HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1983 - 12/01 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
December 1, 1983
Mickey Pierson, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
Rex Womack
Don Rodenbaugh
Ward Paxton
Dennis Offutt
City Staff•
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Pierson at 7:32 p.m. on Thursday, December 1,
1983, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex,
One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Offutt, the Council voted 7 - 0
to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda
as recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of the City Council/Planning and Zoning
Commission/Main Street Study Committee Minutes of
September 29, 1983 - Called - Special Workshop
B. Approval of the City Council Minutes of November 17,
1983 - Regular Session.
C. Authorization to City Staff to pay bills associated
with the 1979 - 1982 Capital Improvements Program
as follows:
1. Ronald E. Fix & Associates $ 1,472.50
Contract No. 821004 -
Construction of Park Place Dr. -
Construction Staking of Park
Place East
2. Touch of Green $ 441.00
Contract No. FS 8023 -
Construction of Service Center/
City Hall Annex - Purchase of
Plants for Allen Municipal Annex
3. Uvalde Construction Company $12,090.78
Contract No. 821004 -
Construction of Park Place Dr. -
Payment No. 7
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
December 1, 1983
Page 2
Certificates of Appreciation to
the Main Street Study Committee (Agenda Item III)
Mayor Pierson presented Certificates of Appreciation to the
following individuals who were members of the Main Street Study
Committee and extended appreciation of the City Council for a
job well done:
Mike Williams, Chairman
Ed Lynge, Vice Chairman
Liz Moseley
David Williams
The other members of the committee, who were Willette Rosson,
Dr. A. E. Vita, and Emerson Porter, were unable to attend the
meeting and receive their certificates. Mayor Pierson advised
that the certificates would be sent to them.
Also at this time, Mike Williams, Chairman of the Main Street
Study Committee, presented a plaque -of -appreciation to Judy
Morrison, Secretary to the City Manager, for all the work and
assistance she had provided to the committee.
Public Hearing: Request to Establish
Permanent Zoning of PD &
Preliminary Site Plan
Approval on 179.04 Acres
Location: West of U.S. 75, South of
Rowlett Road and North of
F.M. 2170
Requester: Sibley & Wolff (Agenda Item IV -A)
Mayor Pierson read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing to consider a Request to Establish Permanent
Zoning of PD (Planned Development) and Preliminary Site
Plan Approval on 179.04 Acres Located West and Adjacent to
U.S. 75, South and Adjacent to Rowlett Road, and North and
Adjacent to F.M. 2170."
John Wier, with Wier & Associates and representing Sibley
and Wolff, presented to and spoke before the Council on behalf
of this request.
Mr. Wier introduced other representatives present at the
meeting, those being:
Phillip Patterson, architect, with Wier
& Associates
Greg Cagle, with Sibley & Wolff
Ed Ipser, with Ipser & Associates
Mr. Wier presented a color -coded preliminary land use plan
of the 179.04 acres of land showing the planned development
districts as follows:
Mr. Wier reviewed the land use plan with the Council and for
comparison, also provided an overlay of the proposed land uses as
shown in the City of Allen Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Wier advised of the work with the Planning and Zoning
Commission on the planned development and their recommendations.
- Garden Offices
- 14.97
- Office
- 14.63
- Commercial
- 63.00
- High Tech
- 86.44
Mr. Wier reviewed the land use plan with the Council and for
comparison, also provided an overlay of the proposed land uses as
shown in the City of Allen Comprehensive Plan.
Mr. Wier advised of the work with the Planning and Zoning
Commission on the planned development and their recommendations.
December 1, 1983
Page 3
Public Hearing: Request for Permanent
Zoning of PD & Prelimi-
nary Site Plan Approval
on 179.04 Acres
Requester: Sibley & Wolff (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV -A)
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their meeting of
October 27, 1983, recommended to the City Council that the Planned
Development of the 179.04 acres be approved with the following
statements to be added to the PD Ordinance:
A. Not withstanding the permitted uses listed in the
PD HT Use Regulation Section of this Ordinance, it
is understood that the City reserves the right at
the time of final site plan submission to review
proposed uses for compatibility with existing and
projected uses for the effected district and
further that all land owners within the PD HT area
will be notified to all site plan action.
B. The Developer/Owner of the subject tract of land
hereby agrees that at least 58 or 8.95 acres will
be developed as landscaped open space and further
agrees that one acre of the 8.95 acres in an area
with 700' plus elevation will be dedicated to the
City of Allen for use as an above ground water
storage facility.
C. Add the allowable use of overhead water storage
tank tothe use regulations in PD C AND PD HT
Mayor Pierson opened the Public Hearing.
Jim Rushing, who lives west of U.S. 75 and owns the Kitty
Hawk Airport, spoke before the Council regarding this request.
With no one else wishing to speak either for or against
this request, Mayor Pierson closed the Public Hearing.
There was considerable discussion by the City Council with
the city staff and developers on the recommendations of the
Planning and Zoning Commission regarding paragraph "A"; the
Planned Development District of "High Tech" in regards to the
permitted uses in that district and the uses requiring a
specific use permit, the use of the term "High Tech", deleting
some of the permitted uses, placing some of the permitted uses
under a specific use permit, the concern of too many commercial
businesses developing in the "High Tech" area, and the need for
Light Industrial uses in this area.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Rodenbaugh and seconded
by Councilman Paxton that the request for permanent
zoning of Planned Development and the Perliminary Site
Plan on the 179.04 acres of land be approved as
presented and in accordance with the recommendations of
the Planning and Zoning Commission, as stated; however,
with the deletion of paragraph "A" of the Planning and
Zoning Commission's recommendations; and to leave
intact all of the permitted uses and uses requiring a
specific use permit as proposed in the presentation.
The Council voted six (6) for and one (1) opposed, with
Councilman Womack casting the negative vote, in favor
of the motion. The motion carried,
Based on the above action by the City Council, the zoning
ordinance will be prepared by city staff and will be forthcoming
at the next City Council Meeting for consideration.
December 1, 1983 Page 4
Public Hearing; Request for Site Plan
Approval - .9852 Acres
Location: Northeast Intersection
of Fountain Park Drive
and F.M. 2170
Zoning: PD - SC No. 5
Requester: Mike Williams (Agenda Item IV -B)
Ordinance No. 478-12-83: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Amending Planned Development
Zoning Ordinance No. 370-10-81 to
Include the Attachment of a Property
Description and Approved Site Plan
for Development of .9852 Acres of Land
Out of the Peter Wetsel Survey, Abstract
No. 990, Recorded in Volume 909,
Page 580, of the Collin County Deed
Records, Presently Delineated on the
Official Zoning Map as a Portion of
PD -SC No. 5; Providing for a Penalty;
Providing for an Effective Date; and
Providing for Publication of the Caption.
Mayor Pierson read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing to Consider a Request for Site Plan
Approval on .9852 Acres Located at the Northeast
Intersection of Fountain Park Drive and F.M. 2170."
Mike Williams, the developer, presented to and spoke before
the Council on behalf of this request.
Mr. Williams presented the site plan and landscape plan of
a proposed commercial building to be built on the .9852 acres of
Mr. Williams advised the Council that this building would
house the Eagle Sports Center and another office or retail
business in the remainder of the building. Mr. Williams also
provided an artist's rendering of the exterior elevation of the
building and advised of the construction of the building.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their meeting of
October 27, 1983, had recommended to the City Council that the
Site Plan for the .9852 acres be approved as presented.
Mayor Pierson opened the Public Hearing. No one appeared
to speak either for or against this request. Mayor Pierson
closed the Public Hearing.
There was discussion on this commercial building fronting
on a residential street of Fountain Park Drive rather than
F.M. 2170, the zoning on the property of Planned Development -
Shopping Center No. 5, the properties located to the north and
east of this site, and how the adjacent lots would be developed
and the placement of the building on this lot.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the Site Plan for the .9852 acres of land in
accordance with the recommendation of the Planning and
Zoning Commission, as stated. The motion carried.
December 1, 1983 Page 5
Public Hearing: Site Plan Approval
.9852 Acres
Requestor: Mike Williams (Agenda Item IV -B)
Ordinance No. 478-12-83 (cont'd)
Mayor Pierson advised the Council of the proposed ordinance
which would attach the approved Site Plan to Ordinance
No. 370-10-81, Planned Development - Shopping Center No. 5.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by
Councilman Rodenbaugh, the Council voted 7 - 0 to adopt
Ordinance No. 478-12-83 as captioned on the previous
page, attaching this approved Site Plan to Planned
Development - Shopping Center No. 5. The motion
Consider a Request to Rename
Ridgemont Drive to Texet Drive
from the Intersection of
Greenville Avenue to U.S. 75 (Agenda Item V)
Mr. Michael A. Sileo, Jr., Executive Vice President of
Texet Corporation, spoke before the Council on a request by the
Texet Corporation to rename Ridgemont Drive to Texet Drive from
the intersection of Greenville Avenue (State Highway 5) to
U.S. 75 to coincide with the name of their company and due to
the fact that their building is set back from S.H. 5 and has
poor visibility.
The Council discussed the road condition of Ridgemont Drive
at this location and if the adjacent property owners had any
objections to this request.
City Manager McCarty advised that he had been able to
contact two of the three adjacent property owners, and no
objections had been received.
The Council continued discussion on the renaming of this
street being a precedent setting decision, what thoroughfare
plans were for the length of that portion of Ridgemont extending
to or beyond U.S. 75, how that portion of Ridgemont was named
originally, and how that portion of Ridgemont aligns with the
east portion of Ridgemont.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Rodenbaugh, the Council voted
four (4) for and three (3) opposed, with Council
Members McClure, Offutt and Womack casting the
negative votes, to approve the request to rename
Ridgemont Drive to Texet Drive from the intersection
of Greenville Avenue (State Highway 5) to U.S. 75.
The motion carried.
Based on the action by the Council, an ordinance will be
prepared by the city staff for consideration by the City Council
at the next regular City Council Meeting.
December 1, 1983
Page 6
Consider a Request to Abandon
an Existing 80' Right -of -Way
Within the City of Allen (Agenda Item VI)
Ordinance No. 479-12-83: An Ordinance
David McCall, III, an attorney with Boyd, Veigel, Gay
McCall, spoke before the Council on a request to abandon an
existing 80' right-of-way within the City of Allen located
between Blocks "F" and "K" of the Old Donation.
City Manager McCarty advised the Council that the city
staff had reviewed the request and saw no objections with the
abandonment of this property and advised that the city had
checked with the engineering consultants on the need for this
right-of-way and they had advised that it was not needed.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the request and to adopt Ordinance No. 479-
12-83, as captioned above. The motion carried.
Season Schedule (Agenda Item VII -A)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council of the
proposed date for the City of Allen's Christmas Party, being
Tuesday, December 20, 1983, and that invitations would be
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of the dates that
City Hall would be closed, being Friday, December 23rd, Monday,
December 26th, and Monday,January 2, 1984.
This item was received as a matter of information, there
was no action taken on this item.
City Maps Agenda Item VII -B)
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of the need to
update the city limits map which was a project between the
City of Allen and the Allen Chamber of Commerce which was done
approximately every 18 months to 2 years. Mr. McCarty advised
that this project cost was approximately $4,000, with the
city's portion of the cost being $2,000.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
appropriate the expenditure of funds in the amount
of $2,000 for the update and copies of the city
limits map. The motion carried.
Providing for the Abandonment of a
Dedicated 80 -Foot Wide Street Situated
Between Blocks F and K of Old Donation
to the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas; Providing for the Sale and
Conveyance Thereof to Morbro, Inc.,
Trustee; Providing for the Terms and
Conditions of the Abandonment and
Conveyance Made Herein; Providing for
the Payment of the Publication Fee;
and Providing an Effective Date.
David McCall, III, an attorney with Boyd, Veigel, Gay
McCall, spoke before the Council on a request to abandon an
existing 80' right-of-way within the City of Allen located
between Blocks "F" and "K" of the Old Donation.
City Manager McCarty advised the Council that the city
staff had reviewed the request and saw no objections with the
abandonment of this property and advised that the city had
checked with the engineering consultants on the need for this
right-of-way and they had advised that it was not needed.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the request and to adopt Ordinance No. 479-
12-83, as captioned above. The motion carried.
Season Schedule (Agenda Item VII -A)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council of the
proposed date for the City of Allen's Christmas Party, being
Tuesday, December 20, 1983, and that invitations would be
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of the dates that
City Hall would be closed, being Friday, December 23rd, Monday,
December 26th, and Monday,January 2, 1984.
This item was received as a matter of information, there
was no action taken on this item.
City Maps Agenda Item VII -B)
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of the need to
update the city limits map which was a project between the
City of Allen and the Allen Chamber of Commerce which was done
approximately every 18 months to 2 years. Mr. McCarty advised
that this project cost was approximately $4,000, with the
city's portion of the cost being $2,000.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
appropriate the expenditure of funds in the amount
of $2,000 for the update and copies of the city
limits map. The motion carried.
December 1, 1983
General Discussion
Page 7
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of the following
elected members of the Collin County Appraisal District Board
of Directors:
Ernest Chesney, Jr.
Dr. J. Robert Collins
Dr. Leo Fitzgerald
Anthony Geer
Donnie Higgins
Councilman Womack asked about the status of the work on
the development of an updated Comprehensive Plan for the city,
and City Manager McCarty advised that work would begin in the
first part of 1989.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Rodenbaugh and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council
at 9:15 p.m. on Thursday, December 1, 1983. The motion
These minutes approved on the 15th day of DECEMBER
M. � '�Z
B. Pierson, MAYOR
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