HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1985 - 02/07 - RegularA
February 7, 1985
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
Rex Womack
Jim Wolfe
Ward Paxton
Gary Koch
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 7:34 P.M. on Thursday,
February 7, 1985, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal
Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised that he wanted to read two letters
had had received to the City Council prior to consideration of
the Council's agenda.
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the first letter dated February 6,
1985, from Vern Lahart, Chief Executive Officer of ULM, regarding
the city's work on the comprehensive planning process and his
appreciation for the opportunity to participate in that process.
Mayor Rodenbaugh then read a letter dated February 4, 1985
from Jim Pendleton, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Mr. Pendleton advised the Council that he was resigning from
Place No. 1 on the Planning and Zoning Commission, effective
February 8, 1985, in order to run for the City Council.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Koch, the Council voted 7 - 0 to accept
the resignation of Jim Pendleton from Place No. 1 on
the Planning and Zoning Commission and to extend their
appreciation to him for his service to that commission.
The motion carried.
(Agenda Item II)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recom-
mended and as follows:
A. Approval of the City Council Minutes of January 17,
1985 - Regular Session.
B. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated
with the 1979 - 82 Capital Improvements Program as
February 7, 1985
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) )Agenda
1. Fox & Jacobs
Cost Reimbursement for Paving
of Exchange Blvd.
2. Hi -Way Machinery Company
One Central Engineering 5-330 R
Selecto Sand Spreader Installed
on 1982 International Dump Truck
3. Graham Associates, Inc.:
a. Main Street Project -
Engineering Services thru
Work Order No. 9190-1003
b. Main Street Project -
Engineering Services thru -
Work Order No. 9190-1002
C. Main Street Project -
Engineering Services thru -
Work Order No. 9190-1002
d. Street Assessment Program -
Engineering Services thru -
Woorkrk Order No. 9190-1000
e. Pavement Failure on Ridgemont -
Engineering Services thru -
Work Order No. 9190-1000
f. Street Resurfacing Program -
Engineering Services thru -
Work Order No. 9190-1000
g. Street Resurfacing Program. -
Engineering Services thru -
Work Order No. 9190-1000
h. Street Resurfacing Program -
Engineering Services thru -
Work Order No. 9190-1000
C. Resolution No. 584-2-85(R): A Resolution
of the City Council of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Appointing the
Election Officials for the April 6, 1985
City Council Election, Setting the Rate
of Pay for the Election Officials, and
the Maximum Number of Election Clerks
for the Polling Place.
D. Set March 7, 1985 as the Public Hearing Date to
a Special Use Permit for Gasoline Sales in Shopping
Zoning Located at the Northeast Corner of F.M. 2170
S. H. 5.
February 7, 1985 Page 3
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
E. Set March 7, 1985 as Public Hearing Date on a
Request for Permanent Zoning of PD (Planned
Development) on an Approximate 293 Acre Tract
of Land Located North of Hedqecoxe Road, South
of F.M. 2170 and Adjacent to Rowlett Creek.
F. Authorization to Execute a Contract with Southern
Pacific Transportation Company Regarding the
Construction of a 42" Sanitary Sewer Line,
Located just North of Rowlett Creek and East of
U.S. 75, with $225.00 payment to Southern Pacific.
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Public Hearing: Request for Permanent
Zoning on 76.188 Acres
Zoning: to LR (Local Retail),
R-2, R-3, and R-4
(Residential), and
TH (Townhouse) with
Voluntary Deed
Location: Northeast Corner of
Bandy Lane and Malone
Requestor: Terra Investments, Inc. (Agenda Item III -A)
Consider an Ordinance Zoning the Property..
and a Resolution Approving Deed Restrictions
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
Public Hearing to Consider a Request for Permanent Zoning on
76.188 Acres to LR (Local Retail), R-2, R-3, R-4 (Residential),
and (Townhouse), with Voluntary Deed Restrictions and Consider
an Ordinance Zoning the Property and a Resolution Approving
the Voluntary Deed Restrictions. This Property is located
at the Northeast Corner of Bandy Lane (Extension of Bethany
Road) and Malone Road."
Dwayne Brinkley, land planner and representing the proponent,
Terra Investments, Inc., spoke before the Council on behalf of this
request for permanent zoning on the 76.188 acres out of the William
Snyder Survey, Abstract No. 821, Collin County, Texas.
Mr. Brinkley presented a zoning map showing the various zoning
districts on the property. Those zoning districts were:
Local Retail
6 acres
11.79 Acres
R-4 (Residential)
30 acres
(with deed restrictions
for 1600 sq. ft. minimum
house size)
R-3 (Residential)
25 acres
R-2 (Residential)
5 acres
Mr. Brinkley reviewed the zoning districts on the property and
advised of the change made to the original submission to the
Planning and Zoning Commission with the addition of the R-2 zoning
district. Mr. Brinkley explained that this area would not be just
one street of R-2 lots and house sizes, but would be arranged in
cul-de-sac developments.
February 7, 1985 Page 4
Public Hearing: Request for Permanent
Zoning on 76.188 Acres
Zoning: LR, R-2, R-3, R-4, and
Requestor: Terra Investments, Inc.
(cont'd) (Agenda Item III -A)
Consideration of ordinance and Resolution
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing.
The following individuals spoke before the Council in opposition
of the request:
Dr. E. T. Boon, resident of High Point Estates
Mr. Bill Beaty, resident of High Point Estates
The following individuals spoke before the Council in favor of
the request:
Dwayne Brinkley, representing Terra Investments
With no one else wishing to speak either for or against the
request, Mayor Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing.
The Planning and Zoninq Commission, at their regular
meeting of January 10, 1985, recommended to the Council approval
of the plan as revised.
The Council discussed how the Proposed zoning related to other
zoning in this area, if there was really a need for the strip
of R-2 zoning which is to serve as a buffer, the requirement that
the developer has to meet with the property owners that are opposed
to this request, if this plan for zoning is in compliance with
the results of the comprehensive plan soon to be adopted, and
tabling of this request until the comprehensive plan is adopted.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Paxton and seconded by
Councilman McClure to deny the request for permanent
zoning. The Council voted two (2) for and five (5)
oppposed, with Mayor Rodenbaugh, Mayor Pro Tem Farmer,
and Council Members Womack, Koch, and Wolfe casting
the negative votes. The motion failed.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Womack and seconded by
Councilman Wolfe to approve the request as Presented.
The Council voted two (2) for and five (5) opposed, with
Mayor Rodenbaugh, Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, and Council
Members McClure, Wolfe, Paxton and Koch casting the
negative votes. The motion failed.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Koch, the Council voted five (5) for and
two (2) opposed, with Councilman Paxton and Councilman
McClure casting the negative votes to table this request
until the March 21st Council meeting at which time the
Comprehensive Plan will be adopted. The motion carried.
February 7, 1985
Page 5
Public Hearing: A Request for Site
Plan Approval on a
1.505 Acre Tract for
a Local Retail Center
Zoning: PD - No. 2
Location: Southwest Corner of
F.M. 2170 and Allen
Heights Drive
Requester: J.S. Mitchell Company (Agenda Item III -B)
Consider an Ordinance Attaching the
Site Plan to Planned Development No. 2
Mayor Rodenbuaqh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing to Consider a Request for Site Plan Approval
for a Local Retail Center on 1.505 Acres Located at the
Southwest Corner of F.M. 2170 and Allen Heights Drive and
Consider an Ordinance Attaching the Site Plan to Planned
Development No. 2."
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised that a letter from John Crawford,
with the J.S. Mitchell Company, had been sent to the city requesting
that this item be withdrawn due to pending sale of the property
and other development plans by the buyer.
John Crawford, with J.S. Mitchell Company, appeared before
the Council and advised of his request that this item be withdrawn.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the request to withdraw this item from the
Council's consideration. The motion carried.
Public Hearing: Request for Site
Plan Approval on
a 10.5 Acre Tract
for Multi -Family
Zoning: PD No. 13
Location: North of Chapparal
Road and East of
Jupiter Road
Requestor: Crossmark Partners I (Agenda Item III -C)
Ordinance No. 585-2-85: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Amending Planned Development
Zoning Ordinance No. 13 to Include the
Attachment of Exhibit "D", Approved
Site Plan, for Development of a 10.5
Acre Tract out of the MCBain Jamison
Survey, Abstract No. 491, and Being
Tract 1 of a 409 Acre Tract, Presently
Delineated on the Official Zoning Map
as a Portion of PD No. 13; Providing
for a Penalty; Providing for an
Effective Date; and Providing for
Publication of the Caption.
February 7, 1985 Page 6
Public Hearing: Request for Site
Plan Approval
on 10.5 Acre Tract
for MF Development
in PD No. 13
Reguestor: Crossmark Partners I (Agenda Item III -C)
Ordinance No. 585-2-85 (cont'd)
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing to Consider a Request for Site Plan Approval
for Multi -Family Development on Tract One of Planned
Development No. 13, Being a 10.5 Acre Tract of Land Located
North of Chapparal Road and East of Jupiter Road and to
Consider an Ordinance Attaching the Site Plan to Planned
Development No. 13."
Steve Levenson, representing Crossmark Partners I, spoke
before the Council on behalf of this request for site plan
approval on the 10.5 acre tract of land, being Tract One of
Planned Development No. 13, located in the MCBain Jamison Survey,
Abstract No. 491, Collin County, Texas.
Mr. Levenson presented the proposed site plan of the 202 unit
apartment complex to be known as Wildwood Village. He reviewed the
site plan with the Council which showed the location of the apartment
buildings on the site, the parking lot areas, landscaped areas,
ingress/egress to the site, and the location of the fire lane
easements. Mr. Levenson also advised of the numerous amenities
at this complex, being fireplaces, ceiling fans, washer/dryer
connections, etc.
Mr. Levenson also presented an artist's rendering of the front
elevation of an apartment building.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the Public hearing. No one appeared
to speak either for or against this request for site plan approval.
Mayor Rodenbaugh closed the public hearings.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular
meeting of January 10, 1984, recommended to the City Council
that the site plan be approved with the stipulation that a
final landscape plan be reviewed prior to final platting of the
The Council discussed with Mr. Levenson the existing zoning
around this proposed project, the width of the parking lot areas,
the type of screening to be used between this complex and adjacent
properties, ingress/egress to this site and why it was proposed
with just one on Jupiter Road and one on Chapparal, the location
of the trash dumpsters and how they will be screened, how the
apartment complex will deal with the parking of recreational
vehicles, the location of the fire lanes, the use of the dead-end
fire lanes on this site plan and the reason for them, and the cost
of the rent for the apartments.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Koch, the Council voted six (6) for and
one (1) opposed, with Councilman Womack casting the
negative vote, to approve the site plan as presented
and in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Commission, as stated; and to. adont
Ordinance No. 585-2-85, as captioned previously.
The motion carried.
February 7, 1985
Page 7
Acceptance of the Annual
Audit Report and Management
Letter for FY 1983 - 1984 (Agenda Item IV)
Brent Lewis, Finance Director, spoke briefly before the
Council on the preparation of the annual audit and distributed
to them the preliminary draft of the audit document.
Larry Mullen, a partner with the firm of Peat, Marwick,
Mitchell and Company, distributed to the Council the final
annual audit document and the management letter on internal
control and accounting procedures.
Mr. Mullen advised the Council of the various finding opinions
and that the City of Allen had received an unqualified opinion.
Mr. Mullen then reviewed the annual audit report with the
Council, being Exhibit 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and notes listed on
pages 6 and 7.
Mayor Rodenbauqh advised the Council of the meetings between
the Council -appointed Audit Committee and the auditors during the
process and the amount of detail presented in those meetings.
Mr. Mullen then distributed to the Council the Management
Letter on Internal Control and Accounting procedures and reviewed
it with the City Council.
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised of the work by the Council -appointed
Audit Committee with the auditors on the establishing of a tangible
plan by city staff to resolve problem areas noted in the management
Brent Lewis, Finance Director, spoke before the Council on
the city staff's response to the management letter. Mr. Lewis
presented the problem, provided an explanation of why it had
occurred, its priority to be accomplished, the plan and method
of implementation, the responsible city staff person, schedule
for implementation, and the use of progress reports.
The Council discussed with the city staff the placement
of an actual time frame on the achievements of their plans
and to report to the Council the status of their accomplishments
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Paxton and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
accept the 1983-84 Annual Audit Report and Management
Letter as prepared by Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and
Company as presented. The motion carried.
Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 9:25 p.m. The regular session reconvened at
9:35 p.m.
Review the Quarterly
Financial Reports
(Agenda Item V)
Brent Lewis, Finance Director, smoke before the Council
on the quarterly financial reports for the city.
Mr. Lewis reviewed with the Council the income statement
for utility fund ending December 31, 1984 departmental expen-
ditures compared to budget ending December 31, 1984; departmental
expenditures for period ending December 31, 1984 and 1983, revenues
for period ending December 1984 and 1983, revenue for FY 1983 - 84
amended versus actual, revenue for FY 1983 - 84, and income
statements of general and utility funds ending December 31, 1984.
February 7, 1985
Page 8
Review the Quarterly
Financial Reports (cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
The Council briefly discussed various aspects of the
quarterly statements.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Review the Annual
Crime Statistics (Agenda Item VI)
Richard Carroll, Chief of Police, spoke before the Council
on the annual crime statistics for the years 1981, 1982, 1983,
and 1989.
Using color -coded charts, Chief Carroll presented the annual
crime statistics for DWI's, burglaries, thefts, arrests, assaults,
aggravated assaults, motor vehicle thefts, vandalism, juvenile
offenses/juvenile arrests, accidents and citations issued, new cases,
cases cleared, property loss, property recovered, number of sworn
staff and the total calls.
The Council discussed with Chief Carroll if there were
any figures available which indicated the number of cases that had
been cleared due to the use of the crime watch program, what
determines a crime watch area, and what is the difference between
a theft and a burglary.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Approval of Items Related
to the Ford Park Swimming
Pool (Agenda Item VIII
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation Department,
presented the site plan for the municipal swimming pool complex
to be constructed in Ford Park.
Mr. Thornton reviewed the location of the pool on the site,
the parking areas, the decking area, the area to be fenced in,
the areas to be covered in grass, a future playground area,
showers, and bath house.
Mr. Thornton then reviewed the bath house floor plan and
presented an artist's rendering of the front elevation of the
building. Mr. Thornton advised of the materials to be used in
the construction of the bath house, reviewed the front entrance
to the facility, and described the location of the office, storage area,
controlled entrance way, restrooms and vending area with picnic tables.
The Parks and Recreation Board, at a called - special meeting
held on January 28, 1985, recommended to the City Council
approval of the plans for the deck and bath house as presented.
The Council discussed with city staff the use of the pool as
a picnic area, the need for vending machines, the elimination of
having restrooms that could be entered from outside the pool,
and the location of the pumps and storage area for chemicals.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Koch and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the decking and the bath house for the
municipal swimming pool to be located in Ford Park.
as presented. The motion carried.
February 7, 1985
Page 9
Approval of Specifications and
Authorization to Solicit Bids
for a 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck
the Parks and Recreation Department (Agenda Item VIII -A)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation Department,
spoke before the Council on the specifications for a truck for
the Parks and Recreation Department.
Mr. Thornton advised the Council that the new truck would
take the place of the existing Ford Courier truck currently used
in the Parks Department. Mr. Thornton stated that the department
did not want to get rid of the Courier truck, however, since it
still could be utilized to drag the baseball fields.
Mr. Thornton advised that the estimated cost for the truck
would be approximately $9,000, to be purchased with revenue
sharing funds.
Mr. Thornton stated that it was the city staff's recommendation
that the Council approve the specifications as presented and
authorize the solicition of bids for the 1/2 ton _pickup truck
for the Parks and Recreation Department.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
the specifications and authorize the solicitation of bids
for a 1/2 ton pickup truck for the Parks and Recreation
Department in accordance with the city staff's recommendation,
as stated. The motion carried.
Approval of Specifications and
Authorization to Solicit Bids
for a Modular Ambulance for
the Fire Department (Agenda Item VIII -B)
Ron Gentry, Fire Chief, spoke before the Council on the
specifications for a modular ambulance for the Fire Department.
Mr. Gentry described the ambulance and advised that the purchase
of the ambulance would be by lease/purchase agreement.
Mr. Gentry stated that it was the city staff's recommendation
that the Council approve the specifications as presented and
authorize the solicitation of bids for the modular ambulance for
the Fire Department.
The Council briefly discussed with Mr. Gentry the number
of companies that might be able to bid on this item, how much
the ambulance would cost, and the budget funds available for the
lease/purchase agreement.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
the specifications and authorize the solicitation of bids
in accordance with the city staff's recommendation, as
stated. The motion carried.
Appointment of Capital Improvement
Program Consultants and Discuss
Study Committee (Agenda Item IX)
City Manager Jon McCarty spoke before the Council on the
designation of the consultants to assist in the development of
the capital improvements program.
Mr. McCarty explained to the Council the difference between
the capital improvements program and the bond program.
February 7, 1985
Page 10
Appointment of Capital Improvement
Program Consultants and Discuss
Study Committee (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX)
Mr. McCarty stated that the city staff's recommendation
was that the Council designate Graham and Associates, F & S
Architects and Schneider, Bernet and Hickman as the city's
consultants to assist in the development of the capital improvement
program. Mr. McCarty added that the city might need to obtain use
of other consultants during the process. He also stated that the
city would try and keep in the cost factors down on the use of
the consultants.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve the designation of Graham and Associates,
F & S Architects, and Schneider, Bernet and Hickman
as the city's consultants to assist in the development
of the capital improvement program in accordance with
the city staff's recommendation, as stated. The motion
Mr. McCarty then provided the Council with some of city staff's
thoughts on the selection of the Capital Improvement Program
Study Committee. Mr. McCarty advised that a meeting needed to be
set for the Action Committee to meet to discuss the a000intments
to the study committee, that the individuals who wanted to serve
on the committee needed to fill out data sheets so that appropriate
information is available on those individuals, that the Action
Committee had discussed making use of the members of the Oversight
Committee, so the city needed to notify them by letter of the new
committee and seek their participation on that committee, that
the Council and Planning and Zoning Commission members also seek
out other individuals who might be interested in serving on the
committee, and that the Action Committee needed to have another
meeting to actually select the members to that committee.
The Council discussed the date for the next meeting of the
Action Committee.
It was the consensus of the Council that the next meeting
of the Action Committee would be held on Wednesday, February 13,
1985, at 6:30 p.m., at the Allen Municipal Annex.
Construction of a Cellular
Mobile Telephone System (Agenda Item X -A)
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of a recent incident
where the city had found out about the construction of cellular
mobile telephone system on the south side of Bandy Road
approximately 135 feet east of Malone Road by Southwestern Bell
Mobile Systems. This construction would consist of a pier and slab
to support a 100' tall monopole and a 12' x 26' equipment building.
Mr. McCarty stated that representatives of Southwestern Bell
had been contacted by the city and advised that requirements of the
city's subdivision ordinance would have to be adhered to in the
project. Mr. McCarty advised that the city met with Southwestern
Bell representatives and had reached an agreement as reflected in
a letter dated January 25, 1985, from John T. Stupka, Executive
Vice President -Network of Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems to
the city, which had been distributed to the Council.
February 7, 1985 Page 11
Construction of a Cellular
Mobile Telephone System (cont'd) (Agenda Item X -A)
Mr. McCarty pointed out the portion of the letter which
stated, "In the event that the subdivision plat is not approved
by the City Council then, upon notice from the City of Allen, and
at its sole discretion and option, Southwestern Bell Mobile
Systems will, within six (6) months of said notice, vacate the
site, removing the building and monopole and restoring the site
as near as reasonably possible to its condition prior to
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Status of the AT&T/Southwestern
Bell Rate Cases (Agenda Item X -B)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that he had
just provided the Council with the memo from the Texas Municipal
League, dated January 30, 1985, regarding the current status of
the AT&T/Southwestern Bell Rate Case as a matter of information
to the Council.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Status of the Texas Utility
Rate Case (Agenda Item X-C)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that he had
just provided the Council with the memo from the Texas Municipal
League, dated January 29, 1985, regarding the current status of
the Texas Utility Electric Company Rate Case as a matter of
information to the Council.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Joint Plano/Allen City Council
Meeting (Agenda Item X -D)
City Manager McCarty advised the Council of the date and time
for the joint meeting with the City of Plano. Mr. McCarty stated
that the meeting would be held at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 19,
1985, at the Holiday Inn in Plano. Mr. McCarty advised the Council
that Plano would be hosting the meeting and it would be a dinner
Mayor Rodenbaugh encouraged all of the Council Members to
Collin County Public
officials Annual Spring
Banquet (Agenda Item X -E)
City Manager McCarty reminded the Council of the upcoming
Collin County Public Officials Annual Spring Banquet to be held
on Friday, February 22, 1985, at 7:00 p.m., at the Harvey House
Hotel in Plano. He pointed out that Allen would be hosting
this banquet and encouraged the Council Members to attend.
Executive Session (Agenda Item XI)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the Council voted 7 - 0 to adjourn.
into Executive Session at 11:07 p.m. on Thursday,
February 7, 1985. The motion carried.
February 7, 1985
Page 12
Executive Session (cont'd) (Agenda Item XI)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open
Meetings Law), Section 2(q), the Allen City Council convened
into Executive Session at 11:12 p.m. on Thursday, February 7, 1985,
in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler
Circle, to discuss items relating to the appointment of the Fire
The Executive Session was adjourned at 11:90 p.m. on
Thursday, February 7, 1985.
Reconvene: Consider Action
Related to Items Discussed
in Executive Session (Agenda Item XII)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session
at 11:93 p.m. on Thursday, February 7, 1985, inthe Council
Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle,
Allen, Texas.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the floor for a motion to confirm
the appointment of Ron Gentry as the Fire Chief.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
confirm the City Manager's appointment of Ron Gentry
as the Fire Chief for the City of Allen. The motion
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Womack, the Council voted 7 - 0 to adjourn
the regular session of the Allen City Council at 11:55 o.m.
on Thursday, February -/, 1985. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 21sLday of February
Marty Hendrix, CITY SECRETAR