HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-79-3-68`l .- ORDINANCE NO. 71 NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELEOTMON TO THE DULY QUALIFIED RESIDENT ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, AND TO ALL OTHER INTERESTED PERSONS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that as election will be held in and throughout the City of Allen, Texas, on the 6th day Of April, 1968 on the queaticn of the adoption of a 1% looal sales and use tax within said City in keeping with the follow- ing ordinance adopted by the City Comail of said City as fo- llows, to -wit: X11 ORDINANCE No. $i AN ORDINANCE ORDERING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE AELD IN THE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS, ON THE QUESTION OF THE ADOPTION OF A 1% LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX WITHIN THE CITY; DESIGNATING THE DAY OF THE ELECT- ION AND THE POLLING PLACE; APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICIALS THEREFOR; PROVIDING THAT ALL DULY QUAL- , IFLED RESIDENT ELECTORS SHALL BE QUALIFIED TO VOTE; PRESCRIBING THE FORD{ OF BALLOT; PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF ELECTION; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO SAID ELECTION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND PROV- IDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS CHDINANCE. WHEREAS Article 10660, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes, (Acts 1967, 60th Legielaturo, Regular Seseioa, Chapter Page 62) authorizes the governing body of any City, town or village in Texan to call an election for the purpose of ad- opting a local sales and use tax within such city, town or village; NOd, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TRE CITY OF ALLEN, TEXAS: SECTION throughout the City of Allen.. Texastonnthe 6tbbde hold in and ay of April,, 1968, at which election there Shall be submitted to the resid- qualified voters of said City for thelb action upon the following proposition: "FOR adoption of 1% local Sales and uee tax with. in the City". "AGAINST adoption of a 1% local sales and use tax within the City." SECTION 1I4 That said election shall be held at one (1) Polling place for all qualified voter" of said City and the Polling place sad presiding officers for said election shall be, to -wits Polling Place: Presiding Offioers: CITY HALL IN THE CITY OF ALLEN. TEXAS Walter Curti" Presiding ga y.C. Hefner Alternate Presiding ,judge The presiding (I) clerk. fudge at ouch election shall appoint one SECTION III: That said election shall be held in accord- ance with the constitution and laws of the state of Texas and all duly qualified resident electors of the City of Allen shall be qualified to vote, .2.23 SECTION IV: That the ballot of said election shall son - 'form to the requirements of Section 2, Subsection G of Article 1066, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes (Acts 1967), 60th Legislature Regular Session, Chapter 36• page72) and to the requirements od Chapter 6 of the Election Code of the State of Texaa as am- ended and the language to be printed tbareon shall include the following: OFFICIAL RAT Or INSTRUCTIONS: Place an "Xa in the square beside the statw- meat indicating the way you wish to vote. Cl FOR adoption of a local 1% sales and use tax within the City. A AGAINST adoption of a 1% local sales and use tax within the City. SECTION Vt The election fudges and Clerk are directed to comply with Article 6.06, Election Code of the State of Texas as amended which provides that a square shall be placed beside each proposition in which the voter is instructed to place an "X" or other clear mark to indicate the way he wishes to vote; but which also provides that failure of a voter t0 make his ballot in strict oonformity with the directions on the ballot shall not invalidate the ballot and the ballot shall be counted if the intention of the voter is clearly aacertainable except where the law provides the counting of the ballot. It is spec- ifically provided that the election officials shall not refuse to count a ballot because the voter scratched out the proposition for which be does not widh to vote. SECTION VI. That notice of the election hereby Called and ordered shall be given: (A) by publication on the aame day of two (2) suoceaaive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published within said City, the first publication to be at least -twenty-one (21) days prior to the date act herein for such election; and (B) by posting of such notice at the polling place in each of the election precincts of the City not less than twenty (20) days prior to the date eat heroin for such election. It is hereby founded and determined that the Mcffinnev Dail Courter Gazette Is a newspaper published within i L y o -Fk nney, Texan, and is a newspaper having general circulation within the City of Allen, Texas. SECTION VII. This Ordinance to take effect immediately after Its adoption and it is ao ordered. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALLEN• TEXAS, on this the 1 day of Muaroh • 1968. -' Gentry T. Jones CORRECTLY RECORDED: GENTRY T. JONES, MAYOR A.0 Stor �. .. ST OR • O1''Wr 8 RET aa¢