HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - City Council - 1987 - 07/16 - RegularALLEN CITY COUNCIL
JULY 16, 1987
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 16,
1987, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Mayor Rodenbaugh adjourned to regular session of the
Allen City Council into Executive Session at 6:31 p.m.
Executive Session (Agenda Item II)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open
Meetings Law), Sections 2(e), 2(f), and 2(g), the Allen City
Council convened into Executive Session at 6:32 p.m. on
Thursday, June 18, 1987, in the Conference Room of the
Allen Municipal Annex, in order to discuss matters pertaining
to legal, property, and personnel.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
The Allen City Council reconvened into their regular
session at 7:33 p.m, on Thursday, June 18, 1987, in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton, and
seconded by Councilman Pennington, the Council voted
6 - 0 to approve and adopt all items on the Consent
Agenda as recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of June 30,
1987 - Called - Special Budget Workshop Session.
B. Approval of City Council Minutes of July 2,
1987, Regular Session.
C. Authorization to city staff to pay bills
associated with the 1985 Capital Improve-
ment Program as follows:
1. Hidell Architects $ 3,100.00
Project No. 55-001-3
Construction of New Library
Facility - Architectural Services
Reimbursable Expenses 7.50
Period: During June, 1987
Donald P. Rodenbaugh, Mayor
Council Members:
Jerry Wilson
Bobby Glass
Jim Wolfe
Jim Pendleton
Jack Pennington
Joe Farmer, Mayor Pro Tem
City Staff:
Jon McCarty, City Manager
Marty Hendrix, City Secretary
The regular session of the Allen City Council was called
to order by Mayor Rodenbaugh at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 16,
1987, in the Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex, One
Butler Circle, Allen, Texas.
Mayor Rodenbaugh adjourned to regular session of the
Allen City Council into Executive Session at 6:31 p.m.
Executive Session (Agenda Item II)
In accordance with Article 6252-17, V.A.T.C.S. (Open
Meetings Law), Sections 2(e), 2(f), and 2(g), the Allen City
Council convened into Executive Session at 6:32 p.m. on
Thursday, June 18, 1987, in the Conference Room of the
Allen Municipal Annex, in order to discuss matters pertaining
to legal, property, and personnel.
The Executive Session was adjourned at 7:25 p.m.
The Allen City Council reconvened into their regular
session at 7:33 p.m, on Thursday, June 18, 1987, in the
Council Chambers of the Allen Municipal Annex.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton, and
seconded by Councilman Pennington, the Council voted
6 - 0 to approve and adopt all items on the Consent
Agenda as recommended and as follows:
A. Approval of City Council Minutes of June 30,
1987 - Called - Special Budget Workshop Session.
B. Approval of City Council Minutes of July 2,
1987, Regular Session.
C. Authorization to city staff to pay bills
associated with the 1985 Capital Improve-
ment Program as follows:
1. Hidell Architects $ 3,100.00
Project No. 55-001-3
Construction of New Library
Facility - Architectural Services
Reimbursable Expenses 7.50
Period: During June, 1987
5. Graham Associates $ 2,812.50
Construction of Main Street -
Phases II and III - Surveying
JULY 16,
Period: Thru: 6/23/87
Page 2
(Agenda Item III)
Construction Staking and
Hidell Architects
7. Graham Associates $ 13,230.08
Project No. 60-002-3
Project No. 75-002-2
Construction of Main Street -
Addition and Renovation of
Design of McDermott Drive
Period: Thru: 6/23/87
Central Fire Station -
8. Acquisition Associates $ 4,010.00
Project No. 75-002-5
Architectural Services -
Main Street Phases II and III -
Acquisition/Negotiation &
Reimbursable Expenses
Period: During June, 1987
Right -of -Way Acquisition -
Malachi Corporation
Period: 6/24/87 - 6/25/87
Project No. 60-002-1
on a Request for a Specific Use Permit by Pizza
Shack for a Restaurant/Private Club Located at
Addition and Renovation of
the Northwest Corner of F.M. 2170 and S.H. 5
at 107-B North Greenville Avenue, as Requested
Central Fire Station -
E. Set August 6, 1987 as the Public Hearing Date
on a Request to Rezone 33.60 Acres from "R-2"
Application No. 4
Residential to "PD" Planned Development Including
Community Facilities, Garden Office with Limited
Period: 6/25/87
Jack Radke and LeRoy Tibodeau.
4. Hidell Architects
Project No. 40-001-3
Construction of Police and
Courts Building - Architectural
Reimbursable Expenses $ 276.11
Period: During June, 1987
5. Graham Associates $ 2,812.50
Project No. 75-002-2
Construction of Main Street -
Phases II and III - Surveying
for Design
Period: Thru: 6/23/87
6. Graham Associates $ 1,360.00
Project No. 75-003-02
Construction of Jupiter Road -
Construction Staking and
Contract Administration
Period: Thru: 6/23/87
7. Graham Associates $ 13,230.08
Project No. 75-002-2
Construction of Main Street -
Phases II and III - Engineering
Design of McDermott Drive
Period: Thru: 6/23/87
8. Acquisition Associates $ 4,010.00
Project No. 75-002-5
Right -of -Way Acquisition -
Main Street Phases II and III -
Acquisition/Negotiation &
Appraisal Services
Period: 6/4/87 - 7/4/87
9. Metro Stone Co. $ 71.58
Right -of -Way Acquisition -
Rock for Alley Paving for Drive-
way Relocations
Period: 6/24/87 - 6/25/87
D. Set August 6, 1987 as the Public Hearing Date
on a Request for a Specific Use Permit by Pizza
Shack for a Restaurant/Private Club Located at
the Northwest Corner of F.M. 2170 and S.H. 5
at 107-B North Greenville Avenue, as Requested
by George W. Allen, Jr.
E. Set August 6, 1987 as the Public Hearing Date
on a Request to Rezone 33.60 Acres from "R-2"
Residential to "PD" Planned Development Including
Community Facilities, Garden Office with Limited
Retail, and Multi -family Uses, as Requested by
Jack Radke and LeRoy Tibodeau.
JULY 16, 1987
Page 3
CONSENT AGENDA (cont'd) (Agenda Item III)
Tax Report.
The motion carried.
End of the Consent
Administer Oath -of -Office to
Newly Appointed Member of the
Board of Adjustment (Agenda Item IV)
The City Secretary Marty Hendrix administered the oath -of -
office to Ray Smith, newly appointed member to Alternate Place
No. 2 on the Board of Adjustment to fill an expired term of office.
Public Hearing: Request for Permanent
Ordinance No. 800-7-87: An
Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Amending
the Comprehensive Zoning Ordi-
nance No. 366-10-81, of the
City of Allen, as Heretofore
Amended, so as to Change the
Zoning Classification from
"A -O" Agricultural -Open Space
to Establish Permanent Zoning
To -Wit: "FP -PD" Flood Plain -
Planned Development on a Total
of 95 Acres of Land More or
Less, Out of the F. Wilmeth
Survey, Abstract No. 999, the
L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract
No. 702, and the Henry Wetsel
Survey, Abstract No. 1026; Pro-
viding for a Land Use Plan;
Providing for Use and Area Reg-
ulations; Providing for a Pen-
alty of Fine Not to Exceed the
Sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) for Each Offense;
Providing for a Severability
Clause; and Providing for an
Effective Date of Said Ordinance
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing on a Request for Permanent Zoning
of "FP -PD" Flood Plain - Planned Development In-
cluding Retail, Office and Light Commercial Uses
on 95.62 Acres of Land Located South of Stacy
Road and East and West of U.S. 75 as Requested
by Mrs. Doyle K. Stacy, Mrs. Thomas P. Wood, and
Dr. Doyle S. Stacy, and Consider an Ordinance
Establishing Permanent Zoning of "FP -PD"
Zoning of "FP -PD"
Including Retail,
Office, and Light
Commercial Uses on
95.62 Acres of Land
Agriculture - Open Space
South of Stacy Road
and East and West of
U.S. 75
Mrs. Doyle K. Stacy
Mrs. Thomas P. Wood
Dr. Doyle S. Stacy (Agenda Item V)
Ordinance No. 800-7-87: An
Ordinance of the City of Allen,
Collin County, Texas, Amending
the Comprehensive Zoning Ordi-
nance No. 366-10-81, of the
City of Allen, as Heretofore
Amended, so as to Change the
Zoning Classification from
"A -O" Agricultural -Open Space
to Establish Permanent Zoning
To -Wit: "FP -PD" Flood Plain -
Planned Development on a Total
of 95 Acres of Land More or
Less, Out of the F. Wilmeth
Survey, Abstract No. 999, the
L. K. Pegues Survey, Abstract
No. 702, and the Henry Wetsel
Survey, Abstract No. 1026; Pro-
viding for a Land Use Plan;
Providing for Use and Area Reg-
ulations; Providing for a Pen-
alty of Fine Not to Exceed the
Sum of One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00) for Each Offense;
Providing for a Severability
Clause; and Providing for an
Effective Date of Said Ordinance
Mayor Rodenbaugh read the request into the record as follows:
"Public Hearing on a Request for Permanent Zoning
of "FP -PD" Flood Plain - Planned Development In-
cluding Retail, Office and Light Commercial Uses
on 95.62 Acres of Land Located South of Stacy
Road and East and West of U.S. 75 as Requested
by Mrs. Doyle K. Stacy, Mrs. Thomas P. Wood, and
Dr. Doyle S. Stacy, and Consider an Ordinance
Establishing Permanent Zoning of "FP -PD"
JULY 16, 1987
Page 4
Public Hearing: Request for Permanent
Zoning of "FP -PD"
Including Retail,
Office, and Light
Commercial Uses on
95.62 Acres of Land
Requester: Mrs. Doyle K. Stacy
Mrs. Thomas P. Wood
Dr. Doyle S. Stacy (cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
Ordinance No. 800-7-87 (cont'd)
J. T. Dunkin, with J. T. Dunkin and Associates and repre-
senting the property owners, spoke before the Council on this
request for permanent zoning of 95.62 acres of land. There are
approximately 82 acres on the west side of U.S. 75 and 12 acres
on the east side. Mr. Dunkin reviewed the location of the pro-
perty for the Council, advised of proposed uses of this property
as referenced in the city's comprehensive master plan, and ad-
vised of the location of the flood plain on both tracts. Mr.
Dunkin also reviewed the zoning on adjacent properties. Mr.
Dunkin pointed out to the Council that the property owners, Mrs.
Doyle K. Stacy and Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Wood, were also present.
Mr. Dunkin explained to the Council that since the city did
not presently have the zoning uses for a corridor commercial
district or the light commercial district, this request had been
presented as a planned development. Mr. Dunkin pointed out that
city staff had advised him that the Planning and Zoning Commission
and the City Council had been in the process of reviewing and
establishing the uses for the corridor commercial district.
Having reviewed the proposed allowable uses in the corridor com-
mercial district, as provided by city staff, Mr. Dunkin stated
that he was now requesting to amend their request to substitute
the corridor commercial proposed uses as defined by the Planning
and Zoning Commission and the Council for the uses they had pro-
posed in their original request. Bill Petty, Director of Com-
munity Development, had distributed to the Council copies of the
list of uses as reflected in the light commercial and corridor
commercial districts.
Mr. Dunkin then reviewed the development policy with the
Council and advised of height and area regulations and floor
area ratios for both districts.
Mr. Dunkin then advised of the thoroughfares in the area
and that Stacy Road was proposed to be an eight -lane divided
thoroughfare in the future. Mr. Dunkin pointed out that
John Friebele, with Jones-Friebele Consulting Engineers, Inc.,
who had prepared the traffic study, was also present to speak
to the Council if they had any questions on the traffic study.
Mayor Rodenbaugh opened the public hearing. No one appeared
to speak either for or against the request for permanent zoning.
Mayor Rodenbaugh closed the public hearing.
The Planning & Zoning Commission, at their regular meeting
held on June 11, 1987, recommended to the City Council, approval
of the request for the Stacy Home Place Tract with an amendment
to show the right-of-way for Stacy Road as 140 feet; to remove
the specifics of acreage for the flood plain; and to remove the
provisions for parking within the 100 -foot front yard setbacks in
Tract 1.
The Council discussed with Mr. Dunkin the substitution of
the city's proposed corridor commercial district uses rather than
the uses originally proposed by Mr. Dunkin, and if he wanted to
also substitute the city's proposed uses for the light commercial
district as well. Mr. Dunkin indicated to the Council that he
JULY 16, 1987 Page 5
Public Hearing: Request for Permanent
Zoning of "FP -PD"
Including Retail,
Office, and Light
Commercial Uses on
95.62 Acres of Land
Requester: Mr. Doyl K. Stacy
Mrs. Thomas P. Wood
Dr. Doyle S. Stacy (cont'd) (Agenda Item V)
Ordinance No. 800-7-87 (cont'd)
had not seen the list of proposed uses on the light commercial
district. Mr. Dunkin discussed with city staff, Bill Petty and
Tom Keener, what the proposed uses for light commercial entailed
and if they contained uses allowed in a shopping center district.
At the Council's request, John Friebele, traffic engineer,
spoke before the Council on the traffic study, and discussed with
the Council if the change in the schedule of uses for these two
districts would effect the basis used to determine the traffic
counts for this area.
At this time, Mr. Dunkin indicated that he had reviewed
the schedule of uses for light commercial and would also like
to substitute those uses for the uses they had originally pro-
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wilson and seconded
by Councilman Pennington, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
approve the request for permanent zoning on the Stacy
Home Place Tract, in accordance with the recommendation
of the Planning and Zoning Commission, as stated, and
to substitute the city's schedule of uses for corridor
commercial on the property located on the west side of
U.S. 75 and to substitute the city's schedule of uses
for the light commercial district on the east side of
U.S. 75; and to approve and adopt Ordinance No. 800-7-87
as captioned previously and reflecting the subject
changes as noted. The motion carried.
Request to Appear by
S. A. Commisa Concerning the
Planned Berkshire Home
Development in Fountain Park
(Agenda Item VI)
Sam A. Commisa, 906 Springbrook Drive, and representing
the Fountain Park Custom Home Steering Committee, spoke before
the Council on the concerns of the homeowners of the Fountain
Park Custom Home community regarding the homes to be built
by Berkshire Homes on lots located in Fountain Park V Sub-
division. Mr. Commisa provided the Council with background
information on statements that had been made in previous
appearances before the City Council and the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Mr. Commisa advised the Council of a meeting that
was held with Berkshire Homes, Mayor Rodenbaugh, Councilman
Wolfe, Bass Development, and representatives from the Fountain
Park Custom Home community. Mr. Commisa provided the Council
with copies of a letter from Berkshire Homes entitled
"Fountain Park Proposed Business Plan" and which showed various
items to be used inthe development and construction of the homes
which had been a concern of the Fountain Park Custom Home
community. Mr. Commisa indicated that these items did not meet
all of the concerns of the residents. Mr. Commisa stated again
before the Council that the residents in the Fountain Park Custom
community did not want tract homes in their neighborhood, wanted
the Council's influence to see that those type of homes were not
built in that location, and wanted the city's protection for the
investments that they have made as home -owners. Mr. Commisa in-
vited the Council Members and the Mayor to attend their community
meetings which were held on Monday nights at 7:30 p.m.
JULY 16, 1987
Page 6
Request to Appear by
S. A. Commisa Concerning the
Planned Berkshire Home
Development in Fountain Park
Estates (cont'd) (Agenda Item VI)
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Mayor Rodenbaugh recessed the regular session of the Allen
City Council at 8:15 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 8:24 p.m.
Review Bids and Consider Awarding
Contract for Playground Equipment
for Story and Ford Parks (Agenda Item VII -A)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation Department,
spoke before the Council on the solicitation of bids, receipt
of bids, and bid opening held on July 9, 1987, and the tabulation
of the bid results for playground equipment for Story and Ford
Mr. Thornton advised that the following bids were received
for the following items:
Item 1
- Playground Structure
Kamp -Johnson, Inc.
Story Park
Medlin Recreation
(No Bid)
amount of
Grounds for Play
Paul Allen Co.
BJ's Park Products
$ 9,387.00
Item 2
- Playground Structure
Kamp -Johnson, Inc.
$ 5,223.81
Ford Park
Medlin Recreation
(No Bid)
Grounds for Play
$ 5,100.00*
Paul Allen Co.
$ 5,155.00
BJ's Park Products
$ 5,051,00
Item 3
- Playground Structure
Kamp -Johnson, Inc.
$ 8,052.50
Ford Park
Medlin Recreation
(No Bid)
Grounds for Play
$ 6,850.00*
Paul Allen Co.
$ 7,207.00
BJ's Park Products
$ 6,908.00
Item 4
- Swing Sets
Kamp -Johnson, Inc.
(No Bid)
Medlin Recreation
$ 3,009.67
Grounds for Play
$ 3,150.00*
Paul Allen Co.
$ 3,186.00*
BJ's Park Products
$ 2,620.98*
*Did Not Meet
Mr Thornton advised the Council that the city staff recom-
mendation was to approve the award of the bids to the low bidders
that meet the specifications as follows:
1. Item 1 to BJ's Park Products in the amount of $9,387.00.
Item 2 to
BJ's Park Products in the amount of
Item 3 to
BJ's Park Products in the amount of
Item 4 to
Medlin Recreation Equipment in the
amount of
Mr. Thornton also advised the Council of the following proposed
budget for these projects and requested approval of the budgets
JULY 16, 1987 Page 7
Review Bids and Consider Awarding
Contract for Playground Equipment
for Story and Ford Parks (cont'd) (Agenda Item VII -A)
Bond Funds Available . . . . . . . . $ 25,000.00
(Previously approved in the
overall Ford Park Budget)
Equipment Cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 13,965.00
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6,847.00
Miscellaneous Items . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,938.00
(Benches, Etc.)
Contingencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,250.00
$ 25,000.00
Bond Funds Available . . . . . . . . . . $ 250,000.00
Playground Construction . . . . . . . $ 20,067.00
(Concrete, Lattice)
Playground Equipment . . . . . . . . . $ 10,390.00
Playground Installation . . . . . . . $ 5,525.00
Drainage System . . . . . . . . . . $ 2,950.00
Contingencies . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,948.00
Total Phase I . . . . . . . . . . . $ 40,900.00
Total Available . . . . . . . . . . $ 250,000.00
Phase I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 40,900.00
Bonds remaining for Phase II . . . .
of Story Park . . . . . . . . . . . $ 209,100.00
The Council discussed with Mr. Thornton what specific
equipment was included in this bidding process.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded
by Councilman Glass, the Council voted 6 - 0 to
approve the award of the bids to the following:
1. Item 1 to BJ's Park Products in the amount of $9,387.00,
2. Item 2 to BJ's Park Products in the amount of $5,051.00,
3. Item 3 to BJ's Park Products in the amount of $6,908.00,
4. Item 4 to Medlin Recreation Equipment in the amount of
and to approve the budgets as presented, in accordance
with the city staff's recommendation, as stated. The
motion carried.
JULY 16, 1987
Page 8
Review Bids and Consider Awarding
Contracts for Construction of
Playgrounds at Story and Ford Parks (Agenda Item VII -B)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation Department,
spoke before the Council on the solicitation of bids, the bids
received, the bid opening held on July 9, 1987, and the tabulation
of the bid results.
Mr. Thornton advised that the following bids were received:
Construct 4" thick Eagle Enterprise $ 15,120.48
concrete sidewalks SVA Concrete Co. $ 17,817.00
and playground border NSR $ 28,576.80
at Story Park
Construct Lattice at Eagle Enterprise $ 2,876.08
the Playground at SVA Concrete Co. $ 2,270.00
Story Park NSR $ 2,040.00
Construct underground Eagle Enterprise $ 4,620.73
drainage system for SVA Concrete Co. $ 2,950.00
the playground at Story NSR $ 2,400.00
Install playground Eagle Enterprise $ 12,048.90
equipment and playground SVA Conrete Co. $ 5,525.00
surfacing for Story NSR $ 7,800.00
Install playground Eagle Enterprise $ 2,304.50
equipment and play- SVA Concrete Co. $ 6,847.00
ground surfacing for NSR $ 7,800.00
two playgrounds at
Ford Park
Mr. Thornton advised the Council that the city staff's
recommendation was to award the bid to the lowest bidder,
being SVA Concrete Company, in the amount of $35,409.00.
The Council discussed with city staff if references had
been obtained on the contractor and what type of work had they
done and if they had worked with the city before. The Council
also discussed with the city staff when the playground areas
would be ready to use by the public.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded
by Councilman Pennington, the Council voted 6 - 0
to approve the award of the bid to the lowest bidder,
being SVA Concrete Company, in the amount of $35,409.00,
in accordance with the recommendation of the city staff,
as stated. The motion carried.
Review Bids and Consider Awarding
Contract for Concession Vendor
for Ford Park (Agenda Item VII -C)
Mark Thornton, Director of Parks and Recreation Department,
spoke before the Council on this item and advised the Council
the he was requesting that this item be tabled by the Council
at this time. Mr. Thornton stated that more work needed to be
done to analyze the bids before a recommendation could be made
on this item.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by
Councilman Glass, the Council voted 6 - 0 to table
the review of bids and consideration of an award of
the contract for the concession vendor for Ford Park.
The motion carried.
JULY 16, 1987
Page 9
Consideration of the 1987 Street
Maintenance Program (Agenda Item VIII)
Tom Glab, City Engineer, spoke before the Council on the
1987 Street Improvement Plan. He advised that the Street Depart-
ment had done a survey and then the following list of priorities
was determined from the amount of traffic generated on the streets
and the condition of the streets.
Mr. Glab, reviewed the list for the overlay to the collector
streets which consisted of Thoreau Lane, Pebblebrook Drive, River -
crest Boulevard, Roaring Springs Drive, Grassy Glen Drive, Melody
Mall Drive, Hill Haven Drive, Hawthorne Drive, and Hightrail Drive.
The cost for this priority was $197,000.00.
Mr. Glab advised that the second priority was to rebuild
Keith Drive and he provided two alternatives. Those alternatives
(1) $290,000 - The reconstruction of 2,750 linear feet
which would be from the intersection of
Keith/Watson to Keith/S.H. 5.
(2) $120,000 - The reconstruction of approximately 1,000
linear feet of the street from Keith/Watson
to the bend in the road.
Mr. Glab explained to the Council the condition of Keith Drive
at this time regarding the pot holes, raveling along the road's
edge and the drainage problems in that area.
Mr. Glab then reviewed the third priority which was to overlay
the streets of Candlewood Drive, Mill Run Drive and Sandy Trail.
Mr. Glab explained that the agenda packet information indicated
that these streets should be rebuilt, but after reviewing those
streets it was Mr. Glab's conclusion that the streets could just
be overlayed. This would reduce the cost per square yard from
$5.00 to $2.60, for a cost of $68,900.00.
The fourth priority was to repair distressed areas in alleys
using city maintenance employees. Those alleys included Rivercrest/
Lake Highlands, Lake Highlands/Cypress, Sandy Creek/Willow Creek,
Melody Mall Drive/Greeting Gate Lane, Lake Ridge Drive and Leading
Lane/Meadow Meade Drive for a cost of $60,000.00.
Mr. Glab then reviewed the next item on the list of priorities,
being to crack seal in Rolling Hills Estates using city employees
for a cost of $2,000.00. At this time, Mr. Glab advised the Council
that Bush Drive should be included in the first priority that was
reviewed. The next priority was to provide an overlay to residential
streets in Hillside Village and Fountain Park for a cost of $156,000.
As part of the budget there was a 5% contingencies for a total of
$39,000. The total cost for all of the items reviewed would be
$827,000. Mr. Glab spoke before the Council about going out for
bids to contractors for the street overlay program in that the work
can be done better and cheaper than using city crews.
Mr. Glab reviewed in more detail the proposed work to be done
to Keith Drive and the drainage problem that exists in that area
and the work to be done by city crews to rework the drainage ditches
in that area. He advised that he hoped that the property owners
in that area would work with the city and provide for cost sharing
in the event that drainage under the property owners' driveways need
to be taken out and replaced.
Mr. Glab went on to explain a new process whereby asphalt is
recycled and used again on street overlay. Mr. Glab reviewed how
the process is accomplished, the benefits to the city, and the
costs that are saved with this process. Mr. Glab stated that he
has provided these items as a matter of information and would be
bringing back specifications to go out for bids for the street
overlay program.
JULY 16, 1987
Page 10
Consideration of the 1987 Street
Maintenance Program (cont'd) (Agenda Item VIII)
The Council discussed with Mr. Glab the two alternatives
listed for Keith Drive, if the costs for paving Keith Drive in
concrete with open drainage ditches had been considered, comments
from the property owners in that area who want to keep the asphalt
street, the maintenance and life expectancy of a concrete street
versus an asphalt street, and if a concrete street is put in on
Keith Drive would storm drains also have to be added.
There was further discussion on the city staff providing to
the Council information on the cost of maintenance of an asphalt
street versus a concrete street and the life expectancy of each
one. There was also a request that the city engineer put together
a comprehensive program as to what the engineering advantages are
and what the city is faced with as to flooding in that area and
come up with a plan that the city can review and support in order
to resolve the problems in that area and not just piece meal ideas
from different opinions on this matter.
The City Manager reviewed again with the Council the infor-
mation that city staff was to provide at the time the specifica-
tions for the street overlay program are brought forward for their
consideration. Mr. McCarty stated that the city staff is to provide
cost comparisons for constructing and maintaining asphalt streets
versus concrete streets and the life expectancy of each type. The
Council is also requesting a well thought out plan and recommenda-
tion for street and drainage construction on Keith Drive.
This item was received as a matter of information. There was
no action taken on this item.
Update on Compliance with
EPA Ozone Level Requirements (Agenda Item IX)
Tom Glab, City Engineer, spoke before the Council on the
issue of Collin County's compliance with the Environmental
Protection Agency's (EPA) ozone limitations. Mr. Glab provided
background information on the air quality monitors that were
placed in Collin County in the summer of 1986 and the results of
that testing which indicated there were enough air pollutants
present to make Collin County subject to EPA sanctions for
"nonattainment areas". Mr. Glab then explained the possible
sanctions that the EPA can place on Collin County unless some
action is taken on the air pollutants.
Mr. Glab went on to explain to the Council what Collin County
and its entities have to do to bring the county into compliance.
Mr. Glab reviewed the compliance process and advised of ways to
eliminate the ozone elements. Mr. Glab pointed out to the Council
that most of the pollutants seem to be transmitted to Collin County
from the Dallas Metroplex area. Mr. Glab advised that the North
Central Council of Governments was involved in this matter and
working on a solution to the problem. Mr. Glab pointed out that
there are two viable approaches for Collin County. One would be to
develop our own state implementation plan with the Texas Air Control
Board. The other would be to participate in a regional plan with
other counties.
Mr. Glab advised the Council that the city staff's recommenda-
tion on this matter was to keep the Council up-to-date on the devel-
opments concerning this issue. He stated that city staff also recom-
mended that the city support Collin County's efforts to produce a
state implementation plan acceptable to the Texas Air Control Board
and to the Environmental Protection Agency by being represented at
their work sessions and/or by providing input on policy decisions.
ff 7w
JULY 16, 1987
Page 11
Update on Compliance with
EPA Ozone Level Requirements (cont'd) (Agenda Item IX)
The Council discussed with city staff some of the industries
that have been indicated as having too many pollutants in Collin
County, the discrepancies that have been pointed out in the way
the EPA measured the ozone and not the pollutants in the air or
the causes of the pollutants, and the various opinions on the
matter by other cities and/or counties.
The Council advised city staff to keep them up-to-date on
this matter and advise them of meetings in Collin County on this
subject. Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the Council of a letter he had
recently received regarding an upcoming meeting which encouraged
public officials to attend.
This item was received as a matter of information. There
was no action taken on this item.
Consideration of Allocating Bond
Funds for Permanent Street Markings
on Main Street, Phase I (Agenda Item X)
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, spoke before
the Council on the temporary street markings that had been done
on Main Street Phase I in order to expedite traffic safety and
to give the city an opportunity to study the traffic patterns
for future use. Mr. Petty pointed out that the temporary markings
will not hold up and that the city staff feels that it is probably
appropriate at this time to consider permanent street button
markings on Main Street and Allen Drive. Mr. Petty advised that
the approximate cost for this project would be $5,500. This cost
would be incorporated into the final assessment which will be
finalized upon completion of the railroad crossing.
Mr. Petty then spoke before the Council on the issue of
maintaining Main Street as a four lane street and not as the
proposed three -lane street with a center lane for turning. Mr.
Petty advised the Council that the four lanes had worked out very
well for regulating traffic on Main Street. Mr. Petty advised that
it was the city staff's recommendation to the Council that they
consider leaving four lanes on Main Street to be permanently marked
with the traffic buttons and that a budget in the amount of $5,500
be approved. Mr. Petty stated that the city staff is still re-
searching the ideas for marking of the parallel parking spaces and
for the contracting of the work and would like flexibility on those
The Council discussed with city staff if there was a proposed
schedule for completion of this project and the fact that the four
lanes of traffic seem to work well on Main Street.
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wolfe and seconded by
Councilman Pendleton, the Council voted 6 - 0 to approve
the installation of permanent traffic buttons on Allen
Drive and Main Street, to allow city staff flexibility
on the marking of the parallel parking spaces and the
contract for installation, and to approve the budget in
the amount of $5,500, in accordance with the city staff's
recommendation, as stated. The motion carried.
Consider Declaring a Vacancy
on the Park Board - Place No. 7 (Agenda Item XI)
Mayor Rodenbaugh advised the Council of a letter which had
been received from Don Proeschel, Chairman of the Parks and Recrea-
tion Board, regarding the need to declare a vacancy in Place No. 7
due to the incumbent's inability to serve any longer on the board
due to business reasons. Mayor Rodenbaugh pointed out the contri-
butions of Mr. Clint Miller to the Parks Board when he was an active
JULY 16, 1987 Page 12
Consider Declaring a Vacancy
on the Park Board - Place No. 7 (cont'd) (Agenda Item XI)
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Pendleton and seconded
by Councilman Glass, the Council voted 6 - 0 to accept
the resignation of Clint Miller and to declare a vacancy
in Place No. 7 on the Parks and Recreation Board. The
motion carried.
Economic Development (Agenda Item XII -A)
City Manager Jon McCarty proposed to the City Council that
a called - special workshop session be scheduled by the Council
in order to review and discuss economic development or that an
agenda item on this subject be placed at the beginning of one of
the Council's upcoming regular meetings. He advised that city
staff was ready to make a presentation on the subject matter.
There was a discussion by the Council on the appropriateness
of a called - special workshop session on this subject matter and
city staff pointed out that a fifth Thursday was available in
July. After further discussion, it was concluded by the Council
that a called - special workshop session would be held at 7:00 p.m.
on Thursday, July 30, 1987.
Items of Interest to the Council (Agenda Item XII -B)
Councilman Jim Wolfe discussed with city staff the hypothetical
schedule that had been provided in a recent administrative report
from the City Manager's office on the proposed forthcoming events
on the city's request for EAS since the administrative law judge's
determination had been delayed.
Bill Petty, Director of Community Development, distributed
to the Council revised copies of the schedule of uses from the
zoning ordinance per the discussions and revisions made by the
Council in their recent meetings. Mr. Petty advised that the
only changes that had not been made due to the short time period
was moving the garden home district over in the list of districts
and changes for the heliport uses. Mr. Petty advised that the
Planning and Zoning Commission would be receiving their copies
to review at their forthcoming meeting. Mr. Petty stated that
if the Council noted any uses that were not correct, please notify
Lee Smith, representing the Allen Jaycees, spoke before the
Council on the issue of whether the Council would be interested
in seeing a bingo election held in the City of Allen. Mr. Smith
advised that the Jaycees and other local civic organizations
would be able to benefit from the proceeds of holding bingo games
and the Jaycees are looking at going forward with this idea. Mr.
Smith advised the Council that there were two methods for obtaining
a bingo election in the city. One method is that the City Council
can vote to call a bingo election and the other method is that
petitions can be obtained to call a bingo election. Mr. Smith
stated that he was appearing before the Council to get opinions
on the matter.
The Council discussed with Mr. Smith what the funds obtained
from the bingo games would be used for by the civic groups, i.e.,
the Jaycees, where the bingo games would be held in Allen, what
are the state guidelines or regulations if bingo is passed in an
election, what other cities have bingo games, and that the Council
felt that if a bingo election was to be held in Allen then it
should be by the petition process. The Council advised Mr. Smith
that if the Jaycees were committed to getting bingo in Allen then
they should proceed with the petitions. The petitions would also
indicate if there was interest in the community for bingo.
JULY 16, 1987
Page 13
MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilman Wilson and seconded
by Councilman Wolfe, the Council voted 6 -0 to adjourn
the regular session of the Allen City Council at
9:53 p.m. on Thursday, July 16, 1987. The motion carried.
These minutes approved on the 6th day of AUGUST
�• �.- •• �
Marty Hendrix, C15, CITY SECRETARY