HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1987 - 05/21 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
MAY 21, 1987
Coe Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
Jerry Wilson
Bobby Glass
Jim Pendleton
Jim Wolfe
Jack Pennington
City Staff
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Laura Westfall (Acting for City Secretary)
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 7:32 p.m. on Thursday, May 21,
1987, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex,
One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded
by Councilman Wilson, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
and adopt all remaining items on the Consent Agenda as
recommended and as follows:
A. Approve Minutes of May 7, 1987 - Regular Session.
B. Authorization to city staff to pay bills associated
with the 1985 Capital Improvement Program as follows:
1. SWA Group $ 65.90
Project No. 50-004-2
Construction of Main Street -
Phase I - Professional Services
Period: March, 1987
2. Dallas Landscaping System $ 11,697.30
Project No. 50-004-1
Construction of Main Street -
Phase I - Application No. 6
Period: 2/3/87
3. Black & Veatch $ 7,000.00
Project No. 40-001-2/$3500
Municipal Complex Development -
Engineering Services
Period: April, 1987
4. Malachi Corporation $ 25,517.48
Project No. 60-002-1
Addition & Renovation of
Central Fire Station -
Application No. 2
Period: 4/25/87
Q1 ,
MAY 21, 1987
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(Agenda Item II)
Hidell Architects
Project No. 60-002-3
Addition & Renovation of
Central Fire Station -
Additional Services -
Reimbursable Expenses
Period: 5/5/87
Hidell Architects
Project No. 60-002-3
Addition & Renovation of
Central Fire Station -
Architectural Services -
Reimbursable Expenses
Period: During April, 1987
ATEC Associates, Inc.
Project No. 60-002-3
Addition & Renovation of
Central Fire Station -
Period: Thru: 3/31/87
Graham Associates, Inc.
Period: 75-003-2
Construction staking for
paving and construction
administration of Jupiter
Road - Engineering Services
Period: Thru: 4/21/87
Graham Associates, Inc.
Project No. 75-002-2
Main Street Phases II
and III - Engineering
Period: Thru: 4/21/87
Graham Associates, Inc.
Project No. 75-002-2
Main Street Phase II
and III - Surveying for
Design of McDermott Drive
Period: Thru: 4/21/87
Acquisition Associates
Project No. 75-002-5
Right -of -Way Acquisition -
Main Street Phase II and III
Acquisition/Negotiation &
Appraisal Services
Period: 4/4/87 - 5/4/87
Hidell Architects
Project No. 40-001-3
Construction of new
Police and Courts Building -
Architectural Services
Period: 5/4/87
Hidell Architects
Project No. 55-001-3
Construction of new
Library Building -
Architectural Services
Period: 5/4/87
MAY 21, 1987
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CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
14. Black & Veatch $ 3,000.00
Project No. 90-002-2
Construction of 2 MG Elevated
Water Storage Tower -
Engineering Services
Period: April, 1987
15. Black & Veatch $ 896.87
Project No. 90-003-2
Water System Supervisory
Control and Telemetry -
Engineering Services
Period: April, 1987
16. Black & Veatch $ 1,897.91
Project No. 90-001-2
Construction of Stacy Road
Pump Station - Engineering
Period: April, 1987
17. C & W Utility Contracting Co. $ 39,211.70
Project No. 90-001-1-B
Water Distribution Pipeline
Project - Final Estimate
No. 7 - Retainage Billing
Period: 2/27/87 - 5/8/87
C. Schedule of Taxes Receivable as of April 30, 1987
D. Resolution No. 792-5-87(R): Resolution Authorizing
IL an Adjustment to the 1985 - 1986 Tax Rolls and a
Refund Issued for Overpayment of 1985 - 1986 Taxes.
The motion carried.
End of The Consent Agenda
Tabled Item: Authorize
Execution of a Contract with
Harvey Moore Architects for
Consulting Services for the
Police and Courts/Library
Building (Agenda Item III)
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the agenda item and opened the floor
for a motion to remove this item from the table for consideration.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by
Councilman Glass, the Council voted 7 - 0 to remove
the agenda item from the table for consideration. The
motion carried.
City Manager Jon McCarty spoke before the Council the
research that had been done previously by city staff on the hiring
of a construction manager; the recommendation of the city staff
not to enter into a contract for construction management; and the
recognition that many of the concerns still exist on the construc-
tion of the Police and Courts Building and the Library Building.
Mr. McCarty elaborated on the concerns of the construction
of the two projects, the need for assistance in reviewing the
detailed specifications and drawings and to have a source of
information regarding construction techniques and materials.
Mr. McCarty advised the Council of the proposal submitted by
Harvey G. Moore, Architect, and of the proposed contract that
would allow provision of consulting service to city staff and to
design development and construction phases of the two buildings.
MAY 2, 1987
Page 9
Tabled Item: Authorize
Execution of a Contract with
Harvey Moore Architects for
Consulting Services for the
Police and Courts/Library
Building (cont'd) (Agenda Item III)
The Council discussed with Mr. Moore if he has served in
this type of capacity before, if he was aware of other entities
tw trying this type of consulting service on projects, how familiar
Mr. Moore was with construction supervision, how many years
Mr. Moore had been in business and who had been some of his clients.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by
Councilman Glass, the Council voted 7 - 0 to authorize
the execution of the proposed agreement with Harvey G.
Moore, Architect, for architectural design, development
and consultation on the Police and Courts Building and
the new Library Building. The motion carried.
Review and Accept an Engineering
Study for Water System Control
and Monitoring (Agenda Item IV)
Ernie Hoback, Director of Public Works, spoke before the
Council on the contract entered into by the City of Allen with
Black and Veatch Engineers to perform a study on the city's
water system control and monitoring. Mr. Hoback explained that
the study contained two phases. Phase I was a preliminary study
of the existing system along with comparisons of the different ways
to acquire input from various locations (pumps, towers, etc.) and
to recommend ways to upgrade and implement new equipment. Phase II
was to prepare drawings and specifications for construction and
Mr. Hoback reviewed the findings of the study which included:
1. The leased telephone lines presently in use for the
control and monitoring system are the most cost-effective
means of communication to control and monitor Allen's
water system.
2. Panel type indicators and controllers are the most
suitable for this application.
3. Alarm conditions for various wastewater lift station sites
are presently being monitored over an existing radio system
from Allen City Hall and will be relocated to Stacy Road
Pump Station by the City of Allen.
Mr. Hoback then reviewed the recommendations of the study
as follows:
1. Use the existing leased lines for a communications medium
until additional remote sites are added to the system,
or leased line costs increase to the point that the use
of leased lines becomes uneconomical.
2. Use a freestanding panel type display and control scheme.
3. Use digital multiplexed audio tones for data concentration
and transmission.
9. Install an insert flow tube and pressure tap at the Lucas
Pump Station to measure station discharge flow and pressure.
5. Install an electrically operated control valve at the Hill-
side Elevated Tank.
MAY 21, 1987
Page 5
Review and Accept an Engineering
Study for Water System Control
and Monitoring (cont'd) (Agenda Item IV)
Mr. Hoback then presented a color -coded chart of the city
showing the various leased telephone lines presently in use for
the control and monitoring system and the proposed lease lines
to be installed.
The Council discussed with Mr. Hoback how the cost of
these leased lines are determined and if it was according
to the distance of the lines, how the monitoring system
works with the use of these lines, if the city owns the
monitoring equipment or is it also leased like the lines,
and how the monitoring system will operate when the Stacy
Road Pump Station is operational.
Mr. Hoback advised the Council that Mr. Dale Cherry,
with Black and Veatch Engineers, was present to answer
any questions the Council may have on this study.
Mr. Hoback advised the Council that the cost of this
study had been held to approximately $3,000 rather than the
estimated $8,000 cost.
Mr. Hoback advised the Council of the work to be done
under Phase II of this study and advised that the city staff's
recommendation was that the City Council acknowledge receipt
of this study as presented and to authorize the city staff to
proceed with Phase II of the contract.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
Lo acknowledge receipt of the engineering study for the
water system control and monitoring and to authorize
the city staff to proceed with Phase II of the contract,
in accordance with the recommendation of the city staff,
as stated. The motion carried.
Review and Accept the Computer
Study Work Paper Part I (Agenda Item V)
Michael Stanger, Administrative Assistant to the City
Manager, spoke before the Council on the progress of the computer
study and the various stages of review and approval that will be
forthcoming in this project.
Mr. Stanger advised the Council of background work that
had been done by he and Nelson Mak, Data Processing Coordinator,
in the preparation of the Computer Study Work Paper - Part I.
Mr. Stanger advised that this portion of the study was an analysis
of the city's existing equipment, its deficiencies, and proposed
Nelson Mak then distributed handout materials of some over-
head transparencies and spoke before the Council on the city's
current computer operation, how it is used, problems with the
current system, possible alternatives, initial investment costs
for each alternative, 5 -year systems costs for the alternatives, and
the configuration of hardware for the proposed alternatives.
Mr. Mak advised the Council that the city staff's recom-
mendation was that the City Council accept the Computer Study
Work Paper - Part I as presented,and to be the first portion
of the Master Plan,and to authorize the city staff to proceed
with the work for Part II of the computer study. He advised
that Part II would be presented at the June 9th Council Meeting
and it would contain the recommendation on which alternative
the city should select.
MAY 21, 1987
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Review and Accept the Computer
Study Work Paper Part I (cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
The Council discussed with Mr. Stanger and Mr. Mak if
the staffing for the computer master plan had been considered
in this part I, the fact that the costs shown showed the initial
cost and maintenance but no additional supplies or personnel,
that the city staff should consider checking into the city's
use of a main frame versus the mini -computer and tying down
the exact needs of the city departments at this time and what
the projected needs are going to be, looking at leased used
equipment on a three-year plan rather than the city purchasing
new equipment, the city staff checking with other entities to
find out about the obsoleteness of the System 36 at this time.
The Council had further discussion with city staff on the
difference between alternative 3 and alternative 4 and that
basically the only difference was the use of micro computers
in alternative 4. It was pointed out by Council that the
micros could also be added as terminals in alternative 3, thus
all of the alternatives centered around the use of the IBM
System 36 with no proposals for other equipment such as main-
Mr. Mak spoke before the Council on what information he
had on mainframes and advised that the cost of the equipment
could be considerably higher as well as the city only using
a small portion of the data base.
The Council discussed with Mr. Mak what other large cities
used as equipment and what type of configurations they had, if
he was familiar with the 9370 system mainframe, how he felt
about the obsolescence of the System 36, if he would be able to
obtain some information on the 9370 and make it another alterna-
tive in Part I as well as obtain additional information on the
effectiveness and obsoleteness of the Systme 36.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
By Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to
accept the Computer Study Work Paper - Part I, amended
to include the additional study of the use of a 9370
mainframe versus a System 36, and to authorize the city
staff to proceed with Part II of the Computer Study.
Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the regular meeting of the Allen
City Council at 9:00 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:11 p.m.
Ordinance No. 793-5-87: An
Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Repealing
City of Allen Ordinance No. 240;
Creating a Master Flood Hazard
Prevention Plan; Creating Methods
of Reducing Flood Losses and State-
ment of Purpose; Providing for Def-
initions; Providing, for General Pro-
visions; Providing for Provisions for
Flood Hazard Reduction; Providing for
(40 a Penalty; Providing for a Severability
Clause; Providing for an Effective Date;
Providing for Attachment of Exhibit "A",
and Providing for Publication of the
Caption. (Agenda Item VI)
Tom Glab, City Engineer, spoke before the Council on the
preparation of the new flood plain management ordinance as pre-
pared by Albert Halff and Associates. Mr. Glab explained to the
Council the need to revise the city's existing flood plain manage-
ment ordinance and reviewed the major changes to the ordinance.
MAY 21, 1987
Page 7
Ordinance No. 793-5-87: (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI)
The Council discussed with Mr. Glab the reasoning behind
the requirement that residential construction must be two feet
or more above the base flood elevation, how this ordinance will
effect existing approved developments, and if a cost analysis
had been done on the property that will be undevelopable as
a result of the restrictions in this ordinance.
Mark Thornton, the Parks and Recreation Director, spoke
before the Council on the amount of flood plain area that will
be available to be reclaimed and the amount of area that will
not be available to be developed in the city. He also advised
of the theory that even though certain portions of the flood
plain area cannot be developed, it is still an enhancement to
the market value of the property.
The Council discussed with city staff if the upstream
development had been considered in this ordinance preparation,
and the enforcement of the ordinance with developments that
have already been approved in the flood plain areas and the
new ones to be brought forward for approval.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to adopt
Ordinance No. 793-5-87 as captioned previously and to
authorize the city staff to submit this ordinance to the
National Flood Insurance Program, in accordance with
the city staff's recommendation, as stated. The
motion carried.
Resolution No. 794-5-87(R):
A Resolution of the City Council
of the City of Allen, Collin County,
Texas, Approving an Interlocal Agree-
ment Between the City of Allen and
Collin County to Designate Funds
Identified in the 1983 Collin County
Bond Program for Chaparral Road from
S.H. 5 to Jupiter Road, and for S.H. 5
from Chaparral Road to Exchange Park-
way, to be Reallocated to F.M. 2170
From S.H. 5 to Allen Heights Drive,
and to the Exchange Parkway Overpass
of U.S. 75 and Designating the City
Manager to Act on Behalf of the City
of Allen to Execute the Agreement. (Agenda Item VII)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council on the proposed resolution regarding an interlocal
agreement between the City of Allen and Collin County to re-
designate county bond funds for street projects in Allen. Mr.
Petty explained that originally $1,832,500 had been appropriated
for construction of Chaparral Road and a portion of State Highway
5. Mr. Petty advised that those projects had been completed by
other means, therefore, there was a definite need to redesignate
the original funds to other projects.
Mr. Petty advised the Council that the two projects
proposed for those funds would be the overpass of Exchange
Parkway over U.S. 75 and improvements to F.M. 2170 east from
S.H. 5 to Allen Heights Drive. The amount of funds to be des-
ignated to each of these projects would be $500,000 and $1,332,500,
respectively. Mr. Petty explained the advantages of applying these
bonds funds to these projects and the need to enter the interlocal
agreement with Collin County for redesignation of the funds to
these projects.
MAY 21. 1987
Resolution No. 794-5-87(R): (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII)
Mr. Petty advised the Council that the city staff's
recommendation was that the City Council approve the proposed
resolution and authorize the City Manager to execute the
interlocal agreement, which will then be forwarded to the
Collin County Commissioners' Court for approval.
The Council discussed with city staff if redesignating these
funds would have an effect on the street improvement program
originally presented to the State Highway Department and if they
would have to be notified of these changes, what would be the
timing on these two projects and would the overpass be constructed
before the work on F.M. 2170, why the Exchange Overpass was con-
sidered a high priority for these funds, and when the state is
supposed to start construction on State Highway 5.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
and adopt Resolution No. 794-5-87(R), as captioned
previously, and to authorize the City Manager to execute
the interlocal agreement, in accordance with the city
staff's recommendation, as stated. The motion carried.
Update on Budget Revenues
and Expenditures (Agenda Item VIII)
Charlotte Smith, Finance Director, spoke before the Council
on the city's revenues and expenditures as of April 30, 1987.
Mrs. Smith explained to the Council that it was hard to make a
determination at this time on the revenues projections since a
major portion of the franchise taxes have not been paid. She
/ did advise that she had recently received the bank franchise
tax and it was approximately $4,000 under the estimated amount
WI budgeted. Mrs. Smith advised the Council that at this point
budget expenditures should represent 588 of the total budget.
The City Council discussed various aspects of the budget
reports with Mrs. Smith regarding the shortfalls experienced
in collection of ad valorem taxes and sales tax.
The Council also discussed with Mr. Bill Petty, Director
of Community Development, the number of building permits that
had been recently issued.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Establish a Replacement Cost
for Main Street Lights and Trees (Agenda Item IX)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation, spoke
before the Council on the damage that has been caused to the
light poles and trees since the improvements have been made
to Main Street. Mr. Thornton pointed out that five light
poles have been destroyed and three trees have been knocked
down by careless motorists.
In order to determine reimburseable costs and plan for
replacements for this type of damage, Mr. Thornton explained
the city staff had obtained estimates from the company that
makes the light poles for all costs incurred for reordering
the light poles and fixtures, plus shipping. They had also
obtained the cost of additional trees at present market values.
Mr. Thornton also advised that the city maintains an extra
light pole and fixtures now so that as the poles are damaged
a new one can be installed as soon as possible.
MAY 21, 1987
Page 9
Establish a Replacement Cost
for Main Street Lights and Trees (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX)
Mr. Thornton reviewed the costs for replacement of the
light poles and trees and pointed out a 108 administrative fee
had also been added on to allow for additional expenses incurred
when city staff had to follow up on the accidents and try to
obtain monies from insurance companies or persons causing the
Mr. Thornton advised the Council that the city staff's
recommendation was that the City Council set the fees at
$1,218.80 for replacement of the light poles on Main Street
and $440.00 for replacement of the red oak trees on Main Street.
The Council discussed with Mr. Thornton how the city staff
follows up on these accidents to insure that the city get payments
for these damages. Mr. Thornton explained the process and advised
of one situation where he has not been able to collect the money.
The Council discussed with Mr. Thornton that the consideration
of these fees needs to be done during the city's budget process
each year.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and seconded
by Councilman Glass, the Council voted 7 - 0 to approve
the fees in the amount of $1,218.80 for the light poles
and $440.00 for the red oak trees, in accordance with
the city staff's recommendation, as stated, and to
consider the establishment of these fees each year
during the budget process. The motion carried.
Appointments to the Planning and
Zoning Commission and Library Board (Agenda Item X -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty advised the Council of the upcoming
appointments to Places 2, 4, and 6 on the Planning and Zoning
Commission, Places 1, 3, 5 and 7 on the Library Board, and Alternate
Place No. 2 on the Zoning Board of Adjustment. He pointed out
the proposed process for the Council appointments and advised
that a Council Interview Committee needed to be selected to
conduct the interviews.
After a brief discussion, Council Members Jack Pennington
and 'Bobby Glass were selected as the Council Interview Committee.
Annual Council Photograph (Agenda Item X -B)
This agenda item reminded the City Council of the annual
photograph to be taken on Thursday, June 18, 1987, at 7:30 p.m.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Collin County Public
Officials Association (Agenda Item X-C)
City Manager Jon McCarty Advised the Council of the
upcoming meeting of the Collin County Public Officials
Association to be held on Thursday, May 28th, at the Holiday
Inn in McKinney and encouraged Council Members to attend
this function.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
MAY 21, 1987
Page 10
Economic Development (Agenda Item X -D)
Zoning Ordinance Schedule
of Uses (Agenda Item X -E)
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer spoke to the Council on the topics
of economic development and the need for the City Council to
hold a meeting to review the Zoning Ordinance Schedule of Uses
�+ prior to discussing the recommendations of the Planning and
Zoning Commission on those uses. Mayor Pro Tem Farmer
explained that these two agenda items were the result of
discussions held at the May 14th joint workshop session of
the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission.
The Council discussed with city staff if additional research
can be done by the city staff regarding what other cities are
doing about economic development and if that information could be
brought forward to the Council for review and discussion.
There was lengthy discussion by the Council on an
appropriate date for a meeting to discuss the referenced
topics and which topic should be considered first at the meeting.
In a consensus vote, the Council determined that a
workshop meeting would be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday,
June 17, with economic development being the first item on
the agenda.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item X -F)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, advised
the Council that Nova Development had requested a median cut
on Bethany Road. This request had been reviewed by the North
Central Texas Council of Governments and the City Engineer and
meets the city's requirements. Thus, the request has been
approved. This item was received as a matter of information.
Michael Stanger, Administrative Assistant to the City
Manager, provided the Council with handout information on
the status of current legislation and reviewed the action that
had been taken by the State Legislature on certain bills with
the Council.
Councilman Wilson advised the Council of a fund raising
project for the Allen Chamber of Commerce. This event is
a "Vegas" night to be held at Intecom on Saturday, May 30th.
He encouraged everyone to attend this function.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Mayor Pro Tem Farmer and
seconded by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted
7 - 0 to adjourn the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 10:50 p.m. on Thursday, May 21, 1987.
The motion carried.
MAY 21, 1987
Page 11
These minutes approved on the 4th day of JUNE
O _