HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1986 - 02/20 - RegularCITY OF ALLEN
FEBRUARY 20, 1986
148.8907 Acres
City Staff•
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
William R. Wines
In accordance with Article 970(a), V.A.T.C.S., the
public hearing was called to order by City Secretary
Marty Hendrix at 1:05 p.m. on Thursday, February 20, 1986,
in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex,
One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised that the 148.8907
acres of land,in ten (10) contiguous tracts, out of the
John W. Roberts Survey, Abstract No. 762, and the H. Seaborn
and R. F. Clements Survey, Abstract No. 879, has been requested
to be annexed into the Allen city limits by the following
property owners:
David K. Selby, M. D.
Robert B. Palmer
Fergus Walker, Jr. &
Richard Hansen
Peter H. Shaddock
Walter S. Henrion &
William R. Wines
Betty Williams
George Perutz
William R. Wines
City Secretary Marty Hendrix reviewed the location of
the property, being southeast of State Highway 121, north
of County Road 149 and west of County Road 150.
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised that the prepared
service plan for the 148.8907 acres was available for public
City Secretary Marty Hendrix opened the public hearing.
Mr. William R. Wines, representing the property owners,
spoke in favor of the annexation request. With no one else
wishing to speak either for or against this annexation request,
City Secretary Marty Hendrix closed the public hearing.
The public hearing was adjourned at 1:10 p.m.
These minutes reviewed and approved on this the 20th
day of February , 1986.
Marty Hendrix, ityy�nSecc^r`etary /
FEBRUARY 20, 1986
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem (left meeting at 7:54 p.m.)
Jim McClure
Rex Womack
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Gary Koch
City Staff:
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 7:32 p.m. on Thursday,
February 20, 1986, in the Council Chambers of the Allen
Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
(Agenda Item II)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman McClure, the Council voted
7 - 0 to approve and adopt all items on the
Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of February 3,
1986 - Joint Called - Special Meeting of the
Allen City Council and the Allen Independent
School District Board of Trustees.
B. Approval of City Council Minutes of February 6,
1986 - Regular Session.
C. Approval of City Council Minutes of February 11,
1986 - Joint Called - Special Meeting of the
Allen City Council and the Plano City Council.
D. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated
with the 1979 Capital Improvement Program as follows:
Central Signs
Contract for Construction of
Main Street - Phase I - Signs
for notification of "Street
Bond Funds for Main St" and
Signs for notification of
"Street Bond Funds at Work"
Graham Associates, Inc.
Contract for Construction of
Main Street - Phase I -
Construction Staking -
Services thru: 1-21-86
Graham Associates, Inc.
Contract for Construction of
Main Street - Phase I -
Engineering Desiqn and Con-
tract Administration of Phase
Includes Revising Main Street
Plans to Reflect New Design
for Sidewalks and Other Items
Services thru: 1-21-86
FEBRUARY 20, 1986
Page 2
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
4. Texas Meter & Sewer Co. $ 1,438.82
Contract for Construction
of Main Street - Phase I -
Installation of Parts for
Irrigation System
5. Schrickel, Rollins & Associates $ 6,505.00
Contract for Construction of
Ford Park Swimming Pool and
Ballfields - Services Rendered
for Observation and Shop
Drawings, and Administration
of Contract, Field Checks,
Reproduction and Mileage for
time period 8/1/85 - 12/31/85.
E. Authorization to city staff to pay bills
associated with the 1985 Capital Improvement
Program. There were no bills to be paid
at this time.
F. Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of January 31, 1986.
Set March 6, 1986 as Public Hearings Date on a
Request to Annex Approximately 94.36 Acres of
Land in Two Tracts Located East and West of
State Highway 5 and North of Chaparral Road,
as requested by property owners, Heinz H. Molsen,
Barbara Kandel and Frederick G. Molsen.
Set March 20, 1986 as a Public Hearing Date on
a Request to Amend Planned Development No. 13,
Cottonwood Bend North, to Change the Use
Regulations to Allow Garden Homes in Tracts
9 and 10 on Property Located North of Bethany
Road and East of Jupiter Road, as requested by
Pat Atkins, Don Tiption Engineering for Land-
mark Development.
Set March 20, 1986 as a Public Hearing Date on
a Request for a Specific Use Permit for an
Environmental Laboratory in the Central Business
District Located in Suites 103/105 Allen Plaza,
as requested by Kendall Brown.
motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Ordinance No. 679-2-86: An
Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Amending
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
No. 366-10-81, by Amending
Section 2.10 to Include Definitions
for Private Clubs and Restaurants/
Private Clubs; Amending the Schedule
of Uses to Include Restaurant/
Private Clubs; Amending Section
3.01 by Amending Legend and
Establishing Geographic Locations;
Repealing and Readopting Section
2.06 Establishing Criteria for
Evaluation of Specific Use Permits,
and Establishing Separate Criteria
for Evaluating and Regulating
Specific Use Permits for Private
Clubs and Restaurant/Private Clubs;
Providing for a Penalty; Providing
for a Severability Clause; and
Providing for an Effective Date. (Agenda Item III)
FEBRUARY 20, 1986 Page 3
Ordinance No. 679-2-86 (cont'd) (Agenda Item III)
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the Council that the proposed
ordinance would amend the city's Zoning Ordinance in order
to regulate private clubs/restaurants and private clubs in
the city.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular
meeting on February 13, 1986, recommended to the City Council
approval of adoption of the proposed ordinance with the following
1. The distance requirement be reduced from 1,000
feet to applicable State distances and measure-
ment procedures (300 feet).
2. Minimum seating be reduced from the proposed
80 to 50.
The Council discussed maintaining the 1,000 foot distance
as opposed to the 300 feet recommended by the Planning and
Zoning Commission and the changing of the minimum seating for
private clubs only back to the 80 seats.
MOTION: A motion was made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Pendleton to approve and
adopt Ordinance No. 679-2-86 in accordance with
the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission, as stated, and as captioned previously.
MOTION: A motion was made by Councilman Koch and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer to amend the main motion
to set the minimum seats to 80 for private clubs
only. The Council voted four (4) in favor of the
motion and three (3) opposed, with Council Members
Womack, Wolfe and McClure casting the negative votes.
The motion carried.
MOTION: The Council voted four (4) in favor of the main motion
and three (3) opposed, with Council Members Womack,
Wolfe and McClure casting the negative votes. The
main motion carried.
At this time, Mayor Pro Tem Farmer left the meeting.
Public Hearing:
Request to Annex
148.8907 Acres
of Land in Ten
Contiguous Tracts
Southeast of
S. H. 121, North
of County Road 149
and West of County
Road 150
William R. Wines on
behalf of Property
(Agenda Item IV)
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing on a Request to Annex Approximately
148.8907 Acres of Land in Ten Contiguous Tracts
Located Southeast of State Highway 121, North of
County Road 149 and West of County Road 150."
FEBRUARY 20, 1986
Public Hearing: Request to Annex
148.8907 Acres of
(cont'd) Land in Ten Tracts
Page 4
(Agenda Item IV)
Bill Shaddock, property owner of three of the tracts and
representing the other property owners involved in this annexation
request, spoke before the Council on this annexation request.
City Secretary Marty Hendrix pointed out the property to
the Council using an aerial photo of the city and its extra-
territorial jurisdiction and presented the plats of the approx-
imately 148.8907 acres of land out of the John W. Roberts Survey,
Abstract No. 762, and the H. Seaborn and R. F. Clements Survey,
Abstract No. 879, located southeast of State Highway 121, north
of County Road 149 and west of County Road 150. The property
owners involved in this request are:
David K. Selby, M.D
Robert B. Palmer
Fergus Walker, Jr.
Richard Hansen
Peter H. Shaddock
Walter S. Henrion &
William R. Wines
Betty Williams
George Perutz
William R. Wines
(11.533 acres)
(10.144 acres)
(10.135 acres)
(30.366 acres)
(32.135 acres)
(10.170 acres)
(10.224 acres)
(34.1637 acres)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council that
in accordance with State Law, the first public hearing was
held by city staff at 1:00 p.m. on February 20, 1986, in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex. Minutes of
those proceedings had been furnished to the City Council for
their review. The service plan had been prepared and was
available for public review.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing. No one
appeared to speak either for or against this annexation
request. Mayor Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing.
Mayor Rodenbaugh announced that there would be no
action taken on this request at this time. The annexation
ordinance would be prepared and presented to the City Council
at their regular meeting to be held on March 20, 1986 for
consideration of adoption.
Accept the 1984-85 Fiscal Year
Annual Financial Report (Agenda Item V)
Larry Mullins, with Peat, Marwick and Mitchell and Company,
the city's external audit firm, spoke before the Council on the
1984 - 85 Fiscal Year Annual Financial Report.
Mr. Mullins reviewed the document with the Council and
explained the figures on pages 4, 5, 6 and 7, which showed
the combined balance sheet for all fund types and account
groups; explained the figures on pages 8, 9, 10, and 11, which
showed the combined statement of revenues, expenditures and
changes in fund balances for all fund types and expendable
trust funds; explained the figures on pages 12 and 13, which
showed the statement of revenues and expenditures - budget
and actual for general, special revenue and debt service fund
types; and explained pages 14, 15, 16, and 17, which showed
the proprietary fund (water and sewer).
Mr. Mullins pointed out to the Council that the remaining
pages contained notes to reflect the findings of the combined
financial statements. Mr. Mullins also advised that a management
letter had been furnished to the city and to the Council
regarding methods for improvements in certain areas.
FEBRUARY 20, 1986 Page 5
Accept the 1984 - 85 Fiscal
Year Annual Financial Report (Agenda Item V)
Mr. Mullins advised that the findings of the audit was
that the aforementioned combined financial statements present
fairly the financial position of the City of Allen, Texas,
at September 30, 1985.
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the Council of the meeting of
the Council' subcommittee with the auditors for a more
detailed review of the audit and the recommendation of that
subcommittee to the Council was to accept the annual financial
report as prepared.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded
by Councilman Koch, the Council voted 6 - 0 to approve
and accept the 1984 - 85 Fiscal Year Annual Financial
Report as presented. The motion carried.
Consideration of Items
Related to the Main
Street Streetscape Project (Agenda Item VI)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke
before the Council on the consideration of additional items
to be added to the street paving contract for Main Street
with Angel Concrete Company.
Mr. Petty advised the Council that working with Angel
Concrete Company, the contractors doing the street improve-
ments to Main Street - Phase i, and the SWA Group, the
consultants hired for the Streetscape for Main Street, it
had been determined that Angel Concrete Company could do
the following additional improvements as a change work order
to their current contract:
Street Pavers $29,160
Concrete Work 40,109
Tree Grates & Frames 11,273
Irrigation Sleeving 8,743
Electrical Sleeving 6,400
$95,685 Total
The remaining items to be included in the streetscape project,
such as lighting, sidewalk pavers and landscaping, would be
let out for bids.
Mr. Petty pointed out that there currently exists in the
contract with Angel Concrete an $98,000 overlap which was
included for such items as the stairs by the feedstore and
lighting. Thus, Mr. Petty explained that the budget impact
of this change work order would be a $2,315.00 reduction.
Mr. Petty explained to the Council about the original plan
to place sleeving in the sidewalks for the irrigation system,
with the irrigation system to be installed at a later date.
However, after discussing this with the city's consulting
engineer, the city staff is now recommending that sleeving
for the irrigation system not be used in the sidewalks and
that the irrigation system be added now when the sidewalks
are constructed. Therefore, the additional cost for the
placement of the irrigation system now would be $25,000.
Mr. Petty explained why the city staff had chosen not
to use sleeving in the sidewalks for the irrigation system
and pointed out that leaks would be easier to locate and
repair than if the system was enclosed in sleeving.
FEBRUARY 20, 1986
Consideration of Items
Related to the Main Street
Streetscape Project (cont'd)
The Council discussed with
the sleeving of the irrigation
to do that in the sidewalks and
on certain other items.
Page 6
(Agenda Item VI)
Mr. Petty the meaning of
system and the decision not
the need to go out for bids
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
approve the change work order for the streetscape
items in the amount of $95,685 and to approve the
installation of the irrigation system in the sidewalks
for $25,000, in accordance with the recommendation
of city staff, as stated. The motion carried.
Approve Architect Selection
Process on the Design of
Municipal Buildings
(Agenda Item VII)`
Michael Stanger, Administrative Assistant to the City
Manager, spoke before the Council on the architect selection
process for the design of the municipal buildings, i.e.,
police and courts building and library building and renovation
to the central fire station.
Mr. Stanger reviewed with the Council the work of city
staff on the development of the architect selection process
and reviewed in detail the calender of that process. Mr.
Stanger explained that Request for Information (RFI) was
a product of the city staff and it was sent to numerous
architect firms in order to receive information on the
various firms and their capabilities. The city staff would
then review those RFI's and narrow the field of participants
to around eight to ten. At that time, the city would then
send out Requests for Proposals (RFP's) to those firms to
invite more detailed information. The field of architects
would then be narrowed again to three or four firms to make
presentations to the City Council.
Mr. Stanger advised that one concern had been the
Library Board's participation in this process and it had been
suggested at city staff discussions that the Library Board
view the presentations and make a recommendation to the
City Council. Mr. Stanger pointed out, however, that this
was not part of the city staff's recommendation.
The Council briefly discussed the process and asked
for a clarification of the Library Board's participation
and who had suggested their participation in the process.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and
seconded by Councilman Koch, the Council voted
6 - 0 to approve the architect selection process
on the design of the municipal buildings as
presented and as recommended by city staff. The
motion carried.
Appointments to Vacancies on
Planning and Zoning Commission (Agenda Item VIII -A)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council of the
two vacancies existing on the Planning and Zoning Commission
due to the resignations of Dr. Jerry Wilson, Place No. 3 and
Jack Pennington, Place No. 6.
Ms. Hendrix pointed out to the Council that it was the
city staff's recommendation that these positions be advertised
further and data sheets received until March 3rd. The data
sheets would then be presented to the Council for their review
on March 6th and appointments could be made on March 20th.
FEBRUARY 20, 1986
Page 7
Appointments to Vacancies on
Planning and Zoning Commission (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII -A)
Ms. Hendrix pointed out to the Council that one of the
terms of office would be expiring in June, therefore, the Council
would again be considering that appointment in May.
The Council discussed the appointments to the two vacancies
and the need to make both appointments at this time, the need
to start interviewing the candidates whether it be all of the
Council or a subcommittee made up of two or three Council
Members, the need to have the subcommittee be on a rotating
basis, the need to develop a format of questions for the
interviews so that they all can be consistent, and the need
to provide for a brief orientation session for the candidates
by city staff support before the interviews.
In further discussion, it was the consensus of the Council
that city staff would proceed with the schedule as recommended
for appointments to the two vacancies, and that time be allotted
for the interviewing process before the appointments are to be
made on the 20th. The city staff is also to consider making
their orientation presentation prior to the interviews.
Mayor Rodenbaugh appointed Council Members Jim Pendleton
and Jim Wolfe as the members of the first interview committee.
There was no action taken on this item.
Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 8:52 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:06 p.m.
Consider Items Related to
Controlling Signs in the
Extraterriotrial Jurisdiction (Agenda Item VIII -B)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council on House Bill 1330 which allows a municipality options
in creating a sign abatement act which requires establishment
of a sign evaluation board to determine values for reimbursement
to sign owners who are forced to remove nonconforming signs.
It also provides that municipalities can extend their sign
regulation ordinances to the limits of their extraterritorial
jurisdiction and thereby, restrict sign structures to city code
requirements rather than those of the State of Texas.
Mr. Petty advised the Council that the Sign Board of the
City of Allen, at their regular meeting in February of 1986,
recommended to the City Council that the Sign Regulations
Ordinance be amended to extend the powers to the extraterritorial
jurisdiction lines.
The Council discussed with Mr. Petty the legislation and
how it will effect the city regarding the large billboard signs.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded
by Councilman McClure, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
approve the recommendations of the Sign Board and
to direct city staff to proceed with the preparation
of an ordinance amending the city's Sign Ordinance
to extend the powers to the extraterritorial jurisdiction
lines. The motion carried.
FEBRUARY 20, 1986
E U.M.
Consider Concept Plan for
Future Intersection and
Traffic Routing at Allen
Heights Drive, Park Place
Drive, Hillside Lane, Rolling
Ridge Drive and Grassy Glen Drive (Agenda Item VIII -C)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council on the proposed concept plan for the future inter-
section and traffic routing at Allen Heights Drive, Park Place
Drive, Hillside Lane, Rolling Ridge Drive, and Grassy Glen Drive.
Using a map of the intersection, Mr. Petty reviewed how
the intersection would be constructed and advised of the work
by the city staff and other parties to determine the most
viable design for this complicated intersection.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular
meeting held on February 13, 1986, recommended to the City
Council approval of the concept plan with the inclusion of
the city staff's recommendations for modification.
Mr. Petty pointed out the plan as presented to the Council
was the modified plan.
The Council discussed with Mr. Petty who the traffic con-
sultant was in this design process and who the other parties
were that worked on the design, the proposed name of the street
which is now Hillside Drive but will be an extension of Rolling
Ridge Drive, and what portions of the street will be put in
by developers and what portions the city will be responsible for.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Councilman Koch, the Council voted 5 - 0 (with
Council Member Pendleton being out of the room) to
approve the design concept plan for the future inter-
section and traffic routing at Allen Heights Drive,
Park Place Drive, Hillside Lane, Rolling Ridge Drive
and Grassy Glen Drive as presented and in accordance
with the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning
Commission and the city staff, as stated. The motion
Distribute the Water and
Sewer Rate Study as
prepared by Lewis F. McLain, Jr. (Agenda Item VIII -D)
Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, distributed to the
City Council copies of the Water and Sewer Rate Study as
prepared by Lewis F. McLain, Jr. Mrs. Smith reminded the
Council of the workshop session scheduled for Monday,
February 24th, at which time Mr. McLain will review this
study and make his recommendation.
There was no action taken on this item. This item was
received as a matter of information.
Items of Interest to the
Council (Agenda Item VIII -E)
Player Rodenbaugh reminded the City Council of the upcoming
Collin County Public Officials Banquet scheduled for Friday,
February 28, 1986, and advised that the tickets had been distri-
buted to the members that are attending.
Councilman Jim Wolfe advised the Council that he is
continuing to receive information from the law firm in Austin
on the rate cases of AT&T and Southwestern Bell and is turning_
that information over to the City Manager if any of the other
Council Members are interested in looking at the information.
Councilman Wolfe advised that when there is a final decision
made in the rate case, then perhaps a brief summary can be
made of what was decided which can be distributed to all of the
Council Members.
FEBRUARY 20, 1986
Page 9
Items of Interest to the Council (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII -E)
Councilman Wolfe also distributed to the Council copies
of a memo he had prepared for the members of the Council -
appointed telephone subcommittee regarding the meeting with
the City of Plano, General Telephone Company and Southwestern
Bell Telephone Company regarding the City of Plano's request
for a 911 emergency service number and how Allen might be
involved in this situation. Councilman Wolfe pointed out that
this item might be placed on the Council's agenda for further
update at some time in the future.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman McClure and seconded
by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council
at 9:25 p.m. on Thursday, February 20, 1986. The
motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 6th day of March
Marty Hendrix, 6