HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1984 - 09/06 - RegularCITY OF ALLEN
376.462 acres
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
In accordance with Article 970(a), V.A.T.C.S., the public
hearing was called to order by City Manager Jon McCarty at
1:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 6, 1984, in the Council
Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle,
Allen, Texas.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised that the 376.462 acres
of land out of the James T. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 777,
Collin County, had been requested to be annexed into the Allen
city limits by Dabney Companies, Inc.
City Manager McCarty reviewed the location of the property,
being north of Exchange Road, south of Stacy Road and west of
Malone Road.
City Manager McCarty advised that the prepared service plan
for the 376.462 acres was available for public review.
City Manager McCarty opened the public hearing. With no
one wishing to speak either for or against this annexation
request, City Manager McCarty closed the public hearing.
The public hearing was adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
These minutes reviewed and approved on this the 6th day
of September, 1984.
n cCarty, CIVY MAMA R
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
Rex Womack
Jim Wolfe
Ward Paxton
Gary Koch
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
Before convening into the regular session of the Allen City
Council, Mayor Don Rodenbaugh presented a proclamation to Tina
Allen, a representative of the Collin County Charter Chapter of
the American Business Women's Association, proclaiming
September 22, 1984 as the American Business Women's Day to
recognize the achievements of the American Business Women's
Association and all employed women.
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called to
order by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 7:32 p.m. on Thursday, September 6, 1984,
in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, Allen, Texas.
At the request of City Manager Jon McCarty, item "E" on the
Consent Agenda was removed for individual consideration.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by
Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
and adopt all remaining items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of August 10, 11, and
12, 1984 - Budget Retreat
B. Approval of City Council Minutes of August 16, 1984 -
Regular Session
C. Approval of City Council Minutes of August 23, 1984 -
Called - Special Session
D. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated
with the 1979 - 1982 Capital Improvements Program
as follows:
1. Ronald E. Fix and Associates $ 175.83
Contract No. 821004 - Construction
of Park Place Drive - Inspection and
Engineering Fees Period of 7/25/84-
2. Uvalde Construction Company $ 3,043.80
Contract No. 821004 - Construction
of Park Place Drive - Payment No. 16
September 6, 1984
Page 2
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
3. Shimek, Jacobs & Finklea $ 1,299.37
Engineering Services through
July 31, 1984, in connection
with Bank Protection of Rowlett
Creek near Cottonwood Creek
Sewer Crossing
Ordinance No. 541-9-84: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Annexing the Hereinafter -
Described Territory to the City of
Allen, Texas, Approximately 300.68
Acres Located in the J.H. Driggers
Survey, Abstract No. 274, the Shadrick
Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, the
D.M. Tucker Survey, Abstract No. 914,
and the Mary Standifer Survey, Abstract
No. 812, Collin County, Texas, and
Extending the Boundary Limits of the
City so as to Include Said Hereinafter -
Described Property within the City Limits
and Granting to All Inhabitants and
Owners of Said Property All of the
Rights and Privileges of Other Citizens
and Binding All Inhabitants by All the
Ordinances, Acts, Resolutions and
Regulations of Said City; Providing
a Severability Clause; and Providing
for the Effective Date of Said Ordinance.
Set September 20, 1984, as the Public Hearing
Date for a Request to Annex 41.628 Acres of Land
Located South of F.M. 2170 and West of F.M. 2551.
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Approval of Final Bill on the
Cottonwood Creek Aerial Crossing -
Capital Improvement Program (Consent Agenda Item E)
Ernie Hoback, Director of Public Works, spoke before the
Council on the approval of the final bill for the bank protection
of Rowlett Creek near the Cottonwood Creek sewerline aerial crossing,
located in Plano.
Using a slide presentation and several photographs, Mr. Hoback
reviewed with the Council how the location looked before the bank
protection was started, the work in progress of the installation
of the gabion baskets on the banks, and the completed project.
Mr. Hoback then reviewed in detail Change Order NO. 1 and
advised that the cost of the change order amounted to $4,222.90,
making the total cost of the project $55,797.90. The final
payment to the contractor, Craig Olden, Inc., amounted to
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by
Councilman Koch, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
Change order No. 1 and the final payment in the amount of
$52,517.04 to Craig Olden, Inc., for the bank protection
of Rowlett Creek near the Cottonwood Creek sewerline
aerial crossing. The motion carried.
September 6, 1984
Page 3
Oath -of -Office to Scott Hoover,
Newly Appointed Member of the
Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Item III)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix administered the oath -of -office
to Scott Hoover, the newly appointed member of the Planning and
Zoning Commission for Place No. 4.
Tabled Item: Request to Establish
Permanent Zoning of
Zoning: Planned Development (PD)
on 434± Acres of Land
Location: Southwest corner of
F.M. 2170 and U.S. 75
Requestor: Tomlin Properties (Agenda Item IV)
Dave Dennison, with Tomlin Properties, spoke before the
Council on the tabled item and advised that he was requesting that
the item remain tabled. However, at this time, he wanted to
communicate to the Council the proposed changes that he plans to
make to the plan, present the revised planning documents showing
those changes for the Council's review, and have the Council take
action on the item at their next regular Council meeting of
September 20, 1984.
Mr. Dennison then reviewed in detail all of the areas that
he proposed to make some changes. Those areas included the tracts
adjacent to U.S. 75 being changed to Tracts 1A, IB, 1C, 1D, and IE
and that use regulations would be written for each tract. Tracts
lA and 1B would be developed as commercial tracts. Office uses
would also be permitted on those tracts and other uses, such as
light industrial, would be by specific use permit. Tracts 1C and
1D would be for office use, with commercial -type uses and light
industrial uses by specific use permit. Tract lE would be commercial
with lower density and height regulations.
Mr. Dennison advised that the floor area ratios for these
tracts had been changed and the provision added that a higher
floor area ratio could be considered by the Council, at the time
of site plan approval, if the Council so desired.
He then reviewed the flood plain areas and the use of the
flood plain in the calculation of the floor area ratios for the
tracts that were adjacent to the area.
The Council briefly discussed with Mr. Dennison this
calculation of the floor area ratio using the flood plain area
adjacent to a particular tract and if that also meant crossing over
the creek. Mr. Dennison indicated that it did not.
The Council made general comments on the proposed changes
to the areas presented.
Mr. Dennison further advised of other changes, those being
that the shopping center tract would be reduced by 4.3 acres
and that land put into the single-family residential development;
the multi -family on F.M. 2170 would be eliminated and the single-
family medium density residential development would be moved into
that area; there would not be any more than 200 units of any one
type of dwelling unit in the medium density residential development;
review of the densities of the apartment development; and that
they would provide for the 100' building set -back along McDermott
(F.M. 2170) from U.S. 75, with the landscaping and berms in the first
25' of that area, with the Council to give some consideration for
the development of the tract located adjacent to the flood plain.
September 6, 1984
Page 4
Tabled Item: Request to Establish
Permanent Zoning on
434± Acres
Requestor: Tomlin Properties (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
The Council made general comments on the additional proposed
changes to these areas and discussed with Mr. Dennison the need
for the statement that the floor area ratios could be raised
at the discretion of the Council; the need for the consideration
of reducing the 100' building set -back in the tract located
adjacent to the flood plain area; the placement of the single-
family residential development on F.M. 2170 across the street
from an apartment development; the location of other single-family
residential development along McDermott and what was located
across the street at that location; and perhaps the use of
single -owner duplexes at that location rather than single-family
Mr. Dennison advised he would make the proposed changes
and send copies to the Council prior to the next meeting.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Public Hearing: Request to Annex 376.462
Acres of Land
Location: South of Stacy Road,
North of Exchange Parkway,
and West of Malone Road
Requestor: Dabney Companies (Agenda Item V)
LMayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing to Consider a Request to Annex 376.462 Acres
of Land Located South of Stacy Road, North of Exchange
Parkway, and West of Malone Raod."
Jack Hatchell, with Barton-Aschman Associates and representing
Dabney Companies, spoke before the Council on this annexation
request, being 376.462 acres out of the James T. Roberts
Survey, Abstract No. 777, Collin County, Texas.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing. No one appeared
to speak either for or against this request. Mayor Rodenbaugh
closed the public bearing.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that in
accordance with state law, the first public hearing was held by
city staff at 1:00 P.M. on Thursday, September 6, 1984. Minutes
of those proceedings had been furnished to the Council for their
review. The service plan had been prepared and was available
for public review.
Consideration of the annexation ordinance would be brought
forth to the City Council at their regular meeting to be held
on October 4, 1984.
There was no action taken on this item.
September 6, 1984
Page 5
Preliminary/Final Plat Approval: McDermott Addition
on .9121 Acres of Land
Lot 4, Block 8 of the
Whisenant Addition
Location: Northwest Corner of
t Intersection of F.M. 2170
and Ferris Drive
Requestor: Burger King Corp. (Agenda Item VI)
Manny Varela, Site Development Engineer with Burger King,
presented to and spoke before the Council on the preliminary
and final plat for the McDermott Addition, located on .8121 acres
of land in Lot 4, Block 8 of the Whisenant Addition, located
on the northwest corner of the intersection of F.M. 2170 and
Ferris Drive.
Mr. Varela presented the preliminary and final plat for the
new Burger King location, which showed the location of the building
on the lot; the two ingresses/egresses to the property, one
on F.M. 2170 and one on Belmont; the utility and fire lane
easements and boundaries of the property.
Mr. Varela also distributed to the Council several copies
of a letter from Graham and Associates, the city's engineering
firm, regarding several engineering problems that would have to
be corrected and reviewed those items.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised the
Council that the Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular
meeting of August 23, 1984, had recommended to the City Council
approval of the preliminary and final plat as submitted, subject
to final acceptance of the engineering by the city staff.
Mr. Petty, therefore, advised the Council that their action
on this item would be for the approval of the preliminary and
final plat, which meets all of the city's requirements, and does
not concern the engineering, which will be approved by the city
Mr. Petty then reviewed the plat and explained the reasoning
behind the two ingresses/egresses to the property, one on
F.M. 2170 and one on Belmont.
The Council discussed with city staff and Mr. Varela the
stacking of automobiles for the drive-thru, the width of the
ingresses/egresses on F.M. 2170 and Belmont, the screening between
this lot and the property to the west, and the changing of the
name on this plat from McDermott Addition to the Burger King
Addition, and the construction time to complete this project.
Mr. Varela agreed to change the name of this development
to the Burger King Addition.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the Preliminary and Final plat for the Burger
Le King Addition in accordance with the recommendation of
the Planning and Zoning Commission, as stated. The
motion carried.
September 6, 1984 Page 6
Ordinance No. 542-9-84: An Ordinance (Agenda Item VII -A)
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Amending Section 3 "Establishment
of Parks and Recreation Board" of
Ordinance No. 306 of the City of Allen,
Texas to Increase the Size of the Parks
and Recreation Board to Seven (7)
Members; and Providing for an Effective
Ron Workman, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board,
spoke before the Council on the proposed ordinance that would
increase the size of the Parks and Recreation Board from the
present five members to seven members, the past work of the
Parks and Recreation Board, and the reasoning behind this request.
The Parks and Recreation Board, at their regular meeting of
August 13, 1984, recommended to the City Council that the member-
ship on the Parks and Recreation Board be increased to seven
members by the adoption of an ordinance, amending Ordinance No. 306.
Mr. Workman went on to advise the Council that he intended
to resign from the board the last part of September; therefore,
with the new appointments to be made and with appointments to
be made to several expiring terms of office, the Parks and
Recreation Board would be virtually a total reorganization.
The Council briefly discussed Mr. Workman's proposed
resignation and the increasing of members on this board and the
number of appointments that need to be made to this board.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
and adopt Ordinance No. 542-9-84 in accordance with the
recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board, as
stated. The motion carried.
Ordinance No. 543-9-84: An Ordinance (Agenda Item (VII -B)
of the City of Allen, Establishing and
Levying of User Fees for the Use of
Public Parks and Recreation Facilities,
Providing for the Collection of Such
Fees and Providing an Effective Date.
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke before
the Council on the proposed ordinance establishing and levying
user fees for the use of public parks and recreation facilities.
Mr. Thornton distributed to the Council a corrected
maintenance activities' report and reviewed that report in
detail, which showed the areas of maintenance for the parks and
recreation activities in the city, the activities currently
being supported by user fees, the proposed activities to be
supported by user fees, and the participant/cost analysis per
activity on the city's facilities.
Mr. Thornton also advised how the fees had been determined
and the reasoning behind the need for the fees; the work
done with the Allen Sports Association (ASA) to reach an agreement
on these fees; and the proposed work in the next fiscal year to
keep tract of these costs.
September 6, 1984
Page 7
Ordinance No. 543-9-84 (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII -B)
The Council discussed with Mr. Thornton the fact that the
user fees will now cover seven different areas of activities and
that the city and ASA should be challenged to keep user fees down
to a minimum so that small children are able to participate
in the sports activities.
Gary Edstrom, President of ASA, also spoke briefly before
the Council on these fees and the good working relationship
existing between ASA and the city staff on the development of
the fees.
Ron Workman, Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board,
spoke before the Council on the cooperative working relationship
of the ASA with the board and city staff.
The Parks and Recreation Board, at their regular meeting of
August 13, 1984, recommended to the City Council that a user fee
of $2.00 per person, per sport, per season be implemented effective
October 1, 1984.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by
Councilman Koch, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve and
adopt Ordinance No. 543-9-84 in accordance with the
recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Board, as stated.
The motion carried.
Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 8:55 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:01 p.m.
Ordinance No. 544-9-84: An Ordinance (Agenda Item VIII)
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Amending Section 2 "Amount of
Tax" of Ordinance No. 393-5-82 by
Increasing Annual Occupation Tax to
Fifteen Dollars ($15.00); By Amending
Section 22 "Penalty Clause" By
Increasing the Sum to One Thousand
Dollars ($1,000.00); Providing
an Effective Date.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council on the proposed ordinance that will increase the annual
occupation tax that the city can charge to $15.00 on coin-operated
Mr. Petty explained that the state law had changed the
amusement machine occupation tax from $15.00 to $30.00 effective
October 1, 1984. Municipalities are allowed to collect half of
that amount, therefore, this proposed ordinance would raise the
city's collection from $7.50 to $15.00.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
4 and adopt Ordinance No. 544-9-84. The motion carried.
September 6, 1984 Page 8
Resolution No. 545-9-84: A Resolution (Agenda Item IX)
of the City Council of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Authorizing the
Submission of an Application to the Texas
Department of Highways and Public
Transportation for Participation in S.T.E.P.
(Selective Traffic Enforcement Program);
Allocating City Funds for its Participation
and Designating the City Manager to Act
in Behalf of the City of Allen in Applying
for and Securina These Funds.
Richard Carroll, Chief of Police, presented to and spoke
before the Council on the proposed resolution authorizing the
submission of an application to the Texas Department of Highways
and Public Transportation for a S.T.E.P. (Selective Traffic
Enforcement Program) grant.
Chief Carroll explained that this particular grant program
would pay for an officer to enforce the 55 mph speed limit on
U. S. 75, and updated the Council on the recent accidents on
U. S. 75 and the number of people that had been killed in those
accidents. He advised that the total amount of the grant
application is $43,490, with the city to commit $2,545 for
additional benefits that the state will not pay.
Chief Carroll explained the scheduling of an off-duty
police officer on this job and the number of hours that he will be
working during the week.
The Council discussed with Chief Carroll the scheduling of
the officers, the amount of publicity involved in this program
to the public, how this program is funded, regulations on how
this program is enforced, what the grant funds will pay for, and if
the city will maintain the revenue from the violations.
Chief Carroll explained to the Council that the publicity
of this being a grant program rather than a tax funded program
was very important, and even the tickets that were issued would
indicate that information.
Phillip Booth, Lieutenant in the Police Department, spoke
before the Council on how this program is being funded.
There was discussion by the Council on the effectiveness
of the program and how the citizens will feel. about it.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the council voted 7 - 0 to
approve and adopt Resolution No. 545-9-84(R). The
motion carried.
Authorize Staff to Formally Request
an Additional Water Delivery Point
from the North Texas Municipal Water
District (Agenda Item X)
City Manager Son McCarty spoke before the Council on the
plans by the North Texas Municipal Water District (N.T.M.W.D.)
to construct the NTMWD McKinney Parallel Pipeline Phase II project
that will run within the City of Allen. This line would be a
42" line running along F.M. 2170 west to Malone Road, north on
Malone Road to Stacy Road, west on Stacy Road to County Road No.
196, north into McKinney. He advised that the city currently
has two delivery points, one located in Lucas and one in Plano.
September 6, 1984
Page 9
Authorize Staff to Formally Request
an Additional Water Deliver Point
from the N.T.M.W.D. (cont'd) (Agenda Item X)
He advised that the city staff was recommending that a formal
` letter request be made to the N.T.M.W.D. communicating that the
(�/- City of Allen is interested in the participation of that line as
one of the city's delivery points. He further stated that the formal
request would then allow the N.T.M.W.D. personnel to prepare the
financing and the water volume package for the city's review
and approval prior to entering into a contract for that delivery
There was considerable discussion on working with the
N.T.M.W.D. for a definite plan for water delivery to the city
in a timely manner, but in a manner that would be very equitable
to the city as far as costs are related. There was also discussion
on the determination of the need for the second delivery point
in Plano and the amount of money that has been spent for that
delivery point.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to authorize
the city staff to submit a letter to the NTMWD Board
requesting that the City of Allen be allowed to take
water from the proposed McKinney Parallel Pipeline Phase
II project in accordance with the city staff's
recommendation, as stated. The motion carried.
The Council also briefly discussed approaching the N.T.M.W.D.
again regarding the City of Allen becoming a member city of the
taw distict.
Appointment of Council Repre-
sentatives to the Joint City/
AISD Tax Office Oversight
Committee (Agenda Item XI)
Mayor Rodenbaugh appointed Councilman Jim McClure and
Councilman Jim Wolfe as the Council representatives to the joint
City/AISD Tax Office Oversight Committee.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council as to when the
AISD Board would be making their appointments and that the first
meeting of this committee would probably be scheduled the first
or second week of October.
At this time, Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised the Council that
he had heard that the Executive Director of the Collin County
Appraisal District had turned in his resignation and wondered if
this was true. The Council discussed briefly this resignation
and the fact that this was a very important position to be filled.
Calendar of Meetings for
City Council (Agenda Item XII -A)
44w, City Manager Jon McCarty reviewed with the Council the
following scheduled meetings:
Tuesday, September 11, 1984, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers - Allen Municipal Annex
Public Hearing on the Tax Rate
a -n
September 6, 1984
Page 10
Calendar of Meetings for
City Council (cont'd) (Agenda Item XII -A)
Thursday, September 13, 1984, at 7:30 p.m.
Open Space Area - Allen Municipal Annex
Workshop on the Water & Sewer Rate Study
conducted by Lewis McLain
Thursday, September 20, 1984, at 7:30 p.m.
Council Chambers - Allen Municipal Annex
Regular Meeting of the City Council at which
the Council will be considering the adoption
of the FY 1984 - 85 Budget and Tax Rate
Tuesday, September 18, 1984, at 7:30 p.m.
First United Methodist Church
Oversight Committee of the Comprehensive
Planning Process
Main Street Subcommittee Meeting:
Wednesday, September 12, 1984, at 5:30 p.m.
in the Conference Room, Allen Municipal Annex
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Council Appointments (Agenda Item XII -B)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council that they
would be making appointments to the Parks and Recreation Board,
Board of Adjustment/Sign Control Board, and the Library Board, for
f`•, a total of twelve appointments.
Ms. Hendrix further advised that most of the appointments
were expiring terms of office, however, some recent resignations
were Wayne Austin, Place No. 3, on the Parks and Recreation Board,
and Don Lewis, Place No. 5, on the Board of Adjustment/Sign Control
This item was received as a matter of information. There was
no action taken on this item.
TML Conference (Agenda Item XII -C)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council of the
upcoming Texas Municipal Conference to be held in Dallas on
November 1 - 3, 1984. Ms. Hendrix encouraged the Council to
attend and to notify her if reservations needed to be made.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was
no action taken on this item.
Appointment of the
Council -Appointed
Audit Committee (Agenda Item XII -D)
City Manager Jon McCarty reminded the Council of their
request to appoint a Council committee to oversee andwork with
the auditors on the FY 1983-84 audit. Mr. McCarty advised the
Council that the auditors Peat, Marwick, Mitchell, were now
working on preparation of this audit, therefore, the audit
committee should be appointed at this time. A meeting would then
be scheduled so that the Council committee could meet the audit
team and review with them the letter of retainer for the FY 1983 - 84
IR -28
September 6, 1984
Page 11
Appointment of the
Council -appointed
Audit Committee (cont'd) (Agenda Item XII -D)
Mayor Rodenbaugh appointed Mayor Pro Tem Joe Farmer and
Councilman Rex Womack to serve on the Audit committee.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Lone Star Gas Rate Request (Agenda Item XII -E)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that a reply
from Lone Star Gas had been received and the Council -appointed
committee on the rate case needed to meet to review that reply.
The committee members, Mayor Rodenbaugh, Mayor Pro Tem Farmer,
and Councilman McClure, briefly discussed a meeting date and then
scheduled Tuesday, September 11, 1984, at 6:30 p.m., as the
date and time to meet with the City Manager and Lone Star Gas
This item was received as a matter of information. There was
no action taken on this item.
General Discussion
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council that they
would also be considering the appointment of the Municipal Court
Judge and the City Health Officer at their next meeting.
The Council discussed the appointment of the Municipal Court
Judge and requested that some information be provided to them for
their next meeting showing the various statistics of the work he
had done, as has been done in the past appointments. The Council
also requested that the Police Department provide information on
the decorum of the court. The Council also requested that the
City Secretary contact Mr. Kopf to see if he wanted to be
reappointed for this position.
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised the Council of the work by the
subcommittee of the Action Committee, consisting of himself,
Jim Wolfe, Jack Pennington, who had been selected to work with
city staff and the selected planning consultant on finalizing
a contract. He advised they had met with the selected planning
consultant for the comprehensive planning process and a contract
was in the process of being completed.
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised the Council that the planning
consultant would be attending the scheduled meeting of the
Oversight Committee on Tuesday, September 18, 1984, and this
would be the first phase of the planning process.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council
at 9:55 p.m. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the20thday of September 1984.
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, MAYOR