HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-58-12-65ORDI}L.M4 I40. i;158 !m ordinance cat bliatin„ minimum ho..lth ;nd housdn3 at::nd.:rda; rnovidtng for :n enforcing official; creating -HO..ED OF IIODSLiG providing for the inspection of dwelli. n and .nzd for other purpooco. 6 pread.ac.; MIER&S, the elimination of slums and blighted areas :md the prc. vention of their future growth in matter of concern to of the City of 1,11en, Texas; and, the peep]: IMEM'X, in thin City there acre dwellings structur a which are so dilapid_:ted, unnef., unhygienic, or unsanit:ry, ;:a to constittLtc a menace to the health -'ad "fcty of the people; :nd, 1ME7ZF:.S, this City has the rlght and duty to adopt and enforce Ouch he Ath nd Oaczitary regul:tlons as aro neecoc:rin order to pravcnt the spread of dic_aac, y BE IT TSnREFORE ORD..IIIED By THE CITY COO;CIL OF Allen, Texas; SziCTION 1. :adoption of National Building Code. There 10 hereby :adopted by the City Council of .ale., Tc, -._s, that Bert -Un health :md housing standards known an the National Building Code, of which not lean than three (3) cop6ca h:zvc b,cn end em now filed in the office of the Clark of the City of .111en, Toxao, and the name are hereby ndopctd and incorporated ".s fully an if act out at length herein, and from the d .to on which this ordinanec Shall take effect, the provisions hbcroof Shall be controlling on all dwcllingn and prcmiaao within the corporate limits of Allen, Tcxas. SECTION 2. Ent'bliai most of the OFFICE OF LOOSI110 lWPOTCIUG OFFICI_.LS. (a) The office of Hounln En 144 1\I crcatcd. 3 forcing Offleial is hereby +� M The Building Official ohn11 be appointed by the y:yor subject to confirm -tion of the City Council, Iia appointment shall continue during mood behavior .md s..tlaf..vtory ocrvlc.He shall not be rcnov,d from full ton bran givenchim to be board icoch.-rgcy,hs specif'r -^T!011 3. rst:blishmcnt of I Housing Bo,,rd Lppo of ls,. (a) Thcre is hcrcby cried •. Board oP Roue in, which .hall consist oP flvo (5) members nppoint:.d b, the iL:yor subject to cony'1rm Onti on 88 th.: City Gorman., rnmbcr shall be appointod to acrvc 1111 (1) :>sehr; two mumbcrs to acrvc two (2) years, and two mribcrs to acrvc three (3) Year. ThiS board Shall act by majority vote of th. prrocnt. 144 1\I (c) Said Board shall have the power and be required to hold public hearings in deciding appeals where it is alleged there is an error in law or fact In any order or decision of the Housi:ig E.iforcing Official in the enforecmcnt of this ordin.inec. SECTION 4. Duties of the Housing Enforcing Officirl It shall bs the duty of the Housing Enforcing Official to cnforcc ^11 laws and provisions opcc- Sfied in the National Building Code. SECTION 5. Right of Entry. The Nouning Enforcing Official, in the discharge Of his official dutiea,and upon proper idcn- tiflcatisn, shall have authority to enter say building, structure, or promises at any reanon- ablc hour. SECTION b. Saving Clause. Nothing in this ordinance or in the code hereby adopted shall be construed to affect my suit or Proceeding now pending in any court, or any righto acquired, or liability incurred, nor any o.:.usc or causes of action aecurcd or existing, under any act or ordinance ropcalcd hereby. Nor shall MY right or rcmcdy of any ehar:etcr be lost, imp:arod or affected by this ordinance, SECTION 7. Validity. The invalidity of my section or provisiou of than: ordln:mec or of the code hereby adoptedshr11 list invalidate other sections or proviuionn thereof, SECTION B. Ltccnsiatort Ordin.nces dopc.:led. Ordinaneds or p;.rtn thereof in force at the time that this ordinrmoc shall take effect and inconciatcnt herewith, are hereby repealed. SECTION 9. Date of Effect. The provisions of this code shall take effect on the -162h day of Deecmbcr. 1qb . cncd ). GenT don sy 1 oTt o�", ^yol+L�r --- Dato pasocd_ 19_16_65 •:ttcot: A C Story (sign d) City cr (ncal) 145 /6 LAND SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS These regulations are adopted by the City Council of the City of Allen, Texas as a guide for persons or corporations intending to subdivide land located within the City Limits. Laving Out Under Direction'of City. All property not subdivided into lots, b ocks, and streets within the City shall hereafter be laid out under the direction of the City Plan Commission or in the absence of such a Commission, by the City Council or subject to its approval and no other subdivision will be recognized by the City. Prior to the plat being considered by the City Plan Commission, the City Engineer will check the Plat and make recommendations on same. It shall be unlawful for any owner, or agent of any owner, to lay out, subdivide, or plat any land into lots, blocks, and streets within the City, or to sell propegty therein and there- by which has not been laid off subdivided, and platted according to the rules of the City Plan 6ommission. No officer or employee of the City shall do, or cause to be done any work upon any street or in any addition or subdivision of the City, unless all requirements of this section have been complied with by the owner of said addition or subdivision. Withholding Imorovements Until Aonroved. The City hereby defines itspolicy to be that the City x111 withhold improvements of whatsoever nature, including the maintenance of streets and furnishing of sewerage and water service from all addition, the platting of which has not been approved by the City Plan Commission or in the absence of such a Commission, by the City Council. DEFINITIONS "Subdivision" shall mean the division of a tract or parcel of land into two or more lots for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale or building development, expressly excluding development for agriculture purposes, and shall include re -sub- division. "Re -subdivision" shall mean the division of an existing subdivision, together with any change of lot size therein, or with the relocation of any street lines. I. Preliminary Plats 1. Six copies of the preliminary plat shall be submitted to the City Plan Commission at least ten days prior to the meeting at which approval is asked. The plat shall be drawn to a scale of one hundred feet to one inch, or larger, and shall show the following Information: (a) Name of subdivision (b) Names of owner and engineer or surveyor responsible for the survey. (c) Boundary lines existing building lines, and width and location o� streets, alleys, and easements within and adjacent to the property. (d) Layout, numbers, and approximate dimensions of proposed lots. (e) Contours, sufficient to accurately show the topo- graphy. Contours and all grades in the addition must be referred to a U. S. Coast Guard and Geodetic Survey or State Highway or City of Allen Bench Mark (�ontours at least one foot intervals preferred). (f) Physical features of the property, including location of water courses, culverts,bridges railroads and present structures, and locations of existing water and sewer mains. (g) Designation of the proposed uses of land within the subdivision. (h) Adequate off-street parking must be provided for lots set aside or planned for business use. (1) If there are no adjacent subdivisions, then a map on a small scale must be presented to show the nearest subdivision and how the streets, alleys, or highways in the subdivision submitted may connect with those in the nearest subdivision. (j) North point, scale and date. (k) Cross sections of proposed streets and alleys. II. Final or Record Plat 1. Six copies, one in sepia, of the final or record plat shall be submitted to the City Plan Commission after the preliminary plat has been approved with all re- quired changes and alterations made. No final plat will be considered unless a preliminary plat has been submitted. Such plats shall be filed with the office of the City Plan Commission or City Engineer at least ten days prior to the meeting at which approval is requested. All final plats must be approved by the City Council and their action is final, regardless of the action taken by the City Plan Commission. The final plat shall show or be accompanied by the following data: (a) Plats shall be drawn to the scale of one hundred feet to the inch or larger. (b) A title including name of subdivision, owner or owners, and licensed land surveyor or registered caval engineer responsible for the plat, and the scale and location of the subdivision with refer- ence to original land grants, or surveys, and the date and north point. (c) The certificate of the registered caval engineer or licensed land surveyor who surveyed, mapped and monumented the land should be placed on the face of the map. (d) A certificate of ownership and dedication of all streets, alleys, parks and playgrounds to public use forever, signed ane acknowledged before a Notary Public by the owner and lelnholder of the land and a complete and accurate description of the land subdivided and streets dedicated. (e) An accurate on -the -ground boundary survey of the property with bearings and distances and showing the lines of all adjacent land streets and alleys, with their names and width (streets, alleys, and lot lines in their adjacent subdivisions shall be shown dotted). All necessary data to reproduce the plat on the ground must be shown on the plat. (f) A waiver of claim for damage occasioned by the establishment of grades or the alterations of the surface of any portion of the streets and alleys. (g) Certificate of approval from the City Engineers on plans and specifications for water, sewer, paving and drainage. (h) Certificate of approval to be signed by the City Plan Commission. (1) Three sets of plans and specifications for water, sewer, paving and drainage, prepared by a regis- tered caval engineer, must be approved by the City Council prior to the developer's starting any construction in the subdivision. III. General Requirements Streets in general must conform to the following: (a) Minimum width of 50 feet, paving not less than 27 feet. (b) Be in line with existing streets in adjoining subdivisions. (c) Be named to provide continuity with existing streets. (d) Avoid dead ends, except for future planning. (e) Platted to allow two tiers of lots when possible. (f) Platted with appropriate regard for all topo- graphical features lending themselves to attractive treatment and layout of utilities. 2. Alleys shall have a minimum width of 15 feet. Alley turnouts shall be paved to the property line and shall be 10 feet wide at that point. Lots shall be a minimum of 50 feet wide and 100 feet deep and in no case shall any lot have less than 7500 square feet. Sidewalks shall be provided on both sides of the street. Easements at least 8 feet wide, 4 feet on each side of the rear or side lot lines, shall be provided for utilities where necessary. IV. Survey Reeuirements Concrete or approved monuments, 6" in diameter and 24" long, shall be placed on all corners of boundary lines, curve points, angle points, and block corners. A copper pin, or approved equal, 1/4" In diameter embedded at least 3" in the monument shall be put in the monument at the exact intersection point. The monuments shall be set at such an elevation that they will not be disturbed during construction and the top of the monument shall not be less than 12" below the natural ground. V. Improvements 1. Paving (a) All roadways shall be paved in accordance with the City's Paving Specifications. Pavements shall be of suitable width for traffic on all streets. All alleys shall be paved with reinforced concrete acenrding to the City of Allen specifications. (b) he right-of-way shall be graded full width to pro- vide suitable finish grades for pavement, sidewalks, and planting strips with adequate surface drainage and convenient access to the lots. (c) Minimum acceptable pavements shall be: (1) 6" hot -mix asphaltic concrete in 2 courses. 6" concrete curbs and 24" concrete gutters are required (see paving specifications). (2) 6" reinforced concrete (2500 p.s.i.) with integral concrete curbs (see paving specifications). (d) The Developer shall furnish the City a 100% Mainten- ance Bond or other evidence that the City Council deems necessary, for maintenance on all streets and alleys good for one year from date of acceptance. 2. Storm Sewers An adequate storm sewer system consisting of inlets, pipes and other underground drainage structures with approved outlets shall be constructed where the runoff of storm water and the prevention of erosion cannot be accomplished satisfactorily by surface drainage facilities. 3. Sanitary Sewers Sanitary sewer facilities shall be provided to adequately service the subdivision and meet the City of Allen sewer plan. (a) All sewer pipe must be vitrified clay sever pipe. (b) A minimum of eight inches diameter sewer pipe is preferred. (c) All joints shall be Delta Seal by Tex Vit or equiva- lent. (d) In general, sewer shall be located in the alleys and shall be 5 - 6} feet deep to invert. 4. Water Mater systems shall have a sufficient number of outlets and shall be sufficient size to furnish adequate domestic water supply, to furnish fire protection to all lots, and to meet the City of Allen water plan. 'Where possible, water mains shall be located in the street on the north or east side of the street. All water mains shall have a minimum cover of 42 inches. (a) All water mains 12" in diameter and under shall be cast iron, cement lined (Emmeline Type), mechanical joint, or a joint of the type which provides a recession in the bell for the employment of a single rubber gasket to be placed before the Insertion of the succeeding spigot. Trade names for the latter joint and the manufacturers of each are as follows: "TYTOTI" by United States Pipe and Foundry Company and by McWane Cast Iron Pipe Company. "BELL -TITS" by Lone Star Steel Company and by James B. Clow and Sons, Incorporated. "FASTITE^ by American Cast Iron Pipe Company. (b) All water mains 14" In diameter and larger shall be cast iron as described above for water mains 12" in diameter and under, or shall be "Pipe; Pressure, Reinforced Concrete, Pretensioned Reinforcement (Steel Cylinder Type)" complying with Federal Specifications SS -P-381, dated September 14, 1955. All services for utilities shall be made available for each lot in such a manner as will obviate the necessity for disturbing the street pavement, curb, gutter and drainage structures when connections are made. No building permits shall be issued for a lot unless all improvements, abutting the lot, which are required by these regulations have been accepted by the City of Allen and such improvements shall be connected to existing paving, storm sewers and utility mains. Provided, however, as an alternate to the actual installa- tion of these improvements prior to issuance of building permit, the City may, at its option, require the posting with the City of a bond guaranteeing the installation of the improvements within a specified time, or may require the deposit with the City of copies of executed contracts covering the installation of the improvements. VI. Main 'dater and Sewer Lines All main water and sewer lines shall be installed under the direction and supervision of the City Engineers. Main water and sewer lines are to be those as shown on the City of Allen water and sewer master plan, or those planned by the City Engineers. VII. Fees and Charges 1. The following schedule of fees and charges shall be paid to the City of Allen when any preliminary map or plat is tendered to the City Plan Commission or any other board or agency, and each of the fees and charges provided herein shall be paid in advance, and no action of the City Plan Commission or any other board or agency shall be valid until the fee or fees shall have been paid to the officer designated therein. The City Secretary, his deputies or assistants shall calculate the fees and charges in accordance with the following schedule: (a) Preliminary Plats, $10.00 per plat, plus $1.00 per lot. (b) Final Plats, $20.00 per plat, plus $2.00 per lot. (c) For final approval of multiple dwelling areas, business or industrial areas not subdivided into lots, both preliminary and final plats shall carry a fee of $5.00 per acre. (d) These fees shall be charged on all plats, regard- less of the action taken by the City Plan Commiss- ion whether the plat is approved or denied. APPROVED THIS kth DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1965. Gentry T. 'Janos, �mayor ATTEBTt I; Lrstory, cityram