HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-37-4-62ORDINANCE N0. ,O l AN ORDINANCE AMmING TRE COA1P'ER"aJSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF GLIM TEKASJ AS HEBETOFORE A4MMEDe 30 AS TO PF.RLIT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRAOT OF LAND TO BE USED FOR TFL PURPOSES OF A NURSERY SCHOOL AND/09 KINDERGARTEN WITH AN ENROLIAD:NT OF MORE THAN TEN }10) PUPILS, AND TO GIVE SAID TROT OF LAND A PRHANENT ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF "ZONE C-D-Pl, SAID ?RAO? OF LAND DESOR19ED AS FOLIOWS: Being the East one-half (i} of Icte One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) and Six (6), all in Blook Two (2) of the Town Of Allen, Collin County, Taxes, as shown on Itap of said Town, prepared by Theo Noses and recorded in Beok 69 pages 152 and 153, of the Dead Records of Collin County, Texas; RAKING IT AT: OFFE:'S; TO "SE SAID PROP"'RTY FOR ANY 133E NOT FERT.:'ITTED 177181 TY3 3M!P33MTSIT; ZONING ORDIT",T*CE AS HEREBY P2MNDED; PROVIDING A PENALTY NOT EKC:MIITG TWO HLTDRED 0200.00) DOLLARS FOR ^AM OFFENSE? 47D DECL;,R- ING AST M -P ET?CY. BE IT ORDAINED BY^fig CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLgN, T'"XAS: $eo ion 1. The oom rehsnsivs Zoning Ordinance of the City of „lien, Texas, being nee FO. ,Jf ,Q, ca heretofore amended, is hereby amended ns follows; The zoning classification of the following described )roperty is hereby changed so as to permit its use for a nursery school and/or kindergarten with an enrollment of more than ton (10) pupils, ;,ad "normitting no other of the uses set out in Zone 1113 -D -14t of the said Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as amdndod; and is hereby changed from -Zone A" to ,Zone O6D-Ee9 said property being described as follows: Being the Rest one-h::lf (i') of Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5) and Six (6)9 all in Block Two (2) of the Town. Of Allen, Collin County. Texas, as shown on Lap of said Town, prepared by Theo Kosse and recorded in Book 6, pages 153 and 153, of the Dead Reoords of Collin County, Texas. Section 2. No person owning or in charge of the property described in Section 1 hereof, or any part thereof shall use or permit the same or env pert thereof to be used for any purpose not permitted by said Comprehensive Zoning Ordimnoe os heretofore and hereby amended. Section 3. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance shell be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction in the Corporation Court shall be subject to a fine of not more than Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars for each such offense. Be et ion 4. The fr'Ot that the property hereby rezoned is not subject to its highest nad best use :ander its present zoning, and that it is suit �d to the urea for r:hiah the sane is hereby rezoned creates nn urgency and an maerg�noy in the greserv.tion of the ublio aoalth. s..fety c;nd welfare, and requires that this ordinance s1h-;11 take effect from and after its passage end publication of its adtion, as tte law in such cases .)ro,ides, and it is so ordained. n DULY TAILED 3Y TFC, OTTY CG iRTCIL OF .T:It u`ITy OF Ayyry;;Z TMAS. ON may; DAY OF AP3IL, 1962. Moyor DULY EPROLLED; y 3ecrstary