HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1986 - 12/18 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jerry Wilson
Rex Womack
Jim Pendleton
Jack Pennington
Jim Wolfe
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, December 18,
1986, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Mayor Rodenbaugh adjourned the regular session of the Allen
City Council into Executive Session at 6:32 p.m.
Executive Session (Agenda Item II)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open
Meetings Law), Section 2(g), the Allen City Council convened
into Executive Session at 6:33 p.m. in the Conference Room
of the Allen Municipal Annex in order to conduct personnel
interviews with candidates for the position of Municipal Court
The Executive Session was adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Reconvene: Consider Action
Regarding Item Discussed in
Executive Session (Agenda Item III)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session
at 7:38 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal
The Council passed over this item on the agenda at this
time for consideration later in this meeting.
(Agenda Item IV)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
approve and adopt all items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council and Planning and Zoning
Commission Minutes of November 19, 1986 - Called -
Special Workshop Session.
B. Approval of City Council Minutes of December 4, 1986 -
Regular Session.
DECEMBER 18, 1986 Page 2
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
C. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated
with the 1985 Capital Improvement Program as follows:
1. Hidell Architects $ 2,262.28
Construction of Renovation to
Central Fire Station - Archi-
tectural Services for schematic,
design development, construction
documents, bid and construction,
and reimbursable expenses
Period: November, 1986
2. Hidell Architects $ 9,365.00
Construction of New Library
Building - Architectural
Services for schematic, design
development, construction,
documents, bid and construction,
and reimbursable expenses
Period: November, 1986
3. Hidell Architects $ 5,824.24
Construction of New Police/
Courts Building - Architectural
Services for schematic, design
development, construction,
documents, bid and construction,
and reimbursable expenses
Period: November. 1986
4. Southwestern Laboratories, Inc. $ 480.50
Construction of Stacy Road
Pump Station (Second Delivery
Point) - Concrete Core Testing
of Storage Tank Foundation
Periods: 10/20 & 11/03/86
5. C & W Utility Construction Co. $ 284,794.95
Construction of Water Distri-
bution Pipeline Project -
Estimate No. 3
Period: Ending November 26, 1986
6. Goodbrand Construction, Inc.
Construction of Stacy Road
Pump Station (Second Delivery
Point) - Estimate No. 3
Period: Ending November 23, 1986
7. Black & Veatch Engineers
Construction of Stacy Road
Pump Station (Second Delivery
Point) - Engineering Services
Period: November, 1986
8. The Allen American
Construction to a Portion of
Jupiter Road - Legal Notice
of Notice to Bidders on
$ 201,448.45
$ 5,836.76
$ 28.80
DECEMBER 18, 1986 Page 3
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
D. Ordinance No. 768-12-86: An Ordinance of the City
of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Annexing the Herein-
after -Described Territory to the City of Allen, Texas,
Approximately 2.583 Acres Located in the Michael Lee
Survey, Abstract No. 543, Collin County, Texas, and
�" Extending the Boundary Limits of the City so as to
L Include Said Hereinafter -Described Property Within
the City Limits and Granting to All Inhabitants and
Owners of Said Property All of the Rights and Privi-
leges of Other Citizens and Binding All Inhabitants
By All the Ordinances, Acts, Resolutions and
Regulations of Said City; Providing a Severability
Clause; and Providing for the Effective Date of
Said Ordinance.
Ordinance No. 769-12-86: An Ordinance of the City
of Allen, Collin County, Texas, Amending the Com-
prehensive Zoning Ordinance of the City of Allen,
as Heretofore Amended, so as to Establish Permanent
Zoning, To -Wit: "SC" Shopping Center, on Approximately
2.583 Acres of Land, More or Less, Out of the Michael
Lee Survey, Abstract No. 543, Collin County, Texas,
Located Approximately One Mile West of U.S. 75,
South of FM. 2170; Providing for a Penalty of Fine
Not to Exceed the Sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) for Each Offense; Providing for an
Effective Date; and Providing for Publication of
the Caption.
Set January 15, 1987 as the Public Hearing Date to
Consider Amending Planned Development No. 12 on
103.13 Acres of Land Located South of F.M. 2170 and
East of Hillside Lane as Requested by Bass Development.
The motion carried.
End of Consent Agenda
Presentation of Employee
Tenure Pins and Certificates
(Agenda Item V)
Mayor Rodenbaugh and City Manager Jon McCarty presented
City of Allen pins and certificates to the following employees
for their length of service to the city:
Shirley Haning - 10 years
Thomason -
Perdue -
Galloway -
Ziesenis -
Davis -
Mayor Rodenbaugh extended the City Council's appreciation
to these employees for their longevity with the city.
Award of Bid for the Construction
of Jupiter Road (Agenda Item VI)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council on the solicitation of bids, receipt of bids, bid
opening held on December 9, 1986, and the tabulation of the
bid results.for the construction of Jupiter Road, from F.M. 2170
south to a point immediately north of White Oak Drive.
DECEMBER 19, 1986 Page 4
Award of Bid for the
Construction of
Jupiter Road (Agenda Item VI)
Mr. Petty distributed a bid tabulation sheet showing the
twelve bids received, with the three lowest bidders as follows:
Marriott Construction
Austin Paving
Ed Bell Construction
Mr. Petty distributed to the Council the budget for this
project as follows and reviewed it with the Council:
Construction $ 1,006,287
Right -of -Way Map/Survey 14,000
Engineer Design 77,000
Street Lighting 2,000
Contract Administration/ 32,000
Construction Staking
Enhancement Appraisals 5,000
Contingencies 50,213
$ 1,187,000
Mr. Petty advised that the 1985 capital improvement bond
funds that were available for this project totalled $1,187,000.
Mr. Petty advised that the city staff's recommendation
was to award the bid to the lowest bidder, being Marriott
Construction in the amount of $1,006,287.05, approve the
project budget as presented previously, and to authorize the
city manager to execute the contract documents for the con-
struction improvements to Jupiter Road, for the portion from
F.M. 2170 south to a point immediately north of White Oak Drive.
The Council discussed with city staff if the assessed
value placed on the adjacent properties along Jupiter Road
could be reduced at the time of completion of the project
and if contingencies had been figured into the contract price.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and
seconded by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted
6 - 0 to award the bid to the lowest bidder, being
Marriott Construction in the amount of $1,006,287.05;
to approve the project budget as presented by city
staff; and to authorize the city manager to execute
the contract documents for the construction of
improvements to Jupiter Road, for the portion from
F.M. 2170 south to a point immediately north of
White Oak Drive, in accordance with the city staff's
recommendation, as stated. The motion carried.
Public Hearing: Receive Testimony
Regarding Assessments to Adjoining
Property Owners Along Jupiter Road
from F.M. 2170 to a Point Immediately
North of White Oak Drive (Agenda Item VII)
DECEMBER 18, 1986 Page 5
Ordinance No. 770-12-86: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Closing a Public Hearing Given
to the Real and True Owners of Property
Abutting on Portions of Jupiter Road
from the Intersection of F.M. 2170 to
the Intersecting Point of the Existing
Concrete Paved Section Located North of
White Oak Drive Within the City Limits
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, as More Particularly Described
Herein, Such Hearing to Receive Evidence
as to the Special Benefits in Enhanced
Value to Accrue to Said Property, and
the Real and True Owners Thereof, By
Virtue of the Improvement of Said
Street, and as to Any Errors to
Invalidities or Irregularities in Any
of the Proceedings or Contract There-
for; Overruling and Denying All Protests
and Objections Offered Except as Pro-
vided Herein; Finding and Determining
That Certain Parcels of Property Abutting
Upon the Said Street, and the Real and
True Owners Thereof, Will be Specially
Benefited in Enhanced Value in Excess
of the Amount of the Assessment Against
the Said Property, and the Real and True
Owners Thereof; Levying Assessments for
the Payment of a portion of the Costs
of the Proposed Improvements to the Said
Street; Fixing a Charge and Lien Against
Said Properties, and the Real and True
Owners Thereof; Providing for the Issuance
of Assignable Certificates Upon the Com-
pletion and Acceptance of the Work; Pro-
viding for the Manner, Time and Method of
Payment, and the Method of Collection of
the Assessments and Certificates; Providing
That This ordinance Shall Become Effective
Immediately Upon Its Passage; Amending
Prior Ordinances of the City to Conform
Herewith; and Providing a Severability
(Agenda Item VII)
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the agenda item into the record as
"Conduct a Public Hearing to Receive Testimony
Regarding Assessments to Adjoining Property
Owners Along Jupiter Road from F.M. 2170 to a
Point Immediately North of White Oak Drive and
Consider an Ordinance Closing the Public Hearing,
Levying Assessments for a Portion of the Costs
for the Proposed Improvements, Fixing a Lien
Against Said Properties, and Providing for a
Method of Repayment."
Mayor Rodenbaugh announced that the purpose of this hearing
was to receive testimony from persons on behalf of the City of
Allen and on behalf of all persons owning or claiming any property
or any interest in property abutting Jupiter Road from F.M. 2170
south to White Oak Drive as to any and all matters concerning the
assessments proposed to be levied against the property and its
owners. All is more fully described in ordinances adopted by
the City Council, notices published in The Allen American on
November 23, 1986, November 26, 1986 and November 30, 1986,
and mailed to all abutting property owners on November 21 and
25, 1986.
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised that during this hearing, abutting
property owners and persons interested in any property may appear
and testify in person and/or through their attorney and/or other
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Page 6
z j
Public Hearing: Receive Testimony
Regarding Assessments to Adjoining
Property Owners Along Jupiter Road
from F.M. 2170 to a Point Immediately
North of White Oak Drive (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII)
Ordinance No. 770-12-86 (cont'd)
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised that all testimony received in
this hearing will be received under oath. He then asked each
person intending to testify at this hearing to stand and raise
his or her right hand, as the City Secretary will administer
the oath.
At this time, City Secretary Marty Hendrix asked the
individuals to raise their right hands and she administered
the following oath:
"Each of you do solemnly swear or affirm that
the testimony you shall present in this pro-
ceeding shall be the truth and nothing but
the truth, so help you God."
Mayor Rodenbaugh then announced that at this time he
would ask Mr. Crowder, the City Attorney, to assume responsibility
for conducting this public hearing in an effort to allow the
City Council to fully evaluate all testimony at this public hearing.
City Attorney Don Crowder announced the rules of the
public hearing and advised again of the purpose of the meeting.
He stated that the format for the conducting of the meeting
would be that the city staff would provide testimony, then the
public would be allowed to speak, the city staff would then be
allowed to provide rebuttal, and then the public would be allowed
to offer their rebuttal.
Mr. Crowder also stated that any questions of the City
Council should be directed to him and he would have the appropriate
person answer the question.
(The direct testimony received at this public hearing
may be found on the tape recording made of this
meeting and to be made a permanent part of this
The following individuals gave testimony on behalf of
the City of Allen:
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, City of Allen
Don Crowder, City Attorney, City of Allen
Conrad Callicoatte, Graham Associates, city's consulting
John Dean, representing Acquisition Associates, Inc.
Mr. Crowder announced that testimony would now be received
from any and all property owners or any person interested in any
property with regard to any matter relating in any way to the
proposed assessment.
The following individuals/property owners spoke before
the City Council:
Cecil Grattifiori, property owner
3421 Sheffield Circle
Plano, Texas
Jack Radke, Managing Partner for Owners of 16 Acres
P. O. Box 582
Allen, Texas
Jim Barnes, representing Allendale Church of Christ
z j
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Page 7
Public Hearing: Receive Testimony
Regarding Assessments to Adjoining
Property Owners Along Jupiter Road
from F.M. 2170 to a Point Immediately
North of White Oak Drive (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII)
Ordinance No. 770-12-86 (cont'
Corena Reese
LeRoy Tibodeau, Managing Partner of Jupiter/Allen Joint Venture
Box 582
Allen, Texas
At this time, Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the public hearing
on the Jupiter Road assessments in order for the property owners
to review the estimates for the enhancement values as prepared
by John M. Dean. The meeting was recessed at 8:30 p.m.
The public hearing was reconvened at 8:48 p.m.
The Allen City Council continued to receive testimony
from the following individuals:
James Barnes
Cecil Grattifiori
Jack Radke
LeRoy Tibodeau
After all of the testimony was received, and no other
person or persons desired to speak, City Attorney Crowder
turned the public hearing back over to Mayor Rodenbaugh.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the floor for discussion by the
City Council. The Council discussed the calculation of the
enhancement value and what city documents were referenced by
Mr. Dean. The Council also discussed with city staff the
time period for payment of of the assessments by the property
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and
seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council
voted 6 - 0 to approve and adopt Ordinance No.
770-12-86, as captioned previously, which officially
closes the public hearing and levies assessments
in the amounts described in Exhibit "B" against
all abutting property owners receiving enhancement
through the construction of this street project,
and including an audio tape recording of this
public hearing which will serve as the official
transcript of all testimony given at this public
hearing. The motion carried.
Public Hearing: Request for Permanent
Zoning of Planned
Development on 68.795
f Acres of Land
(`/, Location: South of State Highway 121,
North of Stacy Road,
West of Watters Road
Requestor: Bush/Stringfellow (Agenda Item VIII -A)
Ordinance No. 771-12-86: An Ordinance
of the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Amending Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance
No. 366-10-81 of the City of Allen, as
Heretofore Amended, so as to Establish
Permanent Zoning, To -Wit: "PD" Planned
Development No. 43, on a Total of 68.795
Acres of Land More or Less, Out of the
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Page 8
Public Hearing: Request for Permanent
Zoning of Planned
Development on 68.795
Acres of Land
Requestor: Bush/Stringfellow (cont'd)(Agenda Item VIII -A)
Ordinance No. 771-12-86:
Francis Dosser Survey, Abstract
No. 280, Collin County, Texas, Which is
Presently Delineated on the Official
Zoning Map as "AO" Agricultural - Open
Space; Providing for Use Regulations;
Providing for a Land Use Map; Providing
for a Development Criteria; Providing
for a Penalty for Each Offense; Pro-
viding for a Severability Clause; and
Providing for an Effective Date.
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing on a Request for Permanent Zoning of
Planned Development Including Uses of Industrial
Technology, Garden Office, and Multi -Family on
68.795 Acres of Land Located South of State
Highway 121, North of Stacy Road and West of
Watters Road as Requested by George Bush and
R. D. Stringfellow."
J. T. Dunkin, representing the property owners, presented
to and spoke before the Council on this request for permanent
zoning on the 68.795 acres of land. Using a land use map,
Mr. Dunkin reviewed the 31.4 acres of "IT" Industrial
Technology zoning, the "GO" Garden Office zoning on 26.3 acres,
and the "MF" Multi -Family zoning on 11.1 acres. Mr. Dunkin
also reviewed the comprehensive plan as to the proposed uses
for this area and the zoning districts on adjacent properties.
Mr. Dunkin also spoke before the Council on the floor area
ratio used to determine the density of the "IT" and "GO"
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their meeting
held on November 13, 1986, recommended to the City Council
approval of the request, with the modifications that the
proponents participate in the improvements for the divided
thoroughfare and off-site intersection improvements at Stacy
and Ridgeview, and Stacy and Watters, and the difference in
the cost of the four -lane divided and the four -lane undivided
on the north/south collector street between State Highway 121
and Ridgeview, based upon a percentage factor agreed to with
the Council of Governments prior to development of either this
property or the off-site intersections.
The Council discussed with Mr. Dunkin and city staff the
Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation and what their
modifications actually represented and if a percentage factor
had been determined by the Council of Governments and what
that factor was at this time. It was pointed out that the
modifications were covered in the development policy of this
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing.
Jim Rushing, Route 1, Box 107, Allen, Texas, and
representing the property owners of Rittyhawk Airport,
spoke before the Council on this zoning request and
the alignment of Stacy Road in that area.
With no one else wishing to speak either for or against
this zoning request, Mayor Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing.
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Page 9
Public Hearing: Request for Permanent
Zoning of Planned
Development on 68.795
Acres of Land
Requestor: Bush/Stringfellow (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII -A)
Ordinance No. 771-12-86 (cont'd
The City Council discussed the city staff analysis on this
zoning request and District 3 as outlined in the Comprehensive
Master Plan, which this property is included in.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pennington and
seconded by Councilman Pendleton, the Council
voted 6 - 0 to approve the request for permanent
zoning as presented and in accordance with the
recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission,
as stated; and to adopt Ordinance No. 771-12-86, as
captioned previously. The motion carried.
Public Hearing: Request for a Special
Use Permit for Church
Site on Tract 10-A of
Planned Development
No. 31, Being a 4.659
Acre Tract
Location: West of Alma Drive,
North of Hedgecoxe Road
and East of Custer Road
Requestor: Collin Baptist Association
Ordinance No. 772-12-86: An Ordinance of
the City of Allen, Collin County, Texas,
Amending Planned Development Ordinance
No. 603-4-85 of the City of Allen as
Heretofore Amended, and Amending Compre-
hensive Zoning Ordinance No. 366-10-81,
as Heretofore Amended, so as to Approve
a Specific Use Permit for the Principal
Use of "Church" Therefore Restricting
4.7 Acres in the Southwest Corner of
Tract 10-A of Planned Development No. 31,
Located in the G. W. Ford Survey, Abstract
No. 326, Collin County, Texas, Presently
Delineated on the Official Zoning Map
as Planned Development No. 31; Providing
for Requirement for Approval of a Site
Plan Upon Development of This Site; Pro-
viding for a Penalty; Providing for an
Effective Date; and Providing for
Publication of the Caption.
(Agenda Item VIII -B)
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
Gilbert Calloway, representing the Collin Baptist Association,
presented to and spoke before the Council on this request for
a special use permit for a church site on Tract 10-A.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing.
Blair Mercer, representing Nash Phillips Copus, 16579 Dallas
Parkway, Dallas, Texas, spoke before the Council in favor of this
request. He advised that his company is an adjacent property owner
to the north and the east of the subject property.
"Public Hearing
on a Request
for a Special Use Permit
for a Church Site
on Tract
10-A of Planned Development
No. 31, Being
a 4.659 Acre
Tract of Land Located West
of Alma Drive,
North of Hedgecoxe
Road and East of
Custer Road as
Requested by
Collin Baptist Association.
Gilbert Calloway, representing the Collin Baptist Association,
presented to and spoke before the Council on this request for
a special use permit for a church site on Tract 10-A.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing.
Blair Mercer, representing Nash Phillips Copus, 16579 Dallas
Parkway, Dallas, Texas, spoke before the Council in favor of this
request. He advised that his company is an adjacent property owner
to the north and the east of the subject property.
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Page 10
Public Hearing: Request for a Special
Use Permit for Church
Site on Tract 10-A of
Planned Development
No. 31, Being 4.659
Requestor: Collin Baptist Assoc. (Agenda Item VIII -B)
Ordinance No. 772-12-86 (cont'd)
Richard Williamson, 7918 Prescott, Plano, Texas, spoke
before the Council on his concerns of this property and asked
questions pertaining to the development of the site for a
Mr. Blair Mercer spoke again before the Council and
answered certain questions posed by Mr. Williamson regarding
traffic and parking requirements.
With no one else wishing to speak either for or against
this request, Mayor Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing.
There was discussion by the City Council with city staff
on the length of time a specific use permit is permitted on a
piece of property without the property being developed, if the
major thoroughfare will be improved prior to the construction
of the church building, and why this zoning request is not for
rezoning to "CF" Community Facilities rather than a request
for a specific use permit.
The Planning and Zoning Commission, at their regular
meeting held on November 13, 1986, recommended to the City
Council approval of the request for a Specific Use Permit
for a church site, with a requirement for site plan approval
and amendment to the ordinance prior to development of the
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer, the Council voted 6 - 0
to approve the request for the Specific Use Permit
in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning
and Zoning Commission, as stated, subject to the right-
of-way for Hedgecoxe Road to be dedicated to the City
of Allen at the time the adjacent property is platted
and in the same amount as necessary; and to adopt
Ordinance No. 772-12-86, as captioned previously.
The motion carried.
Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 9:35 p.m. The regular session was reconvened
by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 9:45 p.m.
Consider Items Related to Solid
Waste Collection and Disposal
Including Residential and Com-
merical Rates, and Contract and
Ordinance Amendments. (Agenda Item IX)
Michael Stanger, Administrative Assistant to the City
Manager, spoke before the Council and provided background
information on the rate increase request from BFI, the solid
waste company that recently purchased Moore Industrial Disposal,
the city's solid waste disposal contractor.
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Page 11
Consider Items Related to Solid
Waste Collection and Disposal
Including Residential and Com-
mercial Rates, and Contract and
Ordinance Amendments. (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX)
Mr. Stanger distributed to the City Council a memo regarding
a proposed contract with BFI and highlighted the performance -
related changes that have been made at the suggestion of BFI
and/or city staff.
At this time, Darryl Hill, sales representative for BFI,
spoke before the Council on his company's purchase of Moore
Industrial Disposal, the increase of rates at the McKinney
Landfill, the proposal to use other landfill areas, the
negotiation of the rates for residential and commercial
collection, the need to change the routes in Allen for more
orderly collection, and consideration for the short fall in
revenues that will occur in this rate request to be considered
in future negotiations. Mr. Hill also advised of rates in
adjacent cities for comparison to the new rates for Allen.
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the Council that the Council -
appointed committee working on the solid waste collection
rate negotiations is recommending to the Council a $5.85
charge for residential collection per month and a 15.98 increase
in the commercial rates. The committee is also recommending
approval of the contract document with the items as presented
by Mr. Stanger.
The Council discussed the proposed changes in the route
collection, the pick-up of large items, what is meant by the
(y term "new year", making the contract time an exact anniversary
date, and if the Council -appointed committee had any problems
with changing the contract terms of three years to a five-year
initial term.
In the discussion, it was concluded that a specific anniversary
date would be specified, with the first year having only nine
months, as the year would run from October 1st through September 30th.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Womack and seconded
by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 6 0 to
approve the recommendation of the Council -appointed
committee for a $5.85 residential rate, a 15.98
increase in the commercial rate, and that the contract
changes, as presented by city staff, be approved,
pending review by the city's attorney and BFI's attorney.
The motion carried.
As a point of clarification, City Manager Jon McCarty
advised the Council that the ordinance establishing the new
rates and the new contract for solid waste collection would
be placed on the Council's Consent Agenda at the January 15,
1987 meeting.
Authorization for Continuation
of the City's Participation in the
Rowlett Creek Interjurisdictional
Watershed Management Study. (Agenda Item X)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation Department,
spoke before the Council on a letter of agreement with the
North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) to continue
the city's participation in the Rowlett Creek Interjurisdictional
Watershed Management Study, along with six other metroplex cities,
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Page 12
Authorization for Continuation
of the City's Participation in
the Rowlett Creek Interjurisdictional
Watershed Management Study (cont'd) (Agenda Item X)
Mr. Thornton advised the Council that this agreement
would be for Phase II of this study program, which could
include such topics as discussion and study on erosion
contro, both micro and macro, water quality, retention
basins, and water rights.
Mr. Thornton also advised the Council that the cost
for participation in this agreement would be $3,500, which
could be funded on the interest earned on the funds received
for the city's Greenbelt/Linear Park Study. Mr. Thornton
pointed out to the Council a budget that had been prepared
showing the funds received and expenditures on the Greenbelt/
Linear Park Study and the Rowlett Creek Study Program. He
advised that some of the items shown under expenditures would
be forthcoming in the future.
The Council discussed with Mr. Thornton the fact that the
agreement states that NCTCOG's services will only be provided
through February 28, 1987 and would additional costs be incurred
by the city if NCTCOG's services are used beyond that point.
Mr. Thornton explained that the Phase II discussions had not
even started and that date would probably be extended by NCTCOG.
There was considerable discussion by the Council and city
staff on how the funds are used by NCTCOG, how the studies are
conducted, topics to be resolved in the studies, and how the
results of the studies can be used by various entities.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Pennington, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
authorize the City Manager to enter into the agreement
with the North Central Texas Council of Governments
for Phase II of the Rowlett Creek Interjurisdictional
Watershed Management Study and to approve the expenditure
of $3,500 for the Phase II project, in accordance with
the city staff's recommendation for funding, as stated.
The motion carried.
At this time, Mr. Thornton distributed to the City Council
an article that had been prepared by NCTCOG on the successful
work on the Rowlett Creek Interjurisdictional Watershed Management
Study and the City of Allen's Greenbelt/Linear Park Study.
Review Engineering and
Authorize Solicitation of
Bids for a Two Million Gallon
Elevated Water Storage Tank (Agenda Item XI)
Ernie Hoback, Director of Public Works, spoke before the
Council on the engineering design and the solicitation of bids
for the two million gallon elevated water storage tank to be
constructed on the west side of U.S. 75. Mr. Hoback introduced
Mr. Dale Cherry and Mr. Gary Talmadge, with Black and Veatch
Engineers, the city's consulting engineer on this project.
Mr. Hoback then presented a site plan of the elevated water
storage site and reviewed it with the City Council. The plan
showed the location of the tower, parking lot area, and access
drive. Mr. Hoback reviewed the location of the overflow lines
and advised of seeding of the area for landscaping. He also
advised of the status of the property located in the Bray Central
property and dedication of the property to the city on the sub-
division plat. He also reviewed the status of the construction of
water line in that area.
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Page 13
Review Engineering and Authorize
Solicitation of Bids for a Two
Million Gallon Elevated Storage
Tank (cont'd) (Agenda Item XI)
Mr. Hoback then distributed copies of the proposed budget
for this project and reviewed the budget with the Council. The
proposed budget is as follows:
Engineer's Construction Estimates:
Site Work $ 111,675
Piping 75,500
Valve Vault 53,215
Elevated Tank 1,238,540
Electrical and Instrumentation 47,500
Engineering Fee $ 85,000
Resident Engineer for Inspection
Testing and Staking 17,500
Contingencies 76,321
Mr. Hoback presented artist renderings of four proposals
for designs to be placed on the water tower and the Council
discussed the various renderings.
The Council discussed with Mr. Hoback where the overflow
line would terminate.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Pendleton, the Council
voted 6 - 0 to approve the specifications and
to authorize the receipt of bids for the two
million gallon elevated water storage tank, and
approve the proposed budget for the project as
presented by city staff. The motion carried.
Authorization for Contracting
for Engineering Services for
a Control and Monitoring System
for the Water Storage and Pumping
System (Agenda Item XII)
Ernie Hoback, Director of Public Works, spoke before the
Council on the contract document and scope of services to
be provided by Black and Veatch for engineering services in
connection with the water system supervisory control and
telemetry system for the City of Allen. Mr. Hoback advised
that the work would be conducted in two phases. The first
phase, a preliminary study phase, will include an evaluation
of existing instrumentation and control equipment and determine
operating requirements both present and future, and conclude
with a preliminary engineering report. The second phase of the
study will encompass the design, specification development and
construction and administration components of the work.
Mr. Hoback reviewed with the Council the contract document
and advised of the deletion of the carrying charge of 1.5 percent
show on page C-2 of the contract and reviewed Appendix A which
showed the scope of work to be done by the engineers.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract for
engineering services for a control and monitoring system
for the water storage and pumping system. The motion
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Page 14
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item XIII -A)
City Secretary Marty Hendrix advised the Council of the
upcoming National League of Cities Conference to be held in
Washington, D.C., on February 28 thru March 3, 1987 and that
if any of the Council Members were interested in attending,
reservations needed to be made at this time.
Mayor Pro Tem Joe Farmer advised the Council of the up-
coming meetings of the Collin County Public Officials Association to
be held on January 22, 1987 and February 26, 1987 and advised
of the programs and meeting places and encouraged the Council
Members to make plans to attend.
Mayor Pro Tem Joe Farmer discussed with city staff the
city's involvement in the Texas "Hazards Communications Act",
which is similar to the Federal "Right to Know" law. Mayor
Pro Tem Farmer advised of the impact to the school districts
and wondered if municipalities had also been impacted by this
law which went into effect on January 26, 1986. He advised
that he would furnish a copy of the law to city staff for
At this time, Mayor Rodenbaugh adjourned the regular
session of the Allen City Council into Executive Session
at 11:15 p.m, on Thursday, December 18, 1986.
Executive Session (Agenda Iem II)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open
Meetings Law), Section 2(g), the Allen City Council convened
into Executive Session at 11:20 p.m. on Thursday, December 18,
1986, in the Conference Room of the Allen Municipal Annex,
(v in order to continue discussions on the appointment of the
Municipal Court Judge. The Executive Session was adjourned
at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, December 19, 1986.
Reconvene: Consider Action
Regarding Item Discussed in
Executive Session (Agenda Item III)
The Allen City Council reconvened into regular session
at 12:04 a.m. on Friday, December 19, 1986, in the Council
Chamgers of the Allen Municipal Annex.
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised that the floor was now open for
a motion regarding the appointment of the Municipal Court Judge.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Rex Womack and
seconded by Councilman Jack Pennington, the Council
voted 6 - 0 to extend an offer to Mr. Raymond Robinson
as the new Municipal Court Judge, beginning January 1,
1987; and to recognize the service of Judge Spencer
Kopf and to extend the Council's appreciation to him
for his service to the city. The motion carried.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted
6 - 0 to adjourn the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 12:06 a.m. on Friday, December 19, 1986.
The motion carried.
DECEMBER 18, 1986
Page 15
These minutes approved on the 15th day of January