HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1985 - 03/07 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
MARCH 7, 1985
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
Rex Womack
Jim Wolfe
Ward Paxton
Gary Koch
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Rodenbauqh at 7:35 p.m. on Thursday,
March 7, 1985, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal
Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda
as recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of the City Council Minutes of February 19,
1985 - Called - Special Session with the City
of Plano.
B. Approval of City Council Minutes of February 21,
1985 - Regular Session.
C. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated
with the 1979 - 82 Capital Improvements Program
as follows:
There were no bills to be paid at this time.
D. Set April 4, 1985 as Public Hearing Date to
Consider a Zoninq Chanqe on Approximately 9.18
Acres from R-2 (Residential) to R-5 (with Deed
Restrictions) and LR (Local Retail) Located
North of F.M. 2170 at approximately the intersection
of Hillside Lane, as requested by Don A. Tipton,
Inc., agent for Ethel H. Richards.
E. Set April 4, 1985 as Public Hearing Date on a
Request for Permanent Zoninq from AO (Agricultural
open Space) to R-2 and R-4 (Residential) on
56.8 Acres of Land Located West of F.M. 2551,
East of Malone Road and Approximately One -Fourth
Mile South of F.M. 2170, as requested by Nelson
Engineering, agent for Marvin Shelley.
March 7, 1985
Page 2
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
F. Set March 21, 1985 as Public Hearing Date on
a Request to Annex 160.77 Acres of Land
Located North of Rowlett Road, East of County
Road 146 and West of Watters Branch, as
requested by John B. Whisenant.
G. Set March 21, 1985 as Public Hearing Date on
a Request to Annex 20.2038 Acres of Land Located
West of U.S. 75, North of Rowlett Creek and East
of Watters Branch, as requested by Charles Forbes.
H. Resolution No. 589-3-85(R): A Resolution of the
City of Allen, Collin County, Texas Authorizing
the Submission of an Application to the Texas
Criminal Justice Division Requesting Funding for
an Information System; Allocating City Funds for
its Participation; and Designating the City Manager
to Act in Behalf of the City of Allen in Applying
for These Funds.
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Administer Oath -of -Office to
Douglas Braun, Place No. 1 on
the Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Item III -A)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix administered the oath -of. -office
to the newly appointed member to Place No. 1 on the Planning
and Zoning Commission, Douglas Braun.
Presentation of Plaque -of -
Appreciation to Jim Pendleton,
Resigning Member of the Planning
and Zoning Commission, Place No. 1 (Agenda Item III -B)
Mayor Rodenbaugh presented a plaque -of -appreciation to
Jim Pendleton, resigning member of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, Place No. 1. Mayor Rodenbaugh thanked Mr.
Pendleton for his service to the Commission from September 1979
through February 1985 and as the Chairman of the Commission
from August 1980 through February 1985.
Public Hearing: Request for Specific
Ordinance No. 590-3-85: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Amending the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance No. 366-10-81 of the
City of Allen, as Heretofore Amended,
so as to Attach a Specific Use Permit
for the Accessory Use of "Gasoline
Sales" Therefore Restricting 0.7166
Acres, Being Part of Lot 2, Tract 1,
Allentown Center Addition, in the Peter
Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 990, and the
Use Permit to Allow
Gasoline Sales as an
Accessory Use to a
Convenience Store
on Lot 2, Tract 1 of
Allentown Center Add.
Northeast Corner of
F.M. 2170 and State
Highway 5
Request r:
Southland Corporation (Agenda Item IV -A)
Ordinance No. 590-3-85: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Amending the Comprehensive
Zoning Ordinance No. 366-10-81 of the
City of Allen, as Heretofore Amended,
so as to Attach a Specific Use Permit
for the Accessory Use of "Gasoline
Sales" Therefore Restricting 0.7166
Acres, Being Part of Lot 2, Tract 1,
Allentown Center Addition, in the Peter
Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 990, and the
March 7, 1985
Page 3
(Agenda Item IV -A)
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing to Consider a Request for Specific Use
Permit to Allow Gasoline Sales as an Accessory Use to
a Convenience Store Located at the Northeast Corner
of F.M. 2170 and State Highway 5 and Consider an
Ordinance Authorizing the Specific Use Permit."
Gary Pulling, representing the 7-11 Convenience Stores
of Southland Corporation, presented to and spoke before the
Council on the request for the specific use permit to allow
the gasoline sales at the site of the 7-11 Convenience Store
to be located on a part of Lot 2 of Tract 1 of the Allentown
Center Addition, being a 0.7166 acre tract out of the Peter
Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 990.
Mr. Pulling presented a site plan of the property
showing the location of the convenience store on the site,
the gasoline pumps, boundaries of the property, and ingress/
egress to the property.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing. No one
appeared to speak either for or against this request. Mayor
Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular
meeting of January 24, 1985, recommended to the City Council
approval of the specific use permit for gasoline sales at this
site as presented.
The Council discussed with Mr. Pulling if there would
also be provided at the pumps accessories for furnishing water
and air, and if the landscaping shown onthis site was real
landscaping or fake plastic plants.
At the Council's request, Mr. Pulling reviewed again the
location of the canopy covering the gasoline pumps on the
site, advised of the location of the major thoroughfares
adjacent to this site and pointed out the traffic flow to and
from the gasoline pumps.
The Council discussed the traffic flow situation and the
location of the ingresses/egresses.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Koch, the Council voted
7 - 0 to approve the request for a specific use
permit for gasoline sales in accordance with the
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission,
as stated; and to adopt Ordinance No. 590-3-85, as
captioned previously. The motion carried.
Public Hearing: Request for Specific
Use Permit to Allow
Gasoline Sales
Requester: Southland Corp. (cont'd)
Ordinance No. 590-3-85 (cont'd):
David Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 977, of
the Collin County Deed Records, Presently
Delineated on the Offical Zonina Map as
Shopping Center (SC); Providing for a
Penalty; Providing for an Effective Date;
and Providing for Publication of the
Page 3
(Agenda Item IV -A)
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing to Consider a Request for Specific Use
Permit to Allow Gasoline Sales as an Accessory Use to
a Convenience Store Located at the Northeast Corner
of F.M. 2170 and State Highway 5 and Consider an
Ordinance Authorizing the Specific Use Permit."
Gary Pulling, representing the 7-11 Convenience Stores
of Southland Corporation, presented to and spoke before the
Council on the request for the specific use permit to allow
the gasoline sales at the site of the 7-11 Convenience Store
to be located on a part of Lot 2 of Tract 1 of the Allentown
Center Addition, being a 0.7166 acre tract out of the Peter
Wetzel Survey, Abstract No. 990.
Mr. Pulling presented a site plan of the property
showing the location of the convenience store on the site,
the gasoline pumps, boundaries of the property, and ingress/
egress to the property.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing. No one
appeared to speak either for or against this request. Mayor
Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular
meeting of January 24, 1985, recommended to the City Council
approval of the specific use permit for gasoline sales at this
site as presented.
The Council discussed with Mr. Pulling if there would
also be provided at the pumps accessories for furnishing water
and air, and if the landscaping shown onthis site was real
landscaping or fake plastic plants.
At the Council's request, Mr. Pulling reviewed again the
location of the canopy covering the gasoline pumps on the
site, advised of the location of the major thoroughfares
adjacent to this site and pointed out the traffic flow to and
from the gasoline pumps.
The Council discussed the traffic flow situation and the
location of the ingresses/egresses.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Koch, the Council voted
7 - 0 to approve the request for a specific use
permit for gasoline sales in accordance with the
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission,
as stated; and to adopt Ordinance No. 590-3-85, as
captioned previously. The motion carried.
March 7, 1985
Public Hearing: Request to Establish
Page 4
Consider a Tree Preservation Policy
and an ordinance Establishing Perman-
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing to Consider a Request to Establish Perman-
ent Zoning of FP -PD (Flood Plain - Planned Development)
on 293 Acres of Land Located North of Hedgecoxe Road,
South of F.M. 2170 and West of Alma Road and Adjacent
to Rowlett Creek, Consider a Tree Preservation Policy
and Consider an Ordinance Establishing Permanent Zoning."
Jack Hatchell, with Barton-Aschman Associates, traffic
engineers,introduced to the Council the owner of the property,
and the members of the planning team for this development.
Those individuals were Stacy Utal, owner of the property and
Utal Development; Steve Kanoff, with Utal Development; Clarence
Roy and Brian Larson, with Johnson, Johnson, Roy, planners
from Dallas; and John Porterfield, civil engineer.
Steve Kanoff, Vice President of Utal Development, spoke
before the Council on this proposed request, the planning
that has gone into the development, and the work with the
Planning and Zoning Commission on the proposal before the
Mr. Kanoff advised of the special items also being provided
by them in this request, those being the tree preservation
policy, dedication of flood plain area to the city, bearing the
total cost of construction of the extension of Alma Road, and
the total cost of the construction of the bridge on Alma Road.
Mr. Clarence Roy, with Johnson, Johnson, & Roy, planners,
presented a slide presentation of the land development plans
for the 293 acres. The slide presentation included the exact
location of the property, the typography of the land, and
the major tree areas, flood plain areas and the alignment of
Bethany Road and Alma Road. Mr. Roy alsoprovided a land use
plan and explained the various planned development tracts
and their proposed uses and the density for each tract. Mr. Roy
then went over the tree preservation policy and guidelines.
Jack Hatchell, with Barton-Aschman, traffic engineers,
spoke before the Council on the traffic study prepared for
this development and provided a brief explanation.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing:
The following individuals spoke before the Council in
opposition to the request:
Mrs. Margaret McDermott, property owner adjacent to this
property and owner of McDermott Farms.
Permanent Zoning of
FP -PD on 293 Acres
North of Hedgecoxe
Road, South of F.M.
2170, West of Alma
Road and Adjacent to
Rowlett Creek
Utal Development Co. (Agenda Item IV -B)
Consider a Tree Preservation Policy
and an ordinance Establishing Perman-
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing to Consider a Request to Establish Perman-
ent Zoning of FP -PD (Flood Plain - Planned Development)
on 293 Acres of Land Located North of Hedgecoxe Road,
South of F.M. 2170 and West of Alma Road and Adjacent
to Rowlett Creek, Consider a Tree Preservation Policy
and Consider an Ordinance Establishing Permanent Zoning."
Jack Hatchell, with Barton-Aschman Associates, traffic
engineers,introduced to the Council the owner of the property,
and the members of the planning team for this development.
Those individuals were Stacy Utal, owner of the property and
Utal Development; Steve Kanoff, with Utal Development; Clarence
Roy and Brian Larson, with Johnson, Johnson, Roy, planners
from Dallas; and John Porterfield, civil engineer.
Steve Kanoff, Vice President of Utal Development, spoke
before the Council on this proposed request, the planning
that has gone into the development, and the work with the
Planning and Zoning Commission on the proposal before the
Mr. Kanoff advised of the special items also being provided
by them in this request, those being the tree preservation
policy, dedication of flood plain area to the city, bearing the
total cost of construction of the extension of Alma Road, and
the total cost of the construction of the bridge on Alma Road.
Mr. Clarence Roy, with Johnson, Johnson, & Roy, planners,
presented a slide presentation of the land development plans
for the 293 acres. The slide presentation included the exact
location of the property, the typography of the land, and
the major tree areas, flood plain areas and the alignment of
Bethany Road and Alma Road. Mr. Roy alsoprovided a land use
plan and explained the various planned development tracts
and their proposed uses and the density for each tract. Mr. Roy
then went over the tree preservation policy and guidelines.
Jack Hatchell, with Barton-Aschman, traffic engineers,
spoke before the Council on the traffic study prepared for
this development and provided a brief explanation.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing:
The following individuals spoke before the Council in
opposition to the request:
Mrs. Margaret McDermott, property owner adjacent to this
property and owner of McDermott Farms.
March 7, 1985
Page 5
Public Hearing: Request to Establish
Permanent Zoning of
FP -PD on 293 Acres
Requestor: Ural Development (Agenda Item IV -B)
Consider a Tree Preservation Policy
and an Ordinance Establishing Perman-
ent Zoning (cont'd)
Mr. Jim Mertes, Professor of Landscape Architecture and
Environmental Planning at Texas Tech University, and representing
Mrs. Frances Williams, owner of Montgomery Farms, also spoke
in regard to more requirements for the tree preservation policy.
Eileen Tollett, 404 Watson Drive.
With no one else wishing to speak either for or against
the request, Mayor Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular
meeting of January 24, 1985, recommended to the Council approval
of the request as revised.
Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 8:50 p.m. The regular session was reconvened
at 9:00 p.m.
City Manager Jon McCarty spoke before the Council on the
contents of the city's Comprehensive Pian, that will soon be
adopted, and that the plan addresses a proposed location of a
community park in the 293 acres of Utal Development, which had
not been included in this request. Mr. McCarty pointed out
all of the assets of locating a community park in that area
and of the two proposed locations to be considered for placement
of the park site on the 293 acres. Using a site plan, Mr. McCarty
pointed out one location which would contain 26 acres and another
location which would contain 22 acres.
Mr. McCarty advised that the designation for a community
park in this development had just been discovered, and the
developers had been notified prior to the meeting.
With the major consideration of a community park in this
development, Mr. McCarty advised that it was the city staff's
recommendation that this item be tabled in order to work out
the details of the park site with the developers, and then
bring the request back for consideration.
There was considerable discussion by the City Council
on the proposed development which included the need for the
tree preservation policy and the inclusion of some of the
points Mr. Mertes had made in his presentation; the need
to reconsider the amount of commercial area in this development,
particularly the retail area located north of the flood plain;
the resolving of the park site issue; the large amount of
commercial, high density residential and medium density
residential percentages contained in this development; the
fact that there are no R-2 residences planned in this development;
the need to preserve this area; changing Tract 6A so that the
1,400 sq. ft. homes are 608 and the 1,200 sq. ft. homes are 408
of the plan; and not acting on this plan until the adoption
of the Comprehensive Plan for the city.
March 7, 1985
Page 6
Public Hearing: Request to Establish
Permanent Zoning of
FP -PD on 293 Acres
Requester: Utal Development (Agenda Item IV -B)
Consider a Tree Preservation Policy
and an Ordinance Establishing Perman-
ent Zoning (cont'd)
There was also considerable discussion on whether to deny
this request and send it back through the process or to table
this request at the Council level, but have city staff and
Planning and Zoning Commission work on the revisions to the plan.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Councilman McClure that the development plan for
the 293 acres be tabled and that the city staff and
the Planning and Zoning Commission be directed to
work with the developers on this planned development
and to take into consideration all of the information
presented at this meeting and also the comments
that were made from the City Council and the individuals
that spoke at the public hearing; that the item be
tabled for a length of time whereby the city staff,
Planning and Zoning Commission and the developers can
comfortably accomplish those things; then at which time
this request will be directed back to the City Council
with comments, and at which time the Council will
make available time for public comments.
A motion was made by Councilman Paxton and seconded by
Councilman McClure that a public hearing be scheduled
when the request is brought back before the City Council
for consideration. The Council voted 7 - 0 in favor
of the amendment to the main motion. The motion carried.
The Council voted six (6) for and one (1) opposed,
with Councilman Paxton casting the negative vote,
in favor of the main motion. The main motion carried.
Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the regular session of the
Allen City Council at 10:07 o.m. The meeting reconvened at
10:15 P.M.
Approval of a Contract
Concerning the Construction
and Reimbursement for
Bethany, Jupiter and Chapparal
Roads (Agenda Item V)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented
a color -coded street map showing Bethany, Jupiter and
Chapparal Roads and the areas to be improved and that will be
funded by the city, and Landmark Development.
March 7, 1985
Page 7
Approval of a Contract
Concerning the Construction
and Reimbursement for Bethany,
Jupiter and Chapparal Roads (cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council on participating with Landmark Development in the
construction of Bethany Road, from Highway 5 to Jupiter Road,
on Jupiter Road, from Bethany to Chapparal, and on Chapparal
Road, from the intersection of Jupiter Road to the eastern
boundary of Landmark's property.
Using the color -coded street map, Mr. Petty pointed out
the portion of the roadways which will be funded by the
city and which will be the responsibility of Landmark Development.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that the
city staff had worked with the attorney with Landmark on the
proposed contract and there were just minor areas in the contract
that needed to be clarified. Mr. McCarty also advised that
the city attorney needed to review the contract.
Mr. McCarty advised that the city staff's recommendation
was that the City Council act favorably in allowing the city
to enter into this contract with Landmark Development for the
purpose of building the city's sections of the roadways at
this time, with payment to be made on a top priority basis
out of the first available bond funds after a successful
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Koch, the Council voted 7 - 0 to enter
into the proposed contract with Landmark Development
per the city staff's recommendation, as stated, with
the city staff to work out the minor areas of
clarification and per the city attorney's review of
the contract. The motion carried.
Ordinance No. 591-3-85: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas Repealing Ordinances No. 290,
322, and 519-6-84 of the City of Allen,
Texas; and Amending Section I of Ord-
inance No. 48 of the City of Allen,
Texas, by Adopting: The 1982 Edition
of the Uniform Building Code Including
Future Amendments; the 1984 Edition of
the National Electrical Code Including
Future Amendments; the 1982 Edition of
the Uniform Mechanical Code including
Future Amendments; and the 1982 Uniform
Plumbing Code Including Future Amendments
Thereto. Further Amending Ordinance
No. 48 of the City of Allen, Texas, by
Changing Certain Language Contained in
Section IV(a), IV(b), VII(a), VII(b),
and VIII Thereof; and Further Amending
Ordinance 48 of the City of Allen,
Texas, by Adopting a Fee Schedule for
Repairs, Construction and Removal of
Structures Under Section VIII(b) Thereof,
and Further Amending the 1982 Edition of
the Uniform Building Code Section 3202,
2516, 3208, and 3802, Providing for a
Special Assessment for the Cost of
Removal of Unsafe Buildings, Providing
a Severability Clause, Providing a
March 7, 1985 Page 8
Ordinance No. 591-3-85 (cont'd):
Penalty for a Violation of this
Ordinance, Providing for Readoption,
Providing for the Publication of the
Caption Hereof, and Providing for
an Effective Date. (Agenda Item VI)
Ordinance No. 592-3-85: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Amending Section I of Ordinance
No. 520-6-84, by Adoptina the 1984
Edition of the National Electrical
Code of the National Fire Protection
Association, and Future Amendments
Thereto. Further Amending the Allen
Electrical Code Described in Exhibit
"A-1" and Attached to and Made a Part
of City of Allen Ordinance No.
520-6-84, and Further Amending City
of Allen Ordinance No. 317 as
Heretofore Amended. Providing for
Readoption, Providing for the Pub-
lication of the Caption Hereof,
and Providing for an Effective
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council on the proposed ordinances that would change from
/ the Southern Standard Building Code to the Uniform Building
Code and provide an update to the National Electrical Code
from 1981 to 1984.
Mr. Petty handed out copies of the proposed ordinances
to the Council and reviewed various sections of the ordinances
with the Council. Mr. Petty also pointed out various changes
in the ordinances from previous operating procedures.
Mr. Petty advised that the city staff's recommendation
was that the City Council adopt the two proposed ordinances
as presented.
The Council discussed with Mr. Petty if the construction
of foundations of houses was covered under the Uniform Building
Code and if there were requirements for the placement of smoke
detectors in the older apartment complexes.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Womack, the Council voted
7 - 0 to adopt Ordinance No. 591-3-85, as captioned
previously. The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman McClure, the Council voted
r 7 - 0 to adopt Ordinance No. 592-3-85, as captioned
v previously. The motion carried.
Establishment of a Recreation
Center Operating Out of Reed Gym (Agenda. Item VII)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke
before the Council on the establishment of a recreation center
operating out of Reed Gym.
March 7, 1985
Page 9
Establishment of a Recreation
Center Operating Out of Reed
Gym (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII)
Mr. Thornton provided some background information to the
Council on the needs for recreational activities for the
teenagers in Allen and the establishment of the "Clark Stevens
Memorial Fund" to be used towards this goal. Mr. Thornton
advised of the meeting with the Allen Independent School District
on this matter and the proposed program to have a recreation
center in the Reed Gym which will provide programmed and
unprogrammed activities for a certain age group of teenagers.
Mr. Thornton advised of the facility needs, the personnel
that would be required to handle this program, the establishment
of a Teen Center Advisory Council, and the proposed methods of
funding for this program.
Mr. Thornton advised that the Parks and Recreation Board,
at a called - special meeting held on February 25, 1985,
recommended to the City Council the approval of the establishment
of a center for teenage recreation, and to also include the
creation of the Teenage Advisory Council, the establishment of
the Clark Stevens Foundation, and the change from temporary
full-time to permanent part-time for position of program coordinator.
The Council discussed with Mr. Thornton what age group
would be allowed to participate in this program, would the
teenagers really participate in this program, how the teen
council treasurer would be responsible for funds raised by
the teenagers and not the funds provided through the city or
the Clark Stevens Foundation, how the city will be able to find
someone to fill the position to supervise this program when
the hours are so flexible, and if stereo equipment should be
purchased rather than renting a juke box.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Paxton, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
the establishment of a recreation center operating
out of Reed Gym for teenage recreation and to include
the creation of the Teenage Advisory Council, the
establishment of the Clark Stevens Foundation, and
the change from temporary full-time to permanent part-time
for position of program coordinator, in accordance with
the recommendation of the Parks and Recreation
Board, as stated. The motion carried.
Award of a Contract for the
Purchase of a One -Half Ton
Pick-up Truck for the Parks
and Recreation Department (Agenda Item VIII)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation Department,
presented to and spoke before the Council on the solicitation
of bids, receipt of bids, and the tabulation of the bids on
a one-half ton pick-up truck for the Parks and Recreation
v Department.
Mr. Thornton advised that the three lowest bidders were:.
Summers Chrysler -Dodge $7,695.00
Bob Tomes Ford $8,108.59
Carter Chevrolet $8,150.00
March 7, 1985
Page 10
Award of Contract for the
One -Half Ton Pick-up Truck
for the Parks and Recreation
Department (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII)
In the discussion with the Council, Mr. Thornton pointed
out that the amount budgeted for this purchase as set in the
1984 - 85 budget was $8,000, with an additional $1,000 for the
purchase of a two-way radio for a total of $9,000.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded
by Councilman Koch, the Council voted 7 - 0 to award
the contract for the purchase of a one-half ton pick-up
truck for the Parks and Recreation Department to
Summers Chrysler -Dodge in the amount of $7,695.00, in
accordance with the city staff's recommendation, as
stated. The motion carried.
Sewer Pro Rata Agreement
Rowlett Creek (Agenda Item IX -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty spoke before the Council on the
proposed sewer line running along Rowlett Creek and the
certain requirements placed on the line and where it is to
be located.
Mr. McCarty advised the Council that detailed engineering
drawings of the line have been completed and are being reviewed
by the city engineer, and the city staff has been working with
the developers on a contract for a pro rata agreement to hook
onto this sewer line.
Using the west side sewer system pro rata with William
Campbell as an example, Mr. McCarty briefly explained that
contract had included a formula and showed the dollar amounts
to be paid for tying onto that sewer system. Mr. McCarty
advised that this proposed contract was going to be more
complex and advised of the proposals in the contract for the
pro rata in this sewer line.
Using a drainage area map, Mr. McCarty pointed out the
proposed location of the sewer line along Rowlett Creek and
advised of the various areas that the line would serve, including
areas located in the City of Plano. Mr. McCarty showed the
main sewer line, advised of its capacity, and pointed out two
additional lines running off of the main line and advised
of their capacity.
Using two additional maps, Mr. McCarty briefly presented
the two proposals for the pro rata agreement that city staff had
been discussing. Mr. McCarty advised that the oro rata agreement
that the city is proposing to use is that all of the lines
are treated as one system to serve one water shed and that the
pro rata be based upon a one system approach. He advised that
the formula would contain two stages to assign the costs of
the lines and he explained the two stages to the Council.
The Council briefly discussed the proposed location of
the sewer lines and the terms of the pro rata agreement.
upon the bid tabulations, Mr.
Thornton advised that
it was the
city staff's recommendation that
the bid be awarded
to Summers
Chrysler -Dodge in the amount
of $7,695.00 for the
one-half ton pick-up truck for the Parks
and Recreation Department.
In the discussion with the Council, Mr. Thornton pointed
out that the amount budgeted for this purchase as set in the
1984 - 85 budget was $8,000, with an additional $1,000 for the
purchase of a two-way radio for a total of $9,000.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded
by Councilman Koch, the Council voted 7 - 0 to award
the contract for the purchase of a one-half ton pick-up
truck for the Parks and Recreation Department to
Summers Chrysler -Dodge in the amount of $7,695.00, in
accordance with the city staff's recommendation, as
stated. The motion carried.
Sewer Pro Rata Agreement
Rowlett Creek (Agenda Item IX -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty spoke before the Council on the
proposed sewer line running along Rowlett Creek and the
certain requirements placed on the line and where it is to
be located.
Mr. McCarty advised the Council that detailed engineering
drawings of the line have been completed and are being reviewed
by the city engineer, and the city staff has been working with
the developers on a contract for a pro rata agreement to hook
onto this sewer line.
Using the west side sewer system pro rata with William
Campbell as an example, Mr. McCarty briefly explained that
contract had included a formula and showed the dollar amounts
to be paid for tying onto that sewer system. Mr. McCarty
advised that this proposed contract was going to be more
complex and advised of the proposals in the contract for the
pro rata in this sewer line.
Using a drainage area map, Mr. McCarty pointed out the
proposed location of the sewer line along Rowlett Creek and
advised of the various areas that the line would serve, including
areas located in the City of Plano. Mr. McCarty showed the
main sewer line, advised of its capacity, and pointed out two
additional lines running off of the main line and advised
of their capacity.
Using two additional maps, Mr. McCarty briefly presented
the two proposals for the pro rata agreement that city staff had
been discussing. Mr. McCarty advised that the oro rata agreement
that the city is proposing to use is that all of the lines
are treated as one system to serve one water shed and that the
pro rata be based upon a one system approach. He advised that
the formula would contain two stages to assign the costs of
the lines and he explained the two stages to the Council.
The Council briefly discussed the proposed location of
the sewer lines and the terms of the pro rata agreement.
March 7, 1985 Page 11
Sewer Pro Rata Agreement -
Rowlett Creek (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX -A)
Mr. McCarty advised that this item was brought forth
for the Council's information and the next step would be to
present it to the developers for their consideration, if the
Council had no objections. By consensus, the Council indicated
that city staff should proceed with working with the developers
on the pro rata agreement.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Telephone Rate Case -
Southwestern Bell Telephone (Agenda Item IX -B)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of his
telephone conversation with J. B. King of Southwestern Bell
Telephone Company regarding the city's request to place a high
priority on the installation of the new switching station in
the city as soon as possible. Since the meeting with the Council -
appointed telephone committee, Mr. King advised Mr. McCarty that
the company had decided to schedule the installation of the
switching station for sometime in mid 1986, with 988 probability
of total funding.
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that they
had been provided with some information from the Texas
Municipal League that Southwestern Bell is expecting to file
another rate case in March seeking an increase of approximately
308. Mr. McCarty advised that city staff would like to discuss
this item with the Council -appointed telephone committee and
bring back a proposal for the Council's consideration on action
to be taken on the rate case.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Mayor Rodenbaugh adjourned the regular session of the Allen
City Council into Executive Session at 11:25 p.m. on Thursday,
March 7, 1985.
Executive Session (Agenda. Item X)
in accordance with Article 6252-17 V.A.T.C.S. (Open Meeting
Law), Section 2(f), the Allen City Council convened into
Executive Session at 11:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 7, 1985,
in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas, to discuss right-of-way purchase
on the Main Street project.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 11:45 p.m.
Reconvene into
Regular Session
(Agenda Item XI)
The Allen Citv Council reconvened into regular session at
11:48 p.m. on Thursday, March 7, 1985, in the Council Chambers of
the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
March 7, 1985
Page 12
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council
at 11:99 p.m. on Thursday, March 7, 1985. The motion
These minutes approved on the 2lst day of MARCH
Marty Hendrix, 6ITY SECRETARY /