HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-15-6-549/51/100 Furnished as a Service of the league of Texas Municipalities AN 0 DANCE GOVERNING THE CITY WATER WOW SYSTIM OF TBE CM OF , TEYAS: PROVIDING FOR THE APPOI,11MIT OF A WAItHWORKS SUPERINTMENT; PROVIDING FOR CONNECTIONS TO WATER MAINS: REGULATING THE USE OF WATER FROM THE CITY WATER WORKS: PROVIDING FOR SERVICE THROUGH METERS: PRESCRIBING PENALTIES AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE &e OF THE CITY OF �, TERAS. Section 1. There shall be appointed by the the City of�_ , a Superintendent of the Water Works, who sh 1 e he administrative officer of the Water Works System, including all engine houses, engines, pumps, reservoirs, stand pipes, elevated tanks, pipe lines, hydrants, meters, wrenches, stopcocks, gate valves, fire plugs, testing equipment, and all other property and machinery used in or connect- ed with the W -,ter 'Jerks System. He shall have general supervision over all employees of the Water Works System and shall make frequent trips of inspection over all pipe lines and all other property used in or connected with the Water Works System, and shall make all repairs deemed necessary and consistent with his duties. He shall also report all violations of this ordinance to the�gpd shall forth- with proceed to Have prosecuted offenders as set forth in this ord ce or any amend- ment thereof. He shall also attend to and control the water supply and all times see to the suffi- ciency thereof, and shall notify the community, unless emergency requires otherwise, of the necessity of shutting off any pipe line for the purpose of making repairs, ex- tensions, connections, etc, should he know beforehand the necessity to so shut off the water from any line or lines of the system. In the performance of his duties as required by this section, the Superintendent shell be subject at all time to the city ordinancesLrules, and regulations. He shall serve for such term and receive such compensation as may be fixed by the governing body. Section 2. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person or persons to do c mmit or assist in committing W of the following things or acts in the City of _ Texas: (a) To open or close fire hydrant or stopcock connected with the Water Works System of the City of L _ , or lift or remove the covers of any gate valves or shut offs thereof, withoutermission of the Superintendent of the Water Works, except in case of fire, and then under the direction of officers of the Fire Department. (b) To interfere with, destroy, deface, impair, injure, or wantonly force open any gate,or door, or in any way whatsoever destroy, injure, or deface any part of any engine house, resorvoir, standpipe, elevated tank, building or buildings, or appurtenances, fences, trees, shrubs, or fixtures or property appertaining to the Water Works System. (c) To go upon or ascend the stairway or steps, on any elevated water storage tank or standpipe of the Water works System, except by permission of the Water Works Superintendent. (d) To place any telegraph, telephone, electric light pole, or any obstruc- tion whatsoever within three feet of any fire hydrant. (e) To resort to any fraudulent device or arrangement for the purpose of pro- curing water for himself or others frim private connections on premises contrary to the City regulations or ordinances. (f) To interfere with or injure any reservoir, tank, fountain, hydrant, pipe, cock, valve, or other apparatus pertaining to the W -ter Works System, or to turn on or off without authoritiy the water in any street hydrant or other water fixture, or to hitch or tie any animal thereto. (g) To make or permit to be made any connections with the main or service pipes of the lister Works System or to turn on or use the water of said System without first obtaining a permit therefor. (h) To cover over or conceal from view any water valve box, service or meter box. (1) To remove any water meter that has been placed by the City, or to any manner change, interfere with or tamper with any water meter; providing that the pro- visions of this section shall not apply to the employees of the City when acting in their official capacity; or (j) To turn on the water supply to any building or to any supply pipe where the supply has been turned off for the nonpayment of the monthly water charge or for the violation of any rule or ordinance governing the Water Works System. Section 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation ton- nection to the mains or pipes of the Water Forks System of the City of ma co without first baking application to the City, stating fully the several and various uses for which water is wanted, giving the name of owner of the property, the number of the lot and block, name of the street and house number. Upon the payment of the tapping fee, the Superintendent shall make, or have made, the necessary connections and furnish a cast iron curb stop box and curb cock, the cost of which is included in t the tapping fee, and every premises connected with any water main, or being supplied with any water from the city water works, shall have a separate se ice ont)s tien" curb stop box and curb cock. If the application is approved, by C a permit will be issued. All fees, and charges shall be paid for at amotftts and rates fixed by this ordinance or by resolutions of the governing body. Section 4. Any person wishing to discontinue the use of water supplies from the water works system must give notice thereof to the City, otherwise the charge will be enter- ed until such notice .7�a�$bee�'�n�i,,{�ven. The charge for shutting off and turning on of such service shall bel& (AqO), Dollar, and no allowance will be made in any case for less than thirty days. Section 5. It shall be the duty of all employees of the City, including officers and members of the police force to report to the Superintendent of the Water Works System, upon blanks furnished for that purpose, any leaks or unnecessary waste of water that may come to their attention, also any violations of this ordinance. Section 6. All meters, whether private or belonging to the Water Works System shall be set by the employees of the City. If the meter gets out of order and fails to reg- ister, the consumer will be charged at the average daily consumption, as shown by the meter when In order. All water that passes through the meter shall be charged for, whether used or not. Section 7. Each consumer of water, living in a separate house, must have a separate connection and meter for each house. Provided where a residence is not in reach of a city water main arrangements may be made, at the option of the City, to secure water from another user of city water, in which case the minimum monthly charge shall be made for each additional residence taking water through such meter. Each 'minimum" will entitle user to i3'va gallons per month. The regular minimum, the additional minimum and all water used over the minimums by such consumers, shall be charged to the customer having the meter. -2- Section 8. Each water consumer shall put up a edollar meter deposit which may be applied to the payment of any unpaid bills and, when so used, the deposits shall be restored to the original amount. Any unused portion of the deposit shall be refunded at any time the account or service is discontinued. Section 9. The following uniform monthly rates shall be charged all persons, firms, o corporations for the use of the city water within the corporation limits of the City of DOMESTIC CONSUMERS For the first &-d 6 gallons or part thereof furnished during any calend r month, �jQwhich shall constitute the minimum charge. For all water furnished in excess of / 4-049gallons and not more than gallons during any calendar month, ,TIC cents per 1000 gallons. For all water furnished in excess of/000%9llons during amy cal- ender month at Q -cents per 1000 gallons. The minimum monthly charge shall be paid for each and every sep- arate residence. Summer rates may be established by resolution of the governing body. CORMCIAL & IMMSTRIAL USERS (Note: set out rate schedules for commercial and industrial users) For consumers outside the city limits, the above rates increased 50°61 shall apply. Section 10. All charr water service furnished or rendered by the City Water Works of the City of , shall be due and payable on the first ay of each month at the office of the department of the City ofand if not paid within 10 days after same becomes due and payable, the c ty reserves the right to cut off and discontinue water service to the premises without further notice and same shall not be reconnected and no additional water furnished until all past due accounts and charges are paid in full. Where is has been disconnected for fail- ure to pay for services rendered, a charge o;W xk00), Dollar shall be made for each and every meter disconnected before such service shall be restored or water turn- ed on again. If all charges for water service are not paid within 20 days of the due date, the superintendent of the Water Works shall cut off and disconnect such water service and if he fails to perform his duty, then he shall be personally liable to the City for the amount of said unpaid bill. Section ll. The tapping charges for connections with the City Water mains and lateralr shall be as follows: TAPPING CHARGES �`,�y„t G. 11 L/ �: c -- For For 3/4" Connection 1 a_ o 0 1.ti000���''' .................... IL 9. extra cost 19 S— 7 of meter For For 1— .r.� all �I ................... :.^�plus ................... For 2 " r. ................... .....................$ �� .� ,. �� �� 5M Tapping Charges - Cont'd For 2" Connection ........ Plus extra cost of meter For3 11 11 ........................$ For (Etc.) These above charges shall apply where made in a dirt street, andthere shall be an additional charge where the excavation is made in paved or improved streets, as follows: Concrete Paving ............................$ Per connection Asphalt Paving$ " ............................ Gravel or Shell Paving ..................... Section 12, This ordinance is cumulative of any other ordinances on the subject and does not repeal any present ordinances unless this ordinance is in direct conflict therewith, in which case this ordinance shall govern. Section 13. That from and after 10 days from date of the publication of this ordin- ance any person, firm, partnership, association of persons, or corporations, or any agent or employee thereof, who shall violate any of the rules, regulations or provi. sioas of this ordinance, or any part of It or portion thereof, by axe act either of ommdssion or commission or cause the same to be done, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in any amount not exceeding $100.00 for each and every such violation. Each violation of each part or W part of this ordinance shall be and constitute a separate offense and where such violation is a continued act, each day such violation is continued, or permitted to continue shall be and constitute a separate offense and be punishable accordingly. Sect The fact that there is no adequate ordinance or ordinances of the City of , Texas, regulating the installation, use, and operation of the City W ter Works, creates an emergency and a public necessity that the rule requiring all ordinances to be read at three meetings before final passage be suspended, and said rule is hereby suspended, and this ordinance shall take effect immediately after its passage, approval, and legal publication, ar4.,it is so ordained. Passed and approved this thaday o A.D. lq DV ATTEST: City Secret -4_ eyor