HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-1502-6-97' RESOLUTION NO. 1502-6-97(R) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT TO PARTICIPATE IN A COALITION FOR THE PURPOSE OF RATE REGULATION AND OTHER SERVICE MATTERS CONCERNING TCI CABLE TELEVISION; AND AUTHORIZING THE COALITION'S CITIES TO RETAIN A CONSULTANT. WHEREAS, TCI Cablevision ("TCI") has increased rates in the service area; and WHEREAS, the service area cities desire to conduct a rate review; and WHEREAS, by forming a coalition, the service area cities desire to reduce the costs of conducting the rate review; and WHEREAS, the City of Allen, Texas ("City") is a regulatory authority whose citizens will be substantially affected by the rates established by TCI; and WHEREAS, the Coalition of TCI Cable Service Area Cities ("Coalition") has been created to coordinate the participation of cities in TCI's service area; and WHEREAS, the City has investigated and inquired into such matters; and WHEREAS, the City desires to participate as a member of the Coalition; and WHEREAS, C2 Consulting Services ("Consultant") has been designated as the consultant to perform the initial rate review services at the costs set forth in the proposal attached hereto as Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, THAT: SECTION 1. The City agrees to participate with such other TCI Cable Service Area Cities in a coalition to review rate regulations and other issues affecting such rates and services. SECTION 2. Each Service Area City shall enter into an independent letter agreement with the Consultant, which provides for the reduced cost for the services as a member of the Coalition. The City Manager is authorized to execute this letter agreement with the Consultant. ' SECTION 3. The City authorized payment to the Consultant at the rate established for the City in Exhibit A. ' SECTION 4. The City hereby authorizes the Coalition of TCI Cable Service Area Cities, of which this City is a member, to engage consultants to conduct a rate review on behalf of the City. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, ON THIS THE 5TH DAY OF JUNE, 1997. ATTEST: cl/ h dy meWrison, CMC, CITY SECRETARY 1 APPROVED: Stephen Terrell, MAYOR ' Resolution No. 1502-6-97 Bl Page 2 [1 PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE IN THE EVALUATION OF CABLE TELEVISION SERVICE AND EQUIPMENT RATES DECEMBER 1996 WNSULTING SERVICES, INC. MONSULTING ty7^_)716-771h 201 Penames Lam 1971) 716-7116 iFaxi Dallas, Texas 751-18 December 30, 1996 Ms Ashlev Meeler .>dmimstrauve Intent Tossn of Flower Mound 2121 Cross Timbers Road Flower Mound, Texas 75035 Dear Ms. Meeler Pursuant to your letter of December 17, 1996, C2 Consulting Services, Inc. ('-C3") is pleased to respond to your request for proposal regarding cable television rate regulation. ' While C'_ only has been in existence since August 1996, its President, Ms. Constance Cannadv has been assisting numerous Texas municipalities in their regulation of basic service and equipment and installation rates since--ere-regulation" began in 1993. Based on the information provided, it is C2's understanding that the Town of Flower Mound and a number of other Cities wish to form a coalition in order to regulate the rates of their respective cable operators. This can be highly beneficial from several perspectives. • Timely dissemination of information regarding changes in rate regulation. recent FCC decisions and potential impacts on future rates • Potential for a uniform approach to rate regulation (particularly in light of the geographic area under consideration) • A sharing of any outside costs of rate regulation Given that the list of Cities currently interested in joining the coalition have TO as their service provider, these benefits are further enhanced. The following proposal provides a description of the scope of services that C2 will provide in evaluating a FCC Form 1240/1205 that is anticipated to be tiled by TCI during the first quarter of 1997 With the understanding that the coalition may consist of Cities ' responding favorably to your inquiries, the project costs has a been identified to accommodate the inclusion of the vanous entities and anticipated filings. Additionaliv, a brief description of the qualifications of C2 and its President have been included. %Ic Heeler December iU. 1996 pace ' C ;ready appreciates this opportunity to propose sen ices to the Town of Flower Mound as well as to the other potential participants in a cable rate reuulauon coalition If wu hate any questions regarding the proposed project activities. project costs or need further mformauon about the firm and its qualifications, please Leel Circe to contact Ms Constance Cannad} at t 972 j 726-7216 ver% truly Yours, Ca n &w C'_ Consulting Services, Inc I 1 .Swvt w � C TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I. SCOPE OF SERVICES SECTIONII. PROJECTCOST SECTION Ili. FIRM QUALIFICATIONS AND RELEVANT EXPERIENCE RESUME LJ ' SECTION I. SCOPE OFSEVICES Project Objectives Based on CTs eepenence in performing rate evaluations of various FCC forms and calculations, the project objectives include the following: • Assessment of the completeness of the frlmgs submitted to the Cities based on required information and documentation per the FCC and Cities' regulations • Assessment of the actions taken by the Cities during review of the 1996 tiling of the Form 1 24011 20 5 to determine any required treatment of costs for the 1997 filing. • Assessment of the accuracy of the operator's determination of costs for the true -up and projected periods. • Assessment of the operators application of various FCC instructions, tables and formulae • Assessment of the operator's compliance with various FCC rulings related to the provision of basic service and installation and equipment related activities. • Assessment of the reasonableness of any estimation or allocation ' methodologies employed by TCl to determine the costs to be recovered within each of the Cities' franchise areas. .At the conclusion of the project, C2 will provide each of the Cities with a written report specific only to their respective rate filings. The report will include a description of the project activities, findings and recommendations regarding potential City Council actions. Project Scope Based on the understanding that the Cities will receive a Form 1240i1205 filing from TCI, and in light of the project objectives identified above, C2 proposes to conduct the following activities: • initial review of the filings and identification of. tb Any filing deficiencies and necessary actions tb Potential issues based on the operator's approach to developing rates % Compliance/non-compliance with FCC rulings • Submission of detailed requests for information • Analyses of responses to requests for information and submission of ' follow-up requests, as necessary lhescrsthe iyses • annird afurtherrulngs sued by he FCC during the of the review F • Discussion with the coalition regarding prelimmary findings and recommendations • Submission of written report and presentation before the coalition • Meeting with TO and coalition. if desired, to discuss the findings and recommendations prior to submission to Councils The above includes the activities to be performed for the members of the coalition as a group, and does not provide for specific activities that may be required by individual Cities subsequent to the issuance of the reports. However. during past engagements. additional assistance has been provided which includes the following. • Assistance to Cities' staff in preparing their respective Council documentation • Meetings with Cities' legal representatives to discuss potential actions • Presentation of findings and recommendations before City Councils Since these activities may not be desired by all participating Cities, C2 has provided them separately as a "choice" to each of the coalition members, with a segregated cost as discussed in Section tl.. SECTION' 11. PROJECT COST Coalition .activities C'- estimates that the professional fees required to conduct an evaluation of a single Form 123011205 are not -to -exceed 53,000, plus out-of-pocket expenses. Given that the other interested Cities have TCI service, evaluations of additional filings (that contain completely different cost information) can be conducted for a cost not -to -exceed 52,000, plus out-of-pocket expenses. It is necessary to note that the Form 1230/1205 filings may be identical for a particular system that includes a number of participating Cities. For purposes of this cost proposal thoseFCC Fo t �1n't 10i Fling that a identical ,iii be [rented as one filing and not separate for each of the Cities bein , re r . Only in the event that the cost data d ers wit i i mgs, is it considered an additional filing for purposes of CTs not -to -exceed project cost. Activities of "Choice" for Individual Members ' The not -to -exceed project cost does not include the activities that have been identified separately as being a matter of "choice." These activities are proposed to be conducted based on actual hours spent at the hourly billing rate of Ms. Cannady of S135/hour, plus out-of-pocket expenses. Billing Practices C2 bills its clients monthly based on actual hours worked, plus out-of-pocket expenses. In the event that the actual hours spent in conducting the total coalition activities are less than those used in the development of the not -to -exceed proposed costs, the coalition will be billed only for the actual hours. However, if the actual hours exceed the estimate, the coalition will only be billed up to the not -to -exceed cost, plus out-of-pocket expenses. I'rvrund. �',Ak fr/, unan Nnm NcerAuan,r 11rer. ' SECTION IIL FIRM QUALIFICATIONS AND RELEN'ANT EXPERIENCE Business Organization ration which began ucting on August Consulting 11996, Founded by is President. Constance T. Cannadv. C2 was organized sfor the purpose of providing high quality consulting services to local and state governmental entities located m the Southwest. As C2 is in its infancy, the firm's qualifications are attributable to its President, Ms. Cannady and her thirteen Tears of consulting in bo[h the public and private sectors. Much of Ms. Cannady's consulting experience has focused on the regulation and franchising of utilitv services. regulated by either locor oreamzauons. Thisexperience is clearly demonstrated io Ms. Cannady's re ume.te Due to its organization and the general focus of the consulting services to be provided. as Coman oCertification 2 Filedfwned business and received Certificat onCertification by the North Centcon Noviember 15, 1996, No.gency as a. WFSD8073N1197, ' Business Address C2 is located at the following address: C? Consulting Services, Inc. 7801 Pencross Lane Dallas. Texas 75248 (972)726-7216 (972) 726-7216 (Fax) Firm Engagements Since its organization in August, the firm has been conducting engagements for the City of Garland Texas, the City of Marshall, Texas, the Gulf Coast Coalition of Cities and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission. For the City arrand. C2 change the isa sswidec in [gate he evaluation of Lone Star Gas Company's application to rate. For the City of Marshall, C2 is assisting in the determination of cable television rates as well as a review of the cable franchisee's compliance with the City franchise agreement. With respect to the Gulf Coast Coalition n the m of Cities, C2 Comuni Choice" proposal ' assessment of Texas -New Mexico Power Company before the Public Utility Commission of Texas. The Oklahoma Corporation Commission engagement involves the development of a rate case processing manual to be used by the Public Utility Division. •...... . r .,hi, Ivlruuu...Aoe H, e..1..mil H Engagements Specific to Cable Television Rate Regulation While employed as a Manager at Reed -Stowe & Co . Inc. Ms. Cannady conducted numerous evaluations of cattle rate filings, the majortry of which dealt with systems operated by TCI. Below is a brief outline of the engagements conducted by Ms. Cannady since the --re-regulation" of cable television rates in 1993. Texas Cities for whom evaluations of the 1996 Form 1240: 1205 rates were performed: Citv of Alvin City of Bedford City of EI Lago City of Farmers Branch City of Flower Mound City of Friendswood City of Grapevine (Paragon) City of Harlingen City of La Marque Ciry of League City City of Marshall (Falcon) City of Mesquite City of Nassau Bay City of Seabrook City of Taylor Lake Village City of Texas City City of.Webster ' Many issues arose during the evaluation of the TCI filings for equipment and installation rates. Based on recommendations made at the conclusion of the analyses, many of the above municipalities established rates that were later appealed by TO to the FCC. Recent FCC decisions have been rendered on a number of these appeals, and the FCC has found in favor of the actions taken by the Cities with respect to almost all issues raised. 2. With the exception of the Cities of Bedford, Harlingen, and the Town of Flower Mound, analyses were conducted of the FCC Forth 393, FCC Form 1200/1205 and quarterly FCC Form 1210 for each of the Cities identified under Item I. 3. Ms. Cannady conducted a review of the TO costof-service filing, FCC Form 1220, for the City of Dallas in 1995. This was the basis for the City's establishment of the first regulated basic service rate and equipment and installation charges since the enactment of the 1992 Cable Act. 4. Ms. Cannady assisted the City of Rockwall in its review of Mission Cable's small cable operator rates under the FCC Form 1235. 5. As required, Ms. Cannady has assisted legal counsel in preparing responses to the FCC concerning appeals by the operator of the local franchise authority's decisions. IL Engagements Related to Regulation of Public Utility Services In addition to cable television services, Ms. Cannady has conducted cost of service and rate desiLm studies regarding electric, gas and telephone services before the following state and federal agencies: Alabama Public Service Commission Arizona Corporation Commission Colorado Public Utilities Commission New Mexico Public Service Commission Oklahoma Corporation Commission Public Utility Commission of Texas Railroad Commission of Texas Bonneville Power Administration In addition, Ms. Cannady has performed numerous cost of service and rate design studies for municipalities with original jurisdiction concerning gas, water, and wastewater operations. She has provided expert testimony regarding rate base issues and appropriate fuel costs before the Public Utility Commission of Texas with respect to Texas Utilities Electric Company's and Houston Lighting and Power Company's respective operations. Professional References: Mr. Ron Cox City Manager City of Friendswood 910 South Friendswood Drive Friendswood, Texas 77546 (281)996-3250 Ms. Eugenia Cano City Attorney City of Alvin 216 West Sealy Street Alvin, Texas 77511 (281)388-1267 Mr. Richard Escalante City Manager ' City of Farmers Branch One Citv Hall Plaza Farmers Branch, Texas 75234 (972)919-2516 Mr. Bob Miller Attomev Gardere & Wynne L.L.P. 1601 Elm Street, Suite 3000 Dallas. Texas 75201 (214)999-4219 Mr. J. C. Hughes Assistant City Manager City of Marshall PO Box 698 Marshall, Texas 75671 (903)935-4419 Mr. Ted Barron City Manager City of Mesquite 1515 North Galloway Mesquite, Texas 75149 (972)'_88-7711 �^(lxunl4xy 4n'urs Lx. fw/ru.uJ. i 1dJe lYl.nnun Hme N.yn6rtwn Mr. Robert A. Rima Attotnev Law Oftice of Robert A Rima 1005 Congress Avenue, Suite 1010 Austin, Teras 78701 (51'_)478-2700 Ms. Cheryl Wilson Attornev Olson & Olson 3385 Three Allen Cerner 333 Clav Street Houston. Texas 77002 (713)759-0696 Mr. Jack E. Stowe, Jr. President Reed -Stowe & Co., Inc. 1651 N. Collins Boulevard Suite 115 Richardson, Texas 75080 (972)680-1880 77 ( a'mavn/lu�.4nu'ra. /rn prv/woJ. i'.dfv h•lar�mw H.m• NrynM1num ' THE STATE OF TEXAS ) r L✓ _ ) COALITION PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT FOR TCI CABLE SERVICE AREA CITIES COUNTY OF DENTON ) This Agreement is made and entered into on this the day of 1997, by, between and among the signatory cities (hereinafter collectively "CITIES") to create the COALITION FOR TCI CABLE SERVICE AREA CITIES. This Agreement is authorized by the Texas Interlocal Cooperation Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 791, and other authorities. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the nature of cable regulation is undergoing substantial change as a result of recent state and federal legislation; and WHEREAS, there is a need for cities to cooperate to assure the public interest is protected and cable television rates are just and reasonable; WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable to retain the services of a consultant to provide the service of Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") Form Review; WHEREAS, the cities in the service area of TCI Cable have worked together collectively to create this Coalition to participate in the rate review process to assure that the cable rates charged were just and reasonable; and WHEREAS, such participation in the Coalition assures a reduced cost of rate review and provides a unified group to assert the public's right and interest in quality service. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises, agreement, covenants and promises set forth herein, it is agreed as follows: 1 1 I. Coalition for TCI Cable Service Area Cities The CITIES hereby form the Coalition. Each member city shall, by action of its governing body, approve its membership in the Coalition and designate its representative to receive notices and participate in and vote at Coalition meetings. The Coalition shall be composed of all cities committed to the payment of rate review services to be performed by an independent Consultant, as hereinafter affirmed by the signature of the authorized representative. The current rate agreed upon is attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. Cities that wish to participate in the Coalition, but not in rate review, may become active members; however, such cities may not participate in votes affecting rate review. 2. Binding Obligation By signing this Agreement, each signatory city agrees to be bound by this Agreement and to any other signatory city that is or becomes a member of the Coalition. 1 3. Annual Meeting Members of the Coalition shall meet annually to assess the need to retain a consultant for cable rate review and shall, by majority vote of those representatives present, select a consultant. Only member cities that have committed to participate in rate review may have a vote. 4. Consultant For the 1997 calendar year, the consulting firm of C2 Consulting Services was duly selected to assist the Coalition in the regulation of cable television rates. At the option of the member city, the City may, at an additional price to be agreed upon independently with the Consultant, retain the services of the Consultant for other purposes such as franchise compliance. This is an independent agreement outside the purview of the Coalition. 5. ' Payment for Performance of Governmental Functions and Services Made from Current Revenues ' By entering into this Agreement, CITIES, individually, affirms that it is paying for the performance of governmental functions or services from current revenues available. The payments made under this Agreement fairly and adequately compensate the consultant for the services or functions performed under the contract. 6. Legal Construction In case any one or more of the terms, provisions, phrases or clauses contained in this Agreement shall for any reason be held to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability shall be construed as if such invalid, illegal or unenforceable portion had never been contained herein. 7. Entire Agreement This contract embodies the complete Agreement of the parties hereto superseding all oral ' or written previous and contemporary agreements between the parties relating to matters herein and, except as otherwise provided herein, cannot be modified without written agreement of the parties. 8. No Other Obligations By entering into this Agreement, the parties do not create any obligations, express or implied, other than those set forth herein, and this Agreement shall not create any rights in parties not signatories hereto. 9. Immunity It is expressly understood and agreed that in the execution of this Agreement, neither CITIES nor the Coalition waives, nor shall be deemed to waive, any immunity or defense that ' would otherwise be available to each against claims arising in the exercise of governmental powers and functions. 10. Authority The undersigned officers and/or agents are properly authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the parties hereto, and each hereby certifies to the other that any necessary resolutions extending such authority have been duly passed and are now in full force and effect. 11. Multiple Counterparts This document may be executed in multiple counterparts and each shall be considered to be an original and have the full force and effect of any other original. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement on the dates indicated below. ' City By: Signature Typed/Printed Name Typed/Printed Title Date: