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ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98
WHEREAS, the Building Official has reviewed the proposed codes and amendments thereto;
WHEREAS, the Building Official is of the opinion that the proposed codes and amendments
will facilitate the effort of the region to achieve uniformity with regards to construction codes
and will allow contractors, engineers and designers to take full advantage of the latest
technology, materials and methods of construction; and,
WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the recommendations of the Building Official and
' SECTION 1: From and after the effective date of this Ordinance, Chapter 4, Article I,
Section 4-3, of the City of Allen Code of Ordinances is hereby amended in the following manner
and shall read as follows, to -wit:
Sec. 4-3. Adoption of Building Codes.
There is hereby adopted by the city for the purpose of establishing Hiles and regulations
for the construction, alteration, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy,
location and maintenance of buildings and structures, including permits and penalties, the
following codes:
(1) The Uniform Building Code, being in particular the 1997 edition, and including
future amendments or revisions as they are published, and shall be in effect except as
it may be in conflict with the provisions of any ordinance of the city.
(2) The National Electrical Code of the National Fire Protection Association, being in
particular the 1996 edition, and also to include any and all future amendments or
revisions as they are published and shall be in effect except as it may be in conflict
with the Allen Electrical Code, attached hereto as Exhibit "A-1" and made a part
hereof for all purposes, or any other ordinance of the city.
(3) The Uniform Plumbing Code, being in particular the 1997 edition, and also to include
any and all future amendments or revisions as they are published, and shall be in
effect except as it may be in conflict with the provisions of any ordinance of the city.
(4) The International Mechanical Code, being in particular the 1996 edition with 1997
supplement, and also to include any and all future amendments or revisions as they
are published, and shall be in effect except as it may be in conflict with the provisions
of any ordinance of the city.
SECTION 2: From and after the effective date of this Ordinance, Chapter 4, Article I,
Section 4-5, of the City of Allen Code of Ordinances is hereby amended in the following manner
and shall read as follows, to -wit:
Sec. 4-5. Amendments to building codes.
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 2
The building codes adopted by reference in section 4-3 are hereby amended in the
following particulars:
(a) The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this section, shall have the
meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the content clearly indicates a
different meaning.
Permanent toilet facilities: A room in an existing building (including a construction
trailer) or in the building being constructed with a water closet installed in such room
which conforms to the plumbing code, and is continuously available to all workers
involved in a construction project.
Temporary toilet facilities: A portable, fully enclosed, chemically -sanitized toilet
which is serviced and cleaned at least once each week.
(b) Every construction project requiring a permit within the City of Allen shall have
adequate toilet facilities for workers associated with the project.
' The following shall be considered adequate facilities:
Residential construction projects: At least one (1) permanent toilet facility shall be
maintained in each subdivision for the employees or subcontractors of each builder
holding a permit for a building in that subdivision. A toilet facility must be
provided by each builder as long as the builder holds an active permit in the
( c ) The Uniform Building Code shall be amended as follows:
Section 209; add a new definition to read as follows:
HIGH-RISE BUILDING is a building having floors used for human occupancy located more than 55 feet
(16 764 mm) above the lowest level of fire deparhnent vehicle access.
Section 214; change definition of Mechanical Code" to readas follows:
MECHANICAL CODE is ate International Mechanical Code1°', as adopted by this jurisdiction.
Section 217; change definition of "Plumbing Code" to read as follows:
PLUMBING CODE is the International Plumbing CodeR!, as adopted by this jurisdiction.
Section 220; add a new definition for "Self -Service Storage Facility".
SELF-SERVICE STORAGE FACILITY is real property designed and used for the purpose of renting or
leasing individual storage and removing personal property on a self-service basis.
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 3
Section 302.4,Exception R3; changed to read as follows:
3. In the one-hour occupancy separation between Group R, Division 3 and Group U
Occupancies, the separation may be limited to the installation of not less than one-
half inch gypsum board, or materials approved for one -how fire -resistive
construction on the garage side; and a tightfitting weather stripped door 13/9 inches
(35 mm) in thickness, or a tightfitting door having a fire -protection rating of not less
than 20 minutes when tested in accordance with Part 11 of UBC Standard 7-2, which
is a part of this code, is permitted in lieu ...(remainder to read the same).
Section 305.9, change to read as follows:
305.9 Fire Alarm Systems. An approved fire alarm system shall be provided for Group E Occupancies. In
Division 3 Occupancies, system smoke detectors shall be installed in all rooms used by children. In Group E
Occupancies provided with an ... (remainder ofsection unchanged) ...
Section 310.9.1.3; add an Exception to read as jollows:
Exception: Whenever rewiring or new wiring occurs during the alteration, repair or
addition process that, in the opinion of the Building Official, makes it possible to hardwire the
smoke detectors, then those that can be hardwired shall be installed as required for new
Section 310.9.1.4, add a sentence at the end to read as jollows:
If, in the opinion of the Building Official, the sounding of one alarm is not loud enough to be heard in all sleeping
areas, one or more detectors may be required in be interconnected.
' Section 311.2.3.5; changed to read as follows:
311.2.3.5 Vehicle barriers. In parking garages where any parking area is located more than 5 feet (1524 mm)
above the adjacent grade, deck floor or ramp, vehicle barriers shall be provided.
(remainder of section unchanged)
Section 403.1; changed to read as follows:
403.1 Scope. This section applies to all Occupancies, each having floors used for human occupancy located more
than 55 feet (16 764 mm) above the ... (remainder ofparagraph unchanged) ... with Section 403.2.
Exception: Open parking garages in compliance with Section 311.9.
Section 403.2.2, item 02; changed to read as follows:
2. Except for corridors and partitions separating dwelling units or guest rooms, all interior -nonbearing
partitions required to be one -how Eve -resistive construction by Table 6-A may be of non-combustible
construction without a foe -resistive time period. For allowable reduction of corridor construction, we
Section 1004.3.4.3.
Section 403.2.2, item N3; delete.
Section 403.5.2, add third paragraph to read as follows:
Actuation of any automatic or manual device shall initiate an alarm signal on the alarming floor, the floor
above, and the floor below and identify on an annunciator the zone or address from which the alarm signal
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 4
Section 403.5.3; change to read as follows:
403.5.3 Fire department communication system. A two-way, approved fire department communication system
shall be provided for fire department use. It shall operate between the central control station and elevators,
elevator lobbies, emergency and standby power rooms, fire pump room and inside stairways at each floor level.
Section 403.7, item #1; add an Exception #410 read as follows:
4. Whim corridors we not required to be of fire -resistive construction under Section
1004.3.4.3, the elevator lobby is not required.
Section 503.4.8; add a thirdparagroph to read as follows:
For one- and two-family dwellings and apartment buildings, open metal carport structures may be
constructed within rero (0) feet of the property line without fire -resistive or opening protection when the location of
such is approved as required by other City ordinances.
Section 504.3; change the exceptions to read as follows:
Exceptions: 1. The major occupancy classification of a building may be used to
determine the allowable area of such building when the major use occupies not less than
90 percent of the area of any Boor of a non-sprinklered building, or not less than 80
percent of the area of any floor of a building provided with an automatic sprinkler system
throughout; and provided that other minor accessory was shall not exceed the basic area
permitted by Table 5-B for such minor uses and that various uses are separated as
specified in Section 302.4.
2. Groups, B, F, M and S and Group H, Division 5 Occupancies complying with the
provisions of Section 505.2 may contain other occupancies provided that such
occupancies do not occupy more than 10 percent of the area of any floor of a non-
, sprinklered building, or not more than 20 percent of the area of any floor of a building
provided with an automatic sprinkler system throughout; nor more than the basic area
permitted in the occupancy by Table 5-B for such occupancy, and further provided that
such occupancies are separated as specified in Section 302.4.
Section 505.2; add a third paragraph to readas follows:
In other than Croup H, Divisions 1, 2 or 3 Occupancies, the area of the following buildings shall not be limited if
the building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout as specified in Chapter 9, and
entirely surrounded and adjoined by public ways or yards not less than 60 feet (I8 288 mm) in width. The
unlimited area provisions of this paragraph cannot be used in conjunction with the fire -resistive substitution
provisions of Section 508.
1. Type 11 -FR buildings.
2. Type II-lhr buildings with five or less stories.
3. Type I1 -N buildings with three or less stories.
Section 505.3; items #1 through #4 are changed to read as follows:
1. delete
2. Section 904.2.6 for Group H, Division 1 and 2 Occupancies.
3. delete
4. Section 505.2 for unl"nnited area.
Section 506; items 41 through #5 of the second paragraph are changed to read as follows:
1. Section 904.2.6 for Group H, Division 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7 Occupancies.
2. delme
3. delete
' 4. Section 505.2 for unlimited area.
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 5
5. Section 904.2.7 for Group I, Divisions 1.1 and 1.2 Occupancies used as hospitals, musing homes or
health-care centers in Type II One-hour, Type III One-hour, Type IV or Type V One -how
Section 508 unchanged except item #6 is changed to readas follows:
6. Corridors, except as specifically exempted in Sections 1004.3.4.3 (Sections 1004. and
Table S-A; insert a joomote #8 to the heading "EXTERIOR WALLS!" and add the footnote to readas follows:
' When the exterior wall of a non -high-rise building is more than 20 feet from the property line, the fire -
resistive requirements for exterior bearing and exterior nonbearing walls may be reduced by one-hour
when the building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout as specified in
Chapter 9. However, a wall that is required to be one -how may not be reduced except as allowed under
Section 508.
Table 6-A; insert a joomote #4 in building element #8, "8. Roofs and roof -ceilings =" and add a joomote #4 to
read =follows:
'The fire -resistive requirements for roofs of non -high-rise buildings may be reduced by one -how when the
building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout as specified in Chapter 9.
Section 708.2.1; add a new sentence to item #4 to read as follows:
For combustion ah ducts within dwelling units, see also Section 709.1, Exception to item #1 of the Mechanical
Section 708.; change exception #2 to read as follows:
2. Where approved sprinklers are installed within the attic space, draftstopping may be
as specified in the exception to Section 708.
Section 708.; change the exception to read as follows:
Exception: Where approved automatic sprinklers we installed within the attic space, the
area between draft stops may be 9,000 square feet (836 m') and the greatest horizontal dimension
may be 100 feet (30 480 mm).
Section 709.6.1; changed to readas follows:
709.6.1 General. When protection of openings is required, through penetrations of the fire -resistive walls shall
comply... (remainder ofsection unchanged) .
Section 709.7; changed to read as follows:
709.7 Membrane Penetrations. When protection of openings is required, membrane penetrations of the firs -
resistive ... (remainder ofsection imchanged) .
Section 713.10; item #5 is changed to read m follows:
5. Penetrations of elevator lobbies required by Sections403.7 and 1004.3.4.5.
Section 713.10; add a fourth paragraph to read as follows:
For dampers in combustion ah openings, see also Section 710.2 of the Mechanical Code. For dampers in use with
direct -fired air -heating equipment, see also Section 915.7 of the Mechanical Code.
Section 713.11: add a fourth paragraph to read as follows.:
For penetrations of ducts conveying hazardous exhausts, see also Section 510.6.4 of the Mechanical Code. For
' dampers in combustion air openings, see also Section 710.2 of the Mechanical Code. For dampers in use with
direct -fired ab -heating equipment, see also Section 915.7 of the Mechanical Code. For penetrations of ducts in H-6
Occupancies, see also Section 1202.2.5 of this code.
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 6
Section 902; subilems 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 added to read as follows:
1.3 U.B.C. Standard 9-4, Standard on Aircraft Hangars
1.4 U.B.C. Standard 9-5, Installation of Halon Fire Extinguishing System.
1.5 U.B.C. Standard 9-6, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their
1.6 U.B.C. Standard 9-7, Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two -Family Dwellings and
Manufactured Homes
Section 904.1.2; changed to read as follows:
904.1.2 Standards. Fire -extinguishing systems shall comply with U.B.C. Standards 9-1, 9-2, 9-4, 9-5 and 9-6;
along with the appropriate National Fire Protection Association Standards.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Automatic fire -extinguishing systems not covered with U.B.C.
Standard 9-1, ee 9-2, 9-4, 9-5 or 9-6 shall be approved and installed in accordance with approved
2. Automatic sprinkler systems may be connected to the domestic water -supply main
when approved by the building official, provided the domestic water supply is of adequate
pressure, capacity and sizing for the combined domestic and sprinkler requirements. In such case,
the sprinkler system connection shall be made between the public water main or meter and the
building shutoff valve, and there shall not be intervening valves or connections. The fire
department connection may be omitted when approved by the fire department.
3. Automatic sprinkler systems in Group R Occupancies four stories or less may be in
accordance with U.B.C. Standard 9-3.
4. Automatic sprinkler systems in One- and Two -Family Dwellings and Manufactured
Homes may be in accordance with U.B.C. Standard 9-7.
S. Where sprinklers are installed in electrical rooms they shall be separated from the
buildings main sprinkler system by a pre -action valve. This valve shall be connected to fire
detection device(s) in the electrical room. Sprinkler piping shall remain dry until the fire detection
device activates and opens the pre -action valve. Detection devices shall have a minimum
temperature razing of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. Sprinkler head(s) shall be of a type to remain
closed until sufficient heat is present to open them. The sprinkler(s) shall have a minimum
temperature rating of 212 degrees Fahrenheit. Sprinkler heads in electrical rooms shall be
protected with a listed guard over the head. Sprinkler heads may be installed in electrical rooms
without the pre -action valve, fire detection device and guard if approved tamper proof sprinkler
heads are installed in place of standard heads.
Water supply as required for such systems shall be provided in conformance with the supply requirements of the
respective standards; however, every fire protection system shall be designed with a 5 psi margin of safety.
Sectton 904.1.3; change to read as follows:
904.1.3 Modifications. When residential sprinkler systems as set forth in UBC Standard 9-3 are provided,
exceptions to, or reductions in, code requirements based on the installation of an automatic fire -extinguishing
system are not allowed. Allowable tradeoffs for, or increases in, Building Code provisions based on the installation
of an automatic fire -extinguishing system are not allowed.
Exception: Reductions are allowed for the following provisions:
1. Section 708., draft stops in floor -ceiling assemblies.
2. Section 708., draft stops in attics.
' 3. Section 708., draft stops in attics.
Section 904.2.2; Amendsection leader and change item #5 and add items 46, #7 and #8 to read as jollaws:
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 7
904.2.2 All occupancies except Group U Occupancies. Except fm Group U Occupancies, an automatic
' sprinkler system shall be installed.
5. Througbout all buildings with a floor level, other than penthouses in compliance with Section 1511, that
is located 35 feet (10 668 mm) or more above the lowest level of foe department vehicle access.
Exception: 1. (delete)
2. Open parking structures in compliance with Section 311.9.
3. (delete)
6. High -Piled Combustible Storage. For any building with a clear height exceeding 15', we Section
8101 of the Fire Code.
7. Spray Booths and Rooms. New and existing spray booths and spraying rooms shall be protected by an
approved automatic fire -extinguishing system as specified in the Fire Code.
8. Buildings Over 6,000 sq.R. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all buildings
over 6,000 sq.ft.
Exception: Open parking garages.
Section 904.2.6.4; added to read asfollows:
904.2.6.4 Group H, Division 5 Occupancies. Aircraft hangers shall be classified by Group and Type•, and shall
be provided with a flue -extinguishing system as specified by UBC Standard 9-4.
(-Note: Any classification of construction type under UBC Standard 9-4 shall be for we with that
standard only and shall have no bearing on the construction type wed in conjunction with any other
provision of this code.)
Section 904.2.9 changed to read asfollows:
' 904.2.9 Group R, Division 1 Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout every
apartment house two or more stories in height or containing 16 or more dwelling units, every congregate
residence two or more stories in height or having an occupant load of more than 10, and every hotel two or
more stories in height or containing 20 or more guest rooms. Residential or quick -response standard sprinklers
shall be used in the dwelling units and guest room portions of the building.
Sections 904.2.10, 904.2.10.1 and 904.2.10.2; added to read w follows:
904.2.10 Group S Occupancies.
904.2.10.1 Self-service storage facility. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed throughout all self-service
storage facilities.
Exception: One story self-service storage facilities, that have no interior corridors, with a
one-bour fire -rated occupancy separation wall installed between every storage compartment.
904.2.10.2 Group S, Division 5 Occupancies. Aircraft hangers shall be classified by Group and Type-, and shall
be provided with a fire -extinguishing system w specified by UBC Standard 94.
(-Note: Any classification of construction type under UBC Standard 9-4 shall be for we with that
standard only and shall have no bearing on the construction type used in conjunction with any other
provision ofthis code.)
Section 904.4; subparagraph 4.4 of item #4 is changed to read w follows:
4.4 Other approved fire -protection equipment is installed in such now.
Section 904.5.3;change the thirdparagraph to read asfollows:
There shall be a two-way outlet above the roof line on every standpipe when the roof has a slope of less
than 4 units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33.3% slope).
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 8
Exception: Where the stairway extends to the roof, the two-way outlet may be located at
' the topmost floor landing.
Section 904.5.3; add a new paragraph to readas follows:
All Class I standpipes shall be:
1. Water filled at all times; or,
2. Supervised with a minimum of 10 psig and a maximum of 40 psig air pressure with a high/low alarm.
Section 906.1;add an Exception #3 to item #1 to read as follows:
3. Buildings protected throughout by= approved automatic sprinkler system.
Section 906.6.3;add an Exception to read as follows.:
Exception: In buildings protected throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler
system, curtain boards need only in extend down from the ceiling for a minimum depth of four (4)
Table 9-A; change Occupancy Item #5, Standpipe Class for sprinklered buildings from "A'e-requirement" to
Class "I".
Section 1004.2.4; change the exception to read as follows.:
Exceptions: 1. The separation distance determined in accordance with this section may be measured along
a direct path of exit travel within a corridor serving exit enclosures. The walls of any such exit enclosure
shall not be less than 30 feet (9144 mm), measured in a straight line, from the walls of another exit
2. When the building is provided with an automatic sprinkler system throughout, at least two of the exits
or exit -access doorways shall be placed a distance apart equal to not less than one third of the length of the
maximum overall diagonal dimension of the area served, in lieu of one half, measured in a straight line
between the center of such exits or exit -access doorways.
Section 1004.; add a secondparagraph to read m follows:
When reduction of corridor construction is allowed under Section 1004.3.4.3, the reduction shall not apply to the
corridors of this section for extra travel distance.
Section 1004.; changed to read as follows:
1004. Factory, hazardous and storage occupancies. In a building classified as a Group H, Division 5
aircraft repair hangar, or as a Group F or Group S Occupancy, the travel distance shall not exceed 300 feet (91
440 mm) and may be increased to 400 feet (121 920 mm) if the building is equipped with an automatic
sprinkler system throughout.
Section 1004.2.6; changed to read as follows:
1004.2.6 Dead ends. Where more than one exit or exit -access doorway is required, the exit access shall be arranged
such that there me no dead ends in hallways and corridors more than 20 feet (6096 mm) in length.
Exceptions: 1. In occupancies in Use Group B where the building is equipped
throughout with an automatic sprinkler system, the length of dead-end corridors shall
not exceed 50 feet (15 240 mm).
2. A dead-end corridor shall not be limited in length where the length of the dead-end
corridor is less it= 2.5 tines the least width of the dead-end corridor.
Section 1004.3.4.3; Exceptions #4, 5 andii are changed to readas follows:
4. Corridor walls and ceilings of Group B Occupancies need not be of fire -resistive
' construction when the entire story in which the space is located is equipped with an automatic
sprinkler system throughout and an automatic smoke -detection system installed within the
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 9
' corridor. The actuation of any detector shall activate alarms audible in all areas served by the
Use of this exception will not permit the use of non -rated non -protected constriction in
the following:
-for the exit enclosure separation in exception #1 of Section 1004.2.4.
-to obtain the 100 foot travel distance increase of Section 1004.
-to convey air to or from rooms w stated in Section 601.2 of the Mechanical Code except
that private corridors within a single tenant space may be used to convey air provided
that smoke detectors are installed within the tenant corridor in accordance with their
5. Except for Groups H, I and R-1 Occupancies, coridors shall not be required to be
protected when the building is protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system
Use of this exception will not permit the use of non -rated non -protected construction in
the following:
-for the exit enclosure separation in exception #1 of Section 1004.2.4.
-to obtain the 100 foot travel distance increase of Section 1004.
-to convey air to or from rooms as stated in Section 601.2 of the Mechanical Code.
6. In Group B office buildings, corridor walls and ceilings need not be of fire -resistive
constriction within office spaces of a single tenant when the space is equipped with
an approved automatic smoke -detection system within the corridor. The actuation of
any detector shall activate alarms audible in all meas served by the corridor. The
smoke.detection system shall be connected to the building's fire alarm system where
such a system is provided.
Section 1004.3.4.5; add Exception #4 to read as follows:
4. When corridors are not required to be of fire -resistive construction under Section
1004.3.4.3, the elevator lobby is not required.
Section 1005.3.3.7; changed to read ns follows:
10053.3.7 Pressurized enclosure. N a building having a floor level used for human occupancy located more than
55 feet (16 764 mm) above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access, all required exit enclosures shall be
pressurized in accordance with Section 905 and this section. Pressurization shall occur automatically upon
activation of an approved the alarm system.
Exceptions: 1. If the building is not equipped with a fire alarm system, pressurization
shall be upon activation of a spot -type smoke detector listed for releasing service located
within 5 feet (1524 mm) of each vestibule entry.
2. Open parking garages in compliance with Section 311.9.
A controlled relief vent capable of discharging a minimum of 2,500 cubic feet per minute (1180 Us) of ab at the
design pressure difference shall be located in the upper portion of such pressurized exit enclosures.
' Section 1005.3.3.7. 1; changedro readasfollows:
100533.7.1 Vestibules. Pressurized exit enclosures shall be provided with a pressurized entrance vestibule that
complies with the requirements of this section.
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 10
' Exception: For buildings equipped with an automatic sprinkler system, vestibules may
be omitted, provided all enclosed exit enclosures are equipped with a barometric dampered relief
opening at the top and the stairway supplied mechanically with sufficient air to discharge a
minimum of 2,500 cubic feet per minute (1180 L/s)lhrough the relief opening while maintaining
a minimum positive pressure of 0.15 -inch water column in the shaft relative to atmospheric
pressure with all ducts closed.
Activation of the mechanical equipment shall be initiated by activation of an approved
fire alarm system. If the building is not equipped with a fine alarm system, pressurization shall be
upon activation of a spot -type smoke detector listed for releasing service located within 5 feet
(1524 mm) of each enclosure door. Such equipment shall also be activated by actuation of the
automatic sprinkler system.
Section 1006.3.3.1; changed to read as follows:
1006.3.3.1 General. Exterior exit stairways serving as a portion of the exit discharge in the means of egress system
shall comply with the requirements of Section 1006.3.3. An exterior exit stairway serves as an exit discharge
component in a means of egress system and is open on not less than two sides, except for required structural
columns and open -type handrails and guardrails. The adjoining open ... (remainder of section unchanged)..
for interior stairways.
Section 1101.2; add an item #2 to read as follows.:
2. Alternate Design
Buildings regulated under State Law and built in accordance with State certified plans, including any
variances or waivers granted by the State, shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this
Chapter. State certification of fatal inspection must be provided before issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.
' Section 1202.2.1; add this exception after the secondparagraph to read as follows:
Exception: Bathroom exhaust ducts may terminate in a warehouse or shop area when
infiltration of outside air is present and the duct does not penetrate an occupancy separation.
Section 1203.3; change the exception after the third paragraph to read as follows:
Exception: Private laundry rooms in Group R, Division 3 Occupancies.
Section 1506.3; change to read as follows:
1506.3 Overflow Drains and Scuppers. Where roof drains are required, overflow drains shall be sized and
installed in accordance with Section 1107 of the Plumbing Code.
Overflow drains shall discharge to an approved location and shall not be connected to roof drain lines.
Table No. 15-A andfannotes changed to read as follows:
-insert a foomote #51n the heading "TABLE 15-A - MINIMUM ROOF CLASSES'-"
•Change the roof classes for R-3, Types llfwne-hour, 111-N, 1V, Vron"our and V -N from "NR" to
Veletefw1holes 1 and 3.
•Changefaomow #4 to read =follows:
When exceeding 120 sq.ft. of projected roof area, the roof class shall be a minimum of Class C or shall be non-
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 11
-Add o fnthune #S to read as follows:
'- All individual replacement shingles or shakes shall be in compliance with the rating required by this table.
Section 2501.2; delete.
Section 2903; clanged to read as follows:
As a recommended but not required alternate to the minimum number of plumbing fixtures required by this chapter,
see Appendix Chapter 29 of this code or Table 403.1 of the Plumbing Code.
Section 3504, Part 11, Chapter 9; changed to read as follows:
9-1; 307.11.3, 321.1, 403.2, 404.3.1, 405.1.1, 804.1, 902, 904.1.2, 904.1.3, 904.2.6.3, 904.2.7, 904.3.2, 2603.7.1,
Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13-1996,
National Fire Protection Association.
9-2; 902, 904.1.2, 904.5.1
Standpipe Systems. Standard for Installation of Standpipe Systems and Hose Systems, NFPA 14-1996,
National Fire Protection Association.
9-3; 804.1, 805, 902, 904.1.2, 904.1.3, 2603.7.1, 2603.8.1
' Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Group R Occupancies Four Stories or Less. Standard for the
Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies up to Four Stories in Height, NFPA 138-
1996, National Fire Protection Association.
94; 902, 904.2.6.4, 904.2.10.2
Aircraft Hangars. Standard on Aircraft Hangars, NFPA 409-1995, National Fire Protection Association.
9-5; 902, 904.1.2
Halon Fire Extinguishing System. Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 12A-1992,
National Fire Protection Association.
9-6; 902, 904.1.2
Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their Appurtenances, NFPA 24-1995,
National Fre Protection Association.
9-7; 902, 904.1.2
Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- Two -Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, NFPA 13D-
1996, National Fire Protection Association.
Appendix Section 421 1; addan exception to paragraph #1 to read as follows:
Exception: When horizontal members are part of a fence that is a least 6 feet (1830 mm)
in height, the horizontal members need not be on the pool side of the barrier.
Appendix Section 1107.4; added to read as follows:
1107.4 Alternate Design
' Buildings regulated under State law and built in accordance with State certified plans, including my
variances or waivers granted by the State, shall be deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of this
Chapter. State certification of final inspection most be provided before issuance of Certificate of Occupancy.
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 12
' Appendix Section 1516.3, subparagraph kl; changed to readas follows:
1. Asphalt shingles. Not more than one overlay of asphalt shingles shall be applied over an existing
asphalt or wood shingle roof.
U.B.C. Standard No. 9-1 is changed to read as follows.
See Sections 307.11.3; 404.3.1; 405.1.1; 405.3.4; 804.1; 902; 904.1.2; 904.1.3;904.2.6.3;
904.2.8; 904.2.9; 2603.7.1; 2603.8.1, Item 4; Appendix 327.2, Uniform Building Cade
This standard, with certain exceptions, is based on the National Fire Protection Association Standard for the
Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13-1996.
Part I of this standard contains the exceptions to NFPA 13-1996.
Delete all of Part I and Part 11 and replace with a new Part I to read as follows:
Part I
The National Fire Protection Association standard adopted by this standard applies to the selection, installation,
acceptance inspection and acceptance testing of sprinkler systems, except as follows:
' 1. Any standard referenced in this document that has not specifically been adopted may be replaced
with other nationally recognized standards, or with adopted provisions from Volume I of this code or from
the Fire Code, by the authority having jurisdiction.
2. All references to NFPA 24, Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their
Appurtenances, shall be taken to mean U.B.C. Standard 9-6 of this code.
3. All references to NFPA 409, Standard on Aircraft Hangars, shall be taken to mean U.B.C.
Standard 9-4 of this code.
4. All references to NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, shall be taken to mean the Electrical Code, as
adopted by this jurisdiction.
5. All references to NFPA 13D, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems In One- and Two -
Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, shall be taken to mean U.B.C. Standard 9-7 of this code.
6. All references to NFPA 13-R, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler System in Residential
Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, shall be taken to mean U.B.C. Standard 9-3 of this
7. All references to NFPA 14, Standard for the Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, shall be
taken to mean U.B.C. Standard 9-2.
8. Sec. 1-1 is amended by changing the note to read as follows:
' Consult other recognized and accepted standards for additional requirements relating to water supplies.
9. Sec. 1-4 is amended by changing the definition of approved' and "listed' as follows:
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 13
The definitions of"approved and "listed" shall be as set forth in Volume I of this code.
10. Sec. 1-4.1 is amended by deleting the definitions of the terms "limited combustible material,"
"noncombustible material," "should" and "standard;" by deleting the note following the definition of
"sprinkler system;" and by adding a definition for "thermal barrier" to read as follows:
Thermal Barrier is a material that will limit the average temperature rise of the unexposed surface to not
more than 250° F. (121° C.) After 15 minutes of five exposure complying with nationally recognized standards.
11. Sec. 1-4.7 is amended to read as follows:
1.4.7 For the purpose of determining the level of protection to be provided by required sprinkler system
installations, Table 1.4.7 shall be used.
For barard classifications other than those indicated, we appropriate nationally recognized standards for
design criteria.
When fire sprinkler systems are required in buildings of undetermined use, they shall be designed and
installed to have a sprinkler density of not less than that required for an Ordinary Hazard Group 2 use with a
minimum design area of 3,000 square feet (279 m').
Use is considered undetermined if not specified at time permit is issued.
Where a subsequent occupancy requires a system with greater capability, it shall be the responsibility of
the occupant to upgrade the system to the required density for the new occupancy.
Other Uniform Codes or standards contain sprinkler system design criteria for Fire control or suppression
of specific hazards.
Table 1.4.7 — Hazard Classification
Occupancy of Building or Portion Thereof
Group A Occupancies used as meeting rooms, library reading rooms, restaurant seating
areas, clubs, theaters, museums, health clubs, educational classrooms and churches. Group
B Occupancies used as offices, data processing areas, colleges and universities. Group E
Occupancies other than shops and laboratories. Group I Occupancy living and sleeping
areas. Group R, Division 1 Occupancies.' Typically these uses are such that the quantity
and combustibility of contents is such that relatively low -rate -of -herd -release fires would be
Groups B, F and S Occupancies used for light manufacturing, commercial kitchens,
Ordinary Group 1
laundries, automobile puking garages, bakeries, canneries, electronic plants, beverage
manufacturing and glass products manufacturing plants not producing dust or fibers.
Typically these uses are such that the quantity of combustibles is relatively low, the
combustibility of contents is moderate, storage does not exceed 8 fee[ (2438 mm) in height,
and moderate -rate -of -heat -release fres would he expected.
Groups B, F, M and S Occupancies used for chemical plant laboratories, mercantile,
Ordinary Group 2
machine shops, printing, plants, library stack areas, mend working, wood product assembly,
textile manufacturing, confectionery products, cold storage warehouses,' cereal mills,
service stations and repair garages. Typically these uses are such that the quantity of
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 14
combustibles is moderate. The combustibility of contents is moderate, storage does not
exceed 12 feet (3658 mm) in height' and moderate -ram -of -heat -release fres would be
Group A Occupancies such as exhibition halls. Group B, F and S Occupancies used as to
tobacco products manufacturing, paper and pulp mills, piers and wharfs, and warehousing'
of higher combustible contents (including packaging). Group H Occupancies used as fee
mills, tire manufacturing, chemical plants, repair garages and woodworking. Group H,
Division 6 Occupancies (except extra -hazard areas). Typically these uses are such that
high -rate -of -heat -release fires would be expected and the spread of in would be rapid.
Group H Occupancies used for printing [using inks with flash points below 100'F. (38° C)],
Extra Hazard
combustible hydraulic fluid -use areas such as die casting and metal extruding, upholstering
Group 1
with plastic foam, rubber reclaiming, compounding, drying, milling, vulcanizing, plywood
and particle board manufacturing, saw mills, textile picking, opening, blending, gametting,
carding and combining of cotton, synthetics, wool shoddy or burlap. Typically these uses
are such that a significant fire hazard exists.
Group H Occupancies used as asphalt saturating, flammable liquids spraying, flow coming,
Extra Hazard
open oil quenching, varnish and paint dipping, solvent cleaning, and manufactured home or
Group 2'
modular building manufacturing (where the finished building enclosure is present and has
combustible interiors). These uses me such that a severe fire hazard exists.
'See also Section 5-3.2
2 For high -piled storage, see Article 81 of the Fire Code.
For additional or more stringent criteria, see Article 79 or 80 ofthe Fire Code,
12. Sec. 2-1.1 is revised to read as follows:
2-1.1 All materials and devices shall be listed and approved.
13. Sec. 2-3.5 is revised to read as follows:
2-3.5 Other types of pipe or tube, such as plastic, may be used if it is investigated and found to be listed for
this service.
14. Sec. 2-8.1 is revised to read as follows:
2-8.1 The fire department connection(s) shall be Intomal swivel fittings having national standard hose
thread or as approved by the chief.
15. Sec. 2-9.1 is revised by changing the last line as follows: "on the premises within two minutes
after such flow begins."
16. Sea 2-9.5.1 is revised to read as follows:
Electrically operated marm attachments forming part of an auxiliary, proprietary, remote station or local
signaling system shall be installed in accordance with Fire Code Standard No. 14-1.
17. Sea 3-9.1 is revised by deleting the last sentence.
18. See. 4-2 is revised by changing the last item to read as follows:
Storage - High -piled storage (as defined in the Five Code) -- 40,000 square feet (3716 m2).
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 15
' (Exception to remain unchanged.)
19. Sea 4- is revised by changing Exception 3 to read as follows:
Exception No. 3: Where sprinklers are installed under composite wood joists less than 16 inches (406 mm)
in depth, sprinkler deflectors shall be a minimum of I inch (25 mm) and a maximum of 6 inches (152 mm) below the
bottom of the composite wood joist and the joist channels shall a fire stopped the full depth of the joist with a
material equivalent to the web construction so that individual channel areas do not exceed 300 square feet (17.9
m2). Where the depth of the composite woodjoist is 16 inches (406 mm) or greater, protection shall be provided by
using one or more of the following methods:
(a) Provide a sprinkler in each joist channel. The distance between sprinklers within the joist channel
shall not exceed 15 feel (4572 mm).
(b) Protect the composite woodjoist with 5/8 -inch (16 mm) Type X gypsum wallboard attached directly to
the bottom ofthe composite woodjoist. Joist channels shall be fire -stopped the full depth of the joist with a material
equivalent to the web construction so that the volume of individual channels do not exceed 160 cubic feet (4.53 m3).
(c) Completely fill the channel with noncombustible insulation. The insulation shall be secured to prevent
the insulation from falling. Joist channels shall be fire -stopped the full depth of the joist with a material equivalent
to the web construction so that the volume ofindividual channels does not exceed 160 cubic feet (4.53 m3).
20. Sec. 4- is revised to read as follows:
When sprinkler piping is installed in storage racks as defined in Fire Code Standard 81-2, piping shall be
substantially supported from the storage rack structure or building in accordance with all applicable provisions of
Sections 4-14.2 and 4-14.4.3.
' 21. Sec. 4- is revised to read as follows:
Local water -flow alarms shall be provided on each sprinkler system having more than five sprinklers and shall be
located in an area approved by the Chief.
22. Sec is revised by substituting "nationally recognized" for "NFPA" in the first line of
Exception 1.
the text.
23. Sec. 5-3.4.1 is revised by substituting "nationally recognized" for "NFPA" in the second line of
24. Sea 6-1.1.1(1) is revised to read as follows:
6-1.1.1(1) Manufacturing data sheets for sprinkler head which contain at least the following information:
-Nominal office size
-Temperature rating
-Minimum operating pressures and discharge rates for proposed area of coverage.
25. Sec. 84.1 is revised to read as follows:
8-4.1 The installer of the system shall provide the owner with written instructions and information relating to the
care and maintenance of the sprinkler system, with special attention given to the sprinkler system devices.
' Subsections (a) and (b) are deleted.
26. Chapter 9 is deleted.
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 16
27. Sec. 10-1.1 is revised to read as follows:
10-1.1 A sprinkler system installed under this standard shall be maintained in accordance with Article 10 of the Fire
28. Chapter 11 is deleted.
UB. C. Standard No. 9-2 is changed to read as follows:
See Sections 902, 904.1.2 and 904.5.1, Uniform Building Code
This standard, with certain exceptions, is based on the National Fire Protection Association Standard for the
Installation of Standpipe and Hose Systems, NFPA 14-1996.
Part I of this standard contains exceptions to NFPA 14-1996.
Unless specifically adopted elsewhere, supplemental standards referenced in this primary standard shall only be
considered to be guidance material subject to the approval of the authority having jurisdiction.
"*Delete all of PartI and Part II and replace with a new Part I to read as follows:
Part I
1. Any standard referenced in this document that has not specifically been adopted may be replaced
with other nationally recognized standards, or with adopted provisions from Volume I of this code or from
the Fire Code, by the authority having jurisdiction.
2. All references to NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, shall be taken to
mean U.B.C. Standard 9-1 of this code.
3. All references to NFPA 24, Standardfor the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Their
Appurtenances, shall be taken to mean U.B.C. Standard 9-6 of this code.
4. Sec. 3-2.4 is revised to read as follows:
3-2.4 Manual - Dry. A manual -dry standpipe system shall be a dry standpipe system that does not have a
permanent water supply attached to the system. Manual -dry systems need water from a fire department pumper (or
the like) to be pumped into the system through the fire department connection in order to supply the system
demand. Manual -Dry standpipe systems may not be installed except in areas subject to freezing and with the
approval of the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
5. Sec. 3-3.1 is revised to read as follows:
3-3.1 Class I Systems. A Class I standpipe system shall provide 2-1/2 in. (63.5 -mm) hose connections to
supply water for use by fire depar6nents and those trained in handling heavy fire streams.
All Class I standpipes systems shall be:
1. Water filled at all times; or,
' 2. Supervised with a minimum of 10 psig and a maximum of 40 psig an pressure with a
high/low alarm.
ORDINANCENO. 1589-4-98 Page 17
6. Sec. 5-3.2(f) is revised to read as follows:
(f) Where the most remote portion of a nonsprinklered floor or story is located in excess of 150 ft (45.7 m)
of travel distance from a required exit or closest point of approved fire department access, or the most remote
portion of a sprinklered floor or story is located in excess of200 ft (62 m) oftravel distance from a required exit, or
closest point of approved fire department access, additional hose connections shall be provided, in approved
locations, where required by the local fun department.
7. Sec. 5-7(a) is revised by adding a second exception to read as follows:
Exception No. 1: Standpipe systems that are a portion of an approved sprinkler system may utilize a Fire
Department pumper in operation at the Fire Department connection to meet the 100 psi hydraulic calculation
requirements, subject to the approval of the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
S. Sec. 5-9.1.1 is revised by adding a second exception to read as follows:
Exception No. 2: In all fully sprinklered buildings, except high rises, the flow rate requirement of 501 GPMfor the
most remote standpipe, and 250 GPMfar additional standpipes may be calculated utilizing a Fire Department
pumper in operation at the systems Fire Department connection, subject 10 the approval ofthe Authority Having
9. Chapter 10 is deleted.
V. AC. Standard No. 9-3 is changed to read as follows:
See Sections 804.1, 805, 902, 904.1.2, 2603.7.1 and 2603.8.1,
Uniform Budding Code
Delete all of Part I and Part II andreplace with a new Part I to read as follows:
Part I
Except for the limitations, deletions, modifications and amendments set forth in Section 9.302 of this standard, the
installation of sprinkler systems in Group R Occupancies required by this code shall be in accordance with the
Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies, NFPA 13R-1996, or U.B.C. Standard
The National Fire Protection Association standard adopted by Section 9.301 applies to the selection, installation,
acceptance inspection and acceptance testing of sprinkler systems in residential occupancies four stories or less,
except as follows:
L Any standard referenced in this document that has not specifically been adopted may be replaced
with other nationally recognized standards, or with adopted provisions from Volume I of this code or from
the Fire Code, by the authority having jurisdiction.
2. All references to NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler System, shall be taken to mean
U.B.C. Standard 9-1 of this code.
3. Sec. 1-3 is amended as follows:
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 18
The definitions of"approved" and "listed' shall be as set forth to Volume 1 of this code.
The definitions of"should" and "standard" are deleted.
The definition of -residential occupancies" is revised as follows:
4. Sec. 2-3.2 is revised by changing the reference to "NFPA 20 and 22" to "nationally recognized
5. Secs. 2-7.1 and 2-7.2 are added as follows:
2-7.1 A sprinkler system installed under this standard shall be maintained in accordance with the Fire
2-7.2 The installer of the system shall provide the owner with written instructions and information relating
to the care and maintenance of the sprinkler system, with special attention given to the sprinkler system devices.
6. Chapter 3 is deleted.
U.B.C. SYand�dNo. 9-4 added to read ar jollows:
See Section 902.1.3, 904.1.2, 904.2.6.4 and 904.2.10.2
Uniform Building Code
Except for the limitations, deletions, modifications and amendments set forth in Section 9.402 of this standard, the
installation of Eve-extinguisbing systems in aircraft hangars of Croup H, Division 5 and Group S, Division 5
Occupancies required by this code shall be in accordance with the Standard on Aircraft Hangars, NFPA 409-1995.
The National Fire Protection Association standard adopted by Section 9.401 applies to the selection, installation,
acceptance inspection and acceptance testing of fire -extinguishing systems in aircraft hangars of Group H, Division
5 and Group S, Division 5 Occupancies, except as follows:
1. Any standard referenced in this document that has not specifically been adopted may be replaced
with other nationally recognized standards, or with adopted provisions from Volume 1 of this code or from
the Fire Code, by the authority having jurisdiction.
2. All references to NFPA 13, SYandardjor the 7nsraBadon of Sprinkler System, shall be taken to mean
U.B.C. Standard 9-1 of this code.
3. All references to NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, shall be taken to mean the Electrical Code, as
adopted by this jurisdiction.
4. Sec 1-3 is amended as follows:
' The definition of"Fire Wall' is revised as follows:
ORDINANCE NO. 1599.4.99 Page 19
' Fire Wall. A wall separating buildings or subdividing a building to prevent the spread of fire and having a
five resistance rating as required for an area separation wall as listed in Volume I of this code and structural stability.
The definition of "Hangar Building Cluster^ is revised as follows:
Hangar Building Cluster. A group of buildings with more than one area for the storage and servicing of
aircraft and all attached or contiguous structures, or structures not separated as specified in Volume I of this code, as
The definition of"Single Hangar Building" is revised as follows:
Single Hangar Building. A building with one area for the storage and servicing of aircraft and any
attached, adjoining, or contiguous structure, such as a lean -m, shop area, or parts storage area not separated as
specified in Volume I of this code, as appropriate.
5. Sec. 2-1.1 is amended as follows:
2-1.1• Group I and II hangars shall be assigned a construction type, and constructed, in accordance with the
provisions of Volume I of this code. However, for the purpose of using this standard, Group I hangars shall be
either Type I or Type lI construction in accordance with NFPA 220, Standard on Types ajBudding Construction.
For the purpose of using this standard, Croup II hangars shall be constructed of any of the types of construction
specified in NFPA 220, Standard on Types of Building Construction, or any combination thereof.
6. Sec. 2-1.2 is amended as follows:
' 2-1.2• Mot mrines, tool rooms, and other enclosures within aircraft storage and servicing areas shall be constructed
of material as specified in Volume I of this code.
7. See. 2-2.1 is amended as follows:
2-2.1• Where aircraft storage and servicing meas are subdivided into separate fire areas, the separation shall be by
an area separation wall with opening protection as defined in Volume I of this code.
8. Sm. 2-2.3 is amended as follows:
2-23• Partitions and ceilings separating aircraft storage and servicing areas from a6 other areas, shops, offices, and
parts storage areas shall be fire -rated when and as required in Volume I of this code.
9. Sec. 2-2.4 is amended as follows:
2-2.4 Where a storage and servicing area has an attached, adjoining, or continuous structure, such as a lean -m, shop,
office, or parts storage area, the wall common to both areas shall be fire -rated when and as required in Volume I of
this code.
10. See. 2-3.1 is amended as follows:
2-3.1 Precautions shall be taken to ensure ready access to hangars from all sides. Adequate separation and fins -
rating of exterior walls, as required by Volume I of this code for buildings on the same property, shall be provided
to reduce fire exposure between buildings. The clear yards between buildings shall not be used for the storage or
parking of aircraft or concentrations of combustible materials, nor shall buildings of any type be erected therein.
11. Sec. 2-3.2 is deleted.
' 12. Table 2-3.2 is deleted.
13. Sec. 2-3.2.1 is deleted.
14. Sec. 2-3.2.2 is deleted.
15. Sec. 2-3.2.3 is deleted.
ORDINANCENO. 1589-4-98 Page 20
16. Sec. 2-3.3 is deleted.
17. Table 2-3.3 is deleted.
18. Sec. 2-3.3.1 is deleted.
19. Sec. 2-3.3.2 is deleted.
20. See. 24.3 is amended as follows:
243 Floor openings in multistoried sections of hangars shall be enclosed with partitions or protected with
construction when and as required by Volume I of this code.
21. See. 2-5.1 is amended as follows:
2-5.1 Roof coverings shall be of an approved material and design as required by Volume I of this code.
22. Sec. 2-5.2 is deleted.
23. Sec. 2-5.3 is deleted.
24. Sec. 2-5.4 is deleted.
25. Sec. 2-6.1 is amended as follows:
2-6.1 In aircraft storage and servicing meas of hangars, Manta protection shall be required when and as required by
Volume I of this code.
26. Sec. 2-6.2 is deleted.
27. Sec. 2-10.1 is amended as follows:
' 2-10.1 Exposed interior insulation attached to walls and roofs in an aircraft storage and servicing area of a hangar
shall be as specified in Volume I ofthis code.
28. Sec. 2-10.2 is deleted.
29. Sec. 2-12.1 is amended as follows:
2-12.1* Heating, ventilating, and air conditioning equipment shall be installed, as applicable, in accordance with the
Mechanical Code and Volume I of this code.
30. Sec. 2-123 is amended as follows:
2-12.3 In aircraft storage and servicing areas of hangars, hangar heating plants that are fired with gas, liquid, or
solid fuels not covered order 2-12.5 of this section and that we not located in a detached building shall be located
in a room constructed as required in the Mechanical Code and Volume I of this code. This separated room shall not
be used for any other hazardous purpose of combustible storage
31. Sec. 2-12.6 is amended as follows:
2-12.6 Where a mechanical ventilating system is employed in hangars or shops, the ventilating system shall be
installed in accordance with the Mechanical Code.
32. Sec. 2-12.7 is amended as follows:
I2-12.7 Where blower and exhaust systems me installed for vapor removal, the systems shall be installed in
accordance with the Mechanical Code.
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 21
33. Sec. 2-13.3 is amended as follows:
2-13.3 In aircraft storage and servicing areas of hangars, main distribution panels, metering equipment, and similar
electrical equipment shall be located in a room separated from the aircraft storage and servicing areas when and as
required by the Electrical Code and Volume I of this code.
34. Sec. 2-16.1 is amended as follows:
2-16.1 Means of egress from the aircraft hangar shall comply with the provisions of Volume I of this code.
35. Sec. 2-17 is amended as follows:
2-17' Materials for Draft Curtains. Where provided, draft curtains shall be constructed as required in Volume I
of this code.
36. Sec. 5-1.1 is amended as follows:
5-1.1• Group III hangars shall be assigned a construction type, and constructed, in accordance with the provisions
of Volume I of this code. However, for the purpose of using this standard, Group IH hangars shall be constructed of
any of the types of construction specified in NFPA 220, Standard on Types ajBuilding Construction.
37. Sec. 5-1.6 is amended as follows:
5-1.6 Roof coverings shall be as required in Volume I of this code.
38. Sec. 5-1.7 is amended as follows:
5-1.7 Exposed interior insulation attached to walls and roofs in aircraft storage and servicing areas shall be as
specified in Volume I of this code.
39. Sec. 5-2.1 is deleted.
40. Table 5-2.1 is deleted.
41. Sec. 5-2.2 is deleted.
42. Sec. 5-2.3 is amended as follows:
5-2.3 Partitions and ceilings separating aircraft storage and servicing areas from other areas, such as shops, offices,
and parts storage areas, shall be fire -rated when, and installed as, required by Volume I of this code.
43. Sec. 5-3.3 is deleted.
44. Table 5-3.3 is deleted.
45. Sec. 54.1 is amended as follows:
5-4.1 Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning equipment shall be installed, as applicable, in accordance with the
Mechanical Code and Volume I of this code
' 46. Sec. 54.3 is amended as follows:
5-4.3 Hangar heating plants that are fired with gas, liquid, or solid fuels not covered under 54.5 of this section, and
that are not located in a detached building, shall be located in a room constructed as required by the Mechanical
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 22
Code and Volume I of this code. This separated room shall not be used for any other hazardous purpose or
combustible storage.
47. Sea 5-4.6 is amended as follows:
5-4.6 Where a mechanical ventilating system is employed in hangers or shops, the ventilating system shall be
installed in accordance with the Mechanical Code, and in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 5-4
of this chapter.
48. Sea 54.7 is amended as follows:
5-4.7 Where blower and exhaust systems are installed for vapor removal, the systems shall be installed in
accordance with the Mechanical Code.
49. Sea 5-8.1 is amended as follows:
5-8.1 Means of egress from the aircraft hangar shall comply with the provisions of Volume I of this code
50. Chapter 7 is deleted.
U.B.C. Standard 9-5 added to read as follows:
See Section 902.1.4, Uniform Building Code
Except for the limitations, deletions, modifications or amendments set forth in Section 9.502 of this standard, the
installation of Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems required by this code shall be in accordance with the
"Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems, NFPA 12A- 1992.
The National Fire Protection Association standard adopted by Section 9.501 applies to the selection, installation,
acceptance inspection and acceptance tasting of Halon 1301 Fre Extinguishing Systems, except as follows:
1. Any standard referenced in this document that has not specifically been adopted may he replaced
with other nationally recognized standards, or with adopted provisions from Volume I of this code or from
the Fire Code, by the authority having jurisdiction.
2. All references to NFPA 70, National Electrical Code, shall be taken to mean the Electrical Code, as
adopted by this jurisdiction.
3. Chapter 5 is deleted.
U.B.C. Standard No. 9-6, added to read as follows:
See Section 902.1.5, Uniform Building Code
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 23
Except for the limitations, deletions, modifications or amendments set forth in Section 9.602 of this standard, the
' installation of private fire service mains and their appurtenances required by this code shall be in accordance with
the "Standard for the Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and Then Appurtenances, NFPA 24-1995.
The National Fire Protection Association standard adopted by Section 9.601 applies to the selection, installation,
inspection, maintenance and testing of private foe service mains and their appurtenances, except as follows:
1. Any standard referenced in this document that has not specifically been adopted may be replaced
with other nationally recognized standards, or with adopted provisions from Volume 1 of this code or from
the Fire Code, by the authority having jurisdiction.
2. All references to NFPA 13, Standardfor the Installation of Sprinkler System, shall be taken to mean
U.B.C. Standard 9-1 of this code.
3. Sec. 1-1.I is added as follows:
1-1.1 Other codes. When connecting to a potable water supply, other codes and provisions, such as those for the
prevention of backflow, may also apply. When the fire service main is also used for potable water supply, other
codes and provisions, which may include additional permits, installation requirements and separate inspections from
other AHD departments, may also apply.
4. Chapter 10 is deleted.
U.B.C. Standard No. 9-7; added to read as follows:
See Section 902.1.6, Uniform Building Code
Except for the limitations, deletions, modifications or amendments set forth in Section 9.702 of this standard, the
installation of sprinkler systems in one- and two-family dwellings and manufactured homes required by this code
shall be in accordance with the "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in One- and Two -Family
Dwellings and Manufactured Homes, NFPA 13D-1996.
The National Fire Protection Association standard adopted by Section 9.701 applies to the selection, installation,
inspection, maintenance and testing of sprinkler systems in one- and two-family dwellings and manufactured
homes, except as follows:
1. Any standard referenced in this document that has not specifically been adopted may be replaced
with other nationally recognized standards, or with adopted provisions from Volume I of this code or from
the Fire Code, by the authority having jurisdiction.
2. All references to NFPA 13, Standardfor the Installation of Sprinkler System, shall betaken to mean
U.B.C. Standard 9-1 of this code.
3. All references to NFPA 13-R, Standardfor the Installation of Sprinkler Systems in Residential
Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height, shall be taken to mean U.B.C. Standard 9-3 of this
4. Chapter 6 is deleted.
' The International Mechanical Code shall be amended as follows:
Section 201.3; changed to read as follows:
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 24
' 201.3 Terms defined in other codes. Where terms are not defined in this code and are defined in the building,
electrical, fire prevention or plumbing codes, such terms shall have meanings ascribed to them as in those
Section 202; the definitions of "Code Official" and "Hazardous Location" are changed and new definitions are
added to read as follows:
BUILDING CODE shall mean the Building Code as adopted by this jurisdiction.
CODE OFFICIAL. The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of
this code, or a duly authorized representative. For the purpose of this code, the Code Official shall be the Building
ELECTRICAL CODE shall mean the National Electrical Code as adopted by this jurisdiction. For the purpose of
this code, all references to NFPA 70 shall be assumed to mean the electrical code as defined herein.
FIRE PREVENTION CODE (FIRE CODE) shall mean the Fire Code as adopted by thisjurisdiction.
HAZARDOUS LOCATION. As used in this code, any location considered to be a fire hazard for flammable
vapors, dust, combustible fibers or other highly combustible substances. The location is not necessarily categorized
in the building code as a high -hazard use group classification.
MECHANICAL CODE shall mean this code as adopted by this jurisdiction.
PLUMBING CODE shall mean the Plumbing Code as adopted by this jurisdiction.
' Section 301.1; changed to read as follows:
301.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern the approval and installation of all equipment and appliances that comprise
parts of the building mechanical systems regulated by this code.
Section 301.6; changed to read as follows:
301.6 Conflicts. Where conflicts between this code and the conditions of listing or the manufacturer's installation
instructions occur, the provisions of this code shall apply unless in the opinion of the Code Official the
conditions oflisting; or the manufacturer's installation instructions when taken as a whole provide a higher leve(
of protection.
Sections 302.2, 302.3, 302.3.1 and 302.3.1.1; delete and replace with the following:
302.2 Cutting, notching and boring bola. All cutting, notching and boring of wood framing members shall be in
accordance with the Building Code.
Section 304.7; changed to read as follows:
304.7 Clearances from grade. Equipment installed at grade level shall be supported on a level concrete slab or
other approved material extending above adjoining grade a minimum of 3 inches (76 mm) or it shall be
suspended a minimum off inches (152 mm) above adjoining grade.
Section 306.3.1; changed to read as follows:
306.3.1 Electrical requirements: A lighting fixture controlled by a switch located at the required passageway
opening and a receptacle outlet shall be provided at or near the equipment location in accordance with NFPA
70. Low voltage wining of 50 Volts or less shall be installed in a manner to prevent physical damage.
ORDINANCENO. 1589-4-98 Page 25
Section 306.4.1; changed to read as follows:
306.4.1 Electrical requirements: A lighting fixture controlled by a switch located at the required passageway
opening and a receptacle outlet shall be provided at or new the equipment location in accordance with NFPA
70. Low voltage wiring of 50 Volts or less shall be installed in a manner to prevent physical damage.
Section 306.5; changed to read as follows:
306.5 Equipment on roofs or elevated structures. Where equipment and appliances requiring access are installed
on roofs or elevated structures at a height exceeding 16 feet (4877 mm), such access shall be provided by a
permanent approved means of access. Permanent exterior ladders providing roof access need not extend closer than
8 feet (2438 mm) to the finish grade or Floor level below and shall extend to the equipment's level service space.
Such access shall ... (hulk ojsection to read the same)... on roofs having a slope greater than 4 units vertical in 12
units horizontal (33 -percent slope).
A receptacle outlet shall be provided at or new the equipment location in accordance with the Electrical Code. Low
voltage wiring of 50 Volts or less shall he installed in a mamer to prevent physical damage.
Section 306.6; add a second paragraph to read as follows:
A receptacle outlet shall be provided at or near the equipment location in accordance with the Electrical Code. Low
voltage wiring of 50 Volts or less shall be installed in a mamer to prevent physical damage.
Section 306.6.1 added to read as follows:
306.6.1 Catwalk On roofs having slopes greater than 4 in 12, a catwalk at least 16 inches in width with substantial
cleats spaced not more than 16 inches apart shall be provided from the roof access to the working platform at
the appliance.
Section 307.2.2; add a second paragraph to read as follows:
Condensate waste pipes from air-cooling coils shall be sized in accordance with equipment capacity as follows:
Equipment Capacity
Condensate Pipe
in tons of refrigeration
Minimum Inside Diameter
Up to 20 tons
3/4 inch
Over 20 to 40 tons
1 inch
Over 40 to 90 tons
1 1/4 inch
Over 90 to 125 tons
1 K inch
Over 125 to 250 tons
2 inch
The size of condensate waste pipes may be for one mit or a combination of units, or as recommended by the
manufacturer. The capacity of waste pipes assumes a 1/8 -inch -per -foot slope, with the pipe running three-quarters
Any section or table not reprinted herein, shall be assumed to be deleted. Chapter 4 is changed to only read
as follows:
401.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern the ventilation of spaces within a building intended to be occupied. This
' chapter does not govern the requirements for smoke control systems. Should any conoid occur between this chapter
and the Building Code, the Building Code shall take precedence.
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 26
401.2 Ventilation required. Every occupied space shall he ventilated by natural means or by mechanical means in
accordance with the Building Code.
401.3 When required. Ventilation shall be provided during the periods that the room or space is occupied.
401.4 Vestibule ventilation. Vestibule ventilation for smokeproof enclosures shall be in accordance with the
building code.
401.7 Opening location. Outside air exhaust and intake openings shall be located a minimum of 10 feet (3048 mm)
from lot lines or buildings on the same lot. Where openings front on a street or public way, the distance shall be
measured to the centerline of the street or public way.
Exception: Use Group R-3.
401.7.1 Intake openings. Mechanical and gravity outside air intake openings shall be located a minimum of 10 feet
(3048 mm) from any hazardous or noxious containment, such as vents, chimneys, plumbing vents, streets, alleys,
parking lots and loading docks, except as otherwise specified in this code. Where a source of contaminant is located
within 10 feet (3048 mm) of an intake opening, such opening shall be located a minimum of 3 feet (915 mm) below
the contaminant source.
401.7.2 Exhaust openings. Outside exhaust openings shall be located so as not to create a nuisance. Exhaust air
shall not be directed onto walkways. For Type I and II hood exhaust outlets, see Sections 506.17 and 506.18.
401.8 Outside opening protection. Air exhaust and intake openings that terminate outdoors shall be protected with
corrosion -resistant screens, louvers or grilles having a minimum opening size of 1/4 inch (6.4 mm) and a maximum
' opening sin of %s inch (12.7 mm), in any dimension. Openings shall be protected against local weather conditions.
Outdoor air exhaust and intake openings located in exterior walls shall meet the provisions for exterior wall opening
protectives in accordance with the building code.
401.9 Contaminant sources. Stationary local sources producing air -borne particulates, heat, odors, fumes, spray,
vapors, smoke or gases in such quantities as to be irritating or injurious to health shall be provided with an exhaust
system in accordance with Chapter 5 or a means of collection and removal of the contaminants. Exhaust required
by this section shall discharge directly to an approved location at the exterior of the building.
403.1 Ventilation system. Mechanical ventilation shall be provided by a method of supply air and return or
exhaust air. The amount of supply air shall be approximately equal to the amount of return and exhaust air. The
system shall not be prohibited from producing a negative or positive pressure. The system to convey the ventilation
air shall be designed and installed in accordance with Chapter 6.
Ventilation supply systems shall be designed to deliver the required rate of supply air to the zone within the
occupied space between 3 inches (76 mm) and 72 inches (1829 mm) above the floor and more than 2 feet (610 mm)
from the enclosing walls.
403.2.1 Recirculation of air. The amount of outside air required by the Building Code shall not be recirculated.
Air in excess of the outside air required by the Building Code shall not be prohibited from being recirculated as a
component of supply air to building spaces, except that:
Ventilation air shall not be recirculated from one dwelling to another or to dissimilar occupancies.
Supply air to a swimming pool and associated deck areas shall not be recirculated unless such air
is dehumidified to maintain the relative humidity of the area at 60 percent or less and such
recirculation is in accordance with Section 401.9. Air from this area shall not be recirculated to
other spaces.
Section 501; add a second paragraph to read as follows:
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 27
Where differences occur between the provisions of this chapter and the building or fire codes, the provisions of the
building or fire codes shall apply.
Section 502.4; changed to read as follows:
502.4 Spray -painting and dipping rooms. Rooms or booths utilized for spray painting or dipping shall have a
mechanical exhaust system that complies with the fire prevention code and Building Code The exhaust system
shall have automatic controls to ensue its operation while spray painting or dipping is being conducted.
Section 502.7; changed to read as follows:
502.5 LP -gas distribution facilities. LP -gas distribution facilities shall be ventilated in accordance with the
applicable provisions of the Fire Code, Building Code and this code.
Section 502.10; changed to read as follows:
502.6 Public garages. Mechanical exhaust systems for public garages shall operate in accordance with the
Building Code.
Section 502.12; changed to read as follows:
502.7 Tire rebuilding or recapping. Each room where rubber cement is used or mixed, or where flammable or
combustible solvents are applied, shall be ventilated in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Fire
Code, Building Code and this code.
Section 502.13; changed to read as follows:
502.8 Specific rooms. Specific rooms, including bathrooms, locker rooms, smoking lounges and toilet rooms, shall
be exhausted in accordance with the ventilation requirements of the Building Code and this code.
' Section 504.6; changed to read as follows:
504.6 Domestic clothes dryer ducts. Ducts shall have a smooth interior finish with joints running in the direction
of the airflow. The maximum length shall not exceed 25 feet (7620 ram) from the dryer location to the outlet
terminal with not more than two bends. When extra bends are installed, the maximum length of the duct shall be
reduced 2 'h feet (762 mm) for each 45 -degree (0.79 rad) bend and 5 feet (1524 mm) for each 90 -degree (1.6 rad)
bend that occur after the fust two, measuring in the direction of airflow. The exhaust duct shall be a minimum
nominal size of 4 inches (102 mm) in diameter. The sin of duct shall not be reduced along it's developed length
nor at the point of termination.
_Ibe entire exhaust system shall be supported and secured in place. Flexible duct cmmecton used in colo ection with
domestic dryer exhausts shall be not more than 6 feet (1829 mm) in length and an approved type. Flexible duct
connectors shall not be concealed within construction.
Section 505.1; add an exception to read as follows:
Exception: Ducts for domestic kitchen downdraft grill -range ventilation installed under a
concrete slab floor may be of approved Scheduled 40 PVC provided:
1. The under -floor trench in which the duct is installed shall be completely backfilled with
sand or gravel.
2. Not more than 1 inch (25.4 mm) of 6 inch diameter (152 mm) PVC coupling may protrude
above the concrete floor surface.
3. PVC pipe joints shall be solvent cemented to provided an air- and grease -tight duct.
4. The duct shall terminate above grade outside the building and shall be equipped with a
backdraft damper.
Section 506.12; changed to read as follows:
506.12 Duct enclosure. A grease duct serving a Type I hood that penetrates a ceiling, wall or floor shall be
enclosed ...(bulk ojparagraph unchanged)... through the use of weather -protected openings. The enclosure shall be
separated from the duct by a minimum of 3 inches (76 mm) and a maximum of 12 inches (305 mm) and shall serve
a single grease exhaust duct system.
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 28
' Exception: The shaft enclosure provisions of Section 506.12 shall not be required where
a duct penetration is protected with a through -penetration protection system tested in accordance
with the Building Code having an "F" and "T" rating equal ...(remainder of section to remain
unchanged]... construction or product.
Section 508.1; changed to read as follows:
508.1 Makeup air. Makeup air shall be supplied during the operation of the kitchen exhaust system. The exhaust
and makeup air systems shall be connected by an electrical interlocking switch to insure that makeup air is provided
whenever the exhaust system is in operation. The amount of makeup air supplied shall be approximately equal to
the amount of exhaust air. The makeup air shall not reduce the effectiveness of the exhaust system. Makeup air
shall be provided by gravity or mechanical means or both. Compensating hoods shall extract at least 20 percent of
their required exhaust airflow from the kitchen area.
Exception: This section shall not apply to dwelling units.
Section 509.1; change the exception to read w follows:
Exception: Steam kettles, steam tables and equipment that as used do not create grease -laden
vapors we not required to be protected by an automatic fire -extinguishing system.
Section 509.2; changed to read as follows:
509.2 Type of system. The automatic fire suppression system shall be of a type recognized for
protection of commercial cooking ... (bulk of paragraph unchanged)... operations. The
system shall be installed in accordance with this code, its listing and the manufacturer's
installation instructions. Other the suppression systems shall be of an approved design and
shall be one of the following types.
Carbon -dioxide extinguishing system.
Automatic sprinkler system.
Foam -water sprinkler system or foam -water spray systems.
Dry -chemical extinguishing systems.
Wet -chemical extinguishing systems.
Section 510.1; changed to read as follows:
510.1 General. This section shall govern the design and construction of duct systems for hazardous exhaust and
shall determine ... [bulk of paragraph unchanged] ... posing a health hazard, such as toxic or corrosive
materials. For the purposes of this section, the health -hazard rating of materials shall be as specified in NFPA
704 or other approved standards.
Section 510.6; changed to read as follows:
510.6 Penetrations. Penetrations of structural elements by a hazardous exhaust system shall conform to Sections
510.6.1 through 510.6.4.
510.6.1 Floors. Hazardous exhaust systems that penetrate a Floor/ceiling assembly shall be enclosed in a fire -
resistance -rated shaft constructed in accordance with the building code.
510.6.2 Wall assemblies. Hazardous exhaust duct systems that penetrate flim -resistance -rated wall assemblies
shall be enclosed in fire -resistance -rated construction from the point of penetration to the outlet terminal. Ducts
shall be enclosed in accordance with the building code requirements for shaft construction and such enclosure
shall have a minimum fire -resistance -rating of not less than the highest fire -resistance -rated wall assembly
' 510.6.3 Fire walls. Ducts shall not penetrate any area separation fire wall or my four how rated occupancy
separation fire wall as defined in the Building Code.
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 29
510.6.4 Fire dampers. Fire dampers are not permitted at penetrations of fire -resistance -rated assemblies. An
approved automatic fire suppression system shall be installed in the duct at the point of penetration of the
assembly as noted in Section 510.7.
Section 510.7; changed to read as follows:
510.7 Suppression required. Ducts shall be protected with an approved automatic fire suppression system,
installed in accordance with the building code, at the entrance point of the duct and at the penetration point of fire -
rated -assemblies as noted in Section 510.6.4.
Exception: An approved automatic fire suppression system shall not be required in ducts
conveying materials, fumes, mists and vapors that are nonflammable and noncombustible.
Section 510.8.3; changed to read as follows:
510.8.3 Explosion relief. Systems exhausting potentially explosive mixtures shall be protected with an approved
explosion relief system or by an approved explosion prevention system. An explosion relief system shall be
designed to minimize the structural and mechanical damage resulting from an explosion or deflagration within
the exhaust system. An explosion prevention system shall be designed to prevent an explosion or deflagration
from occurring.
Section 601.1; delete the exception.
Section 603.17; changed to read as follows:
603.17 Location. Ducts shall not be installed in or within 4 inches (101 mm) of the earth, except where such ducts
comply with Section 603.12.
' Section 604.1; changed to read as follows:
604.1 General. Duct insulation shall conform to the requirements of Sections 604.2 through 604.11 and Table No.
604.1. Should there be any conflicts between this section and the energy code, when adopted, the energy code
shall take precedent.
Table No. 604.1 added to read as follows:
Table 604.1 - Insulation of Ducts
On roof on exterior of building
C, V and W
A and W
B and W
C and W
Attics, garages and crawl spaces
A and V
In walls, within floor -ceiling
A and V
Within the conditioned space or in
basements; return ducts in air
None required
None required
Cement slab or within ground
None required
None required
NOTE: Where ducts are used for both heating and cooling, the minimum insulation shall be as required for the most
restrictive condition.
ORDINANCENO. 1589-4-98 Page 30
'Heating Degree Days:
Zone I below 4,500 D.D.
Zone II 4,501 to 8,000 D.D.
Zone III over 8,001 D.D.
'Vapor retarders shall be installed on supply ducts in spaces vented to the outside in geographic areas where the
summer dew point temperature based on the 2K percent column of dry-bulb and mean coincident wet -bulb
temperature exceeds 60 degrees F (15.4 degrees Q.
31nsulation may be omitted on that portion of a duct which is located within a wall- or a floor -ceiling space where:
" Both sides of the space are exposed to conditioned air.
32 The space is not ventilated.
's The space is not used as a return plenum.
14 The space is not exposed to unconditioned air.
Ceilings which form plenums need not be insulated.
A - A material with an installed conductance of 0.48 [2.72 W/(m'K)] or the equivalent thermal resistance of
2.1 [0.367 (m'K)/W].
Example of materials capable of meeting the above requirements:
1 -inch (25 mm), 0.6016./cu. ft. (9.6 kg/m`) mineral fiber, rock, slag or glass blankets.
Y/ -inch (13 mm), 1.5 to 3 Wen. ft. (24 in 48 kg/m3) mineral fiber blanket duct liner.
'/2 -inch (13 mm), 3 to 10 Ib./cu. ft. (48 to 160 kg/m3) mineral fiber board.
' B - A material with an installed conductance of 0.24 [1.36 W/(m'K)] or the equivalent thermal resistance of
4.2 [0.735 (m'K)/W].
Example of materials capable of meeting the above requirements:
2 -inch (51 mm), 0.60 lb./cu. ft. (9.6 kg/m`) mineral fiber, rock, slag or glass blankets.
1 -inch (25 mm), 1.5 in 3 Ib./cu. ft. (24 to 48 kg/m3) mineral fiber blanket duct liner.
1 -inch (25 mm), 3 to 10 lb./cu. ft. (48 to 160 kg/m3) mineral fiber bound.
C - A material with an installed conductance of 0.16 [0.9 W/(m'K)] or the equivalent thermal resistance of 6.3
[I.1 (m'K)/W].
Example of materials capable of meeting the above requirements:
3 -inch (76 mm), 0.6016./cu. ft, (9.6 kg/m`) mineral fiber, rock, slag or glass blankets.
1 %-inch (38 mm), 1.5 in 316./pu. ft. (24 to 48 kg/m3) mineral fiber blanket duct liner.
1 %-inch (38 mm), 3 to 10 lb./cu. ft. (48 to 160 kg/m3) mineral fiber hoard.
V - Vapor Retarders: Material with a perm rating not exceeding 0.5 perm [29 ng/(Pa's-m-)]. Alljoints to be
W - Approved weatherproof barrier.
'The example of materials listed under each type is not meant to limit other available thickness and density
combinations with the equivalent installed conductance or resistance based on the insulation only.
Section 604.11 is deleted.
Section 606.3; changed to read as follows:
' 606.3 Installation. Smoke detectors required by this section shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer's installation instructions and as required by the code official. The required smoke detectors shall
be installed in monitor the entire airflow conveyed by the system including return air and exhaust or relief air.
Access shall be provided to smoke detectors for inspection and maintenance.
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 31
Section 607.2; changed in read as follows:
607.2 Smoke dampers. Smoke dampers shall be installed where required by the building code, shall be listed and
labeled, shall ... (bulk of paragraph unchanged) ... or a single -station, spot -type detector installed in the point of
penetration and listed for releasing service. Smoke dampers shall also close whenever the fan serving the duct
system is shut off.
Section 805.4.1; add a sentence to read as follows:
The ventilating system shall be installed in a mamer that will avoid penetrating any fire rated assemblies which
would require a damper as required by the Building Code.
Section 909; changed in read as follows:
909.1 Vented Appliances. Vented gas-fired decorative appliances shall be listed and labeled and shall be installed
in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Such appliances shall be tested in accordance with
ANSI Z21.50 and shall be designed and equipped as specified in Section 907.2.
909.2 Unvented Appliances. Unvented gas-fired decorative appliances shall be listed and labeled and shall be
installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions. Such appliances shall be equipped
with an oxygen -depletion -sensitive safety shutoff system as described in Section 926.5. This appliance shall
not be installed in a bedroom or bathroom.
Sections 920.1 and 920.2; changed to read as follows:
920.1 General. The installation of gasdueled and liquid -fueled stationary internal combustion engines and gas
' turbines, including fuel storage and piping, shall meet the requirements of this code, the Building Code and the Fire
920.2 Powered equipment. Permanently installed equipment powered by internal combustion engines and turbines
shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions and in accordance with this
code, the Building Code and the Fire Code.
Section 926.2; changed to read as follows:
926.2.1 Prohibited use. An invented room heater shall not be used as the sole source of comfort heating in a
dwelling unit.
Exception: Existing approved unvented heaters may continue to be used in dwelling units, in accordance
with the code provisions in effect when installed, when approved by the Code Official unless an unsafe condition is
determined to exist as described in Section 108.7.
926.2.2 Unvented room heaters shall not be installed in bathrooms or bedrooms.
Exceptions: 1. Where approved by the code official, one listed wall -mounted invented room heater
equipped with an oxygen depletion safety shutoff system shall be permitted to be installed in a bathroom provided
that the input rating shall not exceed 6000 Btu per hour (1760 W/hr) and combustion and ventilation air is provided
as specified in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.
2. Where approved by the Code Official, one listed wall -mounted unvented room heater equipped with
an oxygen depletion safety shutoff system shall be permitted to be installed in a bedroom provided that
the input rating shall not exceed 10,000 Btu per hour (2930 WAir) and combustion and ventilation air
is provided in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions.
' Section 928.1; changed to read as follows:
928.1 General. Kerosene and oil -fired stoves shall be listed and labeled and shall be installed in accordance with
the conditions of the listing and the manufacturer's installation instructions. Kerosene and oil -fired stoves shall
ORDINANCE NO. 1589-4-98 Page 32
comply with this code, the Fire Code and the Building Code. Oil -fired stoves shall be tested in accordance
with UL 896.
Section 1204.1 and 1204.2; changed to read w follows:
1204.1 Insulation characteristics. Pipe insulation installed in buildings shall conform to the requirements of the
energy code, when adopted, shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E 84 and shall have a maximum time spread
rating of 25 and a smoke -developed rating not exceeding 450. Insulation installed in an air plenum shall comply
with Section 602.2.1.
Exception: This section shall not apply to one- and two -dwellings.
1204.2 Required thickness. Hydronic piping shall be insulated to the thickness required by the energy code, when
Sections 1304.18 and 1304.18.1; changed to read as follows:
1304.18 Testing of piping. Before any system of gas piping is finally put in service, it shall be tested to ensure that
it is gas tight. Where any part of the system is to be enclosed or concealed, this test shall precede the work of
closing in. To test for tightness, the piping shall be filled with air or inert gas, but not with any other gas or liquid.
The gas piping shall stand a pressure of not less than ten (10) pounds per square inch (68.9 kPa) gauge pressure, or
at the discretion of the Administrative Authority, the piping and valves may be tested at a pressure of at least six (6)
inches (152 mm) of mercury, measured with a manometer or slope gauge. Test pressures shall be held for a length
of time satisfactory to the Administrative Authority, but in no case for less than fifteen (15) minutes, with no
perceptible drop in pressure. For welded piping, and for piping carrying gas at pressures in excess of fourteen (14)
inches water column pressure (3.48 kPa), the test pressure shall not be less than sixty (60) pounds per square inch
' (413.4 kPa) and shall be continued for a length of time satisfactory to the Administrative Authority, but in no case
for less than thirty (30) minutes.
1304.18.1 Test instruments. Test pressure shall be measured with an approved instrument. All necessary
apparatus for conducting tests shall be famished by the permit holder.
Section 1401.1 add a second paragraph to read as follows:
Should there be any conflict between this chapter and the Plumbing Code, the Plumbing Code shall take
Section 1401.2 is changed to read m follows:
1401.2 Storage systems. Fuel oil storage and piping systems shall be installed in accordance with the requirements
of this code, and the fire prevention code.
Sections 1401.2.1, 1401.2.2 and 1401.2.3 are deleted.
Any section or table not reprinted herein shall be assumed to be deleted. Chapter 15 is
changed to only read as follows:
1501.1 Scope. This chapter shall govern the construction, installation, alteration and repair of systems and
equipment intended to utilize solar energy for space heating or cooling, domestic hot water heating, swimming pool
heating or process heating.
1501.2 Potable water supply. Potable water systems shall be protected against contamination in accordance with
the plumbing code.
' 1501.3 Heat exchangers. Heat exchangers used in domestic water -heating systems shall be approved for the
intended use. The system shall have adequate protection to ensure that the potability of the water supply and
distribution system is properly safeguarded.
1501.5 Ducts. Ducts utilized in solar heating and cooling systems shall be constructed and installed in accordance
with Chapter 6 of this code.
NFPA 70-96 is changed to read as follows:
70-96 National Electrical Code as adopted by thisjurisdiction ................
.......... 301.7, 602.2.1, 911.7, 1106.8, 1106.9
(e) The National Electrical Code shall be amended as follows:
90-8. Wiring Planning
(a) Future Expansion and Convenience.
Plans and specifications that provide ample space in raceways, spare raceways, and additional spaces will allow for
future increases in the use of electricity. One blank space shall be left for every (5) circuits used in new dwelling
panels. New dwelling panels shall have a spare one (1) inch raceway installed from the panel to an accessible
location. Distribution centers located in readily accessible locations will provide convenience and safety of
' 110-5. Conductors.
Conductors normally used to carry current shall be of copper. Where the conductor material is not specified, the
material and the sizes given in this code shall apply to copper conductors.
230-2. Number of Services.
(a) Number. A building or other structure shall be served by only one service.
Exception No. l: Forfirepumps ... (text unchanged) ... consideredto be ore service lateral.
Exception No. 8. In supplybig electrical service to mula0amily dwellings, two or more laterals or overhead service
drops shall be perm inedto a building when all of thefollowing conditions are met.
a The building height is limited to three stories.
b. The building has six or more individual gang meters andall meters are groupedat the same location
a Each lateral or overhead service drop originates from the same point ofservice.
230-71. Maximum Number of Disconnects.
(a) General. 'the service disconnecting means for each service permi0ed by Section 230-2, or for each set of
service -entrance conductors permitted by Section 230-40, Exception No. 1, shall consist of not more Oran six switches
or six circuit breakers mounted in a single enclosure, in a group of separate enclosures, or in or on a switchboard.
There shall be no more than six disconnects per service grouped in any one location.
' Exception No. 1: Multi-occapant Buildings. Individual service disconnecting means a limited to sa for each
occupant The number of individual ducomn•cis atom location may esceedsa.
ORDINANCE NO. 15894-98 Page 34
Exception No. 2: For the purpose of this section, disconnecting means used solely for the control circuit of the
ground fauh protection system, installed as part ofthe listed equipment, shall not be considered a service disconnecting
250$1. Grounding Electrode System. If available on the premises at each building or structure served, each item
(a) through (d) below, and any made electrodes... (text unchanged)... interconnect electrodes that are part of the
grounding electrode system.
Exception No. 2: In industrial and commercial buildings where conditions of maintenance and supervision
ensure that only qualifiedpersons will service the installation and the entire length ofthe iruerior metal water pipe that
a being vaedfor the conductor a exposed
Where a metal underground water pipe, as described in item (a), is not present, a method of grounding as
specified in (b) through (d) below shall be used.
(FPN): See Section 547-8 for special grounding and bonding requirements for agriculture buildings
300.11. Securing and Supporting.
[Delete Section 300-11 in the National Electrical Code - 1996 Edition and
replace with Section 300-11 from the National Electrical Code - 1993 Edition]
310-16 through 310-19 -- Allowable Ampacity Tables.
' Notes to Ampacity Tables of 0 to 2000 Vohs
3. 120/240 Volts, 3 -Wire, Single -Phase Dwelling Services and Feeders. For dwelling units, conductors,
as listed below, shall be ... (text unchanged)... conductors. The grounded conductor shall be permitted to be smaller than
the ungrounded conductors, provided the requirements of Sections 215-2, 220-22, and 230-42 are met. This Note to
Tables 310-16 through 310-19 shall not be used in conjunction with Section 220-30.
3365. Uses Not Permitted.
(a) Types NM, NMC, and NMS. Types NM, NMC, and NMS cables shall not be used:
(1) In any dwelling or structure exceeding three floors above grade.
For the purpose of this article, the fust floor of a ... (text unchanged)... vehicle parking, storage, or similar use shall
be permitted
Exception No. l: An additional level shall be permitted where the renovation of attic, vehicle parking, or storage
space creates a habnableJloor leve( in an existing one family dwelling.
Exception No. 2: An additional leve( shall be permitted in dwellings where the entire structure u protected
throughout by an approved automatic sprinkler system
(2) As service -entrance cable.
(10) In non-residential metal frame structures.
(f) "Exhibit A-1", The Allen Electrical Code is amended as follows:
' Delete chapters 7,8, and 9.
I SECTION 3: It is hereby declared to be the intention of the City Council that the sections,
paragraphs, sentences, clauses, and phrases of this ordinance are severable, and if any phrase,
clause, or section of this ordinance shall be declared unconstitutional or invalid by any judgment
or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality or invalidity shall not
effect any remaining phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this ordinance; and the
City Council hereby declares that it would have passed the remaining portions even though it had
(mown the affected parts would be held unconstitutional.
SECTION 4: Any person, parties in interest, or corporation who shall violate any of the
provisions of this ordinance or fail to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof
shall be subject to prosecution, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not more than
Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00), and each day that such violation shall be permitted to exist
or continue shall constitute a separate offense. In the event a corporation is the violator of any of
the provisions of this ordinance, each officer, agent, and employee of such corporation who is
responsible for or contributes to such violation in any manner shall be individually and severally
liable for the penalties herein prescribed. Where any person is acting solely as agent for the party
in ownership, no penalties under this section shall be assessed against such agent as such.
SECTION 5: The caption of this ordinance shall be published two (2) times in a weekly
newspaper published in the City of Allen and shall be effective May 1, 1998.
Stephen Terrell, MAYOR
A. Don croWTz-r,tTrT-ATToRNEY Jay Mo son, CITY SECRETARY
ORDINANCE NO. 1589A-98 Page 36