HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1987 - 05/14 - WorkshopALLEN CITY COUNCIL
MAY 14, 1987
/ Present:
Allen City Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jerry Wilson
Bobby Glass
Jim Pendleton
Jack Pennington
Donald P. Rodenbaugh Mayor
Jim Wolfe
Planning & Zoning Commission Members:
Ken Browning, Chairman
Wayne Armand, Vice Chairman
John Garcia
Charles Lee
Carolyn Latimer
Dan Contreras
Eileen Karlsruher, Secretary
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
Michael Stanger, Administrative Assistant
The called - special joint workshop session of the Allen
Planning and Zoning Commission was called to order by Chairman
Browning at 7:31 p.m. on Thursday, May 14, 1987, in the Council
Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
The called - special joint workshop session of the Allen
City Council was called to order by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer at 7:31 p.m.
on Thursday, May 14, 1987, in the Council Chambers of the Allen
Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Approval of the Minutes of
the April 14, 1987 Workshop (Agenda Item II)
Chairman Browning advised the Council and the Commission
that the floor was open for a motion to approve the minutes of
the April 14, 1987 Workshop Session. Commissioner Armand posed
a question on the minutes regarding the lengthy discussion on
economic development. He advised that he felt that the minutes
did not reflect that discussion.
City Secretary Marty Hendrix pointed out a paragraph
regarding that dicussion on page 3 of the minutes and advised
that she did not try to express in detail all of the thoughts
in the discussion on the various items posed under the topic of
"economic development" but just generalized the discussion on
the subject.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Commissioner Armand and seconded
by Commissioner Garcia, the Council and the Commission
voted 11 for and none (0) opposed to approve the minutes
of the April 14, 1987 workshop session as presented.
The motion carried.
MAY 14, 1987 Page 2
Statement of the Purpose
of the Meeting (Agenda Item III)
Chairman Ken Browning read the purpose of the meeting into
the record as follows:
"To provide an orderly, progressive, and meaningful dis-
cussion between the City Council and the Planning and
Zoning Commission to consider recommendation of specific
sections of the text of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance,
to review use and area regulations for proposed zoning
districts, and to receive input from the City Council on
conceptual planning issues presently being examined by
the Planning and Zoning Commission."
The Council and the Commission discussed putting a time
limit on the meeting and concluded that they could try to
wrap up the discussions around 9:00 p.m.
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer pointed out that in addition to the
purpose of the meeting stated previously, the Council and the
Commission should add additional wording that includes the
discussion of economic development as reflected in Agenda
Item VI. After a brief discussion by the Council and the
Commission, it was agreed that the purpose of the meeting
would also include discussion of the issue of economic
development in the city.
Review New Zoning Districts (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Browning opened the floor for discussion on
the "Corridor Commercial" district. The Council and Commission
discussed previous concerns stated at past meetings regarding
the "Corridor Commercial" district, the mishmash of uses proposed
in this district, if there was a need to develop this type of
district or simply use planned development for the areas involved,
and the concern that if the district is an approved district,
then more rezoning requests would appear for this district and
its uses.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council and the Commission on this proposed district from
the city staff's view point and any concerns they had with this
proposed district.
There was further discussion on whether to have "Corridor
Commercial" as a new district or to delete it altogether.
Chairman Browning asked for a show of hands from everyone
that was in favor of not creating a "Corridor Commercial" district
and leaving the districts was they have been proposed. There were
five (5) votes shown in favor of this position.
Chairman Browning pointed out to the Council and the
Commission that review of the new zoning districts had been
completed with the exception of the "Corridor Commercial"
district. Chairman Browning advised the Council and the
Commission that previous discussion had centered on whether
the Corridor Commercial district was needed, the locations
for the proposed Corridor Commercial districts on U.S. 75,
and just what uses were to be allowed in this district.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke
briefly before the Council and the Commission on the fact
that a request had been submitted for Planned Development -
Corridor Commercial on one of the pieces of property along
U.S. 75, thus leaving only two more properties to be zoned
in that category.
Chairman Browning opened the floor for discussion on
the "Corridor Commercial" district. The Council and Commission
discussed previous concerns stated at past meetings regarding
the "Corridor Commercial" district, the mishmash of uses proposed
in this district, if there was a need to develop this type of
district or simply use planned development for the areas involved,
and the concern that if the district is an approved district,
then more rezoning requests would appear for this district and
its uses.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council and the Commission on this proposed district from
the city staff's view point and any concerns they had with this
proposed district.
There was further discussion on whether to have "Corridor
Commercial" as a new district or to delete it altogether.
Chairman Browning asked for a show of hands from everyone
that was in favor of not creating a "Corridor Commercial" district
and leaving the districts was they have been proposed. There were
five (5) votes shown in favor of this position.
MAY 14, 1987 Page 3
Review New Zoning Districts (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
Chairman Browning then asked for a show of hands from those
who were in favor of creating the new "Corridor Commercial" district.
There were four (4) votes shown in favor of this position. Since
there were 11 individuals present at this meeting, two individuals
had abstained from voting on either position.
There was further discussion by those abstaining that they
did not feel a strong position one way or the other. Discussion
continued on this district and the fact that it had been referenced
in the city's Comprehensive Master Plan and when that plan was
developed it was felt that this district was needed in the city
and a lot of work had been done to create this district and the
proposed uses for it. Discussion continued on the fact that
some members felt that this district provided flexibility to
developers and that they could see the permitted uses allowed
in this district and whether it would be compatible for their
development. Other points discussed by the Council and the
Commission were if the uses proposed were valid on U.S. 75,
what type of impression did the city want to have on U.S. 75
and S.H. 121, and the fact that when the comprehensive plan
was approved, the use of the Corridor Commercial district was
not seen or understood to contain the mishmash of uses proposed.
Discussion continued on the image that the city wants
for U.S. 75 and the desirability of campus type developments,
how economic development can relate to the position to be
taken on the "Corridor Commercial" district, a decision needing
to be made on whether this will be an allowable district and
not bogging down the entire review process on this one item.
Chairman Browning asked again if another straw vote should
be taken on the "Corridor Commercial" issue and there was dis-
cussion on just what the straw vote was to be used for and
if it was determined that the "Corridor Commercial" was a
viable district, did that mean it was approved as presented or
would there be an opportunity to review and discuss the proposed
uses in that district.
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer posed the question to city staff to
define what the full meaning of a "straw vote" was. City Manager
Jon McCarty advised that it is a nonbinding indicator to establish
a method for coming to a consensus on an item. It is used as a
method to determine direction on a question or an item. There
was discussion to clarify that this straw vote did not represent
the final official vote on this issue and there would be another
opportunity to officially vote on this matter.
Chairman Browning asked for a show of hands on the question
of whether to move in the direction of establishing a "Corridor
Commercial" district and agreeing upon those uses in that district
at a later date. The vote was eight (8) in favor of the question
and three (3) votes in opposition to the question. Therefore,
it was determined that the direction would be to move forward
with the establishment of a "Corridor Commercial" district, with
the uses for that district to be determined at a later time.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council and the Commission on the fact that there was still
another new district to be reviewed and approved, that being
the "Light Commercial" district.
MAY 14, 1987 Page 4
Review New Zoning Districts (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
Mr. Petty spoke before the Council and the Commission on
the reasoning behind the development of the "Light Commercial"
There was considerable discussion on what this new district
would resolve and what zoning problems would be solved by this
district, what are some of the examples of the uses that are
allowed in this district, allowable uses in this district as
compared to "General Business" or "Local Retail", and where
this type of district could be located in the city.
After the discussion, Chairman Browning asked for a show
of hands for approval of the "Light Commercial" district as a
new district in the comprehensive zoning ordinance. There was
a unanimous vote by the Council and the Commission on approving
the "Light Commercial" district as a new district in the city's
comprehensive zoning ordinance.
Review Commission Recommendations
on the Schedule of Uses (Agenda Item V)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council and the Commission on the schedule of uses for each
of the zoning districts and explained what the symbols on the
schedule of uses represented. He advised that all new districts
and uses were marked with an "X" in the margin to indicate that
they are new to the schedule of uses. He pointed out that areas
with no markings indicated the uses are not permitted in that
district, the uses showing an asterick with a one and a two
indicated that it was an allowed use by right previously and
that it is an allowed use by right proposed, an "S" means a
Specific Use Permit, a "T" means a temporary use permit, and
a "C" means a conditional use.
There was discussion on the appropriate way to begin the
review of the schedule of uses and it was determined that
the Council and the Commission would review each page and
make any comments necessary. Chairman Browning pointed out
that he had hoped each member had reviewed their documents
and made the necessary notations to make this review easy
and quick. In further discussion, Mayor Pro Tem Farmer advised
that he felt the Council had not had an opportunity to meet
together and review and discuss the schedule of uses and that
perhaps was necessary before discussing the schedule of uses
with the Planning and Zoning Commission. After further dis-
cussion on this matter, it was concluded that the City Council
should schedule a workshop session to review the schedule of
uses and that issue should be addressed as an agenda item at
the next Council meeting. Bill Petty suggested to the Council
that a representative of the Planning and Zoning Commission
might need to be present at the workshop session in order to
explain why the Commission had made various decisions on the
schedule of uses. It was concluded by the Council that it
would not be necessary for a Planning and Zoning Commission
member to be present at the workshop. The Council and the
Commission also discussed scheduling another joint workshop
session after the Council has had an opportunity to review
and discuss the schedule of uses at their workshop session.
At the joint workshop session, the Council and the Commission
can discuss any differences that exist on the districts or
the schedule of uses in those districts.
MAY 19, 1987 Page 5
Discuss Economic Development (Agenda Item VI)
Chairman Browning spoke before the Council and the Com-
mission regarding the previous discussions that had been
held on economic development. He began the discussion on
the agenda item by reading a letter from Commissioner Eileen
Karlsruher, who could not attend the meeting. The letter
expressed Mrs. Karlsruher feelings and concerns regarding
economic development for the city. Chairman Browning advised
that in previous discussions the topic seem to center around
the city developing a policy, posture, or direction regarding
economic development for the city. Since several organizations
in the city, such as the City of Allen, the Chamber of Commerce,
the Allen Independent School District, the Allen Industrial
Development Corporation, etc., are all working on the subject
of economic development, it was suggested that a direction
be determined in order for all of these organizations to..
focus on that position. Chairman Browning opened the floor
for discussion on the subject matter.
Councilman Wilson requested that the City Manager
advised the Council and the Commission of the results of a
meeting that was held between the City of Allen, the AISD,
and the Chamber of Commerce regarding this subject matter.
City Manager McCarty advised that Michael Stanger, Administrative
Assistant, would speak before the Council and the Commission
on the TEXCEL Program, which stands for the Texas Cities
Economic Leadership Program.
Michael Stanger advised the Council and the Commission
of the establishment of the TEXCEL Program in the State of
Texas and how it was developed as a program to help train local
governments do their own economic development programs.
Mr. Stanger explained that individuals from the city and
the Chamber had attended an orientation session and three
workshop sessions on this program and explained what type
of information was presented at the workshop sessions.
Mr. Stanger went on to explain that there was a certification
process for cities involved in this type of program and
reviewed briefly the ten fundamental steps for a city to
be certified under this program with the state.
City Manager Jon McCarty then spoke before the Council
and the Commission on the fact that the city has accomplished
seven of the ten fundamental steps in the TEXCEL Program and
has three steps left to achieve. Mr. McCarty advised of the
methodology to be used in achieving the other three elements.
He stated that the City of Allen, the Chamber of Commerce,
and the AISD have had several meetings to discuss entering
into a formal agreement and creating an authority; making
a commitment by each of the entities to provide money for
economic development; and finally the development by the
entities of an economic development strategy. Mr. McCarty
went on to explain other aspects of the program and pointed
out that a formal presentation on this matter had not been
made to the City Council, AISD Board of Trustees, or the
Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors.
There was discussion on the need for the city to take
either an aggressive stand or a passive stand, or somewhere
in between, on economic development in the city, that someone
needs to take the leadership in the program presented by city
staff, that some of the methods used to encourage economic
development in the past are not effective now, and that due
to the economic conditions thoughts need to be given to determining
stands on providing tax incentives. There was further dis-
cussion on the fact that in the past the act of the city in
economic development was more reactionary than actually going
out and seeking companies and businesses to come to Allen.
MAY 14, 1967 Page 6
Discuss Economic Development (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI)
There was further discussion on actions being taken by
other cities to encourage economic development; a clarification
by city staff that the creation of the authority between the
city, the school district, and the chamber for economic development
would not take any development authority, zoning authority, or
platting authority away from the city officials; that there is
a need to establish a strategy so that developers will know what
the city has to offer up front; and that with a more aggressive
stand more developers will be brought to the table to negotiate
their needs rather than them feeling nothing can be work out in
the beginning.
The City Manager spoke before the Council and the Commission
on the progressive stand he feels the city has taken in capital
improvement projects and preparing the citizenry for the growth
that Allen will experience. Mr. McCarty also spoke about the
maintaining of the quality of life in the city and the presentation
of those factors to the developers.
There was further discussion on what an aq;ressive stand would
be in economic development, whether the community is willing to
accept the growth or is it going to have to be forced upon them,
how the city's tax rate is in comparison to the school district
and other cities in this area or of comparable size, and just
what is to be accomplished on this topic at this meeting.
The. Council Members discussed why this particular topic
was on the agenda and what was to be accomplished on this
topic. It was pointed out that this agenda item had been
included do to the discussions on the uses in the Corridor
Commercial district and by opening up the uses in the Corridor
Commercial district, it was felt this would help economic
development in the city. After further discussion, it was
concluded that the City Council would include this subject
an a workshop agenda or at an upcoming City Council meeting.
It was felt this was a very critical topic of discussion
and one that would need a lot of review and discussion.
Review Hearings Process (Agenda Item VII)
The Council and the Commission discussed this agenda item
and asked the city staff for a clarification of it.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised the
Council and the Commission that in the past after a document
has been finalized and the public hearings are ready to be held,
it has been the practice of the Council and the Commission to
hold a joint public hearing and take joint action on the document.
The city staff wanted to clarify that that process will be done
on this matter. After a brief discussion, it was the consensus
of the Council and the Commission that the joint public hearing
would be held as had been the practice in the past. There was
also a brief discussion on whether there will be a need to
hold another workshop session between the Council and the Commission
on the schedule of uses after the Council has had an opportunity
to review it. It was concluded that the number of changes to
the document would determine whether there would be a need for
another workshop session.
MAY 14, 1987 Page 7
Adjournment (Agenda Item VIII)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Glass and seconded by
Commissioner Armand, the Council and the Commission
voted 11 - 0 to adjourn the called - special workshop
session of the Allen City Council and the Allen Planning
and Zoning Commission at 9:51 p.m. on Thursday, May 14,
1987. The motion carried. p
These minutes approved on the / day of
1987, by the Allen Planning and Zoning Commission.
Ke/: rown , CHAIRMAN
Eileen Karlsruher, SECRETARY
These minutes approved on the 6th day of AUGUST
1987, by the Allen City Council.
Marty Hendrix, ITY SECRETARY
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