HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-60-6-66ANNEXATION ORDINANCE ORDINANCE N0. % 0 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TERRITORY INTO THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TOWN OF ALLEN, TEXAS, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. WHEREAS, application having been duly made for annexing said territory to the Town of Allen, Texas, having been made in the form of a petition, duly and legally executed, which said petition has been filed with the Mayor of the Town of Allen, and the Mayor has certified the same to the Council of the Town of Allen, Texas, and WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Allen has investigated into and determined that all of the facts contained in said petition are true, and WHEREAS, the Council of the Town of Allen has investigated and determined that it will be advantageous and beneficial to the Town of Allen and its inhabitants as well as the hereinafter described territory to annex such territory to the Town of Allen, Texas; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ALLEN, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the territory described as follows be and the same is hereby annexed to the Town of Allen, Texas, to -wit: FIRST TRACT: SITUATED in the Wm. Perry Survey, and being 10 acres of land more fully described in the deed from Gentry T. Jones et al to Robert E. Lowman et ux recorded in Volume 629, Page 141 of the Collin County Deed Records. SECOND TRACT: SITUATED in Collin County, Texas, in the James H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017 and being approximately 68.5 acres of land described in four (4) tracts in the deed from Carl H. Holt et ux to Virgil H. Holt et al recorded in Volume 548, Page 130 of the Collin County Deed Records. SECTION 2: That from and after the passage of this Ordinance, said territory shall be a part of the Town of Allen, Texas, and the inhabitants thereof shall be entitled to all of the rights, privileges and immunities of all other citizens of the Town of Allen, Texas, and shall be bound by all of the ordinances and regulations enacted pursuant to and in conformity with the general laws of the State of Texas. SECTION 3: The fact that the Town of Allen, Texas, and its inhabitants are in immediate need of the relief offered by the provisions of this Ordinance creates an emergency and imperative public necessity demanding that any and all rules required in this Ordinance to be passed at more than one meeting be suspended, and that this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage, and it is so ordained. PASSED AND APPROVED on the ;2- day of 1966. en ry T. Jones, v mayor ATTEST: $ orgy,.' y ecre ary 4t�v ANNEXATION PETITION TO THE TOWN OF ALLEN, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS # KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF COLLIN { We, the undersigned, being inhabitants of the State of Texas, do hereby say that, We have voted and do hereby vote in favor of becoming a part of the Town of Allen, Texas, and hereby certify same to the Mayor of the Town of Allen, Texas, and We hereby petition the Town of Allen, Texas, to receive the hereinafter described territory adjoining the Town of Allen, Texas, as a part thereof and to take any and all actions necessary to carry into effect our vote for the hereinafter described territory to be annexed to and from a part of the Town of Allen, Texas. Said territory is described as follows: FIRST TRACT: SITUATED in the Wm. Perry Survey, and being 10 acres of land more fully described in the deed from Gentry T. Jones et al to Robert E. Lowman et ux recorded in Volume 629, Page 141 of the Collin County Deed Records. SECOND TRACT: SITUATED in Collin County, Texas, in the James H. Wilcox Survey, Abstract No. 1017 and being approximately 68.5 acres of land described in four (4) tracts in the deed from Carl H. Holt et ux to Virgil H. Holt et al recorded in Volume 548, Page 130 of the Collin County Deed Records. �_� SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority by ROBERT E. LOWMAN on this the day of May, 1966. (seal) C -C, o ary P5511c,Co iii nom; Texas SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority by VIRGIL If. HOLT on this the 2 4'i day of F May, 1966. (seal) -LI-y—��� ary u'6 i , ollin Caunty; Texas I, Gentry T. Jones, duly elected, qualified and acting Mayor of the Town of Allen, Texas, hereby acknowledge that the foregoing Petition was filed with me on this date, and I hereby certify the same to the Council of the Town of Allen, Texas. WITNESS MY HAND this the I- K day of May, 1966. I r� n ry . ones 50 STATE OF TEXAS,: CCUNTL OF COLLIN. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS! That We# CARL H. HOLT, and RUBY HOLT, ausbund and wile, of Fgrt Smith, State of E.rkansas, for and in consideration of the sum of -- FIVE THOUSAND, AISD N0/100 ----- (ti5,000.00) ---- DOLLARS , of us cash in hand paid by VIRGIL H. HOLT, and SAM ;11,1,M; HOLT the receipt of which is acknowledged and confessed, have Granted, Sold and Conveyed, and by these presents do Orant, Sell and Convey unto the said VIRGIL H. HOLT, of Collin County, Texas, and SAM ALLIIN HOLT, of Dallas County, Texus, all my, our-:undiv.:dod, right, title, and interest of in and to the followinE described tracts or parcols of lund,lying and situated in Collin County,Texas, described as follows: ;.. < , The Following tracts of lands lying and situated in Collin Countyyy Texas, parts of the James H, Wilcox survey, Pat. No, 843 Vol. Nob1}t Abstract No, 1017, and described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Being a oombination of Three small trm ts, of land in said Survey, described as followst BEGINNING at a stake in the center of public road from which an oak 24 in, in dia,bears south,lly deg.west, 1.24 chains; -- THENCE West with fence 8.44 chains, a stake;---- THENCE (forth with rence 6.35 chains, a stake; ---THENCE 'lest 11.77 chains a stake under fence;--- TIi^NnE South 11.19 chains,a stakes --- -THENCR East 10,47 chdind,a stake;--- THF,NCE South 14 chains to center or H wlett Creek; ----THENCE Down said Howlett creek with its re anderings to a point in said Creek due south f of the beginning corner; ---THENCE North in center of publid road 20.86 chains to the place of beginning, and being the same tract of lands f4 described and conveyed in deed from 144J.Carpenter, and wifd, Emma B. Carpenter, to J.F.Holt, fisted March 28, A.D.1908,anI recorded in h' Vo1.152 page 325-6-7, of the deed records of Collin County,Texas. SECOND TRACT: Doing a tract of 25 acres of land, in said Wilcox survey, described as follows: BEGINNING at the NW corner of a pp3i acre tract of landonce owned by W.N.Bush,a stake from which ,an Elm 8 in. in dia. marked X b ars north, 29Q deg, east, 22 links, and an Oak 18 in. in dia. makred X bears south 35; deg.east, 58 links; -----THENCE West along the North Boundary Line of said J.H.Wilcox survoy 11.24 chains,a stake in the NW corner of said J.II.Wilcox survey; ----THENCE South along the west line of said Wilcox Survey 22.25 chains a stake in said dent line;---- TI':NCE east 11.24 chains,a stake in the west line of said W.N.Bush 23j acre tract of land;--- THENCE North along the west line of said Bush 23; cera tract, 22.25 chains to the place of beginning, containing 25 acres of land, and the same tract of land, sold and conveyed in deed fron Mrs. Nellie N. Carpenter to J.F.Holt, dated October 5, 1910, and recorded in Vol.167 page 566-567, of the deed records of Collin County, Texas. /�/ THox Survey,,and Tract fdescribedas East /followstract of lli acre tract In said H.Wil BECITININO at a point in Hewlett Creek, the BE corner o£ a trt.ct of lla acres deeded to W.J.Howard by 3,B.M.Fowler by deed dated Oct.10 1874, to which refere ce is made; ----THENCE North 14.15 chains to corner, near an elm 8 in, in dia „ ----THENCE West 4,60 chains, to stake on north side of fence;----TiiENCE South 11.70 chains to middle of Rowlett Creek; ----THENCE Down sai:: Vreek with its a r 9It", o the Place ceeOr Beginning,, and being a tract of * 3/4 Sur vi vin " widow of ed and conveyed in deed from Mrs. R.W.Carpentar,as Csrpentar, and as Mrs, Nellie Carpenter, in my own right,xdxiutd to J, ,Holt, dated August 24, 19lo, and recordad In Vol,167 pages 5b51566 Deed records of Collin County/Texas, FOURTH TRACT: Being a tract 0 f5-3/4 acres of land, in said J.H,Wilcox survey, and being tiie west half of the 11j acre trnot of land ,on rowlett creek, and described as follows-' B[SCITD11SN0 in the west line of said Wilcox Surveyx¢itElnl-'t in the middle of itowlett Creek,at the NVI corner of a 12 acretr North twith of lthe �west ed to 'r4.L.Howard by William Forman and wife, ----- ed XX line of the Wilcox Survey 9 chaina,a post-' THBtfroICE Eastwhoch al0ochainscust fls po6tj-- bears north, 20 deg.east, four links;------ 9. m.tT.M� 3o ith lf�'ia i;z:: F,, a'.+,:. Jnr n•=r o.' t ,a, _'o velar L•in, s i., middle of. Rowlettt creek; ----THENCE Up said Creek with its meanders to the of beinning, and bein, the sameland, described and conveyed in deed from Firs. Rachael 3. Howard, a Fame Sole, et al to J.F.Holt, dated March 7, A,D.1916, and recorded in Vo1.193 page 145 of the deed records of Collin County-' I am hereby selling and conveying to VIRt}IL F. Holt, and SAIL Ai.LEN HOLT, all my undivided rightq,titie,intere6b and estate which I, we have,and ow.n,of,in and to the above tradta of land, by reason of being grantee in dee10 d from J.F.11olb,andrdedtidolbIt husband and wife, dated April 1�, 1-D.1954, Oo ant Vol -483 page 473 or the deed records,of Collin JjTexos. r l r of YAAl ,y% r of