HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1983 - 09/29 - WorkshopALLEN CITY COUNCIL ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MAIN STREET STUDY COMMITTEE CALLED - SPECIAL WORKSHOP SESSION September 29, 1983 Present: City Council Mickey Pierson, Mayor Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem (arrived at 7:34 p.m.) Jim McClure (arrived at 7:45 p.m.) Rex Womack Don Rodenbaugh Ward Paxton Dennis Offutt Planning and Zoning Commission Jim Pendleton, Chairman Absent: Jim Wolfe, Vice Chairman Gary Koch, Secretary Larry Larsen Bobby Glass Jack Pennington Glenn Andrew (arrived at 8:34 p.m.) Main Street Study Committee Mike Williams, Chairman Ed Lynge, Vice Chairman Emerson L. Porter, Secretary Mrs. Liz Moseley Willette Rosson David Williams Dr. A. E. Vita (arrived at 8:55 p.m.) City Staff Jon McCarty, City Manager Marty Hendrix, City Secretary Bill Petty, Director of Community Development Guests Mike Starek, with DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc. Carol Walters, with DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc. Terry Watson, with DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc. The Called - Special Workshop Session of the Allen City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission and the Main Street Study Committee was called to order by Mayor Pierson at 7:32 p.m. on Thursday, September 29, 1983, in the office open area of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. Review the Findings of the Main Street Study Committee (Agenda Item II) Mike Williams, Chairman of the Main Street Study Committee, spoke before those present regarding the appointment of the Main Street Study Committee by Mayor Pierson; advised of the purpose of the committee to review alternates for the alignment of F.M. 2170 from U. S. 75 to State Highway 5 and to make a recommendation on such to the City Council, including parking requirements for the downtown business area; the committee's work in this area; and the hiring of the consulting firm of DeShazo, Starek and Tang, Inc., to work with the committee in providing the engineering expertise and in making the final recommendation to the City Council. x_4. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL ALLEN PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION MAIN STREET STUDY COMMITTEE Page 2 September 29, 1963 Review the Findings of the Main Street Study Committee (cont'd) (Agenda Item II) Mr. Williams passed out the recommendation of the Main Street Study Committee (see Attachment No. 1) and read the recommendations to the Council and the Commission. City Manager Jon McCarty introduced the consultants, being Mike Starek, Vice President of Deshazo, Starek and Tang, Inc., and his associates, Ms. Carol Walters and Terry Watson. Mr. Starek opened the presentation by making a brief intro- duction of the study objectives of the committee for this project as well as the establishing of a goal statement and the design guidelines and criteria for the proposed alignment of Main Street from U. S. 75 to State Highway 5. Ms. Carol Walters reviewed in detail the traffic surveys conducted and the formulation of the traffic analysis, the methods of proposing alternatives for the alignment of Main Street, and she reviewed in detail three of the four major alternates for the routing of Main Street. Mr. Watson advised of the design criteria of the routing of Main Street and presented the preferred alternate of the Main Street Study Committee, advised of the phasing in of development of this roadway through Allen and the costs for this construction. At the end of the presentation, Mayor Pierson recognized the members of the Main Street Study Committee, commended them on the work they had done and extended appreciation to them from the City Council. Mayor Pierson recessed the workshop session at 9:05 p.m. The workshop session reconvened at 9:20 p.m. Discuss the Main Street Study Committee's Recommendations (Agenda Item III) The consultants passed out their Executive Summary of the Allen Main Street Project which reflected the points of their presentation. There was considerable discussion among the City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission and the Main Street Study Com- mittee on various aspects of the recommendation. Some of the discussion included the area proposed to be a one-way portion of Main Street towards the downtown business area; the grade separation proposed for the railroad tracks, the need for it, the costs of it,where it would be actually located and access off of it; constructing Main Street into a six -lane thoroughfare in the initial construction phase; the formula for capacity of traffic on this street and how it relates to the population and growth of the city; the availability of funds to initiate this project and carry through for final completion; upgrading of other east/west streets in the city, such as Exchange Parkway, rather than spending so much money in this one area; routing of east/west traffic through the city when this construction starts on Main Street; the costs for upgrading of other east/ west streets; the needs for routing of Main Street through the existing downtown area; obtaining the needed right-of-way for this project and the costs for such. City Manager Jon McCarty advised of the funds appropriated from the county to be applied to this project. III ALLEN CITY COUNCIL ALLEN PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MAIN STREET STUDY COMMITTEE September 29, 1983 Page 3 Discuss the Main Street Study Committee's Recommendation (cont'd) (Agenda Item III) Discussion continued on proposing some temporary measures that can be taken to route traffic to use Belmont in order to take the traffic off of Main Street, the grade separation at the railroad affecting the downtown business district, the taking of the commercial businesses in the area of The Allen American and the improvements to the road in the area ofits intersection with the Cottonwood Creek. Discuss the Relationship to Central Business District Base Committee's Recommendation (Agenda Item IV) Councilman Don Rodenbaugh, member of the Central Business District Base Committee, passed out the revised recommendations of the base committee regarding the establishing of the Central Business District based on the comments received at the public hearing. These recommendations were to be reviewed and considered at a forthcoming Council meeting. Adjournment Mayor Pierson adjourned the called - special workshop session at 11:00 p.m. These minutes approved on the lst day of December 1983, by the Main Street Study Committee unless otherwise corrected by mail or phone by the members of said co 'ttee. /_ 1s✓ \ Wu Mi a wiliIams, CHAIRMAN " Emerson Porter, SECRETARY These minutes approved on the Ct-day of 1983, by the Allen Planning and Zoning Commission. Ji Pendleton, CHAIRMAN Garyxocn, SECRETARY These minutes approved on the 1st day of December 1983, by the Allen City Council. /n/ L W M. B. Pierson, MAYOR ATTEST: Marty Hendril, CITY SECRETARY �iJ L Ft- ( CITY OF ALLEN ONE BUTLER CIRCLE ALLEN. TEXAS 75002 Attachment No. 1 to ('. September 29, 1983 Minutes of Called - Special Workshop) MAIN STREET STUDY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION SEPTEMBER 29, 1983 MOTION: Upon a motion made by Willette Rosson and a second by David Williams, the Main Street Study Committee voted 7 for and 0 opposed to present the following recommendation. It is the recommendation of the Main Street Study Committee that the attached report constitutes the recommendation of the Main Street Study Committee regarding the alignment of the Main Street thoroughfare from U.S. 75 to S.H. 5 and in addition, the following comments are added. Throughout the study, it has been a major concern of the committee in locating the route for the thoroughfare to displace and disrupt as few homes, businesses and community facilities as possible. The committee recognizes that as proposed, the Main Street thoroughfare would require the acquisition of a significant amount of right of way involving properties on which current single family residential units and businesses are located. It is the committee's recommendation, that as much as possible, the additional right of way be acquired through the City's platting and dedication process consistent with phasing of the project, thereby minimizing the effects of taking of the properties along the designated route. 2. Although the report states that the grade separation (underpass) at the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks cannot be justified in terms of delays resulting from train traffic during the period to the year 2000, it is the committee's recommendation that the City of Allen would be best served by having a grade separation of the railroad tracks within the City and that strong consideration should be given by the Council to have that grade separation along the Main Street corridor. 1 The committee would like to point out that the proposed underpass would facilitate cross town emergency vehicular traffic. a es