HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-46-9-63TBS GTATE a TEXAS; n [ = T.-ju-" r -:dB RSJk',, the Tuwa Council of said Tan duly ordered ao election to be held in -said Torn cm the 71Lh day -if aptember, 1963, on the Pmvmition hereinafter stated; and :l DRUS, said Town Council has investigated all matters to said election, including the ordering, giving nchlce, officers, baldseg, eft sn>hloq returns of said election; sad 11VUS, the election officers who hold said election how duly made LM returns of the result thereof, and said return• bave bees duly delivered to acid Torn Council. TBpF1,TOM, BI 1T ORiYMM BY THE TOA COIR UL 10 THE TOWN OF AUMI 1. That the Town Council-Xficlally finds and deternis" that said election was duly ordered, that proper notice of said election was duly given, that proper election officers were duly appointed by the Town Council prior �u said clectiou, that said election wus duly held, that due returns of the result of said election have been asde and delivered, and that the Tow Council has duly canvassed said returns, all in accordance with law. 2. That the Town Council officially finds and determines that Galt n"daot, qualified electors whl; own triable property in said Twn Yi ehS have duly renderedthe sane for taxati€m were allowed to vv'�e at Said election, and that the following votes vera cant at said elocticn on Woo propositiom subrittedn "PCP TBR 1:iuUABCR OF SBWEB SYuTM TAX BOBS" ��Votes; "AOAllEiT TBR LSSUABCF OF ".iE'WO SUM TAX SC1WW--yZvotes. 3. That the Town Council officially finds, determined and dselarea the result of said election to be that the proposition so outwitted hos received a favorable an3ority vote and has carried, and that the bunds Bey be issued in accordance with las. THE STATE Or TMAS COUHrr or CCU" , TOO or ALLEN tore, the undersigned, Mayor and Town Secretary, respectively, of said Vvn, hereby riertify an f rlluws 7 1. That the attached and f.UoviDg is a true, full, and correct copy uP an Ordinance Calling An Klectioa duly passed tp VW Town Council of said Tom at a iAaeting bold at the regular tssating place on the,�dsy of , 1963, which Crdioance has been duly recorded In the minutes of said Twin Council. P. That the following ars the members and officers at said Town Coca:;ils O. T. Janes, i I. WWW Phil Pringle, Doan bears, T. L. Orford, s Aldermwm, C. E. Mosey, J. D. Smith, s A. C. Story, Town Gecretery, and all said parsome were present at the time M passage aC said Ordinance except the f^alowing sbsenteest %fin 3. That said Ordinance was :Sntrcduced for tM (n,nsidambion of said Town Council by its presiding :tflear and read in full, and, wpon soticm duly made aid seccadod, said Ordinance was passed by the following votes AM'i Ail Aldermen present voted "Aye.* NOFi,t Hone. 4. That mach of the members and crficers of said Town Council VON duly and sufficiently notified officially seal peraeaally, in advance, of the time, place, and purpose of the aforesaid raectinp,, and that said Ordamance would be introduced and considered for passage at Haid Meeting, and each of said members and officers consented, In advance, to the holding of said Noating for such purpose. 5. That tba laryor of said Tow has aper.-ved, and hereby approves, said Ordiaahce1 that the Nryor and the Town Secretary �;f said Taws have duly signed "M Ordinance= and that said Mayor and T:wn ,3ecrstary hereby declare that their sigsiag of this Certifisate shall c,=ea:itute the signing <X the attached aid following a-py :X said Ordinance for all. purp,ses. SIGNED AND $11AM this the of Peptember 963. r_ (seAL) T