HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-1631-9-98ORDINANCE NO. 1631-9-98 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET AND SETTING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1998, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1999; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, following public notice duly posted and published in all things as required by law, a public hearing was held on August 18, 1998, by and before the City Council of the City of Allen, the subject of which was the amended budget for the 1997-98 Fiscal Year and the proposed budget of the City of Allen for Fiscal Year 1998-99 submitted by the City Manager in accordance with provisions of the City Charter and state statutes; and, WHEREAS, at said public hearing, all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard for or against any item or the amount of any item contained in said budget, and all said persons were heard, after which said public hearing was closed; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, upon full consideration of the matter, is of the opinion that the budget hereinafter set forth is proper and should be approved and adopted; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Subject to the applicable provisions of the state law and City Charter, the City of Allen 1998-99 Operating Budget, with appropriations set therein (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes), for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1998, and terminating September 30, 1999, and amendments to the appropriations for the 1997-98 fiscal year budget as filed and submitted by the City Manager, and adjusted by the City Council, containing estimates of resources and revenues for the year from all of the various sources, and the projects, operations, activities and purchases proposed to be undertaken during the year, together with the estimated costs thereof, and estimated amounts of all other proposed expenditures, is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 2: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 3RD DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1998. APPROVED:OVj/, ZS(Z) Stephen Tene6, MAYOR APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: A. on , CI ATTORNRY Jud Morr , CMC, CITY SECRETARY CERTIFICATION OF DEBT SERVICE PAYMENTS AND FUND BALANCES AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 1998. ' I, Linda Vaughan, Finance Director for the City of Allen, certify that the amount of debt service payments to be paid with 1998 property taxes is $4,248,434 and to the best of my knowledge and belief, that the estimated fund balances will be as follows: 1 M & O Fund Balance $2,747,596 Debt Service Balance 968,850 07 V cwadli..,J LINDA VAUGHAN, FINANCE DIRECTOR DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS ON THIS 3rd DAY OF September 1998. APPROVED: STEPHEN TERRELL, MAYOR ATTEST: JAY MO RISON�CITY SECRETARY CERTIFICATION OF EXCESS DEBT SERVICE COLLECTIONS CITY OF ALLEN FOR TAXABLE YEAR 1998-1999. ' I, Sharon R. Bates, Tax Assessor -Collector for the City of Allen, certify that there were $0 excess debt service taxes collected on the 1997-1998 taxable year. SHARON R. BATES, TAX A/C DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS 3rd DAY OF Septe ber1998. APPROVED: STEPHEN TERRELL, MAYOR ATTEST: JUbY M— OKAISON, CMC, CITY SECRETARY OFFICIAL FILE COPY ' CITY SECRETARY II II � CITY OF ALLEN ANNUAL BUDGET � 1998-1999 it II CITY OF ALLEN TO: HOftIVAABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL FROM: MIC1rAF,A STANGER, ACTING CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ANNUAL BUDGET DATE: DECEMBER 30, 1998 On behalf of the City of Allen staff, and in accordance with the Allen City Charter and state law, it is my privilege to present you the adopted Fiscal Year 1998-99 Budget. The annual budget encompasses an amended plan for the City's revenues and expenditures for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1998, as well as projections for revenues and expenditures for the new fiscal year beginning October 1, 1998. The budget comprises all of the City's functions in the following funds: • General Fund • Recreation Enterprise Fund • Debt Service Fund • Solid Waste Fund • Water & Sewer Fund • Economic Development Corp. Fund • Drainage Fund • Community Development Corp. • Vehicle Replacement Fund Fund The document contains summary sheets for revenues, expenditures, debt service, reserves, and capital improvements. In addition, budget figures are provided for major expenditure categories by department, including the previous year's actual expenditures, the approved budget for FY 1998, the amount expended through the first sixth months of FY 1998, the amended FY 1998 budget, and the adopted budget for FY 1999. The approved Capital Improvements Program (CIP) is contained under separate cover, and periodic updates of the CIP are made throughout the year. Additionally, this document contains a department -by -department listing of all authorized personnel (with a three-year history) and capital items purchased with operating funds. This budget is the fust prepared since the adoption of Policy Governance. Accordingly, I have incorporated new elements and a new format to this budget ONEBUTLERCIRCLE ALLEN, TEXAS 95013 972!127-0100 • FAX 9 7 217 27-0165 EMAIL: co OCLRIIMU-us Page 2 of 5 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Annual Budget December 30, 1998 document, in order to fulfill the Council's Executive Limitations policies. Specifically, a list of budgeting assumptions follows this memorandum in order to state explicitly the factors we considered when estimating revenues and expenditures. A three-year financial forecast, found in the Appendix of this document, gives perspective to the present budget by placing it in the context of the foreseeable future. Perhaps more importantly, this budget is prepared in order to support the Council's Ends policies—the statements that prescribe the outcomes or results that the citizens of Allen require of their city government. Accordingly, all departments have adopted performance goals, stated herein alongside their budgets, which reflect the Council's Ends policies as staff interprets them. What follows in the balance of this cover letter is a narrative or summary of the numbers and performance goals that comprise the budget. GENERALFUND The General Fund provides those services citizens most often associate with local government, such as public safety, parks and recreation, library, planning, transportation, engineering, and City Council expenses. Funding sources include ad valorem property taxes, the one -cent local sales and use tax, and a variety of fees for services. Fiscal year 1998 concluded with the General Fund in very sound condition. Expenditures in the revised budget are slightly ahead (5.1 %) of the original budget, but within revenues for the same period; therefore, no use of excess fund balance (reserves) was required to balance the revised budget. Revenues exceeded expectations this year by just over 5.4%. Expenditures over the original budget are due to these approved expenditures: matching funds to hire six additional police officers by federal grant, addition of a fourth building inspector, severance expenses to the former city manager, and higher than budgeted expenses for the new simulcast radio system and two public information positions. In programmatic terms, FY 1998 was successful as well. In October, the library expanded to evening hours on Mondays, which contributed to 6% additional transactions. In December, the City completed a four-month study of the classification and pay plan, resulting in a new plan that is more fair across the organization and, taken as a whole, equivalent to the geographic and professional markets in which we compete for labor. In March, we completed sewer replacement in the Allenwood addition. In April, the City opened Allen Station Park and its nine new ball fields. May saw the opening of Fire Station #4, improving fire and rescue response to the west side of town. t Page 3 of 5 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Annual Budget December 30, 1998 Fiscal year 1999 features many new programs designed to achieve the Council's Ends policies. Major new programs include: • To improve the chances that we will save lives through emergency medical services (EMS), we will increase the operating hours of our second ambulance from 15 hours to 24 hours per day. • To reduce illegal drug use, we will introduce School Resource Officers (SROs) to the new Allen High School and step up our other community policing efforts. • To improve the responsiveness of the planning function and to support our decision- making with respect to redeveloping the Central Business District (CBD), we are establishing a separate Planning Department. • To improve the responsiveness of the code enforcement (property maintenance) function, I have transferred these inspectors to the Police Department. • To support decision-making on a new five-year Capital Improvements Program (CIP), and to ensure that projects are completed in a timely manner, we will restructure the Community Development Department to focus on capital improvements planning and project management. • To improve call handling and service to Parks and Recreation customers, we will consolidate the department's top administrative staff at one location. • To improve literacy and readership at our library, we will add enough new library materials to meet the Texas State Library's standard of two (2) volumes per capita. These are new programs that deliver services to our customers; other means that are internal to our operations are not discussed in this memo. Overall, spending in the General Fund will increase 17.9%. This is a few percentage points below the growth we have experienced over the past four years. (By comparison, FY 98 expenditures are 20% higher than FY 97's.) To accomplish these programs, the Fund will require a tax rate of $.5750 per $100 of assessed valuation, and the use of $509,834 from excess reserves. The reduction in the fund balance will leave the General Fund at the required 60 days of operating costs. The new tax rate represents an increase in the state -calculated Effective Tax Rate by 3.3%; but in real terns it is a reduction of over one-half cent ($.005), the sixth consecutive year the City Council has reduced the tax rate. The tax rate is based upon an increase in the City's certified tax roll to $1,888,609,909 (reported by the Central Appraisal District of Collin County), a rise of almost 21% versus the previous year. Consequently, the average homeowner's City tax bill will increase 3.98% or less than $26.' ' This calculation uses the average appraised single-family home of $109,136 in 1997 and the 1998 tax rate of $.58058 to get a tax bill of $633.62, against the same home with an increase in value of 4.7% to $114,587 in 1998, and a tax rate of $.5750 to get a tax bill of $658.88. Page 4 of 5 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Annual Budget December 30, 1998 Other revenues are forecast in a conservative manner, given recent economic history. (See page 10.) Deserving special mention is the budget for compensation and benefits plans. This budget includes an overall increase of $545,178 to the pay plan for raises and bonuses in all departments. Part of this figure (almost $79,000) is to raise the minirntltns of every pay range by ten (10) percentage points against the scale. That is, the range from low-end to top -out pay on every job will go from 40% to 30%. Another portion (about $132,000) will go to update pay ranges for public safety, information technology, and certain trade occupations against their present markets. The remainder will go toward all departments for merit raises, at an average increase of 4.5% and a maximum raise of 8%. With these three changes, we can address the City's need to reward meritorious performance and improve our competitiveness for new hires. I have also included funding for an 8% increase to health and dental insurance premiums. An improved benefit I have budgeted is 20 -year retirement in the Texas Municipal Retirement System (TMRS). An employee benefits survey, backed by an employee task force, reports that 20 -year retirement is the highest priority among current employees and an important competitive advantage we can offer recruits. This initiative will cost approximately $30,000 in FY 1999. Adoption of this program requires an ordinance by the City Council. DEBT SERVICE FUND This fund pays off general obligation debt with ad valorem tax revenue. The fund will ' have a $968,850 balance at the end of FY 1998. We have budgeted to use $200,000 of the excess fund balance to pay debt service in 1999. This enabled us to use more of the Effective Tax Rate for operating expenditures. Debt service in 1999 includes new ' payments on the $10,000,000 bond issue sold in 1998. WATER & SEWER FUND A dry year led to more water purchases than originally budgeted. We have revised revenues upward by 3%, and expenditures upward by 4%; however, revenues will easily cover expenditures. No adjustments have been made to anticipate rate changes in FY 1999, but a rate study completed in September indicates that the City should consider an increase to the sewer rate this year.' 1 ' T On December 3, 1998, the Council adopted a new fee schedule, effective January 1, 1999, raising the minimum monthly sewer charge from $10.14 to $10.50; the consumption raw from $.54 per 1,000 gallons to $.6o; and the maximum monddy sewer charge to residential customers from $14.73 to $15.60. we estimate this will generate an additional $100,000 in revenue for FY 1999. No changes were made to ' water rates. ' Page 5 of 5 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council t Annual Budget December 30, 1998 To improve call handling and service to water and sewer customers, an additional call taker has been added to the Public Works Administration budget. RECREATION ENTERPRISE FUND ' The goal for this fund is for user fees to cover all operating expenses of the Joe Farmer Recreation Center, Ford Pool, and all other recreation programs. It is not intended to cover capital investments in those facilities. At the request of certain users, I have ' added operating expenses to extend hours at the Joe Farmer Recreation Center from 9:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on weeknights. DRAINAGE FUND Storm drainage facilities and services are funded by a specific fee charged of all utility customers. The featured capital improvement in this operating budget is phase I of a ' project to reconstruct Mustang Creek in the Shadow Ickes neighborhood. This phase includes dredging, clean-up, and dam repair at a cost of $140,530. (Another estimated ' $162,783 would be required in a future budget for phase II, which includes trail construction, more clean-up, seating areas, crossing repairs, and landscaping.) ' HALF -CENT SALES TAX FUNDS The Allen Economic Development Corporation (AEDC) and the Allen Community Development Corporation (CDC) are each funded by one-half cent sales taxes. Sales ' tax revenues finished a full 25% higher than FY 1997, leaving both of these funds quite robust. In addition, many of the CDC projects budgeted for FY 1998 will not conclude ' until FY 1999, and so expenditures are lower than expected in that fund. CONCLUSION ' This completes the discussion of major features of the amended FY 1998 and adopted FY 1999 budgets, except one. This budget features, for the first time, program measures for each of the City's twelve (12) operating departments. Program treasures ' here encompass effectiveness (how well we are producing the benefits the community needs), effort (how many resources we apply to a given program), and efficiency (how much output we receive for the input we snake to a given program). I am optimistic not ' only that this practice will better enable citizens to appraise the value they receive from city government, but also that it will inspire us to improve upon that value. The program measures are a first effort—not particularly aggressive at this time, and ' certainly not meant to encompass all dimensions of a given function or service. We plan to expand on this analysis as we gain experience with the practice. ' Speaking for the entire staff, we appreciate the opportunity to serve the citizens of Allen. Thank you for your support of the programs and resources contained in this budget. I 1 11 11 II I, GENERAL FUND OVERVIEWS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1j Municipal Court ...................................................................................................................15 ' Fire....................................................................................................................................29 SUMMARIES ' Combined Budget Summary .............................................................................................................1 tCommunity Development.....................................................................................................33 General Fund and Water and Sewer Fund Expenditure Estimate by Department..................................2 Planning.............................................................................................................................35 ProjectedFund Balance ...................................................................................................................3 tBuilding Maintenance ..........................................................................................................37 TaxStructure ..................................................................................................................................5 Finance ..............................................................................................................................39 DebtService Requirement...............................................................................................................6 GeneralFund Revenues...................................................................................................................7 t 1998-99 Fiscal Year Budget.............................................................................................................1 Expenditure Gass cation as a Percent of Total Budget.....................................................................1 I, GENERAL FUND OVERVIEWS I t II General Government........................................................................................................... 1j Municipal Court ...................................................................................................................15 ' Fire....................................................................................................................................29 CityAdministration..............................................................................................................17 ' Personnel...........................................................................................................................19 tCommunity Development.....................................................................................................33 GeneralItems.....................................................................................................................21 I t II Library ...............................................................................................................................27 ' Fire....................................................................................................................................29 Streets...............................................................................................................................31 tCommunity Development.....................................................................................................33 Planning.............................................................................................................................35 tBuilding Maintenance ..........................................................................................................37 Finance ..............................................................................................................................39 I t II TABLE OF CONTENTS continued... MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS Water and Sewer Schedule of Revenues Administration..........................................................................................................vs Waterand Sewer......................................................................................................45 UtilityCollections ......................................................................................................47 EconomicDevelopment.......................................................................................................49 SolidWaste.......................................................................................................................51 VehicleReplacement...........................................................................................................53 DrainageUtility ...................................................................................................................55 Parks & Recreation Enterprise..............................................................................................57 Community Development Corporation..................................................................................59 ' APPENDD( Governance Policies........................................................................................................................61 ' Three -Year Projection......................................................................................................................70 Glossary ............................................................................................................................................I 1 1 1 1 1 1 CITY OF ALLEN COMBINED BUDGET SUMMARY 1998-99 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-1999 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET General Fund $ 11,000,419 $ 12,858,925 $ 13,550,585 $ 15,972,406 Water & Sewer Fund 7,867,768 7,720,949 7,963,155 8,253,075 Economic Development Corporation 1,382,405 1,412,498 1,992,131 1,830,860 Solid Waste 1,437,615 1,631,086 1,506,979 1,582,388 Vehicle Replacement 358,936 369,145 424,706 541,408 Drainage Utility 472,536 467,961 478,464. 647,687 Parks & Recreation Enterprise 311,902 340,349 452,564 497,903 Community Development Corporation 1,213,667 1,528,723 1,693,389 1,826,260 TOTAL REVENUES $ 24,045,248 $ 26,329,636 $ 28,061,973 $ 31,151,987 COMBINED OPERATING xp NDIT IR S/ General Fund $ XP N ES: 11,273,485 $ 12,858,925 $ 13,519,310 $ 15,972,406 Water & Sewer Fund 5,176,492 5,608,998 5,866,145 6,671,575 Economic Development Corporation 3,478,449 1,134,593 1,385,505 1,450,672 Solid Waste 1,454,417 1,620,269 1,471,573 1,547,355 Vehicle Replacement 348,495 51,500 54,340 105,780 Drainage Utility 385,447 354,276 433,281 647,687 Parks & Recreation Enterprise 264,378 281,680 407,309 418,083 Community Development Corporation 2,958 1,528,723 507,375 1,029,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 22,384,121 $ 23,438,964 $ 23,644,838 $ 27,842,858 DEBT SERVICE: ' General Obligation Debt $3,620,852 $ 3,619,566 $3,619,566 $ 4,448,434 Water & Sewer Debt 1,171,494 1,167,694 1,167,694 1,172,113 ' TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 4,792,346 $ 4,787,260 $ 4,787,260 $ 5,620,547 I 1 City of Aien Page 1 98-99 Budget tGENERALFUND 604,174 $ ' CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL FUND AND Water& Sewer 4,513,533 WATER AND SEWER FUND ' EXPENDITURE ESTIMATE BY DEPARTMENT 1998-99 FISCAL YEAR 177,759 $ 175,656 $ 193,797 $ 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET tGENERALFUND 604,174 $ 582,290 $ 617,394 Water& Sewer 4,513,533 4,710,527 4,989,876 General Government $ 177,759 $ 175,656 $ 193,797 $ 193,270 ' Municipal Court 138,090 152,888 152,395 181,128 City Administration 383,224 517,104 720,081 653,047 Personnel 53,617 119,751 120,442 203,327 ' General Items 870,546 657,397 653,754 1,417211 Police 3,081,563 3,569,765 3,833,497 4,605,756 Parks & Recreation 1,615,678 1,768,827 1,946,933 2,146,366 t Library 589,486 734,188 729,332 806,920 Fire Protection 2,713,395 3,297,832 3,267,895 3,686,503 Streets 639,972 752,376 752,969 821,053 ' Community Development 674,605 739,195 780,458 648,204 Planning - 154,855 Building Maintenance 109,523 116,385 109,931 135,012 Finance 226,027 257,561 257,826 319,754 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 11,273,485 $ 12,858,925 $ 13,519,310 $ 15,972,406 WATER AND SEWER FUND Public Works Administration $ 483,530 $ 604,174 $ 582,290 $ 617,394 Water& Sewer 4,513,533 4,710,527 4,989,876 5,570,862 Utility Collections 179,429 294,297 293,979 483,319 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 5,176,492 $ 5,608,998 $ 5,866,145 $ 6,671,575 City of Allen Page 2 98-99 Budget CITY OF ALLEN PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 1998-99 FISCAL YEAR GFNERALFUND Projected Fund Balance at 10/1/98 Use of Reserve Proposed Revenue Proposed Expenditures Estimated Fund Balance at 9130199 Fund Balance Required : 60 days operational expenses DEBT SERVICE - GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Projected Fund Balance at 10/1/98 Budgeted Drawdown of Reserves Tax Revenue @ 99 % Collection Rate Interest On Investments 1998-99 Debt Service -Current Debt Estimated Fund Balance at 9130199 Fund Balance Required : 10% of annual debt service $ 2,774,946 (509,834) $ 15,972,406 (15,972,406) $ 2,265,112 $ 2,265,112 $ 4,205,950 155,000 (4,448,434) $ 968,850 (200,000) $ 681,366 $ 444,843 WATER & SEWER FUND Projected Retained Earnings/Contributed Capital at 10/1/98 $ 23,141,409 Proposed Revenue $ 8,253,075 Proposed Expenditures (7,843,688) Estimated Retained Earnings/Contributed Capital at 9/30199 $ 23,550,796 Projected Fund Balance at 10/1/98 Proposed Revenue Proposed Expenditures Estimated Fund Balance at 9/30199 $ 1,564,991 $ 1,830,860 (1,450,672) $ 1,945,179 City of Allen Page 3 98-99 Budget CITY OF ALLEN PROJECTED FUND BALANCE 1998-99 FISCAL YEAR SOLID WASTE Projected Fund Balance at 10/1/98 $ 291,752 Proposed Revenue $ 1,582,388 Proposed Expenditures (1,547,355) Estimated Fund Balance at 9/30/99 $ 326,785 VEHICLE REPLACEMENT Projected Fund Balance/Contributed Capital at 10/1/98 $ 1,485,047 Proposed Revenue $ 541,408 Proposed Expenditures (105,780) Estimated Fund Balance/Contributed Capital at 9130/99 $ 1,920,675 DRAINAGE UTILITY Projected Fund Balance at 10/1/98 $ 449,574 Use of Reserve (173,002) Proposed Revenue $ 647,687 Proposed Expenditures (647,687) Estimated Fund Balance at 9/30/99 $ 276,572 PARKS & RECREATION ENTERPRISE Projected Fund Balance at 10/1/98 $ 134,158 Proposed Revenue $ 497,903 Proposed Expenditures (418,083) Estimated Fund Balance at 9130/99 $ 213,978 Fund Balance Required: 25% of operational expenses $ 104,521 Projected Fund Balance at 10/1/98 $ 2,346,722 Proposed Revenue $ 1,826,260 Proposed Expenditures (1,029,300) Estimated Fund Balance at 9130/99 $ 3,143,682 City of Allen Page 4 98-99 Budget CITY OF ALLEN TAX STRUCTURE 1998-99 FISCAL YEAR ASSESSED VALUE -1998 $ 1,888,609,909 REVENUE AT $.575 PER $100 VALUATION $ 10,859,507 CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE $ (4,248,434) CONTRIBUTION TO GENERAL FUND $ 6,611,073 99.0% COLLECTION RATE $ 6,544,961 City of Allen Page 5 98-99 Budget TAX RATE DISTRIBUTION RATIO PERCENT AMOUNT GENERAL FUND 0.35005 60.878% $ 6,611,073 DEBIT SERVICE FUND 0.22495 39.122% $ 4,248,434 0.57500 100.000% $ 10,859,507 City of Allen Page 5 98-99 Budget CITY OF ALLEN DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENT 1998-99 FISCAL YEAR GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: $ 8,545,000 3.256.40% 06/01/12 $ 6,190,000 $ 450,000 $ Balance Required Required Total Bond Date of Amount Interest Maturity as of Principal Interest Required Series Issue Issued Rale Dale 1011/98 1998-99 1998-99 1998-1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: $ 8,545,000 3.256.40% 06/01/12 $ 6,190,000 $ 450,000 $ 372,985 $ 822,985 1966 11/01/66 $ 100,000 5.75% 11/01/05 $ 75,000 $ 10,000 $ 4,025 $ 14,025 1979 08/01/79 2,000,000 6.50% 08/01/09 90,000 90,000 6,075 96,075 1981 05/01/81 2,000,000 10.00% 05/01/99 200,000 200,000 20,000 220,000 1984 08101/84 1,970,000 10.00%-13.00% 08101199 320,000 320,000 35,200 355,200 1992 10101192 16,053,921 3.00%6.35% 09/01107 14,713,921 1,000,000 710,353 1,710,353 1994 10/06194 7,015,000 5.50%-8.00% 09/01/15 6,255,000 210,000 398,690 608,690 1996 07/01/96 7,100,000 5.00%-7.00% 09/01/16 6,760,000 220,000 390,080 610,080 1998 04/01198 10,000,000 4.50%6.50% 09/01/18 10,000,000 95,000 739,011 834,011 TOTAL $46,238,921 $38,413,921 $2,145,000 $2,303,434 $4,448,434 WATER 8 SEWER REVENUE BONDS: 1992 07/15/92 $ 8,545,000 3.256.40% 06/01/12 $ 6,190,000 $ 450,000 $ 372,985 $ 822,985 1995 09/01/95 4,100,000 5.125-7.125% 06/01115 3,740,000 135,000 214,128 349,128 TOTAL $12,645,000 $ 9,930,000 $ 585,000 $ 587,113 $1,172,113 City of Allen Page 6 98-99 Budget REVENUES PROPERTY TAXES Current Delinquent Penalty & Interest Miscellaneous FRANCHISE TAXES TU Electric Lone Star Gas Southwestern Bell TCI Cable Solid Waste Other Electric PERMITS & LICENSES Single Family Multi -Family Commercial Building -Other Sign Health Miscellaneous Filing Fees Contractors License Fire Code Animal License FINES & FORFEITURES Municipal Court Fines False Alarm Fines Library Fines CITY OF ALLEN GENERALFUND REVENUES 1998-99 FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET $ 4,461,528 $ 5,387,306 $ 80,355 45,000 26,307 18,710 81,795 - SUBTOTAL $ 4,649,985 $ 5,451,016 $ $ 2,395,329 $ 2,758,997 $ SUBTOTAL $ 2,395,329 $ 2,758,997 $ $ 898,174 $ 950,500 $ 143,872 152,504 130,013 154,342 142,171 149,790 22,692 55,440 13,512 26,485 SUBTOTAL $ 1,350,434 $ 1,489,061 $ SUBTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL $ City of Allen 408,406 $ 44,240 107,770 75,468 24,815 14,775 1,745 95,405 19,555 3,300 16,712 $12,191 $ 291,569 13,000 23,257 327,826 $ Page 7 524,695 $ 40,000 54,600 58,598 27,391 16,830 900 83,000 17,000 2,000 15,000 840,014 $ 375,000 15,000 41,500 431,500 $ 5,407,611 $ 6,544,961 18,305 20,000 20,601 21,000 158,189 184,046 5,604,706 $ 6,585,961 2,924,394 $ 3,519,321 2,924,394 $ 3,519,321 1,002,121 $ 1,012,238 177,823 190,271 154,342 183,527 161,444 184,046 73,924 77,620 45,798 49,004 1,615,452 $ 1,696,706 698,089 $ 741,846 160,000 160,000 80,407 80,000 76,382 84,700 25,700 28,500 16,730 17,671 1,276 1,000 95,450 96,000 17,000 17,850 4,850 5,100 20,000 25,000 1,195,884 $ 1,257,667 400,000 425,000 12,350 12,200 31,797 35,000 444,147 $ 472,200 98-99 Budget CITY OF ALLEN GENERALFUND REVENUES 1998-99 FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET R1P�IaCPIa��-1�Pl�li1 School Resource Officer $ 27,775 $ 70,200 $ 70,200 $ 158,454 Subdivision Sign 26,568 17,500 20,988 18,000 SUBTOTAL $ 54,343 $ 87,700 $ 91,188 $ 176,454 CHARGES FOR SERVICE Ambulance $ 243,417 $ 199,070 $ 295,137 $ 354,000 SUBTOTAL $ 243,417 $ 199,070 $ 295,137 $ 354,000 County Library $ 2,349 $ 7,450 $ 7,450 $ 7,450 COPS FAST Grant 32,298 35,000 38,359 - COPS UHP Grant - - 28,342 186,693 Library Donations 7,710 3,800 3,933 4,500 SUBTOTAL $ 42,357 $ 46,250 $ 78,084 $ 198,643 MISCELLANEOUS St. Light Surcharge $ 16,800 $ 16,800 $ 16,800 $ 16,800 Interest Income 213,792 203,500 209,888 220,382 Reinspection Fees 33,760 27,000 66,021 66,000 Inspection Fees 162,363 84,000 181,377 126,000 Sale of Materials 9,891 7,300 9,172 9,400 Miscellaneous 72,152 20,535 27,316 21,444 Mixed Drink Tax 6,037 5,080 5,803 6,093 Alarm Registration 46,465 50,000 50,000 55,000 Court Fees 60 160 120 120 Cemetery Revenues 7,150 10,000 2,625 - SUBTOTAL $ 568,470 $ 424,375 $ 569,122 $ 521,239 Operating Transfer In $ 556,067 $ 459,508 $ 732,471 $ 680,381 Use of Reserve Fund - 671,434 - 509,834 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE $ 11,000,419 $ 12,858,925 $ 13,550,585 $ 15,972,406 City of Allen Page 8 98-99 Budget U) W m a N xW W N m Zc N aR' W N LL Q N N m a CITY OF ALLEN 1998-99 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET Assumptions Used for Projecting 1998-99 Revenues 1. Tax rate used = $ .575 Based on approved assessed value of $1,888,609,909 2. Growth in sales tax revenue of 12% and additional $300,000 from Home Depot FY 98 sales taxes through August running 22% higher than same period FY 97 Average increase over past 3 years has been 13% 3. Growth in franchise fees of an average of 8% 4. Overall city growth factor of 5% used Permits and Licenses revenue category impacted 5. Since infrastructure activity this FY 98 increased substantially over expectation expect a decrease in FY 99 6. Continued growth in traffic tickets Average increase over past 3 years has been 43.7% I I City of Allen Page 10 1 98-99 Budget CITY OF ALLEN EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL BUDGET 1998-99 FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 1996-97 %OF REVISED %OF 1998-99 %OF ACTUAL ACTUAL B D T BUOGEf BUDGET HUDGET Personnel Salary $ 6,063,411 53.78% $ 7,276,844 Personnel Benefits 1,687,808 1,687,265 14.97% 462,353 2,033,877 Operating Expenditures 469,523 1,292,548 11.47% 678,436 1,531,640 Supplies 509,462 244,296 2.17% 757,972 301,982 Maintenance 564,048 463,487 4.11% 500,652 Professional Service 507,669 4.50% 557,730 Miscellaneous 374,235 3.32% 468,894 Strategic Planning 232,832 2.07% 115,083 Capital Outlays 407,742 3.62% 732,608 TOTAL $ 11,273,485 $ 13,519,310 WATER AND SEWER FUND Personnel Services $ 1,156,719 22.35% $ 1,353,014 Operating Expenditures 3,043,269 58.79% 3,344,651 Supplies 53,445 1.03% 52,148 Maintenance 79,831 1.54% 91,022 Contract Services 39,767 0.77% 62,307 Miscellaneous 534,871 10.33% 625,046 Capital Outlays 268,590 5.19% 337,957 TOTAL $ 5,176,492 $ 5,666,145 53.83% $ 8,326,209 52.13% 15.04% 2,516,595 15.76% 11.33% 1,687,808 10.57% 2.23% 462,353 2.89% 3.70% 469,523 2.94% 4.13% 678,436 4.25% 3.47% 509,462 3.19% 0.85% 757,972 4.75% 5.42% 564,048 3.53% $ 15,972,406 23.06% $ 1,548,003 23.20% 57.02% 3,604,865 54.03% 0.89% 66,655 1.00% 1.55% 117,250 1.76% 1.06% 30,100 0.45% 10.66% 876,711 13.14% 5.76% 427,991 6.42% $ 6,671,575 City of Allen Page 11 98-99 Budget Al ! ) ■ r �)� Im �ag •a ; � a ) ■ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I DEPARTMENT OVERVIEWS 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW DEPARTMENT: DESCRIPTION The City Secretary's Office strives for excellence by providing efficient and effective quality service, responding to needs and anticipating future growth so that public confidence in city government is enhanced. U1 VA 4: A. Improve voter turnout B. Respond promptly to requests for documents so that resident citizens and others have information they need when they need R C. Respond promptly (and accurately) to requests for solicitors' permits so that solicitors honor the process D. Provide increased support for records management, so that all departments comply with records retention schedules PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECiIVENE55 FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal EFFICIENCY A. Cost of elections per voter $2.25 EFFORT B. Percentage of requests for copies within 2 days N/A 98% C. Percentage of solicitors' permits ready within 2 days N/A 98% D. Offer an annual records destruction program City of Allen Page 13 98-99 Budget D:GENERAL EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 77,842 $ 82,941 $ 83,386 $ 93,649 Personnel Benefits 18,583 19,424 20,420 21,381 Operating Expenditures 28,717 27,466 30,679 55,925 Supplies 9,987 10,500 12,852 13,100 Maintenance 513 655 499 655 Professional Services 10 - 1,172 1,400 City Council Expense 38,757 33,320 43,375 6,160 Miscellaneous - 1,000 1,064 1,000 Capital Outlays 3,350 350 350 - Department Total $ 177,759 $ 175,656 $ 193,797 $ 193,270 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET TIME City Secretary 1 1 1 1 Administrative Secretary 1 1 1 0 Assistant City Secretary 0 0 0 1 Total Full Time 2 2 2 2 r TIME Department Secretary 0 0 0 1 Total Part Time 0 0 0 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 14 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW I DEPARTMENT: MUNICIPAL COURT FUND: GENERAL I DESCRIPTION The Municipal Court exists for safety of the community through the impartial and timely adjudication of criminal cases under municipal law. EFFECTIVENESS EFFICIENCY EFFORT OBJECTIVES PROGRAM MEASURES Process citations within 24 hours Juvenile court notification within 24 hours Delinquent notices sent within 24 hours of non-compliance Warrants issued within 30 days of non-compliance City of Allen Page 15 98-99 Budget EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 106,922 $ 116,570 $ 114,500 $ 133,146 Personnel Benefits 24,218 25,466 25,868 33,902 Operating Expenditures 5,894 7,852 9,050 11,180 Supplies 738 1,400 1,377 2,900 Maintenance 73 - - - CapitalOutlays 245 1,600 1,600 - F TIME Department Total $ 138,090 $ 152,888 $ 152,395 $ 181,128 PERSONNEL SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 16 98-99 Budget 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET TIME Municipal Court Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Municipal Court Clerk 1 1 1 2 Total Full Time 2 2 2 3 F TIME Judge 1 1 1 1 Municipal Court Clerk 1 1 1 1 Total Part Time 2 2 2 2 CAPITAL OUTLAY No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 16 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW I DEPARTMENT: CITY ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL I DESCRIPTION The City Manager's office exists to assure the organization's accomplishments of the Council's stated Ends and that city government operates within the boundaries of prudence and ethics established in the Council's Executive Limitations. The City Manager's office includes the public information and information technology (IT) services. OBJECTIVES Improve the quality and responsiveness of IT services. PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECRVENE55 - FY 98 FY 99 Percentage of management employees who rate IT services as "good" or "excellent" N/A 85% Percentage of non -management employees who rate IT services as "good" or "excellent" N/A 85% EFFICIENCY EFFORT Ratio of computer users to IT staff 108:1 77:1 (estimate) City of Allen Page 17 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT: CITY ADMINISTRATION FUND: GENERAL EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 267,834 $ 368,705 $ 524,334 $ 457,296 Personnel Benefits 63,306 86,132 112,850 107,548 Operating Expenditures 26,087 39,402 38,694 65,728 Supplies 2,502 4,000 4,113 4,340 Maintenance 263 365 104 185 Professional Services 18,925 18,500 39,986 17,950 Capital Outlays 4,307 - Department Total $ 383,224 $ 517,104 $ 720,081 $ 653,047 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FULL TIME City Manager 1 1 1 1 Assistant City Manager 1 1 1 1 Executive Secretary 1 1 1 1 Administrative Secretary 1 1 1 1 Receptionist 1 1 1 1 IT Systems Administrator 1 1 1 2 IT Project Manager 0 1 1 1 Public Information Officer 1 1 1 1 Total Full Time 7 8 8 9 PART TIME Department Secretary 0 _ 1 1 0 Temporary Assistant City Manager 0 0 1 1 Total Part Time 0 1 2 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 18 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW I DEPARTMENT: PERSONNEL FUND: GENERAL I DESCRIPTION The Personnel Department provides support to all City of Allen departments by administering the human resources activities necessary to maintain positive and productive employer-employee relationships within the organization. OBJECTIVES Improve customer satisfaction with Human Resources (HR) services. EFFECTIVENESS PROGRAM MEASURES FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal Full-time Population Full-time Population 247 271 Percentage of management employees who rate the quality of HR services as "good" or "excellent" N/A 85% Percentage of non -management employees who rate the quality of HR services as "good" or "excellent' N/A 85% EFFICIENCY EFFORT Spending per employee $487.62 $750.28 City of Allen Page 19 98-99 Budget EXPENSE SUMMARY PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 SIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGETMEA NDED BUDG Personnel Salary $ 17,983 $ 79,822 $ 79,547 $ 99,596 Personnel Benefits 4,560 22,399 21,246 29,643 Operating Expenditures 1,290 6,730 7,775 9,878 Supplies 466 BDO 955 6,950 Maintenance 33 - - - Professional Services 28,610 10,000 10,119 38,060 Miscellaneous Expenses - - 800 19,200 Capital Outlays 675 - - Department Total $ 53,617 $ 119,751 $ 120,442 $ 203,327 PERSONNEL SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 20 98-99 Budget 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET TIME Director 0 1 1 1 Personnel Technician 0 1 1 1 Department Secretary 0 0 0 1 Total Full Time 0 2 2 3 CAPITAL OUTLAY No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 20 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW DEPARTMENT: GENERAL ITEMS FUND: GENERAL DESCRIPTION The General Items budget, administered by the City Manager's office, captures expenses that are shared between many departments. OBJECTIVES PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS EFFICIENCY EFFORT City of Allen Page 21 98-99 Budget GENERAL EXPENSE SUMMARY No personnel for this department PERSONNEL SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY -RIPTION 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 SIFICATION ACTU BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Benefits $ - $ - $ - $ 39,397 Operating Expenditures 217,463 61,313 140,769 107,066 Supplies 17,784 14,100 59,389 147,077 Maintenance 128 - 460 500 Professional Services 25,747 58,630 14,092 25,179 Contract Services 249,087 209,954 272,600 276,020 Miscellaneous Expenses 20,059 5,000 12,831 - Strategic Planning 232,832 266,910 115,083 757,972 Capital Outlays 107,446 41,490 38,530 64,000 Department Total $ 870,546 $ 657,397 $ 653,754 $ 1,417,211 No personnel for this department PERSONNEL SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY -RIPTION 1998-99 BUDGET Dispatch Digital 16 -Channel Recording System $ 25,000 Microsoft NT Server 18,000 AS/400 Upgrade Memory and DASD, Including Installation 14,000 Allem Cabinet Extension With Recabling and Installation 7,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 64,000 City of Allen Page 22 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW [DEPARTMENT: POLICE FUND: GENERAL I DESCRIPTION The City Charter provides for the Allen Police Department to preserve order within the city limits and secure the residents from violence and property loss. Beginning in FY 1999, the Police Department will combine animal control and property maintenance functions into a Code Enforcement Division, which exists to prevent fre, crime, illness and injury. A. B. C. D. E. G. H. I. Reduce complaints against officers (EL 3.1) Increase the number of citizens reporting they feel safe in Allen Reduce the incidence of drug use In Allen Make Allen's crime rate the lowest in the Metroplex Reduce number of reported accidents in Allen Improve emergency preparedness Improve property maintenance conditions city-wide Improve turnaround time on code enforcement violations PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal Population - 36,953 Population — 40,354 A. Complaints against officers/1,000 population 1.8 (1998 est.) 1.5 B. Percentage of citizens reporting they feel safe 97%(1997) 99% C. Number of drug overdoses 10 (1998 YTD) s10 D. UCR Index Crimes/1,000 citizens 1996 Actual 1998 Estimate Allen 33.67 27.84 Frisco 34.11 19.89 Wylie 35.87 39.69 Carrollton 38.91 40.04 E. Reported amidents/1,000 citizens 1997 Actual 1998 Est. 1999 Gaal Allen 30.8 27.0 24.3 Plano Frisco H. Percentage of residents reporting "not a problem" in following areas: 1997 Actual 1999 Goal Trash and litter 64% 85% Housing in need of repair 73% 85% Weeds and unmowed grass 65% 85% Stray animals 74% 85% 1. Average time from receipt of complaint to administrative resolution - property maintenance 17 days (est.) J. Percentage of complaints resolved after first notice 80% EFFICIENCY EFFORT F. Spending per capita FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal Allen $103.20 $107.06 Plano Frisco G. Emergency drills -0- 1 City of Allen Page 23 98-99 Budget EXPENSE SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 iSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 1,963,810 $ 2,198,631 $ 2,139,728 $ 2,730,358 Personnel Benefits 562,862 656,203 627,620 880,084 Operating Expenditures 221,871 252,587 274,935 290,924 Supplies 73,871 47,200 48,748 71,700 Maintenance 111,248 111,250 134,450 116,020 Professional Services 24,081 5,000 20,675 34,160 Miscellaneous 83,082 103,894 120,006 171,788 Capital Outlays 40,738 195,000 467,335 310,722 Department Total $ 3,081,563 $ 3,569,765 $ 3,833,497 $ 4,605,756 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 TIME BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Police Chief 1 1 1 1 Police Captain 2 2 2 3 Police Sergeant 6 6 6 9 Police Officer 30 35 41 44 Police Services Technician 1 1 1 1 Communications Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Communications Technician 7 7 7 8 Support Services Technician 1 1 1 1 Police Records Technician 2 2 2 2 Department Secretary 2 2 2 2 Administrative Secretary 0 0 0 1 Property Maintenance Inspector 1 1 1 1 Code Enforcement Officer 1 1 1 1 Animal Control Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Animal Control Officer 1 2 2 2 Shelter Attendant 1 1 1 1 Total Full Time 58 64 70 79 CAPITAL OUTLAY ' City of Allen Page 24 98-99 Budget 1998-99 ;RIPTION BUDGET 4 Fully Equipped Patrol Vehicles $ 127,234 3 SRO Vehicles (Half of the cost Shared with the School District) 76,200 2 Community Relation Vehicles 30,000 1 Inspection Service Vehicle 15,000 1 CID Vehicle 15,000 4 Sets of Office Equipment for Additional Officers 15,925 17 Portable Radios 31,363 Total Capital Outlay $ 310,722 ' City of Allen Page 24 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW FUND: GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Parks and Recreation Department strives to provide park facilities and recreation programs that enhance the aesthetic value of the City and help our citizens more fully enjoy life in Allen. OBJECTIVES Improve the quality of park properties Provide recreation programs that meet the needs of all ages and abilities Manage the growth of park and recreation resources in an effort to maximize the use of tax dollars PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal Population — 36,953 Population — 40,354 Percentage of citizens reporting that they believe City of Allen parks help them enjoy life more fully N/A 85% Percentage of citizens reporting they believe parks maintenance is "good" or "excellent" 72%(1997) 85% EFFICIENCY Cost per pool participant $1.67 (1997) Cost per recreation center participant $5.17 (1997) EFFORT Spending per capita Allen $52.69 $52.17 Peer cities (average) $62.38 Park acres per 1,000 citizens (total = 407 acres) 11.01 10.08 Spending per acre $4,783.62 $5,172.69 FTE per 1,000 citizens .68 .72 City of Allen Page 25 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT: PARKS & RECREATION FUND:GENERAL EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 661,584 $ 748,116 $ 765,828 $ 838,682 Personnel Benefits 186,226 224,984 220,363 252,735 Operating Expenditures 283,815 276,411 447,440 469,430 Supplies 62,506 87,036 95,441 121,292 Maintenance 140,991 159,558 173,289 163,485 Professional Services 100,360 129,450 139,115 200,293 Miscellaneous Expenses 71,881 43,272 43,891 47,549 Capital Outlays 108,315 100,000 61,566 52,900 Department Total $ 1,615,678 $ 1,768,827 $ 1,946,933 $ 2,146,366 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 FULL TIME BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Administrative Secretary 1 1 1 1 Park Superintendent 1 1 1 1 Park Operation Supervisor 2 2 2 2 Mechanic Shop Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Equipment Operator 2 3 3 0 Crew Leader 0 0 0 3 Parks Maintenance Technician 0 0 0 1 Maintenance Worker 6 7 7 9 Chemical Technician 1 1 1 1 Irrigation Technician 1 1 1 1 Athletic Program Supervisor 1 1 1 0 Athletic Superintendent 0 0 0 1 Recreation Superintendent 1 1 1 1 Recreation Center Supervisor 1 1 1 2 Recreation Specialist II 2 2 2 1 Custodian 1 1 1 1 Total Full Time 22 24 24 27 PARTTIME Maintenance Worker 1 1 1 2 Attendant 0 0 0 1 Recreation Specialist I 11 11 10 10 Total Part Time 12 12 11 13 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION 1998-99 BUDGET Replace One Ton Pickup (Remainder covered in Vehicle Replacement Fund) $ 13,300 16 Radios 22,400 Utility Truck for Ball Fields 6,700 15' Finish Cut Pull Mower 10,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 52,900 I, City of Allen Page 26 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY FUND: GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Allen Public Library is dedicated to improving the quality of life of its users by supporting their lifelong learning and information needs. (Plan of Service 1993-1996.) OBIECTIVES Increase readership, literacy and other learning activities while controlling costs. PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS FY 97 Actual FY 98 Actual FY 99 Population — 33,569 Population — 36,953 Population — 40,354 Circulation per capita Allen 9.1 8.52 (est.) 10.0 goal Public libraries (Population 25,000-49,999) 9.9 N/A N/A EFFICIENCY Cost per material checked out $1.94 $2.32 $1.81 EFFORT Spending per capita Allen $17.56 $19.74 $18.16 Public libraries (Population 25,000-49,999) $37.28 N/A N/A Materials per capita 1.89 1.96 City of Allen Page 27 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY FUND: GENERAL EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUD Personnel Salary $ 345,021 $ 423,155 $ 412,928 $ 438,608 Personnel Benefits 77,669 94,685 95,270 100,490 Operating Expenditures 98,850 108,389 111,586 196,760 Supplies 16,910 17,000 18,567 24,110 Maintenance 33,021 19,640 19,171 15,500 Professional Services 17,042 11,953 12,444 16,452 Capital Outlays 973 59,366 59,366 15,000 Department Total $ 589,486 $ 734,188 $ 729,332 $ 806,920 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGE! BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FULL TIME Director 1 1 1 1 Support Services Manager 1 1 1 1 Librarian Supervisor 0 0 0 2 Librarian 3 3 2 0 Circulation Supervisor 1 1 1 1 Library Associate 1 1 1 1 Administrative Secretary 0 0 0 1 Department Secretary 1 1 1 0 Circulation Clerk 1 1 1 1 Total Full Time 9 9 8 8 PART TIME Librarian 2 2 3 5 Ubrary Clerk 6 6 6 6 Library Page 3 3 3 3 Library Technician 1 3 3 1 Total Part Time 12 14 SS 15 TEMPORARY Library Page 2 2 2 2 Total Temporary 2 2 2 2 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION 1998-99 BUDGET Fiche/Film Reader -Printer $ 15,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 15,000 City of Allen Page 28 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Allen Fire Department promotes safety by protecting life and property from fire, natural disaster and other emergencies. OBJECTIVES A. Minimize the loss of life due to fire B. Minimize the loss of property due to fire C. Improve the capability of emergency medical services, fire response and suppression while controlling costs PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal Population — 36,953 Population — 40,354 A. Lives lost in fires (fire) -0- -0- B. Fire loss/$1,000 of assessed value (city-wide) $.15 $.15 (calendar 1997) EFFICIENCY C. Cost per call (fire and EMS) $1,598 (est.) $1,640 EFFORT D. Spending per capita Allen $88.43 $91.39 Plano $84.67 Flower Mound $64.22 McKinney $82.30 Frisco $94.16 E. ISO Rating Allen 5 4 Plano 2 1 Flower Mound 5 McKinney 4 Frisco 5 2 City of Allen Page 29 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT: FIRE FUND:GENERAL EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 1,780,628 $ 2,259,102 $ 2,180,663 $ 2,485,176 Personnel Benefits 510,989 653,285 627,158 734,798 Operating Expenditures 121,153 136,357 148,635 142,283 Supplies 42,130 41,300 43,220 47,500 Maintenance 33,296 22,900 31,649 25,400 Professional Services 26,942 20,000 34,282 30,472 Miscellaneous 91,756 107,838 145,238 154,633 Capital Outlays 106,501 57,050 57,050 66,241 Department Total $ 2,713,395 $ 3,297,832 $ 3,267,895 $ 3,686,503 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FULL TIME Fire Chief 1 1 1 1 Assistant Fire Chief 2 3 3 3 Fire Captain 9 12 12 12 Firefighter 37 46 46 48 Fire Inspector 0 0 0 1 Administrative Secretary 1 1 1 1 Total Full Time 50 63 63 66 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION 1998-99 UD 1 Four Door Utility Vehicle $ 26,544 1 One and Half Ton Pickup 18,197 Hydraulic Rescue Tool 5,000 30 Portable Radios 16,500 Total Capital Outlay $ 66,241 City of Allen Page 30 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW FUND: G DESCRIPTION The Streets Department promotes safety, economic well-being and quality of life through the design, construction and maintenance of public streets and alleys. OBJECTIVES A. To improve the overall condition of Allen's streets and alleys B. To improve citizen satisfaction with construction and maintenance projects PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS Fy 98 Actual FY 99 Goal 82 Center -line Miles 88 Center -line Miles (est.) Population — 36,953 Population — 40,354 A. Percentage of center -line miles in satisfactory condition B. Percentage of citizens reporting that the quality of our streets is satisfactory or better 58%(1997) 75% C. Accidents due to inadequate traffic control devices -0- EFFICIENCY D. Cost per satisfactory center -line mile E. Cost per satisfied citizen EFFORT Spending per capita (maintenance only) $20.38 $20.36 Spending per center -line mile $9,182.55 $9,335.86 City of Allen Page 31 98-99 Budget D:GENERAL PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Foreman 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 SIFICATION ACTU BUDGET AMENDE BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 137,509 $ 176,080 $ 173,705 $ 196,788 Personnel Benefits 51,861 680141 67,109 76,642 Operating Expenditures 216,109 231,879 232,474 244,913 Supplies 5,356 4,350 4,437 4,450 Maintenance 132,048 125,600 130,172 132,443 Professional Services 1,851 1,500 1,500 1,500 Miscellaneous 68,700 107,696 101,689 109,132 Capital Outlays 26,538 37,130 41,883 55,185 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Foreman 1 1 1 1 Crew Leader 1 1 1 1 Equipment Operator 1 1 1 2 Maintenance Worker 3 4 4 4 Total Full Time 6 7 7 8 CAPITAL OUTLAY 7RIPTION 1998-99 BUDGET One Ton Pickup $ 28,000 5 Radios 9,185 Subtotal 37,185 Capital Items In Base Budget 1998-99 18,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 55,165 City of Allen Page 32 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND: GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Department of Community Development is a multi -function department charged with the responsibility of managing capital improvement programs and compliance with building codes and sign ordinance. OBJECTIVES Manage development of a new five-year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) EFFECTIVENESS EFFICIENCY EFFORT PROGRAM MEASURES FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal Number of Councilmembers reporting satisfaction with quality and timeliness of new CIP N/A 7 Turnaround time for residential plans (in working days) 12 5 Building inspection time per stop 14 minutes 20 minutes New CIP completed on time N/A January Intersection improvements completed N/A I to achieve LOS "C' City of Allen Page 33 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND: GENERAL EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 500,117 $ 534,277 $ 562,907 $ 445,591 Personnel Benefits 128,243 138,807 147,602 118,844 Operating Expenditures 37,722 49,694 52,498 40,340 Supplies 4,518 6,100 6,197 5,710 Maintenance 2,385 1,915 1,902 6,365 Professional Services 1,268 4,752 5,224 31,354 Capital Outlays 352 3,650 4,128 - Department Total $ 674,605 $ 739,195 $ 780,458 $ 648,204 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 FULL TIME BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Director 1 1 1 1 Building Official 1 1 1 1 Code Compliance Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Code Inspector 3 3 4 4 Com Dev Project Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Environmental Health Inspector 1 1 1 1 Plans Examiner 0 0 0 1 Permit Technician 1 1 1 1 Total Full Time 9 9 10 11 PARTTIME Account Clerk I 1 1 1 1 Total Part Time 1 1 1 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 34 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW PLANNING DESCRIPTION The Planning Department, new in FY 1999, will promote safety, a healthy environment, economic well- being, quality of life and safe and efficient transportation by advising the City Council and other boards, and by enforcing their policies with respect to urban planning issues. OBJECTIVES Improve Councilmembers' satisfaction with quality of City's decision-making on planning and zoning matters. PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal FTE = 5 FTE = 4 Number of Councilmembers reporting satisfaction with decision support on planning and zoning issues N/A 7 (goal) EFFICIENCY Zoning cases completed per employee 9 (estimate) 11.25 (estimate) Acres per zoning case 80 (YTD) Plats processed per employee 14.4 (estimate) 18 (estimate) EFFORT City of Allen Page 35 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT: PLANNING FUND:GENERAL EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ - $ - $ - $ 111,459 Personnel Benefits - - - 30,219 Operating Expenditures - - - 11,041 Supplies - - - 1,900 Professional Services - - - 236 Department Total $ - $ - $ - $ 154,855 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 FULL TIME BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Planner 1 1 1 1 Development Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Department Secretary 1 1 1 1 Total Full Time 3 3 3 3 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 36 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW IDEPARTMENT: BUILDING MAINTENANCE FUND: GENERAL I DESCRIPTION The Building Maintenance Department's purpose is to promote safety, health and dignified working conditions for City employees and visitors using City facilities. OBJECTIVES To improve customer satisfaction with the cleanliness of City offices. PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS FY 98 Actual FY 99 Coal Percentage of employees who rate the cleanliness of City offices, including public areas as "good" or "excellent" N/A 85% EFFICIENCY EFFORT Square feet cleaned per employee 22,600 15,066 Spending per square foot $2.43 $2.99 City of Allen Page 37 98-99 Budget PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 iSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 49,187 $ 59,521 $ 51,128 $ 68,431 Personnel Benefits 18,795 20,426 22,322 27,742 Operating Expenditures 18,732 16,838 16,903 18,239 Supplies 5,962 5,000 4,991 6,800 Maintenance 8,545 8,800 8,787 8,800 Professional Services - 5,000 5,000 5,000 Capital Outlays 8,302 B00 800 - DepartmentTotal ; 109,523 $ 116,385 $ 109,931 $ 135,012 PERSONNEL SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 38 98-99 Budget 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET TIME Lead Custodian 1 1 1 1 Custodian 1 1 1 2 Total Full Time 2 2 2 3 f TIME Custodian 1 1 1 0 Total Part Time 1 1 1 0 CAPITAL OUTLAY No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 38 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW I DEPARTMENT: FINANCE FUND: GENERAL 1 DESCRIPTION The Finance Department's purpose is to assist the City Manager and all departments in planning and maintaining the city's financial health. PIAIAG" i` *1 PROGRAM MEASURES I EFFECTIVENESS EFFICIENCY EFFORT Obtain CAFR certification for the FY 98 Financial Report. City of Allen Page 39 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT: FINANCE FUND:GENERAL EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 154,974 $ 189,162 $ 188,190 $ 227,429 Personnel Benefits 39,953 48,037 46,049 63,170 Operating Expenditures 14,845 18,417 20,202 24,101 Supplies 1,566 1,445 1,695 4,524 Maintenance 943 500 169 170 Professional Services 13,746 - 1,521 360 Department Total $ 226,027 $ 257,561 $ 257,826 $ 319,754 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FULL TIME Director 1 1 1 1 Accounting Manager 1 1 1 1 Accountant 1 1 1 1 Budget Analyst 0 0 0 1 Department Secretary 0 0 0 1 Accounting Assistant II 1 1 1 1 Total Full Time 4 4 4 6 PARTTIME Accounting Assistant II 0 1 1 1 Total Part Time 0 1 1 1 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 40 98-99 Budget OPERATING REVENUE¢ Water Sales Sewer Charges Connections Penalties Reconnections Miscellaneous CITY OF ALLEN WATER AND SEWER FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 1998-99 FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET $ 4,713,766 $ 4,730,868 $ 4,730,848 $ 4,967,411 ' 1,840,561 1,863,000 1,863,000 1,956,150 112,460 76,162 141,000 141,200 ' 144,836 151,638 162,089 162,000 10,819 7,711 15,986 16,000 14,672 8,230 9,257 9,400 ' SUBTOTAL $ 6,837,114 $ 6,837,609 $ 6,922,180 $ 7,252,161 1 Development Fees - Water $ 382,900 $ 382,900 $ 403,628 $ 382,900 Development Fees - Sewer 128,800 128,800 82,800 82,800 ' Inspection Fees 111,873 87,500 132,838 87,500 Interest Income 323,659 180,500 314,253 328,895 Operating Transfer In 83,422 103,640 107,456 118,819 ' SUBTOTAL $ 1,030,654 $ 883,340 $ 1,040,976 $ 1,000,914 TOTAL WATER & SEWER FUND REVENUES $ 7,867,768 $ 7,720,949 $ 7,963,155 $ 8,253,075 1 City of Allen Page 41 98-99 Budget ' 11 1 N W Z 1 w ww C) ' pw z> LLC) U w ' N W 3 LL w m m y � ' o Z m a� � 1 w a 3 1 1 1 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i DEPARTMENT OVERVIEWS 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW D�TMENT: ADMINISTRATION FUND: WATER & SEWER I DESCRIPTION Public Works Administration leads and supports all water, wastewater, drainage, streets, solid waste and recycling functions of the City. I EFFECTIVENESS fiY7ty19�P11 I EFFORT City of Allen OBJECTIVES PROGRAM MEASURES Page 43 98-99 Budget ' Department Total $ 483,530 $ 604,174 $ 582,290 $ 617,394 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 ;SIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 321,654 $ 448,018 $ 425,535 $ 445,322 Personnel Benefits 80,697 113,007 106,188 112,937 Operating Expenditures 31,783 33,949 36,653 36,850 Supplies 2,367 3,300 5,089 5,000 Maintenance 757 500 519 750 Professional Services 16,208 2,000 4,906 5,000 Capital Outlay 30,064 3,400 3,400 11,535 Department Total $ 483,530 $ 604,174 $ 582,290 $ 617,394 PERSONNEL SUMMARY €rrm. Total Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY 1998-99 BUDGET $ 11,535 $ 11,535 City of Allen Page 44 98-99 Budget 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET TIME Director I 1 1 1 Public Works Superintendent 1 1 1 1 Traffic Engineer 0 1 1 1 Graduate Civil Engineer 1 1 1 1 Construction Inspector 3 4 4 4 Customer Service Rep. 1 1 0 0 Recycling Coordinator 0 0 1 1 Administrative Secretary 1 1 1 1 Drafter 1 1 1 1 Total Full Time 9 11 11 11 €rrm. Total Capital Outlay CAPITAL OUTLAY 1998-99 BUDGET $ 11,535 $ 11,535 City of Allen Page 44 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW DEPARTMENT: DESCRIPTION The "Water & Sewer Department" is a division of the Public Works Department having responsibility for delivering water and wastewater between Allen customers and the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD). OBJECTIVES PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal Water samples pass TNRCC lab tests 100% YTD 100% Sewer discharges to creeks or lakes -0- EFFICIENCY EFFORT City of Allen Page 45 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT: WATER & SEWER FUND: WATER & SEWER EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 479,136 $ 532,515 $ 498,331 $ 618,925 Personnel Benefits 150,725 167,291 157,762 204,924 Operating Expenditures 2,963,601 3,206,491 3,219,734 3,477,490 Supplies 48,860 47,000 44,799 59,050 Maintenance 74,255 85,000 88,657 113,900 Professional Services 23,559 45,000 49,990 25,000 Miscellaneous 534,871 373,705 625,046 655,117 Capital Outlay 238,526 253,525 305,557 416,456 Department Total $ 4,513,533 $ 4,710,527 $ 4,989,876 § 5,570,862 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FULL TIME Foreman 1 1 1 2 Pump Station Operator 4 4 4 4 Crew Leader 3 3 3 4 Equipment Operator 3 4 4 5 Meter Service Technician 3 3 3 3 Maintenance Worker 4 4 4 5 Total Full Time 18 19 19 23 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION 1998-99 BUDGET 1 Replacement Crew Chief Pickup ( Remainder covered in Vehicle Replacement Fund) $ 8,569 1 Replacement Meter Reader Pickup ( Remainder covered in Vehicle Replacement Fund) 2,928 1 Crew Chief Truck 25,849 2 Pickup 28,883 1300 Water Meters 37,050 Replacement Vacuum / Jet Truck (Shared with Drainage & Vehicle Replacement Funds) 48,000 Pumps For Lucas Pump Station 37,796 Manhole Forms 8,500 13 Radios 23,881 Subtotal $ 221,456 Capital Items In Base Budget 1998-99 $ 195,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 416,456 I, City of Allen Page 46 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW DEPARTMENT: UTILITY COLLECTIONS FUND: WATER & SEWER DESCRIPTION Utility Collections, supervised by the Finance Director, is responsible for billing and collecting payments for water, sewer, solid waste, recycling and drainage services. OBJECTIVES PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS EFFICIENCY EFFORT City of Allen Page 47 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT: UTILITY COLLECTIONS FUND: WATER & SEWER EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 96,141 $ 137,743 $ 128,602 $ 127,805 Personnel Benefits 28,366 37,820 36,596 38,090 Operating Expenditures 47,885 86,581 88,264 90,525 Supplies 2,218 2,260 2,260 2,605 Maintenance 4,819 1,290 1,846 2,600 Professional Services - - 7,411 100 Miscellaneous - 8,603 - 221,594 Capital Outlay - 20,000 29,000 - Department Total $ 179,429 $ 294,297 $ 293,979 $ 483,319 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FULL TIME Utility Billing Supervisor 0 1 1 1 Customer Service Representative 2 2 2 2 Accounting Assistant I 2 2 2 2 Total Full Time 4 5 5 5 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION No capital outlay for this department City of Allen Page 48 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW I FUND: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I DESCRIPTION The Allen Economic Development Corporation will continue to aggressively market and promote Allen to attract high quality, environmentally sound businesses. EFFECTIVENESS I EFFICIENCY J EFFORT City of Allen OBJECTIVES PROGRAM MEASURES Page 99 96-99 Budget ' City of Allen Page 50 98-99 Budget FUND: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ASL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 108,254 $ 129,094 $ 155,218 $ 158,951 Personnel Benefits 24,702 30,358 38,170 45,994 Operating Expenditures 23,616 27,669 38,659 39,239 Supplies 1,182 1,300 1,744 1,500 Maintenance 83 50 119 I50 Professional Services 40,894 45,000 109,201 80,765 Debt Payment 2,854,626 564,766 486,097 564,766 Miscellaneous 393,733 306,356 546,999 549,307 Capital Outlay 31,359 30,000 9,298 10,000 Department Total $ 3,478,449 $ 1,134,593 $ 1,385,505 $ 1,450,672 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FULL TIME Director 1 1 1 1 Marketing Coordinator 1 1 1 1 Economic Development Assistant 1 1 1 1 Total Full Time 3 3 3 3 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION 1998-99 BUDGET Capital Items In Base Budget 1998-99 $ 10,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 10,000 City of Allen Page 50 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW I FUND: SOLID WASTE I DESCRIPTION The Solid Waste Fund, administered by the Public Works Department, reflects the financial activity related to solid waste collection and disposal, as well as recycling services. Solid waste and recycling services are performed by CWD, Inc. (Community Waste Disposal) by franchise agreement. PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal Complaints per 1,000 service opportunities 1.07 (YTD) <1.0 Percentage of residential customers reporting they believe CWD's performance is "good" or "excellent" 71%(1997) 85% EFFICIENCY EFFORT City of Allen Page 51 98-99 Budget EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Operating Expenditures 63,612 96,509 49,958 55,517 Contract Services 1,383,004 1,493,660 1,403,515 1,473,738 Maintenance 7,801 30,100 18,100 18,100 Total Expense $ 1,454,417 $ 1,620,269 $ 1,471,573 $ 1,547,355 PERSONNEL SUMMARY No Personnel For This Department CAPITAL OUTLAY No Capital Outlay for this department City of Allen Page 52 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW FUND: VEHICLE REPLACEMENT DESCRIPTION The Vehicle Replacement Fund is administered by the Finance Department to collect depreciation allowances on current vehicles so that the City is able to replace them in a timely manner on a cash basis. OBJECTIVES PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS FY 98 FY 99 Percentage of expenditures for replacement vehicles paid from Vehicle Replacement Fund EFFICIENCY EFFORT City of Allen Page 53 98-99 Budget FUND: VE :PENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET 1997-98 1998-99 AMENDED BUDGET Vehicles $ 337,605 $ 25,000 $ 26,951 $ 41,780 Machinery & Equipment 10,890 26,500 27,389 64,000 Total Expense $ 348,495 $ 51,500 $ 54,340 $ 105,780 No Personnel For This Department PERSONNEL SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY :RIPTION 1998-99 BUD ET Drainage Fund Vacuum / Jet Truck (Half of Cost Shared With Water & Sewer Fund) $ 32,000 (Remainder covered in Drainage Fund operational budget) W&5 Fund Vacuum / let Truck (Half of Cost Shared With Drainage Fund) 32,000 (Remainder covered in WBS Fund operational budget) Water & Sewer Crew Chief Truck 17,280 (Remainder covered in W&S Fund operational budget) Water & Sewer Fund Meter Reading Truck 9,800 (Remainder covered in W&S Fund operational budget) Parks Crew Cab Pickup 14,700 (Remainder covered in Parks & Recreation operational budget) Total Capital Outlay $ 105,780 City of Allen Page 54 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW FUND: DRAINAGE UTILITY DESCRIPTION The Drainage Department, funded by a flat -rate fee paid by all water customers, promotes a healthy environment by clearing drainage easements and pipe systems to prevent flooding. OBJECTIVES PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECRVENESS FY 98 Actual FY 99 Goal Floods to structures outside 100 -year floodplain -0- YTD -0- EFFICIENCY EFFORT City of Allen Page 55 98-99 Budget City of Allen Page 56 98-99 Budget FUND: DRAINAGE UTILITY EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDSET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 88,347 $ 97,297 $ 100,634 $ 100,137 Personnel Benefits 32,820 35,093 36,224 35,932 Operating Expenditures 11,976 17,380 17,244 17,884 Supplies 2,836 8,500 8,500 12,850 Maintenance 163,252 115,300 117,380 134,400 Professional Services 17,173 27,000 100,037 167,530 Miscellaneous 42,787 43,306 42,862 75,943 Capital Outlay 26,256 10,400 10,400 103,011 Total Expense $ 385,447 $ 354,276 $ 433,281 $ 647,687 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET FULL TIME Crew Leader 1 1 1 1 Equipment Operator 1 1 1 1 Maintenance Worker 2 2 2 2 Total Full Time 4 4 4 4 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION 1998-99 BDET Replacement Vacuum / let Truck (Cost Shared with W&S & Vehicle Replacement Funds) $ 48,000 18' Dump Trailer 5,500 15' Bush Hog Mower 14,000 Trailer Mounted Boom Lift 30,000 3 Radios 5,511 Total Capital Outlay $ 103,011 City of Allen Page 56 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION The Recreation Enterprise Fund is established to support the classes and other leisure activities offered at Ford Pool, Joe Farmer Recreation Center and elsewhere. It is intended to recover costs for these recreation programs, but not the facilities themselves. OBJECTIVES Offer support recreation and sport programs to Allen residents Make one-time capital improvements to facilities when general revenue funds are not available Expand the range of programming possibilities to the citizens of Allen PROGRAM MEASURES EFFECTIVENESS FY 98 Actual FY 9$ Goal Percentage of residents reporting that they believe programs offered by Parks and Recreation meet their needs N/A 85% EFFICIENCY Cost recovery percentage of all programs offered through the Enterprise Fund EFFORT City of Allen Page 57 98-99 Budget City of Allen Page 58 98-99 Budget FUND: PARKS & RECREATION ENTERPRISE EXPENSE SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Personnel Salary $ 49,533 $ 59,119 $ 84,566 $ 123,629 Personnel Benefits 5,172 5,818 9,173 13,287 Operating Expenditures 132,403 168,244 248,216 256,309 Professional Services - 50 - 3,233 - Miscellaneous 36,647 48,499 62,121 6,858 Capital Outlay 40,573 - - 18,000 Total Expense $ 264,378 $ 281,680 $ 407,309 $ 418,083 PERSONNEL SUMMARY 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 BUDGET BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET PARTTIME Recreation Specialist I 0 0 1 6 Park Attendant 0 0 0 1 Total Part Time 0 0 1 7 TEMPORARY Pool Manager 1 1 1 1 Lifeguard 29 29 34 34 Camp Counselor 4 4 4 4 Camp Leader 1 1 1 1 Sat. Night Live Assistant Manager 0 0 1 1 Sat. Night Live Chaperone 0 0 17 17 Total Temporary 35 35 58 58 CAPITAL OUTLAY DESCRIPTION 1998-99 BUD ET Lamps for Ford Park $ 18,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 18,000 City of Allen Page 58 98-99 Budget DEPARTMENT OVERVIEW DESCRIPTION The Allen Community Development Corporation (CDC) identifies and authorizes projects funded by the 4B half -cent sales tax. EFFECTIVENESS EFFICIENCY 11114=01til City of Allen OBJECTIVES PROGRAM MEASURES Page 59 98-99 Budget ' FUND: EXPENSE SUMMARY Total Expense $ 2,958 $ 1,528,723 $ 507,375 $ 1,029,300 No Personnel For This Department PERSONNEL SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY -RIPTION 1998-99 BUDGET Heavy Rescue Vehicle $ 550,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 550,000 City of Allen Page 60 98-99 Budget 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 iSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET Operating Expenditures $ 568 $ 300 $ 415 $ 300 Professional Services 2,390 7,000 5,500 6,000 Debt Payment - 436,427 167,692 437,000 Miscellaneous - 39,996 24,000 36,000 Capital Outlay - 1,045,000 309,768 550,000 Total Expense $ 2,958 $ 1,528,723 $ 507,375 $ 1,029,300 No Personnel For This Department PERSONNEL SUMMARY CAPITAL OUTLAY -RIPTION 1998-99 BUDGET Heavy Rescue Vehicle $ 550,000 Total Capital Outlay $ 550,000 City of Allen Page 60 98-99 Budget APPENDIX POLICY TYPE: ENDS POLICY 1.0 POLICY TITLE: MISSION The City of Allen exists far quality of life, safety, healthy environment and economic well-being for a reasonable tax burden. Priority Results: 1.1 Safety 1.2 Healthy Environment 1.3 Economic Well -Being 1.4 Quality of Life 1.5 People Move Safely, Quickly and Efficiently Date of Adoption'��" Affirmation of official Council action adopting this pol tty Secretary City of Allen Page 61 98-99 Budget POLICY TYPE: ENDS POLICY 1.1 POLICY TITLE: SAFETY Priority Results: A. Fire - Allen has little loss due to fire. i. Residents and residential structures are reasonably protected from fire damage. ii. All residential structures are habitable, brought into habitability, or removed. iii. All fixtures and appliances in residential structures are safe and functional. B. Crime - Allen has a low incidence of crime. i. Residents and their properties are reasonably protected from losses due to crime. ii. The design and maintenance conditions of residential structures contribute positively to safety from crime. C. Disaster D. Drugs E. Illness i. People are reasonably protected from illness due to maintenance conditions of residential structures. F. Injury i. People are reasonably protected from injury due to design and maintenance conditions of residential structures, their fixtures and appliances. Date of Adoptive Aa 3.9d Affirmation of official Council action adopting this poli City Secretary City of Allen Page 62 98-99 Budget POLICY TYPE: ENDS POLICY 1.2 POLICY TITLE: HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT Priority Results: A. Clean water and air B. Adequate removal of sewage C. Prompt solid waste removal D. Flood prevention/water drainage E. Natural ecosystem is sustained Date of Adoption �% lL• 9pA ffitmation of official Council action adopting this po JF U City Secremry ON of Allen Pace 63 98-99 Budcet POLICY TYPE: ENDS POLICY 1.3 POLICY TITLE: ECONOMIC WELL-BEING Priority Results: A. Sustainable Economy i. Broad tax base ii. Adequate and diverse employment base iii. Long -tern investments in Allen by corporations B. Property values rise or hold steady over time. Date of Adoption eU-71T Affl ioa of official Ccuocil action adopting this poli /City Sett CIN of Allen Page 64 yts-yy mages POLICY TYPE: ENDS POLICY 1.4 POLICY TITLE: QUALITY OF LIFE Priority Results: A. Leisure/recreational opportunities for all citizens i. People are healthy ii. People have social/team skills iii. Hobbies are cultivated B. People have and enjoy open space C. Allen is clean and attractive i. Well maintained a. Residential properties, including neighborhood entryways and common screening walls, look as attractive and function as well over time as when they were first built. it. Good mix of developed and undeveloped space iii. Multi -family properties and single-family neighborhoods complement one another in appearance and function. New development projects raise the overall appeal of a neighborhood or district. a. Densities, heights, and setbacks of buildings, selection of building materials, landscape treatment, and signage all contribute positively to the visual appeal and value of a neighborhood or district. D. Housing mix meets the needs of the community E. Allen is culturally vibrant i. The arts are prevalent throughout the community F. People Have the knowledge and information to pursue a high quality of life Date of Adoption la-3If Affu tion of official Cowa:O actio. adopting this po111 City Secretary City of Allen Page 65 98-99 Budget Policy 1.4 Policy Title: Quality ofG)e Page 2 G. Citizens have pride in their community i. Allen has a distinct identity ii. Citizens are actively involved in community life iii. Residents share a vision of a healthy City. Date of Adoption 3.98 Affirmation of official Council action adopting this poli '— tty Secretary City of Allen Page 66 98'99 Budget POLICY TYPE: ENDS POLICY 1.5 POLICY TITLE: TRANSPORTATION People move safely, quickly and efficiently. Priority Results: A. Multi -modal B. Vehicular—priority result of "Level C" in all developed areas by (date). Date of Adoption '! /4-Affh=tion of offtcid Council cil action adopting this poli City Sxrelary City of Allen Page 67 98-99 Budget POLICY TYPE: EXECUTIVE LIMITATIONS POLICY 3.0 POLICY TITLE: GENERAL EXECUTIVE CONSTRAINT The City Manager shall not cause nor allow any practice, activity, decision or organizational circumstance that is either unlawful, imprudent, or in violation of commonly accepted business and professional ethics. 3.1 The quality of life in the City of Allen depends upon the partnership between citizens, elected officials and City employees. Therefore, the City Manager shall not fail to ensure high standards regarding the treatment of our citizens. 3.2 With respect to the treatment of paid and volunteer staff, the City Manager may not cause or allow conditions which are unsafe, unfair or undignified. 3.3 With respect to planning projects, services and activities with a fiscal impact, the City Manager may not jeopardize either programmatic or fiscal integrity of city government. 3.4 With respect to the actual, ongoing condition of the city government's financial health, the City Manager may not cause or allow the development of fiscal jeopardy or loss of allocation integrity in accordance with Ends policies. 3.5 The City Manager shall not allow the assets to be unprotected, inadequately maintained or unnecessarily risked (except normal deterioration of infrastructure subject to bond programs/financial conditions beyond City Manager control). 3.6 In order to protect Allen, its citizens and its property, the City Manager shall not fail to have in place adequate plans to prevent and/or respond to emergencies and/or disasters. 3.7 In order to protect the Council from sudden loss of City Manager services, the City Manager may have no fewer than one (1) other member of the city management team familiar with Council and City Manager issues and processes. 3.8 With respect to employment, compensation, and benefits to employees, consultants, contract workers and volunteers, the City Manager shall not cause or allow jeopardy to fiscal integrity or public image. I' 3.9 The City Manager shall not permit the Council to be uninformed. I' 3.10 With respect to planning and repotting on Capital Improvements Programs (CIP), the City Manager may not jeopardize either programmatic or fiscal integrity of the organization. I II Date of Adoption Affirmation of official Council action adopting chis pol' City secmm City of Allen Page 68 98-99 euogec 1 1 1 1 POLICY TYPE: EXECUTIVE LIMITATIONS POLICY 3.3 POLICY TITLE: FINANCIAL PLANNING ' With respect to planning projects, services and activities with a fiscal impact, the City Manager may not jeopardize either programmatic or fiscal integrity of City government. tAccordingly, the City Manager shall not allow budgeting which: Deviates materially from Council -stated priorities (see Ends policies) in its allocation among competing budgetary [reeds. 2. Contains too little information to enable credible projection of revenues and expenses, separation of capital and operational items, cash flow and subsequent audit trails, and disclosure of planning assumptions. 3. Plans the expenditure in any fiscal year of more funds than are conservatively projected to be received in that period or which are otherwise available. 4. Reduces fund balances or reserves in any fund to a level below that established by City Council. 5. Fails to maintain a Budget Contingency Plan capable of responding to significant shortfalls within the City's budget. 6. Fails to provide for an annual audit. 7. Is not derived from the multi-year financial forecast. 8. Provides less for Council funding than is set forth in the Cost of Council Governance policy (see Governance Process). Date of Adoption 1445 Affirmation of official Council action adopting this poli City Oty of Allen Page 69 98-99 Budget CITY OF ALLEN GENERALFUND THREE YEAR PROJECTION 1998-99 1999.2000 2000-2001 Assessed Value $ 1,888,609,909 $ 2,115,243,098 $ 2,369,072,270 Tax Rate per $100 Valuation 0.575000 0.577300 0.544590 Tax Revenues $ 10,859,507 $ 12,211,298 $ 12,901,731 Debt Service Paid From Tax Revenue (4,248,434) (4,862,858) (5,363,265) Budgeted Drawdown of Debt Service Reserves (200,000) - - General Fund Tax Revenues $ 6,544,962 $ 7,274,956 $ 7,463,081 Other General Fund Revenues 8,917,610 10,255,251 11,793,539 Use of Reserves 509,834 - Total Revenues $ 15,972,406 $ 17,530,207 $ 19,256,620 Personnel Expense $ 10,842,804 12,143,940 $ 13,601,213 Operational & Capital Expense 5,129,602 5,386,082 5,655,386 Total Expense $ 15,972,406 $ 17,530,023 $ 19256,600 Revenues Overl(Under) Expenses $ - $ 185 $ 20 Assumptions Used For Projections 1. Annual growth in assessed value of 12 %. Average annual growth since 1984 has been 12.34% 2. Used tax rate necessary to balance budget given other assumptions 3. Debt service based on projected future bond sales of $5 million in Spring 1999 and $6 million in Spring 2000. 4. Annual growth projected in other General Fund Revenues of 15 %. 5. Personnel Expense estimated at annual increase of 12 %. Average increase over past 4 years has been 18%. FY 99 Budget Reflects 16% increase. 6. Operational and capital expenses estimated at annual increase of 5 %. Average increase over past 4 years has been 18%. FY 99 Budget Reflects 22% increase. City of Allen Page 70 98-99 Budget I, Glossary Activity A specified and distinguishable line of work performed by a division. ADA Americans with Disabilities Act Ad Valorem A tax computed from the assessed valuation of land and improvements. AISD Allen Independent School District Appropriation An authorization made by the legislative body of a government which permits officials to incur obligations against and to make expenditures of governmental resources. Specific appropriations are usually made at the fund level and are granted for a one year period. Appropriation The official enactment by the legislative body establishing the legal Ordinance authority for officials to obligate and expend resources. Assessed Valuation A value that is established for real or personal property for use as a basis for levying property taxes. (Note: Property values are established by the Central Appraisal District.) Assets Resources owned or held by the City which have monetary value. Balanced Budget A budget adopted by the legislative body and authority by ordinance where the proposed expenditures are equal to or less than the proposed resources. Bonds A written promise to pay a sum of money on a specific date at a specified interest rate. The interest payments and the repayment of the principal are detailed in a bond ordinance. The most common types of bonds are general obligation and revenue bonds. Budget A plan of financial operation embodying an estimate of proposed means of financing it. The "operating budget" is the financial plan adopted for a single fiscal year. The "proposed budget" designates the financial plan initially developed by departments and presented by the City Manager to the Council for approval. The "adopted budget" is the plan as modified and finally approved by that body. The approved budget is authorized by ordinance and thus specifies the legal spending limits for the fiscal year. Budget Adjustment A legal procedure utilized by the City Staff and City Council to revise a budget appropriation. Budget Document The compilation of the spending plans for the various funds, along with supporting schedules, tables and charts which, in total, comprises the annual revenue and expenditure plan. Budget Control The control or management of the organization in accordance with an approved budget for the purpose of keeping expenditures within the limitations of available appropriations and revenues. City of Allen Page i 98-99 Budget City of Allen Page ii 96-99 Budget Gloss Capital Outlay An expenditure which results in the acquisition of or addition to fixed assets, and meets these criteria: has an anticipated useful life of mare than one year; can be permanently identified as an individual unit of property; belongs to one of the following categories: Land, Buildings, Structures & Improvements, Equipment; constitutes a tangible, permanent addition to the value of the City assets; cost generally exceeds at least $5,000; does not constitute repair or maintenance; and, is not readily susceptible to loss. Capital Reserve Funds that have been appropriated from operating revenues which are to be set aside for designated types of maintenance to the existing Infrastructure. CAN Cable Access Television CIP Capital Improvement Program Contingency Fund A budgetary reserve set aside for emergencies or unforeseen expenditures not otherwise budgeted. Cost Center A section of the total organization having a specialized function or activity, and segregated cost and revenue data. Covenant A binding agreement; contract. Current Taxes Taxes that are levied and due within one year. DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education DART Dallas Area Rapid Transit Delinquent Taxes Taxes that remain unpaid on and after the date on which a penalty for non- payment is attached. Debt Service Fund A fund used to account for the monies set aside for the payment of interest and principal to holders of the City's general obligation and revenue bonds, the sale of which finances long-term capital improvements, such as facilities, streets and drainage, parks and water/wastewater systems. Depreciation (1) Expiration in the service life of capital assets attributable to wear and tear, deterioration, action of the physical elements, inadequacy or obsolescence. (2) That portion of the cast of a capital asset which is charged as an expense during a particular period. EMS Emergency Medical Service EMT Emergency Medical Technicians Encumbrances Obligations in the form of purchase order, contracts or salary commitments which are chargeable to an appropriation and for which a part of the appropriation is reserved. When paid, the encumbrance is liquidated. City of Allen Page ii 96-99 Budget Glossa Enterprise Fund A fund established to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises-- where the intent of the governing body is that the costs of providing goods or services to the general public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. EPA Environmental Protection Agency ERF Equipment Replacement Fund Expenditures The cost of goods received or services rendered whether cash payments have been made or encumbered. Fiscal Year A twelve-month period designated as the operating year for accounting and budgeting purposes in an organization. The City of Allen has specifed October 1 to September 30 as its fiscal year. FLSA Fair tabor Standards Act Fund An accounting device established to control receipt and disburse Income from sources set aside to support specific activities or attain certain objectives. Each fund is treated as a distinct fiscal entity with a self -balancing set of accounts. Fund Balance The excess of a fund's current assets over its current liabilities; sometimes called working capita/ in enterprise funds. A negative fund balance is often referred to as a deficit. Funding Provides budgetary resources to cover the total cost of a program or project at the time it is undertaken. GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board General Fund The fund used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. The General Fund is tax supported. General Obligation Debt Monies owed on interest and principal to holders of the City's general obligation bonds. The debt is supported by revenue provided from real property which is assessed through the taxation power of the local governmental unit. Generally Accepted Detailed accounting standards and practices for state and local governments as Accounting Principles prescribed by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). (GAAP) GIs GO Debt Infrastructure Geographic Information System General Obligation Debt That portion of a city's assets located at or below ground level, including the water system, sewer system, and streets. City of Allen Page iii 96-99 Budget City of Allen Page iv 98-99 Budget Glossary Internal Service Fund A fund used to account for the financing of goods or services provided by one City department or cost center to other departments, on a cost -reimbursement basis. Liabilities Debt or other legal obligations arising out of transactions In the past which must be liquidated, renewed, or refunded at some future date. This term does not include encumbrances. Modified Accrual The accrual basis of accounting adapted to the governmental fund type Basis spending measurement focus. Under it, revenues are recognized when they become both "measurable" and "available to finance expenditures of the current period." Expenditures are recognized when the related fund liability is incurred except for (1) inventories of materials and supplies which may be considered expenditures either when purchased or when used; (2) prepaid Insurance and similar items which need not be reported; (3) accumulated unpaid vacation, sick pay, and other employee benefit amounts which need not be recognized In the current period, but for which larger -than -normal accumulations must be disclosed in the notes to the financial statements; (4) interest earnings on special assessment levies; and (5) principal and interest on long-term debt which are generally recognized when due. NCTCOG North Central Texas Council of Governments NTMWD North Texas Municipal Water District Note A certificate pledging payment, issued by a government or bank. Operating Budget Plans of current expenditures and the proposed means of financing them. The annual operating budget is the primary means by which most of the financing, acquisition, spending, and service delivery activities of the City are controlled. The use of annual operating budgets is required by State Law. Performance Indicators Speck quantitative measures of work performed within an activity or program. They may also measure results obtained through an activiLy program. Property/ Liability Loss Monies contributed by several operating funds and set aside to finance Fund significant unforeseen losses, which are uninsured. A forth of self-insurance. QIP Quality Improvement Process Reimbursement Repayment to a specific fund for expenditures incurred or services performed by that fund to or for the benefit of another fund. Replacement Cost The cost of an asset which can render similar service (but which need not be of the same structural form) as the property to be replaced. Reserve An account used to indicate that a portion of fund resources is restricted for a specific purpose, or is not available for appropriation and subsequent spending. Reserve Fund A backup fund for payment of matured bonds and interest should the Water & Sewer Debt Service Fund fall short of required amounts. Revenues All amounts of money received by a government from external sources other than expense refunds, capital contributions, and residual equity transfers. City of Allen Page iv 98-99 Budget Glossa Rolling Stock Those capital items such as motor vehicles, heavy equipment, and other apparatus which is maintained by the Equipment Services department. ROW Right-of-way Service Area Major division within the total organization performing a function, which is composed of departments and is under the oversight of an Assistant City Manager who reports to the City Manager. Service areas include: Administration, Development, and General Government. SH State highway ssI Service Standard Index STEP State Traffic Enforcement Program Tax Rate A percentage applied to all taxable property to raise general revenues. It is derived by dividing the total tax levy by the taxable net property valuation. Taxes Compulsory charges levied by a government for the purpose of financing services performed for the common benefit. TMRS Texas Municipal Retirement System TNRCC Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission W & S Water & Sewer City of Allen Page v 98-99 Budget