HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2017 - 02/21 - RegularFebruary 21, 2017
Regular Meeting
February 21, 2017
Commissioners Present:
Jeff Cocking, Chair
Ben Trahan, 1" Vice -Chair
Stephen Platt, Jr, 2"s Vice -Chair
John Ogrimvich
Luke Hollingsworth
Michael Off
City Staff Present:
Lee Battle, Assistant Director of Community Development, AICP, LEED AP
Joseph Cotton, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering
Madhuri Mohan, AICP, Senior Planner
' Victoria Thomas, City Attorney
Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present:
With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Cocking called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway.
Directors Report
1. Action taken on the Planning .@ Zoning Commission items by City Council at the February 14, 2017,
regular meeting, attached.
Consent Agenda (Routine P&Z business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items
may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member of staff.)
2. Approve minutes from the January 17, 2017, regular meeting.
3. Capital Improvement Program (CB') Status Report.
Motion: Upon a motion by 20° Vice -Chair Platt, and a second by
Commissioner Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0
OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda.
' The motion carried.
Febmary 21, 2017
' Reeular Aeenda
4. Replat/Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Replat for Allen
Station Business Park Phase III, Lot IF, Block A, being 12.143± acres; generally located at
the northeast comer of Andrews Parkway and Exchange Parkway. (RP -1/9/17-1) [WatchGuard
Ms. Madhuri Mohan, Senior Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the item is a
Public Hearing and a Replat for WatchGuard Video. The property is generally located at the northeast
comer of Andrews Parkway and Exchange Parkway. The properties to the north and west (across Andrews
Parkway) are zoned Planned Development PD No. 58 Light Industrial Ll. The property to the south (across
Exchange Parkway) is zoned Planned Development PD No. 58 Community Facilities CF. The property to
the east is zoned Planned Development PD No. 58 Multi -Family MF.
Ms. Mohan stated that a Planned Development amendment for WatchGuard Video was approved in
December 2016 with the subsequent approval of a Site Plan in January 2017. She stated that the replat
shows one lot which is approximately 12.14+ acres. There are two access points into the development, one
on Exchange Parkway to the south and one on Andrews Parkway to the west. The replat shows various
easements and right-of-way dedication required for development.
Ms. Mohan stated that the Replat has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and is consistent
with the PD Concept Plan that was recently approved.
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
Motion: Upon a motion by 1" Vice -Chair Trahan, and a second by 2°d Vice -Chair
Platt, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to approve the
Replat for Allen Station Business Park Phase III, lot 1R, Block A; generally
located at the northeast corner of Andrews Parkway and Exchange Parkway.
The motion carried.
5. Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Specific Use Permit
SUP for a Minor Automotive Repair use for an approximately 1,400± square foot portion of a
building located on Lot 2, William F. Chester Addition; generally located south of Allen Drive
and east of US Highway 75 (commonly known as 604 N. Central Expy.) (SUP -12/13/16-120)
[North Dallas Auto Tint]
Ms. Madhuri Mohan, Senior Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated the item is a public
hearing for a Specific Use Permit for North Dallas Auto Tint. The property is generally located south of
Allen Drive and east of US Highway 75 (commonly known as 604 N. Central Expy.). The properties to the
north, south, and east are zoned Shopping Center SC. The property to the west (across US Highway 75) is
zoned Planned Development PD No. 108 Mixed -Use MIX.
February 21, 2017
' Ms. Mohan stated that the applicant is proposing to tenant a 1,400± square foot portion in an existing 8,400
square foot building for a Minor Automotive Repair use. A Minor Automotive Repair use within a Shopping
Center SC district requires a SUP per the ALDC. Ms. Mohan explained that the SUP Site Plan shows one
existing service bay door on the eastern end of the building for this suite.
There are two existing access points for the entire development, both on the US Highway 75 Service Road,
and both through a 24 -foot Firelane, Access, and Utility easement. Parking within the site exceeds ALDC
standards. Ms. Mohan explained that the SUP Site Plan includes notes indicating that there shall be no
outdoor storage on the site, no outdoor display or merchandise of products on the site, and that all cars left
overnight shall be stored in the bay door prior to closing. There are no proposed changes to the exterior of
the building.
Commissioner Ogrizovich asked if the parking designated on the SUP Site Plan is specifically for the
subject use or if the parking is open to any tenant in the center.
Ms. Mohan replied that the parking is designated on the plan only to indicate that seven spaces are required
for the subject use. The shopping center as a whole can accommodate all uses in the center as all tenants
share spaces and there are no designated spaces for any individual use.
The Specific Use Permit request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and meets the
standards of the ALDC.
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
Commissioner Ogrizovich asked if the owner planned to only do window tinting or if there would be any
additional minor automotive work.
James Burgeon, 820 Spring Brook Dr. Allen, TX, owner, addressed the Commission. He stated that he
plans on doing tinting and other auto film functions such as wrapping vehicles, but will not be conducting
any additional mechanical functions. He stated that other similar uses exist in the shopping center but he
sees his business as complementary, but not in competition with the mechanic uses.
Motion: Upon a motion by V Vice -Chair Trahan, and a second by Commissioner
Ogrizovich, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to
recommend approval of the Specific Use Permit request for a Minor
Automotive Repair use for North Dallas Auto Tint; generally located south of
Allen Drive and east of US Highway 75 (commonly known as 604 N. Central
The motion is carried.
6. Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request for a Specific Use Permit
SUP for a Fitness and Health Center use for an approximately 2,130-+ square foot portion of a
building located on Lot 1R3, Block A, Watters Village; generally located south of Stacy Road
and west of Curtis Lane (commonly known as 939 Stacy Rd.). (SUP -1/24/17-6) [Circuit 31
Ms. Madhuri Mohan, Senior Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated the item is a Public
Hearing and Specific Use Permit for Circuit 31 Fitness. The property is generally located south of Stacy
February 21, 2017
' Road and west of Curtis Lane (commonly known m 939 Stacy Rd.). The properties to Ile north (across
Stacy Road) are zoned Planned Development PD No. 92 Shopping Center SC and Planned Development
PD No. 92 Single -Family Residential R-7. The properties to the east and west are zoned Planned
Development PD No. 86 for Shopping Center SC. To the south, the property is zoned Planned Development
PD No. 86 Single -Family Residential R-7.
Ms. Mohan explained that the applicant is proposing to tenant a 2,130± square foot portion in an existing
building for a fitness studio facility. Staff categorizes the facility as a Fitness and Health Center use. This
type of use within the base zoning of SC requires a Specific Use Permit per the ALDC.
Ms. Mohan provided an overview of the fitness center's class schedule as follows:
• Daily classes (7 days a week)
o Weekdays (Monday -Friday): 5:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
o Weekends (Saturday and Sunday): 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
She stated that the maximum class capacity, including both members and employees, is 13.
The Specific Use Permit request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and meets the
standards of the ALDC.
Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing.
Chairman Cocking stated that three letters of support for the item were received:
- Bryan Ly, 939 W. Stacy Rd, Allen, TX - Support
- Ronald and Felicity Johnson, 916 Charles River Ct, Allen, TX - Support
- Donald Lauer, 920 Charles River Ct, Allen, TX - Support
Chairman Cocking asked if staff knew exactly what this fitness center does
Ms. Mohan stated that it was her understanding that there are different fitness stations and that participants
spend a few minutes at each station and rotate through the stations to complete their workout, but deferred
to the applicant for additional detail.
Cody Phillips, 321 N. Central Expressway, Suite 370, McKinney, TX, the tenant's representative, addressed
the Commission. He stated that the tenant offers a high intensity circuit training workout that lasts
approximately 30 minutes.
2,d Vice -Chair Platt asked if noise was going to be a problem.
Mr. Phillips replied that it would not be as they do not use loud equipment or music.
Chairman Cocking stated that noise was his only concern due to the close proximity of residential uses and
the early class hours. He asked Ms. Mohan what would happen if noise becomes an issue with the residents.
Ms. Mohan replied that if the City received noise complaints, Code Enforcement would investigate and
t measure the decibels being emitted from the business. If they exceed the City's requirements, then
additional measures would be taken at that time.
February 21, 2017
' Motion: Upon a motion by 2"d Vice -Chair Platt and a second by
Commissioner Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 5 IN FAVOR, and 0
OPPOSED to recommend approval of a Specific Use Permit SUP request for
a Fitness and Health Center use for Circuit 31 Fitness; generally located south
of Stacy Road and west of Curtis Lane (commonly known as 939 Stacy Rd.).
The motion carried.
7. Comprehensive Plan Progress Report
Mr. Lee Battle, Assistant Director of Community Development, presented the Comprehensive Plan
Progress Report. He stated that this item is informational only and no action is required by the Commission.
Mr. Battle stated that in 2014, the City Council adopted the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan. At that time,
staff indicated the importance of keeping the plan updated and tracking implementation measures and
committed to providing updates every two years. This is the first of those updates. Mr. Battle addressed
community growth and implementation measures over the past two years.
Executive Session (As Needed)
As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into
closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on
any agenda item listed herein.
' Adiournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:37 p.m.
Madhuri Mohhn, AICP, Senior Planner
February 21, 2017
Director's Report from 02/14/2017 City Council Meeting
• The request to conduct a Public Hearing and adopt an ordinance approving Specific Use Permit
No, 152 for a Gymnastics and Sports Training Facility use for a portion of the building located on
Lot 1, Block A of Lots I & 2, Allen Business Center B; generally located north of Bethany Drive
and west of Greenville Avenue, for Alliance Cheer at Tech Center One, was approved.