HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1987 - 04/14 - WorkshopALLEN CITY COUNCIL
APRIL 14. 1987
Allen Citv Council
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem (arrived at 7:16 p.m.)
Jerry Wilson
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Jack Pennington
Allen Planning & Zoning Commission
Ken Browning, Chairman
Wayne Armand, Vice Chairman
Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary
Carolyn Latimer
Dan Contreras
John Garcia
s. Charles Lee
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
The called - special workshop session of the Allen Planning
and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman Browning
at 7:05 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14, 1987, in the lunchroom area
of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
The called - special workshop session of the Allen City
Council was called to order by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 7:05 p.m.
on Tuesday, April 14, 1987, in the lunchroom area of the Allen
Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Mayor Rodenbaugh turned the meeting over to Chairman
Ken Browning to chair the meeting.
Statement of the Purpose
of the Meeting (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Ken Browning read the purpose of the meeting into
the record as follows:
"To provide an orderly, progressive, and meaningful dis-
cussion between the City Council and the Planning and
Zoning Commission to consider recommendation of specific
sections of the text of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,
to review use and area regulations for proposed zoning
districts, and to receive input from the City Council on
conceptual planning issues presently being examined by
the Planning and Zoning Commission."
APRIL 14, 1967 Page 2
Review Results of Prior Workshops (Agenda Item III)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised the
Council and the Commission of the various items that had been
resolved at previous meetings on the Zoning Ordinance and pointed
out the items that were left to be considered. Mr. Petty distributed
to the Council and the Commission some handout materials that
corrected certain pages in the Zoning Ordinance Revision Document.
Mr. Petty explained where the handout materials should be placed
in the document.
Mr. Petty advised of the changes that had been made in
regards to technical changes in the Zoning Ordinance and that
had been highlighted in the revision document. After a brief
discussion, it was pointed out that paragraph 1 of Section 2.03
on page 6 of the Zoning Ordinance needed to be changed to reflect
the words "approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission," and
not the words "after the recommendation by the Planning and
Zoning Commission,".
Review Site Plan, Landscaping and
Parking Requirements (Agenda Item IV)
The Council and the Commission then reviewed Section 2.06
"Specific Use Permits" on page 7 and discussed the use of the
word "should" versus the use of the word "shall". After a brief
discussion, it was concluded that the wording should be changed
to "shall" rather than "should" in that paragraph.
The Council and the Commission then reviewed paragraph
under Section 2.06. There were no changes to be made to the
Mr. Petty reviewed Section 3.03, "Vehicle Parking" and
explained the changes that had been made in regard to parking
requirements for gas stations. The Council and the Commission
briefly discussed the definition of a "Service Station". There
were no changes made to this section.
Mr. Petty reviewed Section 3.05,"Fences" and 3.06, "Fences
and Walls". The Council and the Commission discussed the use of
the April 1 date as the date the landscaping must be in place and
if that date should be changed to April 15 or May 1 due to the
possibility of a late freeze that might damage the plantings as
experienced this year. It was concluded that this date would not
be changed since it had been recommended by Neil Sperry, Horticulturist.
Mr. Petty went over the section regarding floor area for multi-
family and there were no changes made to that section.
Mr. Petty then reviewed the site review check list which
will be used by city staff to review concept plans and site plans.
It would also provide developers with the items they need to be
aware of when designing their concept plans and site plans. There
was considerable discussion by the Council, the Commission, and
city staff on the type of site plans that are now reviewed by
the Commission and the Council as required in the current Zoning
Ordinance and how certain site plans will be handled now with
the proposed changes in the Zoning Ordinance. There was also
further discussion on the use of the check list form and who
will fill it out and how it will be used.
Discussion continued between the city staff, the Council
and the Commission on the Commission and the Council reviewing
site plans that show the actual single-family residential layouts
of streets and lots and whether they were to be just reviewed
by city staff. By consensus of the Council and the Commission,
it was concluded that the city staff would forward to the Commission
and the Council any site plan on any zoning issue where the locations
have not previously been geographically defined.
APRIL 14, 1987 Page 3
Review New Zoning Districts (Agenda Item V)
The Council and the Commission begin the review of the
section of the new district regulations which included "GH"
Garden Home, "GO" Garden Office, "CC" Corridor Commercial,
"IT" Industrial Technology, and "MF -3" Multi -Family Residential,
and "LC" Light Commercial.
The "GH" Garden Home and "GO" Garden Office district uses
were not changed.
Chairman Ken Browning spoke before the Council and the Com-
mission on the new zoning district of "CC" Corridor Commercial.
There was considerable discussion by the Council, Commission
and city staff on this proposed new district, the district being
referenced in the city's comprehensive master plan, the concept of
this type of district being approved as referenced in the master
plan, what the definition of "corridor" entailed, how this zoning
district will allow a "mishmash" of zoning uses in one district
along two major thoroughfares in the city, and some of the proposed
uses not being what was expected to be seen from the major freeway
There was continued discussion on the recommendation of
"corridor commercial" uses as referenced in the city's compre-
hensive plan and the expectations of what the city wants to see
along U.S. 75 and State Highway 121; if this district is actually
needed or can Planned Development zoning be used, what areas could
be effected by this zoning district, anyone being able to request
this type of zoning once it has been approved in the zoning ordinance,
the type of concern of the uses that would not face a major freeway,
just placing "CC" on U.S. 75 at S.H. 121 intersection, and perhaps
adding the site plan requirement in this proposed new district.
There was considerable discussion on the need to determine
how the city stands on control or flexibility in zoning and
particularly as it pertains to this new proposed district. Dis-
cussion also centered around whether the city needs to start
taking an aggressive stand in certain areas and the need to look
at the overall picture of the city and not on just a piece meal
basis. After a lengthy discussion on this matter, with no resolution,
it was concluded that time be given for thoughts on this matter
and that an agenda item be considered on this topic at the next
workshop session.
Due to the lateness of the evening, the Council and the
Commission passed over Agenda Item VI "Review Commission Recom-
mendations on the Schedule of Uses", and Agenda Item VII "Review
Hearings Process".
With no further discussion, Mayor Rodenbaugh adjourned the
called - special workshop session of the Allen City Council at
9:51 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14, 1987.
With no further discussion, Chairman Ken Browning adjourned
the called - special workshop session of the Allen Planning and
Zoning Commission at 9:51 p.m. on Tuesday, April 14, 1987.
APRIL 14, 1987 Page 4
These minutes approved on the 14th day of MAY
1987, by the Allen Planning and Zoning Commission.
K,en Brown , CHAIRMAN 'Eileen Karlsruher, SECRETARY
These minutes approved on the 14th day of MAY
1987, by the Allen City Council.
Donald P. Rod nbaugh, MAY
C\-,\ vk V `Cy
Marty Hendrix, C C, CITY SECRETARY