HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-85-4-69MUNICIPAL MAINTENANCE ORDINANCE NO. 85 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THEE .10E OF CERTLIli ST.9i^c HIC_1i::Y,; *v GR ?ORTI0:3 On^ 5 _ .^..'.4CE III N EP CITY OF P -'T -'\_, CC7_!S'Y C: CGLLI:1, Tom. i:_pZ;= Py ::'iRL TO AS L:UN_w:._; +ISiTs:G:NCu P:C.,_.;T _17 ::.-T]'.CRI Z:11 Ti.n �SYE7 OF _ .,Y '.l G'li :.1:: _ ..•J _ TO C PRCI..2I..G C -D 1i1 A ::;:J. ANCE OR WANT AND L_Ci:= I:lG A`I H'. iGENCY Aim PROV _,IG TMAP AGE.TKIS ORDINANCE SMOLi,D HI EFFECTIVE - =4 AND AH ITS PASS- AGE. WIMREAS, tho Public oonvenionce, safety and necessity oP the City, and the people of tea City requiro tnat State !LL h_ routes within the City be adoq"—.oly maintained; and IIHER2AS, the City has req ... too that the State of Texas, enter upon cnd contribute financially to the maiutasanoe of said project; and t iryt it wthe Stat' of T°;._s has "-de i. Icnown to tho City ill, with its man Porcas and ccuipment ars. at its sole ccst and expense, enter upon and maintain said project, conditioned un - o: the provisions concerning liabilities and responsibilities for maintenance, control, supervision, and regulations which are set out in the form attached hereto, made a part hereof, and marked "idi.IICIPAL NAINiENANCE AGREEMENTH. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City of Allen: SECTIONI. That the public convenienco, s_36�7, and necessity oT the the people of the City require Bald Project be adequately SECTION 2. That t;_o State of T„xcs be and is horeby authorized to enter upoa and maintain said mainten,:::oo project. SECTION 3. That the blayor, or propos City official, 0, the City, be and is hereby authorised to execute for and on behalf of the City an agreement with the State oT Tocfo, in eon be see with end Tor the purpose of carrying out the taxaa and provisions of this order, in the form attached hereto, r..ade a part hereto, and marked "I:LNICIPAL I4AIXTENANCE AGREE.MUT.c The City Secretary is hereby dir- CitGated y thereto, to at the agraomeat and to affix the proper seal of the SECTION 4.as The kaoyor of tbo City, having rerneatad in writing that this ordineaca tatty effect fartaHita az:7 thar3 being in fact as em- ergency and imperative necss qty teat tho work herein provided for Jgreemmeent aforesaiddout ahall bo�*�ly and v'i`a ax gaedition any that the a .:u:ai ict.ly - to the and that such work hereir. Jr'Oiaad Tar,Z,o"Outad and delivered iad out promptly and with expedition, The ready be begs. and carr_ three several days is hereby dispensed with andntaePthe ordinance on full Toros and effect from and after its passage. Same $hall be is X35 STATS OF Tir2S COtz TM OF COT—LIN 3 I, A.C. Story, the duly apvo'_xtod, qualified and act- 1aS city seoretary of the City of A1lon, Texas, hereby certify that the forogola3 paSee constitute a true a -.d correot cozy of ac ordiaaaco duly passed by tho City Council at a Meeting hold on April 3, A.D.,1969, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. To certify which, witnoss aq hand and seal of Aho City of Allen TM=, this due 3 day of April, 1969 at Allen., Texas. :.C, St2a City Secretary of the City of Allen, Texas .2 Ile)