HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-43A-8-63CEPT7lICATN FOR CANVASS ORDINANCN ala 0 allm : IM 0 Atilt slay the undersigned, NWM and Town Secretary, respectively, of said Tam, hereby certify as follwst 1. That the attached and following is a true, full, and aors'eet ropy .af an ordtuasG Calling An Flection duly Passed by the Tow Castell of said Town at a ')11 44ss 1C -,..Meeting hold at the regular meeting glue on the 7--4&y of A t, 1963, which (httina -e has teen duly recorded In the minutes of said Town Council. Town Couneilt 2. That the following are the ambers and officers of said G. T. Sones, : mayor Phil Pringle, Dean Sears, T. L. Word, Aldereen, C. E. Ottwgy, J. D. Smith, t A. C. Story, Tom Secretary, W all said pers;:as were present at the time of passage of said Ordinance ewaspt the follcwing absentsest 3. That said Ordinance was introduced for the Consideration of said Toa Council by its presiding �Xricer and read in fall, and, upon notion duly wade and seconded, said Ordinance was passed by the following vote: AYES: All Alderman present voted "Aye." NOES: lone. L. That each of the members and cfficers a said Town Conseil vas duly and sufficiently notified officially and personally, in advance, Of the ttr, place, and purpose of the afQresaid meeting, and that aaid would be iatruduoed and cc=idered for passage ext acid Meeting, "Mob of said members and officers consented, in ndvaa:c, to the holding at an owning for such purpose. 5• That the Mayor of said Town has approved, and hereby dnr* er said ih•diaaace; that the Mayor and the Tow Secretary cf said owes leen duly signed said Ordinance; and that said Maycr and Town Secretary hereby declare that their signing of this Certificate shell C' mutate the signing of the attached and following copy of said Ordlmmn:e dor all RnrpafM. 3urE}l AND SEALED this the 'd,e. or �—dam Secret (AAL) ORDINANCE CANVASSING MACTICN RSTyM !s IONIC W 21KAS N owl or COLLI TOWN Or Atte il110MASe the Torn Council or said Town duly ordered an election to be beta In said town on the qday of August, 19639 an the Propositus hereinafter stated; and '4MMANe said Torn Council bee investigated all matters POWW"iag to said election, including the ordering, giving notice, officers, >tatdtiw dal thing returns of said election; and 4HERM, the election officers who held said election have *47 ON& the returns of the result therevf, and said returns have been duly delivered tc said Town Council. THOMM, EE IT OE AIM BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOM CP ALLMYt 1. That the Town Council officially finds and datermiass that said election was duly ordered, that proper notice of said election was duly given, that proper election officers were duly appoin.ed by the Torn Council prior to said election, that said election wau duly held, that due returns of the result of said election have been made and delivered and that the Town Council has duly camassed said returns, all in accordance with law. 2. That the Town Council officially finds and determines Vat only resident, qualified electors who own taxable property in said Tarn and who have duly rendered the same for taxation were all.oxwed to vote at said election, and that the following votes were cast at said election • eseh Proposition submlttcde PROPOSITION NO. 1 "FOR THE: I:3AUANCE OF HATEiR40M SYSTEM REVENUE !Y=W' "AOAINET THE LSdUANCE: OF w?ATMORK3 SYSTEK MEtNUE BOOS% ♦eaeM. PROPOSITION NO. 2 ",TOR THE ISSUANCE OF sm" 9YSTE9f REVENUE R()mm, ,5r— �.Yotes; "AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF AM sYSTEM REYFNUR DNIDE" [L / V,<+— THE LZUANCE OF STEQ;E.T VYROVMM EONr3S" "AGAIN;T THE I<MANCE OF ttTREiT INPiiiNBOW PC s votes. PROPOumam No. 4 "70N THE ISSUAMMS Ui MM MT9l TRX FONDS"TeemsmANAMT TSB; ISSN QP 82M SYSTEM TAX WNW" S Yoft... 3- we flail tlrt all Propositlaoe have carried ama*o iROMIUM ■o, ♦ Whish we flail Is Weete(. CI+Tn1CATI Pox esx TIOR aiuDuci THE JTATE cs TEXAS e IM d ALUM s Wei the undersigned, Mayor and Town Secretary, respectively, of said Town, hereby certify as follows: 1. That the attached and following is a true, full, and correct *W of an Ordinance Calling An Election duly pasted by the Town Council at amid Stain at a Meeting held at the regular meeting place an the 14th day of August, 1963, vhiah Lftiamnce hes been duly recorded in the minutes of said Tom Council. 2. That the following are the members and officers of said Town Comcill G. T. Jona.,, Muyor Phil Pringle, Dean Sears, T. L. Oxford i Aldermen, C. 6. Atoway, J. D. Smith, f A. C. Story, Toon Sr_retary, . sod all said pers.;ns were present at the time of passage of said Ordimse except the following absentsesr 3. 'Chat said rdinamce was Intredmoed for the consideration of said Town Council by its presiding officer W read in fulls and, upon motion duly made and seconded, said otdinesoe was pawed by the following vote: AY: All Alderman present voted "Aye." AOEI: pone. 4. That each -X the menbera und officers of said Town Council wea dmy end sufficiently notified officially and personally, in advance, of the time, place, =4 purpose of the aforesaid meeting, and that said Ordinance vould be introduced and c(xi idered for passage at said Meeting, OVA each of said members and officers consented, in advance, to the holding of said heating for such purpose. 5. That the Heyo^ of said Town has approved, and hereby approves, 9014 dtddmamcel that the Mayor and the Town Fecretary of said Two have day alp" said Ordinancel and that said Mayor and Town Secretary hereby declare that their signing of this Certificate shall constitute the signing Of the attached "A following copy of said Ordinance for all purposes. SI(AAA) AND /3,A�ALED this the 1.964.-) 31WI. Toon Sacretarry-� w�—