advised that if the Council approved of the proposed plans, the city staff would meet with Mrs. Decatur and advise her of the plans. It was the consensus of the City Council that the plans for the landscaping and memorial be approved. Executive Session and Appointment of an Alternate to Fill Position Number 2 on the Zoning Board of Adjustments (Agenda Item XVI) The agenda items of an Executive Session for personnel and property; and Consideration of a Appointment of an Alternate to Fill Position Number 2 on the Zoning Board of Adjustment were deferred until the next regular City Council Meeting due to the lateness of this meeting. Adjournment MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 6 - 0 to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at 1:55 a.m. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 21st day _�f April 1963. a C A (ATTACHMENT NO. 1 to April 7, 1983 Council Minutes) 4-7-83 Dear Councilmen: We the undersigned are against the proposed change in zoning on the 16.2 acres South of the Methodist Church of Christ Churches. We are unable to be present at the meeting tonight but urge that you vote against this proposed for the following reasons: 1. Increased traffic on both Jupiter and Greenville Age. It is rediculous to imagine that the traffice will not be affected. 2. Multi -family zoning is not needed in this area. There is already multi -family zoning West of Hiway 5 and South' of Bethany. This would have the multi -family zoning in the South of town in one area. 3 -Multi -family zoning would most certainly adversly affect values already existing family homes in the area. 4. More shopping center zoning is not needed at this Spot on Hiway 5 as there is already existing zoning on South of Bethany and .4 mile North at Cottonwood Creed Mall. Thank you for your consideration again we urge you vote against this proposal. Yours truly, M G