HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1986 - 08/21 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL REGULAR SESSION AUGUST 21, 1986 Present• Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem Council Members: Jerry Wilson Rex Womack Jim Wolfe Jim Pendleton Jack Pennington Absent• Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor City Staff: Jon McCarty, City Manager Marty Hendrix, City Secretary The regular session of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer at 7:39 p.m. on Thursday, August 21, 1986, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas. CONSENT AGENDA (Agenda Item II) MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as recommended and as follows: A. Approval of City Council Minutes of July 29, 1986 - Called Special Workshop Session with the Planning and Zoning Commission B. Approval of City Council Minutes of August 7, 1986 - Regular Session C. Approval of City Council Minutes of August 8, 9, and 10, 1986 - FY 1986 - 87 Budget Retreat D. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the 1979 Capital Improvement Program as follows: 1. Hannah Construction Company $ 19,796.00 Construction of Ford Park Swimming Pool and Ball Fields Application No. 10 - Period 6-20-86 thru 7-20-86 2. Black & Veatch Engineers $ 1,898.07 Engineering Services in Connection with Engineering Assistance for Allen Municipal Complex Development to Evaluate Proposed Private Development Adjacent to Municipal Complex. 3. Stripe -Rite $ 539.60 Layout, Re -striping, and Wheel Stops for Parking Lot Areas at Allen Municipal Annex and Central Fire Station 237 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 1986 Page 2 CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II) E. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated with the 1985 Capital Improvement Program as follows: 1. William H. Hidell Architects $ 4,210.40 Architectural Services on Design of Police and Courts Building - July 1986 2. The SWA Group $ 1,070.15 Construction of the Street - scope for the Main Street Project - Phase I - Pro- fessional Services Period: 6/1 - 6/30/86 3. The SWA Group $ 327.33 Construction of the Street- scape for the Main Street Project - Phase I - Reimbursable Expenses - Period: 6/1 - 6/30/86 4. Gohmann Asphalt $ 3,313.74 1986 Asphalt Street Overlay Program by City - Hot Asphalt Mix 5. Graham Associates, Inc. $ 3,347.50 Engineering Services Related to Right -of -Way Map for McDermott Drive Services thru: 7-22-86 6. Graham Associates, Inc. $ 29,210.00 Engineering Services Connected with Jupiter Road Relating to Design Services thru: 7-22-86 7. Southwestern Laboratories, Inc. $ 311.60 Construction of Main Street - Phase I - Tests and Trip Charges Period: 7/14 - 15, 1986 8. Honey Construction Company $ 3,375.00 Construction of Ford Park Swimming Pool - Parking Lot 9. Texas Power & Light Company $ 16,724.00 Construction of Ford Park Swimming Pool - Cost for Underground Utilities to Ford Park 10. Schrickel, Rollins & Associates $ 31,000.00 Construction of Ford Park - Phase II - Services Rendered for Completion of Design Development of this Project 11. Boney Construction Company $ 101,383.23 Construction of Ford Park Swimming Pool - Paving of Parking Lot and Roadways 12. M. E. Hicks Utility Contractors $ 18,148.69 Construction of Ford Park Swimming Pool - Storm Sewer Drainage - Estimate No. 1 238 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 1986 CONSENT AGENDA Page 3 (Agenda Item II) ME 13. Don A. Tipton, Inc. $ 35,259.98 Construction of Ford Park Swimming Pool - Construction Staking and Surveying for Parking Lot and Roadways Period: Thru August 8, 1986 14. Schneider, Bernet & Hickman $ 23,700.00 Financial Advisory Fee for $7,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1986 15. Schneider, Bernet & Hickman $ 25,259.72 Financial Advisory Fee for $2,030,000 Water and Sewer System Revenue Bonds, including Reimbursable Expenses for New York Bond Rating Trip by City Council 16. Peat Marwick Mitchell & Co. $ 17,000.00 Final Billing for Professional Services Rendered in Con- nection with Examination of Financial Statements of Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund for Year Ended June 30, 1986; and Progress billing for Pro- fessional Services Rendered in Connection with Examination v of Financial Statements for Year Ending September 30, 1986 17. Moody's Investors Services $ 4,000.00 Professional Services in Connection with Bond Rating for $7,000,000 General Obligation Bonds 18. Moody's Investors Services $ 2,700.00 Professional Services in Connection with Bond Rating for $2,030,000 Water and Sewer Revenue Bonds F. Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of July 21, 1986 G. Set September 18, 1986 as the Public Hearing Date on a Request by R. K. Davison Com., Inc., for Permanent Zoning on 5.5 Acres of Land for "R-5" (Residential) Located East of State Highway 5 and South of Stacy Road. S H. Set September 18, 1986 as the Public Hearing Date (fir on a Request from Landmark Properties to Amend Planned Development No. 13 Providing for a Variation of Lot Sizes in Tract Four Located North of Chaparral and East of Jupiter Road. The motion carried. End of Consent Agenda ME ALLEN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 1986 Page 4 TABLED ITEM: Consideration of a Request by Dabney Bowen Joint venture for Perman- ent Zoning of Residential Shopping Center, and Community Facilities, on 376.462 Acres of Land Located South of Stacy Road, North of Exchange Parkway and Adjacent to the Proposed Extension of Allen Heights Drive and Consider an Ordinance Establishing Permanent Zoning and a Resolution Adopting Certain Deed Restrictions. (Agenda Item III -A) Mayor Pro Tem Farmer called for a motion to remove this agenda item from the table for consideration. There being no motion to remove this item from the table at this time by the City Council, Mayor Pro Tem Farmer announced that this agenda item would not be considered at this time. Due to several questions from the audience, Mayor Pro Tem Farmer explained that the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission were working on procedures for dealing with large tract zoning issues and that those procedures had not been finalized as of this meeting. He explained that the requestors had been notified of that fact and that they had requested that this item not be brought off of the table until the procedures had been completed. There was further discussion with members of the audience on speaking before the Council on this tabled item at the future meeting when it will be taken from the: table for action even though the public hearing has been held. Mayor Pro Tem Farmer explained that it will be the prerogative of the Mayor to recognize individuals to speak at that time. There was no action taken on this item. TABLED ITEM: Consideration of a Request by Denny Holman of Folsom Investments and David Whisenant for Permanent.•Zoning on 423.38 Acres to "FP -PD" (Flood Plain - Planned Development) Including Shopping Center, Office, Multi -Family and Residential Located South of State Highway 121 and West of U.S. 75 and Consider an Ordinance Establishing Permanent Zoning. (Agenda Item III -B) Mayor Pro Tem Farmer called for a motion to remove this agenda item from the table for consideration. There being no motion to remove this item from the table at this time by the City Council, Mayor Pro Tem Farmer announced that this agenda item would not be considered at this time. There was no action taken on this item. Consider a Request from Moore Industrial Disposal Inc., for a Rate Increase in Residential and Commercial Collection and Disposal (Agenda Item IV) City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council that a representative of Moore Industrial Disposal was present to speak to the Council regarding this request. M) 0 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 1986 Page 5 Consider a Request from Moore Industrial Disposal Inc. for a Rate Increase in Residential and Commercial Collection and Disposal (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV) Mayor Pro Tem Farmer explained to the City Council the options available to them regarding this item. Those options were to approve the request as presented and set an effective date, or authorize the city staff to negotiate with the company, or to deny the request altogether and give notice to the company that the city no longer recognizes the contract. The denial and notification have to be given to Moore Industrial by September 1st. Don Hamon, Director of Municipal Services with Moore Industrial Disposal, Inc., spoke before the Council on their request for a rate increase in residential and commercial collection and disposal. Mr. Hamon reviewed the operational costs as of July, 1986 for Moore Industrial, reviewed the analysis of the landfill increases between 1985 and 1986, and advised of rates in other customer cities and of cities where new rates are pending. Mr. Hamon also spoke before the Council on the proposed new contract and some of the differences between their proposed contract and the one presently existing between Moore and the city. Mayor Pro Tem Farmer pointed out to the Council that if the request is approved as presented there would be an increase in the rates, a new contract entered into, and changes would have to be incorporated into the city's solid waste ordinance. There was discussion by the Council on the city staff's research on this item and if there had been enough time to do adequate research, the portion of the new contract which stipulates that the private haulers allowed by the city's ordinance would be eliminated and that Moore Industrial would have exclusive pick-up in the city, and the portion of the contract that states the amount of votes needed by the Council to revoke the contract. In further discussion, city staff advised the Council that the contract had just been reviewed to determine the differences in the present contract with the proposed con- tract and there had been no conversations with Moore as to the reasoning behind some of the proposed requirements in the contract. Mr. Hamon explained to the Council that this proposed contract was just a standard contract of Moore Industrial and it would be open to negotiations. Mr. McCarty advised the Council that the preliminary recommendation of the city staff would be that the Council s:. delay a decision on going out to rebid this contract;. and (�+ authorize the city staff to negotiate the contract and rates with Moore Industrial; and that the Council appoint a subcommittee of its members to meet with city staff and discuss the various aspects of these negotiations. City Manager McCarty also advised the Council that city staff is also requesting that the Council recognize the fact that a special called meeting will have to be held before September lst on this item. 24( ALLEN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 1986 Page 6 Consider a Request from Moore Industrial Disposal Inc. for a Rate Increase in Residential and Commercial Collection and Disposal (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV) Mayor Pro Tem Farmer discussed with Don Eamon if his company was willing to negotiate the contract and other items with city staff. Mr. Ramon indicated that they were willing to do that. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by Councilman Womack, the Council voted 6 - 0 in favor of the city staff's recommendation as follows: 1. To delay a decision on going out to rebid this contract. 2. To authorize the city staff to negotiate the contract, rates and changing portions of the city's solid waste ordinance with Moore Industrial Disposal, Inc. 3. To appoint a Council subcommittee to work with city staff on these negotiations. 4. To recognize that a special meeting will have to be called prior to September 1st. The motion carried. There was further discussion by the City Council on the members to serve on the subcommittee. Councilman Jim Wolfe and Councilman Jim Pendleton volunteered to serve on this committee. The Council also discussed the need for the special called meeting and an appropriate date to hold the meeting. It was concluded that Thursday, August 28, 1986, would be the appropriate date to discuss this item, and the City Council directed the city staff to add this item to the agenda of a meeting that had already been scheduled on that date. Consider Policy Direction and Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Regarding Large Tract Zoning Requirements (Agenda Item V) City Manager Jon McCarty spoke before the Council on recommendation of the city staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission regarding the procedure that would attempt to allow flexibility and provide a mechanism for ultimate control at the time of development on large tract zoning cases. This procedure would also allow developers, city. staff, the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council to work with the dwelling unit allocation numbers provided in the city's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. McCarty explained to the Council that page 1 of the procedure would be submitted with each zoning request, and pages 2, 3 and 4 of the recommendation would actually be amendments to the city's Comprehensive Plan. Those pages contained site plan evaluators for medium and low density residential, multi -family .and commercial/office. There was considerable discussion by the City .Council, on the submission of a site plan as part of the procedure and how it would differ from a preliminary plat and at what point would it be submitted to the Council, the need to apply the policy of no more than 200 units to all zoning districts, not just to multi -family, and the need to be much more specific as to what the exact zoning is so that adjacent properties will know what the property is zoned. aql ALLEN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 1986 Page 7 MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and seconded by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to direct city staff to proceed with the development of a zoning prototype, using the proposed procedures developed by city staff, and also using the elements proposed in the Council's discussion, with city staff to proceed in a timely manner with projected date of September 4th Council meeting for presentation. The motion carried. Authorization for Drainage Repair Work at the Intersection of Hillside Lane and the Alley Behind Hillside Park (Agenda Item VI) City Manager Jon McCarty spoke briefly before the Council on the drainage problem which exists at the southeast corner of Hillside Park where runoff from the park is collected. The storm sewer capacity in that area has been decreased due to major obstructions clogging the line. The reduced capacity of the line causes runoff to backup and flow across the alley, CW then down along Hillside Lane causing erosion which fills the downstream catch basin. A residence in that area has also experienced flooding when this occurs. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wilson and seconded by Councilman Pennington, the Council voted 5 - 0 (with Councilman Pendleton being out of the room) to authorize the city staff to proceed with the drainage repair work at the intersection of Hillside Lane and the alley behind Hillside Park, in accordance with the city staff's recommendation. The motion carried. 243 Consider Policy Direction and Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan Regarding Large Tract Zoning Requirements (cont'd) (Agenda Item V) There was further discussion on the issue of the need to know the exact zoning on the property, how many units were allowed on the property and where those units would be located on the property. The Council also discussed the need for flexibility and the need to eliminate zoning cases coming back before the Council when the number of units approved originally on the site will not fit due to engineering requirements, typography, etc. There was further discussion by the Council on when zoning action by the Council is completed, i.e., at what stage, ordinance approval, when development begins, etc. Mayor Pro Tem Farmer recessed the regular session of the Allen City Council at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:12 p.m. Mayor Pro Tem Farmer recommended to the City Council that city staff develop a prototype zoning case and use the procedures proposed by the city staff so that the Council could actually see how it will work and be applied. The Council discussed this recommendation with the city staff as to the timing element and when this work could be completed, not using any existing zoning requests pre- sently before the Council, using real land in the city that is presently located adjacent to zoned property on one side and vacant land on another, and not considering any more zoning issues until this matter is resolved. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and seconded by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to direct city staff to proceed with the development of a zoning prototype, using the proposed procedures developed by city staff, and also using the elements proposed in the Council's discussion, with city staff to proceed in a timely manner with projected date of September 4th Council meeting for presentation. The motion carried. Authorization for Drainage Repair Work at the Intersection of Hillside Lane and the Alley Behind Hillside Park (Agenda Item VI) City Manager Jon McCarty spoke briefly before the Council on the drainage problem which exists at the southeast corner of Hillside Park where runoff from the park is collected. The storm sewer capacity in that area has been decreased due to major obstructions clogging the line. The reduced capacity of the line causes runoff to backup and flow across the alley, CW then down along Hillside Lane causing erosion which fills the downstream catch basin. A residence in that area has also experienced flooding when this occurs. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wilson and seconded by Councilman Pennington, the Council voted 5 - 0 (with Councilman Pendleton being out of the room) to authorize the city staff to proceed with the drainage repair work at the intersection of Hillside Lane and the alley behind Hillside Park, in accordance with the city staff's recommendation. The motion carried. 243 ALLEN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 1986 Page 8 Consider Staff Recommendation Concerning Park Board Replacement (Agenda Item VII -A) Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke before the Council on the recent action by the Council in declaring Place No. 1 on the Parks and Recreation Board vacant and the need to appoint a replacement to that position. Mr. Thornton advised that since this position has an expiring term of office at the end of September, it is the city staff's recommendation that this position be filled when other appointments are made during the month of September. Mr. Thornton also advised the Council that the Chairman of the city's Parks and Recreation Board, Don Proeschel, has been appointed to the Collin County Open Space Committee. Mr. Thornton also provided an update to the Council on the status of the Greenbelt/Linear Park Study and that a recommendation would soon be forthcoming to the Council. At this time, City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council that they would be considering appointments to Places No. 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7 on the Parks and Recreation Board and Places No. 2, 4 and Alternates No. 1 and 2 on the Board of Adjustment/Sign Control Board during the month of September. Ms. Hendrix reminded the Council that the boards/commission reception would be held prior to the Council meeting on September 4th, and that the Council needed to appoint their interview committee prior to that evening. The Council discussed the appointments and Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and Councilman Pennington volunteered to be the interview committee for the upcoming appointments. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Budget Public Hearing Schedule (Agenda Item VII -B) aW City Manager Jon McCarty reminded the City Council of their upcoming public hearing on the city's FY 1986 - 87 Budget to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 38, 1986. Mr. McCarty also advised that due to the calculation of the effective tax rate for FY 1986 - 87, there would not be a need for the city to meet the public hearing requirements for the increase in the tax rate as it would not be 38 or more. The Council briefly discussed the public hearing on the budget and the workshop to follow in order to address some issues raised at the budget retreat. They also discussed the requirements that needed to be met if a public hearing were required,on the tax rate. CW This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. aW ALLEN CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 21, 1986 Page 9 e Farmer, MAYOR PRO TEM .mo�i c V `& """'Y Marty Hendrix, SMC, CITY SECRETAR aql;- Meeting with Member of the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission (Agenda Item VII -C) City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of an upcoming reception for Robert M. Bass, member of the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission, to be held on September 11th and Mr. McCarty encouraged members of the Council to attend. This item was received as a matter of information. There was no action taken on this item. Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item VII -D) Tom Keener, Development Coordinator, introduced to the City Council, Joseph Del Ferro, the city's new Health and Environmental Inspector. Councilman Womack expressed his appreciation to the Council and the city staff for the work and discussions on the large tract zoning procedures and issues. Adjournment MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted 6 - 0 to adjourn the regular session of the Allen City Council at 9:35 p.m. on Thursday, August 21, 1986. The motion carried. These minutes approved on the 9th day of September 1986. e Farmer, MAYOR PRO TEM .mo�i c V `& """'Y Marty Hendrix, SMC, CITY SECRETAR aql;-