HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1984 - 03/01 - RegularCITY OF ALLEN
MARCH 1, 1984
377 acres
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The public hearing was called to order by City Manager
Jon McCarty at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 1, 1984, in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised that the 377 acres of
land out of the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 711,
had been requested to be annexed into the city limits by
Folsom Investments Company.
City Manager McCarty advised of the location of the
property, being west of U. S. 75, north of F.M. 2170, and
south of Rowlett Road.
City Manager McCarty advised that the prepared Service
Plan for the 377 acres of land was available for review.
City Manager McCarty opened the public hearing. No one
appeared to speak either for or against the request. City
Manager McCarty closed the public hearing.
The public hearing was adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
These minutes reviewed and approved on this the 1st day
of March , 1984.
Marty Hendrix, ITY SECRETARY
March 1, 1984
Mickey Pierson, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
Rex Womack
Ward Paxton
Dennis Offutt
Don Rodenbaugh
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Pierson at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 1,
1984, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex,
One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
(Agenda Item II)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of February 16,
1984 - Regular Session
B. Authorization to City Staff to pay bills
associated with the 1979 - 1982 Capital Improve-
ments Program as follows:
1. Ronald E. Fix and Associates $1,644.10
Contract No. 821004 - Con-
struction of Park Place Dr. -
Inspection and Engineering
Fees - 1/25/84 thru 2/24/84
2. Uvalde Construction Company $46,268.01
Contract No. 821004 - Con-
struction of Park Place Dr. -
Payment No. 10
C. Set March 15, 1984 as Public Hearing Date on a
�• Request to Annex Approximately 898 Acres,
Located North of F.M. 2170, East and West of
Rowlett Creek and South of Rowlett Road.
D. Set April 5, 1984 as the Public Hearing Date on a
Request for a Specific Use Permit to Operate an
Arcade Within the Allen Bowl, Located on State
Highway 5, North of Ridgemont Drive.
March 1, 1984
Page 2
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
E. Confirm the resignation of Don Rodenbaugh,
Place No. 4, Allen City Council
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Public Hearing: Request to Annex
377 Acres of Land
Location: West of U.S. 75,
North of F.M. 2170,
and South of
Rowlett Road
Requestor: Folsom Investments Corp. (Agenda Item III -A)
Mayor Pierson read the request into the record as follows:
"Consider a Request to Annex 377 Acres of Land Located
West of U. S. 75, North of F. M. 2170, and South of
Rowlett Road."
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that the 377
acres of land out of the Catherine Parsons Survey, Abstract
No. 711, was being requested to be annexed into the City of
Allen by Folsom Investments, Inc. The service plan had been
prepared and was available for review.
In accordance with State Law, the first public hearing was
held by city staff at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 1, 1984, in
the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex. Minutes of
those proceedings had been furnished to the Council for their
review. City Manager McCarty briefly reviewed those minutes
with the Council.
Mayor Pierson onened the public hearing. No one appeared
to speak either for or against this request. The public hearing
was closed.
Mayor Pierson advised that no action would be taken on this
item at this time. The annexation ordinance would be presented
for adoption to the City Council at their regular meeting to be
held on Thursday, April 5, 1984.
Public Hearing: Request for Zoning Change
and Site Plan Approval on
13.6 Acres Zoned MF -1 to
Zoning: Planned Development
Location: East of Jupiter Road,
North and West of Hillside
Requestor: Future One Development (Agenda Item III -B)
Mayor Pierson read the request into the record as follows:
"Consider a Zoning Request by Future One Development on
13.6 Acres Presently Zoned MF -1 (Multi -Family) to PD
(Planned Development), Located East of Jupiter Road, North
and West of the Hillside Addition."
Joel B. Goldsteen, representing Future One Development,
presented to and spoke before the Council on this request for a
zoning change from Multi -Family -1 zoning to Planned Development
zoning on the 13.6 acres of land out of the David Wetsel Survey,
Abstract No. 977.
March 1, 1984
Page 3
Public Hearing: Request for Zoning Change
and Site Plan Approval on
13.6 Acres (cont'd) (Agenda Item III -B)
Mr. Goldsteen presented the site plan of this condominium
development, showing the 192 2 -story units, with a14.1 units
per acre density; the extension of Roaming Road from West Way
Drive to Jupiter Road, a park area within the development, a
spa, fire lane easements, a 4' wood screening fence between
this property and the adjacent residential area, the pool
location and parking spaces. Mr. Goldsteen also presented an
artist's rendering of the front elevation of the condominium
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their meeting of
January 26, 1984, had recommended to the City Council approval
of the zoning change request to Planned Development and the site
plan for multi -family use.
Mayor Pierson opened the public hearing. No one appeared
to speak either for or against this request. The public hearing
was closed.
The Council pointed out that this request would complete
the development alonq Park Place and Jupiter Road, and discussed
if a home owner's association would be developed to care for the
open space areas; the location of park areas within the develop-
ment and if playground equipment would be placed in the park for
use by children living in this development and if not, the
location of the nearest public park to this property; and the
construction and maintenance of the 4' wooden fence along this
property adjacent to the residential area.
There was considerable discussion by the Council on the 30'
setback on three of the buildings from the adjacent residential
area and a concern that this was too close and provided too much
visibility into the residential backyards.
The Council discussed with Mr. Goldsteen how to resolve the
30' setback problem by reducing the height of the buildings to
one story or rearranging the layout of the buildings to move
them further back from the residential area.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
table this request until the next regular Council
meeting on Thursday, March 15, 1984. The motion
Site Plan Approval: Towne Village
5.309 Acre Tract
Zoning: Townhouse (TH)
Location: Adjacent to Jupiter Road,
Immediately North of
the Jupiter Road Park
Requestor: Goodman Homes (Agenda Item IV)
Mr. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke
before the Council on this request for site plan approval on
a 5.309 acre tract of land out of the David Wetsel Survey,
Abstract No. 977, zoned TH (Townhouse), with this development
being an extension of the existing Timber Creek Townhouse
March 1, 1984
Page 4
Site Plan Approval: Towne Village
5.309 Acre Tract
Goodman Homes (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
Mr. Petty reviewed with the Council the very unique
circumstances concerning development on this property as
1. Floodway areas run parallel along both sides of the
tract on the north and south sides.
2. A dedication of right-of-way along the east border
(Jupiter Road) of this property has been made to the
City of Allen to accomodate the Jupiter Road Bridge
and sewer requirements.
3. Because the frontage of this property does not extend
more than 300' south of the Jupiter Road Bridge, no
ingress or egress will be allowed on the Jupiter Road
4. Ingress, egress to this development will be provided
only through the existing Timber Creek Addition and
an extension of Cedar Elm Drive.
5. No alleys are oresently in the existing Timber Creek
Addition along the rear of the townhouses backing
up to the floodway.
6. A sanitary sewer easement runs across the entire
property on a skew from northwest to southeast.
Mr. Petty explained that due to these unique circumstances,
this site plan indicated the need for two variances as follows:
1. No alleys on a portion of the platted lots.
2. The zoning requirements for offstreet parking in a
townhouse development do not allow required parking
spaces to be located in the required front yard,
therefore, a request was submitted in the preliminary
plat for a variance of 15 parking spaces to allow for
those spaces in the required front yard.
Dave Whitehead and Ken Browning, with Goodman Homes,
presented the landscape plan for this development and explained
to the Council that they felt this site plan represented the
best use of this property due to the uniqueness of it.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their meeting of
February 23, 1984, approved the preliminary plat and recommended
to the City Council approval of the site plan as submitted.
The Council briefly discussed the number of units on this
site plan.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded
r by Councilman Offutt, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
[v, approve the site plan on the 5.309 acre tract as
submitted and in accordance with the recommendation
of the Planning and Zoning Commission, as stated.
The motion carried.
March 1, 1984
Page 5
Site Plan Approval: Allen Place Apartments
Bethany Park Addition
1.34 Acres of Land
Zoning: Multi -Family -2 (LIF -2)
Location: 500 Block of
Bethany Road
Requestor: Huffman Development Co. (Agenda Item V)
Mr. Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke
before the Council on this request for site plan approval on
1.34 acres of land in lot 5, Block A,Bethany Park Addition,
zoned Multi -Family -2, being the final phase of development for
the Bethany Park Apartments.
Mr. Petty advised the Council of the location of this
development in the Bethany Park Apartments, and that per the
recommendations of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the
developer had corrected the plan to show the parking spaces
in the required size of 8' x 181.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their meeting of
February 23, 1984, recommended to the City Council that the
subject site plan be approved with the following amendments:
1. All parking spaces must be 8' x 181.
2. The tie-in of the fire lane to the existing
development shall not reduce the number of onsite
parking spaces by more than six (6).
3. Lawn sprinklering should be considered as part of
the landscaping plan for the new development.
Mr. Petty explained the routing of the fire lane on this
development to tie in with the existing fire lane of the older
development and the elimination of ten (10) parking spaces by
doing this, however, sufficient parking spaces were still
Mr. Petty also pointed out the developer had added two (2)
additional parking spaces adjacent to the apartment buildings,
which City Staff recommended be eliminated.
Mr. Brian Sewell and Mike Renfro, with Huffman Development
Company, spoke before the Council on behalf of this request.
They presented the landscape plan and advised that the sprinkler
system had been placed in the landscape plan as requested by
the Planning and Zoning Commission. They had also redesigned
the parking spaces to meet the regulations, as requested by the
Planning and Zoning Commission. They had also redesigned the
fire plan easement to tie in with the one existing on the older
development, however, ten (10) parking spaces had to be
eliminated, but there were still sufficient areas to park.
The Council discussed how fire lane easements are marked
and reviewed again the number of parking spaces that would be
eliminated and the number of spaces remaining.
Mr. Petty advised the Council that the city staff's
recommendation on this site plan was the elimination of the two
parking spaces adjacent to the apartment buildings and the
designation of the fire lane as shown.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
approve the site plan as presented and in accordance
with the recommendation of the city staff that the two
parking spaces be eliminated and the fire lane be
designated as shown. The motion carried.
March 1, 1984
Page 6
Accept Resignation of Jim Wolfe,
Planning and Zoning Commission,
Place No. 3, and Consider
Appointing a Replacement (Agenda Item VI)
Mayor Pierson advised the Council of the receipt of the
resignation letter from Jim Wolfe, Planning and Zoning Commission
Member, Place No. 3, who was resigning in order to declare his
candidacy for Place No. 4 on the Allen City Council.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
accept Mr. Wolfe's resignation letter and extend their
appreciation for his work on the Planning and Zoning
Commission. The motion carried.
Mayor Pierson then opened the floor for nominations to
Place No. 3 on the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Councilman Womack nominated Dr. Jerry Wilson.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 6 - 0 that
the nominations cease and that Dr. Jerry Wilson be
appointed by acclamation to Place No. 3 on the Planning
and Zoning Commission. The motion carried.
Mayor Pierson advised that Dr. Jerry Wilson was appointed
to Place No. 3 on the Planning and Zoning Commission, with his
term of office to expire on June 30, 1984.
Review and Consider Adoption of
an Animal Control Ordinance
Repealing the Existing
Ordinance No. 78 (Agenda Item VII)
City Manager McCarty advised the City Council that Police
Chief Richard Carroll was not able to be present at this
Council Meeting to present the proposed ordinance, however,
this would be the first reading of the ordinance, and it would
be brought back for consideration at the next regular meeting.
City Secretary Marty Hendrix read the proposed ordinance
caption into the record as follows:
"An Ordinance of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Repealing Ordinance No. 78; Providing for Rabies Control;
Reporting of Animal Bites; Providing for Quarantine;
Restraint of Animals Running at Large; Restraint of
Vicious Animals; Impoundment of Animals; Providing for
Fees; Prohibition of Certain Species of Animals and Fowl;
and Describing Penalties for Violating Such Provisions."
There was no action on this item.
Review and Consider Adoption of
the Parks and Recreation Policy
for Land Acquisition (Agenda Item VIII)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke
before the Council on the development of the Parks and Recreation
Policy for Land Acquisition and reviewed in detail the document
sections, being Goals of the Allen Parks and Recreation Board;
Definitions of Park, Recreation, and Open Space Areas;
Implementation; Methods for Land Acquisition; and Land
Acquisition Policy Follow -Up.
March 1, 1984
Page 7
Review and Consider Adoption of
the Parks and Recreation Policy
for Land Acquisition (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII)
Mr. Thornton presented and reviewed a map showing the
city's extraterritorial jurisdiction and the major thorough-
fares, the planning districts, neighborhood park districts, and
community park districts.
Mr. Thornton presented for review statistical data of the
various neighborhood park districts, the planning districts,
the community districts, acreage, square miles, projected
population and the number of neighborhood park acres needed to
support these areas.
There was considerable discussion between the City Council
and city staff on the involvement of the Allen School District
in this project and their comments on this plan as well as the
other school districts involved inthe city limits, those being
Lovejoy, McKinney and Plano.
The Council reviewed Section V which speaks to the joint
efforts of the city and school to develop elementary school and
park sites together and if this addressed the issue of the
joint effort between the city and the school district.
Further discussion centered around the need for the addition
of the word "soccer" to paragraph 2 "Community Parks" of
Section II "Definitions"; the addition of "temporary uses" in
the goals section, regarding use of property that is not owned
by the city but is leased for park and recreation use until
development is accomplished for the needed use; establish in
the goals section the cooperative efforts between and coordina-
tion with other public bodies such as the school districts and
the county; and allow the School Superintendent to review and
comment on this document.
The Council also discussed the funding of parks, and in
particular the development of Ford Park using park grant funds;
plans for periodic revision of this document, and changing of
the wording of "Goals of the Parks and Recreation Board" to
"Goals of the City of Allen" when this document is finally
It was the consensus of the Council that the city staff
take the recommended changes and redo the appropriate portions
of the policy and bring it back for consideration at a later
There was no action on this item.
Update on Westside Utilities (Agenda Item IX -A)
City Manager McCarty reported to the City Council that
Belz Enterprises had advised him that checks to the property
owners for crop damage that occurred due to the construction
of the west side utilities were in the mail, and the completion
construction was due to begin tentatively next week.
This was received as a matter of information. There was
no action taken on this item.
March 1, 1984
Page 8
Joint Meeting Between
Council and AISD Board (Agenda Item IX -B)
Mayor Pierson advised the Council that the joint meeting
between the Allen City Council and the Allen Independent School
District Board had been scheduled for Monday, March 26, 1984.
The place and time had not as yet been determined. It was also
the intention of both bodies to invite the candidates of the
upcoming school and city elections to attend this meeting.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Update on Attorney's Opinion
Relating to Appointment of
Replacement of Place No. 4,
Allen City Council (Agenda Item IX -C)
Mayor Pierson advised the Council that the city staff had
requested that the City Attorney prepare an opinion on the
interpretation of Section 2.04 of the Allen City Charter
regarding appointments to single vacancies in the Council when
it is close to a regular election. This was done in regard to
the replacement for Place No. 4 on the City Council due to the
resignation of Don Rodenbaugh. The City Attorney had not sent
back his opinion and the Council has until their next regular
meeting to consider the appointment to Place No. 4.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
General Discussion
Mayor Pierson advised the Council that in talking with
the City Manager he understands that the work on the Jupiter
Road Bridge is still on schedule and that a completion date
has been tentatively set for May of 1984.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council
at 9:50 p.m. on Thursday, March 1, 1984. The motion
These minutes approved on the 15th day of March
B. Pierson, MAYOR
Marty Hendrix, ti TY SECRETARY