HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Public Art Committee - 2016 - 10/18 - RegularPUBLIC ART COMMITTEE
OCTOBER 18, 2016 - 6:00 P.M.
Committee Members:
Ann Carroll
Susan Barry
Jane Bennett
Steve Benson
Denise Gilbert
Tod Raines
Sandy Wittsche
City Staff:
Matt McComb, landscape Architect, Parks and Recreation
Jennifer Robinson, Support Specialist, Parks and Recreation
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum of the committee members present, the regular meeting of the Public Art
Committee was called to order by Chau Carroll at 6:04 p.m. on Tuesday, October 18, 2016 in the
' Parks and Recreation Conference Room of Municipal Courts, Parks and Recreation Building at
301 Century Parkway, Allen, Texas.
1. Election of Officers
Chair Carroll opened nominations for the positions. After a short discussion Member Bennett
nominates Steve Benson as the Chair, Member Gilbert nominates Tod Raines as Vice -Chair, and
Member Bennett then nominates Member Wittsche as Secretary.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by connnittee member Gilbert and seconded by committee
member Bennett , the committee voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to
elect Steve Benson to the office of Committee Chair, Tod Raines to the office of
Vice -Chair and Sandy Wittsche to the office of Secretary.
2. Approve minutes from the September 20, 2016, Regular Meeting
MOTION: Upon a motion made by committee member Gilbert and seconded by comndttee
member Bary, the committee voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed to accept
minutes from the September 20, 2016 regular meeting as presented.
3. Appoint Two Members to the Goveroor's Community Achievement Award Project
' Selection Panel
Chair Benson appoints Ann Carroll and Susan Barry to the Governor's Community Achievement
Award Project Selection Panel with Jane Bennett being noted as an alternate.
October 18, 2016
4. Update on Current Projects
Matt McComb reports that he has had a discussion with Ford Pool Mosaic Artist, Joshua Winer
regarding installation. Joshua would still like to install in November but realizes that may not be
realistic due to the construction project timeline. Installation will likely occur in the Spring.
Matt also reports that he has been in contact with Watters Branch Park artists May and Watkins to
get the specification for they sculpture bases and any other items that will need to be included in
the construction bid. The project will be bidding soon and construction is likely to start in early
Due to inadequate installation by the artists, modifications to the Cottonwood Creek Trail Bridge
hardware have been made in-house to insure that the artwork is properly secured to the bridge. A
deduction will be made from the payment to the artist to compensate for this expense.
5. Update an Future Projects
The Committee reviewed the available budget and discussed potential future project locations
including Allen Event Center and Don Rodenbaugh Natatorium, as well as other locations
throughout the City. Staff will work on a citywide project timeline to have available at the next
meeting to assist with the prioritization of future projects.
6. Items of Interest
a. Items for Future Agendas
b. Nest meeting Tuesday, November 15, 2016
7. Adjourn
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.
These minutes read and approved this 15'r' day of November 2016.
Chair Secretary