HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1987 - 02/17 - Special CalledALLEN CITY COUNCIL CALLED - SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING FEBRUARY 17, 1987 Present• Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor Council Members• Jerry Wilson Jim Wolfe Jim Pendleton Jack Pennington Absent• Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem City Staff• Jon McCarty, City Manager Marty Hendrix, City Secretary Guests• Andy %ever, with Bickerstaff, Heath & Smiley, city's attorney for EAS Susan Gentz, with Bickerstaff, Heath & Smiley, city's attorney for EAS The called - special public meeting of the Allen City Council was called to order by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 7:35 p.m. on Tuesday, February 17, 1987, in the Allen High School Auditorium, 603 East Main Street, Allen, Texas. The purpose of the special public meeting was to make a presentation and answer questions regarding the city's request for Extended Area Service (EAS), which is currently pending before the Public Utility Commission. Welcome & Introductions (Agenda Item I) Mayor Rodenbaugh introduced himself to the audience and welcomed the numerous people in attendance at this meeting. Mayor Rodenbaugh explained the format for this public meeting and introduced each Council Member and city staff present at the meeting. Mayor Rodenbaugh then reviewed the summary of events that had been provided with the agenda for this meeting. The summary of events provided background information on the city's request for EAS and showed the step by step process for approval. Mayor Rodenbaugh advised of the three charges involved in the EAS request for Allen and introduced the members of the Council's Telephone Subcommittee, who had been working on this request. The members are Mayor Rodenbaugh, Councilman Jim Wolfe, and Councilman Jerry Wilson. 44101 Background, Current Status, and Outlook for Extended Area Service in Allen (Agenda Item II -A) At this time, Mayor Rodenbaugh turned the meeting over to Councilman Jim Wolfe for his presentation on the background, current status and outlook for Extended Area Service in Allen. ALLEN CITY COUNCIL CALLED - SPECIAL PUBLIC MEETING FEBRUARY 17, 1987 Page 2 Background, Current Status, and Outlook for Extended Area Service in Allen (continued) (Agenda Item II -A) Using overhead transparencies, Councilman Wolfe provided a presentation on the background of the Extended Area Service request in Allen, the community of interest, the benefits to residential/business, optional versus non -optional, common Ale questions regarding EAS and where does the city go from here. Legal & Procedural Issues (Agenda Item II -B) After Councilman Wolfe's presentation, Mayor Rodenbaugh then introduced Mr. Andy Kever, an attorney with the firm of Bickerstaff, Heath & Smiley and the city's attorney in the EAS request. Mr. Kever spoke in regard to the legal and procedural issues involved in this EAS request. Questions from the Floor (Agenda Item II -C) Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the floor for questions from the audience. The following individuals posed questions to the City Council, city staff and attorneys regarding the request for EAS and their concerns: Mike Santarcangelo, 910 Rush Creek Drive, Allen, Texas George Chrisman, 902 New Bedford, Allen, Texas Craig Stephens, 1319 Springview Drive, Allen, Texas Mark Belcher Gary Koch, 201 Whisenant Drive, Allen, Texas Jim Moran Charles Teske, 511 Willow Oak Street, Allen, TExas John Crook Mary Green Ken Womack, 916 Autumn Lake, Allen, Texas George Chrisman, 902 New Bedford, Allen, Texas Jim Kessler Josh Garrett, 1207 Creekwood Court, Allen, Texas Mickie Brocato, 620 Roaming Road, Allen, Texas Sharon D'Amalfi, 206 N. Greenville, Allen, Texas Steve Meyer, 920 Springbrook, Allen, Texas Marg Chambers, One Donihoo Lane, Allen, Texas Cheryl Carathers, 16 Northstar, Lucas, Texas Tom Johnson, 705 Concord, Allen, Texas Mike Santarcangelo, 910 Rush Creek Drive, Allen, Texas Mark Lallie Ray Lewis, 908 Springbrook, Allen, Texas Wayne Armand, 600 Spring Willow, Allen, Texas Wiley 0. Tinker, 616 Shady Glenn, Allen, Texas Joe Baker, 1530 Sunflower, Allen, Texas Gary Parker, 111 Shannon Drive, Allen, Texas With no further questions or discussions, Mayor Rodenbaugh extended appreciation to the audience for attending the meeting and adjourned the called - special public meeting at 9:55 p.m. on Tuesday, February 17, 1987. These minutes approved on the 5th day of MARCH 1987. APPROVED: e D ao�U Donald P. Rodenbaugh, MAYOR ATTEST: Marty Hen rix, CMC, CITY SECRETARY