HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1987 - 06/25 - WorkshopALLEN CITY COUNCIL
JUNE 25, 1987
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor (arrived at 8:25 p.m.)
Council Members:
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem (arrived at 8:25 p.m.)
Jerry Wilson
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Jack Pennington
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development
Tom Keener, Development Coordinator
The called - special workshop session of the Allen City
Council was called to order by Councilman Wolfe at 7:30 p.m.
on Thursday, June 25, 1987, in the Council Chambers of the
Allen Municipal Annex, One Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Review Planning & Zoning
Commission Recommendations
on Schedule of Uses in the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (Agenda Item II)
Councilman Wolfe advised the Council that this workshop
session had been scheduledin order to continue the review and
discussion of the proposed schedule of uses for the city's
comprehensive zoning ordinance as recommended by the Planning
and Zoning Commission. Councilman Wolfe advised that at the
last workshop session the Council had reviewed all of the new
districts except Corridor Commercial. Therefore, at this meeting
the Council would review the Corridor Commercial district and
then begin the review of all of the old districts.
The Council began their review of the Corridor Commercial
district and the proposed uses in that district. The Council
discussed with city staff the definition of a "clinic" versus
a "health service", the districts that had been approved for
private clubs and those districts that had been approved for
restaurant/private clubs. It was pointed out that there
appeared to be a typographical error in that the "(C)S" appeared
in the General Business district rather than the Corridor
Commercial. It was concluded by the Council that under the
Corridor Commercial district - "Recreational & Entertainment Uses
Private Club" the "(C)S" should be shown and taken out of
General Business district. In further discussion, it was dis-
covered that in "Commercial Type Uses - Private Club" it was
shown under Office, Corridor Commercial and General Industrial.
This again was a typographical error in that this use is only
permitted in Office, Corridor Commercial and Light Industrial.
It was concluded by the Council that the "(C)S" be added under
Light Industrial and taken out of General Industrial.
JUNE 25, 1987 Page 2
Review Planning & Zoning
Commission Recommendations
on Schedule of Uses in the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
The Council discussed with city staff why under "Educational
& Institutional Uses - School, Public, Proprietary or Denominational"
uses were allowed under Corridor Commercial. City staff advised
that it was felt that a school should be allowed to go in any
district in the city, therefore the use appeared in all of the
Councilman Wilson brought up for discussion what determination
had been made under "Accessory, Utility, and Incidential Uses" for
the addition of the use "Barber & Beauty Shops" and if that use
had been added at the last meeting and in what districts was that
use allowed. Some Council members indicated that they had added
it and placed it in various districts. To clarify the matter,
the Council discussed where this accessory use should be allowed
and it was concluded that it should be allowed in Garden Office,
Office, Local Retail, Shopping Center, Light Commercial, General
Business, Corridor Commercial, Industrial Technology, Light
Industrial, General Industrial, Heavy Industrial and Planned
Development. All of those districts were to reflect a "2".
The Council then discussed placing a specific use requirement
on Local Retail, Shopping Center, and Corridor Commercial and
those changes were made to reflect an "S2" under Local Retail,
Shopping Center, and Corridor Commercial.
The Council discussed how hard it was to review this
document and especially to determine omissions in uses. Councilman
Wolfe distributed to the Council a copy of the "statement of
purpose" for the variousdistricts and advised that this had
helped him to review the schedule of uses and consider the
appropriateness of a use in a district.
The Council moved on to discuss under the "Accessory,
Utility, and Incidential Uses", the new use of "Florist or
Garden Shop". It was concluded by the Council that this use
should be allowed in Light Commercial and Corridor Commercial
as a use by right.
After further review of the uses as proposed, it was the
consensus of the Council present that the Corridor Commercial
district be approved, with the changes as noted previously.
At this time, Mayor Rodenbaugh and Mayor Pro Tem Farmer
arrived at the meeting.
The Council began dicussions with Mayor Rodenbaugh and
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer on the changes that they had made to the
Corridor Commercial district and Mayor Rodenbaugh and Mayor
Pro Tem Farmer posed questions about uses they were concerned
with in this district.
The Council discussed with city staff why under'Educational
& Institutional Uses", "Day Care for Children" was allowed under
Corridor Commercial, what the definition of Corridor Commercial
was, what the Planning and Zoning Commission thought about placing
day care in this district, in the pyramid concept how did Corridor
Commercial relate to General Business, that a day care center's
activities did not seem a permissible use with other uses in the
Corridor Commercial, and it did not seem compatible. City staff
advised the Council that the current thinking about day care
centers now is that parents are taking their children to day
care centers located nearer to their work places rather than
their homes. In further discussion, it was pointed out that
a "day care for children" was not listed in the "Accessory,
Utility and Incidential Uses" and it should be. Discussion
then turned to the fact that drug stores and beauty and barber
shops were also not listed in that use and they should be included.
JUNE 25, 1987 Page 3
Review Planning & Zoning
Commission Recommendations
on Schedule of Uses in the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
The Council advised Mayor Rodenbaugh and Mayor Pro Tem Farmer
that they had included beauty and barber shops under the "Accessory,
Utility and Incidential Uses" and advised of the districts and
whether it was allowed by right or with a specific use permit.
�y It was also concluded that the use should be allowed in the CSD
by right. Mayor Pro Tem Farmer suggested that the Council advise
he and the Mayor of the changes that they had made to the schedule
of uses.
The Council then discussed "Drug Store" under "Accessory,
Utility & Incidential Uses" and the fact that it should be allowed
in Office district. After a lengthy discussion on allowing "Drug
Store" by a specific use permit in "Corridor Commercial" and a
use by right in "Office" and whether it should be permitted in
General Business or Local Retail, it was concluded by the Council
that a "2" should appear in the Garden Office and Office and that
an "S2" should appear inthe Corridor Commercial.
The Council moved on to discuss adding "Day Care for Children"
in the "Accessory, Utility & Incidential Uses" and what districts
this accessory use should be allowed in. City Staff spoke before
the Council on the fact that even if a day care center is requested
as an accessory use to a business, the center still has to meet
all of the state's requirements for a day care center. In the
smaller businesses, these requirements are probably cost prohibitive
and the smaller businesses cannot meet all of the requirements.
After further discussion, the Council concluded that the "Day Care
for Children" should be added to "Accessory, Utility & Incidential
Uses" and be allowed by right in Garden Office, Office, Corridor
Commercial, Industrial Technology, Light Industrial, Heavy and General
Industrial, Planned Development, Community Facilities, and Central
Business District.
City staff discussed with Councilman Pennington the
definition of a dry cleaning business and the districts where
it was an allowable use.
Since the Council was having a difficult time locating
uses being discussed, time was taken to number the pages of
the schedule of uses for easier reference.
At the request of Councilman Pennington, the Council
discussed the locations for "Utility Sub or Regulation Station"
under "Industrial & Manufacturing Uses" and that the use had
been left out of Corridor Commercial, Industrial Technology,
Light Industrial, General Industrial, Heavy Industrial,
Planned Development and the Central Business District. After
discussions, it was concluded by the Council that the use should
be included in all of those districts by placing an "S2" in
each of those districts, located on page 36.
Mayor Pro Tem Farmer discussed with city staff and the
Council the definition of a "Museum, Library, Art Gallery
(Public)" and questioned why it was an allowable use in the
"Corridor Commercial" district. He also questioned why a
public school would be an allowable use in that district also.
City staff explained that a school and a church were uses that
should be allowed in any type of district.
JUNE 25, 1987 Page 4
Review Planning & Zoning
Commission Recommendations
on Schedule of Uses in the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
The Council then discussed the definition of "Apparel Stores"
under "Accessory, Utility & Incidential Uses", on page 6, and
why it was not shown to be a permitted use under Corridor Commercial
as well as Garden Office and Office. The example discussed was
the small boutiques that are located in hotels. It was concluded
that this use should be allowed by a specific use permit in
Garden Office, Office, and Corridor Commercial by showing an "S2"
under those districts.
The Council continued review of page 6 and discussed the
relationship between the use listed as "Florist or Garden Shop"
and how they were related. It was concluded that they had two
different meanings and were not synonymous, therefore, the
words "or Garden Shop" were taken out of the use description.
The Council moved on to page 7 and discussed "office supplies"
as a use in office districts, discussed the definition of accessory,
utility and incidential uses, and concluded that "office supplies"
should be an accessory use to Garden Office, Office Light Commercial,
Corridor Commercial and Industrial Technology.
The Council then discussed "Personal Service" and what
the definition of this new use included. City staff read the
definition and advised that barber and beauty shops would fall
in this type of category. It was concluded by the Council that
this accessory use should be allowed by right or specific use
permit in additional districts as follows: (1) Allowed by right
with a "2" in Garden Office, Office, Light Commercial, General
Business, Industrial Technology, Heavy Industrial, Planned
Development, and Central Business District; and (2) Allowed by
specific use permit with an "S2" in Local Retail, Shopping
Center, and Corridor Commercial.
The Council moved on to discuss the allowable uses of
bus stations or terminals in the Corridor Commercial district,
the uses of motor cycle sales and service (indoor), and trailer,
light truck rental uses in Corridor Commercial.
Mayor Rodenbaugh pointed out that on page 14 the use reac
"New Car Dealership" and discussed with city staff if the use
should include repair. It was concluded by the Council that
the words "and repair" should be added to "New Car Dealership".
The Council discussed the uses of "Auto Laundry" and
"Auto Painting or Body Shop" being allowable uses in the Corridor
Commercial district and the discussion centered around just what
type of image the city wanted to have on U.S. 75 and whether
the mishmash of allowable uses was going to create a positive
image for the city. There was a great deal of discussion on
what uses should be allowed in the Corridor Commercial district
and what type of impression the city wanted to make along its
major thoroughfares. The Council discussed the use of the
specific use permit on some of these uses rather than having
them be uses by right. City staff pointed out that on page 16
and page 23 the "Auto Laundry" uses should be consistent and
they were not. At the Council's request, the city staff spoke
before the Council on the specific use permit requirements that
were placed on developers, how long a process it was, and how
costly it was to the requestors. It was pointed out that the
specific use permit could not be used as an exclusionary tool, but
asan allowable use with certain restrictions that can be placed
on the use. It was also pointed out that if it is an allowable
use by right, then the city staff can approve the request and
it will not appear before the Council for consideration.
JUNE 25, 1987 Page 5
Review Planning & Zoning
Commission Recommendations
on Schedule of Uses in the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (cont'd) (Agenda Item IIT
There was considerable discussion by the Council on the
i Corridor Commercial district in comparison to a Planned Development
district and how the Planned Development requirements were more
definitive as to the location of the various uses and the requests
were made on large tracts of land. In comparison, the Corridor
Commercial district uses could be requested on large or small
tracts and the mishmash of uses could be allowed by right. There
were various commercial areas in other cities that were discussed
as examples and interpretations from the Council and the city
staff on how those areas appeared and what type of image they
The Council discussed the various uses proposed in the
Corridor Commercial district and the uses which permitted out-
side storage of materials such as building materials sales and
then the contradiction of storing motorcycles inside. The
Council discussed the public hearing process on this proposed
schedule of uses and the fact that if it is highly publicized,
there may be a lot of objections to the proposed uses in
Corridor Commercial and what will be allowed along U.S. 75.
There was further lengthy discussion on the hope that
campus -type developments such as an InteCom, T -I, etc., would
be the interested parties in developing in the Corridor Commercial
district, the issue that the city's comprehensive plan states
that a Corridor Commercial district shall be created with highly
intense uses and that some of the Council Members do not interpret
the plan in that manner.
To begin review of the schedule of uses again, the Council
started with page 36 and discussed the definition of the use
"warehousincj'and what was entailed in that use. The review
moved on to page 34 and it was the consensus of the Council
that the use "Machine Shop or Welding" be taken out of the
Corridor Commercial district.
The Council moved on to page 27 and discussed the use of
"Rest Home or Nursing Home" in the Corridor Commercial district.
The Council discussed the appropriate location for this use
and it was concluded that this use would be taken out of the
Corridor Commercial district.
The Council considered page 26, the use of "Small Job
Print Shop" and including this use in Corridor Commercial as
a use by right, as well as in Industrial Technology. It was
concluded that a "2" would be added for this use under Corridor
Commercial and Industrial Technology. The Council then reviewed
the use of "Mobile Home Display & Sales" and the appropriate district
for that use. It was concluded by the Council that the use of
"Mobile Home Display & Sales" be taken out of General Business,
Corridor Commercial and the Central Business District. The
Council discussed further if the city had any zoning for a mobile
home park, what the classification was of the mobile homes already
located in the city, what the requirements were on mobile homes,
and the various locations of mobile homes in the city.
JUNE 25, 1987 Page 6
Review Planning & Zoning
Commission Recommendations
on Schedule of Uses in the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (cont'd) (Agenda Item II)
The Council then reviewed page 25, the use of "Garage, Auto
Repair" and they concluded that it should be allowable by a
specific use permit.
The Council moved on to page 23 and discussed "Building
Materials Sales (outside)" and the relationship between that
type of facility and one with storage on the inside of the
building. After further discussion, it was concluded by the
Council that the use of "Building Materials Sales (outside)"
should be allowed in Corridor Commercial only by specific use
The Council continued their review and discussed what the
definition of "retail store (indoor)" was and what uses would
be included in that use. On page 20, the Council's consensus
was to strike the words "or garden shop" which appeared after
the word "florist". They also concluded that "Fabrics or
Needlework Shop" should be allowed by right in the Corridor
Commercial district.
The Council moved on to page 16 to discuss the requirements
for the uses of "Garage, Auto Repair" and "Auto Painting or Body
Shop", and the "Auto Glass, Muffler, or Brake Shop". City staff
explained to Council the requirements for these types of uses
and the regulations that are placed upon them. After lengthy
discussion, it was concluded by the Council that the use of
"Auto Glass, Muffler, or Brake Shop" should be allowed by a
specific use permit in Corridor Commercial; that the Auto
Laundry should be allowed in Corridor Commercial by a specific
use permit, that the Auto Painting or Body Shop should be allowed
by specific use permit in the Corridor Commercial, and that the
Garage, Auto Repair should be allowed in the Corridor Commercial
by a specific use permit.
The Council reviewed page 8, the use of "Small Job Print
Shop" and concluded that it should be an allowed accessory,
utility and incidential use in the Corridor Commercial District.
They also included "Travel Agent" as an allowed accessory,
utility and incidential use in the Corridor Commercial district
by right.
The Council then discussed the use of "Radio, Television,
or Microwave Towers" and the definition of this particular use
and where it should be allowed. After a lengthy discussion,
the Council concluded that this use should be allowed by right in
the Garden Office district, Local Retail district, Shopping Center,
Light Commercial, General Business and the Central Business District.
This use would be an approved use with a specific use permit in the
Office district, Corridor Commercial district, and the Industrial
Technology district, including the districts already shown in the
use schedule.
The Council then reviewed page 13, the use of "Helistop"
and discussed previous action to place this use under Garden
Office, Office, Light Commercial and General Business with a
specific use permit. The Council discussed placing this use
in Corridor Commercial and Industrial Technology by specific
use permit. There was further discussion on the fact that the
Council wanted this use placed under the "Accessory,. Utility
& Incidential Uses" in order that it can be an approved use
in districts where there are large office complexes or hospitals
that would use this type of service. It was concluded by the
Council that city staff would clarify the use as listed on page
13 and add the use to the accessory uses.
JUNE 25, 1987 Page 7
Review Planning & Zoning
Commission Recommendations
on Schedule of Uses in the
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance (cont'd) (Agenda Item
With no further discussion on the Corridor Commercial district,
it was concluded by the Council that the district be approved,
with the changes as noted.
Discuss Economic Development (Agenda Item
There was no discussion by the Council on Economic
Development at this time. This item was passed over.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item
The Council briefly discussed the scheduling of another
meeting to continue the work on the schedule of uses. It was
determined that the next workshop session would be held on
Tuesday, July 7, 1987, at 7:00 p.m., at the Allen Municipal
Adjournment (Agenda Item
Mayor Rodenbaugh adjourned the called - special workshop
session of the Allen City Council at 11:21 p.m. on Thursday,
June 25, 1987.
These minutes approved on the 2nd day of JULY
hla �il�lW71i
Marty Hendrix, C, CITY SECRETARY