HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2016 - 10/04 - Regular'
Commissioners Present:
Jeff Cocking, Chair
Ben Trahan, l" Vice -Chair
Stephen Platt, Jr., 2nd Vice -Chair
John Ogrizovich
Luke Hollingsworth
Michael On
Shirley Mangmm
October 4, 2016
Regular Meeting
October 4, 2016
City Staff Present
Ogden "Bo" Bass, AICP, Director of Community Development
Chris Flanigan, PE, Director of Engineering
' Brian Bristow, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation
Madhuri Kulkami, AICP, Senior Planner
Meredith Norge, Planner
Julie Dosher, City Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Cocking called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m
in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway.
Director's Report
1. Action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by City Council at the September 27, 2016,
regular meeting. r
Election of Officers
2. Elect a Chair, First Vice -Chair and Second Vice -Chair.
Chairman Cocking opened the floor for nominations for Planning and Zoning Commission Chairman.
Motion: Upon a motion by I" Vice -Chair Trahan, and a second by 2nd Vice -Chair
Platt, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to appoint Mr.
' Jeff Cocking to the Planning and Zoning Commission Chair position.
The motion carried.
October 4, 2016
' Chairman Cocking opened the floor for nominations for Planning and Zoning Commission 1" Vice -Chair
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Mangrum, and a second by Commissioner
Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
appoint Mr. Ben Trahan to the Planning and Zoning Commission 1" Vice -
Chair position.
The motion carried.
Chairman Cocking opened the floor for nominations for Planning and Zoning Commission 2nd Vice -Chair
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Mangrum, and a second by P' Vice -Chair
Trahan, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to appoint
Mr. Stephen Platt, Jr, to the Planning and Zoning Commission 2nd Vice -Chair
The motion carried.
' Consent Agenda (Routine P&Z business. Consent Agenda is approved by o single majority vote. Items
may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member of staff)
3. Approve minutes from the September 20, 2016, regular meeting.
4. Final Plat—Consider a Final Plat for Lot I, Block A, Allen ISD Elementary 18; being 18.4022+/- acres,
generally located at the southwest comer of Ridgeview Drive and Chelsea Boulevard. (FP -7/14-16-54)
[Allen ISD Elementary 18]
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Ogrizovich, and a second by
Commissioner Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 7 IN FAVOR, and 0
OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda.
The motion carried.
Regular Agenda
S. Preliminary Plat—Consider a Preliminary Plat for Bethany Pet Hospital, Lots I, 2, & 3, Block 1; being
6.527+/- acres, generally located at the northeast comer of Bethany Drive and Heritage Parkway. (PP
8/1/16-66) [Bethany Pet Hospital]
Ms. Meredith Nurge, Planner, stated that the property is generally located at the northeast comer of Bethany
Drive and Heritage Parkway. The property to the north is zoned Single -Family Residential R-3. The
' property to the west (across Heritage Parkway) is zoned Planned Development PD No. 22 Single -Family
Residential SF. To the south (across Bethany Drive), the properties are zoned Planned Development PD
No. 22 Single -Family Residential SF, Planned Development PD No. 22 Community Facilities CF, and
October 4, 2016
t Planned Development PD No. 22 Shopping Center SC. To the east, the property is zoned Community
Facilities CF.
Ms. Norge said that a Site Plan was approved in September 2016 for a Veterinary Hospital. Preliminary
platting is the next phase in the development process.
The subject Preliminary Plat shows 6.5271 acres of land subdivided into three lots. Specifically, the
Veterinary Hospital will be developed on Lot 2. Access for Lot 2 is provided through a primary access
point on Heritage Parkway and through two internal access points - one on the north to Lot I and one on
the east to Lot 3 through a firelane and mutual access easements. An access point is also proposed on the
northern portion of Lot I on Heritage Parkway.
Ms. Norge said that the Preliminary Plat has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee, is
generally consistent with the Site Plan, and meets the requirements of the Allen Land Development Code
Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Orr, and a second by
Y' Vice -Chair Trahan, the Commission voted 7 I FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED
to approve a Preliminary Plat for Bethany Pet Hospital, Lots 1, 2, & 3, Block
1; being 6.527+/- acres, generally located at the northeast corner of Bethany
Drive and Heritage Parkway.
The motion carried.
6. Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to change the zoning to a Planned
Development for Townhome Residential District TH, and adopt a Concept Plan, Open Space Plan,
Development Regulations and Building Elevations; being a 6.245+/- acre tract of land in the Henry
Wedsel Survey, Abstract No. 977, generally located south of Main Street and east of Greenville
Avenue. (Z-2/29/26-22) [Ashwood Creek Place]
Ms. Kulkami stated that the property is generally located south of Main Street and east of Greenville
Avenue. The property to the north is zoned Community Facilities CF and Planned Development PD No.
113 Townhome Residential TH. The property to the east is zoned Community Facilities CF and Townhome
Residential TH. To the south, the property is zoned Townhome Residential TH. To the west (across
Greenville Avenue), the property is zoned Single -Family Residential R-3.
Ms. Kulkami said the property is currently zoned Single -Family Residential R-3. The applicant is
requesting to change the zoning by creating a Planned Development for a townhome development, and
adopting Development Regulations, a Concept Plan, Open Space Plan, and Building Elevations for the
Ms. Kulkami stated that staff recognizes that this property is bounded to the north by a floodplain and is
also a triangular shaped property. It is also considered infill. She stated that this is a difficult piece to develop
due to these constraints.
The proposed residential development is approximately 6.21 acres. The Concept Plan shows a total of
nineteen residential lots. All lots have a minimum lot sin of 24'X90' (2,160 square feet) and will be front -
entry with a minimum dwelling unit area of 2,000 square feet, exceeding the minimum area per the ALDC.
' The gross lot density equates to 3.04 units/acre.
October 4, 2016
Ms. Kulkami said that the Concept Plan also shows four open space lots. Open Space provided meets ALDC
standards. The Open Space plan shows proposed amenities such as benches, a water feature, and a park for
the residents.
There are three access points into the development. The primary access point is on Greenville Avenue. A
secondary, emergency access point is also shown on Greenville Avenue. A third access point is provided
through the existing alley on the south to satisfy Community Services to ensure waste services can be
adequately provided.
Screening for the property will consist of an eight -foot masonry screening wall on the west (along
Greenville Avenue) adjacent to the townhome development. Screening will continue along Greenville
Avenue to the north of the townhome development (adjacent to the floodplain) through an eight foot
wrought -iron fence where permitted by the Engineering Department. The eight foot wrought -iron fence is
also proposed on the northern boundary of the townhome development (adjacent to the floodplain).
Primary building materials, shown on the three types of building elevations, are brick and stone. Garage
doors and driveways will be enhanced and treated.
Ms. Kulkami summarized the development regulations:
-Base Zoning District: Townhome Residential District TH.
-Concept Plan: The Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Concept Plan.
-Building Elevations: The Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Building
' -Open Space: The development of the Property shall include development of open space as shown on the
Open Space Plan.
-Minimum Dwelling Unit Size: 2,000 square feet.
-Driveways: The driveways shall be textured and treated with a decorative concrete aggregate.
-Screening: Screening on the Property shall be developed in general conformance with the Concept Plan.
No building permit to be issued until the fence permit has been issued and screening wall construction
begun. No final building inspections to be conducted the construction and installation of all required
screening has been completed.
-Floodplain Reclamation: No application for Final Plat of the Property shall be considered for approval by
P&Z until the owner or developer establishes through reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Engineering
that the floodplain reconfiguration shown on the Concept Plan complies with City policy prohibiting
adverse impact to the floodplain
-Removal of Structure in Floodplain: Any existing structures in the floodplain (Lot 8, Block B) must be
removed from the floodplain by owner prior to the issuance of any development or grading permit.
The request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee.
Ms. Kulkami stated that there were a few letters of opposition. She stated that one of the concerns is
regarding lack of privacy in the alley. She said that connections to the alley are typically avoided; however,
this condition is proposed because of Community Services. Another concern was regarding the value of the
neighborhood and Section 8 Housing. Ms. Kulkami stated that this is not Section 8 Housing, but the
applicant could address that concern and provide more information. Ms. Kulkami stated that another
concern is regarding overcrowding and traffic. She stated that this development will add nineteen more lots;
' however, traffic and access points were vetted by the Engineering Department,
Commissioner Ogrizovich asked if the two homes and the barn would be removed.
October 4, 2016
t Ms. Kulkami said yes, the two structures would be removed with the development. Another structure will
also be removed because it is in the floodplain.
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing.
Mai Moughayar, 410 Allenwood Dr., Allen, Texas, spoke in opposition to the request. She had concerns
regarding losing the peaceful atmosphere of the barn and farm that she can see from her property.
Chairman Cocking read a response from Erin Cook, 203 S. Greenville Ave., Allen, Texas, who was listed
as opposed. The response said that the area is beautiful and relaxing. She urged the Commission to vote for
aesthetics and less traffic.
Ronald Croffe, 5146 Pond Springs Cr., Allen, Texas, spoke in opposition to the request. He had concems
regarding the row of bushes around the alley and asked if this would be removed.
Kenneth O'Brien, 536 Cedar Elm Ln., Allen, Texas, spoke in opposition to the request. He had concerns
about traffic flow on Greenville Ave. and parking on Cedar Elm. He had concerns about water mnoff being
controlled and about creek erosion. He also voiced concerns regarding the wildlife in the area being
uprooted. He had privacy concerns with the two story townhomes potentially being able to overlook the
alley. He also stated concerns regarding school zoning and stated that he would like to see a park built in
this area.
Sherilyn Kunkel, 9 Cedar Elm Cr., Allen, Texas, spoke in opposition to the request. She had concerns
regarding traffic in the area. She also voiced a concern on school zoning, asking where the children would
. go to school. She voiced concern regarding the houses along the creek. She also had concerns regarding the
traffic in the area.
Sudhir Toorpu, 201 & 203 S. Greenville Ave., Allen, Texas, Applicant, spoke in favor of the request. He
said that much of the development will remain untouched and stated that he spent 8-9 months researching
the property due to the floodplain. He said that the townhomes will have front entry garages which will
allow visitors and family members to park on the driveway. He said that there are an additional twelve
parking spaces on the property. He also said that this will not be Section 8 Housing, but will be high-end
William Edwards, 6060 N. Central Espy, Allen, Texas, Engineer, spoke in favor of the request. He said he
is the available for any questions.
Mr. Gifford James, 535 Cedar Elm Ln, Allen, Texas, voiced concerns on traffic in the area and wanted to
know if there was anything the public can do to stop the development. He also voiced concerns regarding
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
The following residents submitted citizen responses
- Dorothy A. O'Brien, 536 Cedar Elm Ln., Allen, Texas—Opposed
- Linda Robinson, 414 Ellis Ln, Allen, Texas— Opposed
' _ Waren Andrews, 513 S. Cedar Elm Ln., Allen, Texas — Opposed
Gifford James, 535 Cedar Elm Ln, Allen, Texas — Opposed
Chairman Cocking asked for further explanation on parking for this development.
October 4, 2016
' Ms. Kulkarni said that the requirement is for two spaces to be provided in the garage and two spaces to be
provided on the driveway. Additionally, one visitor space is required per every two townhomes. The visitor
parking requirement is ten spaces. The applicant is providing twelve, more than the required amount.
Chairman Cocking asked about drainage concerns
Chris Flanigan, Director of Engineering, said that the applicant submitted a flood study that identified the
regulatory floodplain as well as the creek under fully developed conditions, which is a more conservative
standard than that employed by the Federal government. Mr. Flanigan explained that the City is requiring
a wider berth than what would be required on Floodplain maps. Mr. Flanigan said that the best defense
against erosion on any riverine system would be preservation of vegetation. By setting the development
back from the creek bank, the trees and grasses can hold back the bank to prevent erosion.
Chairman Cocking asked if Mr. Flanigan was confident that this development would not exacerbate any
downstream flooding concerns.
Mr. Flanigan said that the development submitted has demonstrated, through floodplain analysis and a flood
study, that the development would be setback a sufficient distance from the creek.
Chairman Cocking asked about concerns regarding traffic.
Mr. Flanigan said that Engineering staff has evaluated the access constraints. The proposed Street A as it
connects to Greenville Avenue connects at a point that meets separation distances regarding driveway
' spacing. Mr. Flanigan stated that a continuous left turn lane provides adequate access. Traffic may back up
during peak times heading north, but this situation exists throughout the community.
Chairman Cocking asked about concerns with cut -through traffic both from the proposed new development
and traffic from Cedar Elm.
Mr. Flanigan said that the drivers in the older neighborhood would probably not cut -through the newer
neighborhood to access Greenville Avenue.
Chairman Cocking asked about Allen ISD input during the TRC process.
Ms. Kulkami said that there is a representative from Allen ISD at the TRC meetings, and the representative
did not voice any concerns.
2"d Vice -Chair Platt said that there were privacy concerns regarding the bush hedge row. He asked if this
will remain or not.
Mr. Garry Nale, Builder, said that keeping the hedge row would be determined once they get on the site.
He said that they would leave as many trees as possible, but that if trees are too close to the buildings, then
they would be removed.
Chairman Cocking asked about the price point for the townhomes.
' Mr. Nale said that the townhomes will be in the $200,000 range.
Chairman Cocking said that there was one question about turning this area into a park. He explained that
the City does not own the land; it is owned by an individual.
' Chairman Cocking said that there were questions about crime and police protection. He asked who is the
best person to contact.
Mr. Bo Bass, Director of Community Development, said that for any policing issues, individuals should
contact Chief Harvey.
Chairman Cocking asked if the developer has had a meeting with the homeowners in the adjacent area.
Mr. Toorpu said that he sent out flyers before the public hearing, but did not have a meeting with the
residents. Mr. Toorpu said that he provided his e-mail and phone number on the flyers, but had not been
contacted by the residents.
Chairman Cocking asked if Mr. Tompu had an informational meeting for neighborhood members to discuss
the property in advance.
Mr. Toorpu said that the notification was sent through the flyers and that he did not set up a meeting. He
was open to receiving any e-mails or phone calls for setting up a meeting. Mr. Toorpu said that he did not
think it was necessary to set up a meeting.
Chairman Cocking said to develop in Allen, it is always necessary to try to reach out.
Mr. Toorpu provided the flyer to the Commissioners that was sent out. Mr. Toorpu said that flyers were
sent on September 20ih, 2016, and that he did not receive any calls or a -mails of concerns.
' Chairman Cocking said that he recommended spending time with surrounding residents because of the
opposition to this development.
Commissioner Mangrum asked if the flyer was mailed or put on the doors
Mr. Toorpu said that it was put on the doors.
Chairman Cocking asked about proposed Street C being connected to an alley on an adjacent property. He
said that the City typically does not connect properties by putting a road into an alley. Chairman Cocking
asked about alternatives.
Mr. Flanigan stated that this property is unique. Fire Department apparatus requires a cul-de-sac or a
hammer head. The Fire Department decided to go with a hammer head operation to provide service to Lots
1-3; allowing the fire apparatus to back up and exit the access points off of Greenville Avenue. The other
reason is to allow Solid Waste to service this area.
Chairman Cocking asked if there was a way to have controlled access for waste services.
Mr. Flanigan said that the City's waste hauler does not have a way to do this; it does not have a clicker or
a knox box like the Fire Department to unlock the gate.
Chairman Cocking asked if there were other ways for waste disposal such as having shared dumpsters
' Mr. Flanigan said this is not a multi -family development. This is a single-family development for which
dumpsters are typically not used.
October 4, 2016
' Chairman Cocking said that not having the street connect to the alley would isolate the subdivision from
the other one, but by having the street, it removes the isolation.
Mr. Flanigan said the only option would be to convert Lots 1-3 into a cul-de-sac. By doing so, the property
would lose the three lots.
Commissioner On asked about the purpose of the cul-de-sac at the front of the property
Ms. Kulkami said that the cul-de-sac is provided for waste services to turn around and it is required for the
right-hand pick up.
Commissioner Ogrizovich said that a lot of the concerns appear to be pre-existing issues. This development
may exacerbate these issues, but they are already existing.
Commissioner Ort said that his concern is that the developer did not have a meeting with the residents to
allow the residents to voice their opinions.
Commissioner Mangrum stated that she agreed with Commissioner Ogrizovich and Commissioner Ort and
that she can support the project.
I" Vice -Chair Trahan said that Commissioner Ogrizovich stated some good points; that a lot of the concerns
precede this development.
Commissioner Hollingsworth stated that all of his questions and concerns have been addressed.
' 2z Vice -Chair Platt said that he sees more of a possibility of people on Cedar Elm cutting through the
proposed development instead of going through the alley, and that he cannot see a solution to the waste
Chairman Cocking said that he does not like the proposed Street C and that Lots 1-3 should be a cul-de-sac
to allow for the two properties to be isolated.
Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice -Chair Trahan, and a second by
Commissioner Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 1
OPPOSED (Chairman Cocking) to approve a request to change the zoning to
a Planned Development for Townhome Residential District TH, and adopt a
Concept Plan, Open Space Plan, Development Regulations and Building
Elevations; being a 6.245+/- acre tract of land in the Henry Wedsel Survey,
Abstract No. 977, generally located south of Main Street and east of
Greenville Avenue. (2-2/29/26-22) [Ashwood Creek Place]
The motion carried.
Executive Session (As Needed)
' As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into
closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on
any agenda item listed herein.
October 4, 2016
' Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
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Meredith Nurge, Planner
October 4, 2016
' Director's Report from 9/27/2016 City Council Meeting
• The request to conduct a Public Hearing and adopt an Ordinance for Specific Use Permit No.
149 for a Beer and Wine Package Sales use on a portion of Lot 7A-1, Block A, Village at Allen;
generally located south of Stacy Road and east of US Highway 75, was approved.