HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-77-2-68ORDINANCE NO. 7? AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, COLLIN COUNTY, TEXAS, REGULATING `— THE DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE AND THE USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS, ESTABLISHING THE ADMISSIBILITY OF WASTES TO SANITARY SEWERS, ESTABLISHING PRO- CEDURES FOR ACCEPTANCE AND TREATMENT OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES, PROVID- ING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS, PROVIDING A SAVING CLAUSE, AND REPE ING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, AL_ THAT, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, STATE OF TEXAS, SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. The meaning of terms used In this ordinance shall be as follows, a. "City" shall mean the City of Allen, Texas, or any duly authorized representative acting in Its behalf. b. "Person" shall mean any individual, firm, company, association, estate, trust, society, corporation, partnership, or group, their agents, servants or employees. c. "Sewage" shall mean a combination of water -borne wastes from resi- dences, business buildings, Institutions, and commercial and indus- trial establishments, together with such ground, surface and storm waters as may be present. d. "Domestic Sewage" shall mean the water -borne wastes normally dls- chArgamg from the sanitary conveniences of private, public or com- mercial dwellings, office buildings. Industrial establishments and Institutions free from ground, surface, and storn water, and Indus- trial wastes. The normal strength of domestic sewage for Allen is established at 240 milligrams per liter biochemical oxygen demand, and 270 milligrams per liter suspended solids. a. "Industrial Wastes" shall mean the water -borne combination of solid, liquid, or gaseous wastes from Industrial. manufacturing, commercial, or processing operations, or from the development of any natural re- source, or any mixture of these with water or domestic sewage as distinct from domestic sewage. f. "Garbage" shall mean solid wastes from the domestic and commercial Preparation, cooking, and dispensing of food, and from the handling, storage, and sale of produce, g. "Sewer" shall mean a pipe or conduit for carrying Sewage. h. "Public Sewer" shall mean a sewer which is controlled by public authority, and to which all owners of abutting property have equal rights. "Sani ry " shall I. to whan ich storm."IDea publ ie sewer which carries sewage and admitted . surface, and ground waters are not Intentionally sof J. "Storm Sewer" shall mean a public Gower which carries storm and surface waters and drainage, but excludes sewage and polluted 1n- dustrlal wastes. k. "Natural Outlet" shall mean point of discharge Into any receiving a water such as a watercourse, pond, ditch, lake, or other body of surface of ground water. I. "Watercourse" shall mean a channel In which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. m. "Sewage Works" shall mean all facilities for collecting, trnneDort- 1ng, pumping, treating, and disposing of sewage. n. "Sewage Treatment Allen" shall mean all arrangements of devices and structures used for treating sewage. o. "Standard Methods" shall mean the laboratory procedures set forth In the latest edition, at the time analysis, of "Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Waste -water" as prepared, approved, and Published Jointly by the American Public Health Association, the American Water Works Association and the Water Pollution Control Federation. P. "pH" shall mean the common logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen Ions in grams per liter of solution. q. "Biochemical Oxygen Demand-- shall mean the quantity of oxygen uti- lized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in 5 days at 200 C., expressed in milligrams Per liter. r. "Suspended Solids" shall mean those solids, expressed in milligrams per liter, that either float on the surface of, or are 1n suspension In sewage, and which, In accordance with Standard Methods. are re- movable by laboratory filtering. Technical terms used herein, but not defined in this section, shall have .eanings as given In the latest edition of, "Glossary of Water and Sewgge 'ontrol Engineering", prepared Jointly by the American Public Health Associ- .t1on, American Society of Civil Engineers, American Water Works Association, .nd Water Pollution Control Federation. SECTION II. MODES OF DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE AND OTHER WATER a. No person shall Individually discharge or cause to be discharged to ny natural outlet within the City, or In any area under the Jurisdiction of he City, any sanitary sewage, Industrial wastes, or other polluted waters, xcept where such discharge Is made In accordance with a valid permit from he Texas Water Pollution Control Board. b. It shall be unlawful to construct or maittaln any privy, privy vault, eptic tank, cesspool, or other private facility intended or used for the lspoeal of sewage or Industrial wastes. —7/0 o. The owner of any establishment, house, building, or property used for human occupancy, employment, recreation, or industrial or commercial Purpose shall Install at his own expense suitable facilities for conveying all Industrial wastes, sanitary sewage and all other sewage to the proper ,b11c sewer, except that when the said sewer is more than one hundred feet --m his property line, connection to the.publlc sewer shall be made under S -d terms of applicable city ordinances. d. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged wastes, except immestic sewage, from any Industrial or commercial establishment, building, or property Into public sewers without obtaining a permit from the City as outlined herein. e. No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any storm water, --urface water, ground water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage, cooling water, 1polluted Industrial process waters, swimming pool water, lawn spray drainage jr yard fountain or pond waters to any sanitary sewer. f. Storm water and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to such sewers as are speclfloally designated as Storm sewers, or to a natural ,utlet approved by the City. g• Industrial cooling water, unpolluted industrial process waters, swimming pool waters, or yard fountain or pond waters may be discharged, u on ipnroval of the City, to a storm sewer or natural outlet, p SECTION III. PROHIBITED DISCHARGES TO THE SANITARY SEWERS Except as hereinafter provided, no person shall discharge or cause to oe discharged any of the following to any Seel tary sewer, a. Any liquid or Paper having a temperature higher than 1500p b. Any Pater or waste which contains, on an average, more than 100 f1111grams per liter of fat, oil, or grease. c. Any gasoline, benzene, naptha, fuel oil, kerosene, or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid, or gas. d. Any garbage that has not been shredded to such degree that all particles will be transported freely under normal hydraulic conditions within sanitary sewers, with no particle greater than one-half Inch in any dimension. e. Any ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings, metal, glass, rags, feathers, tar, plastics, wood pigments, chemical residues, Paper, sludges, wax, oils, greases, animal fleshings, hair, hides, entrails, bone, paunch manner, or any other solid or substance Which is or may become viscous in sufficient quantities to be capable of causing obstruction to the flow In sewers or other Interference with the proper operation of the sewage works. f. Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 10.0, or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment, or personnel of the sewage works. g. Any waters or wastes containing a toxic or poisonous substance ... in sufficient quantity to injure -or Interfere with any sewage treatment process, constitute a hazard to humans, or animals, or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment plant. h. Any noxious or malodorous gases or substances capable of creating a public nuisance, or injury of Interferences with the facilities Involved In the collection and treatment of sewage. 1. Any salts of the heavy metals, in solution or suspension, in concentrations exceeding the following, Cadmium as Cd 5 milligrams per liter Chromium as Cr 3 milligrams per liter Copper as Cu 3 milligrams per liter Nickel as Ni 5 milligrams per liter Zinc as Zn 5 milligrams per liter or other elements in quantities or concentration, which will damage collection and/or treatment facilities or are detrimental to processes. J. Any cyanides or cyanogen compounds capable of liberating hydrogen cyanide gas in excess of two milligrams per liter as CN upon acidi- fication. k. Any radioactive materials in a manner which will permit a transient concentration higher than 100 microcuries per liter or such revised maximum allowable as specified by the standards of the Texas State Department of Health. 1. Any waters or wastes which cause or result in excessive discoloration of facilities of the sewage works or the effluent Issued therefrom. m. Any waters or wastes which may contain more than 0.5 milligrams per liter of dissolved sulfides expressed as S. n. Any waters or wastes which exert or result in, (1) Unusual concentrations of suspended or dissolved solid.. (2) Unusual biochemical oxygen demand or an Immediate oxygen demand. (3) Unusual flow or concentration. except when acceptable under the provisions of Section IV (4), .2i.2 SECTION IV. PROVISIONS FOR INDUSTRIAL WASTES a. Approval for discharge of Industrial wastes into any public lower shall be evidenced by a permit. Any person now 10 discharging in- dustrial wastes shall file an application for a permit, within 120 days from the date of passage of this ordinance. Any person deslrini to commence discharging industrial wastes after this ordinance be- comes effective, shall obtain a permit prior to commencing the dis- charge of such wastes Into any public sewer. b. The disposal Into public sewers of Industrial wastes which can cause damage to sewage works. Impair treatment processes or by-products, cause treatment costs exceeding those of normal sewage, render the sewage treatment plant effluent unfit for stream disposal or Indus- trial use, exact an average biochemical oxygen demand greater than 240 milligrams per liter, exhibit an average suspended solids con- tent greater than 270 milligrams per liter, constitute an average dally volume of one percent or more of the average daily sewage flow of the City, or contain any of the prohibited wastes described In Section III (3) shall be subject to the review and approval of the City prior to the issuance of a disposal permit. c, Where necessary In the opinion of the City, the owner of premises from which Industrial wastes are originated, Issued, or discharged shall provide, at his own expense, such Preliminary treatment as may be necessary to reduce the biochemical oxygen demand to 240 m1111gres per liter and the suspended solids to 270 milligrams per liter, or reduce the objectionable characteristics or constituents to within the maximum limits provided for Sn Section III (3). d. Plans, speclflcations, and other pertinent information relating to proposed pre llminary treatment facilities shall be submitted for the approval of the City and no construction of such facilities shall be commenced until said approvals are obtained In writing. This provision shall not constitute a responsibility of the City for designing or warranting the performance of such systems. e. Where preliminary treatment facilities are provided for any waters or wastes, they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation, by the owner at his expense. f. Where Industrial wastes discharging to the sanitary sewers are not Properly pretreated or otherwise corrected, the City may reject the wastes or terminate the service of water and/or sanitary sewer, require control of the quantities and rate. of discharge of such wastes, or require payment of surcharges for excessive cost for treat ment provided such wastes are amenable to treatment by sewage plant facilities operated by the City, g, Where Industrial wastes will not cause damage to the collection syste or Impair the treatment processes the donor of the wastes may enter Into a contractual agreement with the City providing for acceptance of such wastes in consideration of payment of a service surcharge over and above published sewer rates. The basis for the surcharge on Industrial wastes shall be 7d/m1111gram per liter/million gallons for the suspended solids exceeding 270 milligrams par liter and for the biochemical oxygen demand exceeding 240 milligrams per liter, such rate to continue until changed by action of the governing body of the City. .,l/3 SECTION V. SAMPLING AND FLOW MEASUREMENT OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES " a. Within 120 days from the date of receipt of written notice from the City, the owner of any property or premises from which Industrial wastes are originated, issued, or discharged shall Install A sultab control manhole in the drain which delivers his wastes Into the pub 110 sewer to facilitate observation, sampling, and the measurement Of the wastes. Such a manhole shall be a prerequisite to granting a permit in the case of future connections involving Industrial wastes. Such manhole, when required, shall be accessibly and safel, located and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the City. The manhole shall be Installed by the owner at his expense, near the point where his drain is connected to the public sewer, and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and aecesslb at all times. b. All measurements, tests, and analyses of the characteristics of water and wastes shall be determined in accordance with Standard Methods and shall be determined at the control manhole provided for In Section V (5)a, or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole. o. Tests upon which service surcharges, described In Section IV (4), are based, shall be performed twice annually, with costs Incurred to the account of the City. Costs for tests performed at more frequent Intervals, or for purposes other than surcharge compu- tations, shall be paid according to an agreement between the owner Involved and the City, with said costs normally being equally divide between the two parties. d. The volume of Sndustrlalwaste flows shall be taken as a portion of the metered water consumption, with due allowance for evapo- ration, inclusion of products, etc., agreed upon by the owner involy. and the City. The metered water consumption shall be that volume recorded by the City, where p'yb11c water supply is used, together With authentic records of consumption from any private sources used, Measurement of water from private sources shall be done at the ex- pense of the owner in a manner approved by the City, a. At the discretion of the owner, Industrial waste flows may be measured directly by A suitable device, provided and maintained by the owner and approved by the City, SECTION VI. RIGHT OF ACCESS Duly authorized representatives of the City, bearing proper identi- fication and credentials, shall be permitted access to control manholes escribed in Section V (5)a for the purpose of Inspection, observation, —surement, sampling and testing in accordance with the provisions of s ordinance. 41� SECTION VII. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. a. Any person found to be violating any provision of this ordinance Shall be served by the City with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction, thereof, 'The time Interval shall take into account, among other factors, the nature and magnitude of corrective measures Indicated, and shall normally be between 30 days and one year. The offender shall, within the period of time stated In such notice, permanently cease all violations. b. Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit Provided for in Section VII (?)a shall be summarily disconnected from the sanitary sewer and/or water service, such disconnection and reoonnectlon to be at total expense to the customer. c. Any person falling to pay sewage or Industrial waste surcharge bills, when due, shall be in Violation of this ordinance, and shall be so notified in writing and be given 30 days to make payment, d, where acids or chemicals damaging to sewer lines or treatment pro- cesses are released to the sewer causing rapid deterioration of these structures or interfering with proper treatment of sewage, the City Is authorized to immediately terminate service by such measures as are necessary to protect the facilities. a. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall become liable to the City for any expense, by the City by reason of such violation. loss, or damage occasioned f. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined nor more than two hundred and no/100 ($200.00) dollars, Eacn day In which any such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue shall be deemed a separate offense. .2/S ` SECTION VIII. VALIDITY. All ordinances or parts of ordinances In conflict herewith are hereby repealed. The invalidity of any section, clause, sentence, or provision of this ordinance shall not affect the validity of any other part of this ordinance which can be given effect without such Invalid part or parts. This Ordinance shall become effective from and after thirty (30) days from the date of Its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE /-Y day of 411-T JONE Mayor ATTEST, A. C. STORY C y Secretary