HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1986 - 02/03 - JointALLEN CITY COUNCIL
FEBRUARY 3, 1986
Allen City Council:
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jim McClure
Rex Womack
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Gary Koch
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation
Allen Independent School District Board of Trustees:
Dr. John Horn, Superintendent
Pat Campbell, Recording Secretary
Robert Puster, Superintendent of the Lovejoy School District
At 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 3, 1986, the Allen City
Council and the Allen Independent School District Board of
Trustees convened in the Board Room of the Allen Independent
School District's Administrative Offices, located at 200 S. Cedar,
Allen, Texas, and enjoyed a delicious dinner furnished by
the School District.
Call to Order and Announce
Quorum Present (Agenda Item I)
At 7:30 p.m., Dr. E. T. Boon, President of the Board of
Trustees, called the meeting to order and introduced the
Allen Independent School District Board of Trustees and
AISD Staff and the guest, Mr. Robert Puster, Superintendent
of the Lovejoy School District.
Dr. E. T. Boon, President
James Kerr, Vice President
Mary Evans, Secretary
Glen Renfro
Jack Callicut
Glenn Andrew
Charles Williams
AISD Staff:
Dr. John Horn, Superintendent
Pat Campbell, Recording Secretary
Robert Puster, Superintendent of the Lovejoy School District
At 7:00 p.m. on Monday, February 3, 1986, the Allen City
Council and the Allen Independent School District Board of
Trustees convened in the Board Room of the Allen Independent
School District's Administrative Offices, located at 200 S. Cedar,
Allen, Texas, and enjoyed a delicious dinner furnished by
the School District.
Call to Order and Announce
Quorum Present (Agenda Item I)
At 7:30 p.m., Dr. E. T. Boon, President of the Board of
Trustees, called the meeting to order and introduced the
Allen Independent School District Board of Trustees and
AISD Staff and the guest, Mr. Robert Puster, Superintendent
of the Lovejoy School District.
FEBRUARY 3, 1986 Page 2
Call to Order and Announce
Quorum Present (cont'd) (Agenda Item I)
Mayor Rodenbaugh called the meeting to order for the Allen
City Council and City Manager Jon McCarty introduced the Allen
City Council and city staff.
Update on Development: Review of
Present Development (Agenda Item II -A)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented
information on land currently annexed into the corporate city
limits, the amount remaining to be annexed, the city's developed
areas, the areas approved for upcoming development and the
planned developments on the west side of U.S. 75. Mr. Petty
pointed out those areas on a city limit map of Allen.
Mr. Petty presented a subdivision plat of the Heritage
Park Subdivision and pointed out its location and explained
what that development would contain. He also presented a
subdivision plat of the Tomlin Properties, located on the
west side of U.S. 75, and explained what that development
would contain and pointed out the location of a park site
and advised of future plans for the school site to be
located on the adjacent property.
Projected Development
(Agenda Item II -B)
Mr. Petty provided information on the projected employment
in the city, the number of businesses and home occupations
located in Allen now and what is projected for the future.
Review of Housing Inventory
(Agenda Item II -C)
Mr. Petty provided handout materials to members of the
Council and the Board of Trustees and explained the information
reflected in those materials. Mr. Petty advised that the
information contained statistics on the number of single-family
dwellings which were constructed or under construction during
certain periods of time, showed the percentage of the various
housing sizes, and the amount of housing units in the city's
numerous housing developments. Mr. Petty also provided population
figures for the city as of December 31, 1985, being 14,650.
Update on School Master Planning:
Allen ISD Master Planning (Agenda Item III -A)
Dr. John Horn, Superintendent of AISD, presented various
overhead transparencies showing statistics of the number of
students in the different grade levels in the AISD and advised
of the increase in the number of students in the kindergarten
and first grade levels. Dr. Horn emphasized the fact that
the trend will have an influence on the other grades as these
children progress through school.
Dr. Horn gave estimates of proposed school district attendance
based upon information provided on various developments and con-
struction in the city. He also presented a time line chart showing
the schedules of construction of the various school facilities
that the district will need to meet the demands of the school
Review Boundary Adjustment
(Agenda Item III -C)
Dr. Horn provided an update on the status of discussions
with other school district entities on the exchange of land
to realign the school district's boundaries in order to
provide for closer alignment with the city's corporate city
limits. Those other school district entities are Plano,
Lovejoy and McKinney.
FEBRUARY 3, 1986 Page 3
Review Boundary Adjustment
Possibilities (cont'd) (Agenda Item III -C)
Dr. Horn presented a map showing the proposed school sites
and the radius areas that they proposed to serve in the district.
He also presented additional maps showing the school sites if
the district boundaries are to be realigned based upon current
discussions and the radius of areas that they would serve.
Dr. Horn stated that the school district plans for the ultimate
build out to four high schools and advised of the need to
purchase school sites for a high school on the west side of
U.S. 75 and another site on the east side at this time.
School Construction Update (Agenda Item III -D)
Dr. Horn provided an update on the current construction
taking place in the district at this time. That construction
consists of additions to the three elementary schools. He added
later in the year, construction was to begin on the fourth
elementary school.
Lovejoy ISD Master Planning (Agenda Item III -B)
Robert Puster, Superintendent of the Lovejoy School District,
presented information on the Lovejoy School District, advised
of the size of the district, provided information on the deve-
lopment taking place in the district, and the projected growth
of the district. Mr. Puster advised that most of the develop-
ment in this district is single-family ranchette housing
developments and this will continue to be the case. Mr.
Puster pointed out that there may be some high density develop-
ments, but not many, and there will be little commercial or
industrial -type developments. Mr. Puster stated that the
Lovejoy School District will develop as a district containing
mostly single-family dwellings.
Mr. Puster pointed out the thoroughfares that run through
the district and explained that they were all east/west
thoroughfares that connect with Allen. Mr. Puster advised
that there are virtually no major north/south accesses in
the district.
Mr. Puster advised of the planning efforts in Lovejoy
to try and anticipate the growth and the number of school
facilities that will be needed in the future. He pointed
out that there will also have to be a decision regarding
whether the district will remain K through the sixth grade
or build a middle school and a high school.
Mr. Puster pointed out the numerous city entities located
within the Lovejoy School District. Those entities are
Allen, McKinney, Fairview, Lucas, Parker, and an area called
Forest Grove.
During the presentations, Dr. Horn, City Manager Jon McCarty,
Mayor Rodenbaugh, and Dr. Boon all added comments about the
importance of communication between the city and the school
districts and the uniqueness of the relationship between the
city and the school district and how it can provide for a
better quality of life for Allen residents.
Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the called - special meeting of
the Allen City Council and the Allen Independent School District
Board of Trustees at 8:30 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:47 p.m.
FEBRUARY 3, 1986 Page 4
Review City Linear Park/Greenbelt Study (Agenda Item IV)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation Department,
presented the status of the greenbelt/linear park study being
conducted by the city. Using maps, slides and a large aerial
photo, Mr. Thornton provided background information on the
need for the study, the funding provided by developers for
the study, the formation of the steering committee for the
study, the selection of the consultant to do the work on
the study, the status of their work, and the anticipated results
of the study and how it can be used.
Report on Telephone Extended Area Service (Agenda Item V)
City Manager Jon McCarty spoke before the Council and
the Board of Trustees on the problems with the existing
telephone system in the city and the work of the city officials
to try and rectify some of the problems. Mr. McCarty advised
of the meetings with the telephone officials in order to
obtain a state-of-the-art switching system in order to provide
for updated service to Allen residents. Mr. McCarty stated
that the new system would be installed in July of 1986 and
advised of some of the new services that will eventually
become available for Allen residents.
Using a city map, Mr. McCarty pointed out the 727 telephone
exchange and advised of other areas that were also located
in the Allen exchange. Mr. McCarty then explained the city's
work on a request for Extended Area Service (EAS) to the Dallas
metroplex area in order to eliminate all of the toll calls
that Allen residents have to contend with at this time.
Mr. McCarty provided background information on surveys
conducted by the telephone companies that show the number
of calls made by Allen residents to the metroplex and the
number of calls made to Allen, advised of the meetings with
the telephone companies and the Public Utility Commission
with the request for EAS and the hearings that the city is
presently involved in to try and obtain this service.
Dr. Boon: asked if the city could change the franchise
of telephone service from one company to another company.
City Manager McCarty explained the city's position in the
matter and that the telephone companies had mapped out their
service areas.
Update on City Capital Improvement
Projects: Main Street (Agenda Item VI -A)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, presented
a large drawing of the new alignment of Main Street, Allen
Drive and F.M. 2170 (McDermott). Mr. Petty reviewed the
new alignment and advised of the construction currently
taking place And the phases of development for other portions
of the roadways.
Mr. Petty then presented the streetscape design and
reviewed the various changes that will be made to enhance
Main Street in the downtown area, the location of a central
park site at Allen Drive and McDermott, and the addition
of trees, street lights, park benches, and other amenities
which are part of the redevelopment of Main Street and McDermott.
FEBRUARY 3, 1986 Page 5
Update on City Capital Improvement
Projects: Main Street (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI -A)
Mr. Petty also advised of other street and roadway projects
that the city has planned to improve with the help of funding
from the county and the state. Mr. Petty pointed out those
projects on a city map and described briefly what type of
improvements would be made.
Ford Community Park (Agenda Item VI -B)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, presented
a slide presentation of the construction of the swimming pool
and athletic fields at Ford Park. Mr. Thornton reviewed the
site plan of Ford Park, and the site plan of the municipal
swimming pool area. He advised of the design of the bath house,
office and the special landscaping and berm areas around the
pool and how the pool was constructed. Mr. Thornton pointed
out that the pool expected to be finished before Memorial Day
and that the grand opening is scheduled for Memorial Day.
Other Capital Improvement Projects (Agenda Item VI -C)
Jon McCarty, City Manager, provided an update on the other
capital improvement projects that the city will be undertaking
in the next few years and that were approved by the voters in
the bond election held in 1985. Mr. McCarty advised of the
second water delivery point, the location of the water lines
to the point and the location of a ground storage tank and
the location of an overhead water storage tank.
Mr. McCarty explained that the city would be constructing
a new police and courts building in 1987 and a new library
facility after completion of the police and courts building.
At this time, Mayor Rodenbaugh asked if there were any
questions or comments to be made. Several members of the
Board and the Council indicated that this meeting was very
informative and that the Board and the Council should meet
more often.
Mayor Rodenbaugh and Dr. Boon adjourned the joint called -
special meeting of the Allen City Council and the Allen
Independent School District Board of Trustees into executive
session at 9:55 p.m.
Executive Session
(Agenda Item VII)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open
Meetings Law), Section 2(g), the Allen City Council and the
Allen Independent School District Board of Trustees convened
into Executive Session at 10:00 p.m. on Monday, February 3,
1986, in the Board Room of the Allen ISD Administrative Offices,
200 S. Cedar Street, Allen, Texas, to discuss matters pertaining
to the naming of park/school sites.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 10:25 p.m.
Reconvene: Consider Action
on Item Discussed During
Executive Session (Agenda Item VIII)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Joe Farmer and
seconded by Trustee Charles Williams, the Council
and the Board voted unanimously to name the school
and park site to be located in the Greengate Sub-
division as the Alvis C. Story Elementary School
and Story Park. The motion carried.
FEBRUARY 3, 1986 Page 6
Reconvene: Consider Action
on Item Discussed During
Executive Session (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Trustee Glen Renfro and seconded
by Councilman Rex Womack, the Council and the Board
of Trustees voted unanimously to name the next future
school/park site the Max 0. Vaughan Elementary School
and Vaughan Park. The motion carried.
Adjournment (Agenda Item IX)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Trustee Mary Evans and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Joe Farmer, the Council and the
Board of Trustees voted unanimously to adjourn the
joint called - special meeting of the Allen City
Council and the Allen Independent School District
Board of Trustees at 10:30 p.m. on Monday, February 3,
1986. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 20th day of February
Marty Hendrix, ITY SECRETARY