HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-42-6-63`a TRAILER ORDINANCE POR CITY OF ALLEN • AN IRDDWCB By TU CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS SETTING UP SECTIONS PROVIDING, FOR INPICTI0`? AYD 23.7ISTRATTCN OF MOBILE HOMES LOCATED IN T?R CITY OF AI.LE•t- ?ii ,';TDDTG POR IDENTIFYING INFtRMAYHO TO BE FUP.NTr,'Uu5 ?RO-,:�DnC POR T�-.AUANCE OF INSPMTION AND RBCISTPATION CEP,TTPICA.Ty;PRO"IIV, cO i,?R n?B LICENSING % MOBILE HCNB ?ARKS', PRO'"DING FUR 277 FURrmilN:i OF A LIST WITH .T.DLa.1'1?yING T1IP•%WjION Pip, ALL MOBILE 40/.R13 LSATBD IN TEE CITY AND PEC'li DING FOR INSP3CTIi.N FEES. NOIR TPBREPOPR BE IT ORDAINED By THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALU N, TEXAS Section 1. LBPLNATIOHSi Bach word shall have its ordinary dictionary and iegaimea:;.i..ngs and in addition shall include the following meanings: "Mobile Home park- Lhall include any lot* block or parcel of land within theroc_�oxat� 11.�its of the City of Alien where one or more mobil homes is allmted to stop, park or othemive reagin On said property or to connect with any utility foL two or mare days, for remuneration or otherwise. "Mobile Bome" shall include any vehicle or portable structure having no oundationother than whe^is, Jacks, blocks, or skirting, and so designed, or constructed, or used, as to permit occupancy .for dwelling or sleeping purposes. 'Terson' shall include any natural individual, firm trust, partnership, &SaJciatim or corporation. "Owrfer" is defined to include that person in whose name the title to the lut,block, tract, or parcel of land is shown to be. "Operat ire' is defined to include the person in charge of operating any mobile Foar_ park either under w:.itten or verbal lease, or any other arrangement whereby he excercises control over the premises. "Licnsseey" means any person licensed to operate and maintain a mobile park :order the provisions of this ordinance. •'Mobile home spaces" means a plot of ground within a mobile home park designed for the accomodation of one mobile home. Section 2. That all mobile home park owners or operators who have under their control land within the City of Alien where mobile homes, as herein defined, are parked either temporarily or perranently, shall register with and furnish to the City of Allen; the following information within forty— eight (48) hours after such mobile home has been parked on said lot. (a) The full name and address of the owner and occupant of the mobile home, and the full name and address of the registered owner, if different from the occupant. (b) location of mobile home or trailer house, and date of arrival. (c) License number and state issuing such number and/or any other serial number or identifying date. (d) The color and material construction of the mobile home or trailer house. (i) (e) The make and model of the mobile home or trailer house. (f) The width, length, and number of bed rooms of the mobile home or trailer house, (g) From whom and where the mobile trailer house was purchased and date of purchase, (h) Autpmobile or other motor vehicle bywhichmobile home or trailer is towed; the make and model, and license number. (i) Previous City or Allen Registration Number (if any). The park shall keep the register available for inspection at all times by law enforment officers, public hePIth officials and other officials whose duties necessitate acquisition of the informatLon contained in the register. The register record for each occupant registered shall not be destroyed for a Period of three years following the date of departure of the registrant from the park. Section 3 That the City Council, or it -s designee, of the City of Allen, a teferr=O ction shall issue a gummed registratiod certificate with a regis- tration number for each mobile home so registered. This numbered certificate shall be affixed on the outside of the mobile home in a conspicious place at eye level near the main door of the mobile Some so registered. A copy of the information as provided in Section N2 shall be kept by the mobile home non - Want for inspection by the proper city officials upon demand. Sectiun 4. Inspection Fees: Mobile homes parked in 1leensed mobile home parks shall pay no additional fee for the Inspection and registration, but an inspec- tion and registration fee of $5.00 shall be charged by the City and collected at the time of registration for each mobile home not parked in a licensed mobile home park. Section 5% A complete list of all mobile homes parked on land within the City of p_1ai with information as set out in Section 2, shall be kept at all times by the land outer or operator who has mobile homes parked on his land, A Certified copy of such list shall be furnished to the City Tax Assessor and Collector upon demand. Section 6. Any person, or agent, or representative of such land owner where mobile homes are parked shall to furnish such list of information as set forth, shall be subject to all the penalties row existing against any person for making a false rendition of property for the purpose of taxation. Section 7L Any dinner or occupant of a mobile home parked within the City of en Allwho fails to have his mobile home registered and to have such inspection and registration certificate displayed upon his mobile home as above provided shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined not to exceed $100.00 for each day of violation. Bach day of violation shall be a separate offense. Section 6. PrevioAo inspections kid registrations at other locations within.: the City of Allen shall not be considered to be compliance under this ordinance, it being necessary that an inspection of the mobile home be made at each and every separate location where mobile homes are parked within the City of Allen, Texas, Section 9, Licensed Parks and Pees. An annual inspection and license may be issued to permanent mobile home Parks within the City of Allen, where the park 6r (Section 9 Continued) conforms to regulations under this Ordinance and other applicable city ordinances, upon the payment of the annual inspection license fee and inspection made and approval by the City Council of the City of Allen, Texas. (a) The annual inspection and license fee for each mobile home park shall bet (1) $5.00 for 1 to 5 mobile home spaces provided. (2) $25.00 for 6 to 25 mobile home spaces provided. (3) $50.00 for 26 or more mobile home spaces provided. (4) $5.00 for transfer of license. Section 10, Application for Mobile Home Park License. APolication for mobile home park initial license. Application for an iritial mobile home park license shall be filed with and issued by the Citi Council of the City of Allen or its designee. The applio. cation shall be in writing, signed by the applicant and shall include tine following: ' (1) The name and address of the applicant. (2) The location and legal description of the mobile home park. (3) A complete plan of the perk in Conformity with the requirements of this ordinance-, city zoning ordinances, building codes; health and sanitation ordinances; and other applicable ordinances. (4) Plans and specifications o?:all building, improvements and facil ities constructed or to be constructed within the mobile home park, (5) Such further information as may be requested by the City Council to enable it to determine if the proposed park will comply with legal requirements . The applicstion and all accompanying plant and specifications shall be filed in triplicate. The City Council or its designee shall investigate the applicant and inspect the application and the proposed plans and specifications. If the applicant is of good moral characted, and the proposed mobile home park will, when constructed or altered in accordance with such plans and specifications, be in compliance with all provisions of this ordinance and all other applicable ordinances and statutes, the City Council shall approve the application, and upon completion of the park according to tpne plans, shall issue the license. (b) Application for renewal license. Upon application in writing by a licensee for renewal of a license and upon payment of the annual license fees the City Council shall issue a certificate renewing such license for another year. (c) Application for transfer of license. Upon application in writing for transfer of a license and payment 6f the transfer fee, the City Council shall issue a transfer if the transferee is of good moral character. Section 11. Rules and regulations. In the furtherance of sanitary Conditions, and to safeguard the public health and safety of the people of the city, each and every owner or operator of a mobile home or tra.il*r camp within the corp- orate limits of the city shall and is hereby required to observe the following rules and regulations. (a) Mobile homes shall be spaced not less than'twenty (20) feet apart nor less than twenty (20) feet from any other structure. -3- (Section 11 Continued) (b) The mobile home owner or operator shall install adequate electrical and Plumbing facilities as required by the applicable nodes of the City of Allen, Texas. (c) The mobile home owner or operator shall furnish utility openings convenient for each mobile home and have a cut off on each line. (d) The mobile home owner or operator shall construct, maintain and furnish for each and every camp, with two restrooms, with shower, for each seven dependent mobile homes which do not have modern built-in bathroom facilities. One shall be plainly marked for Mal and plainly marked for Women. (e) The mobile home owner or operator shall construct, m-intain and furnish a suitablewash house large enough to accomodate tenants of each and every mobile home park under hia control, same to be constructed at some convenient site within the mbl'ie home park unless adequate facilities are available in the immediate vi^ini`..y cs approved by the inspector. (f) The minium s_S back frxn fronc property lines shall be to conform to the existing building line withsi the block but in no rase shall the set back be less than ft teen (15) feet. (g) The minimum set bark frim an interior lot line shall be five (5) feet. (h) The minimum set bark from the alley line shall be five (5) feet. (i) The mobile home park shall be equipped w?.th a garbage container house or rack of suffiriaLt size to accomodate a separate container for each mobile home space. (j) One off street parking space shall be supplied for each mobile home space within the mobile home spe.ca. (k) Each mobile home park, when established to accomodate two or more rows of =bile homes, shall have a driveway between rows of mobile homes of not less than twenty (20) feet in width, which shall be accessible to each mit. Section l2. Fire Protection. Every park shall be equdpped at all times with fire extinguishing equipment in good working order, of such type, size end nj mber and so located within the park as to satisfy applicable reasonable regllations of the fire department. No open fires shall be permitted at any place which may endanger life or Property. No fires shall be left unattended at any time. Section 13, Animals and Pets. Now owner or person in charge of my dog, cat or other animal or pet shall permit it to run at large or commit any nuisance within the limits of my mobile home park. Sn atien 14. Supervision of Licensed Parks: The licensee or permittee of a licensed park, or a duly authorized attendant or caretaker, shall be in charge at all times to keep the mobile home park, its facilities aid equipment in @ clean, orderly and annitary condition. The attendant or caretaker shall be answerable, with the licensee or permittee, for the violation of any provision of this ordinance to which the Licensee or permittee is subject. motion 15. Revocation of License. The City Council may revoke my license to maintain and operate a park when the licensee has been found guilty by a court of competent jurisdiction of violating any provision of this ordinance. After such conviction, the license may be reissued if the circumstances leading to conviction have been remedied and the park is being maintained and operated in full compliance with law. -4- Section 16. Posting of License sod Temporary Permit. The license certificate shall be conspicously posted in the office of or on the premises of the mobile home park at all times. Section 17. All mobile homes park inspections shall be made by the City of Allen Inspection Officer as to the proper locations under the City zoning Ordinances; as to the safe construction; as to health and sanitation, under other city building and health Ordinances and other Oedinances of the City of Allen. An inspection and registration certificate may be denied for violations under this ordinance or other laws of the City of Allen. Section 18. This ordinance shall not apply to transit mobile homes or trailers who do not set up residence in the City of Allen for more than forty—eight (48) hours. Section 19. Any person who shall violate or fail to comply with any provision of this Chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be punished not to exceed $100.00 for each such violation. -s AN ORDINANCE BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS SETTING UP SECTIONS PROVIDING FOR INSPECTION AND REGISTRATION OF MOBILE HOMES LOCATED IN THE CITY OF ALLEN, PROVIDING FOR IDENTIFYING INFORMATION TO BE FURNISHED; PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF INSPECTION AND REGISTRATION CERTIFICATES; PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF MOBILE HOME PARRS; PROVIDING FOR TIB; FURNISHING OF A LIST WITH IDENTIFYING INFORMATION FOR ALL MOBILE HOMES LOCATED IN THE CITY AND PROVIDING FOR INSPECTION FEES; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR TIE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR TIB; PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. SECTION 20 It is further provided that each and every day that a violation of this ordinance continues shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 21 The fact that the City of Allen has no Ordinance which provides for and regulatee::the licensing of mobile home parts creates an emergency and imperative public necessity, this Ordinance shall take effect immediately after its passage and approval. It is further provided that the caption of this ordinance shall be published one time in a paper having general circulation in the City of Allen. Duly passed and approved b8:, the City Council of the City of Allen, Texas, on the L� day of June, 1963. Gentry Jone CORIlECTLY RECORDED: Mayor �E4 CJI ttP C.story City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. � AN ORDINANCE BY TILE CITY COUNCIL OIC' TAP CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS SETTING, UP SECTIONS PROVIDING FOR INSPECTION AND RRCISTRATION OF MOBILE-, HOMES LOCATED IN ME CITY OP ALLEN, PROVIDING FDI? IDENTIFYING INFORMATION TO RE FURNISHED= PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF INSPECTION AND 1,TGISTP.ATION CFPTIPICATES; PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING OF MOBILE IIOIIE PARKS; PRIOVIDING FO&.THR FURNISIIINC OF A LIST 11ITI1 IDENTIFYING INFORMATION FOP. ALL MOBILE HOMES LOC.ITED IN THE CITY AND PROVIDING FOR INSPECTION FRES; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR TUR YLOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF TIM CAPTION 10MOF AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. I, A. C. Story, hereby certify that the foregoing is a t ue and correct cony of the caption of Ordinance No. r duly passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Allon, Texas, on the 13th day of dune, 1963. (seal) A. City Secretary City of Allen, Texas