HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1984 - 03/26 - JointThe Special Joint Meeting of the Allen City Council and the
Allen Independent School District Board of Trustees was called
to order by Mayor Pierson at 7:01 p.m. on Monday, March 26, 1984,
in the Board Room of the School Administration Building, 200
South Cedar, Allen, Texas.
Announce Quorum Present
(Agenda Item I)
Mayor Pierson announced that there was a quorum of both
bodies present at this special joint meeting.
Status Report on Current Joint Projects (Agenda Item II)
City Manager Jon McCarty provided a status report on the
following joint projects:
Reed School/Park (Agenda Item II -A)
City Manager McCarty presented a site plan of the Reed
School/Park facilities; reviewed the various recreational
functions of the park; advised of the recreational uses of the
site, and advised of future development of neighborhood parks
which would include more open space and plans to locate the
recreational areas closer to the school sites.
MARCH 26, 1984
Allen Independent School District
Allen City Council Board of Trustees
Mickey Pierson, Mayor Dr. E. T. Boon, President
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem James Kerr, Vice President
Jim McClure (arrived -7:17 p.m.) Mary Evans, Secretary
Rex Womack Don Brazeal
Ward Paxton Glen Renfro
Dennis Offutt Chuck Williams
City Staff: Absent:
Jon McCarty, City Manager Pat Dillard
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
AISD Staff:
Guests: Dr. John Horn, Superintendent
Don Rodenbaugh, Candidate for Mayor
Larry N. Reeves, Candidate for Place No. 4, Allen City Council
Jim Wolfe, Candidate for Place No. 4, Allen City Council
Robert Puster, Superintendent of Lovejoy School District
Glenn Andrew, Candidate for Place No. 7 on the AISD Board
Walter Curtis, Tax Assessor/Collector
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
The Special Joint Meeting of the Allen City Council and the
Allen Independent School District Board of Trustees was called
to order by Mayor Pierson at 7:01 p.m. on Monday, March 26, 1984,
in the Board Room of the School Administration Building, 200
South Cedar, Allen, Texas.
Announce Quorum Present
(Agenda Item I)
Mayor Pierson announced that there was a quorum of both
bodies present at this special joint meeting.
Status Report on Current Joint Projects (Agenda Item II)
City Manager Jon McCarty provided a status report on the
following joint projects:
Reed School/Park (Agenda Item II -A)
City Manager McCarty presented a site plan of the Reed
School/Park facilities; reviewed the various recreational
functions of the park; advised of the recreational uses of the
site, and advised of future development of neighborhood parks
which would include more open space and plans to locate the
recreational areas closer to the school sites.
MARCH 26, 1984 Page 2
Reed School/Park (cont'd) (Agenda Item II -A)
Dr. Horn pointed out that this had been the first of the
joint ventures of the city/school to develop a school/park
site. He advised that it has proved to be very beneficial both
in cost savings and providing education/recreational facilities
to the citizens of Allen. Dr. Horn added that for operational
purposes, the boundaries of the properties were drawn up
separately and separate maintenance agreements are in effect.
Ford School/Park (Agenda Item II -B)
City Manager McCarty presented a site plan of the Ford
School/Park facilities; provided background information of the
purchase of the land by the city and the school; and reviewed
the proposed layout for the park site and advised of the
facilities that would be included in this park, such as the
soccer/baseball fields, swimming pool, tennis courts, multi-
use courts, jogging trail, exercise station, picnic tables,
large playground area, a passive recreational area, and parking
Dr. Horn advised of future plans for additional athletic
facilities to be constructed on the school's site when funds
are available, pointed out the location of the gym on this site
can be utilized by both the city and the school; and advised of
future uses of the Ford Middle School facilities.
City Manager McCarty also
used this summer for the youth
briefly advised of the partial
with the use of funds from the
Service Centers
advised that this site would be
camp program. Mr. McCarty also
funding of the park development
Texas Park and Wildlife Grant
(Agenda Item II -C)
City Manager McCarty provided the history of the city's
purchase of the 33 acre tract, located east of U.S. 75 and
south of Main Street, which will be the site of all municipal
office facilities at some time in the future.
Mr. McCarty advised of the city's joint use of a service
center and city hall at the Allen Municipal Annex and those
services being there for the next five years until a municipal
building can be built.
Dr. Horn advised of the cost sharing on this project for
the streets and utilities, the joint fuel facilities on this
site for city/school, the school's warehouse and repair
facilities at that location, and future plans for perhaps a
joint car wash facility.
Senior Citizens Center
(Agenda Item II -D)
City Manager McCarty advised of the establishing of the
Senior Citizens Group; the funding of this organization with
revenue sharing funds from the city, and the city's Parks and
Recreation Department now providing the administrative support
to this organization. Mr. McCarty pointed out the activities
of this group are located at the old middle school at this
time, but more space will probably be needed in the future.
MARCH 26, 1984 Page 3
Senior Citizens Center (cont'd) (Agenda Item II -D)
The Council and the School Board briefly discussed with
Mr. Petty the work in planning for balanced growth and what
guidelines have been developed to determine at what level the
number of apartments needed in the city.
Mr. Petty advised of work on the Comprehensive Plan to
establish targets for balanced growth.
Mr. Petty then pointed out on a map the location of the
new developments underway in the city and provided information
onthe various developments.
Mr. Petty then presented the proposed developments in the
city and explained the developments.
Mr. Petty then advised of the work to establish the
Central Business District, work on the Main Street thoroughfare
tw improvements, and other improvements on streets in the city to
provide adequate traffic circulation.
Mayor Pierson added that to help achieve that balanced
growth concept, the city had been divided up into planning
districts to try and reach a balanced mix of development.
Mayor Pierson recessed this special joint meeting at
8:18 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:31 p.m.
Dr. Horn advised that the Community Education Office
provided the administrative support to this group in the
initial organization of this group, and that private donations
had helped to get that group started. Dr. Horn advised that
the school district is glad that use could be made of the old
middle school for this group and hopes it will be available
for this use for some time.
The Council and AISD Board briefly discussed the maintenance
of the building in the area housed for the Senior Citizens and
who was responsible for that maintenance. Dr. Horn advised that
the maintenance was under the School District, however, the
Senior Citizens and volunteers had also done some maintenance
at that facility with the School District's knowledge and
Planning Update Items: (Agenda Item III)
Review In -Progress and Proposed
Developments With Population
Projections (Agenda Item III -A)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, provided
the City Council and the School Board Members with a packet of
information on the existing and future development in the city.
Mr. Petty reviewed that information with both bodies,
which consisted of charts showing existing development -
distribution of housing by size/houses constructed/houses
under construction; existing development - subdivisions under
development in the standard zoning districts; the present
development population projections; projected development -
approved planned developments; projected development -
distribution by housing class; and existing and present
projected development summary.
The Council and the School Board briefly discussed with
Mr. Petty the work in planning for balanced growth and what
guidelines have been developed to determine at what level the
number of apartments needed in the city.
Mr. Petty advised of work on the Comprehensive Plan to
establish targets for balanced growth.
Mr. Petty then pointed out on a map the location of the
new developments underway in the city and provided information
onthe various developments.
Mr. Petty then presented the proposed developments in the
city and explained the developments.
Mr. Petty then advised of the work to establish the
Central Business District, work on the Main Street thoroughfare
tw improvements, and other improvements on streets in the city to
provide adequate traffic circulation.
Mayor Pierson added that to help achieve that balanced
growth concept, the city had been divided up into planning
districts to try and reach a balanced mix of development.
Mayor Pierson recessed this special joint meeting at
8:18 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:31 p.m.
MARCH 26, 1984 Page 4
Review Implications of Developments
for School Facilities and Operations (Agenda Item III -B)
Discuss Lona -Rance Planning Activities (Agenda Item III -C)
City Manager McCarty advised of the future planning needs
for water, sewer, and streets to service the growth of the
Mr. McCarty provided an update of the capacity of the
water system in the city, plans for the second delivery point
and the lines needed to provide that water to the developments.
Mayor Pierson advised of the relationship between the
city and the North Texas Municipal Water District.
City Manager McCarty provided an update on the sewer
facilities in the city and the status of the construction of
the Wilson Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Dr. Horn presented a comparison of school enrollment for
the 1982-83 versus the 1983-84 school years, pointed out
enrollment trends, and advised of the increase in the kinder-
garten level as well as the growth in the high school level.
Dr. Horn then presented and reviewed a ratio of students
to the number of dwelling units for years, beginning with
1978-1979 to date, and explained how the ratio is used in
planning the number of students in a development.
The Council/School District briefly discussed if the
Lovejoy School District was included in this ratio and how
many dwelling units were involved and how their ratio was
Dr. Horn then advised of the capacity of the existing
schools at the elementary, middle school and high school level
and plans for future growth at those levels. He also advised
of the school's philosophy in funding and operation of the
schools and the need to have the school facilities available
for the increase in students.
Dr. Horn then presented the estimated student population
increase by development showing the eleven major residential
developments in the city for the years of 1984, 1985 and 1986.
Dr. Horn showed a map with the location of five elementary
school sites with the radius of service area around each site.
Dr. Horn explained this map and its use in their planning
criteria. He pointed out the location of the existing schools
and advised of the plans for future school sites.
Dr. Horn provided information on the concerns of both the
AISD and Lovejoy ISD in the increase in developments on the
east side of Allen and planning for additional students.
Dr. Horn advised briefly of proposed schools on the west
side of U.S. 75 and some proposed locations. Council and
School Board briefly discussed school district boundary
Dr. Horn added that work is being done on their computer
system, using the enrollment cards, to gather a wide variety
of statistical information that will be very useful.
Discuss Lona -Rance Planning Activities (Agenda Item III -C)
City Manager McCarty advised of the future planning needs
for water, sewer, and streets to service the growth of the
Mr. McCarty provided an update of the capacity of the
water system in the city, plans for the second delivery point
and the lines needed to provide that water to the developments.
Mayor Pierson advised of the relationship between the
city and the North Texas Municipal Water District.
City Manager McCarty provided an update on the sewer
facilities in the city and the status of the construction of
the Wilson Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
MARCH 26, 1984 Page 5
Discuss Long -Range Planning Activities (cont'd) (Agenda Item
Mr. McCarty provided an update on the sewer interceptor
line locations and the lines to be built to handle the needs
of Allen.
Mr. McCarty advised of the designation of major thorough-
fares in the city, that of U.S. 75 and S.H. 121 and the status
of improvements to those thoroughfares.
Tax Office Operations: (Agenda Item IV)
Consider Formal Contract Between
City and School for Tax Collection
Duties (Agenda Item IV -A)
Mayor Pierson advised that a contract had been prepared
for review by the city and the school district for the levying,
assessing and collecting of taxes by the Allen ISD for the
City of Allen and the participation in the costs.
Dr. Horn provided some background information on the
operation of the tax office and the efficiency of it in
collecting taxes for the city and the school district, and
spoke in regard to the need for entering into a contract and
reviewed briefly the details of the contract.
There was a discussion on the relocation of the Tax Office
from the city's facilities to the School Administration
Building, timeframe for the move, effective date of the con-
tract, appointment of members to serve on the advisory board
to be appointed at a later date, the costs to be based on a
50/50 basis, if the contract for the appointment of the tax
collector is consistent with the city's charter, if the same
attorney is used to collect delinquent taxes by the city and
the school district, and making a correction to page 3 of the
contract to state "Taxes collected by the Allen Independent
School District for the City of Allen shall be remitted to the
City as soon as practical but not more than 30 days from
MINUTE RESOLUTION: A Resolution Between
the Allen City Council and the Allen
Independent School District Board of
Trustees Authorizing the Execution of a
Contract Concerning the Rights, Powers,
Duties and Responsibilities of the
City of Allen and the Allen Independent
School District in Connection with the
Levying, Assessing and Collection of
Taxes by the Allen ISD for the City of
Allen and the Participation of the Cost
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxtonandseconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
authorize the execution of the proposed contract as
captioned in the Minute Resolution. The motion
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Trustee Kerr and seconded by
Trustee Brazeal, the School Board voted 6 - 0 to
authorize the execution of the proposed contract as
captioned in the Minute Resolution. The motion
MARCH 26, 1984 Page 6
Discuss Feasilibity of Continuing
the Personal Property Tax on
Automobiles (Agenda Item IV -B)
City Manager McCarty advised of the vehicle information
prepared by the Tax Office and reviewed that information for
both bodies, which included total number of items on the
tax roll for the school and the city, number of vehicles on
the tax roll, ratio of vehicles to total tax roll, the
vehicle revenue, vehicle tax not paid, approximate amount
collected, the precentage of vehicle tax collected, the 1983
levy, the 1983 vehicle revenue, and the ratio of vehicle
revenue to total levy.
Walter Curtis, Tax Assessor/Collector, advised of other
problems associated with the collection of this tax, such as
the tax roll from the county and verification of just which
vehicles are in the City of Allen.
The Council and the School Board discussed the feasibility
In conclusion, the City Council and the School Board
briefly discussed having these joint meetings on a more regular
basis and extended appreciation to staff for the informative
(Agenda Item V)
Mayor Pierson and Dr. Boon adjourned the special joint
meeting of the Allen City Council and the Allen Independent
School District Board of Trustees at 10:17 p.m. on Monday,
March 26, 1984.
These minutes approved on the 5th day of April
B. ier son, MAYOR
Marty Henciri)fj CITY SECRETARY
of whether or not to keep this
tax, reducing the
number of
years the cars are taxed, what
the older cars are
costing for
collection and just doing away
with this tax.
Dr. Horn and City Manager
McCarty did advise
that if it
is the decision of the School
Board and the City
not to
collect this tax, this is a tax
that will have to
be made up
in the ad valorum taxes. They
also advised that
actions would have to be taken
by each body to eliminate
In a straw vote, both the
City Council and the
Board both agreed that they would
like to do away
with the
collection of this tax.
In conclusion, the City Council and the School Board
briefly discussed having these joint meetings on a more regular
basis and extended appreciation to staff for the informative
(Agenda Item V)
Mayor Pierson and Dr. Boon adjourned the special joint
meeting of the Allen City Council and the Allen Independent
School District Board of Trustees at 10:17 p.m. on Monday,
March 26, 1984.
These minutes approved on the 5th day of April
B. ier son, MAYOR
Marty Henciri)fj CITY SECRETARY