HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-1534-9-97ORDINANCE NO. 1534-9-97 ' AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AMENDING THE APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE BUDGET AND SETTING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1997, AND TERMINATING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, following public notice duly posted and published in all things as required by law, a public hearing was held on August 19, 1997, by and before the City Council of the City of Allen, the subject of which was the amended budget for the 199697 Fiscal Year and the proposed budget of the City of Allen for Fiscal Year 1997-98 submitted by the City Manager in accordance with provisions of the City Charter and state statutes; and, WHEREAS, at said public hearing, all interested persons were given the opportunity to be heard for or against any item or the amount of any item contained in said budget, and all said persons were heard, after which said public hearing was closed; and, WHEREAS, the City Council, upon full consideration of the matter, is of the opinion that the budget hereinafter set forth is proper and should be approved and adopted; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, ' TEXAS: SECTION 1: Subject to the applicable provisions of the state law and City Charter, the City of Allen 1997-98 Operating Budget, with appropriations set therein (a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part hereof for all purposes), for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1997, and terminating September 30, 1998, and amendments to the appropriations for the 199697 fiscal yew budget as filed and submitted by the City Manager, and adjusted by the City Council, containing estimates of resources and revenues for the year from all of the various sources, and the projects, operations, activities and purchases proposed to be undertaken during the year, together with the estimated costs thereof, and estimated amounts of all other proposed expenditures, is hereby approved and adopted. SECTION 2: This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 18TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1997. APPROVED: -700 Stephen Terrell, MAYOR ' APPROVED AS TO FORM: ATTEST: Z:.aQ .I,bOL— order, CITY ATTORNEY Jug MoriMun, CMC, CITY SECRETARY CITY SECRETARY OFFICIAL FILE COPY Jr A I l I J; -\L B JDrS r 1 1 ' November 20, 1997 ' Honorable Mayor Steve Terrell Mayor Pro Tem David Kerr Councilmember Lonnie Thomas Councilmember Doug Gallagher Councilmember Dave Powyszynski ' Councilmember Kenneth Folk Councilmember Melissa Owen ffv_� CITY OF ALLEN Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers: Contained herein is the approved budget and operating program for the City of Allen for the period October 1, 1997, through September 30, 1998. This budget and operating program provides appropriations for the General, Water and Sewer, Vehicle Replacement, Economic Development Corporation, Storm Water Drainage Utility, Parks and Recreation Enterprise, Solid Waste and Community Development Corporation Funds. The information contained in this document includes summary sheets for revenues, expenditures, debt service, reserves and capital improvements. In addition, budget figures are provided for each line item for all departments, including the previous year's actual budget expenditures, the approved budget for the current fiscal year, the amount expended through the first six months of 1996-97, the 19%-97 fiscal year amended budget, and the approved budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The approved Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is contained under separate cover and periodic updates of the CIP are made throughout the fiscal year. Additionally, this document contains a listing of all authorized personnel and capital outlay. The personnel listing also provides historical information for the previous three years and lists total department personnel based upon Full -Time Equivalents (FTE). ONE BUTLER CIRCLE ALLEN, TEXAS 75017 972/.727-0100 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Budget Message November 20, 1997 Page 2 I. 1996-97 FISCAL YEAR SUMMARY A. General Fund The General Fund is the primary operational fund of the City. This fund is tax supported and ended the fiscal year in excellent financial condition. Highlights of the 1996-97 General Fund Budget are listed below: For the fifth straight year, property tax collections have exceeded 98%. In addition, $76,846 was collected in Roll -Back Taxes resulting in collections exceeding budget by $100,543 or 2.2%. Sales tax collections also exceeded expectations by $99,052 or 4.2%. As a result, our per capita sales tax collections increased to $82.90, up slightly from $81.19 last year. Total General Fund revenues and General Fund expenditures varied less than 1 % from the original approved budget — that includes the additional $53,000 expenditures resulting from accelerating the hiring of the Personnel Director during the current fiscal year. B. Debt Service Debt service payments during the 1996-97 fiscal year totaled $3,616,985. After the debt service payments were made, the Debt Service Fund balance is $841,196 which exceeds the minimum policy amount set by the Council. C. Water and Sewer Fund Revenues for the City's second largest fund are expected to be $549,785 less than anticipated. This 7.2% decrease occurred because of the above normal spring rains, reducing the need for lawn/landscape irrigation. Expenditures are $201,713 or 3.8% under budget. The savings resulted from lower payments to the North Texas Municipal Water District (NTMWD) for the purchase of water and sewer treatment. Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Budget Message November 20, 1997 Page 3 D. Solid Waste Fund This self-supporting fund ended the year with revenues and expenditures expected to be $1,459,034. This includes an additional $40,000 of payments to BFI (Browning Ferris Industries) above the budgeted and contractual obligation to ensure the transition between BFI and CWD (Community Waste Disposal) did not leave Allen residents and commercial customers without service. E. Vehicle Replacement Fund The purpose of this fund is to allow the City to replace its vehicle fleet in the most cost efficient manner. This is accomplished by purchasing new vehicles through the fund and depreciating the vehicle over its useful life through charges to the user department. Those depreciated amounts are paid back into the fund. For the past several years, the Council has sought to infuse additional cash into this fund in order to offset accumulated depreciation on vehicles purchased in prior years. Because of the City's favorable financial condition last year, the undepreciated vehicle amount is now fully funded. F. Economic Development Corporation Fund (AFDC) This fund was created by the Council to receive and disperse the one-half cent sales tax for economic development. As with the City's sales tax, revenue collections were 4.2% higher than originally anticipated. Also, expenditures were higher than originally budgeted by $206,958. This increase in expenditures is the result of direct grants as incentives to EDS, RCL and Peerless Corporation. G. Parks and Recreation Enterprise Fund This fund was created to offer flexibility for the offering of Parks and Recreation programs to the public. The FY 1996-97 budget contains a one-time expenditure to purchase weight equipment for the Joe Fanner Recreation Center. 11 ' Honorable Mayor and Councibnembers ' Budget Message November 20, 1997 Page 4 1 H. Drainage Utility Fund Revenues in this fund were 7.5% higher than anticipated and expenditures were above the approved budget by 20.3% or $70,674. Additional expenditures were approved as part of the Bethany Road Street and Drainage Project approved by Council. 'H. PROPOSED 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET A. General Fund For the fifth consecutive year, the City has had an increase in the total assessed value (taxable property value) in the City. After mid -year adjustments the 1996 total taxable value for the City was $1,246,896,609. The 1997 taxable value is $1,560,730,534, an increase of $313,833,925 in the taxable value in the City, or 25.2% growth. Of the increased amount, $149,130,249 is a result of new construction, new personal property and annexation that has been added to the tax roll during the calendar year 1996. The remainder is reappraisal that increased the value of the average property in the City of Allen by 11.6%. By State law, the City is required to calculate the effect of its proposed tax rate by using a State -mandated formula. The 1996-97 tax rate was 64.8 cents per $100 value and the effective tax rate for 1997-98, according to the State - mandated calculation is 58.0586 and the Roll -Back rate is 58.0670. This budget is built based upon a tax rate of 58.0586 which means that for the fifth straight year there has been a drop in the tax rate (in 1992, the tax rate was 76.60). As you can see, the proposed rate and the effective rate are the same. Other General Fund revenue highlights include the following: Based upon the current year's strong showing, it is expected that sales taxes will increase 13 % during the next year. This budget recognizes the use of reserves in the amount of $671,434. This proposed use of reserves is consistent with Council policy in that this amount represents expenditures only for one-time, capital -type purchases, and this amount of money allows the City to maintain an amount in reserve equal to 60 days of operational needs. Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Budget Message November 20, 1997 Page 5 Increases in the General Fund expenditures for each department are highlighted below: City Administration An MIS (Management Information Services) Project Coordinator position has been added and with expected additional operational costs, the total for new programs in the Administration Department is $61,334. Personnel Department A new Personnel Department has been organized and a Personnel Technician has been added to the budget. With operational costs, the additional expenditures are expected to be $44,076. General Items 11 Additional operational and capital items have increased this budget ' $104,630. This includes the purchase of computers for the Councilmembers and additional computer equipment for the Fire Department. This department also contains the salary reserve for the ' General Fund in anticipation of salary changes to be made later during the fiscal year. ' Police Department ' An additional five (5) Police Officers have been added with the anticipated assignments of two (2) Patrol Officers, one (1) Officer in CID (Criminal Investigative Division) and two (2) Officers to form a new traffic unit. In addition, one (1) Animal Control Officer has been added to this budget. ' Capital outlay items of note include the addition of one (1) new patrol car with equipment including a video camera and $125,000 for the radio system. Total of new personnel and capital costs for the Police ' Department is $388,177. 11 11 ' Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers ' Budget Message November 20, 1997 Page 6 • Parks and Recreation Department Two (2) new maintenance positions have been added in recognition of the addition of Allen Station Park in the spring of 1998. Capital ' purchases amounting to $100,000 push total new program expenditures to $173,864. ' • Library ' Additional hours have been added to existing part-time personnel and additional part-time personnel have been added to increase Library operating hours to 59, beginning January, 1998. Capital outlay of $59,366 is proposed with a primary item being $48,166 for a system ' upgrade to the DYNIX System. Total department new program expenditures are expected to be $98,890. ' • Fire Department ' Twelve (12) additional Firefighters are being added as well as upgrading three (3) Firefighters to Captain position in recognition of the opening of Fire Station #4 at the end of the current calendar year. ' Capital items added include $20,000 to expand the Opticom System and $11,500 for trench rescue equipment. Total new program expenditures ' in the Fire Department equal $483,447. ' Street Department An additional maintenance position was added to this department. ' Capital items include the conversion of some of the school zone lights to solar operation. New program expenditures for the Street Department total $47,696. • Finance Department Added to this department is a part-time Account Clerk with a total of $11,726 for new programs. Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Budget Message November 20, 1997 Page 7 B. Water and Sewer Fund Revenues in the Water and Sewer Fund are projected to be $7,720,949 which is an increase of $686,476 over the current amended budget or a 9.8% increase. As stated earlier in this Budget Message, for the first time in several years, revenues in the Water and Sewer Fund for the past year did not meet expectations. However, with the normal growth year, Water and Sewer Revenues should slightly exceed the increase in population for the City. There have been no water and sewer rate increases in Allen since 1989 and none are anticipated this year even though the City has endured rate increases of both water and sewer from the NTMWD. In fact, in this fiscal year, it is anticipated that sewer charges will increase by $192,108 or 15.6% because of additional bonds sold by the district to construct extensions onto the trunk system including the Cottonwood Creek line and Watters Branch line through the City of Allen. Even though the City of Allen's payments to the NTMWD will increase, those increases will be far less than they otherwise would have been had the City of Allen been required to construct the Cottonwood Creek and Watters Branch lines on our own. Expenditures will increase $484,394 or 9.5% in all departments within the Water and Sewer Fund. The Water and Sewer Fund is composed of three (3) departments and changes in those departments are summarized below: Public Works Administration An additional Utility Inspector and a Traffic Engineer were added to this department. No additional capital outlay was added. Total of new programs is $107,962. Water and Sewer New personnel added include an Equipment Operator with capital outlay expenditures of $73,525 for total departmental increase of $104,081. Utility Collections A Utility Billing Supervisor position was added and an additional $20,000 of capital outlay was included for a folder/inserter machine with Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Budget Message November 20, 1997 Page 8 the anticipation that water and sewer bills will be reformatted during the year. Total capital and personnel expenditures in this department are $63,841. C. Debt Service In this budget, $3,619,566 is being set aside for debt service. The State Mandated Truth -in -Taxation calculation also takes into consideration debt service. The only debt service that can be shown as part of the calculation is debt service that is currently in place. Therefore, no debt service has been scheduled for the voter approved City Hall bond proposition. Current debt service requires 39.945% of the total tax levy and represents 23.1916 of the tax rate. D. Solid Waste Fund 1 g 1 1 Revenues and expenditures are made monthly from this fund based upon contracts. By practice, the City has not held large reserves in this fund. That means that the staff must monitor this fund closely to ensure its continued financial viability with the understanding that any significant changes (for example, landfill cost increases passed onto the City of Allen) in cost to the fund will require rate changes. During the past fiscal year, the City Council approved a new contractor and established new rates which slightly decreased costs for customers in Allen. All other indications are that this fund is financially sound. Economic Development Corporation Fund (AFDC) As with the General Fund, sales tax revenues for the AEDC (Allen Economic Development Corporation) are expected to increase 13 %. Total department revenues are expected to be $1,412,498. The primary change in the Expenditure Budget for this department is additional debt service. The Corporation Board during the past fiscal year decided to payoff all outstanding debt related to Millennium Park and borrow an additional amount totaling $3,998,721 which increases debt service to $564,766 or 73.1% increase. This increase in debt service resulted from the purchase of a 55.024 acre tract west of US 75. The corporation has also secured a line of credit for $1,000,000 to partially develop the tract. ' Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers Budget Message November 20, 1997 Page 9 1 F. Vehicle Replacement Fund 1 As stated earlier, this fund is currently fully funded and now operates from funds received from each department in an amount equal to the depreciation on ' current vehicles. That depreciated amount will then allow the City to efficiently and timely replace those vehicles. ' G. Parks and Recreation Enterprise Fund ' Some changes have been made to this fund based upon experience and new revenue sources. For example, the fund now recognizes revenues from the "Saturday Night Live" productions in the Recreation Center, some special ' activities revenues and transfer of funds from the Hotel Occupancy Tax account. The funding from the Hotel Occupancy Tax account is intended to fund primarily the "USA Celebration" and the "Christmas Tree Lighting" ceremony. ' As stated earlier, this fund also contains a one-time expenditure to purchase weight equipment during the current fiscal year. ' H. Storm Drainage Utility Fund Revenues in this fund are expected to increase by 4.3% with expenditures anticipated to decrease 15.2%. Community Development Corporation (CDC) This is the first year that this document contains a budget for the Community Development Corporation (also referred to as the 4B Sales Tax Corporation) for sales tax receipt and expenditures. This budget is being included as a management tool even though the City Council must give specific authorization to each and every project undertaken by the CDC. III. STRATEGIC PLAN During the past fiscal year, the City Council undertook a visioning project and have decided to continue a process to create a vision for this community. As part of that decision making process, the Council has directed that the staff refine the previous years' strategic goals where necessary and develop objectives for the Strategic Plan. Listed below are the Strategic Plan goals that will be addressed during this fiscal year: 11 Honorable Mayor and Councilmembers ' Budget Message November 20, 1997 Page 10 1. CBD (Central Business District) — Develop and adopt a plan for definition and redevelopment of the CBD and seek partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and AEDC to implement development strategies. 2. City offices — Plan and develop immediate and long-range office facilities. 3. Natural resources — Protect, beautify and promote natural resources. 4. Unified vision — Develop a "Vision Statement." 5. New infrastructure — Develop and fund the next five (5) year Capital Improvement Program (CIP). 6. Operations — Improve operational capabilities. 7. Revenue — Assure revenue sources that will support community needs. 8. Transportation — Update the Thoroughfare Plan and a Bicycle Plan and implement the projects required now. IV. CONCLUSION I would like to reiterate some major points of this budget: • The tax rate in the proposed budget is 58.0582 per $100 evaluation. The current rate is 64.82. This will be the fifth consecutive year the tax rate will decrease. • Because the City is in a favorable financial position, this budget includes expenditures of $671,434 of reserves to fund one-time purchases throughout the General Fund and to establish a reserve for the Strategic Plan issues. • This budget proposes no rate increases for water and sewer, drainage or solid waste. Rate increases are being considered for certain Parks and Recreation programs. • Salary reserves have been established in each of the major funds of the City based upon a new salary plan that will result from the classi- Honorable Mayor and Councihnembers Budget Message November 20, 1997 Page 11 fication/compensation study currently ongoing. The salary plan will be implemented beginning January, 1998. On behalf of all the employees of the City, I would like to express our sincere appreciation for the opportunity to serve the citizens of Allen. Respectfu y submitted Jon 'arty tty Manager JM/cs CITY OF ALLEN TABLE OF CONTENTS Combined Budget Summary ............................................. 1 Schedule of Revenues: GeneralFund ................................................... 2 Water and Sewer..................... ............................ 4 Expenditure Estimates by Department ..................................... 5 Expenditure Classification as a Percent of Total Budget: 16 GeneralFund .................................................... 6 Water and Sewer ................................................ 6 Projected Fund Balance ................................................ 7 TaxStructure........................................................ 8 Debt Service Requirements ............................................. 9 ' General Fund: General Government ............................................. 10 Municipal Court ................................................. City Administration 13 ............................................... 16 Personnel....................................................... 19' ' General Items ........ .......................................... 21 ' Police......................................................... Parks Recreation 24 and ............................................. 27 Library.................................................. Fire........................................................... ...... 32 35 Streets .... S8 ' Community Development ........................................... 41 Building Maintenance ............................................. 44 ' Finance ........................................................ 47 1 CITY OF ALLEN TABLE OF CONTENTS Public Works: Administration.................................................. 49 Water and Sewer ............................................... 52 Utility Collections ................................................. 55 Economic Development Corporation ...................................... 58 SolidWaste......................................................... 61 Vehicle Replacement ................................................. 62 DrainageUtility....................................................... 64 Parks and Recreation Enterprise ......................................... 67 Community Development Corporation ..................................... 70 CITY OF ALLEN COMBINED BUDGET SUMMARY 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR COMBINED REVENUES General Fund Water & Sewer Fund Economic Development Corp. Solid Waste Fund Vehicle Replacement Fund Drainage Utility Parks/Rec. Enterprise Fund Community Development Corporation Fund TOTAL REVENUES 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET $9,890,705 $11,247,050 $11,272,281 $12,858,925 7,359,397 7,564,258 7,034,473 7,720,949 1,257,157 1,197, 853 1,382.439 1,412,498 1,343,596 1,599,670 1,459,034 1,631,086 623,197 339,000 339,000 369,145 409,254 417,027 448,565 467,961 223,586 291,413 323,700 340,349 0 0 1,228,254 1,528,723 $21,106,892 $22,676,271 $23,487,746 $26,329,636 COMBINED OPERATING EXPENDITURES/EXPENSES General Fund $8,959,614 $11,247,050 $11,272,281 $12,858,925 Water & Sewer Fund 4,364,663 5,326,317 5,124,604 5,608,998 Economic Development Corp. 1,124,504 860,058 1,067,016 1,134,593 Solid Waste Fund 1,229,526 1,407,535 1,459,034 1,620,269 Vehicle Replacement Fund 0 339,000 339,000 51,500 Drainage Utility 307,001 347,345 418,019 354,276 Parks/Rec. Enterprise Fund 197,993 283,803 291,758 281,680 Community Development Corporation Fund 0 0 460,144 1,528,723 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $16,183,302 $19,811,108 $20,431,856 $23,438,964 DEBT SERVICE: General Obligation Debt Water & Sewer Debt TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $3,007,485 $3,616,985 $3,616,985 $3,619,566 1,132,041 1,171,494 1,171,494 1,167,694 $4,139,526 $4,788,479 $4,788,479 $1,787,260 CITY OF ALLEN GENERALFUND REVENUES 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR FRANCHISE TAXES TU Electric 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET PROPERTYTAXES 116,382 132,675 130,014 154,342 Current $4,096,604 $4,432,433 $4,472,420 $5,387,306 Delinquent 50,451 50,000 45,000 45,000 Penalty & Interest 34,551 30,000 18,710 18,710 Miscellaneous 204,599 0 76,846 0 PERMITS & LICENSES SUBTOTAL $4,366,205 $4,512,433 $4,612,976 $5,451,016 SALES TAX $2,184,061 $2,342,538 $2,441,590 $2,758,997 Multi -Family SUBTOTAL $2,194,061 $2,342,536 $2,441,590 $2,758,997 FRANCHISE TAXES TU Electric $810,811 $885,460 $888,800 $950,500 Lone Star Gas 125,543 131,808 143,872 152,504 Southwestern Bell 116,382 132,675 130,014 154,342 Cablevision 123,184 131,356 138,694 149,790 Solid Waste 0 0 17,600 55,440 Other Electric 0 0 47,559 26,485 SUBTOTAL $1,175,920 $1,281,299 $1,366,539 $1,489,061 PERMITS & LICENSES Single Family $442,465 $455,126 $455,000 $524,695 Multi -Family 28,555 25,000 43,200 40,000 Commercial 53,165 30,800 54,000 54,600 Building -Other 78,909 58,018 58,018 58,598 Sign 21,733 25,841 25,841 27,391 Health 12,475 14,025 15,750 16,830 Solicitors 534 500 500 500 Filing Fees 80,035 59,424 78,145 83,000 Contractors License 14,560 11,500 16,500 17,000 Animal License 9,749 10,000 13,380 15,000 SUBTOTAL $742,180 $690,234 $760,334 $837,614 FINES & FORFEITURES Municipal Court Fines $284,289 $360,000 $320,000 $375,000 False Alarm Fines 9,200 10,500 13,350 15,000 Library 20,997 20,400 23,969 41,500 SUBTOTAL $314,486 $390,900 $357,319 $431,500 2 CITY OF ALLEN GENERALFUND REVENUES 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR General Fund Revenues -continued $7,450 $7,450 $7,450 $7,450 COPS FAST Grant 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 REVENUES ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET REIMBURSEMENTS 186 0 0 0 School Resource Officer $30,892 $46,464 $43,610 $70,200 Subdivision Sign 16,745 17,500 26,758 17,500 SUBTOTAL $47,637 $63,964 $70,368 $87,700 CHARGES FOR SERVICE 2,939 2,527 4,839 5,080 Ambulance $112,972 $127,250 $170,815 $199,070 SUBTOTAL $112,972 $127,250 $170,815 $199,070 GRANTS County Library $7,450 $7,450 $7,450 $7,450 COPS FAST Grant 4,343 25,000 32,300 35,000 Safeco Grant 80 0 0 0 Task Force 186 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL $12,069 $32,450 $39,750 $42,450 MISCELLANEOUS St. Light Surcharge $14,203 $8,240 $30,082 $16,800 Interest Income 195,419 175,427 193,825 203,500 Reinspection Fees 30,735 25,750 26,575 27,000 Inspection Fees 136,002 84,000 140,979 84,000 Sale of Materials 5,999 6,300 6,912 7,300 Council Filing Fees 120 100 60 160 Miscellaneous 23,779 13,370 42,821 26,735 Mixed Drink Tax 2,939 2,527 4,839 5,080 Alarm Registration 42,025 40,000 46,575 50,000 Cemetery Revenues 4,456 1,500 3,064 10,000 Use of Reserve Fund 0 1,034,225 497,350 671,434 SUBTOTAL $455,677 $1,391,439 $993,082 $1,102,009 Operating Transfer In 459,508 414,543 459,508 459,508 TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUES $9,890,705 $11,247,050 $11,272,281 $12,858,925 3 o N o N 7N(o'7o \^ C ODM �OOo F m a M m .N.. N m C M N y @ N N N Ta C9 U N N 3 m ECL O �mmt O y 3 O �Q LL N N . 9 4 cm (D N LY m a L C U LL 3a 0 REVENUES OPERATING REVENUES Water Sales Sewer Charges Connections Penalties Reconnections Miscellaneous SUBTOTAL NON-OPERATING REVENUES Development Fees -Water Development Fees - Sewer Inspection Fees Interest income Operating Transfer In CITY OF ALLEN WATER AND SEWER FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET $4,511,086 $4,740,041 $4,240,000 $4,730,868 1,698,520 1,764,000 1,725,000 1,863,000 120,466 101,560 70,520 76,162 136,112 143,478 140,406 151,638 5,460 7,272 7,140 7,711 10,304 5,120 7,677 8,230 $6,481,948 $6,761,471 $6,190,743 $6,937,609 $378,527 $382,900 $364,470 $382,900 52,134 64,400 125,009 128,800 101,386 87,500 89,173 87,500 304,729 194,872 171,963 180,500 40,673 93,115 93,115 103,640 SUBTOTAL $877,449 $822,787 $843,730 $883,340 TOTAL WATER & SEWER FUND REVENUES $7,359,397 $7,584,258 $7,034,473 $7,720,949 4 w N � ,_ U _ >Ec61_NNNCO Q O (6 N Ca N C N N S, UC OU cw U 4a N N rn m t U d 9 U) U CITY OF ALLEN GENERAL FUND AND WATER AND SEWER FUND EXPENDITURE ESTIMATES BY DEPARTMENT .1997-98 FISCAL YEAR 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET AMENDED BUDGET GENERALFUND General Government Municipal Court City Administration Personnel General Items Police Parks & Recreation Library Fire Protection Streets Community Development Building Maintenance Finance TOTAL EXPENSES $157,957 $167,730 $172,704 $170,977 50,502 133,077 140,686 149,903 310,804 407,436 390,839 485,547 0 0 53,767 115,314 669,024 864,613 886,234 948,487 2,663,326 3,139,207 3,073,208 3,487,865 1,312,261 1,605,071 1,568,341 1,739,428 514,149 598,936 610,546 715,510 1,750,847 2,648,607 2,707,988 3,223,069 582,814 657,835 645,286 741,245 587,059 677,068 666,103 716,946 145,397 109,895 114,833 114,461 215,474 237,575 241,746 250,173 $8,969,614 $11,247,050 $11,272,281 $12,858,925 Public Works Administration $384,714 $485,201 $486,963 $582,195 Water& Sewer 3,822,547 4,598,332 4,407,723 4,690,292 Utility Collections 157,402 242,784 229,918 336,511 TOTAL EXPENSES $4,364,663 $5,326,317 $5,124,604 $5,608,998 VW e 1 (h Cl) C n CE Opp C� d _ F.y E r N m a A LO N z > EO(D a W a QI (D U W A � o z � o � O) \ 0 C00 U N C_ C fn0 C LL C E v C n o f0 O N O W > C N f (ncli z °>1 0 m 'W 7 E N O V d O U ii s 4- m M Lo P7 C O d U ir u 21, N 9 J CITY OF ALLEN EXPENDITURE CLASSIFICATION AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL BUDGET 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR 1996-97 1995-96 %OF REVISED %OF 1997-98 %OF CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET GENERALFUND Personnel Services $6,178,389 68.96% $7,747,822 68.73% $9,326,981 72.53% Operating Expenditures 1,141,576 12.74% 1,592,065 14.12% 1,565,926 12.18% Supplies 149,630 1.67% 265,011 2.35% 237,531 1.85% Maintenance 379,151 4.23% 430,051 3.82% 452,183 3.52% Contract Services 217,797 2.43% 261,721 2.32% 232,157 1.81% Miscellaneous 292,612 3.27% 319,310 2.83% 378,711 2.95% Strategic Planning 334,328 3.73% 277,990 2.47% 169,000 1.31% Capital Outlays 265,931 2.97% 378,311 3.36% 496,436 3.86% TOTAL $8,959,614 $11,272,281 112,858,926 WATER AND SEWER FUND Personnel Services $1,012,956 23.21% $1,165,112 22.74% $1,440,766 25.69% Operating Expenditures 2,899,505 66.43% 3,531,937 68.92% 3,751,957 66.89% Supplies 54,447 1.25% 51,834 1.01% 52,560 0.94% Maintenance 210,535 4.82% 99,036 1.93% 86,790 1.55% Capital Outlays 187,220 4.29% 276,685 5.40% 276,925 4.94% TOTAL $4,364,663 $5,124,604 $5,608,998 CITY OF ALLEN PROJECTED FUND BALANCES 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR GENERALFUND Projected Fund Balance at 10/1/97 Use of Reserves Proposed Revenue Proposed Expenditures Estimated Fund Balance 9130/98 DEBT SERVICE - GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS Projected Fund Balance at 10/1197 Tax Revenue Interest On Investments Total Revenues 1997-98 Debt Service -Current Debt Estimated Fund Balance at September 30,1998 $2,524,275 (671,434) $12,858,925 ($12,858,925) 0 $1,852,841 $3,583,370 120,000 $841,196 3,703,370 (3,619,566) $925,000 CITY OF ALLEN TAXSTRUCTURE 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR ASSESSED VALUE - 1997 REVENUE AT $.58058 PER $100 VALUATION CONTRIBUTION TO DEBT SERVICE CONTRIBUTION TO GENERAL FUND 99.0% COLLECTION RATE GENERALFUND DEBT SERVICE FUND $1,560,730,534 $9,061,289 ($3,619,566) $5,387,306 N TAX RATE DISTRIBUTION RATIO PERCENT AMOUNT 0.34867 60.055% $5,441,723 0.23191 39.945% $3,619,566 0.58058 100.000% $9,061,289 N CITY OF ALLEN DEBT SERVICE REQUIREMENTS 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR Bond Series Date of Issue Amount Issued Interest Rate Maturity Date Balance as of 10/01197 Required Principal 1997-98 Required Interest 1997-98 TOTAL Required 1997-98 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS: 1966 11/01/66 $100,000 5.75% 11/01/05 $85,000 $10,000 $4,600 $14,600 1979 08/01/79 2,000,000 6.50% 08/01/09 170,000 60,000 11,475 91,475 1981 05/01/81 2,000,000 10.00% 05/01/99 375,000 175,000 37,500 212,500 1984 08/01/84 1,970,000 10.00-13.00% 08/01/99 620,000 300,000 67,600 367,600 1986 08/01/86 7,000,000 09/0V06 350,000 350,000 26,600 376,600 1988 04/01/88 2,500,000 6.40-8.90% 09/01/01 155,000 155,000 10,618 165,618 1992 10/01/92 16,053,921 09/01/07 15,148,921 435,000 732,103 1,167,103 1994 10/06/94 7,015,000 5.50-8.00% 09/01/15 6,450,000 195,000 414,290 609,290 1996 07/01/96 7,100,000 09/01/16 6,970,000 210,000 404,780 614,780 TOTAL $45,738,921 $30,323,921 $1,910,000 $1,709,566 $3,619,688 WATER & SEWER REVENUE BONDS: 1992 07/15/92 $8,545,000 3.25-6.40% 06/01/12 $6,615,000 $425,000 $394,660 5619.660 1995 09/01/95 54,100,000 5.125-7.125% 06/01/15 3,865,000 125,000 223,034 348,034 TOTAL $12,645,000 $10480,000 $560,000 $617,694 I $1,167,694 I CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT MAINTENANCE Equipment 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $46,337 $50,372 $23,909 $51,343 $50,232 Clerical Salaries 26,678 28,403 13,281 23,863 27,989 Overtime 0 0 0 120 0 Longevity 868 964 964 964 748 FICA Expense 5,652 6,100 2,919 5,836 6,041 TMRS Expense 6,914 7,869 3,932 7,925 8,067 Workman's Comp. 233 244 76 156 166 Health Insurance 3,438 3,265 2,118 3,537 3,785 Dental insurance 361 359 239 406 447 Long -Term Disability 192 213 123 227 211 SUBTOTAL $90,674 $97,789 $47,561 $94,377 $97,686 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $2,926 $2,800 $1,127 $3,000 $3,500 Dues & Subscriptions 8,775 9,105 6,320 10,000 10,500 Mileage 492 636 159 459 567 Telephone 933 ,1,200 1,716 2,116 1,200 Insurance 811 810 949 949 949 Professional Services 418 700 166 700 700 Postage & Freight 579 650 281 650 650 Printing & Reproduction 1,597 2,000 1,462 2,462 2,200 Advertising 4,622 2,000 1,428 2,828 3,000 Codification -Ord. 3,498 3,500 0 3,500 3,500 Miscellaneous 545 550 258 550 550 Employee Tenure Pins 0 225 0 150 150 SUBTOTAL $25,196 $24,176 $13,866 $27,364 $27,466 SUPPLIES Office $1,787 $2,200 $447 $1,747 $1,500 Miscellaneous 7,280 7,200 4,007 8,007 8,000 Boards & Commissions 851 1,500 686 1,500 1,000 SUBTOTAL $9,918 $10,900 $5,140 $11,254 $10,500 MAINTENANCE Equipment $527 $655 $480 $480 $655 SUBTOTAL $527 $655 $480 $480 $655 10 GENERAL GOVERNMENT -continued 1995-96 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL CITY COUNCIL EXPENSES Mayor's Salary Council Salaries Mayor/Council Expenses Plaques, Awards, Prod Election Officials Election Expenses CIIP SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Records Management SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET $600 $720 $330 $630 $720 1,110 1,440 510 1,230 1,200 17,091 15,450 10,178 20,178 17,100 427 600 25 275 300 3,340 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 3,960 5,000 4,000 8,847 10,000 4,114 8,914 10,000 $31,415 $33,210 $19,117 $36,227 $33,320 $0 $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000 $0 $1,000 $0 $0 $1,000 Machinery 8 Equipment $226 $0 $502 $0 $0 Office Equipment 0 0 0 3,002 350 SUBTOTAL $226 $0 $502 $3,002 $350 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $157,957 $167,730 $86,666 $172,704 $170,977 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET GENERAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F City Secretary 1 F 1 F 1 F 1 F Secretary 11 1T 0 0 0 Clerk 2.25 2.00 1 2.00 2.00 1 Full - Time Equivalent FTE Capital Outlay Account No. Description 70-41 Office chair 12 Cost $350 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT 13 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Clerical Salaries $28,937 $65,957 $28,014 $60,163 $61,461 Overtime 70 0 0 0 0 Part Time Salaries 0 40,320 20,671 45,166 51,285 Longevity 1,192 1,196 1,196 1,292 FICA Expense 2,218 5,682 3,816 8,149 8,625 TMRS Expense 2,913 7,362 5,142 11,073 11,650 Workman's Comp. 92 222 102 211 215 Health Insurance 1,632 3,265 2,118 4,010 3,785 Dental Insurance 179 359 238 461 447 Long -Term Disability 74 201 92 285 291 SUBTOTAL $36,116 $124,560 $61,389 $130,714 $139,061 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $109 $1,200 $7 $1,200 $1,200 Dues & Subscriptions 42 100 25 75 100 Mileage 0 434 0 434 330 Telephone 571 1,200 1,038 1,538 1,400 Insurance 9 733 822 911 822 Professional Services 365 500 253 500 650 Postage & Freight 371 300 359 809 1,000 Printing & Reproduction 464 1,000 968 1,968 2,200 Jury Fees 150 300 0 150 - 150 Miscellaneous 0 300 0 300 0 Employee Tenure Pins 0 50 0 50 0 SUBTOTAL $2,082 $6,117 $3,472 $7,935 $7,852 SUPPLIES Office $184 $1,000 $237 $837 $1,000 Miscellaneous 0 400 0 200 400 SUBTOTAL $184 $1,400 $237 $1,037 $1,400 MAINTENANCE Building $0 $200 $40 $200 $0 Equipment 34 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL $34 $200 $40 $200 $0 13 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT -continued 14 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED. BUDGET MISCELLANEOUS Municipal Judge $9,997 $0 $0 $0 $0 SUBTOTAL $9,997 $0 $0 $0 $0 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment $2,089 $800 $0 $800 $1,600 SUBTOTAL $2,089 $800 $0 $800 $1,800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $50,502 $133,077 $65,138 $140,686 $149,903 14 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 0 1F 0 0 Municipal Court Clerk 0 1F 1F+1P 1F+1P Account Clerk I 0 0 1F 1F Municipal Court Coordinator 1P 1P Judge 0.0 2.0 3.0 3.25 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 70-01 Copier $1,200 Fax Machine $400 15 16 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET CITY ADMINISTRATION 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $81,507 $83,984 $39,881 $85,594 $145,034 Clerical Salaries 59,522 81,165 21,493 63,924 84,156 Salary & Wages 70,268 134,272 50,244 116,587 118,718 Overtime 133 468 156 288 248 Part Time Salaries 0 8,500 1,876 5,500 8,500 Longevity 1,424 1,656 1,656 1,656 2,244 FICA Expense 15,113 23,120 7,546 19,451 27,456 TMRS Expense 19,654 29,637 11,732 28,025 36,663 Workman's Comp. 673 922 229 556 754 Health Insurance 10,142 14,215 7,087 16,615 16,782 Dental Insurance 873 1,255 596 1,304 1,786 Long -Term Disability 554 806 368 788 939 SUBTOTAL $259,863 $380,000 $142,864 $340,288 $443,280 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $7,184 $6,900 $3,460 $6,930 $8,200 Dues & Subscriptions 2,487 3,500 4,689 5,189 3,400 Mileage 1,012 1,380 742 1,531 1,758 Telephone 3,711 3,600 1,659 3,457 3,400 Insurance 1,826 1,882 2,495 2,495 2,494 Professional Services 25,887 1,600 15,340 18,000 15,000 Postage & Freight 961 1,200 497 997 1,000 Printing & Reproduction 5,325 5,000 1,990 3,500 4,000 Advertising 671 0 191 339 150 Boards/Commissions Training 0 0 0 0 1,200 Miscellaneous 0 150 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL $49,064 $25,412 $31,063 $42,438 $40,602 SUPPLIES Office $1,095 $1,200 $558 $1,300 $1,300 Miscellaneous 218 100 60 100 0 SUBTOTAL $1,313 $1,300 $618 $1,400 $1,300 MAINTENANCE Equipment $164 $300 $130 $280 $280 Radio Maintenance 119 124 53 96 85 SUBTOTAL $283 $424 $183 $376 $365 16 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET CIN ADMINISTRATION - continued 17 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET CAPITAL OUT Office Equipment $281 $300 $250 $6,337 $0 SUBTOTAL $281 $300 $250 $6,337 $0 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $310,804 $407,436 $174,978 $390,839 $485,647 17 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET CITY ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F City Manager 1 F 0 0 0 Assistant to the City Manager 0 1F 1F 1F Assistant City Manager 1F 1F 1F 1F Executive Secretary to City Manager 0 0 1 F 1 F Secretary II 1F 1F 1F 1F Information Systems Coordinator IF IF IF IF Receptionist 1F 1F 0 1P SecretaryI 0 0 1F 1F Public Information Officer 0 0 0 1F Project Coordinator 6.0 J 6.0 1 7.0 8.5 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost No capital outlay for this department. I CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PERSONNEL 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $0 $0 $17,833 $45,456 Clerical Salaries 0 0 0 30,600 FICA Expense 0 0 1,364 5,818 TMRS Expense 0 0 1,867 7,769 Workman's Comp. 0 0 37 159 Health Insurance 0 0 1,357 7,324 Dental Insurance 0 0 56 452 Long -Term Disability 0 0 48 206 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 $22,562 $97,784 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $0 $0 $200 $3,300 Dues & Subscriptions 0 0 300 1,100 Mileage 0 0 158 416 Telephone 0 0 300 600 Insurance 0 0 430 480 Professional Services 0 0 28,500 10,000 Postage & Freight 0 0 85 170 Printing & Reproduction 0 0 332 664 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 $30,305 $16,730 SUPPLIES Office $0 $0 $0 $400 $800 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 $400 $800 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment $0 $0 $0 $500 $0 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 $500 $0 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $0 $0 $0 $53,767 $115,314 19 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PERSONNEL Personnel Authorizations 1994-95_11995-96 1 1996-97 1997-98 Position 0 0 0 0 0 0 1F 1F Personnel Director Personnel Technician 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.00 Full - Time Equi alent (FTE Capital Outlay Account No. Description No capital outlay for this department. I Cost CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET GENERAL ITEMS SUPPLIES Computer Supplies $3,575 $49,700 $2,043 $43,074 $14,100 SUBTOTAL $3,575 $49,700 $2,043 $43,074 $14,100 CONTRACT SERVICES Audit 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET OPERATING EXPENSES 52,107 53,000 28,288 56,576 68,904 Professional Services $6,622 $7,000 $5,605 $5,805 $58,630 Public Information Officer Activities 0 0 0 0 20,000 Postage 8 Freight 12 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 2,110 300 149 300 300 Computer Costs 20,072 190,367 146,693 225,511 61,013 SUBTOTAL $28,816 $197,667 $152,647 $231,616 $139,943 SUPPLIES Computer Supplies $3,575 $49,700 $2,043 $43,074 $14,100 SUBTOTAL $3,575 $49,700 $2,043 $43,074 $14,100 CONTRACT SERVICES Audit $19,400 $23,500 $20,000 $20,000 $23,500 Tax Service AISD - 46,761 57,186 26,343 52,686 42,000 Tax Service CAD 52,107 53,000 28,288 56,576 68,904 Computer Maintenance 9,874 11,500 4,756 11,860 17,150 Retainer 25,360 25,000 13,227 32,427 38,400 Other Attorney Fees 27,787 5,000 30,236 60,472 20,000 SUBTOTAL $181,289 $175,186 $122,850 $234,021 $209,954 MISCELLANEOUS Unemployment Claims $13,581 $0 $3,810 $17,809 $5,000 Computer Technology 36,387 0 0 0 0 Library ADA Compliance 22,426 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL $72,394 $0 $3,810 $17,809 $5,000 STRATEGIC PLAN Salary Reserve $0 $13,666 $0 $0 $310,000 Insurance Reserve 19,551 11,694 0 0 25,000 Strategic Plan Reserve 0 0 0 0 169,000 Animal Shelter Reserve 15,364 0 0 12,500 0 21 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET GENERAL ITEMS - continued CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment $48,622 $68,200 $55,336 $81,724 $41,490 SUBTOTAL $48,622 $68,200 $55,336 $81,724 $41,490 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $669,024 $864,613 $353,273 $886,234 $948,487 22 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET STRATEGIC PLAN - continued Transfer to Capital Improvement $0 $200,000 $0 $150,000 $0 Customer Satisfaction 3,815 0 0 0 0 Employee Recognition 2,000 2,000 0 3,500 4,000 Resisual Equity Transfer Out 293,599 0 0 0 0 Comprehensive Plan Update 0 12,500 1,597 12,500 0 City Wide Event: Fireworks 0 25,000 0 13,000 0 Rec Center Registration Software 0 12,000 0 12,000 0 Internet Access -Library Users 0 2,000 0 4,000 0 Election -City Hall Construction 0 3,500 0 3,500 0 City Calendar 0 15,000 14,990 14,990 0 Police/Fire Management Study 0 10,000 0 6,000 0 Staff Training 0 6,500 0 6,500 0 Employee Class -Comp Study 0 20,000 0 0 0 Council Connect -with -Mission Conf 0 500 0 0 0 Council Orientation/Team Building 0 2,000 0 2,000 0 Repairs/Fumiture-Senior Center 0 22,500 0 22,500 0 CBD:Suveyor 8 Plan Consultants 0 15,000 0 15,000 0 Rowlet Creek Land Util Study 0 0 0 0 30,000 SUBTOTAL $334,328 $373,860 $16,587 $277,990 $538,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment $48,622 $68,200 $55,336 $81,724 $41,490 SUBTOTAL $48,622 $68,200 $55,336 $81,724 $41,490 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $669,024 $864,613 $353,273 $886,234 $948,487 22 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET GENERAL ITEMS DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations No personnel in this department. Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 70-41 Recreation Center computer hardware $4,000 Library cabinet $2,300 Firestation computer equipment $12,390 Council computers $20,000 Police printers $5,400 Community Development computer $2,400 23 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET POLICE 24 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $68,394 $71,803 $34,086 $73,179 $71,580 Clerical Salaries 270,547 348,101 126,610 305,616 333,378 Public Safety Salaries 1,193,573 1,390,662 574,901 1,353,420 1,535,592 Animal Control Salaries 43,225 67,781 28,645 65,982 87,195 Overtime 96,014 101,328 72,970 137,970 85,000 Longevity 15,976 16,768 15,628 15,628 16,400 FICA Expense 124,856 151,848 62,785 141,882 157,524 TMRS Expense 156,728 195,624 87,830 196,085 208,801 Workman's Comp. 60,893 76,776 19,089 49,681 63,981 Health Insurance 121,674 143,310 76,865 157,530 188,309 Dental Insurance 8,283 9,822 5,558 11,699 13,659 Long -Term Disability 4,130 5,048 2,541 5,335 5,515 SUBTOTAL $2,164,292 $2,678,871 $1,107,508 $2,514,007 $2,766,934 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $22,193 $26,849 $3,511 $19,511 $25,100 Dues & Subscriptions 2,643 5,180 781 3,281 3,000 Mileage 371 2,650 651 1,151 1,000 Worker Comp Claims 0 500 0 500 500 Clothing & Uniforms 20,745 28,820 9,924 28,820 32,250 Clothing/Comp Allowance 5,200 4,800 2,400 4,800 6,000 Electricity 45,621 45,000 17,388 52,388 60,000 Gas -Lone Star 4,895 7,000 3,605 7,105 7,500 Telephone 15,732 17,000 10,607 20,607 21,000 Water Usage 1,246 1,200 0 5,000 5,000 Insurance 30,875 30,870 30,396 30,896 36,987 Professional Services 4,888 5,000 9,942 16,442 5,000 Postage & Freight 3,857 4,500 2,229 4,529 5,000 Printing & Reproduction 9,819 10,000 5,317 10,317 10,000 Advertising 1,834 3,500 827 1,577 2,000 Rentals 6,086 9,500 3,612 9,612 10,500 Crime Prevention 241 2,500 338 1,338 1,500 Prisoners Keep 1,467 2,500 592 2,492 2,500 Jury Fees 132 0 0 0 0 Miscellaneous 127 500 177 500 500 Employee Tenure Pins 0 250 0 250 250 Gasoline 28,792 27,500 8,348 23,348 25,000 Canine Purchase and Training 0 7,000 1,000 9,000 3,000 SUBTOTAL $206,766 $242,619 $111,645 $253,464 $263,587 24 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET POLICE - continued MAINTENANCE Building 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET SUPPLIES 23,593 35,000 22,260 40,760 31,000 Office $7,430 $10,000 $6,346 $11,347 $12,000 Miscellaneous 282 200 0 200 200 Small Tools & Equipment 21,409 26,500 30,954 40,954 25,000 Animal 4,714 7,500 3,256 10,756 10,000 SUBTOTAL $33,835 $44,200 $40,556 $63,257 $47,200 MAINTENANCE Building $22,422 $32,500 $12,827 $32,327 $25,000 Vehicle Maintenance 40,190 50,000 13,854 33,853 45,000 Equipment 23,593 35,000 22,260 40,760 31,000 Radio 4,197 10,000 9,205 12,205 10,000 Miscellaneous $75,353 250 0 250 250 SUBTOTAL $90,402 $127,750 $58,146 $119,395 $111,260 CONTRACT SERVICES $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,000 Municipal Judge $5,745 $0 $0 $0 $0 SUBTOTAL $5,745 $0 $0 $0 $0 MISCELLANEOUS Animal Control Expenditures $865 $0 $0 $0 $0 Residual Equity Transfer 74,488 102,067 0 83,082 103,894 SUBTOTAL $75,353 $102,067 $0 $83,082 $103,894 CAPITAL OUT Vehicles $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,000 Machinery & Equipment 435 9,700 3,589 8,589 17,000 Office Equipment 6,100 0 0 0 0 Radio Equipment 47,234 34,000 31,414 31,414 136,000 Vehicle Video Equipment 33,166 0 0 0 20,000 SUBTOTAL $86,935 $43,700 $35,003 $40,003 $195,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $2,663,326 $3,139,207 $1,352,858 $3,073,208 $3,487,865 25 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET POLICE Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Police Chief 1F 1F 1F 2F SecretaryI 1F 1F 1F .0 Secretary 11 2F IF 2F 2F Account Clerk I 1F 1F 1F 1F Support Services Technician 2F 0 0 0 Lieutenant 0 2F 2F 2F Captain 5F 5F 6F 6F Sergeant 24F 26F 30F 35F Patrol Officer 1F 1F 1F 1F Police Services Technician 7F 7F 7F 7F Dispatcher 1F 1F 1F 1F Animal Control Officer 11 1 F 1 F 1 F 2F Animal Control Officer I 0 0 1F 1F Shelter Attendant 1F 0 0 0 Municipal Court Clerk 0 0 1F 1F Communications Supervisor 48.0 48.0 56.0 62.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description 70-20 1 patrol car 7042 patrol equipment: 4 shotguns, 2 hand-held radar units tactical equipment and firearms 7043 6 portable, 2 mobile 800 MHz smartnet radios 50% cost of joint radio system with City of Frisco 70A4 31n -car videos 26 $22,000 $5,000 $12,000 $11,000 $125,000 $20,000 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PARKS & RECREATION 27 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $52,475 $57,183 $30,609 $46,609 $65,000 Clerical Salaries 27,751 28,403 13,533 28,504 28,398 Salary & Wages 435,105 558,089 235,301 524,264 584,403 Overtime 20,674 13,319 11,034 20,000 23,240 Part Time Salaries 9,656 21,840 9,610 16,483 18,052 Longevity 3,052 3,704 3,400 3,400 3,904 FICA Expense 41,306 52,980 22,884 48,555 56,074 TMRS Expense 50,705 66,228 30,356 65,491 72,012 Workman's Comp. 15,252 18,543 5,380 12,106 14,450 Health Insurance 37,385 42,886 24,987 55,757 71,093 Dental Insurance 3,186 3,946 2,319 4,682 5,212 Long -Term Disability 1,320 1,765 883 1,749 1,863 SUBTOTAL $697,866 $868,886 $390,496 $827,600 $943,701 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $7,751 $10,300 $3,311 $7,519 $9,500 Dues & Subscriptions 2,287 1,800 1,229 2,357 2,054 Mileage 7,421 2,700 1,956 3,836 4,505 Clothing & Uniforms 10,013 9,765 560 7,329 9,122 Electricity 52,852 53,500 26,956 69,000 67,000 Telephone 16,729 12,300 7,903 12,300 12,300 Water Usage 82,209 95,000 0 95,000 95,000 Insurance 11,383 10088 13,980 13,960 12,980 Professional Services 86,333 103,680 20,326 106,796 118,700 Postage & Freight 3,769 7,000 589 4,789 7,000 Printing & Reproduction 16,192 10,500 4,346 10,346 11,000 Advertising 4,641 10,000 2,087 7,887 9,500 Rentals 2,532 6,000 1,127 3,000 6,000 Open Gym 352 0 0 0 0 Senior Citizen Support 6,093 5,750 4,728 5,750 6,750 Meetings & Receptions 2,625 2,500 680 1,730 2,100 Miscellaneous 198 2,000 0 12,363 4,800 Boards/Commissions Training 0 0 0 0 800 Special Activities 6,763 0 0 0 0 Computer Costs 1,180 0 0 0 0 Cemetery Expenditures 10,965 6,000 2,718 6,001 8,000 Gasoline 4,079 6,000 974 6,000 6,000 Oil & Lubricants 821 1,000 257 1,000 1,000 SUBTOTAL $337,210 $355,883 $95,727 $376,983 $394,111 27 MAINTENANCE Building - $6,841 CITY OF ALLEN $5,965 $10,000 $8,000 Vehicle 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR 2,252 3,382 3,000 Equipment BUDGET 12,568 3,945 4,955 PARKS & RECREATION - continued Radio 1,065 1,050 322 1,050 1,050 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET SUPPLIES Ballfield Clay 4,727 6,800 2,755 7,600 Office $3,329 $2,500 $2,579 $4,781 $2,700 Miscellaneous 926 2,250 1,987 2,087 2,250 Mechanical 2,445 500 0 100 500 Janitorial 4,458 5,250 2,580 4,794 5,530 Medical & Chemical 2,675 2,500 997 2,399 2,500 Small Tools & Equipment 3,084 3,910 4,749 6,249 4,000 Boards & Commissions 408 500 29 500 500 Agricultural Supplies 18,454 32,756 9,606 32,756 47,756 Chlorine Gas 4,123 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 Ballfield Minor Equipment 6,267 5,000 1,832 5,000 8,300 Recreation Minor Equipment 2,697 0 0 0 3,000 Pool Supplies 4,098 6,000 112 5,911 6,000 Computer Supplies 10 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL $52,974 $65,166 $24,471 $68,577 $87,036 MAINTENANCE Building - $6,841 $8,000 $5,965 $10,000 $8,000 Vehicle 3,653 2,870 2,252 3,382 3,000 Equipment 11,853 12,568 3,945 4,955 12,568 Radio 1,065 1,050 322 1,050 1,050 Ground Sprinklers 12,616 14,143 16,602 19,000 19,000 Landscaping 12,073 17,445 4,660 14,660 20,445 Ballfield Clay 4,727 6,800 2,755 7,600 9,860 Ballfield Maintenance 14,382 20,760 4,642 15,903 20,260 Pool Maintenance 15,930 10,000 0 10,000 35,000 Rock, Sand, Gravel 6,597 3,500 0 1,988 3,500 Miscellaneous 8,462 8,000 1,734 3,234 7,000 Park & Open Space Maint. 15,003 14,875 4,307 13,107 16,875 Street Lights 2,131 5,000 250 2,800 4,000 SUBTOTAL $116,332 $125,011 $47,434 $107,879 $160,558 CONTRACT SERVICES Sanitation $14,865 $10,000 $4,490 $10,000 $10,000 Copier Service 0 750 0 750 750 SUBTOTAL $14,865 $10,750 $4,490 $10,750 $10,750 I PARKS & RECREATION -continued CLASSIFICATION MISCELLANEOUS Special Activities Residual Transfer Transfer to Enterprise Fund SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Vehicles Machinery & Equipment Office Equipment & Furniture Radio Equipment Land Improvements Implements SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET 554 5,000 2,955 5,000 $648 $0 $0 $0 $0 12,710 24,704 0 21,881 43,272 48,843 50,000 0 50,000 0 $62,201 $74,704 $0 $71,881 $43,272 $0 $66,000 $0 $66,000 $16,000 0 27,121 15,023 27,121 35,500 554 5,000 2,955 5,000 10,000 0 2,550 0 2,550 0 31,258 4,000 0 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 38,500 $31,812 $104,671 $17,978 $104,671 $100,000 $1,312,261 $1,605,071 $680,596 $1,568,341 $1,739,428 29 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1F 1F 1F 1F Secretary II 1F 1F 1F 1F Program Coordinator 1F 1F 1F 1F Special Activities Coordinator 1F 1F 1F 1F Park Superintendent 1F 0 0 0 Landscape Architect 0 2F 2F 2F Park Operation Supervisor 0 1F 1F 1F Mechanic/ShopSupervisor 3F 0 0 0 Crew Chief 1F 2F 2F 3F Equipment Operator 8F+6P 7F+1P 6F+1P 7F+1P Maintenance Worker 0 1F 1F 1F Recreation Supervisor 0 2P 2P 2P Recreation Assistant I 0 2F 2F 2F Recreation Assistant II 0 1F 1F 1F Custodian 1P 0 0 0 Program Supervisor 0 0 1F 1F Chemical Technician 0 0 1F 1F Irrigation Technician 20.5 22.5 23.5 25.5 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description 70-20 3/4 ton pickup 70-42 vacuum stick edger push mower 30 Cost $16,000 $1,200 $300 $650 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT - continued Capital Outlay - continued Account No. Description 70-42 2 Weed Eaters power washer tractor Toro truckster 70-41 Recreation Center copy machine Recreation Center lobby furniture 70-45 tractor mounted blower aerifier Turfco Top Dresser 7 Gang Reel mower 31 $500 $500 $18,500 $13,850 $5,000 $5,000 $3,600 $9,000 $6,900 $19,000 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET LIBRARY 32 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $46,099 $48,862 $22,970 $49,581 $48,724 Clerical Salaries 49,581 101,394 21,157 71,271 92,000 Salary & Wages 98,477 116,979 45,745 118,283 135,441 Part Time Salaries 113,876 107,085 64,489 118,231 127,918 Longevity 2,515 3,025 2,824 2,824 3,225 FICA Expense 23,713 28,866 12,005 27,535 31,610 TMRS Expense 27,534 35,622 15,699 36,325 39,409 Workman's Comp. 1,158 1,376 370 878 1,032 Health Insurance 10,043 13,060 7,927 16,443 17,032 Dental Insurance 1,054 1,435 895 1,900 2,010 Long -Terre Disability 514 663 356 758 761 SUBTOTAL $374,565 $458,367 $194,437 $444,029 $499,162 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $3,481 $3,050 $1,245 $3,045 $3,550 Dues & Subscriptions 735 770 525 675 850 Mileage 665 868 250 750 803 Worker Comp 0 150 0 150 150 Electricity 51,823 38,000 22,234 34,234 36,755 Telephone 7,445 8,000 3,887 8,387 8,500 Water Usage 624 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 Insurance 5,122 5,116 6,486 6,486 6,486 Professional Services 370 300 245 445 500 Postage & Freight 2,569 2,500 1,737 2,737 2,700 Printing & Reproduction 963 1,500 1,867 2,367 2,000 Advertising 1,243 475 261 461 500 Rentals 243 255 111 111 200 Database Services 6,292 7,500 2,490 8,090 12,770 Miscellaneous 182 200 160 200 200 Employee Tenure Pins 26 0 0 25 75 Books -City Funds 1,554 5,000 0 5,000 12,000 Books, County Funds 7,157 7,400 23 7,400 7,400 Books -Continuation Fund 5,176 7,500 7,526 9,286 8,000 Special Activities 756 600 190 4,415 4,450 SUBTOTAL $96,425 $90,184 $49,237 $95,264 $108,889 32 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET LIBRARY- continued SUBTOTAL 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET SUPPLIES $15,897 $16,000 $14,950 $16,950 $11,453 Office $4,617 $5,500 $5,741 $7,741 $6,500 Miscellaneous 287 500 76 476 500 Boards & Commissions 128 200 135 195 200 Periodicals 7,703 8,500 5,702 8,702 9,000 Computer Supplies 436 600 797 1,047 800 SUBTOTAL $13,172 $15,300 $12,451 $18,161 $17,000 MAINTENANCE Building $9,491 $15,445 $25,737 $32,000 $16,000 Equipment 1,919 3,140 675 2,675 3,140 Book Collection 515 500 44 494 500 SUBTOTAL $11,925 $19,085 $26,456 $35,169 $19,640 CONTRACT SERVICES Computer Maintenance $15,897 $16,000 $14,950 $16,950 $11,453 SUBTOTAL $15,897 $16,000 $14,950 $16,950 $11,453 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment $2,164 $0 $973 $973 $59,366 SUBTOTAL $2,164 $0 $973 $973 $59,366 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $514,149 $598,936 $298,504 $610,546 $715,510 33 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1F 1F 1F 1F Circulation Coordinator 1F+1P 1F+1P 2F 2F Children's Librarian 1F 1F 1F 1F Support Services Manager 1P 1P 1P 1P Library Technician 5P 5P 6P + 1 F 6P + 1F Library Clerk 2P 2P 2P 3P Library Page 1P 1P 1F 1F Secretary I 1F+1P 1F+1P 1F+1P 1F+2P Reference Librarian 1T 1T 1T 1T Library Page 1 F IF IF IF Library Associate 12.25 1 12.25 1 14.00 1 15.00 1 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description 70-41 6 metal book carts Modulex interior adjustable signage Dynix System upgrade 34 $1,200 $10,000 $48,166 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FIRE Conferences & Training 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,964 2,450 1,383 2,449 2,804 Manager Salaries $157,288 $166,217 $79,046 $169,729 $167,440 Clerical Salaries 27,583 28,403 13,533 29,054 28,418 Public Safety Salaries 979,057 1,488,387 662,444 1,483,199 1,884,256 Overtime 43,011 72,414 35,402 72,342 81,015 Part Time Salaries 8,820 19,200 379 3,229 17,950 Longevity 13,948 15,104 16,044 16,044 16,592 FICA Expense 90,415 136,914 59,426 133,382 171,212 TMRS Expense 114,220 174,698 82,927 183,847 224,555 Workman's Comp. 29,977 43,460 12,476 28,756 37,739 Health Insurance 94,383 128,550 75,903 151,290 189,407 Dental Insurance 5,918 8,791 5,263 10,734 13,418 Long -Tenn Disability 3,103 4,552 2,415 4,918 5,622 SUBTOTAL $1,567,723 $2,286,690 $1,045,260 $2,286,524 $2,837,624 Conferences & Training $6,676 $13,000 $3,211 $12,211 $12,000 Dues & Subscriptions 1,696 1,815 1,359 1,815 2,745 Mileage 1,964 2,450 1,383 2,449 2,804 Clothing & Uniforms 25,010 28,000 4,729 22,729 37,000 Electricity 13,678 12,000 6,096 14,096 14,000 Gas -Lone Star 3,883 7,000 4,160 7,000 7,000 Telephone 7,360 7,500 5,190 10,380 10,000 Water Usage 1,485 2,400 0 2,400 2,400 Insurance 20,497 19,766 26,608 26,608 25,608 Professional Services 11,523 8,800 11,613 26,613 20,000 Postage & Freight 762 1,100 380 1,100 - 1,100 Printing & Reproduction 1,813 2,500 1,058 2,499 2,500 Advertising 879 2,000 121 1,921 1,800 Rentals 4,178 5,000 3,403 6,803 5,000 Code Enforcement 1,289 1,600 608 1,598 1,600 Miscellaneous 185 500 15 500 500 Employee Tenure Pins 0 300 0 300 300 Gasoline 6,915 7,000 3,244 7,000 7,000 Oil & Lubricants 1,347 2,000 514 1,914 2,000 SUBTOTAL $111,138 $124,731 $73,692 $149,936 $156,357 35 FIRE - continued CLASSIFICATION SUPPLIES Office Miscellaneous Janitorial Medical & Chemical Small Tools & Equipment Chemical Spills SUBTOTAL MAINTENANCE Building Vehicle Equipment Radio Miscellaneous SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Residual Transfer SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET 4,848 54,250 Office Equipment $2,903 $2,000 $1,439 $2,939 $2,000 822 600 502 602 600 1,351 2,500 1,585 2,585 2,500 11,601 33,000 10,401 32,999 33,000 819 700 394 701 700 2,328 2,500 323 2,823 2,500 $19,824 $41,300 $14,644 $42,649 $41,300 $11,172 $7,000 $1,615 $10,115 $6,000 12,483 9,000 5,892 8,992 9,000 9,539 6,200 4,959 6,459 6,200 1,295 2,000 374 1,874 1,500 5 200 72 200 200 $34,495 $24,400 $12,912 $27,640 $22,900 $0 $62,110 $0 $91,755 $107,838 $0 $62,110 $0 $91,755 $107,838 Vehicles $0 $90,000 $0 $90,000 $0 Machinery & Equipment 9,885 4,740 4,848 4,848 54,250 Office Equipment 1,468 1,800 0 1,800 0 Radio Equipment 6,316 12,836 4,776 12,836 2,800 SUBTOTAL $17,669 $109,376 $9,624 $109,484 $57,050 DEPARTMENTTOTALS $1,750,847 $2,648,607 $1,156,132 $2,707,988 $3,223,069 36 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FIRE DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Fire Chief 1F 1F 1F 1F Secretary 11 1F 1F 1F 1F Fire Marshall 0 0 0 0 Lieutenant 24F 33F 37F 46F Fire Fighter 1 F 1 F 1 F IF EMS Coordinator 6F 9F 9F 12F Captain 0 0 0 1F Training Officer 34.0 46.0 50.0 63.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) 37 Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 70-42 Opticom traffic signal equipment $20,000 ' decontamination unit $4,500 confined space rescue equipment $6,200 ' trench rescue/recovery equipment 70-43 $11,500 pagers $2,800 37 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET STREETS SUPPLIES Office 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 275 150 60 150 150 Salary & Wages $132,676 $144,336 $61,723 $136,962 $161,001 Overtime 4,784 4,400 1,131 3,843 4,425 Part Time Salaries 0 455 490 665 350 Longevity 580 848 616 616 860 FICA Expense 10,362 11,708 4,816 10,793 12,748 TMRS Expense 12,817 15,084 6,640 14,820 17,024 Workman's Comp. 16,087 17,581 4,828 11,028 13,224 Health Insurance 12,747 12,583 7,987 15,673 - 21,461 Dental Insurance 1,086 1,076 637 1,164 1,563 Long -Term Disability 374 398 191 394 434 SUBTOTAL $191,513 $208,469 $89,059 $195,958 $233,090 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $624 $750 $279 $750 $750 Dues & Subscriptions 64 100 140 140 150 Mileage 0 200 0 100 200 Clothing & Uniforms 2,766 4,680 1,309 3,680 4,956 Telephone 136 150 65 150 150 ElectStreet Lights 183,037 185,000 81,667 197,000 205,000 ElecrFraffic Signal 1,550 1,500 761 1,600 1,600 Insurance 5,908 5,906 6,223 6,223 6,223 Professional Services 1,343 1,500 465 1,500 1,500 Postage & Freight 112 200 60 200 200 Printing & Reproduction 720 600 440 900 900 Advertising 255 150 0 150 150 Rentals 1,940 4,000 198 4,000 4,000 School Crossing Guard 8,037 15,000 6,209 15,000 20,000 Operating Transfer Out 52,418 0 39,687 62,309 Gasoline 4,197 4,000 1,571 3,500 4,000 Oil & Lubricants 1,233 300 298 600 600 Vehicle Propane Gas 1,195 2,000 1,201 2,400 3,000 SUBTOTAL $213,115 $278,454 $100,886 $277,580 $315,688 SUPPLIES Office $135 $200 $83 $200 $200 Miscellaneous 256 1,000 186 1,000 1,000 Medical & Chemical 275 150 60 150 150 Small Tools & Equipment 3,873 3,000 1,450 3,000 3,000 SUBTOTAL $4,539 $4,350 $1,779 $4,350 $4,350 38 STREETS -continued CLASSIFICATION MAINTENANCE Vehicle Equipment Radio Asphalt Rock, Sand, Etc. Sealer & Tac Oil Street Sign Street Maintenance Traffic Signal Maintenance Sidewalk Maintenance SUBTOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Sidewalk Bond Interest Residual Eq. Transfer SUBTOTAL CAPITAL OUT CITY OF ALLEN 1997.98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET $41,453 $16,267 $5,320 $5,000 $4,221 $8,000 $6,000 26,406 10,000 2,826 6,000 9,000 367 500 579 800 600 820 8,500 0 8,500 9,000 7,958 7,500 3,345 7,500 8,000 16 1,000 514 1,000 1,000 6,832 4,000 0 3,567 0 69,949 90,000 15,759 90,000 90,000 991 700 840 1,000 1,000 0 1,000 0 380 1,000 $118,659 $128,200 $28,084 $126,747 $125,600 $780 $2,000 $2,834 $3,450 $2,000 40,673 14,267 0 15,106 23,387 $41,453 $16,267 $2,834 $18,556 $25,387 Machinery & Equipment $1,432 $7,095 $6,224 $7,095 $22,130 Traffic Signs 12,103 15,000 9,998 15,000 15,000 SUBTOTAL $13,535 $22,095 $16,222 $22,095 $37,130 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $562,814 $657,835 $238,864 $645,286 $741,245 39 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET STREETS DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Foreman 1F 1F 1F 1F Crew Chief 1 F 1 F 1 F 1 F Equipment Operator 3F 3F 3F 4F Maintenance Worker 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 70-42 solar powered arrow board $4,950 handheld radio $1,300 16' trailer $3,300 concrete saw $5,300 8 solar panel school zone lights $7,280 40 41 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $109,869 $150,792 $62,386 $144,505 $159,976 Clerical Salaries 77,098 90,764 36,570 77,397 70,870 Salary & Wages 243,289 255,194 118,987 254,324 268,658 Overtime 298 1,554 445 7,571 8,736 Part Time Salaries 0 0 3,184 878 1,629 Longevity 4,600 5,176 5,108 5,108 5,484 FICA Expense 33,020 38,516 17,078 37,204 39,425 TMRS Expense 40,627 49,635 23,376 50,923 52,667 Workman's Comp. 3,561 2,919 945 2,488 3,716 Health Insurance 23,262 24,011 15,301 31,572 34,685 Dental Insurance 2,168 2,332 1,417 2,868 3,017 Long -Term Disability 1,153 1,318 703 1,400 2,072 SUBTOTAL $538,944 $622,211 $285,500 $616,238 $650,836 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $1,806 $3,180 $1,059 $3,180 $5,810 Dues & Subscriptions 1,720 2,672 1,073 2,672 2,452 Mileage 9,100 12,625 4,764 9,764 11,022 Worker Comp. Claims 0 300 0 300 300 Electricity 1,201 1,800 694 1,744 1,800 Gas -Lone Star 437 450 248 428 460 Telephone 5,091 4,900 2,947 5,897 6,412 Water 94 0 0 240 250 Insurance 3,574 3,570 4,513 4,513 4,513 Professional Services 0 6,000 310 310 4,752 Postage & Freight 1,646 2,000 661 1,481 2,000 Printing & Reproduction 8,732 8,500 4,532 8,500 7,500 Advertising 630 350 189 339 350 Rentals 959 775 178 478 635 Board/Commission Training 305 500 16 500 3,800 Miscellaneous 1,757 1,000 313 1,000 1,400 Plat Administration Costs 340 0 694 1,394 1,000 SUBTOTAL $37,391 $48,622 $22,211 $42,740 $54,446 SUPPLIES Office $3,148 $3,500 $2,066 $3,500 $4,500 Miscellaneous 442 375 286 376 400 Small Tools & Equipment 467 500 193 500 1,200 Computer Supplies 813 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL $4,871 $4,375 $2,545 $4,376 $6,100 41 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT -continued CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment 8 Furniture SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1996-97 1995-96 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL MAINTENANCE MARCH 1997 Building $338 Equipment 743 SUBTOTAL $1,081 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment 8 Furniture SUBTOTAL DEPARTMENT TOTALS CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET $493 $3,650 $587,059 $500 $1,396 $1,396 $1,000 860 645 860 915 $1,360 $2,041 $2,256 $1,915 $4,773 $500 $192 $493 $3,650 $4,773 $500 $192 $493 $3,650 $587,059 $677,068 $312,489 $666,103 $716,946 42 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 0 0 0 1F Secretary II IF IF IF 0 Secretary I 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Permit Technician 1 F 1 F 1 F 1 F Development Coordinator 1F 1F 1F 1F Environment Health Inspector 3F 3F 3F 3F Code Enforcement Officer 1F 1F 1F 1F Planner 1 F 1 F 1 F 1F Code Compliance Coordinator 1 F 1 F 1 F IF Building Official 1 F 1 F 1 F 2F Property Maintenance Inspector 1 F 1 F 1 F 1F Administrative Assistant 0 0 1P 1P Clerk 13.0 13.0 13.5 14.5 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) ' Capital Outlay Account No. Description 70-41 cabinet for filing plats 1 1 1 1 43 $3,650 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET BUILDING MAINTENANCE 44 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Salary & Wages $40,787 $46,014 $21,082 $43,767 $46,865 Overtime 1,275 3,551 1,147 1,877 2,500 Part Time Salaries 0 2,499 0 1,764 7,904 Longevity 428 524 524 524 620 FICA Expense 3,115 4,023 1,638 3,564 4,484 TMRS Expense 3,965 4,899 2,345 4,981 5,915 Workman's Comp. 2,230 2,681 758 1,656 2,091 Health Insurance 4,908 4,659 3,562 7,097 7,070 Dental Insurance 361 359 239 462 447 Long -Term Disability 109 124 69 135 127 SUBTOTAL $57,178 $69,333 $31,364 $65,827 $78,023 OPERATING EXPENSES , Mileage $4 $92 $0 $92 $79 Clothing & Uniforms 80 640 0 640 640 Electricity 14,917 13,000 4,355 13,000 13,000 Gas -Lone Star 1,520 1,800 1,721 1,871 1,900 Water Usage 2,497 0 0 0 0 Insurance 681 680 819 819 819 Professional Services 1,100 10,000 0 10,000 5,000 Printing & Reproduction 0 150 0 150 150 Advertising 33 200 0 200 200 Employee Tenture Pins 0 0 0 0 50 SUBTOTAL $20,833 $26,562 $6,895 $26,772 $21,838 SUPPLIES Office $499 $0 $0 $0 $0 Janitorial 3,882 4,500 2,756 5,256 5,000 SUBTOTAL $4,381 $4,500 $2,756 $5,256 $5,000 MAINTENANCE Building $4,785 $8,000 $3,387 $8,000 $8,000 Equipment 393 700 449 749 800 SUBTOTAL $5,178 $8,700 $3,836 $8,749 $8,800 44 BUILDING MAINTENANCE -continued 1995-96 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery 8 Equipment $822 Office Equipment & Furniture 57,005 SUBTOTAL $57,827 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET $0 $1,849 $1,849 $0 800 6,380 6,380 800 $800 $8,229 $8,229 $800 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $145,397 $109,895 $53,080 $114,833 $114,461 45 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET BUILDING MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Lead Custodian 1F 1F 1F 1F Custodian 1P 1P 1P 1P Custodian 2.5 1 2.5 2.5 2.5 Full - Time Equivalent FTE Capital Outlay Account No. Description No capital items for this department. 46 1- CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FINANCE MAINTENANCE Equipment $1,237 $750 $0 S1,160 $500 SUBTOTAL $1,237 $750 $0 $1,160 $500 DEPARTMENTTOTALS $215,474 $237,575 $124,985 $241,746 $250,173 47 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $61,781 $65,591 $40,141 $56,321 $60,096 Clerical Salaries 97,038 111,155 48,848 107,996 112,294 Overtime 0 0 34 209 0 Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 9,776 Longevity 900 1,253 1,232 1,232 728 FICA Expense 11,791 13,617 6,695 12,474 13,992 TMRS Expense 14,924 17,598 9,322 17,227 18,684 Workman's Comp. 505 538 180 339 385 Health Insurance 11,567 10,713 6,325 12,574 12,498 Dental Insurance 723 718 440 886 893 Long -Term Disability 427 478 237 440 465 SUBTOTAL $199,655 $221,661 $113,457 $209,698 $229,811 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $1,075 $2,340 $491 $1,566 $3,900 Dues & Subscriptions 663 775 340 775 675 Mileage 308 589 203 543 531 Telephone 1,582 1,344 844 1,794 1,800 Insurance 1,226 1,319 1,436 1,436 1,436 Professional Services 954 0 3,000 14,000 0 Postage & Freight 2,245 2,340 1,222 2,452 2,450 Printing & Reproduction 3,202 3,565 2,233 3,693 4,925 Advertising 57 88 197 297 200 Miscellaneous 2,227 1,584 1,232 3,112 2,500 SUBTOTAL $13,539 $13,944 $11,198 $29,668 $18,417 SUPPLIES Office $1,044 $1,220 $330 $1,220 $1,445 SUBTOTAL $1,044 $1,220 $330 $1,220 $1,445 MAINTENANCE Equipment $1,237 $750 $0 S1,160 $500 SUBTOTAL $1,237 $750 $0 $1,160 $500 DEPARTMENTTOTALS $215,474 $237,575 $124,985 $241,746 $250,173 47 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FINANCE DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1F 1F 1F 1F Chief Accountant 0 1F 1F 1F Accountant 2F 1F 1F 7F+7P Account Clerk 11 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.5 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description No capital outlays for this department. 48 Cost CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -ADMINISTRATION 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $62,279 $65,897 $31,278 $67,162 $65,700 Clerical Salaries 50,419 57,084 25,545 55,712 28,406 Salary & Wages 163,795 210,957 92,715 196,213 325,314 Overtime 3,211 5,098 2,906 5,063 6,895 Longevity 2,360 2,720 2,528 2,528 3,056 FICA Expense 21,496 26,144 11,727 24,861 32,847 TMRS Expense 26,111 33,455 15,984 33,962 44,955 Workers Comp 3,867 2,507 1,228 2,013 3,167 Health Insurance 13,083 16,087 9,603 18,940 25,155 Dental Insurance 1,354 1,615 1,010 2,127 2,419 Long -Term Disability 722 894 487 945 1,132 SUBTOTAL $348,697 $422,458 $195,011 $409,526 $639,046 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $1,583 $3,800 $1,781 $3,800 $4,300 Dues & Subscriptions 1,661 1,500 1,974 1,974 2,750 Mileage 11,442 8,913 5,972 12,000 14,318 Telephone 4,637 5,300 2,590 5,300 6,150 Insurance 2,432 2,430 3,131 3,131 3,131 Professional Services 1,488 2,000 1,652 11,232 2,000 Postage & Freight 597 500 406 800 800 Printing & Reproduction 1,440 1,200 744 1,500 1,500 Advertising 506 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 SUBTOTAL $25,785 $26,643 $18,250 $40,737 $35,949 SUPPLIES Office $1,176 $1,200 $431 $1,200 $1,700 Miscellaneous 400 500 630 1,100 1,100 Computer Supplies 594 500 164 500 500 SUBTOTAL $2,170 $2,200 $1,225 $2,800 $3,300 MAINTENANCE Equipment $47 $0 $0 $0 $0 Radio 601 500 281 500 500 SUBTOTAL $647 $500 $281 $500 $500 49 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -ADMINISTRATION - continued 50 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery 8 Equipment $7,414 $0 $160 $0 $0 Office Equipment 0 33,400 27,408 33,400 3,400 SUBTOTAL $7,414 $33,400 $27,568 $33,400 $3,400 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $384,714 $485,201 $242,335 $486,963 $682,195 50 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS -ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1 F 1 F 1 F 1 F Secretary 11 1 F 1 F 1 F 1F Public Works Superintendent 2F 2F 3F 4F Utility Inspector 1F 1F 1F 1F Civil Engineer 1F 1F 1F 1F Drafts Person/Engineering Aide 1 F 1 F 1 F 0 Customer Service Coordinator 0 0 0 1F Traffic Engineer 0 0 0 1F Recycle Coordinator 8.0 8.0 9.0 11.0 Full - Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Personal computer & software chair 51 Cost $3,000 $400 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS - WATER & SEWER 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Salary & Wages $388,791 $448,014 $201,345 $439,164 $473,380 Overtime 27,938 29,294 16,690 35,000 35,000 Part Time Salaries 1,750 1,820 875 875 1,820 Longevity 5,540 5,800 5,368 5,368 5,147 FICA Expense 31,224 37,097 16,646 35,803 39,267 TMRS Expense 38,523 47,856 23,064 49,283 53,743 Workman's Comp. 19,882 22,543 6,733 14,829 16,595 Health Insurance 38,914 44,603 22,906 45,687 49,098 Dental Insurance 2,756 3,139 1,827 3,836 4,243 Long -Term Disability 1,013 1,209 608 1,250 1,278 SUBTOTAL $556,330 $641,375 $296,062 $631,095 $679,571 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $1,965 $3,650 $546 $3,000 $3,000 Dues & Subscriptions 6,827 9,000 4,073 9,000 8,500 Mileage 281 600 470 1,000 1,000 Clothing & Uniforms 7,164 12,480 3,212 7,215 12,782 Electricity 153,769 145,000 73,240 176,000 190,000 Telephone 8,255 7,700 4,120 7,700 7,700 Insurance 19,957 19,952 23,201 23,201 23,201 Consultant Fees 0 35,000 0 15,000 20,000 Professional Services 7,573 25,000 3,139 25,000 - 25,000 Postage & Freight 276 500 153 500 500 Printing & Reproduction 991 1,200 676 1,200 1,200 Advertising 1,099 750 1,043 1,543 1,500 Rentals 978 1,500 594 1,500 1,500 Transfer to General Fund 343,139 0 343,139 343,139 Propane Gas 290 500 0 500 500 Gasoline 7,458 6,500 2,657 6,000 6,000 Oil& Lubricants 108 500 251 500 500 Vehicle Propane Gas 622 2,000 692 1,500 1,500 Pymts to Water Dist -Water 1,194,251 1,662,462 744,054 1,500,000 1,522,108 Pymts to Water Dist -Sewer 1,262,060 1,331,000 208,040 1,232,892 1,425,000 SUBTOTAL $2,673,924 $3,608,433 $1,070,161 $3,356,390 $3,594,630 SUPPLIES Office $575 $600 $234 $600 $600 Miscellaneous 491 400 15 400 400 52 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS - WATER & SEWER - continued MAINTENANCE Building 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET SUPPLIES - continued 10,608 10,000 3,944 10,000 10,000 Mechanical $45,227 $40,000 $20,875 $40,000 $40,000 Medical & Chemical 558 1,000 129 1,000 1,000 Small Tools & Equipment 3,227 3,000 1,031 3,000 3,000 Chlorine Gas 198 1,500 211 1,500 1,500 Computer Supplies 424 500 0 500 500 SUBTOTAL $50,700 $47,000 $22,485 $47,000 $47,000 MAINTENANCE Building $10,003 $28,600 $9,599 $28,600 $20,000 Vehicle Maintenance 11,296 9,000 6,422 9,000 9,000 Equipment 10,608 10,000 3,944 10,000 10,000 Radio 1,916 2,500 1,686 2,500 2,500 Asphalt 429 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 Rock, Sand, Etc. 4,331 6,000 1,936 6,000 6,000 Infrastructure Maintenance 2,000 0 2,000 2,000 Meter 12,326 8,700 2,721 8,700 9,000 Sewer System 15,206 20,000 4,607 20,000 20,000 Water System 4,858 5,500 1,761 5,500 5,500 Water Tower Repairs 137,000 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL $207,974 $93,300 $32,676 $93,300 $85,000 MISCELLANEOUS Residual Equity Transfer Out $154,049 $15,289 $0 $37,003 $30,566 Transfer to Vehicle Replacement SUBTOTAL $154,049 $15,289 $0 $37,003 $30,566 CAPITAL OUTLAY , Machinery & Equipment $8,139 $22,935 $13,509 $22,935 $71,900 Vehicles 18,392 0 0 0 0 Office Equipment 980 0 0 0 1,625 Mains & Connections 75,056 130,000 2,758 160,000 120,000 Meters 77,003 40,000 30,204 60,000 60,000 SUBTOTAL $179,570 $192,935 $46,471 $242,935 $263,525 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $3,822,547 $4,598,332 $1,467,865 $4,407,723 $4,690,292 53 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS - WATER AND SEWER Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Foreman 3F 3F 3F 3F Sr. Maintenance Worker 3F 3F 3F 4F Equipment Operator 2F 2F 4F 4F Maintenance Worker 3F 3F 3F 3F Meter Service Technicians 4F 4F 4F 4F Pump Station Operators 16.0 16.0 18.0 19.0 Full - Time Equivalent FTE Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 70-41 3 chairs $1,200 file cabinet $425 70-42 portable generator $3,600 lift station telemetry $8,400 backhoe $46,000 blower/ventilator $2,200 CL2 monitors $10,500 jet truck hose repair $1,200 54 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET UTILITY COLLECTIONS 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES Clerical Salaries $84,338 $94,678 $42,775 $95,050 $134,479 Overtime 0 0 43 435 0 Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 Longevity 308 600 600 600 792 FICA Expense 6,313 7,289 3,240 7,269 10,348 TMRS Expense 7,955 9,388 4,478 9,992 14,163 Workman's Comp. 267 293 86 197 284 Health Insurance 7,851 7,924 5,132 9,738 11,104 Dental Insurance 677 718 477 924 1,116 Long -Term Disability 221 256 145 286 363 SUBTOTAL $107,929 $121,146 $56,976 $124,491 $172,649 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $1,006 $1,500 $23 $923 $2,450 Dues & Subscriptions $0 $0 $0 $0. $100 Mileage 200 384 85 357 423 Telephone 1,963 2,040 1,018 2,188 2,340 Insurance 1,229 1,228 1,638 1,638 1,638 Professional Services 2,204 0 0 0 0 Postage & Freight 28,464 29,931 18,394 31,394 39,660 Printing & Reproduction 9,443 9,602 5,607 9,407 12,400 Advertising 118 150 0 150 _ 150 Miscellaneous 1,122 1,850 950 3,750 3,420 Computer Costs 0 69,000 0 48,000 24,000 SUBTOTAL $46,747 $115,685 $27,715 $97,807 $86,581 SUPPLIES Office $1,577 $2,055 $734 $2,034 $2,260 SUBTOTAL $1,577 $2,055 $734 $2,034 $2,260 MAINTENANCE Equipment $1,914 $1,840 $1,036 $5,236 $1,290 SUBTOTAL $1,914 $1,840 $1,036 $6,236 $1,290 55 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET UTILITY COLLECTIONS - continued DEPARTMENT TOTALS $157,402 $242,784 $86,461 $229,918 $336,511 56 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET MISCELLANEOUS Salary Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,500 Insurance Reserve 0 2,058 0 0 4,231 SUBTOTAL $0 $2,058 $0 $0 $53,731 CAPITAL OUTLAY Office Equipment $236 $0 $0 $350 $20,000 SUBTOTAL $236 $0 $0 $350 $20,000 DEPARTMENT TOTALS $157,402 $242,784 $86,461 $229,918 $336,511 56 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET UTILITY COLLECTIONS DEPARTMENT Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 2F 2F 2F 2F Account Clerk 1F 0 0 0 Sr. Accounting Clerk 0 0 0 0 Customer Service Clerk 1 F 2F 2F 2F Customer Service Coordinator 0 0 0 1 Utility Collections Supervisor 4.0 7 4.0 4.0 5.0 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 70-42 folder/inserter $20,000 57 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUND 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUES Sales Tax $1,092,031 $1,171,269 $1,220,795 $1,379,498 Interest Earnings 72,410 26,584 98,321 33,000 Transfer from Dev. of Retail Prop. 92,716 0 63,323 0 TOTAL REVENUES $1,257,157 $1,197,853 $1,382,439 $1,412,498 �114:Ir]YY0:1�' PERSONNEL SERVICES Manager Salaries $61,520 $68,167 $32,838 $70,525 $69,004 Clerical Salaries 0 24,076 0 0 0 Salary & Wages 31,073 34,070 15,301 47,918 59,722 Part Time Salaries 0 0 0 0 0 Longevity 272 408 408 408 368 FICA Expense 7,103 8,791 3,646 9,024 9,876 TMRS Expense 8,685 11,307 5,006 12,367 13,516 Workman's Comp. 294 356 97 245 271 Health Insurance 3,438 4,897 2,118 4,957 5,677 Dental Insurance 361 538 239 239 670 Long -Terni Disability 244 309 159 348 348 SUBTOTAL $112,990 $152,919 $59,812 $146,031 $159,452 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $3,500 $4,000 $372 $2,872 $2,825 Dues & Subscriptions 5,318 1,100 1,399 3,600 3,205 Mileage 876 1,217 387 1,217 -1,055 Telephone 5,129 4,000 2,103 4,000 4;200 Insurance 2,577 2,726 2,959 2,959 2,959 Professional Services 15,555 0 10,169 10,169 0 Postage & Freight 2,298 3,000 768 1,568 2,500 Printing & Reproduction 3,250 3,000 1,649 3,000 3,000 Advertising 1,808 2,500 80 430 2,000 Rentals 15,708 0 1,188 1,188 0 Travel 4,183 4,000 875 2,675 2,875 Maps & Photography 1,281 2,000 578 1,278 1,350 Meetings & Receptions 1,918 5,000 518 2,018 1,600 Misc. Operating Expenses 45 0 67 67 100 Operating Transfer Out 313,188 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL $376,633 $32,543 $23,112 $37,241 $27,669 58 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUND - continued 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET SUPPLIES Office $918 $1,000 $659 $1,259 $1,300 SUBTOTAL $918 $1,000 $659 $1,259 $1,300 MAINTENANCE $336,335 $333,282 $166,640 $326,169 $564,766 Equipment $34 $50 $0 $50 $50 Landscaping 11,130 0 50 50 0 SUBTOTAL $11,164 $50 $50 $100 $50 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 5,117 0 0 - 0 Audit Fees $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 Consulting Services 35,377 30,000 1,724 30,000 40,000 SUBTOTAL $40,377 $35,000 $6,724 $35,000 $45,000 Debt Retirement Prin. $110,762 $122,184 $59,836 $80,336 $183,700 Debt Retirement Int. 225,574 211,098 106,804 245,833 381,066 SUBTOTAL $336,335 $333,282 $166,640 $326,169 $564,766 MISCELLANEOUS Salary Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,500 Insurance Reserve 0 147 0 0 656 Loan Guarantees 0 5,117 0 0 - 0 Planning & Design 4,516 5,000 0 0 0 Training Programs 0 5,000 0 0 0 Cost Partic. Infrast. 0 20,000 100 100 75,000 Lease of Office Space 0 0 0 0 16,200 Marketing Expenses 44,151 90,000 11,651 90,000 50,000 Direct Grants 171 150,000 108,449 425,116 150,000 SUBTOTAL $227,271 $275,264 $120,200 $515,216 $306,356 CAPITAL OUTLAY Machinery & Equipment $186 $15,000 $0 $0 $15,000 Office Equipment 18,630 15,000 4,159 6,000 15,000 SUBTOTAL $18,816 $30,000 $4,159 $6,000 $30,000 TOTAL EXPENSES $1,124,504 $860,058 $381,356 $1,067,016 $1,134,593 59 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUND Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Director 1F 1F 1F 1F Administrative Assistant 0 0 1F 1F Economic Development Assistant 2.0 1 2.0 1 3.0 3.0 Full - Time Equivalent FTE Capital Outlay Account No. Description No capital outlay for this department. i CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET SOLID WASTE FUND EXPENSES OPERATING EXPENSES Miscellaneous 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUES 94,209 Recycling Expenditures 1,302 1,000 Residential Garbage Fees $932,818 $992,159 $986,527 $1,021,856 Residential Recycle Fees 225,550 239,963 279,228 373,659 Commercial Garbage Fees 156,024 135,339 145,572 152,851 Recycling Materials Revenue 18,941 22,027 15,178 16,100 Recycle Bin Revenue 0 150 120 120 Interest on Investments 10,263 4,887 10,432 11,060 Franchise Fees 0 0 17,600 55,440 Use of Reserves 0 205,145 4,377 0 TOTAL REVENUES $1,343,596 $1,599,670 $1,459,034 $1,631,086 EXPENSES OPERATING EXPENSES Miscellaneous $1,514 $300 $155 $300 $300 Operating Transfer out 44,250 49,172 0 56,369 94,209 Recycling Expenditures 1,302 1,000 0 1,000 1,000 Environmental Grants 999 1,000 586 1,000 1,000 SUBTOTAL $48,065 $51,472 $741 $58,669 $96,509 CONTRACT SERVICES $4,342 $30,000 $176 $4,021 $30,100 Sanitation Service $575,585 $627,944 $278,891 $581,644 $590,580 Solid Waste - NTMWD 380,024 465,450 278,237 476,982 548,431 Recycling Service 221,510 232,669 79,594 337,718 354,649 SUBTOTAL $1,177,119 $1,326,063 $636,722 $1,396,344 $1,493,660 MISCELLANEOUS Bad Debt Expense $4,342 $0 $21 $21 $100 Illegal Dumping 0 5,000 0 2,000 5,000 Liter Control 0 5,000 155 2,000 5,000 Beautification 0 0 0 0 10,000 Household Waste Disposal 0 20,000 0 0 10,000 SUBTOTAL $4,342 $30,000 $176 $4,021 $30,100 TOTAL EXPENSES $1,229,526 $1,407,535 $637,639 $1,459,034 $1,620,269 61 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND 62 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUES Contribution from General Fund $434,368 $203,148 $0 $211,824 $278,391 Contribution from Water &Sewer Fund 154,049 15,289 0 37,003 30,566 Contribution from Drainage Utility 13,708 15,176 0 15,173 16,188 Interest on Investments 21,072 38,182 20,807 42,000 44,000 Other Reimbursements 0 0 26,500 26,500 0 Use of Reserves 0 67,205 0 6,500 0 TOTAL REVENUES $623,197 $339,000 $47,307 $339,000 $369,145 EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY Vehicles $0 $327,500 $222,202 $327,500 $25,000 Machinery & Equipment 0 11,500 0 11,500 26,500 TOTAL EXPENSES $0 $339,000 $222,202 $339,000 $51,500 62 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET VEHICLE REPLACEMENT FUND Personnel Authorizations No personnel in this department. Capital Outlay Account No. Description Animal Control pickup Police emergency vehicle equipment Park and Recreation tractor 63 $25,000 $8,000 $18,500 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES Salary 8 Wages 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUES 2,662 Part Time Salaries 0 0 Drainage Charges $351,004 $369,827 $381,378 $419,516 Inspection Fees 47,999 39,200 58,123 39,200 Interest on Investments 10,251 8,000 9,064 9,245 TOTAL REVENUES $409,254 $417,027 $448,565 $467,961 EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES Salary 8 Wages $67,984 $86,307 $35,844 $85,354 $91,525 Overtime 1,575 2,584 698 2,584 2,662 Part Time Salaries 0 0 175 350 350 Longevity 496 656 592 592 760 FICA Expense 5,120 6,849 2,790 6,722 7,265 TMRS Expense 6,425 8,824 3,853 9,234 9,941 Workman's Comp. 8,214 10,299 2,774 6,853 7,535 Health Insurance 6,539 9,956 4,398 9,005 9,212 Dental Insurance 436 673 395 842 893 Long -Term Disability 148 233 119 253 247 SUBTOTAL $96,937 $126,381 $51,638 $121,789 $130,390 OPERATING EXPENSES Conferences & Training $408 $450 $300 $450 $450 Dues & Subscriptions 0 0 1,780 0 0 Mileage 87 140 0 140 126 Clothing & Uniforms 1,402 2,970 790 1,970 2,904 Telephone 39 0 16 32 40 Insurance 3,302 3,194 3,660 3,660 3,660 Professional Services 10,110 0 1,980 1,980 2,000 Postage & Freight 0 150 0 150 150 Printing & Reproduction 0 250 0 250 250 Advertising 0 100 0 100 100 Rentals 5,354 6,000 284 6,000 6,000 Transfer out 26,080 26,717 0 26,518 26,518 Gasoline 2,333 2,000 581 1,181 1,200 Oil & Lubricants 283 500 194 500 500 Vehicle Propane Gas 622 900 916 1,916 2,000 SUBTOTAL $50,020 $13,371 $10,501 $44,847 $45,898 64 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND - continued MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET SUPPLIES 239 300 301 401 300 OffiCe $62 $400 $88 $400 $400 Miscellaneous 275 400 0 400 400 Medical & Chemical 325 500 60 500 500 Small Tools 1,829 3,200 725 3,200 3,200 Agricultural 3,712 4,000 0 4,000 4,000 SUBTOTAL $6,203 $8,500 $873 - $8,500 $8,600 MAINTENANCE Vehicle Maintenance $1,179 $2,000 $1,507 $2,507 $3,000 Equipment 6,464 3,000 1,085 2,185 3,000 Radio Maintenance 239 300 301 401 300 Rock,Sand, Etc. 34 4,000 420 4,000 4,000 Street Maintenance 0 0 48 0 0 Street Sweeping Maint. 12,877 25,000 6,599 19,000 25,000 Drainage Maintenance 74,287 77,000 20,697 157,000 80,000 SUBTOTAL $95,080 $111,300 $30,657 $185,093 $115,300 MISCELLANEOUS Salary Reserve $0 $318 $0 $318 $2,000 Insurance Reserve 0 299 0 299 600 Contract Mowing 9,390 20,000 3,394 20,000 25,000 Residual Equity Transfer 13,708 15,176 0 15,173 16,188 SUBTOTAL $23,098 $35,793 $3,394 $35,790 $43,788 CAPITAL OUT Radio Equipment $0 $0 $0 $22,000 $10,400 Machinery & Equipment 35,663 22,000 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL $35,663 $22,000 $0 $22,000 $10,400 TOTAL EXPENSES $307,001 $347,345 $97,063 $418,019 $354,276 65 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET DRAINAGE UTILITY FUND Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 1F 1F 1F 1F Crew Chief 1F 1F 1F 1F Equipment Operator 1F 1F 2F 2F Maintenance 3 3 1 4 1 4 Full - Time Equivalent FTE Capital Outlay Account No. Description Cost 70-42 Bobcat backhoe attachment $10,400 N 67 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PARKS AND RECREATION ENTERPRISE FUND 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUES Baseball $1,047 $2,490 $2,490 $2,615 Soccer 6,729 5,340 7,200 7,400 Basketball 14,222 13,000 14,558 17,850 Football 741 600 728 567 Volleyball 8,514 9,615 8,901 10,100 Softball 28,665 31,050 28,697 42,435 Ballfields 219 360 405 540 Summer Recreation Class Fees 54,657 42,860 39,160 44,755 Pool Admissions 37,817 50,310 46,221 46,221 Pool Concessions 2,234 900 4,387 3,915 Learn to Swim 17,404 19,530 24,660 28,770 Pool Rental 4,505 2,970 0 1,200 Miscellaneous 0 188 0 0 Contributions 18,104 0 0 0 Facility Rentals 3,112 10,400 8,538 9,500 Recreation Center Memberships 24,745 51,800 29,661 68,350 Saturday Night Live 0 0 16,373 24,500 Special Activities 0 0 11,533 13,000 Recreation Center Concessions 0 0 804 1,608 Interest on Investments 871 0 1,384 1,453 Transfer from Hotel Occupancy Fun 0 0 15,000 15,570 Trsf from Gen. Fund -Special Activitiy 0 0 13,000 0 Transfer from General Fund 0 50,000 50,000 0 TOTAL REVENUES $223,586 $291,413 $323,7011 .$340,349 EXPENSES PERSONNEL SERVICES - PartTimeSalaries $49,955 $59,720 $607 $55,970 $59,119 FICA Expense 3,911 4,569 46 4,282 4,523 TMRS Expense 98 0 0 0 0 Workman's Comp. 1,635 1,909 13 1,226 1,295 SUBTOTAL $56,598 $66,198 $666 $61,478 $64,937 OPERATING EXPENSES Printing & Reproduction $1,091 $0 $0 $0 $0 Summer Youth Program 15,525 13,572 5,891 23,580 26,658 Softball 38,138 27,810 12,954 27,516 40,166 Basketball 15,756 10,304 13,087 18,074 18,978 Volleyball 9,336 7,929 4,166 6,820 10,097 67 SUBTOTAL $142,395 $217,605 $56,243 $230,280 $216,743 TOTAL EXPENSES $197,993 $283,803 $56,909 $291,756 $281,680 N CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PARKS AND RECREATION ENTERPRISE FUND - continued 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET OPERATING EXPENSES - continued Pool Instructors $204 $9,639 $270 $19,567 $20,545 Transfer General Fund 29,187 36,212 0 36,647 48,499 Recreation Center 15,808 62,139 0 3,750 0 Special Activities 17 351 50 000 19 875 94 326 51 800 SUBTOTAL $142,395 $217,605 $56,243 $230,280 $216,743 TOTAL EXPENSES $197,993 $283,803 $56,909 $291,756 $281,680 N CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET PARKS AND RECREATION ENTERPRISE FUND Personnel Authorizations 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 Position 10T 10T 13T 13T Lifeguards 5T 5T 4T 4T Day Camp Counselors 1T 1T 1T 1T Pool Manager 0 0 1T 1T Camp Leader 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Full -Time Equivalent (FTE) Capital Outlay Account No. Description No capital outlays for this department. N Cost 70 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUND 1995-96 1996-97 EXPENDED 1996-97 1997-98 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET REVENUES Sales Tax $0 $0 $1,220,795 $1,379,498 Interest Earnings 0 0 7,459 35,755 Use of Reserves 0 0 0 113,470 TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 $1,228,254 $1,528,723 EXPENSES OPERATING EXPENSES Postage & Freight $0 $0 $0 $0 $50 Printing & Reproduction 0 0 0 0 50 Advertising 0 0 0 43 200 Miscellaneous 0 0 401 401 0 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $401 $444 $300 MAINTENANCE Street Sign Replacement $0 $0 $0 $38,500 $0 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 $38,500 $0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Audit Fees $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 Other Attorney Fees 0 0 1,015 2,000 2,000 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $1,015 $2,000 $7,000 DEBT PAYMENTS Debt Retirement, Principal $0 $0 $0 $0 $125,000 Debt Retirement, Interest 0 0 0 0 311,427 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $436,427 MISCELLANEOUS Cost Participation, Infrastructure $0 $0 $0 $125,000 $0 Direct Grants 0 0 0 50,000 0 Board Discretionary Projects 0 0 0 0 39,996 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 $175,000 $39,996 70 11 11 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUND ' 1995-96 1996-97 CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ' EXPENSES -continued $0 CAPITAL OUT ' Vehicles 0 Land Improvements 66,000 Street Light 0 Street Improvements 0 Office Equipment & Furniture 0 Other Capital Outlay ' SUBTOTAL 1I TOTAL EXPENSES EXPENDED 1996-97 1997_98 MARCH 1997 AMENDED BUDGET $0 $0 $0 $0 $550,000 0 0 0 66,000 0 0 0 0 55,000 0 0 0 0 0 220,000 0 0 0 51,700 275,000 0 0 0 71,500 0 $0 $0 $0 $244,200 $1,045,000 $0 $0 $1,416 $460,144 $1528723 71 CITY OF ALLEN 1997-98 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FUND Personnel Authorizations No personnel in this department. Capital Outlay Account No. Description 70-20 Heavy Rescue Vehicle 70-25 Sidewalks along collector streets 70-41 Fire CAD hardware and software 72 Cost $550,000 $220,000 $275,000