HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1984 - 03/15 - RegularCITY OF ALLEN
MARCH 15, 1984
898 acres
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
John Green
In accordance with Article 970(a), V.A.T.C.S., the public
hearing was called to order by City Manager Jon McCarty at 1:00 p.m.
on Thursday, March 15, 1984, in the Council Chambers of the Allen
Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised that the 898 acres of land
out of the Alfred Slack Survey, Abstract No. 854, the Isaac
Herrin Survey, Abstract No. 381, the Joab Butler Survey, Abstract
No. 47, the Jesse H. Gough Survey, Abstract No. 347, David M.
Tucker Survey, Abstract No. 914, and the James W. Parson Survey,
Abstract No. 704, had been requested to be annexed into the city
limits by Willard R. Baker and John Green. Mr. Green's property
representing 152.809 acres and Mr. Baker's property representing
three tracts of 44.376 acres, 448.28 acres, and 253.1924 acres.
City Manager McCarty advised of the location of the property,
being west of U. S. 75, south of Rowlett Road, and east and west
of the Rowlett Creek.
City Manager McCarty advised that the prepared Service Plan
for the 898 acres of land was available for review.
City Manager McCarty opened the public hearing. No one
appeared to speak either for or against the request. City
Manager McCarty closed the public hearing.
The public hearing was adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
These minutes reviewed and approved on this the 15th day
of March, 1984.
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Marty hendrin CITY SECRETARY
MARCH 15, 1954
Mickey Pierson, Mayor
( Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
Rex Womack
Ward Paxton
Dennis Offutt
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
Executive Session
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S., (Open
Meetings Law) Section 2(g), the Allen City Council convened
into Executive Session at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 15,
1984, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex,
One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas, in order to discuss matters
pertaining to personnel.
q ;
Executive Session was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order
by Mayor Pierson at 7:32 p.m. on Thursday, March 15,
1984, in
the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex,
One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
AGENDA (Agenda Item II)
Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Councilman Offutt, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of March 1,
1984 - Regular Session.
B. Authorization to City Staff to Pay Bills
Associated with the 1979 - 1982 Capital
Improvements Program as follows:
1. Marquette Lease Services, Inc. $765.75
Contract No. 13216 - Lease/
Purchase of Telephone System
for Allen Municipal Annex -
March 1984
2. Wal-Mart Store No. 223 $ 44.52
Contract No. FS 8023 - Con-
struction of Service Center/
City Hall Annex - Purchase
of Microwave Cart for
q ;
March 15, 1984
Page 2
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) Agenda Item II)
3. Target $744.97
Contract No. FS 8023 - Con-
struction of Service Center/
City Hall Annex - Purchase
of Cabinet & Mirror for
` Ladies Restroom & Clock for
(v Lunchroom.
C. Set April 5, 1984, as Public Hearing Date on a
Request to Establish Permanent Zoning of PD
(Planned Development) on Approximately 40 Acres
Located at the Northeast Corner of Exchange
Parkway and U.S. 75.
D. Resolution No. 494-3-84(R): A Resolution of the
City Council of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Authorizinq the Submission of an Appli-
cation to the Texas Criminal Justice Division
Requesting Funding for Continuation of Crime
Prevention; Allocating City Funds for its Parti-
cipation; and Designating the City Manager to
Act in Behalf of the City of Allen in Applying
for These Funds.
E. Consolidated Summary of Activities of the Allen
Police Department - February 1984.
F. Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of February 29,
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Tabled Item: Request for Zoning Change
and Site Plan Approval on
13.6 Acres Zoned MF -1 to
Zoning: Planned Development
Location: East of Jupiter Road and
North and West of Hillside
Requestor• Future One Development (Agenda Item III)
Ordinance No. 495-3-84: An Ordinance of
the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
No. 366-10-81, as Previously Amended, so as
to Change the Following -Described Tract of
Land from "MF -1" (Multi -Family) to "PD"
(Planned Development) No. 19, Said Tract
of Land Being Described as Follows:
Approximately 13.6 Acres of Land Lying in
the David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977,
Collin County, Texas; Providing for a Site
This item was tabled at the City Council Meeting of
March 1, 1984.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that a new
revised site plan had been provided to the City Council as well
as the old site plan for comparison of revisions.
March 15, 1984
Page 3
Tabled Item: Request for Zoning Change and
and Site Plan Approval on 13.6 Acres
Ordinance No. 495-3-84: Amending Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance No. 366-10-81
to Establish PD No. 19 (Agenda Item III)
Dr. Joel B. Goldsteen, representing Future One Development,
presented to and spoke before the Council on the new revised
site plan which was part of the request for a zoning change from
Multi -Family -1 zoning to Planned Development Zoning on the 13.6
acres of land out of the David Wetsel Survey, Abstract No. 977.
Dr. Goldsteen advised the Council that the three buildings
located on the east of this property had been rearranged per
their request; placed back distances of 55', 65' and 50'; and
placed closer to the commercial property to the north rather
than the residential property onthe east and south.
The Council discussed the relocation of the buildings and
whether these units would have amenities such as washer/dryer
hookups and fireplaces, and if a homeowners' association had
been planned as part of this development.
Dr. Goldsteen advised that those amenities were included
in the development and the homeowners' association would be part
of the plat approval.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
approve the zoning change request and the new revised
site plan as presented and to adopt Ordinance
No. 495-3-84 as captioned previously. The motion
Accept Resignation of Planning and
Zoning Commission Member, Place No. 2
and Appointment of a Replacement for
Place No. 2 on the Planning and Zoning
Commission (Agenda Item IV)
Mayor Pierson advised the City Council of the receipt of a
resignation letter from Glenn Andrew, Place No. 2, on the Planning
and Zoning Commission, as he has declared his candidacy for a
place on the Allen Independent School Board.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Offutt, the Council voted 6 - 0 to accept
Mr. Andrew's resignation and extend to him their
appreciation for his service on this commission. The
motion carried.
Mayor Pierson then opened the floor for nominations to
Place No. 2 onthe Planning and Zoning Commission.
Councilman Offutt nominated Dick Erickson.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and
by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 6 - 0 that
the nominations cease and that Mr. Erickson be appointed
by acclamation to Place No. 2 on the Planning and Zoning
Commission for the unexpired term of office. The motion
Mayor Pierson advised that Mr. Dick Erickson had been
appointed to Place No. 2 on the Planning and Zoning Commission
to fill this unexpired term of office, which will expire in
June of 1985.
March 15, 1984
Page 4
At this time, Mayor Pierson moved Agenda Item VI up for
Resolution No. 496-3-84(R): A Resolution
of the City Council, City of Allen, Collin
County, Texas, Suspending the Effective
Date of the Proposed Revisions in the Rate
Schedule of Texas Utilities Electric
Company for a Period of 120 Days from
April 13 1984. (Agenda Item VI)
James Nelson, Manager of Texas Utilities Electric Company,
spoke before the Council on the rate increase request filed by
Texas Power and Light Company on March 9, 1984 in the amount of
$320 million systemwide.
Mr. Nelson advised that there were two basic differences
between this rate increase request and previous rate cases
submitted to the Council. The first difference being that new
legislation had been adopted which extended the number of days
a case can be suspended by the Public Utilities Commission
before they have to act on it, that being 185 days. With this
new legislation, the cities will be acting on the rural rate
cases before the Commission makes a decision. In:the past, it
had been just the opposite.
The other difference is that this request is from the
Texas Utilities Electric Company, which is a consolidation of
the three electric companies of Dallas Power and Light, Texas
Power and Light, and Texas Electric Service Company. This
consolidation was effective as of January 1, 1984.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that the city
staff's recommendation was to adopt the proposed resolution
suspending the rate increase request for a period of 120 days
and to authorize the city staff to work with the Texas Municipal
League in preparing the city's case to be presented to the
Public Utilities Commission.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to adopt
Resolution No. 496-3-84(R) as presented; and to
direct the city staff to work with the Texas Municipal
League in preparing the city's case to be presented
to the Public Utilities Commission, in accordance
with the city staff's recommendation, as stated. The
motion carried.
Mayor Pierson returned to the next regular item on the
Public Hearings (Agenda Item V)
City Manager McCarty advised that city staff had updated
the statistical data on construction and development in the
city from the 1982 data and would present it at this time.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, provided
handouts for the Council's reference and reviewed with them
various data regarding construction and development in the city.
The information included the number of houses constructed and
under construction in the city, subdivisions under development
in the standard zoning, approved planned developments and the
units in each, and a summary of all of those categories. In
addition, Mr. Petty provided the Council with the statistics
from June 1982 for comparison.
March 15, 1984
Page 5
Public Hearings (cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
The Council discussed with Mr. Petty the calculation of
percentages of the 1982 figures, and if there was any stipu-
lation in planned developments on which areas were to be
developed first.
Mr. Petty advised the Council that these reports will be
kept up-to-date and submitted to them on a monthly or quarterly
basis if they preferred. Council requested that the reports
be submitted on a quarterly basis.
Public Hearing: Request to Establish
Permanent Zoning on
97.96 Acres to
Zoning: Planned Development
Location: Northeast Corner of
Malone Road and
F.M. 2170
Requester: Omni Homes Homes (Agenda Item V-A)
Mayor Pierson read the request into the record as follows:
"Consider a Request to Establish Permanent Zoning of PD
(Planned Development) on 97.96 Acres of Land Located at
the Northeast Corner of Malone Road and F.M. 2170."
Don Herzog, Vice President - Development for Omni Homes,
presented to and spoke before the Council on this request for
permanent zoning of Planned Development on the 97.96 acres of
land out of the Nitsaul Fisher Survey, Abstract No. 323,
located at the northeast corner of Malone Road and F.M. 2170.
Mr. Herzog presented the concept and preliminary develop-
ment plan for this development entitled "Fairhaven Village".
The plan showed the local retail tract being 14 acres, the
park site of 3 acres, townhouses on 6.2 acres, cluster homes
on 13.1 acres, and single family homes on the remaining acreage.
Mr. Herzog presented an aerial photo of the property and
explained about the terrain of the land; reviewed the location
of the different land uses on the property; reviewed the use
regulations for this planned development; and presented a
scale model showing the cluster homes and how they will be laid
Mr. Herzog reviewed with the Council the cluster home
development and advised that there will be a homeowners'
association to care for the open areas.
Mr. Herzog then reviewed the house sizes for the single
family residential areas, presented an artist rendering of some
front elevations of the houses, and presented some of the pro-
posed floor plans.
Mayor Pierson opened the public hearing.
The following individuals spoke before the Council on this
zoning request:
Roger Harper, President of the Lovejoy School
District Board
Robert Pester, Superintendent of the Lovejoy
School District
March 15, 1984
Page 6
Public Hearing: Request to Establish
Zoning of PD on 97.96 Acres
by Omni Homes (cont'd) (Agenda Item V-A)
Roy O'Neill, property owner in housing development
of 1-1/2 to 3 acre lots located east
of subject property
Mr. O'Neill spoke for the homeowners in
that area and pointed out a number of
other homeowners in that area were
Weston Blair, property owner
Bob Taylor, property owner
Mike Williams, property owner
With no one else wishing to speak before the Council on
this request, Mayor Pierson closed the public hearing.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their meeting on
December 22, 1983, recommended approval of the PD (Planned
Development) zoning request and the final site plan of the
cluster home area and preliminary site plan of all the other
areas with the stipulation that a Homeowners' Maintenance
Organization documentation be reviewed for the cluster home
area at the time of platting of this property.
There was considerable discussion by the City Council on
the high density of this development, the impact on the Lovejoy
Le School District and the Allen School District, locating ranch
estates development in this area rather than the high density
development, the retail tract being too large, parking spaces
for the cluster homes, and the need for buffer zoning of this
development from the adjacent residential development.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Paxton and seconded
by Councilman Offutt to turn down this request for
permanent zoning of Planned Development. The Council
voted three (3) in favor of the motion and three (3)
opposed to the motion, with Mayor Pierson, Councilman
Womack and Mayor Pro Tem Farmer casting the negative
votes. The motion failed due to a tie vote.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer to table this request until
the City Council Meeting on April 19th. The Council
voted three (3) in favor of the motion and three (3)
opposed to the motion, with Councilman McClure,
Councilman Paxton and Councilman Offutt casting the
negative votes. The motion failed due to the tie vote.
Mayor Pierson entertained another motion. The Council
failed to make another motion.
Mayor Pierson advised that this request was a dead issue
before the Council at this time and ruled that the item would
have to come back before the Council at another meeting.
March 15, 1984
Public Hearing: Request to Annex
898 Acres of Land
Location: South of Rowlett Road,
North of F.M. 2170,
and Adjacent to Rowlett
Creek and the West
Rowlett Creek Branch
Requesters: Willard Baker/John Green
Page 7
(Agenda Item V -B)
Mayor Pierson read the
request into the record
as follows:
"Consider a Request to
Annex Approximately 898
Acres of
Land Located South of
Rowlett Road, North of F.M.
and Lying Adjacent to
Rowlett Creek and the West Rowlett
Creek Branch."
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that the 898
acres of land out of the Alfred Slack Survey, Abstract No. 854,
the Isaac Herring Survey, Abstract No. 381, the Joab Butler
Survey, Abstract No. 47, the Jesse H. Gough Survey, Abstract
No. 347, the David M. Tucker Survey, Abstract No. 914, and the
James W. Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 704, was bring requested
to be annexed into the City of Allen by Willard Baker and
John Green. The Willard R. Baker property consisted of 745.85
acres of land, and the John Green property consisted of 152.81
acres. The service plan had been prepared and was available
for review.
In accordance with State Law, the first public hearing was
held by city staff at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 15, 1984, in
the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex. Minutes of
those proceedings had been furnished to the Council for their
review. City Manager McCarty briefly reviewed those minutes
with the Council.
Mayor Pierson opened the public hearing.
Bob Harper, representing Willard R. Baker and John Green,
spoke before the Council on behalf of this annexation request.
With no one else wishing to speak either for or against
this annexation request, Mayor Pierson closed the public hearing.
Mayor Pierson advised that no action would be taken on this
item at this time. The annexation ordinance would be presented
for adoption to the City Council at their regular meeting to be
held on April 5, 1984.
Ordinance No. 497-3-83: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Repealing Ordinance No. 78;
Providing for Rabies Control;
Reporting of Animal Bites; Providing
for Quarantine; Restraint of Animals
Running At Large; Restraint of
Vicious Animals; Impoundment of
Animals; Providing for Fees; Prohibi-
tion of Certain Species of Animals
(Agenda Item VII)
and Fowl.
Police Chief Richard Carroll spoke before the Council on
this proposed animal control ordinance.
Chief Carroll introduced to the City Council the city's
two animal control officers, being Alexis Marantos and Beverly
March 15, 1984
Page 8
Ordinance No. 497-3-84: New Animal
Control Ordinance Repealing
Ordinance No. 78 (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII)
Chief Carroll reviewed with the City Council in detail the
differences in the old animal control ordinance, being Ordinance
No. 78, and the new proposed ordinance.
The Council discussed with Chief Carroll the quarantining
of animals and the costs associated with such and where they
will be quarantined, registration of the animals and how that
will be conducted, the fowl limitations and how the 150 feet
from any property line will be measured, and the limitation of
the number of large animals that can be maintained on one's
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
adopt Ordinance No. 497-3-84 as presented. The
motion carried.
Authorization to Issue the Ballots
for the April 7, 1984 City Council
Election (Agenda Item VIII)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the City Council that
in accordance with requirements of the Texas Election Laws,
Article 6.09(a) and (b), the issuance of the ballots for the
subject election is to be "entered of record by the clerk in the
minutes of the City Council", indicating the number of ballots
delivered for use in absentee voting and the range of serial
numbers on those ballots and on the ballots delivered for use at
the regular polling place on election day.
Ms. Hendrix advised that the ballots would be issued as
Pollina Place Serial Numbers
Absentee - City Hall 001 - 100
Regular - Rountree 101 - 1800
Elementary School
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to auth-
orize issuance of the ballots for the April 7, 1984
City Council Election as recommended by the City
Secretary. The motion carried.
At this time let this record also reflect that the number of
ballots obtained for the Allen City Council Election on April 7,
1984 meets and exceeds the requirements as set forth in Article
6.09, paragraph (a), of the Texas Election Laws, which sets forth
the following formula for the minimum number of ballots required
for an election:
Number of Votes Cast in Last Correspondina
Election (April 4, 1983 City Council Election) 484
Divided by: Number of Registered Voters in
the Last Corresponding Election ¢,304
Equals: Percentage of Voters Who Voted in = 11$
the Last Corresponding Election
Number of Registered Voters for April 7, 1984
City Council Election q,585
Multiplied by: Percentage of Voters Who Voted
in the Last Corresponding Election .11
Equals: Number of Ballots = 504
Then Take 25% of Number of Ballots x .25
March 15, 1984
Page 9
Authorize Water and Sewer
System Mapping
(Agenda Item IX -B)
Ernie Hoback, Director of Public Works, spoke before the
Council on the proposal for preparation of maps showing the
water and sewer systems within the City of Allen.
Mr. Hoback advised the Council that these maps were a real
necessity due to the fact that the city's maps had not been
updated in quite a while and also due to the growth of the
Mr. Hoback also advised the Council that all departments
would benefit from this proposal as a base map of the city
would be prepared and then the various maps could be made as
overlays to that base map, such as the water and sewer line
map, a zoning map, annexation map, etc.
Mr. Hoback stated that the school district boundaries would
be included on this map.
Authorization to Issue The Ballots
for the April 7, 1984 City Council
Election (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII)
Equals: Additional Ballots Needed 126
Add the Two Together: + 504
Minimum Number of Ballots Needed
for Election 630
Review and Discuss Proposed Action
Plan and Set Date for Workshop for
the Comprehensive Master Plan (Agenda Item IX -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that three
(3) basic items had been prepared for their review and
reference in the planning process for the work on the Compre-
hensive Master Plan, those being an outline of the comprehen-
sive plan process, obtaining of public input, and the defini-
tion of a comprehensive plan and what it should contain.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, provided
the Council with copies of those items and reviewed in detail
the outline for the comprehensive plan process.
Mr. Petty advised the Council that two workshop sessions
had been planned for the Council and the Planning and Zoning
Commission to begin this process, one for Saturday, March 31st
and the second for Saturday, April 14th.
The Council discussed the workshop dates being on Saturday
and since several Council Members could not attend the March 31st
workshop, they suggested that the city staff plan to hold one
of the workshops at night during the week.
Council discussed with the city staff the timeframe for
overall completion of this project.
By consensus, the Council set the workshop session for
Saturday, April 14, 1984, with city staff to bring back a
suggested date(s) for other workshop sessions.
Authorize Water and Sewer
System Mapping
(Agenda Item IX -B)
Ernie Hoback, Director of Public Works, spoke before the
Council on the proposal for preparation of maps showing the
water and sewer systems within the City of Allen.
Mr. Hoback advised the Council that these maps were a real
necessity due to the fact that the city's maps had not been
updated in quite a while and also due to the growth of the
Mr. Hoback also advised the Council that all departments
would benefit from this proposal as a base map of the city
would be prepared and then the various maps could be made as
overlays to that base map, such as the water and sewer line
map, a zoning map, annexation map, etc.
Mr. Hoback stated that the school district boundaries would
be included on this map.
March 15, 1984 Page 10
Authorize Water and Sewer
System Mapping (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX -B)
The Council discussed why the school district boundaries
would be included on this proposed map, and if that boundary
is to be included then perhaps the school district would have
use of this base map and participate in the cost of the
preparation of it.
City Manager McCarty elaborated on the need for a good
base map for use in the development of the Comprehensive Plan,
which would include not only the city limits but the school
district boundaries.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman McClure, the Council voted
6 - 0 to authorize the water and sewer system mapping.
The motion carried.
Joint Meeting Agenda for the
Allen Independent School District
Board and City Council on
March 26, 1984 (Agenda Item X -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that the
joint meeting between the City Council and the Allen
Independent School District Board had been set for Monday,
March 26, 1984, at 7:00 p.m., at the School Administration
Building at 200 S. Cedar.
Mr. McCarty advised that the proposed agenda consisted of
the following:
1. Planning Update
2. Tax Office
A. Proposal for Contract for Joint Collection of
the Taxes for the City and the School District
B. Location of the Tax Office
3. Status of Existing Projects
4. Taxing of Automobiles by City and School
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Updates on Jupiter Road Bridge
and Park Place Drive
(Agenda Item X -B)
City Manager McCarty advised the Council that the total
work on Park Place Drive should be completed in June, if the
weather continues to be nice.
City Manager McCarty advised the Council that construction
on the Jupiter Road Bridge is on schedule and they were pour-
ing the riprap on the bridge this week. The scheduled com-
pletion date is still for the month of May.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
March 15, 1984
Page 11
Review City Attorney's Letter
Regarding Appointing a Replacement
for Place No. 4 on the Allen City
Council and Take Action if Necessary (Agenda Item X-C)
Mayor Pierson advised that since the resignation of
Councilman Don Rodenbaugh, there had been some need for inter-
pretation of the City Charter as to whether the Council would
have to make an appointment to that place since it had occurred
within 90 days of the City Election and would be filled at the
Election. In prior discussions, it had been the consensus of
the Council that the Charter's intent was that an appointment
would not have to be made since this resignation had occurred
within 90 days of the Election, whether this was a single
vacancy or more.
Mayor Pierson stated that they had requested an opinion
from the City Attorney, Don Crowder, and Mr. Crowder had sub-
mitted a written opinion stating that he concurred with the
consensus of the Council and if proper punctuation had been
used, the intent would have been clearer.
Therefore, Mayor Pierson advised that no appointment would
be made at this time.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
General Discussion
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised the
Council of the drainage problem on an alley off of Sycamore
Creek adjacent to the Allen High School practice field and
provided background information on the development of this
area and some promises that had been made by the developer at
that time regarding the drainage but which had not been kept.
Mr. Petty advised that the property has since changed
Mr. Petty advised that he has reviewed the drainage problem
with an engineer and determined the work necessary to correct
this problem. He has contacted the developers in that area
(Bass and Goodman) and they have agreed to put in the proper
drainage in that area and pay for the cost of putting it in.
Councilman Paxton brought up for discussion who determines
the one -ways on the service roads and the need for the City of
Allen to proceed with making the service roads to U.S. 75 one-
way streets, since the City of Plano and the City of McKinney
have now made their service roads one-way.
City Manager McCarty advised the Council that the state
controls this, working with the city, and this has been looked
into and two bridges have to be constructed, one at Cottonwood
Creek and one at Rowlett Creek before the one-way system can
be established. Construction of those bridges may take some
time for completion.
�y Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised that he felt the recent
Administrative Report from the City Manager's Office was very
helpful and he would like to continue to see the report sent
to the Council for their information.
March 15, 1984
Page 12
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Womack, the Council voted
6 - 0 to adjourn the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 11:25 p.m. on Thursday, March 15,
1984. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 5th day of April
M. B. Pie'rson, PIAYOR
m 1 dr.,
Marty Iiedrixn, CITY SECRETARY /