HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-93-3-70ORDINANCE NO. 11 AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFENSE OF NEGIL^ENT COILISION, `)EPINING TUE OFFENSE; PROVIDING FOR PROOF OF SUCH OFFENSE, DET2111-LUING WHAT :WALL CONSTITUTE A DEFENSE TO SUCH CHARGES= PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE, i9OVI➢ING FOR THE PURLICATION OF THE CAPTION OF TRIS ORDINANCE AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TILE CITY OF ALLEN, TEAS: 33CTIOH 1. Offense: That no person driving or operating or in chargo of any moo�elTele, animal, railroad air or any other veh- icle shall willfully or with negligence cause or suffer or permit the same to come in collision with any other vehicle of any nature what- ever, or with any animal, person, street sign, street post, water plug, mailbox or any other obstacle or object whatever, in or on any street, alley, avenue, highway or other public place whatever .n the city. Violation of this section shall he known as the offense of negligent collision. SECTION 11.Ne 11 a•:ce : That for the purposes of the foregeing ➢.fined section, neg Want. o be the driving At a greater rate of speed than allowed by law, or the violation of any traffic law nr ordinance or the failure to use that degree of care and caution `hat a person of ordinary prudence would use :odor like or similar ciroumtanoos. SECTION III. Proof, Defense: That proof of a collision shall Prim facie evlaenoe O? -T98 0 fenae of negligent collision and i,voot of no intent to injure shall be no defense to a charge of negligent collision. SECTION IV. Penalty for Violation: That any person, firm or corporation which v o a ea any prov a on hereof .hall be deemed �milty of a misdemmanor and upon oonviotlon therefor shall be fined any sum not to exceed $200.00. .-CTION V. The caption of this Ordinance shall be published rno time in a newspaper having general circulation in the City of Allen, Texna, and shall be effective Smmediatoly upon Its adoption and such publication. Duly passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Allen, Texas, on this the L day of March, 1970. Frank TD Frank Dugger, Mayor CORRECTLY RECORDED: Stor 'y s?trnisay PETITION FOR ABANDONING All ALLEY STATE OF TUAJ KNO. ALL :44 BY MB Q, YnBu:'.PLs: COUIlly OF COLLIN j TO Ta- CITY CUUNCIL OF TNc CITY OF ALLL:T, AS COMES NO:' J.h. Tucker and respectfully petitions -bin Counoil to abandon and alone the alley situated in Block 4 of the Old Donation to the City of alleq and toing the alley bounded on the North by Lots 1$ And 16 in said Block and on the �outh by Lope 11,12,13 and 14 and in support of said petition would respectfully 9117, t the Council that said Alley is not used by any public utilSty and is not generally travelled by the genoral ,Ublio and that this Petitioner owns all of the property abuttinr on each aide of maid alley. :17=:PEFORu, PRMX.ISeZ COwIDERED this Petitioner prays that after duo he+r_ne And deiiberatlen, said alley be closed and abandoned by the City of Allen. I Rosceotfully Submitted, J.c, 'fuokar J.E. TUCEER