HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-78-4-68ORDINANCE NO. 78
SECTION 1: Definitions.
A. "Person" shall mean any individual, firm, association,
syndicate, partnership or corporation.
B. "At Large" shall mean off the premises of the owner and
not under control of the owner or other persons authorized by the
owner to care for the animal by leash, cord, chain or otherwise.
C. "Owner" shall mean any person or persons owning, keep-
ing or harboring any animal.
D. 'Vaccination " shall mean an injection of a vaccine,
approved by the State Veterinarian.
E. "Animal Warden" shall mean the person designated by the
City Council to represent and act for the City of Allen, Texas, in
the impoundment of animals, controlling of animals running at large
and as otherwise required in this ordinance.
F. "Inhumane Treatment" shall mean any treatment to any an-
imal which deprives the animal of necessary sustenance, including
food, water and protection from weather, or any treatment of any
animal such as overloading, overworking, tormenting, beating, amt-
ilating or teasing, or other abnormal treatment as may be deter-
mined by the health officer.
G. "Health Officer" shall mean a licensed physician appoint-
ed by the City Council to have charge and control of the work of
protecting and preserving the public health.
SECTION II: The control or protection of animals in General.
It shall be unlawful for any person to:
A. Permit any animal to run at large within the corp-
orate limits of the City.
B. Carry out any inhumane treatment against any animal.
C. Interfere or molest a dog used by the Police Depart-
ment of the City of Allen in the performance or the functions or
the duties of such Department.
D. Keep or harbor any animal, which by loud frequent
or habitual barking, bowling, yelping or other noise or action,
disturbs any person or neighborhood within the corporate limits
of the City.
E. Keep or harbor any dangerous or vicious animal with-
in the corporate limits of the City.
F. Keep or harbor more than two domesticated animals of
the same species over the age of six months in any residential area
within the corporate limits of the City.
G. Keep or maintain any animal in an enclosure which is
unsanitary or is kept and maintained in such a manner so as to be-
come a nuisance to persons residing in the vicinity.
Provided however, that Section F hereof shall not be app-
licable to anyone who keeps such animals in an enclosure, which
enclosure is at least two acres in area and no part of which is
within 100 feet of the residence of another; it being the purpose
to limit this ordinance to the more populated areas of the City
and it shall not be applicable to sparsely populated areas within
the corporate limits of the City of Allen, provided however, that
no property in the City of Allen shall be used as a kennel or
boarding place for livestock or domesticated animals unless such
property is zoned for such use.
SECTION 1I1; Impounding, redemption and disposition of
animals running at large or those animals
involved in biting persons or other animals.
A. The animal warden shall notify the owner of an animal
covered by permit impounded hereunder by telephone, personal ser-
vice or certified mail not later than the day following such im-
B. Any currently vaccinated animal covered by permit as
hereby required may be reclaimed by its owner upon the payment
of a boarding fee at the going rate.
C. Any unvaccinated animal which is required by this
ordinance to be covered by permit and/or vaccinated may be re-
claimed by its owner upon payment of boarding fee at the going
rate in addition to the fees required for a dog permit and/or
a rabies vaccination, or my be sold at a cost determined by
the animal warden in addition to the fees described above.
D. The permit fee for all animals covered under this
ordinance shall be $1.00, payable to the Tax Assessor -Collector
of the City of Allen. This fee shall be due January lst of each
E. A certificate of vaccination must be presented to
the Tax Assessor -Collector of the City before a permit or regis-
tration tag will be issued.
F. All animals found running at large in the City of Allen
shall be impounded by the animal warden and reasonable efforts made
to locate the owner thereof and such animal may be redeemed by the
true owner thereof upon satisfactory proof of ownership and the
payment of all impounding and boarding fees which may be established
by the animal warden and the payment of damage, if any, caused by such
animal. If such animal is not redeemed within ten days from the day
of its impounding, the animal warden shall, after due notice, dispose
of said animal in the most humane method available.
SECTION IV: Procedure on Retention, Observation and Dis-
position of Animals which have bitten persons
or other animals, or those suspected of havins
A. The Chief of Police in the course of his duties of in-
vestigating cases in which animals have bitten persons or other
animals shall immediately notify the owner of such animal which has
bitten any person or animal to surrender the animal to the pound
keeper immediately or otherwise arrange for the pound keeper to pick
up and retain such animal in a separate kennel at the pound for a
period of not less than 21 days after biting of such person or other
animal; during which period it shall be determined by the health
officer whether or not such animal is suffering from any disease in
which case it is not, the health officer is to signify to the pound
keeper that it may be released; provided further, that the Chief of
Police my authorize keeping of any such animal on the owner's
premises provided that the owner produces a current dog permit val-
idated by the City of Allen and a certificate of rabies vaccination
performed by a veterinarian showing that such animal has been vac-
cinated for rabies not longer than 13 months previous thereto; and
provided further, that the Chief of Police may authorize any such
animal to be retained for a period not less than 21 days after bit-
ing such person or animal in quarters supervised by a veterinarian;
provided further, that the health officer may authorize the keeping
of certain animals confined on the owner's premises because of vet-
inary medical reasons, such as small rodents, monkeys or other ani-
mals difficult to maintain or susceptible to diseases which might
occur with changes of environment or female dogs with pups, pro-
vided the owner secures a written statement of such consideration
from a veterinarian if required by the health officer.
B. Any such animal suspected of having disease shall be
subject to the provisions set out in this section.
SECTION V: Procedure on Licensing and Vaccination.
A. The owners of dogs are hereby required to make app-
lication to the Tax Assessor -Collector of the City for a reg-
istration permit. Such applications are to contain information on
the Dog's description, date of immunization, and name, address
and telephone number of owner. Upon completion of the application
and payment of the permit fee of $1.00, a metal tag will be issued
to the owner to be attached to the collar of the dog.
B. The owners of all animals capable of transmitting
rabies, such as dogs, cats, skunks, raccoons and other animals
that may be designated by the Health Officer are hereby requir-
ed to have said pets vaccinated against rabies with an approved
vaccine administered by a veterinarian, who shall issue the own-
er of the animal a vaccination certificate, who shall retain
such certificate until the vaccination is renewed. At the time
of vaccination, a metal tag shall be issued by the veterinarian
showing the name of the veterinarian, the tag number, and the
year of issuance.
C. Lost or stolen permit tags may be replaced by pay-
ment of a fee of $0.50 and presention of the registration applic-
ation. If tag and registration application are both lost or
stolen, a new license must be purchased at the regular $1.00 fee.
SECTION VI. Authorization for quarantine.
The Health officer, in the event a potential out -break
of rabies is suspected in the dog, cat or other animal population
and the danger of the public safety from rabid animals is reason-
able imminent, is hereby authorized and it shall be his duty to
issue a quarantine proclamation ordering persons owning, keeping
or harboring any dog or cat, to muzzle the same or confine it as
herein provided for during such time as may be specified in the
quarantine proclamation. All dogs cats or other animals found at
large during the time specified by the Health Officer in his quar-
antine proclamation without being properly confined or muzzled and
under control of an adult person may be killed by an officer of the
City under precedures established by the Health Officer.
SECTION VII. False Statements:
Any false statement in rabies certification or applic-
ation for a dog permit shall render null and void the permit is-
sued for such dog and shall subject such dog to being impounded
in accordance with the rules and regulations set out in this or-
Any person who knowingly makes a false statement in any
application, affidavit or other document required by this Ordi-
nance or any regulation prescribed thereby shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor.
SECTION VIII. Constitutionality.
Should any section or provision of this Ordinance for
any reason be held void, unconstitutional or invalid, it shall
not effect the validity of any other section or provision hereof
which is in itself not void, unconstitutional or invalid.
SECTION IX: Penalties
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction in
the Corporation Court shall be assessed a fine not to exceed Two
Hundred Dollars ($200.00) and each and every day that the same shall
continue shall constitute a separate and distinct offense.
SECTION X: Other ordinances of the City of Allen found
to be in conflict with the provisions of the ordinances be and the
same are hereby repealed.
SECTION XI: The caption of this ordinance shall be pub-
lisbed one time in a newspaper having general circulation in the
City of Allen, Texas and shall become effective on June 1, 1968.
Duly passed and approved by the City Council of the
City of Allen, Texas on this the 4 day of April + 1968.
Gentry T. Jones
Gentry T. Jones, Mayor
A.C. Story
A.C. Story City Secretary