HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1985 - 03/06 - CalledALLEN CITY COUNCIL
MARCH 6, 1985
Allen City Council Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor Bobby Glass, Chairman
Jim McClure Jerry Wilson, Vice Chairman
Rex Womack Wayne Armand, Secretary
Jim Wolfe Jack Pennington
Ward Paxton John Garcia
Gary Koch (arrived at 8:12 p.m.) Scott Hoover
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Scott Cantine, Project Manager with Harland Bartholomew &
Associates, planning consultants
The called - public hearing/meeting of the Allen Planning
and Zoning Commission on the Comprehensive Plan was called to
order by Chairman Glass at 8:09 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 1985,
in the cafetorium of Boyd Elementary School, Bethany and Jupiter
Roads, Allen, Texas.
The called - public hearing/meeting of the Allen City Council
on the Comprehensive Plan was called to order by Mayor Rodenbaugh
at 8:05 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 1985, in the cafetorium of
Boyd Elementary School, Bethany and Jupiter Roads, Allen, Texas.
There were approximately 20 people in attendance at this
public hearing/meeting.
Presentation of Proposed
Comprehensive Plan (Agenda Item III)
Scott Cantine, Project Manager with Harland Bartholomew
and Associates, the city's planning consultants, spoke before
the people present on the comprehensive planning process from
the beginning of the process with the holding of public meetings
by the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission; to
selection of committee members for the Oversight Committee; to
the work on and completion of the citizen survey document; to
the work of the subcommittees on the plan elements; to the com-
pletion of the work for the final proposed comprehensive plan
document; and the scheduling of the public hearings on the
proposed plan.
Mr. Cantine then provided the demographics of the city,
including the population, square miles of the city and the
proposed figures for future build out of the city.
MARCH 6, 1985 Page 2
Presentation of Proposed
Comprehensive Plan (cont'd) (Agenda Item III)
Mr. Cantine then presented a slide show presentation
which contained pictures of existing residential neighborhoods,
Main Street showing local businesses, the industrial areas
showing InteCom and DLM, and other commercial business areas,
the schools, and areas of Allen that are still vacant farm land.
Mr. Cantine presented the land use plan as of 1984 showing
the existing areas committed for development and the areas
already developed; the land use plan as proposed in the compre-
hensive plan; the thoroughfare plan and explained the major
thoroughfares in the city; showed a slide of the park plan and
explained the difference between neighborhood parks, community
parks, and athletic complexes; showed a slide of the community
facilities showing the location of fire stations and city hall
facilities, showed the existing residential development in the
city and advised of the conditions of the various areas and
those that needed rehabilitation. Mr. Cantine also explained
the elements for urban design, the health and human services,
and government services, and highlighted some of the goals
and policy statements for those elements.
At this time, Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the audience how
the public hearing would be conducted.
Public Hearing Opened by
Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Bobby Glass opened the public hearing for the
Allen Planning and Zoning Commission on the proposed compre-
hensive plan.
Public Hearing Opened by
Mayor for City Council (Agenda Item V)
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing for the Allen
City Council on the proposed comprehensive plan.
Citizens Speak on the
Proposed Plan (Agenda Item VI)
Bob Burkhart, from Richardson, Texas, asked if the city
planned to publish the document so that it may be purchased,
and what date the document would be available for purchase.
City Manager McCarty responded that the document would
be printed and available for sale approximately 30 days after
it is adopted.
Rick Alexander, 806 Cypress, spoke regarding several
issues. Mr. Alexander spoke on the issue of maintaining
a high level of owner -occupied single-family housing in
the city and how the city can approach that subject;
the location of a commercial shopping strip area along
F.M. 2170 from the Allen High School east and the appearance
of that area and what can be done at this point; the city
working with the City of McKinney on the development of
flood plain areas and trying to find out what McKinney is
doing in this area; if the city has included enough rental
properties in the form of apartments in the proposed land
use plan; and that the park system stay a high priority
in the city.
Commissioner Armand answered the question pertaining
to the number of apartment units in the land use plan and
advised of additional units in planned developments.
MARCH 6, 1985 Page 3
Citizens Speak on
the Proposed Plan (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI)
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised of initial meetings with the
City of Plano on items of mutual concern and the hopes that
Allen will be able to go forward with meetings with the
City of McKinney in the same way.
Bill Dyer, 7608 Carta Valley Drive, Dallas, Texas, and
property owner at Buckingham Polo Estates, provided the
City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission with copies
of a letter and he read the letter into the record. (See
Attachment No. 1)
Mayor Rodenbaugh responded to Mr. Dyer comments and
questions regarding the facts that the land use map of
the Comprehensive Plan is not a zoning map and the school
district boundaries have to be changed by the school districts
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised that the comments made would
be taken into consideration.
Councilman Jim Wolfe spoke in regard to a comment made
from the audience by a member of the Land Use Subcommittee
at the March 5th public hearing/meeting and pointed out
that the Buckingham Polo Estates was in District 14 of the
Comprehensive Plan and advised of the various proposed
land uses for that district.
Mayor Rodenbaugh pointed out that the land use map
can give only so much information and if anyone wanted
to know more details about the Comprehensive Plan, they
should look at the entire document. Copies of the plan
were available at City Hall and the Library.
Public Hearing Closed by
Planning & Zoning Commission
(Agenda Item VII)
Chairman Bobby Glass closed the public hearing for the
Planning and Zoning Commission on the comprehensive plan.
Public Hearing Closed by
Mayor for the Allen City Council (Agenda Item VIII)
Mayor Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing for the City
Council on the comprehensive plan.
(Agenda Item IK)
Chairman Glass adjourned the meeting of the Planning and
Zoning Commission at 8:55 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 1985.
Mayor Rodenbaugh adjourned the meeting of the City Council
at 8:55 p.m. on Wednesday, March 6, 1985.
These minutes approved on the 28th day of March
Wayrila Armand, Secretary
MARCH 6, 1985 Page 4
These minutes approved on the 4th day of April
1 1 `
Marty Hendrixt City Secretary