HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960 Zoning OrdinanceL ALI , TEXAS 1960 ZONING ORDINANCi?e1­-' AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ZONING DISTRICTS, REGULATING THE HEIGHT AND SIZE OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES AND PER- CENTAGE OF LOT THAT MAY BE OCCUPIED AND FOR WHAT PURPOSES, THE SIZE OF YARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, THL DENSITY OF POP- ULATION, THE LW ATION AND USES OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURESAND LAND, FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY, COMMERCE, RESIDENCE OR OTHER PUR- POSE, AND THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION, RECONSTRUCTION, ALTER- ATION, REPAIR OR USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES OR LAND, WITHIN SUCH DISTRICTS: ADOPTING A ZONING MAP SHOWING THE ACTUAL LOC- ATION FOROF S ACH DISTRICTS: CERTIFICA% OFOVIDING FOR A METHOD OF OCCUPANCYAND COMPLIANCES, FORC- ORE INTERPRETATION OF THE ORDINANCE: DEFINING CERTAIN WORDS: PRO- VIDING FOR A BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, FOR PENALTIES, FOR AMEND- MENT AND CHANGES, AND A SAVINGS CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EMERGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED By THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF ALLEN, TEXAS: SECTION I- INTERPRETATION AND PURPOSES. The zoning reg- ulations and districts as herein established, have been made in accordance with a comprehensive plan, for the purpose of promoting health, safety, morals, and the general welfare of the Town of Allen. They have been designed to lessen con- gestion in the streets, to secure safety from fire, panic and other danger, to provide adequate light and air; to prevent the Overcrowding of land; to avoid undue concentration of population, to facilitate the adequate provisions of trans- portation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and other public requirements. They have been made with reasonable consider- ation, among other things, for the character of the district and for its perculiar situability for particular uses, and with a view to conserving the value of the buildings and encouraging the most appropriate use of the land throughout the Town of Allen. Section 2. ZONING DISTRICTS AND MAP. Zoning regulations and districts, as herein set forth, are approved and established, The Town of Allen is hereby divided into classes of Use Dis- tricts Zoning Mapwhichiseadopted follows. and All is declared non to be a part of this Ordinance, and shall be considered as much a part of the same as if the matters of information set forth thereby were all fully contained and described herein. Said map shall, on its face, be identified and verified in the manner following; It shall bear the title "ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF ALLEN, TEXAS0 it shall bear even date with the passing of this Ordinance; it shall bear the names of the City Council; and it shall be attested by the of sig::a`.u.rss the Mayor and City Clerk.. The original of said m„o sha;J be 1. kept in a proper office in the Municipal Building; and a to replica thereof shall be produced upon paper in such reduced scale as will permit of such replica copy being pasted upon and attached to a page of the Ordinance records immediately following transcription therein of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. USE DISTRICTS: "A" DWELLING DISTRICT -Buildings or land, in any portion of the City, may be used for any of the uses listed under this classification; but in an "A' District no building or land shall be used, and no building or structure shall be here- after erected or structurally altered which is arranged or designed to be used for other than one or more of the follow- ing uses: (1) One -family dwellings. (2) Public school, park, or playground. (3) Accessory buildings: Including a private garage and servantts quarters, when located not less than eighty (80) feet from the fronq line, nor less than five (5) feet from any other street line, nor less than three (3) feet from either side line. (4) Incidental uses: uses customarily incident to any of the above uses, when situated in the same dwell- ing and not involving the conduct of a buisness, including customary home occupations when engaged in by the occupants of the dwellings; such as dress- maker, the office of a physician, surgeon, dentist, musician or artist, when used as his or her private dwelling, Said incidental use, however, shall never be permitted as a principal use, but only as a secondary use when indispensably necessary to the enjoyment of the premises for any of the uses per- mitted by this section and actually made of the premises but not otherwise. (5) Signs: no window displays, no name plate exceeding two (2) square feet in area, no temporary bulletin board or sign board exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area appertaining to the lease, hire, or sale or construction of a building or premises, nor advertising sign of any other character shall be permitted in any "A" District. (6) Farm, truck garden, orchard, or nursery; for the growing of plants, shrubs, or trees, provided no retail or wholesale business sales office, packing or storage sheds or buildings are maintained on the premises. (7) Railway rights-of-way and tracks; but not including railroad yards, side-tracks or loading facilities. (8) Golf course, but not including m'_.niat,;re, driving range, or any other form of commerniai amusements. 2. (q) Temporary buildings; when they are to be used only for construction purposes or field office for the sale of the real estate of the immediate addition. Such temporary construction building must be removed immediately upon completion or abandonment of con- struction and the field office must be removed immediately upon request of the city inspector. "B" DWELLING DISTRICT.- Buildings or land, in any portion of the city except in an "A" District, may be used for any of the following uses; but in a "B" District no building or land shall be used, and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered which is arranged or designed to be used for other than one or more of the following uses; (1) my use permitted in an "A" District. (2) Fire station. (3) Church. C (4) Kindergarten, play -school or day nursery; when not more than ten pupils. (5) Parking automobile areas; as accessory use only. (6) Telephone exchange (no business office). (7) Two-family dwelling. (8) Water supply reservoirs and towers, gas and electric public utility regulator stations, but the size, height, and location of said stations to be fixed by the City Council. "C", "D", do "E" DWELLXNG DISTRICTS- Buildings or land, in any portion of the city except "A" or "B" Districts, may be used for any of the following uses; but in a "C", "D" or "E" District no building or land shall be used, and no building or structure shall be hereafter erected or structurally altered which is arranged or designed to be used for other than one or more of the following uses: (1) Any uses permitted in any of foregoing districts. (2) Boarding and lodging houses. (3) hospitals and clinics, excepting tubercular and veterinary hospitals and clinics, and those for alcoholic, narcotic, insane and feeble-minded patients. (4) Hotels in which businesses may be conducted for the sole convenience of the occupants of the build- ing; provided, however, there shall be no entrance to such place of business except from the inside of the building. (5) Institutions of a philanthropic nature other than penal or correctional institutions. (6) Libraries and museums. (7) Multiple dwellings, apartments houses and group houses (not including tourist or trailer camps, courts or lodges). (8) Private clubs, fraternities, sororities, lodges, excepting those whose chief activities are services customarily carried on as a business. 3. "F" LOCAL RETAIL DISTRICT - (1) Any use permitted in any of foregoing dwelling districts. (2) Automobile parking lots (not storage). (3) Bank, office, studio. M(Q)Restaurant or cafe. Retail pressing, dyeing, and cleaning shops. (6) Retail store, barber shop, beauty parlor,and other shops for custom work or the making of articles to be sold at retail on the premises; provided, that no "second hand goods" store or pard will be permitted in the "F" District or 'O" District. "O" LOCAL BUSINESS DISTRICT (1) Any use permitted in any of the foregoing districts: (2) Auto sales (where the mayor business is the dis;)lay and sale of new automobiles by an authorized dealor and repair work and storage facilities shall be purely incidental, provided further that the ar^a allowed for the repairs and storage of cars shall not be nearer than twenty (20) feet from the front line of the building). (3) Bakery, laundry, candy manufacturing (when employ- ing less than six (6) persons on the premises). (ly) Hotels. ($) Mortuary, greenhouse, or nursery office, (6) Public storage garage (only minor repairs). (7) Retail ice delivery station, gasoline filling station. (8) Theatre, moving picture show. J(9) Tourist or trailer camp, court or lodges. (10) Wholesale office and sample room. • (11) Job printing. (12) Iny use not included in any other class, provided such use is not noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, dust, gas fumes, noise or vibration; provided further that no kind of manu- facture or treatment shall be permitted in the "0" District other than the manufacture or treatment of products clearly incidental to the conduct of a retail. bu,lin..oss conducted on the premises. "H" BUSINESS DISTRICT' (1) Any use permitted in any of the foregoing districts. (2) Bakery (3) Bottling works. ()}) Candy manufacturing. (5) Newspaper printing, art printing. (6) Electro plating, electric works, including armature winding, galvanizing. ,a (7) Laundry, dyeing and cleaning works. 4. r (8) Second hand goods store (when housed entirely in building). (9) (9) Pecan shelling. (10) Public garage, including repairing. (11) Second hand automobile yards (not including wreck- ing). (12) Storage warehouses. (13) Wholesale houses. X14) Any use not included in any other class provided such use is not noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas fumes, noise or vibration; provided further, that no kind of manufacture or treatment not listed above shall be permitted in an "H" District other than the manufacture or treatment of products clearly inci- dental to the conduct of a business conducted on the premises. "S" AND "K" INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS G (1) Any use permitted in any of the foregoing districts. (2) Blacksmith or horseshoeing shops. (3) lee cream manufacture, ice manufacture, cold storage plants, electric power plant, and creamery and dairy products manufacture and processing, wholcsalo milk distribution. (4) Cotton Storage yard. (5) Broom manufacture. (6) Building materials storage yards, lumber yards. (7) Carpet cleaning. (8) Chicken hatchery. (9) Central Mixing plant for cement, mortar, plaster and paving materials. (10) Commercial amusement parks, swimming pools, skat- ing rinks, dance halls, driving ranges, archery ranges, miniature golf courses. (11) Emery cloth and sand paper manufacture. (12) Flour mill. (13) Iron, steel or copper fabrication plant. (14) Livery freight depot or garages. (15) Machine shop. (16) Mattress manufacture. (17) Paper box manufacture. (18) Penal or correctional institutions. Institutions for the care of tubercular, insane, feeble-minded, alcoholic or narcotic patients. (19) Bill board or advertising signs pertaining to busi- ness on site; size restricted by sign ordinance. (20) Planing mill and wooden box manufacture. (21) Refrigerator manufacture. (22) Contractor's plant and storage. (23) Stone monumental works. (24) Veterinary hospital. (25) Yeast plant. 5. (26) Manufacture of any kind not listed under Section "L" First Manufacturing District or Section "M" Second Manufacturing District, provided that such use is not noxious or offensive by reason of the emission of dust, smoke gas or noise or vibration, "L" FIRST MANUFACTURING DISTRICT (1) Any use permitted in any of the foregoing districts, (2) Alcohol manufacture. (3) Automobile wrecking. (4) Bag cleaning. (5) Blast furnace. (6) Boiler works. 7) Brick, tile, pottery or terra cotta manufacture, (6) Canning or preserving manufacture, egg breaking, (9) Celluloid and similar cellulose material mesnz- facture. (10) Cotton compress, cotton ginning, cotton bailing, cotton warehouses and cotton seed manufacture, (11) Coal hoist, coal pocket or coal tar trestle. (12) Disinfectant and insecticide. (13) Dye stuff manufacture. (14) Fishsmoking and curing. (15) Feed mill. (16) Forage plant. (17) Grain elevators. (18) Iron, steel, brass or copper foundry. (19) Oil cloth or linoleum manufacture. (20) Oil or rubber goods manufacture. (21) Petroleum products, wholesale storage of. (22) Pickle manufacture. (23) Potash works. (24) Poultry killing, cleaning and dressing, storage of live poultry. (25) Pyroxlin manufacture. (26) Railroad roundhouse or shops. (27) Rock crusher. (28) Rolling mills. (29) Rubber or gutta-percha manufacture or treatment. (30) Shoe polish manufacture. (31) Stone mill or quarry. (32) Storage or bailing of rags, iron, junk or paper. (33) Stove polish manufacture. (34) Tile roofing or water proof manufacture. (35) Textile manufacture. (36) Wool pulling or scouring. (37) Livestock auction sales with barns and temporary concentration shipping, loading and unloading facilities. (38) Manufacture or industrial operations of any kind not heretofore listed; but exclusive of any kind of use listed as follows: 6. Ilk" SECOND MANUFACTURING DISTRICT (1) Any use not prohibited by City Ordinance. (2) Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as repealing any existing ordinance of the City reg- ulating nuisances, or to permit uses which are not prohibited by ordinances. NEWLY ANNEXED TER�IITORY- All territory annexed to the Town of Allen, Texas hereafter shall be classified as "A", single- family dwelling district, until permanently zoned by the Gov- erning Body of the Town of Allen. The City Planning and Zon- ing Commission shall, as soon as practicable, after annexation of any territory to the Town of Allen, institute proceedi.rg on its own motion to give the newly annexed territory a per- manent zoning and the procedure to be followed shall be the same as is provided by law for the adoption of original zoning regulations. SECTION 4. REGULATIONS FOR BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES (1) -The height of buildings in the "Al" "B", "C", "E" and "F" Districts shall not exceed 35 feet or 21 stories, and the height of buildings in the "G" District shall not exceed 45 feet or 3 stories. (2) One -family dwellings in the 35 feet height dis- tricts may be increased in height by not more than ten (10) feet when two side yards of not less than 25 feet each are provided. Such dwellings, how- ever, shall not exceed three (3) stories in height.. (3) In the 35 and 45 foot height districts public or semi-public buildings, hotels, apartments, hospitals,. sanitariums or schools may be erected to a height not exceeding 75 feet when the front, side and rear yards are each increased an additional foot for each foot such buildings exceed 35 feet and 45 feet, respectively, in height. (4) The height of buildings in the "D"District shall not exceed 75 feet, or six (6) stories, but above the height permitted at said yard line, four (4) feet may be added to the height of the building for each one (1) foot the building or portion thereof is set back from the required yard lines; provided, however, that the cubical content of such building shall not exceed the cubical content of a prism having a base equal to the area of the lot and a height of 100 feet. (5) The height of buildings in the "H" District shall not exceed 100 feet and the height of buildings in the "J", K ,"Ll'and M Districts shall not exceed 100 feet, but above the height permitted at the rear lines four (4) feet may be added to the height of the building for each one (1) foot that the building or portion thereof is set back 7. from the required yard lines; provided, however, that the cubical content of such building shall not exceed the cubical content of a prism having a base equal to the area of the lot and a height of 125 feet. (6) In the "H" District a tower may be constructed without reference to the above limitations, pro- vided the largest horizontal dimensions of any side of the tower shall not exceed 60 feet and provided the horizontal area shall not exceed 25 per cent of the area of the lot, and provided such tower shall be removed at least 25 feet from all lot lines and at least 50 feet from any other tower. (7) Chimneys, water towers, pent houses, scorery lofts, sugar refineries, monuments, cupolas, spires.. domes, standpipes, false mansards, parapet walls, similar structures and necessary mechanica.; appur- tenances may be erected as to their height in accordance with existing or hereafter adopted crdi.. nances of the City. (8) On through lots 150 feet or less in depth, the height of a building may be measured from the curb level on either street, On through lots more than 150 feet in depth, the height regulation and basis of height measurement for the street permitting the greater height shall apply to a depth of not more than 150 feet from that street. SECTION 5. FRONT YARDS. (1) In the "A"Districts there shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 25 feet from the property line to the front line of the buildings, covered porch, covered terrace or attached accessory buildin� (2� In the 'D", "C", "D" and "F" Districts there shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 20 feet from the property line to the front line of the building, covered porch, covered terrace or attached accessory building. (3) In the "E", "G" and "J" Districts there shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than 10 feet from the property line to the front line of the building, covered porch, covered terrace or attached accessory building. (4) In the "H", "K", "L" and "M" Districts no front yard is required unless building is erected or structurally altered for dwelling purposes, in wh1ch event, a front yard of not less than 10 feet in depth is required. (5) Where the frdntage on one side of a street between two intersecting streets is zoned for two classes of districts, the sot -back on the most restricted district shall apply to the entire block. (6) If thirty per cent or more of the frontage on one side of a street, between two intersecting streets is improved with buildings that have observed an average front yard line{ with a variation in depth of not more than six (6f feet, then the average front yard so established shall be observed; but this regulation shall not be interpreted to require a front yard of more tham fifty (50) feet. SECTION 6. REAR YARDS. (1) In all districts where buildings are erected or structurally altered for dwelling purposes there shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than 20 per cent of the depth of the lot, provided such rear yards need not exceed 25 feet. (2) In the "F" and "G" Districts there shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than 20per cent of the depth of the lot, provided such rear yard need not exceed 25 feet. (3) In the "B; "J","K", "L" and "N" Districts, when property is not used for dwelling pruposes, and when not abutting on the rear of a Dwelling District, no rear yard is required. If abutting on the rear of a Dwelling District, "A", "B", "C", "D" or "E" then a rear yard of at least tan (10) feet is required. (4) In computing the required depth of a rear yard for any building where such yard abuts and alley, the depth of the lot may be considered to the center of the alley and the required depth of a rear yard measured from the center of said alley. (5) Any accessory building not exceeding one story in height may occupy not more than 60 per cent of a minimum required rear yard area. (6) An accessory building exceeding one story in height may occupy not more than 40 per cent of a minimum required rear yard area. SECTION 7. SIDE YARDS. (1) In Districts "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" and in all other districts where a building is erected or structurally altered for dwelling purposes, there shall be two side yards, one on each side of the building, having a combined width of not less than 20 per cent of the width of the lot, provided that in no case shall either side yard be less than five feet, and provided further that the combined widths of the two side yards need not exceed twelve (12) feet. (2) In the "D" District and in other districts where a building is erected or structurally altered for dwelling purposes for building more than three stories in height, but not exceeding six (6) stories in height, each of the two side yards shall be increased three (3) feet in width for each additional story above the third. For buildings 9. more than eight stories, or 100 feet in height, there shall be an additional set -back as provided in the height rewulations above. (j In the npn '10 $n, "Jn "Kn "0 and "PPS Dist- ricts if the property is not used for dwelling purposes no side yards are required, unless a lot abuts upon the side of a lot zoned for dwelling purposes; where a lot abuts upon the side of a lot zoned for dwelling purposes, there shall be a aide yard of not less than five (5) feet: In other cases a side yard, if provided for a busi- ness or industrial building, shall be not less than four (4) feet. (4) For the purpose of side yard regulations,, tw._ more detached one or two-family dwollinga�s!_ _1 be considered as one building when oocuping ono '.ot, provided, however, there shall be a mirE:.ua of ten (10) feet between the sides of the building on the same lot. (5) In the case of group houses or court apartment, when buildings rear upon the side yard, the width of the side yard shall be increased by one foot for each building or apartment abutting thereon. If any stairways open on to or are served by such side yard, the minimum width of such side yard shall be ten (10) feet. (6)The width of a place or court shall not be leas When forty (40) feet measured between buildings or from buildings to the opposite property line, provided that open or unenclosed porches may pro- ject into the required place or court not more than 20 per cent of the width of such a place or court. (7) All other requirements including front, aide and rear yards shall be complied with in accordance with the district in which such group houses or court apartments are located.` _ (8) Every part of a required yard or court shall be open from its lowest point to the sky unobstructed except for the ordinary projections of sills, belt courses, cornices, etc., provided, however, the above projections shall not extend into a court more than twenty-four (24) inches nor into a mini- mum side yard more than twenty-four (24) inches. (9) The side and front yard requirements for dwellings shall be waived where dwellings are erected above stores or shops. (10) on corner lots the aide yard regulations shall be the same as for interior except in the case of side street or reversed frontage (where) the cor- ner lot faces an intersecting street) in which case there shall also be a aide yard on the street side eoual to the front yard nn the lnte in tha Haan_ as to reduce the buildable width of a corner lot facing an intersecting street, and of record at the time of passage of this ordiaance to less than twenty-eight (28) feet, nor the prohibit the erection of an accessory building where the reg- ulation cannot reasonable be complied with. SECTION 8. LOT AREA. (1) In the "A" District the minimum area of the lot shall be 6,000 square feet, including any alley influence. (2) In the "B" District the minimum area of the lot shall be 5,000 square feet for one -family dwelling and 6,000 square feet for two-family dwelling. (3) In the "E", "J", "R", "L" and "M" Districts the minimum area of the lot shall be 4,000 square feet for a one -family dwelling; 5,000 square feet for a two-family dwelling; and for apartment houses or buildings arranged or designed for more than two families the minimum area shall be 5,000 square feet for each family in excess of two. (4) In the "C", "D", "F', "G" and "R" Districts the minimum area of the lot shall be 5,000 square feet for a one -family dwelling; 6,000 square feet for a two-family dwelling; and for apartment houses or building arranged or designed for more than two families the minimum lot area shall be 6,000 square feet for each family in excess of two. (5) On any lot held under separate district ownership from adjoining lots at the same time of the pass- age of this ordinance, such separately owner prop erty being of record at the time, a single-family dwelling may be erected even though the lot be of less area than required by the regulations relating to area in the district in which it is located; provided, however, that in any event the combined area of the dwelling and accessory building shall not cover more than forty (40) per cent of the total area of the lot. (6) No lot area shall be so reduced or diminished that the yards or other open spaces shall be smaller than prescribed by this ordinance, nor shall the density of population be increased in any manner except in conformity with the area regulations herein established. Side yard areas used to comply with minimum requirements of this ordinance for a building shall not be included as a part of the required areas of any other building. SECTION 9. SPECIAL AREA REGULATIONS. (1) On any lot on which a front yard is required by this ordinance no wall, fence or other structure shall be erected and no hedge, tree, shrub or other growth or structure of any kind shall be maintained 11. In such location within such required front yard so as to obstruct view. (2) Any fence, wall, hedge, shrubbery, etc. higher than a base line extending from a point 2'J feet above walk grade to a point 41 feet above walk grade at the depth of front yard required is hereby declared to be an obstruction to view, except single trees, having single trunks which are pruned to a height of seven feet above walk grade. SECTION 10, NON -CONFORMING USES. (1) Any use of property existing at the time of the passage of this ordinance that does not conform to the regulations prescribed in the preceding sec- tions of this ordinance shall be deemed a non- conforming use; except that any duplex or apart- ment use existing at the time of the passage of this ordinance shall be thereafter deemed a con- forming use. Any lawful use existing within a building at the time of the passage of this ordi- nance, in any business, industrial or manufactur- ing district, shall be deemed a conforming use upon the lot devoted to such use at the time of the passage of this ordinance. (2) The lawful use of land existing at the time of the passage of this ordinance, although such does not convorm to the provision hereof, may be continued, but if such non -conforming use is discontinued, any future use of said premises shall be in conformity with the provisions of this ordinance. If a building occupied by a non -conforming use is destroyed by fire or the elements it may not be reconstructed or rebuilt except to conform with the provisions of this ordinance. (3) The lawful use of the building at the time of the passage of this ordinance may be continued, al- though such does not conform to the provisions hereof, and such use may be extended throughout the building provided no structural alteration, except those required by law or ordinance, are made therein. If no structural alterations are made, a non -conforming use of the building may be changed to another non -conforming use of the same or more restricted classification; provided, how- ever, that in the event a non -conforming use of a building is once changed to a non -conforming use of a higher or more restricted classification, it shall not later revert to the former lower or less restricted classification. (4) The right of non -conforming use to continue shall be subject to such regulations as to maintenance 12. of the premises and conditions of operation as may I. in the judgment of the Board of Adjustment to reasonably required for the protection of adjacent, property. (5) Nothing in this ordinance shall be taken to prevent restoration of a buildingdestroyed to the extent of not more than sixty (0%) per cent of its rea- sonable value by fire, explosion or other casualty, or act of God, or a public enemy, nor the continued occupancy or use of such building, or part thereof, which existed at the time of such partial destruc- tion. SECTION 11. ZONING MAP DESIGNATIONS (1) When definite distances in feet are not shown on the zoning map the district boundaries on the zoning map are intended to be along existing street, alley • or property lines or extensions of er from the same, When the location of a district boundary line is rot otherwise determined, it shall be determined by the scale of the map measured from a given line. (2) Where the street layout actually one the ground varies from the street layout as shown on the zon- ing map, the Board of Adjustment may apply the designation shown on the mapped streets in such a way as to carry out the intent and purpose of the plan for the particular area in question. SECTION 12. COMPLETION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS— Nothing here- in contained shall require any change in the plans, construc- tion or designated use of a building actually under con- struction at the time of the passage of this ordinance and which entire building shall be complete within one (1) year from the date of the passage of this ordinance. Nothing here- in contained shall require any change in plan, construction or designated use of a building for which a building permit has been heretofore issued and which entire building shall be compete within six (b) months from the date of the passage of this ordinance. If any amendment to this ordinorce is hereafter adopted changing the boundaries of districts, the provisions of this ordinance with regard to buildlyT.. or premises existing or buildings under construction or build- ing permits issued at the time of the passage of this ordi- nance, shall apply to buildings or premises existing or building under construction or building permits issued in the area affected by such amendment at the time of the pass- age of such amendment. SECTION 13. CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AND COMPLIANC$ (1) No building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall be used, occupied or changed in use • until a certificate of occupancy and compliance shall have been issued by the city inspector stating that the building or proposed use of a 13. building or premises complies with the building laws and the provisions of these regulations. (2) Certificates of occupancy and compliance shall be applied for coincident with the application for building permit and shall be issued within ten (10) days after the erection or structural alterations of such building shall have been completed in conformity with the provisions of these regulations. A record of all certificates shall be kept on file in the office of the city inspector and copies shall be furnished on request to any person having a propriety or tenancy int- erest in the building affected. (S) No permit for excavation for any building shall be issued before application has been made for a certificate of occupancy and compliance. SECTION 14, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT (a) There is hereby created a Board of Adjustment consisting of five (5) members, each to be ap- pointed by the City Council for a term of two years and removable for cause by the appointing authority, upon written charges and after public hearing. Vacancies shall be filled by the ap- pointment by the original appointing authority of a suitable person to serve out the unexpired term of any member whose place on the Board has become vacant for any cause. Provided, however, that the City Council may, by ordinance, provide for the appointment of two (2) alternate members of the Board of Adjustment who shall serve in the absence of one or more regular members when re- quested to do so by the Mayor, so that all cases to be heard by the Board of Adjustment will al- ways be heard by a minimum number of five (5) members. These alternate members, when appointed, shall serve for the same period as the regular members and any vacancies shall be filled in the same manner and shall be subject to removal as the regular members. The Board is hereby vested with power and authority, in appropriate cases and subject to appropriate conditlfns and safe- guards to make such exemptions to the terms of this ordinance in harmony with its general pur- pose and interest and in accordance with general or special rules therein contained for the purpose of rendering full justice and equity to the gen- eral public. The Board may adopt rules to govern its proceedings provided, however, that such rules are not inconsistent with this ordinance. Meet- ings of the Board shall be held at the call of • the chairman and at such other times as the Board may determine. The chairman, or in his absence, 14. the acting chairman, may administer oath and compel the attendance of witnesses. All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public, The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of cash member upon each question, or, if absent, or failing to vote, indicate such fact, and shall keep records of its examinations and other offi- cial actions, all of which shall be filed immed- iately in the office of the Board and shall be a public record. (b) Appeals to the Board of Adjustment can be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer or depart- ment of the municipality affected by any decision of the administrative officer. Such appeal shall be taken within fifteen (15) days time after the decision has been rendered by the administrative officer, by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the Board of Adjustment, a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The officer from whom the appeal is taken shall forthwith transmit to the Board all the papers constituting the record upon which the action ap- pealed from was taken. An appeal shall stay all proceedings of the action appealed from, unless the officer from whom the appeal is taken certifies to the Board of Adjustment, after the notice of appeal shall have been filed with him that by reason of facts stated in the certificate, a stay would, in his opinion, cause imminent peril to life or property. In such case, proceedings shall not be stayed, otherwise, than by a restraining order which may be granted by the Board of Adjustment or by a court of record on Application on notice to the officer from whom the appeal is taken and on due cause shown. The Board of Adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of an appeal, give the public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the parties in interest and decide the same within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing any party may appear in person or by attorney or by agent. (c) The Board of Adjustment shall have the following powers: (1) To hear the decide appeals where it is alleged there is an error in any order, requirement, de- cision, or determination made by a administrative official in the enforcement of this ordinance. (2) To hear and decide special exceptions to the terms of the ordinance upon which the Board is required to pass under this ordinance. (3) To authorize upon appeal in special cases, such variances from the terms of the ordinance as well not be contrary to the public interest, where, 15. owing to special conditions, the literal enforce- ment of the provisions of the ordinance will re- sult in unnecessary hardship, and so that the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed and sub- stantial justice done. (d) In exercising its powers the Board may, in con- formity with the provisions of Articles 1011-A and including 1011-J of the 192$ Civil Statutes of Texas, revise or reform, wholly or partly, or may modify the order, requirement, decision, or deter- mination appealed from and make such order, re- quirement, decision or determination as ought to be made and shall have all the powers of the officer from whom the appeal is taken. (e) The concurring vote of four (4) members of the Board shall be necessary to revise any order, requirement, decision or determination of any such administrative official, or to decide in favor of the applica- tion on any matter upon which it is required to pass under this ordinance or to affect any variance in said ordinance. (f) Any person or persons, jointly or severally, ag- grieved by any decision of the Board of Adjust- ment, any taxpayer, any officer, or department of the Municipality may present to a court of record a petition, duly verified, setting forth that such decision is illegal, in whole or in part, specify- ing the grounds of the illegality. Such petition shall be presented to the court within ten (10) days after the filing of the decision in the Office of the Board and not thereafter. SECTION 15. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION: Any person or corpora- tion who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordi- nance or fail to comply therewith or with any of the require- ments thereof, or who shall build or alter any buildings in violation of any detailed statement or plan submitted and approved hereunder, shall be guilty of a,misdemeanor, and shall be subject to fine of not more than two hundred ($200) dollars, and each day such violations shall be permitted to continue shall constitute a separate offense. The owner or owners of any building or premises or part thereof, where anything in violation of this ordinance shall be placed, or shall exist, any architect, builder, contractor, agent, per- son or corporation, employed in connection therewith and who may have assisted in the commission of any such violation, Shall be guilty of a separate offense and upon conviction thereof shall be fined as provided above. SECTION 36. DEFINITIONS: The following shall apply in the interpretation and enforcement of this ordinance, to -wit? (1) Words used in the present tense include the future; words in the singular number include the plural 16, number includ6 the singular number; the word "build- ing" includes the word "structure"; the word "lot" includes the word "plot"; the word "shall" is manda- tory and not discretionary. (2) ACCESSORY BUILDING: A subordinate use or building customarily incident to and located on the lot occupied by the main use or building. (3) ALLEY: A way which extends only secondary means of access to abutting property. (4) APARTMENT: A room or suite of rooms in an apart- ment house or tenement arranged, designed or oc- cupied as the residence of a single family, indi- vidual, or group of individuals. (5) APARTMENT HOUSE: A building or portion thereof arranged, designed or occupied by three (3) or more families lifing independently of each other. (6) BOARDING HOUSE: A building other than a hotel where lodging and meals for five (5) or more persons are served for compensation. (7) COURTS, TOURIST:A building or group of buildings designed, arranged or used for temporary occupancy having accommodations for housing or parking auto- mobiles in close proximity to the quarters occupied by the owner of such automobile and providing for three (3) or more of such quarters. (8) COURTS, TRAILER: An area designed and used for the temporary occupation by automobile trailer or tont quarters and providing for one (1) or more of such quarters. (9) CUSTOMARY HOME OCCUPATIONS: Occupations ordinarily carried on in a home that are not deterimental or injurious to adjoining property. These may include serving meals or renting rooms to not more than five (5) persons not members of the household, dressmaking, millinery, washing and ironing. Customary home occupations shall not include bar- ber shops, flower shops, carpenter shops, electri- cians shops, plumbers shops, radio shops, tinners shops, transfer or moving van offices, auto repair- ing or sign painting. (10) DEPTH OF REAR YARD: The mean horizontal distance between the rear line of a building other than an accessory building and the center line of the alley whore an alley exists, otherwise the rear lot line. (11) DEPTH OF LOT: The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines. (12) DISTRICT: A section of the city for which the re- gulations governing the area, height and use of buildings are uniform. (13) DWELLING, MULTIPLE: A building used or designed as a residence for three (3) or more families or households living independently of each other. 17. (14) DWELLING, GROUP HOUSES: Detached or semi-detached dwellings built on one (1) lot, usually in oppos- ing rows separated by a wallway or court. (15) DWELLING, ONE -FAMILY: A detached building having accommodations for and occupied by only one family. (16) DWELLING, IWO-FAMILY: A detached building for separate accommodations for and occupied as, or to be occupied as, a dwelling for only two families. (17) FAMILY: A family is any number of individuals living together as a single housekeeping unit; as distinguished from a group occupying a board- ing house, a lodging house, or both, or hotel as herein defined. (18) FRONT YARD: An open, unoccupied space on the same lot with a building, between the building and the street extending across the front of the lot. (19) GROSS FLOOR AREA: The gross floor area of an apart- ment house shall be measured by taking outside dimensions of the apartment building at each floor excluding, however, the floor area of basements or attics when not occupied as living quarters. (20) GARAGE, PRIVATE: A garage with capacity for net more than five (5) motor driven vehicles for stor- age only and for private use. (21) GARAGE, PUBLIC: Any premises not a private garage, as defined above, used for housing 6f more than three (3) motor driven vehicles or where any such vehicles are repaired for operation, or kept for renumeration, hire or sale. (22) GARAGE, STORAGE: Any premises, except those de- fined as a private or public garage, used exclus- ively for the storage of automobiles. (23) HEIGHT. The height of a building or portion of a building shall be measured frem the average es- tablished grade at the street lot line or from the average natural ground level, if higher; or if no street grade has been established to the high- est point of the rooffs surface if a flat surface; to the deck line of mansard roofs; and to the mean height level between eaves and ridge for hip or gable roofs. In measuring the height of a build- ing the following structure shall be excluded; chimneys, cooling towers, radio tower, ornamental cupolas, domes, or spires, elevator bulk heads, pent houses, tanks, water towers, and parapet walls not exceeding four (4) feet in height. - (24) HOTEL: A building occupied as the more or less temporary abiding place of individuals who are lodged with or withour meals, in which as a rule the rooms are occupied for hire, in which pro- visions are not made for cooking in any individual apartment, and in which there are more than twelve 08. (12) sleeping rooms, a public dining room for the accommodations of more than twelve (12) guests, and a general kitchhn. (25) INSTITUTION: A building occupied by a non-profit corporation or non-profit establishment for public use. (26) LODGING ROUSE: A building other than a hotel where lodging for five (5) or more persons is provided for compensation. (27) LOT: Land occupied or to be occupied by a building and its accessory buildings, and including such open spaces as are required under this ordinance, and having its principal frontage upon a public street or officially approved place. (a) Interior - is a lot other than s corner lot. (b) Through - a lot having frontage on two (2) parallel or approximately paralle streets. (e) Fractional - a portion of a lot that has been cut off of a corner lot, having the side line of an adjacent lot as its rear line and the rear line of the remainder of the earner lot as a side line. (d) Front line - the line of an interior lot which is adjacent to the street. On corner lots it is the prolongation of the front lot line of adjacent interior lots as originally platted. (28) LOT LINES: The lines bounding a lot as defined herein (29) LOT, CORNER:A lot situated at the junction of two or more streets and having a width not greater than 100 feet. (30) NON -CONFORMING USES: A building or premises oc- cupied by a use that does not conform to the regu- lations of the use in the district in which it is situated. (31) OPEN SPACE: Area included in any side, rear or front yard or any unoccupied space on a lot that is open and unobstructed to the sky except for the ordinary projection of cornices, eaves or porches. (32) PERSONS: The word "person" when used in this ord- inance shall for the purpose of this ordinance, mean every person, firm, co -partnership, associa- tion, partnership, corporation or society; and the term "person" shall include both singular, and plural, and the masculine shall embrace the feminine gender. (33) PLACE: An open, unoccupied space reserved for pur- poses of access to abutting property. (34) REAR YARD: A space unoccupied except by buildings of accessory use as hereinafter permitted extending for the full width of the lot between a building other than a building of accessory use and the rear lot line. (35) REVERSED FRONTAGE: A portion of a corner lot front- ing the street which was originally platted as 4 side street. 19. (36) SIDE YARD: An open unoccupied space on the same lot with a building situated between the building and the side line of the lot, and extending through from any street or from the front yard or to the rear line of the lot. Any lot line not a rear line or a front line shall be deemed a side line. (37) STABLES, PRIVATE: A stable with a capacity for not more than five (5) horses, mules or other domestic animals. (38) STABLES, PUBLIC: A stable with a capacity for more than five (5) horses, mules or other domestic animals. (39) STREET: Any public thoroughfare dedicated to the public and not designated as an alley. (40) STORY: That portion of a building between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or if there be no floor above it, then the space between such floor and the ceiling next above. (41) STORY, HALF: A story under a gable, hip or gam- brel roof, the wall plates of which at least two (2) exterior walls are not more than two (2) feet above the floor of such story. (42) STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS: Any changes in the sup- porting member of a building such as bearing walls, columns, beams or girders. (43) WIDTH OF SIDE YARD: The mean horizontal distance between a side wall or a building and the side line of the lot. SECTION 17. CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS; (1) The City Council may from time to time amend, sup- plement, or change by ordinance the boundaries of the Districts or the regulations herein established. (2) Before taking action on any proposed amendment, supplement or change, the City Council shall submit same to the Planning and Zoning Commission for its recommendation and report. (3) A public hearing shall be held by the City Council before adopting any proposed amendment, supplement or change. Notice of such hearing shall be given by publication one time in the official publication of the Town of Allen, stating the time and place of such hearing, which time shall not be earlier than fifteen days from the first date of publication. (4) Unless such proposed amendment, supplement, or change has been approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or if a protest against such amendment, supplement or change has been filed with the City Clerk, duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of 20% or more, either of the area or the lots included in such proposed changes, or those immediately adjacent in the rear thereof, extending 200 feet from the street frontage of such opposite lots, such amendment, supplement or SECTION 18. VALIDITY CLAUSE. Should any part of this Ordi. nance be held invalid, no other part shall necessarily be - affected thereby. SECTION 19. PUBLICATION: This ordinance shall be published one (1) time in the McKinney Examiner, a newspaper of general circulation in Allen, which publication shall be within one (1) week after this ordinance has been past and approved. SECTION 20. EMERGENCY AND EFFECTIVE DATE: The fact that there is an imperative public need and necessity that land use and building construction be regulated by "Zoning" within the Town of Allen, Texas, creates an emegency and the read- ing and passing of this ordinance at three seperate meetings is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the passage at a single meet- ing and the approval thereof by the mayor. PASSED AND APPROVED ON THIS THE 11 day of July, 1960. (signed) V. B. Watson yor ATTEST: .(sinned) A. C. Story ty ecre ary STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN I, A. C. Story, Secretary of the Town of Allen, Collin County, Texas hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an Ordinance passed and approved by the Board of Aldermen of the Town of Allen, at a regular ses- sion held on the 14th day of July, 1960, as it appears of record in the minutes of said meeting of the Board of Alder- men, in Boock 2, Page 125, of said minutes. WITNESS MY RAND AND SEAL OF SAID TOWN, THIS THE 14th day of July, 1960. (sinned) A. C. Story City Secretary, Town of Texas. 21, HUGHSTONW ANDS WORDEN CENTRAL K 'NG MCKINNEY.TEXAS WALLACE TOK TELEPHQNE LINO PAUL WORDEN June 27, 1960 P.o EOX Mr. V. B. Watson Mayor Allen, Texas Dear Mr. Mayor: As shown by the enclosed copy of a letter to Mr. Fred Day, Chairn of the Zoning Commission I have today forwarded to him a prepares Report and Recommendation to be signed by his Commission and sub- mitted to you, to which Report is attached marked Exhibit "A" a complete copy of the proposed Ordinance and carrying with it a completed map. Enclosed you will find the proposed Ordinance in duplicate the original copy of which you could use as the official copy to be signed by the City Council when it is enacted.(Other copy ince You will notice that the Ordinance itself provides that the Map must be signed by you and the City Secretary and it further provi that the Ordinance itself will be published one time at least one week after it is enacted. If you will ask Mr. Story to come by the office sometime and pi6 up the large map it will save the inconvenience and awkwardness of mailing it through the mail. If you will let me know the meeting when you propose to take this ordinance up before the City Council, I will be glad to come dowr and attend that meeting. OAU��l Y000uurstrrully,^dOR DEN PVI: gt Encl:- P A U L W 0 R D E N Central Bank Building McKinney, Texas J-anc 27, 1900 Mr. Fred ^ay Chairman '_onin3 Con—aission Allen, ?ezae Dear road: Enelomed you rill find.a coy of the proposed ning Ordinance marked Exhibit "A to rhich tac d a Report and Recommendations of the Zcn_npg ion to the City Ccuncil. - On the Second page of the Rep you w 1 find a ace for your signatvre as Chairma nd a a ce of the signatures of the Secretary an he er menbers of the Comm s sion as list!!.(; page the Repprt. It is suggested that g. sign this Report thsubmit he . ire Co-.Tiission to to city Council. I am sending the o cop f the Ordinance itself .ginal direct to the Nayo PAUL WORDEN Pwtgc cos L . -i'l sox,, Nayor A11an,'Tekas