HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-59-12-65OBDINXICE 110. r
An ordinance providing for fire limits, and rcgulationa gover-
ning the construction, ltoration, removal, demolition, equip.
meat, use and occupancy, loca.tion and mantenanco of buildiaga
and atructurea.
Be it ordained by the City Council, City of -11cn.
There is hereby adopted by the City Council, Lilac,
i Taxes for the purpose"of eatabliahing rules and rcg-
ulations for the construction, alter::tion, romoval,
demolition, equipment, use and Occupancy, hoc tion
and maintenance of buildings and structures, includ-
ing permits and penalties, that certain building
code loiown as the National Building Code rccom. ndcd
by the City Engineers, being particularly the 1955
edition thereof and the whole thereof, save an
cxc'pt such portione au are hereinafter deleted,
iwdificd or amended, Of which not less than three (3)
topica have been and now arc filed in the office of
the Clerk of the Munisislit and the same arc hereby
'doptod and inoorpor_ c tag ally as if act out at
length heroin, and from
he d::tc on which this ord-
inancc shall t:-kc affect, the provisions thoreof shall
be controlling in the construction of all buildings
and structures therein contained within too corpon:tc
limits of the Cit of Lllen .Alen Pcxao.
Note--- The name of the colmaun ty ha s adopt ng ho Code al.c„%
be inserted In the blank sp.,eo.
BECTI017: 2. Establishment of office of building official.
(a) The office of building official is hereby created
and the executive official in charge shall be known ^c d:k
the building official.
(b) The building official shall be appointed by
Mai or, Sub cat to a rov:a of Cit Council. Ilia app.e n uvn s a eon nuc ur ng good c av or and
satifactory service, go shall not beremoval from
Office except for cause after full opportunity has
been given him to be heard on specific charges.
(c) During temmpporary absonco or disability of the
official the appointing authority shall dca17natc
:n acting building official.
Ec shall be in good health, physic illy capable of
making the neccauary examination and impcctiona.
He shall not have cuhy interest whatcv�r, directly uw,
indirectly, 1n the aalc or manufacture of any amt_
Arial, proocsa or device entering into or recd ir.
or in connection with building coustructicu,
ations, romov:il, and demolition.
Y.o shall reccivo appliestions rLquir.,d by this code,
isanc permlts and furnish the proacrib,d eortificatca.,
He shall examine the prcmices for which permite
have boon issued mid shall mkc meousary inspoctionn
to see that the provisions of law rc complied with
and th.a construction is proscoutud aafcly. Be shell
enforce .11 provisions of the building code. 1:;: shall
when requested by proper aut!ority, or when the
public intoruat ao requires, inakc invcstigaiona in
connection with m.•.ttcrs referred to in the building
code sand render written reports on the s. me. To
cnforco complia;ioc with law, to remove illegal or
unsafe conditions, to secure the ncecscary aafegu.rds
during construction, or to require udequ.ito exita
facilities in buildings and structures, he shall issue
such notices or orders no may be ncecas .ry.
Inspections r,quirod under the provisions of the
building code sh.cll bemadc by the building official
or hie duly appointed assistant. The brildiug
official any accept reports of inapoctors of recog-
Azod inspection sorvicoo, after iavcatigation of
their qualifications and reliability. No ecrtificato
c_lled for by any provision of the building code
shell be 4soucd on ouch reports unless the eamc On
In WkIttild and certified to by a repponsible officer
of such service.
The building official shell keep comprchcnsivo re-
cords of applic::tione, or permltc issued, of eon-'
tific::tes iasucd, of inspections m::dc, of reports
rendorcd, and of notions or orders issued.
1.11 such records shall be open to public inspection
for good and sufficient reasons at the attcd office
hours, but ahall not be rumovcd from the office of
the building official witlnut his written consent,
The building official Wall male: written reports to
his imm,diato superior once each month, or oftener
if requested, including st:tcmonts of permits m d
cortific..tes issued, and orders promulgated.
-:�CTIOH $.
:any officer of employee, or mcnbor of the B -are "
..d]ustmento and appeals, charged with the uif^-a:.•
neat of thin code, acting for the City in the dis.
chsrgo of his duties, shall not thcroby r.:nder him•
self liablo personally, and he is hereby rclivcd
from .11 personal liability for any damr.3e that may
unsure to persona or property an a r,cult of .my ac:
required or permitted in the dlocl:ar7o of bin 9n/ic,.
suit banught aeainst any officer ormpl..y;-..
b cause of auoh act perfore.md by him in ti: � •-n..i�
of any provlalon of thin code shall be defcn.:;,.
the dopartmont of Law until the firyal terrorrt'
the proceedings.
The fire limits of the City of rc Allen. •Men Texas
ahereby established as follows:
Beginning at North West Corner of city limits,
Rawlctto Rd. and IIS Hwy, 75, Southwest along Hwy. 75 to South
Second St. West app. 2700 South app. 7001 to Lebanon Rd.
East along Lebanon Rd, to Price B. Allcn Property, than South
app. 21001,thanEthan aEast app. 33001 to HWY. 5, Hwy, 5 South app,
Hwy 2170, East app. 5
.0000 to Hwy, 6, then North along Hwy, 6 to
than North app, 25001, than West app,
Wost1ato Rail Road, than North along nail Road app, 30001, then
Note-—Thel600fire limits, toaShould oinclude gall closely built districts
Of predominantly business or commercial occupancy, together with
such blocks or portions of blocks Surrounding these districts
on all sides as constitute an exposure to these districts, in-
cluding areas whore a definite trend toward business or comm-
oreinl development is nanifestod. The outer belt of blocks or
part blocks surrounding the olosuly built districts ordinarily
should be not less than 200 foot wide.
Nothing In this ordinance or in the building code
hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or pro-
ccodingg now pending in any Court, or any rights acquired, or
Nobility incurred, nor any cause or causes of action accurod
or existing, undor any •_at or ordinance repealed hereby. Nor
shall any right or romody of any character be lost, impaired or e
affected by this ordinance,
ordinance oriof the building code herebynadopted vshalon of
l not ting
validate other sections or provisions thereof.
that this ordinance shall inancos or take Offoctoandninconsistentforce ataherewith,
pro hereby ropcalcd.
NPmrdote---It is well to specify definitely the ordinaneds or parts
oSannces which arc intended to be repealed.
The acid code is amcadod and ehangod in the
following roapcats:
{1) Sca tion none, p::rngruphs none, ac u'm adcd :.s follotin
Note--- snndmntu ddccon:d uoocssary sl.ould be lnacrtod.
SSC X7011 13. OF ::FFSCT.
This ordinance shall tate affect3 days after its
approval as required by law.
D,.tc Palled 12016-65
:.ttcst: A. C. �to(sLmcd)
City D151'(01
crry l:
I !\"
(sd)Ountry T, .7ouoa