HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - Planning and Zoning Commission - 2017 - 04/04 - RegularApril 4, 2017 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION Regular Meeting April 4, 2017 CITY OF ALLEN ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Jeff Cocking, Chair Ben Trahan, I"Vice-Chair Stephen Platt, Jr., 2"s Vice -Chair Luke Hollingsworth John Ogrimvich Michael On Absent: City Staff Present: Ogden `Bo" Bass, Director of Community Development, AIC? Brian Bristow, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Joseph Cotton, PE, Assistant Director of Engineering Madhuri Mohan, AICP, Senior Planner Kevin Laughlin, City Attorney Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present: With a quorum of the Commissioners present, Chairman Cocking called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers Room at Allen City Hall, 305 Century Parkway. Directors Report 1. No action taken on the Planning & Zoning Commission items by City Council at the March 28, 2017, regular meeting as the meeting was cancelled (attached). Consent Agenda (Routine P&Z business. Consent Agenda is approved by a single majority vote. Items may be removed for open discussion by a request from a Commission member or member ofstaff.) 2. Approve minutes from the March 21, 2017, regular meeting. 3. Final Plat —Consider a request for a Final Plat for Angel Field East, being 29.001f acres out of the T.G. Kennedy Survey, Abstract No. 500; generally located at the southeast comer of Bethany Drive and Montgomery Boulevard. (FP -2/13/17-17) (Angel Field East] Motion: Upon a motion by 2"a Vice -Chair Platt, and a second by Commissioner Hollingsworth, the Commission voted 6 IN FAVOR, and 0 ' OPPOSED to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried. April 4, 2017 ' Regular Agenda 4. Preliminary Plat — Consider a request for a Preliminary Plat for Allen ISD STEAM Center, being 159.128± acres of land out of the Chadrick Jackson Survey, Abstract No. 489, 1. W. Parsons Survey, Abstract No. 705, and the Thomas Phillips Survey, Abstract No. 717; generally located south of State Highway SH 121, north of Ridgeview Drive, and between Exchange Parkway and Alma Drive. (PP - 2/3/17 -3) [Allen ISD STEAM Center] Chairman Cocking stated that this item was withdrawn at the request of the applicant due to a technical issue, and that the plat will be heard in the near future. 5. DEFFERED/Public Hearing — Conduct a Public Hearing and consider a request to amend the development regulations of Planned Development PD -54 relating to the use and development of Lot 1, Block Y, Twin Creeks Phase 7A-1, generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Ridgeview Drive and Exchange Parkway, by changing the base zoning from Medium Density Single Family "MDSF" to Single Family Residential "R-6", and adopting a Concept Plan, Development Regulations, and Building Elevations. (Z-9/30/16-92) [Walnut Springs at Twin Creeks] Ms. Madhuri Mohan, Senior Planner, presented the item to the Commission. She stated that the item is a Public Hearing and a PD Amendment for Walnut Springs at Twin Creeks. The property is generally located at the southwest comer of the intersection of Ridgeview Drive and Exchange Parkway. The property to the north (across Ridgeview Drive) is zoned Planned Development PD No. 101 Corridor Commercial CC. To the west (across Walnut Springs Drive), the property is zoned Planned Development PD No. 54 Medium Density Single -Family MDSF. The properties to the south (across Marshall Drive) are zoned Single -Family Residential R-5 and Planned Development PD No. 54 Single-family SF. The property to the east (across Exchange Parkway) is zoned Planned Development PD No. 54 Community Facilities CF. The property itself is zoned PD -54 Medium Density Single -Family MDSF. The applicant is requesting to change the base zoning from MDSF to Single -Family Residential R-6. With the PD amendment, the applicant is also requesting to adopt a Concept Plan, Building Elevations, and Development Regulations to establish the design standards and criteria for a new community and subdivision. Ms. Mohan presented the first component of the PD amendment request, the Concept Plan. The Concept Plan showed the property totaling approximately 28.4± acres. The plan showed a total of 110± lots, all front -entry product types, with lot sizes of 60' x 120'. The minimum dwelling unit size will be 2,000 sq. ft., not including garage space. The maximum gross density is 3.9 units per acre. All of the standards exceed the ALDC and also exceed the current base zoning of MDSF. There are a total of six access points into the site. One on Ridgeview Drive, one on Exchange Parkway, three on the south side on Marshall Drive, and one on the west on Walnut Springs Drive. Two of these drives line up with existing drives. Usable open space is shown at approximately 1.4± acres, meeting the ALDC requirements. Proposed amenities for the open space areas include picnic areas, benches and playground equipment. A ten -foot hike and bike trail is also proposed on the property along Exchange Parkway and will connect to an existing trail further south and also to an existing trail to the other side north of Ridgeview Drive. A tree survey and mitigation plan will also be required during the platting stage as there are several trees on the eastern side ' of the property. A ten -foot sidewalk is also proposed that will run along Ridgeview Drive to the north. Perimeter screening will consist of an eight -foot board -on -board fence with masonry columns which is similar to the other Twin Creeks developments. April 4, 2017 ' The second component of the PD amendment is the building elevations. Ms. Mohan said that various building elevations will be incorporated into the development. Building materials will be 100% masonry, exceeding the 75% masonry required per the A6DC. Primary building materials proposed are brick, stone, and stucco, in addition to some cedar and wrought -iron for architectural features. The roof material will consist of composite and metal or the roofing. To enhance the front -entry product types, garages will be wood clad, and the driveways will be salt -finish concrete. The last component of the Planned Development amendment request are the development regulations. To summarize: - Base Zoning District: R-6. - Concept Plan: Property to be developed in general conformance with the Concept Plan. - Building elevations: To be developed in general conformance with the Building Elevations (architectural style and materials), and: 1. Maximum Height: 36' and 2 '/2 stories. 2. Building Materials: 100% masonry (except for walls over root). 3. Garage Doors to be wood clad. 4. Driveways to be salt -finished concrete. - Lot Design Criteria and Building Setbacks: 1. Minimum Dwelling Unit Size: 2,000 sq. ft. (not including garage space). 2. Maximum Net Density: 5 DU/Acre. 3. Minimum Lot Dimensions and Building Setbacks: - Lot Width: 60' - Lot Depth: 120' ' - Rear Setback: 15' - Side Setback: 5', 10' if fronting a street. - Garage Setback: 20' from lot line or 20' from closest edge of sidewalk (to face of structure). - Screening: To be constructed/installed in general conformance with Concept Plan. - Drainage: Lot to lot drainage is prohibited. Cluster Mailboxes: To be provided as shown on the Concept Plan with final location subject to USPS approval. - Double -Frontage Lots: Lots 1-9, Block E (located between Street F and Walnut Springs Drive) shall only have driveway access to Street F. Ms. Mohan stated that the request has been reviewed by the Technical Review Committee and staff recommends approval. There were three responses to the public hearing letters that were sent out, and all three were in favor, with one expressing some concerns regarding traffic on Marshall Drive. Chairman Cocking opened the public hearing. Chairman Cocking closed the public hearing. Chairman Cocking stated that the three correspondences received will be part of the public record: - Ian Warner, 1325 Marshall Drive, Allen, TX -Support - Janice Crane, 1304 Pablo Pinto, Allen, TX - Support - Marcia Macias, runiasnanaQsbcelobalm - Support with some concerns ' Commissioner Ogrizovich asked how the tree mitigation will work on the project as there are a considerable amount of trees on Exchange Drive that will be removed. April 4, 2017 ' Ms. Mohan responded that typically a tree survey mitigation plan is submitted which the City Forester will review to see which trees qualify and which do not. If it is possible, the mitigation trees will be planted on the lot itself, but if not, then there is a fee associated per caliper inch of the tree. Commissioner Ogrizovich questioned where the tree mitigation fee will be applied - is it applied to local parks near the project? Mr. Brian Bristow, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation, stated that the ordinance requires the City to place mitigation trees within the same general area of town that they are removed from to benefit the same area. Commissioner Ogrizovich asked if the mitigation trees will be somewhere near Twin Creeks. Mr. Bristow answered yes. Commissioner Hollingsworth asked if Marshall Drive will be widened. Joseph Cotton, Assistant Director of Engineering, stated that Marshall Drive is not intended to be widened. It is a 37' wide, back-to-back street, which allows for on -street parking. The HOA dislikes people parking along Marshall Drive, but this is not probibited by ordinance or by law. It is not optimal that the homes front Marshall Drive, but at the same time, the width of the street as it exists is the City's standard width as most neighborhoods that have front access driveways. Commissioner Hollingsworth affirmed that there are only ten houses that am affected which are on Marshall ' Drive. Mr. Cotton agreed and said that is less than 10% of the total property fronting Marshall Drive. Chairman Cocking stated there are other similar locations in Allen such as new Marion Elementary where the main road to the elementary school includes home that are front entry on the street. He said he has not had any issues driving on such streets. 2°s Vice -Chair Platt asked what the difference is between the highest and lowest point in the topography. He stated concern over the topography and said it will be challenging to not have lot -to -lot drainage, which is what one of the PD regulations requires. With the 5' side yard setbacks on each side, and a fence in the middle, if the developer is trying to create a swale before the drainage reaches the 5' over 100', even at a I% slope, there is a one -foot drop. If the developer does a 2% or 3% slope, that is three feet from the back comer of the house to the front of the house without brick ledges or other challenges. Especially from the way the topography looks, even if this was just a flat piece of property, it still would have to have berms created on the back fence lines. He reiterated his concern with the drainage and wanted to know how it would be addressed. Mr. Cotton replied that the concern was understandable. He stated this situation occurs in other parts of the City as well. There are currently similar setups at Montgomery Farms and Angel Field East. It is not an uncommon situation and at this point in the process, as there is not too much detail which will be received later in the development process. The City is very mindful of ensuring that the upstream neighbors that are generating the water are not adversely impacting the downstream neighbors, The City will make sure that ' there is adequate drainage between the lots. April 4, 2017 ' 2" Vice -Chair Platt said the concept looks great, but has just never seen it work before. The math may work on a piece of paper, but when it actually came to building, he has not seen anyone pull it off without getting cross drainage. Mr. Matt Dorsett, 765 Custer Rd, Suite 100, Plano, TX, Spiars Engineering, acknowledged Mr. Cotton's reference to Montgomery Farms, Angel Field East Estates, and Connemara Crossing, where they have had similar situations and made the drainage work. Often times it is a matter of dropping a brick ledge or doing a deeper grade beam on the low side. In fact, drainage has worked with 3' setbacks in Angel Field East, where a deeper grade beam and dropped brick ledge were implemented. They were able to get the drainage to flow from back to front. Mr. Dorsett stated he is on the last phase of a subdivision with 50' and 60' lots with 5' side yards in Prosper, Texas. There are 798 lots and there have not been any problems with side yard drainage. 2" Vice -Chair Platt asked Mr. Dorsett if there were retaining walls in the Prosper project Mr. Dorsett stated yes, there are some, but generally it is a matter of exposing a grade beam and dropping a brick ledge for the drainage to work. Chairman Cocking wanted clarification about a comment within the plans that stated "No A/C in side yards less than T." Mr. Dorsett explained that this is a City standard stating that if there is less than 7' between homes in the side yard, then there cannot be A/C units in that side yard. ' Commissioner Orr questioned how drivers would back into garages of the ten lots that are on Marshall Drive. Mr. Dorsett answered that he spoke to the builder and believed they have J -Swing and straight -end options. Mr. Dorsett stated he would have a further conversation with the builder to see how they have handled this in other situations. Commissioner Orr questioned if there would be a requirement in those lots to have J -Swings or if it would just be a marketing decision. Mr. Dorsett replied that Shallow Water Drive in Twin Creeks is a 37' collector with houses that have front - entry garages. He said his own neighborhood in Plano has a 41' collector with front -entry garages, with probably even more high volume, and that he has never encountered an issue. Chairman Cocking mentioned that there is a huge slope on the property. 2" Vice -Chair Platt added that the property is going to need some retaining walls since he has seldom seen the drainage issue work out in reality. Mr. Bo Bass, Director of Community Development, stated that the Commission will we further detail during platting, and is himself looking forward to seeing those questions answered again at that stage. Chairman Cocking stated he supported the project and said that this is a nice subdivision that will finish the ' Twin Creeks area. He said he did not remember the last time he saw 60' lots in Allen, and thanked the applicant for the larger lots, adding that the homeowners in the general area will be appreciative. He stated that he will not request, but would like the builder to see if is possible to include J -Swing along the ten lots on Marshall Drive to create a nicer buffer between the houses across the street that are not front -entry April 4, 2017 ' garages. Although he was not formally requiring it, he said it would be worth considering before the project reached the City Council meeting. Motion: Upon a motion by Commissioner Hollingsworth, and a second by Commissioner Orr, the Commission voted 6 I FAVOR, and 0 OPPOSED to recommend approval of the request to amend the development regulations of Planned Development PD -54 relating to the use and development of Lot 1, Block Y, Twin Creeks Phase 7A-1, generally located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Ridgeview Drive and Exchange Parkway, by changing the base zoning from Medium Density Single Family "MDSF" to Single Family Residential "R-6", and adopting a Concept Plan, Development Regulations, and Building Elevations, for Walnut Springs at Twin Creeks. The motion carried Executive Session (As Needed) As authorized by Section 551.071(2) of the Texas Government Code, this meeting may be convened into closed Executive Session for the purpose of seeking confidential legal advice from the City Attorney on any agenda item listed herein. ' Adiournment The meeting adjourned at 7:26 p.m. Z 6pprovedthis 1�i� dayofds\ 2017 hairman Madhuri Mc r, AI P, Senior Planner April 4, 2017 Director's Report from 3/28/2017 City Council Meeting • No meeting was held by City Council on March 28, 2017.